The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 12, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    rage 4.
(Published Every Wednesday)
Editor and Publisher.
Managing Editor.
AbsocIMo Editor.
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 12. 1013.
r.ullelln readers hnvo hnt .Itt.o
enough Information concerning the
forthcoming proposed opotilu of
forest roservo .lands In tho La Pine
country. Thoroforo the Htatoment
nirtdo liv Mr. Hill concerning the en
tire fnnttor. which Is pnUitekor; oIm
where In this paper, will be of spec
lai Interact,
Thb Uuliotin In inclined to Agree
with Mr. Hill that. If those nlresdv
on the ground who have prior claims
ifi tho ncioaee Invotvotl. shall recolrc-
first consideration and preference
when the lond Is opened, then thoro
is no feasible renron for ouposlng the
'lottery system which It In nroosed
to employ In parceling- out the lands.
It Is, however, but common Justice
that such settlors ss hsro nlrendv
-been on tho ground and taken steps
jloward the acquisition of certain
tracts should have evorv lncltlmato
Otwortttnltv to Ret the land they nro
nfter, In nreforenee to outsiders who
oomo to the lotfrv, drawn, to n .great
"decree, slmnly bv the gambling In
stinct and the posllilHty of getting
something for nothing.
1244 to 509
County Attorney 1 11 II Received I.iirn-
o.t Alllrnmtlvo Majority Ktcrlll-
mi tlon Art Defeated Locally by
10(1 Vote Complete Figures.
llUNlIVILLU. Nov. 10. -official
count completed by County Clerk
Wairon Urown and Justicos of tho
Peats Kennedy of Prtnevllle and
Charles Charlton of Powell llutto
shows that us a result Of tho special
referendum oleetion hold Tuesday,
two of the referred tnonsuieb wore
defeated In Crook county tho ster
ilization act nnd tho now building
fund for the I'nherstty of Oregon
the rond bonding Proposition was do-
OrtninK- Orocun'n nntlnnni ronnw Heated and tho other three measures
scntallves may le depended upon to ",'"-",
seo that tho people of the La Pino .ne. I'
country get a square deal In this mat
Iter. And It should bo borne In tnlnu
-that not only will thoso benetlt who
actually get some of the many good
claims which It Is understood will bo
thrown open, but also that the cntlro
movement will be of very great bene
fit to both Ln Pino and Ilend. Tho
least of Its Immediate effects will be a
very heavy travel to tho terillorr af
fected, and as all of this travel will
go through Pend, and nearly all of
the outfitting of land-seekers will be
, done here, the profits to llend will be
'of considerable moment. Just a-j the
ultimate settlement and dccIopmeut
;of the territory will also prove a eat boon to thU town na well as to
tlLa Pine. i
v A resident of Crook county for the
.last year has to rub his eyes and
pinch himself before he can believe
that. ho really is awake. ' Think of
our bounty court actually becoming
piogrcsstve .and actually planning
road Improvement, and upon a big
' scale! Think of It, too, Inaugurat
ing n plan that has practical merit!
Iffc almost too good to believe, and
the skeptic is mean enough to Insinu
ate that perhaps It won't happen,
Liter all.
On the whole, however, let us hope
11 will. The genera plan Involved In
the dispatch from Prlnevllle printed
elsewhere ln this paper seems, on Its
feci, an excellent one. Its working
value, of course, will depend, almost
entirely upon the efficiency of the
road masters. It Is true that they
ft ill havo great opportunities for mis
use of funds and wastefulness. It Is
airo true tnat tne taxpayers as a
whole will not relish the Idea of the
county court handling the expend!-
nite oi any sucn sum as 1120,000 on
red work, unless clean cut business
.methods are adopted and the public
if. favored with comprehensive re
ports of how and where the money
is employed. However, If the funds
are forthcoming, there is nothing to
do but let the court spend them, In
Mil upon a reasonable accounting and
thank heaven that at last there Is a
p.ospect of getting some road Im
provement worthy of the name.
in passing It may be remarked that
argest vote cast was that
against the road bonding proposal,
though tho afllrmatlve majority for
the county attorney act was tho larg
est majority given any measure sub
mitted to tho voters. Tho county at
torney act carried by n majority of
739, the road .proposal was defeated
by a majority of 736, the compensa
tion act was carried by a majority of
bos. tne university repair annroprla
tlon was carried by a majority of 101,
tne building fund was defeated liy 11
votes and the sterilization net by 306
lhe figures for and against lb" va
rious measures as shown by tho offic
ial count were as follows: For the
university repair fund. 899. ngalnst
73&; for the university building ap
propriation 838, against 849; for the
sterilization act C9C, against 1002;
for tho count attorney ace 122C.
against 4S7; for tho workmen' com
pensation act 1181, against b2(5; for
the road boudlng proposition 509,
against 124-1.
will find their every want in
- clothing supplied at this store.
