CENTRAL OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. -- -- - --- ---- J POWELL BUTTE t (Special to Tho nullotln) POWELL UUTTB, Nov. 10. Considerable building Is boltiR dona hcio this fall. Ross llussatt Is puU ting up a vory nont Ilttlo liouso 011 tho south of tho houso ho nlrondy lias on Ms ditch 40. N. n. Uench is building a Inrgo sd Millon tohls houso. facing tho road on the east side, making A moat com tot labia and homollko placo. A. D. Morrill la hauling lumber for nn addition to his houso nnd for otbur Improvements. K. P. Arch or Is hauling tho last load of hay. ho will havo to spare, this week. Work has stopped in George Scho bert'n potato field for tho present. Chris Soits Isi out looking up a homestead. As ho has only n 40 aero one hero ho hns 280 acres still com Ing to hint. In tho meantime Mr. And Mrs. Jacobson and family from lU-nr creek arc living In his house. Tho family of Andrew Miller havo moved to lown. On account of the sudden heavy lu. tho leoturo given at tho Uutto Viiloy school liouso by Rev. D. Lo tcj of Redmond last Friday evening Wit, not heard by as large a crowd as Mould havo been proscnl had tho weather been moro favorable. Mr. tLorco was tho guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Iwls Blair whilo hero. Mrs. J. I. Jones hns been Indls lobcd tho past week. Buffering from a Imd Cold and soro throat. Mrs, A. D. M. CLINE FALLS (Special to Tho Dend Bulletin.) CLINE FALLS. Nov. 10. Harvey Shcnk was tho dinner guest of Ira 11. Fox Sunday. JamW Whelpley is digging pota toes od tho Beckwlth place this wcok. Esther Fox of Bend spent the weok nd at tno home of hor brother. . L. Harader and family, who moved to California during tho sum mer, are coming back to tako chargo f their place hero. Mrs.' Harry Beckwlth called on Jlrs. J. E. Donlavy Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cochran woro tho dinner guests of Mr. and Mis. L. E. Prickett .Sunday. Mrs. James Whelpley called on ilrs. Harry Beckwlth Friday. Prayer meeting was held at A. W. Pratt's Sundny afternoon. Mr. McDado received a message on Friday saying that his father was dead. John Donlavy attended tho room ing sen-Ice at the Redmond Baptist chruch Sunday. Irn Fox and sister made a business trip to Prlncville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Donlavy and. tlaugntcr Fay and Merton Doalavy left on the Sunday morning train, tho iaUcr going to Bartlesvlllo, Okla.. whore he will mako his home for some time. Tho others went to Olathc, Colo., whero they will visit tor a con 1)1 0 of months with Mrs. Donlavy's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beckwlth and children woro guests at the homo of Jra Fox Thursday. Misses Echo Ordway and Stella Russell and Homer Ragan. Chester Weston and Leo Ordway, all of Red mond, visited at Council Ridge farm Sunday aftornoon. Mrs. Harry Beckwlth called on Mrs. Frank Donlavy ono day last week. -)f)f-)fff-4-i-)f-)f-)f-)f-jf I CLOVERDALE (Special to Tho Bulletin) CLOVERDALE. Nov. 10. J. Har old Plnnell of Oilfields, Cal., Is visit ing with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Pray nd family. L. G. Grubo and Arthur Tomplo ton went to tho Coyo Thursday for iruii. Tho social last Friday night was well attended. Tho oako given to the most popular bachelor wan won by John Gotter, who had 106S votes. Bill Buckley hus been hauling freight from Redmond for Robert Smith of Sisters. F. E. Grubo, J: I. Pray and J. B. Hodson wore digging potatoes Sat urday. A number of young people spent Monday evening at the Pray home. Tho affair was in compliment to Mr. Plnnell, who Is the guest of tho fam ily. Mrs. Will Buckley Is vory sick but it is hoped she will revover. While riding a bucking horse Fri day Carlo Grubo was thrown and had his hip dislocated. A. F. Lowe lias about, 50 acres of fall grain In and Is rapidly getting more ground unuer cultivation. Verne Skalton has started going to high soIioqI ut ulsters. