:f LOTTERY PUN BEING FOUGHT SINNOTT TAKINO TIVE PART AC- Coiigressninn Urges Thiit Appllnt' ' lion Thnt Hnvo Alremljr llivn , Mndo I-'fir Lands In I-'oirsU to Ihj rj OncntMl bo (liven First lights. IHJND'H HUAl'OHT. l'LOUHNOM Ih lloiid's iinarost son port. In courso of u Hliort (lino It will ho coniioctud wltli llond dlroctly liy mil, If you wind to know mora about IIiIn Moaport, wrlto (IKO.,MI0liVIN MILM3K, l-3314cA(tv Kloronco, Ore. imAnmuAh hocjjctikh. I. o. o. V. c&s f 1 Tl , WABIIINOTON. 0. 0., Nov. 10. CoiiKri'ssmnn N. J. Blnnott of OroKon nnd mi Interview with CoinmlHHlonor Tnlliumi of tho Gonornl Lnnd Oltlcu Jtml prvnvntud to lilm niimlior of prolosts nKnlimt tlio oputiliiK to liomu tad entry liy tlio lottnry plan of tho 'proposed (diminutions In tho Dw clititos mid I'niillnn forests In Cult ural Orojton. Tho coinnilMxIonnr Infjiiriiiod Mr. tllwiolt Hint tho prusnnt disposition if tho dupnrtmmit wnii not to open tho Innds to ontry tmdor tho lottery lliin. Mr, Blniioll iiiiio uncoil upon tho commissioner thnt a proforoncu rlKht of tuitrv ho kIvoii t ttiono who liavi) uorotoforo fllod applications for homestead entry In tho Deschutes amd I'nullnu rrsurw uudor tho net of Iiiiiu 11, 100(1, Advancing thu aricii tinont llir.t innny inch applicants rnly liiK on stilfl net hnvo been to great yixpcnso In making tholr nppircntlons, llu Informed tho commissioner that n 3i n mi!) r of tho nppllcnntii hnd sold Miolr fnriiiH nnd homo olsawharo and jnkvn tbclr families nnd teamed Into tho Deschutes and Paulina country with tho expectation of curlnit Jiomostcads; tlmt most of tho npplU smuts woro bona (Ida farmer, Inured to pioneer life, nnd that n great In (lutaUnt would ha dono them If they were not iclvon profuronco right In pmilnK tho reserves. Tho department hna not yet come to any conclusion at to what It will do In the matter of giving profutvtico Jnit heforo acting will call upon tho forest sorvlco to ascertain tho num. 'her nnd status of tho applications. , Comiulssloner Tnllnmn doubts the legal right of tho dnpnrtinent to rcc ounlm any preference right except on applications nlroady listed. Congressman Hlnnott urgod upon the commissioner tho strong ojull ble claims of tho applicant on tho grounds thnt they were Invited by tho act of 1906 to make Rtinlloatlnns for homestead entry In tho forest re serves auq mat mo subsequent elimi nation of tho lends was nroof of the original merit or tlio applications, nnd isnylng thnt the applications should now bo reoognued on the atronglh of ,thu eiiultabla mnxliii that "liqultr tfUl ftl U I .f.fcbd fl I. M t ! .t.ll -.liA iKiliniuui lll H iiuiiu WHICH UUQIl to have been done." Ileiiil Lodge No. S31H ItoBiilnr Meeting ovory Monday night Visitors wolcoino, J. 10. Kngohrotson, N. O. U. N. iloffmnn, Hocy, M. W. OV A. Pilot llutto Camp No, 0704 Moots every Tuesday In Sathor Hall. VlsltlnR Neighbors always wolcotno, W. W. Orcutt. Consul. Martin It. Knutson, Clork, DKKOIIUTKH IXJIKJI3 NO, 101) K. of V. Moots ovory Wednes day evening nt 3 P. in. In Cnntlo Hall, K. A. Bather JHdg. Visiting Knights welcome. Jon limes, O. C, h, M. Moltoynolds,, K. of It. & H. I1HNI) 1110 loduk no. A. V, & A. M. Moots on second and fourth Thursday evening of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome J. li, Davidson, W. M. A. M. Lnrn, Secretary Relinquishment & CONTEST APPLICATION BLANKS ut The Bulletin of lice. Regular ap proved government form. Whether you want one or 100 we can supply you- nt Per 100. Sl.fiO, less quantities 2c