For the duck hunter we have
Hip Rubber Boots
-the very best on the market
Hunting CouLs, Mnokinuws,
Warm Shirts, Warm Gloves,
Sweaters, High Shoes, Heavy
Socks and everything worth
having, and at prices that make
it worth your while to buy.
MIimwh hi mm mini iHTwiiiiii'iii Fl M mm m
h Canned Goods-i
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
Everything to Wear for Men Who Care,
Fresh Supply of Canned Ooods Just In-
Meet mo at .the Metropolitan. -Adv
. To my many frlonds, and espec
ially to my follow mombors In tho
Elks, Knights of Pythias and Fra
ternal Jlrotherhood. I herewith ex
press my unbounded thanks and ox
tend my heartfelt appreciation on ac
count of the aid and sympathy thoy.
and each or mem, so Kindly tenderod
to me In my bereavement occasioned
by tho sudden death of my beloved
wife, Sadie E. Wennndy.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon in and for the County of
In the matter of the estate of John
V. Whlto, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given by tho un
dersigned, the administrator of the
estate of John W. White, deceased,
that In pursuance to an order of re
sale, of tho County Court of tho
County of Crook. Oregon, made on
the 1st day of September, 1913, In
tho matter of tho estate of John W.
tiiaift la an ninint nf hnmnr in th White, deceased, the undersigned
situation now developing. Hitherto i M Be,l nt public auction on Thurs-
tlie Springer regime has been agin
Uay, tho 11th day of December, 1913.
at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. in. at
llend. Crook county, Oregon, on the
premises, nil the right, title uud In
terest of said John W. White lit the
tlmo or his death and all tho right,
tltlo and Interest tho said estate has
acquired In addition to that of the
said John W. Whlto, had at the tlmo
of his death In nnd to tho following
described real estate, to-wlt:
First. Lot 7 of block 2 of Ilond.
Oregon, becoud. Lot 4 In section I
and lot. 1 and the south half of the!
northeast quarter of section 3. in !
township 21 S. of rnngo 10 east of I
the Willamette .Meridian ami the
SWV4SW44. section 3& In township
20, S. in range 10 east or the Will
amotto Meridian and the WViSKU,
sec. 3, nnd tho NW4NKV, sew. 10.
township 21 south of range 10 E.,
W. M.. and. third, the Sfc.NWU. sec.
0, In township 20 south of rango 12
cast, W. M. Fourth. Lot 12 III block
11 ot llend. Oregon. Firth. Tho
SEUNEU and thoNEUSBtf or sec
tion 33. township 17 S.. R. 12 cast
or the Willamette Meridian, and
sixth: TheSHNW4 andNSWU,
sec. 34. T. 17 B.. It. 12 E., W. M.
.ill In Prnnlr rViint (2tntA nf Clmirtn
Terms and conditions or salo, coshf
uatcd tnis nth day or November,
1913. A. C. LUCAS.
Administrator or tho estate of John
W. White, deceased. SC-40
Clover Leaf Dairy
P. W. STAATS, Prop.
E. A. Sather
Auto Dolivery
Wall Street
Meet mo at the Metropolitan. -Adv.
Don't forget the big chlckon din
nor nt the Ilend Hotel tonight. Adv.
noout cveryiulng tnat luvoived ex
penditure. Low taxes was the
Judge's cry. Now, rorsooth, the ad-
ministration appears as the champion '
of a big fat levy, and we .strongly,
suspect thnt a storm of protest wl.l
be aroused In what hitherto have
been Springer's strongholds, the "old
time" agricultural districts. How
eve, the cause is a good one, and ifi
Uie method is fair, let us hope thatj
the plan Is pushed through. ,
An advertisement of a hospital In
a Hums paper announces that there1
is ' a doctor always in the hospital.'' I
"What's tho raattor? Can't thoy cure!
the physicians, or Is It that medicos
In that Jiotilthfiil locality get su en-,
tireiy .out or patients (patience) that
they suifer trom netvous prostru-tlon
NowHhat William Sulrer has been
elected to political office again we
suggest that he file a true statement
of bis campalgn'expenses at once.
(Oregon Journal)
The North Portlaud market is to
day paying butter net returns to
shippers ot livoetcck than any utho.-
siocuyard matket In the country..
There has been an Increasing .lave
ment or supplies to the yards thuj
j ear, while practically all other stock
yards or the country bIiow a very se
rious decrease. This condition is due'
to the fact that not only are prices!
high here but the smaller freight
charges from the interior, together I
with tbo smaller amount or shrink
age In transit, makos for larger prof
its. Doth ot these are big Items to'
the producer. A few yearn ago this
city was not clashed as a bhesp mai
ket. Today It Is drawing supplies
from a wider territory than ever be
fore. It really has no competitor.