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Allen, Tod Smith, Lee Allun, Linn and George Wilson came out from Alston) for tho bccisl Friday evening. $ PINEHURST ---" (Special to Tho Bulletin) PINEHURST. Nov. . A meeting tas held at the school houso Satur iuy evenlpg for the purpose of or ganizing a literary society. The fol. lowing officers wero elooted: Presi dent, II. A. Nowcomb: secrotary. L. 11. Root; iVrogYam oemmlttce, Mr. ----" - - - C. L, Johnson and Miss Kilwx Root. R. H. Uoyloy loft Tuesday for Prlnovlllo. A number of Plnohurst people wont to l.nldlnw Tuoadny to vote. Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Root woro in Lnldlaw ono dny last wcok, O. W. Snydor mndo i buslnoss trip to Rend last Wodncsdny. Mesdames Swisher and Dietrich woro in Rond ono day last wcok. Lloyd Root and Albort Johnson spent Sunday with Rnymond Wlmor. Mr. and Mrs. Kmll Anderson called at tho Snydor homo Sunday evening. Mrs. L. It. Root nnd family spent Sunday at tho A. McAUstcr homo. LAIDLAW j - (Special to Tho Bullottn) LAIDIiAW, Nov. 10.A largo numbor of friends met nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J, W. Brown Tues day oventng of lnsl wook to congratu late their son Ray on tho nnnlvorsnry of his birth. A most dollghtrul even ing wa sponty nil. A. O. Walker nnd wlfo woro calling on friends In Lnldlaw and vicinity last Sunday afternoon. G. W. Hornor of Wnrrenton, Ore, was a business visitor horo over Sun day. Thnd Carrothors of Vaughn, N. M., arrived last week to spend tho wlntor Willi niB slstor, 3lrs. J. W. Brown. Tho friends of Mrs. J. W. Snydor will be glnd to learn of hor safe ar rival at hor homo In Fairfield. Mo.. nnd that her toother's health Is im proved. Everybody is Invited to attend tho church sorvlccs next Sunday and hear Rov. A. O. Walkor on "Tho World as a Stago, or tho Drama of L.IIC." Anyhow, tho roof is on tno now hall and tho hardwood floor down, so wo can bo thankful for that. Raindrop diamonds, strung on sli ver threads of mist nnd draped over filmy drab and gray Is tho prevailing stylo this month with Lady Nature. and old Mother Earth smiles up at'! nor ana taxes u an in tor ruture use, How fomlnlno! PLAINVIEW (Special to Tho llullotin) PLAINVIEW. Nov. 10. Mrs. A. B. Gcrtson and Miss Mabel Gortson and Ed and Glcaves Strahut wero In Sisters Sunday. Mrs. Goorgo McAllister and Mr. and Mrs. L. Wlnklo woro trading In Redmond Monday. Guy McAllister Is building a four- 3BTcM&tod;a:-iaafc3SEHa ' 'n. r - - - - - - - - - - - worn bungalow. Mr. Knickerbocker and Mr, Rlehnrdson nro doing tho work, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. 8aylor woro in Rom! Friday. --- - IMPERIAL - (Special to Tho Bulletin) IMPERIAL. Nov. e.llorn. to Mr. And Mrs. J. J, Holt, on October 30, 1913, nn 8-pound boy. Mrs, R, O, Johnson attended Mrs. Holt. All who attended tho Hnllowo'on dance report n good tlmo. Tho crowd was just lnrgo onogh for avoryono to havo fun. It. O .Johnson rotumod from- Bond a fow days ngo with n load of win dows, shingles nnd door for tho now Woods building. , R. U Babcock Is doing his fall plowing nnd expects to got 40 acres ready for spring crop. Warren McConnoll, Blnlno Huff man nnd Mr. Hubbard nro hauling lumbor from Maury mountain mill. Miss Ethel Streotor arrived yes torday nnd Is building on hor claim. Clnudo Cone expects to leave In a tow days for his five months nl- senco, W. M. Tando hns Just returned from Bond with a load of supplies. Carl Andorson has started drilling again on the Nollson well. (leorgo Carter, general agent for P. L. Chorry & Co., Is expected horo In a fow days to tako up a claim. CRESCENT ... (Special to Tho Bulletin) CRESCENT, Nov. 8. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Thomas loft Monday for Klamath Falls whero Mrs. Thomas, who has been In III health for some tlmo, will recelvo medical treatment. Cant, A. J. Macnab. who has been visiting his slstor, Mrs. Collins, has returned to his homo nt Fort Lawton, Wash.Harry Riley of La Pino took htm to Bend. Fred La Follotto, editor of tho La Pino Intor-Mountnln, spout several days In Crescent, returning to his .lomo Tuesday. Among tho out-of-town poop'o who voted In Crescent Tuesday woro Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Howard, Glenn and Amos How ard, Mrs. Jolly and son Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. John Knott and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamner. Mrs. Austin, who has been sick for somo tlmo, went to Bend Friday to recelvo medioal treatment. F. M. Cleaves. E. O. Rourk. Ray Davis, Tom McCord, Ed Snntry. Wnl- ELECTRIC SIGNS I i . , You are a. stranger in a city. You want a cigar, or a hat, or a pair of shoes, a magazine or eats. You look for a sign on a store that carries the thing you want. The sign that catches your eye is an electric sign. Strangers come to Bend every day. . They want to huy things. They will buy in your store if you can attract them to it. Once attracted you have the opportun ity to make a permanent customer. Our Electric Signs Attract. We have a new proposition in electric signs to put before you. See us about it. Bend Water Light Power Co. - - - - - - - - - A - ---- ----- Iter Smith and Charlie Uownrs loft Wodncsdny for a duck hunt nt Dnvlu Lake. oxneotlitit to remain sovor.il days. William Hnntoy of Hums won In descent Wednesday evening on his way to Klamath Agency to deilvnr 1000 helfors to tho Indians. Ho Is expected to go from thoro Utroctly (0 Washington, 1), C. A. E, Kochor, n soil export from Washington, was in Crescent Wed nesday and was taken to Pelican Bay by Mr, Austin or tno rorost sorvico, Tho Ladles' Civic Lenguo mot at tho homo of Mrs. E, 0, Itoutk, Altco Lund ontortnlnlng. Aftor tho busi ness session light refreshments woro sorvod, BUCK CREEK j ----- - (8poclnl to.Tho Bulletin.) BUCK CIIEKK, Nov. T.. Peter Wyss. who spout tho summer In T4H nmook, has returned homo. Fred Chrlstoffarson, who contested the llrooks olnlm, has built a house and will start baching soon. John Nelson has comnlotod a house on his claim. W. W. Brown made a trln rucontlv to Lnkovlow In his car, Bill ltoono driving It. A groat many nro sowing full grain now. John A. Pousch mndo n business trip to llcttd for supplies recently. Edward Stroot wont to Prlnovlllo a fow days ago on business. Mr. nnd Mrs. Herman Hess havo returned homo from Portland. Stanley Dal four, son of tho ox- sherirr or crook county, tiled on a claim near Flfo recently. - HAMPTON (Special to Tho Bullotln) HAMPTON. Nov. 4. K. Kollar nnd Forrest Ncold havo returned to their homesteads for tho wlntor. Ruth Landford of Dry Lako spout Friday night and Saturday In Hamp ton. A Hnllowo'cn party wits held on tho "town square" Thursday night. Suppor was sorvod around a big bon fire nt C o'clock, and tho rest of tho evening was spont In playing gamch. All present report n Jolly tlmo. J. N. Crow Is making a trip to Bond thin wcok, Mr. Pursloy, whoso homestend Is noar Hampton, rotumod last Thurs day night. W. P. Wllglnt, who hns boon on a business trip to Portland, has ro tumod. Louis Miller nnd wlfo started for . 