each. N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPERHANGEft Estimates on , Wall Pnpor nt application Portland Prices Cheapest nnd Dost Wall Paper Samples in tlio county. (lot, My Prices. Shop on Orruoii Ktrr.t, Kraroi ifKiiuiti licilK IIOX ltltNI),OKI,()OH f)f4f)f)f444)f44)t-f)fsf)f I'ltATIIUNAIi llltOTIIintllOOl). Ilegjlor meetings hold by llond Iodgo No, 807 In Bather' Hall on ovary Thursday evening each month. Visiting members of the order always welcome. Mrs. O, W. Bhrlnor, Tres. Allco Caldwoll. Bocy. ItliHICKAHS. llond Ixdgo No, 208 moots ovory second and fourth Krlday evening, other's Hall. Visiting brothers nnd sinters welcomed. Mrs. Arlot JtUn, N. O. IlOYAIi NKiailllOltH Itogular meeting on first and third Krlday ovoiilngs at Sathor'. Hall. Mrs. Margaret nates, Oracle. Mrs. Alfarotta Orcutt, Itccordor. OltDKIt OK lwHTi:itN HTAIt. llond lodge moot lis regular ses sion on tho Socond nnd Fourth Mon day Kvenlng each month, In Masonic hall. Visiting brothers nnd sisters welcome. Kannlo Karris. W. M. Arrlo IJIack, 8ocy. IIIItKarOUY OK OKK1CIAL3, A Wnslilnglon dlspntch to tho Ore Win Journal or Portland says: . "Tho fletioral 1 .11 nil Olllco holda li. .uannot give proferenco rights In tho Deschutes and Paulina forutts to idliqlnntd Innds unlM the silocln'l tracts applied for am listed as agri cultural Innds by tho Hoc rotary of Agriculltiro to tho Secretary of tho Interior, and tho forest bureau docs not consider that tho lands nro of Niiillolent agricultural value to war rant tho Boorotary of Agtlculturo In .listing the specified tracts applied for ns agricultural lands, but tho matter Is still under consideration." According to C. J. Iluck of Part land, ns reportod by the Journal "Mr. Iluck Is In charge of tho land do- partmonl or the Portland forcut bu reau thnro hnvo been numerous ap plications for lands In both tho Pan- linn -nn'd Deschutes forests. As yet, "however, government expnits who hvo examined tho lauds hnvo not Vomo to n deolslon as to whether tho Innds arc agricultural. Tho soil Is deolared by them to bo of a pumlco Tttono variety. "it is possible" sir. Iluck Is (jilolcd .us unying, inni mo rorost unread -will detarmlno to eliminate tho lands 111 tho nvent tlioy are found to bo un- niltniiln Tor roforestrnt on nuriKises. liy elimination neither tho depart ment of ngrloultiiro nor tho (lonoral .land Olllco will declare tho lands to be or nn agricultural ohuraotor, but will leave thnt unllroly to thoso filing ipy thorn. "under tho law nt prosont In forco tiltlzens nro permitted to mnko n pref erential claim upon forest lauds, to liold good If tho lands nro aubso Hiiontly deolared agricultural. If, Jiowevor, no decision Is readied an to tho character or tho land, they are olliulnntod. Tho (lonoral Laud Omco ruling moans simply thnt tho prefer ential rights, while holding good for iigiicuiturni lauds, will not bo valid Ivr eliminated Innds In this connection tho following vet recently pnhHou by congress will a of Interest: "Thnt huronftor whon public Innds nro excluded Tram national rorosts tir rulensed from withdrawals, tho President mny, whenovor In his JudK mont It Is iiropor or nocssanry, jiro Vldo for the opening or tho Innds by Kotlloinont In advnnco or entry, by drawing, or by such othor mothod ns 1m tuny doom ndvlsnblo In tho Inter 41st or equal opportunity nnd good nd julnlBtmtlon and In doing so mny 1rovldo that Innds so opened shall ho wubjoct only to homostend ontry by sictunl Hottlorn only or to ontry under tho dosort land lawn for