Come in nnd see
our new line of
They are nifty and
up-to-date; Get
the priced and ar
range a sitting.
We are sure we can
please you. Be sure
to be in time for
Among tho new books which the
lieno public library- has recently re
ceived Is tho following fiction: "Tho
Lightning Conductor," "The Circu
lar Staircase," "The Man in Lower
Ten;" "Beptlmus." "Btella Marls,"
"A Maker of History," "Sydney Car
teret, Rancher," "Saraclnesda, '
''Peggy ln tho naln," ."Mrs. Red Pep
per Uurns," "The Urokeu Halo,'
"Joyce of the North Woods." "Tho
Story of Wnrtstlll Baxter," "Tho Lost
Ambassador,". 'tTh6 Depot MaBter,"
"The Fortune of Oliver Horn, ' "The
Iron Trail,"
and Straight Pianos
Come in and hear the beau
tiful toned S. W. MILLER
PLAYER PANO. Sold at a
very moderate price. Also
other makes.
E. M. Thompson
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, November 3, 1913.
To Daisy Moen, of Portland .Oregon,
corner Cth and Yamhill Sts.. Con-
You aro hereby notified that John
II. Williams, who gives care S. It.
Hogln, Ilend, Oregon, as his post
office address, did on October 9, 1913,
file In this office his duly corrobora
ted application to contest and secure
tne cancellation of your homestead
entry No. , sorlal No. 072C9,
made August 3, 1910. for suUeeU.
sec. 20. oMinott. swUnett. section
29. township 1C south, range 11 E..
Willamette Meridian, ami as erounos
for bis contest ho alleges that -said
Daisy Moen has wholly failed to
maintain and establish her rosldonce
upon said land, has wholly failed to
cultivate nnd imnrovo tho samo and
has wholly abandoned tho same for
more than six months last past.
you ore, tneretoro. rurtner noti
fied that the said allegations will ho
taken by this office as having been
confessed by you, and your said entry
will be canceled thereunder without
your fu-ther right to be hoard there
in, either before this olllco or ou ap
peal., ir you rail to fllo In this offico
within twenty days after tho
FOURTH publication or this notice,
ns shown below, your answer, under
oath, specifically meeting and re
sponding to those allegations of con
test, or if you fall within that tlmo
to fllo In tills offico duo proof that
you havo served a copy or your an
swer on the said contestant cither In
person or by registered mall, ir
this servlco is inndo by tho dolivery
or a copy or your answer to tho con
testant In person, proof of such sor
vico must bo either tho said contest
ant's wrltton ncknowledgomont ot
his receipt or tho copy, showing tho
dato ot lie receipt, or the affidavit of
the person by whom the delivery was
mado stating when and whoro the
copy was delivered; it made by rge
fstorcd mall, proof of such service
must consist of the affidavit of tho
person by whom the copy was mailed
stating when and tbo postoffice to
which It was mailed, and this affidav
it must bo accompanied by tho post
master's receipt for tne letter.
You should stato In your answer
the name of tho postoffico to which
you desire future notices to bo sont
to you.
Dato of first publication Nov. f,
If Christmas
Money is Scarce
Sec the Art Shop's New Line
of Christmas Cards and Hand
Painted China. Careful at
tention given to mail orders.
Florence Lunbeck-Powelson.
Advertisements innrrteO nndrr this
bending ut the ro of one cent a
word for each Insertion. Discount on
extended lncrtlon. Cliarem are
payable In advance except for ndver
tlneni having a regular account with
Tho liulletln.
IxMit and Found.
FOUND Umbrella. Owner may
have samo by applying at liulletln of
fice nnd paying advertising charges.
Found 12-foot log chain. Owner
can hnvo same by calling on P II.
Johnson, Mllllcau P. O., and paying
for this notice. 30
LOST Somewhoro on tho rond
between llend and Fort Rock, lour
pair or rubber hip boots, ond pair jor
light leather shoes and n fur lined
coat. Fell from auto bound south-
Friday afternoon. Finder iiloosa re
turn to. or notify, either Tho liulle
tln or United Warehouse. Bond. Re
ward. 3Hf
For Rent.
FOR RENT Fivo room bungnlow.
Deschutes addition. Electric lights
and water. Inquire S. E. Roberts. 32tf
POR RENT Large store, modern
front- Uood location. Apply to F.
O. Minor, Deschutes Hank. 27tf
.FOR RUNT Entire second story
or Ilean building over Thompson's
furnlturo store Every room com
plctely furnished, steam boat, hot
nnd cold water. Seo II. J. Over
turf, actro
WANTED Competent woman for
gonoral housowork, willing to stay
with children In evening. Wugos 135
a month. Apply by tolephono or let
ter to Mrs. Roscuo JioCvuni. ri.
chutes. a2tf
WANTED House work by tho
day. Apply at Depot Hotel. 30p
WANTED airl or boy to fold
leaflets Saturday. Very light work.