4, i Hand Saturday morning for tholr wlntor supplies. Pick Phillips hns gone (n llnuil to worK ror tno woniiiiuy i.ivory i'o. Ilauiplou school hnn llnlshml lis second mouth. Thorn iiolthui' nhiumt nor tardy during tho mouth wiuo Thomas llnnlnon, third grndo, mid Dnrlo Burton, eighth grndo. j HIGHLAND j -- -. (Upeolnl to Tho Bulletin). HIGHLAND, Nov, 5. A. Davis drilled n well on Ills homestend, get ting 70 foot of water nt n depth of 17. foot. F, Ramsay located on'R claim In tho hills Friday, bringing his fami ly from Idaho, O. Martin loft Sunday ror Post, Ore, where ho oxpocts to stay for tho winter, Mrs. M. Honors has roturnad from Bond after n visit of a fow days. HiailLANI), Nov. 4. Tho High' land postnnico hns now boon estab Untied nt J. II. Rivers' grocer) store. Joo nnd John Hallmoyor loft Men da for Roberta for n fond of pota toes. Horace Martin mid wife rcturnod! homo from Post, Ore., whero tlioy I Hpent mo nisi fow mnntlin, Ernest Nolnon returned Kinidny to his hnmestond from Colfax, Wash. Ills wiro will bo hoio In a few ayn. Mr. and Mrs. Dnnlelson lelt Sun day for llend whero they oxnttct to iipend a fow dnyn. w Building LUMBER, 1 ye i ... . Vmi -....--- tr tr tr f'j'l Ul U. tfljs The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell IJuttc, fourteen miles east of Bend. Our trees are the kind we recommend after over thirty years experience in the fruit business in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will please you. Catalog free on request. Come and see our orchards and nursery. OlHcc address, Prineville. Ore. LAFOLLETTE NURSER.Y CO. We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIOHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hoy, Barley, Onto, Wliont nnd Bran nt lowest prices. Tho Lareost liarn in Contra) Oregon, WENANDY LIVERY C(X Bend, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOX SrtraSF75S The Owl For Daily train each way between Central Oregon points and Portland. Tourist sleeping car (Berths $1.00.) First class coaches. Save a Day FROM CENTRAL OREGON Lenvo Bend 8:30 ,p. m, " Dcschuta &48 p. m. " Redmond ....9:10 p. m. " Torrebonno...0:24 p, m. " Culver 10:02 p. m, " Metollus 10:20 p.m. " Madras 10:80 p. m, Arrivo Portland 8:10 n, m. Prompt despatch of freight between Central Oregon and Portland and Portland and Eastern Cities Connection mado In Portland to and from Wlllamotto Vnlloy. ABtorln and ClaUiop Beach polnta.I'ujrqt Sound, Spokano, Montana, Colorado, St. Paul, Omaha, Kansas City and Chlcajro. Faros, tlmo uchqdules, und other Information by lettor or unon application to i , It. II. GltOZIEIt, A. O. P. A. J, II, COnilBT, ABont, Portland, Oro. . hon.t nm. W. 0. WILKES, A. O. P. & P. A., Portland, 'Orogon' Mr Htovonnm loft Moudny lu Prlnovlllo. ' Mr MIclu'U rnlNod tho best rrop ol potatoes in tho country. Ho i.ug 8;i sacks off two noro. A t HELD .- (Special to Tho llullotin) HEM), Nov. C -Tho Maury inoiin.1 tain mill hnn boon running since early spring and lately has boon working! night and day In order to kuop Up with orders. Tho lumber goon In nil dUcclloiis to tho homesteaders, P. Chrtstnnsfltt has had a nice lit-. Hi Hold broken this fall. Laurotico White rotumod to ' his (Continued on Pago fl) ty "nj W M P. B. JOHNSON'S mauuN.oiiuaoN Is the pluce In buy the Umiir KIND of (IMOCUHIHS nt Hid RKlllTKINDofpriccs Near 28 Mile Post M Bfc KtnJf 1 If J 1 I Material SHINGLES - . , Villi 1 VJLWJM j 111 M U. Ill m. DregohTrunkRy. CENTRAL OREGON LINE Busy Peoplg Each Way TO CENTRAL OREGON Lcavo Portland 7:00 p. m. Arrivo Madras 0:00 n. m. M MotolluB 0:15 n. m. " Culvor 0:28 n. m. Terrobonno,..7:08 n, m. Redmond 7:2a n. m. Deschutes. ...7M3n. m. " "end 8:00 a.m. 1 ' I 1 i ' - r ' . .. ,, -