a period not exceeding 00 dnva, the unontered Jnnds to bo thorenrtor subjoct to ills liosltlon uudor tho publlo laud laws applicable thoroto. t "Thnt whoro under tho lnw tho fiocretnry of tho Interior Is author Izod or dlrootod to mnko restoration of lands previously withdrawn ho mny also rostrlQt tho restoration ns United States. l'rosldont Woodrow Wilson Vice President.. Thomas It. Marshall Bocrotary of Stato W. J. llrynn Secretary of Nnvy . . Josophus Daniels Secretary or Wnr . . . .L. M. Garrison Socrolnry or Interior ...,K. K. Lapo Hcorotnry Agriculture D. K. Houston Becretnry or Treasury .W. K. McAdoo Bocrotary Couimorco . .W. C. Itedflold Secretary or Ulwr . . . . W. 11. Wilson Attorney (lonoral . .Jas. Mcltoynolds l'ostmastor (lonoral .Albert Uurleson Htnte. aovornor ..Oswald West Bocrotary or Statu ....II. W. Olcott Treasurer Thos. It. Ka Atty Qcnornl A. M. Crawford Suporlntoudont Publlo Instruction . , J. A. Churchill Btnto Prlntor W. B. Dunlwar Commlsatonor Labor Statistics .... 0. p. Hon Onnio Wardon W. L. Kluloy Stnto Unglnccr John II. Unit United States Sonntors Oeorco 13, Chnmhorlnln Harry W. Iani Congressmen A. W. Lnrforfy N. B. Slnuott W. A. Hawloy Kevcnth Judicial District. Judgo W. L. llrndshnw Attorney W. II. Dell Crook County. Judgo , .a. Bprlngor Clork Warron Drown Sheriff Krank lilkltis Treasurer Ilalph Jordan Assessor ............ II. A. Foster Sahool Supt , J. B. Myers Curonor P. I), Polndextor Surveyor Krod A. Illco Commlsatonors It. II. Dayley Willis W. Drown lho CVuirts. Circuit Moots first Monday In Soptembor nnd Decomoor nnd socoud Monday In March, Probata Moots first Monday In each month. CommlBslpnors' Moots first Wed nesday In January, Maroh, May, July, Soptombor and Nnvombor. IJ0111I School District No. 12. Directors , , K. M. liny, Chmn .J, N. Hunter Qlydo M. McKay Clork ..,.,, II. J, Ovorturf City of lleud. Mnvor g. P. Putnam H'ecordor , 11. o. mills Treasurer H. J. OvertJrf Chief of Pollco S. H.. Uohorts City Engineer ....Ooorge S. Young Councllmon" H. w. AUon A,' I. Krenoh A. 8. Collins II. A. Mlllor , John Steldl ......,, 19, A, Sathor Justices of tho l'cnco Dond Proelnct J, A. Eastoa . J. A. Eastes! Real Estate Investments Farm nnd City Property OroklA Everybody can buy lota in this beautiful addi tion facing tho bltr concrete dam and rivor. ' Prices $150 to $35 Terms: $5.00 cash and $3.00 monthly. This gives you a chonco to speculate o n Hand's futuro on a little money Lota nro nil CO feet wido nnd every lot a Rood lot. WIESTORIA I hnvo 170 lots in Wiostorin for sale. $200 for inside and $200 for corner lots. All COxl-10 feet. Terms: Small cash payment and $5.00 per month. All choice residence property and near the depot. INSURANCE KIRE, AUTOMOBILE AND ACCIDENT SURETY BONDS n BEND VIEW Commands a charming view of the city of Bend nnd the surrounding country. 15 minutes walk from business center. t Price SfiO.OO to $200. Some a little higher. Liheral terms $5.00 down $1.00 a week. Office opposite First National Bank Bldg. Bend, Oregon Throo skilled barbers aro at la nes & Davidson's barber shop to sorvo you, Adv. --. 4 -- -)- xrsM-x- I AS inT.AMnnr i j uv-iiurvt::i x f scrx t, wl. M. JUDD t UlSNO - ORE. t Vienna Cafe S3 Wsll Street Good Meals, Prepared with Cleanliness, at Moderate I tales. A Trial Will Convince. t W. E. PARKER & CO. SANITARY PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating Wo carry the largest stock of goods in Cen tral Oregon. Jobbing promptly attended to Mv comoanles aro tho verv ht Office on Oregon Street BEND, OREGON THE WHITE IS KING fsBfcMsfcf5TrJ'ifi " iissisMsWBy" lf Tho BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. Tho rotary makes both LOCK nnd CHAIN stitch. The latest up to tho minuto steel attach' ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful H. T. cata logue free. While Sewing Machine Co. 510 Merchants National Bank Bldg. San Francisco, California 11U8INK8S AND IMIOFKSBIONAI UO II K It tT II. QOV LD Civil Engineer Bend Oregon O. P. NISWONOEtt, Bond, Ore UNDKIITAKKH. Licensed Knibalmer, Fnncrnl Director. Phono. Lady Assistant UOBB PARNHAM Attorney at Imvt Omco in old First National Bank Building. J. elt A. W. 81ms CKOOK COUNTY ABSTIIAOT COMPANY (Incorporated.) Successors to .The J. H, Honor Abstract Company, Prtnovlllo, Ore. Abstracts Insuranco W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. I K N T 1 8 T Ofllco Ovor Postofllce Bond, Oregon WILLAItl) II. WIIITZ . LAWl'KK I'rincvllle, Oregon U. C. COK. M. IK I'liyalclan and Hurgooa Omco over First National Bank Office Hours: 10 to 12 a. nt.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. BEND, -: OREGON O. S. HKNBON Attorney At Lw Benson Bulldlns, Wall Street Dond, Oregon VKUNON A. FORBES LAWYER,;' ... First National Bank Building, Bcn, Oregon GEO ROE S. YOUKd Civil and Irrigation Engineer. City Engineer. Deputy County Surveyor. Room 6 First NaUonal Bu.k Bids. ii. il dp; armoxd LAWYER Sathor Building . Bend, Oregon U. N. HOFFMAN a NOTARY PVlfLLn - BulloUn Ofiico, Bond. Oregon. II. a ELLIS W Attoraey-at-Lair j United States Commissioner . First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON CALL AT THE American 'Bakery on Wall Street opposite tho Post- oltlrc nnd see full lino of bakery goods ami rpiifcelloiiery. Six loaves for -3 cents or Six Bread ticket for 2ft Cents Three stnlo lunve for JO centi Sack of chicken bread OO cent HOT ROLLS AT 5 1. M. tsttt Roofing of nil kinds. Rcjiairing promptly dono. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNINO AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices nnd Skylights. The United Warehouse Company Bend, Oregon ,W VSSSIHHtBSnMMnnSMIHSSI MB DR. J. H. CONNARN a DENTIST fn Omco In Sathor Building. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 6. Sun- days and evenings by npi polntment. . a. ji..sy on. A. B. CROPP JHtUGLESS PHYSICIAN. Ofllco ovor Deschutes Bank Hours: 9-12, 1-G:30. Bend, Ore. FEE & SMITH ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oregon Street Bond. Oregon SWEATT, LEYESQUE & CO. 312 Mohawk Hldj;. SPOKANE ARCHITECTS Schools and Largo Buildings a specialty ,jf proscrlUod In section ono of thta net. Dosohutca Precinct . . . W. W. Orcutt FOR FALL and Winter Wear get a pair of WORLD'S WORK SHOES. Sold by R.H.LOVEN tho Shoo Repair Man. Wall street,' Bend, Ore STORAGE AND FORWARDING General Commission Merchants We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Hides, MEATS Salt, and Fresh. Hams, Bacon and Lard. "sWbMsBsW- MACHINE SHOP We are equipped to do anything In the machine llpe, having installed new machinery with which we can handle any kind of Job. Automobile Repairing a specialty. The United Warehouse Company A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon I O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNION MARKET 1 J Deyarmond Machine (Si Repair Shop llawihorno Ave., Bend, Ore. jj J. J. RYAN Minnesota Street SANITARY PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER . HEATING ' JOBBINd Promptly Attended to . $ He t tc f,m5