Apply at liulletln olllco, 30
WILL CONSIDER n deal on a good
rarm proposition by putting In about
JO head or good horscu nnd colls.
Chas. L. Wlmer, Laldlaw, Ore. 3(1-39
WANTED Position as cook or
helper In kitchen. Apply at Auue'u
stable. 3G-39p
WAITED-Position us housekeep
er In hotel or private ramlly. Apply
at Dopot Hotel. 36p
11. Bhouie. 3Cp
FOR SALE Very finest, now mod
el unused Whlto sewing machine at
big discount. Apply "W," liulletln
office. 3Ctf
FOR SALE Tho Altamont Hotel
building and furniture, all new and
first class. J. A. Eastes. Ut
FOR SALE Good property on
Wall and Rond streets, also In Ken
wobd. For particulars apply to II.
O. Ellis. 17tf
FOR SALE- All kinds ot firewood
In all lengths. Telephone orders to
58, 3 rings. Eckman & Wilson, 40p
FOR RENT Throe room house
Roe Joe Innes at tho Metropolitan. 3Ct
FOR SALE 1C0 acres or irrlroted
land 7 miles northeast or Ilond. ni
considerable less than C. O. I. prices.
Over $1200 worth or Improvements
go with this place. Ilend Hrlck &
Lumbor Co. 32lfc
FOR SALE Hogs nnd pigs, good
breod. Kd Hnlvorson, Ilend. 30tt
FOR SALE One nrt squsro. two
hand mado rugs; will mil cheap. In
(julio at J. W. Gaurhai's jewelry
storo. 30-37c
FOR SALE All kinds or rough
and dressed lumber, nt Anderson
Ilros. sawmill hair ny betwoon llond
and Laldlaw, on old Tumnlo rond.
Reasonable prices, rough lumber $10
por M. Dellvorlng to Ilond or Lald
law $2 per M. Tolephono. lfltf
FOR SALE Cabin near Ilond Co.
mill. Inrjulro nt liulletln offico. ICtf
FOR SALE 1-100 bushela of good
seed rye. 80c a bushel. J. H. Rich
nrds, six mllra north or Laldlaw. 37
FOR BALE Seven nice heifers'
nnd cows coming fresh. J. M. Judd,
Ilend. 3-3Co,
FOR BALE Team, harness aud
wagon; weight about 2700; price
$300. J, S. Richards, Laldlaw. 37,
FOR HALE One horse, weight
1360, f.&; one buggy and tinmen.
120. II, E. Jones Paint Store. 3ttf
FOR BALE-At once temn or heavy
geldings about G years old. Inuulrn.
"E," liulletln. 3W
FOR SALE Half acre close In.
$300; $2S down, $S per mo. II. 1".
Jones Paint Store. 30tf
FOR SALE-Hclf aore, two 2-rooni
houses, wood shed, water, olose In,
$C00, $100 down nnd I1& tr mo.
II. K. Jones Paint Storo. 30tf'
FOR HA LitTeam or horses, 6
and ft years old, wagon nnd liurnnm.
F. M. Ray, Ilend. 3Gp
11. II, Do Armond expects to go
FOR SALIC 220 acres sullrrl-'
gated land In Summer Lnko willvy.
all under cultivation except 6 nerot.
Famous for fruit, vegelabloB, kthIh'
nnd alfalfa, l'lno young orchard ot
eommercliil fruit ready to bear: U.
head horses, 3 cows, 60 hoad hogs,
threshing machine, steam roller nnd
all necessary farm Implements, liulld-,
ings cost over $7000 and nro lu llrnt
class condition; blacksmith shop and
Mingo. This land will buivoriin
$600 an acre us soon as R. It. eomes
Price $17r pur acre. Including eor- tim
IhlllK. SSO.nOO down, li.-ilmir.i In r i
Address "M," caro liulletln. 3Cn
Date of second publication Nov. 12,
Dato of third publication Nov, 19.
1913, .
Date of fourth publication Nov. 30,
To Exchange,
FOR EXCHANGE Good lots near
Presbyterian church for team or
liu.-sqs. Apply at liulletln office. 3ptr
MMia. in up. i , .. j , i. .1.1. i yyn- -.. .
For Sale.
FOR SALE: Young Otierneoy cow,
also Jersey heirer, both milking, J.
Yes, we're settled in our new
quarters, and today our storo is
the best housed, best located and
best stocked men's clothing and
furnishing establishment in Central
Oregon. Don't take our word
for it, but come in and seo for
yourself. We now have exactly
what you want, and at the price
you want to pay, In shoes, cloth
ing, shirts, collars, bats, etc. etc.
Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon