The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 12, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 80
J. ., Itynu (Mn PJiiiiiIiIiik ('out of
flllllillllK Will U U(),5I(T Com.
plcln Mot of IIIiMcin mill (tin
JtliU Htihinlftc.l by Thrill.
I IMiIm for tho oonstriialluit of llio
grade school liiillillm.' in iiu .ipimi.ui
..fio- Heml dtatrlet No. 1! were openod
y inn iKinrii Monday, nnd yohtardny
HuaJ decision find award of contractu
' was Hindi'. It. C. Hwoott, (he nrolil-
ted, wiih nn liniid to nwilut I ho board
i with any Inforiiintlon doslrcd In con
unction with tho plan.
' Iho successful bidders urn tlio fol
' lowing, together with tlio iiiimuiit of
'their hldi: Hrostorhntis l.rolhors,
, St 1.1. Including ovurvlhlnir hot
UientliiK mid plumbltigs J. J. Hynii,
iHt:, plumbing: o. v. Mol'liitninri
& Co. or I'ortlnnd, $2U.O, heating.
The total coot of tlio building, ac
cording to llio Mil in or tlio hld, li
)20,Slfi, In nddltlnn tlio architect's
ire amounted to 53l, For llin iiroo.
-rtty $3000 wii paid. Tlio bond Issue
was or 123.000.
Inasmuch an iirncttcally all tlio
-work goes to local inon. and tlio ox
pondlturos for lahor will all bo mado
here and to homo men, ilia board
'feulr that thn roiult of tlio award
nro mom sntlsractory. Ilrostorhotta
Hrothors nnnoiinco thnt they will
-onimcneo work at the earliest po.
talhla momont, chiefly depending upon
how onlokly Mtono. thn material to
ho unod In construction, onu bo utmr
Tied. Mot or Hid.
Thn following n tho complete Hut
r bids received, taken rrom tlio oftle
lal record or thn hoard:
Marble Urn.. North.
Yakima, Wash 118,089.00
"V. L. Foraytho, MoIoIIuh . 10.(123.00
wiiooiwrigni & I'lilppa .
.1 II. Tillman. Portland .
1. W. Hehroedor, Ilond .
HrostorhoiiH Uroa.. fiend
A. W. Kulwrlit. Portland
W. K. Parker (modlflod
17. 100. 00
lh.t. 13.00
ajjerlflontinnk fit JG.OO
J. J. Hynn (unspecified) . S IftS.OO
llolow nro tho heating proposals:
John A. MncCloskoy $2700.76
A. I PVflidur r 2100.60
1. IS. Worortwn 1610.00
W. a. MoPhurwin Jfe Co 1100.00
tmitMHMl. with &-yoar
guarantee 2150.03
iollllcli tin) lie Unlit Jnll iintl
Hhuuldii't I'm It.
' I built that Jail nnd you can't
lock mo In It."
Ho aald tleorge nottltoti to Chin
of Pollco H. K. Huberts i'rlday night.
wnrn mo cuior atartod to ' jug" lilni
Mfter (lottlleli had mndo trouble of roml orpssea It closo besldo tho Pes
hovertil viulelloa aliotil town, uott- chatos so that hereafter thero will
lleh "mixed If with lloborta, hut bo no hod rtror crossing between La
was finally Inndcd In tho now Jnll, Plun nnd tho lUowns Cnbln lot . bo
. his statement to tho contrary not- low Crnno Prnlrlo. Tim service con
wlthstnndlng. The next morning ho templates placing mllepost fcigns on
was flnud S In Hoooriltf . lillls's the ftniitluin. McKeiulu nuil .Motolliih
court. ilvui roads.
H?a Deschutes Banking (3b Trust
.south o f Ueiin
Bldg. on Wall St-
"l.'mplro llulliloi" HIccp, Ho Ik Not
Kern Hitiinitfoiil, Prcflldrnt of
Northern I'm Me, VJomw J'omii.
For thn first tlmo nlnco "ftallrond
Day," Octobur C. 1011, Jnmna J. Hill
wan In Hand yesterday morning. Mo
wait "In" lloud, Hiiro enough, hut ho
nlso wan In IiIh Pullman berth, or
dotibln hod, or whatovor n grout cm-
iilro hulldor reposes In when travel'
itig In lilt prlvnto car. And no Mr.
Illll did not moo Ilond, nnd Ilond did
uol Imvo thn pleasure of soolug Mr.
Illll, ulthoiiKh somit foll(H think thoy
did, because it gentleman In tho party
who look Juki h llttlo like Mr. Illll
mi fnr whlaker In ronton rod took
an early morning auto rldo around
'Iho Hporlnl train of lx cam hoar
Inx the Illll party arrived iihout .1
a. in. It loft at 8:10 a. til., hound for
Thcohir. whoro n dluiiHr oiiKHKoinoiit
n will tod at 7 p in. Aiiiohk tlio row
uioiiihorK of tho parly to titlto u half
lionr'a auto rldo wan J. M. Ilniinn
fotd, pniKldont ot the Northorn Pn
olflr. Prmliloiit Youiik of tho fi. P.
& rt. won ii . hut had no nowa other
than hoiiio nice IIiIiiki about lloud,
which wan not oxnctly nowa. I,. V.
Illll wan not to ho aeon. In nddltlnn
to tho IIIIIm and Mourn. Ilaniiiiford
and Youiik, tho party Included Ceo.
r. tinner. iiroMiiioni or tlio nrt Nat
ional Hunk or Now York: Uoo. II,
Ilarnt, of tho lliirllnnlou: It. A.
Jackaon, vlrn prenldent or tho (lreat
Northern; A li. Ordoau, or Duluth;
I. A. Chamberlain, or MliinoNpolla;
Plercn 1 1 lit lor, or Kt. Paul, and Oren
villi Kane, ot Now York.
poiiTi.A.i.iitiKco ht:a.mi:iih
TACOMA, Nov. lS.Wlirti hero
fait nlRht Jamnn J. Illll Mibxtantlut
d hi atatoinonti madn at Portland
to thn ofTect that tho Illll Intorenta
will Immediately InauKurato a yn
toni of Rteameni between Portland
nnd San KroncUco. Theno ulilim will
carry both local and traimcontlnnntal
frclxht. n woll aa paMenKera. Their
run ii Ins time between the two porta
w bo 2& houra. or aome two houra
ranter than tho beat train tlmo now
made. Ho further emphatically do
nlcd tho rumor that the Oregon
Trunk will bo built noutli rrom Ilond.
TIiobo rnmlltar with thn altuatlan
floem to think that tho boat plans
clinch the certainty thnt thn Central
Oregon lino win not Invade Cullfor
County Treasurer Jordan glvoa no
tice that on November 13 he will call
for payment all rnxlstercd genornl
nnd. nAlp and road wnrrnnta now
outstanding. This will place tho
count) out of dobt onre more.
To Mr. and Mra, F. O. Harris, on
Novomlior 4. a boy.
To Mr. NHd Mm. J. 'A. Kamle, nn
Novum ner i. n boy.
To Mr. and Mre. r,. V. ainlth. on
NovomlMM- 9. a ulrl.
To Mr. nnd Mra. It. It. SeTilntt. tini
Novemiier II, n glil.
r.ari nun, wuo uss neon euneriug
from nephritis, had a turn for tho
wore taet .night, going through n
number of oonvulMens. Ills eon
illtlnn today Is rotMirted tm serious.
'Iho f ot est sorvlco U Installing n
' tirHci firmkK lloi'li nrnok ulnu-i ih.i
Alone lit Home, llrr Clothlnir lie
ioiiicm Inlli'(l KuppoHcdly na He
Milt of Hplolon Hnil (Tdniex
After AoiilliiK HiiITcHiik.
Iluruotl In n terrible innnner while
nlouo ut her homo alx inllus oant or
town yestorduy iiftornoon, Mra. Hlln
N. ItniKK. wife of C. M. llniitK. n
rancher, died thin mornliiR. Tho
agony alio bore before death lolloved
hot wna awful. Tho Dragg homo waH
ii I ho destroyed by tho fire, tho orlKlri
of whloh will novor bo definitely
known us the burned woman was In
too grout pain to talk of the nccldont.
Mr. IImkk, who had como to Hcnd
yostorlay for auppllen, supposea that
In starting n lire In the cook stovo
with old ahlnnlcfi nnd kerosenn nn
axiloslou rrjfliiliod nnd her clothing
beoamo Ignited. Ho saw thn smoke
rrom tho burning house when he was
about two miles from homo, and as
It appeared to be his placo ho
whipped tin tho horsed. In tho mean
tlmo n nelghlKir who was on horse
back went on ahead us fast an ho
could nnd reached tho houso before
Mr. I Ira kb did. Hod It not boon for
tho arrival or thla man tho barn
would have burned also, as Mrs.
Hragg, In her excltoment, had gone
Into tho barn and torn off part or her
burning clothing thero.
Tho first wrwn to reach her was
tho llttlo girl of C.I.. Hmlth, who had
gotten on n pony nnd ridden over to
Iho llrujrg homo when tho smoke of
thn tiro was aeon. When Mr. Hragg
arrived his wife hail started along
the road toward the Hnilth home and
had gono about 100 yards, tho little
Hmlth girl In tho meantime having
inturned homo to toll her mint or tho
tragedy. Mr. Hragg hastened on to
his homo and got a rig to put his
-. v ... . ... .m ... u..v.v ,a npponr nud express their v ewe.
neighbor a When ho got buolc to u ,B undowlood on reliable authorl
her alio had walked on another hun-j,, that n ,,,B .jologatlon. rrom Pan
droit ynrdi or an. 8ho was tnken to. i.m . .,. ,,.. ,,,. ,i,.,rIrl.
tho Hnilth place and was In such pain
thai sue walked mo noor until or.
Fo troll arrived and mlnlstorcd to her
wants. Her body wna terribly
burned, rrom head to foot. Dentil
relieved her of her agony this morn
ing n boil I K.20 o'clock.
lln llrnetf wuh 4f vnnm tt ntfn
rant! she and Mr. It rung had boon innr-
rlwl ror nliout IS years, Rho leaves
hwliloH her husband n hrothoc l,n
Mkhlgan. She was a ohertor
bet or the Ilond Kelmkalt Lodge, I. O.
0. V., and tho burtal iwrrleoa of that
lorder will be carried out ut tho grave
rT.,.A .... .Mai . lit t.A,lak. f(nnrtDii .
1 li l"l "I" "W ' '"'"J lU,l,WII I
at.s o cuck. according to preaent
pl.n.. and Inierment will bo made In
1It Hull Cemetery.
Mr. and Mra. Hragg woro very de
viled to each other and tho blow to
him Is a great one. Thoy had Junt
eompotod enlarging their houso and
wore rcuiiy to move into tno new
pnit. Tho onilro bluldlng, with all
oontenta. wna'destrnyod. Last aprlng
Mr. Hragg had the mleforttiao to
receive an Injury which destroyed
tho sight of one oyo.
NOTH'K to" iu:hi:k.hs.
All memhnra nro urged to be nt
Bather's Hall Friday at 1 p. m. to
nttoud tho funornl of Sinter Uli N.
llraggs. Arlal Lnttln, N. (1.
This Wonderful Heater will s
save 1 -3 of your fuel bill.
J sBr v99jb7 'HvT S
Bend Hardware Co.
$120,000 BY TAX
Thice Itoad MuMcr in Handle Work
In Knllie County flood ItoaiN
Now Apparently Hcrlotixly Con
hldercd by Administration.
PltlXUVIM.M, Nov. 10. If tho
prtfcout plana or the county court
CJriy, and the ein to be favorably
considered by all throe inatubors at
llil. writing. heavy direct tux will
bo levied at the rogulnr term next
month lor road work during 191-1.
It U proposed to rnlso at loast S120,
Off ror thin work.
The court iilana to annolnt three
roan runners, one ror tlio northern
poitlon, one ror tho central portion
mm a uiira lor tlio southern imrtlon
or .'no county. Tho work 4s to bo dl
viuLd among these road master ac
corillngly as It Is juosl required. The
ooirt has deemed thla method or lm
proving the roads as tho niont satis
fJttory since tho proponed road bond
niS act has failed at the eiectlou last
Nothing was done on tho roads In
ltl3 except a little desultory work
by tho supervisor .where It was abso
lutely needed. It Is believed by thf
coin i mai tne iaxpa)era win not on
Jcci to tho big levy. Tho county Is
now out or debt nnd It Is thought
icuiiy ror more effort.
As provided for by tho now law,
The Hullelln will be given ror publi
cation, probably next wcok. a budg
et of the expenses estimated for each
or the countr ofllecrs next year. A will he fixed for making the levy
noxt month when tho court holds
i wiiii i i-1 i riuiiiiiinn n -"- n-at-n ninnrinv
anil votor, from ,, ovor , county
will Iki on hand to fight to a finish
any move to get a IiIk levy, for road
work or any othor form or progres-.
slvunem. It la aald that an they nl-j
roauy nave roads ovor thero thoy
don t no why they should oontrlduto
tnjkt-a toward developing other dis
tricts. Hut It Is probable that ropro
neuiatlvtMi rrom (lend, Itodmond and
the west eldo geuorally nlxo will lie
ion MRna t0 lltal 0 fnd lor nuch
mom-lnp.rfB.i ,,., iM,1,vt,,nnt.
needed toad lmpioveinoiit.
lluough Mends of the ccjnty:
., ,-,J .... ,!, 1, .1-
-'"""" """" i" "'" '?",',".
l,r ?,i.lj .r.ef"u flt"?t. l-,5
Itixr county w.ta a joke, the fact re
mams that the receJlerii won ny a
coulderaMe vote. County Judge G.
it. Caatacr and Cowimtaftloiiop. O. A.
McCnrdey and J. It. Putnam wcic re
called. ItOs'H Ht'SHICS (I.MIf3,
To oncourago roso growing In llnnd
and to aid the library. W. I). Cheney
of Scattlo will pond to tho ladles of
tho llbrury club hevarat hundrod
cholcn roso plants, which they will
sell nt low prices. All the bIIihi wore
stalled last year, nro of tho very fin
est varieties nnd will bloom noxt
swjHHFlPaBp- C
Twenty-Four Plr of tho Famous
(initio JJlriM to Ho Distributed by
Htato Game Wnnlrn'n Office.
District Game Warden McKay this
morning received word from Htato
Game Warden KInley that 21 pair or
Chinese pheasAnta will bo ahlppcd to
thla district probably noxt week. Six
pair will go to each of the following
who bavo agreed to care for tho
birds: J. II. Stanley, Hend: W. D
Harncs. Laldlaw; William Phoonlxi
Redmond; C. O. Pollard, Prlnovfllo.
Twclv.0 pair nUo will bo sent to the
La Rater ranch nt Hummer Lake.
lheMO beautiful came birds will tin
the first of their species to come to
central Oregon. They have thrived
wonderfully In the Willamette vat
Joy whore tho season was opened this
summer for the first tlmo. All the
stalo on st or tlio Cascades, however,
la closed and a very severo ponnlty
is imposed ror anooting tho Itirda.
With propor co-operation It la ex
pected that Crook county will be
come well populated with these birds.
in writing aoout tho nheasanta.
Mr. Flnloy dwells upon tho Import
ance of providing rood when tho
snow comes, nnd or protecting them
against predatory animals.
Couiiiilssloncr llnylcy Is Hack Again.
ltond Claim Attention.
PIUNEVILLK. Nov. 10. Tho
county court has been In kscjlon
slnto last Wednesday but has been
engaged during that lime mostly
with road matters. A trip was taken
by all the members of the court to
Decrhutea, Laldlaw, Hend, tno Turn
alo project, Itodmond and other
polnta by the county auto Saturday.
Commissioner It. If. Hayley Is at
tending all sessions of tho court
Tho court was here Saturday,
Sheriff Elkins driving tho county car.
The matter that chiefly occupied
their attention pertained to tho Hend
Laldlaw road, which had been fenced
up by a property owner on tho cast-
ward jog given It by tho C. O. I. Co.
around the North canal dam during
construction last year. It Is under
stood that some satisfactory arrange
ment has been cntored Into so that
tho road can bo permanently opined,
nnd Ha present miserable condition
Strenuous c.Tort was made to Im
press tho court with tho Uionl need
i-r load work, around Hend. and pro-
ion concerning wnat vraa ktyled
wasted money on tho Lava Itutto
road was made: there another trail
I botng opened up parallel and close
to tho present double load, by order
or tho court. It Is contended that
thla la sheer waste or money, ua the
new road will noon be ua bad as the
old, and that n rar better way would
bo to Improvo the original road by
filling chuck holes and crowning It.
Six Families liny Irrigated Iind
From ('. O. I. Company.
DH8CIIUTKS. Nov. 10. Six rami
Ilea of new settlers with three oar
loads of furniture, stock and Imple
ments have arrived recently from dif
ferent Ka&torn ttolnts. all purchasing
Irrigated land from Hie Central Ore
gon Irrigutlon Comuany.
J. K. Graham and family of Em
motto. Idaho, so to the alfalfa dis
trict east of here about 10 miles; tho
Kllsoro family of Frultland. Idaho,
tnd tho Hansen. Haatmissen und Mlk
nlson rnmllles or North Dakota havo
tracts about two miles north of Deschutes.
- "z -lUi N fiL Sy -
jS jUHt-
r w m - i m iat MraaBtiK a mm. a ifk, A mims a mmmi m
FIRE? FIRE! FIRE! If your house should tifce fire
you are npt to be so excited thnt, even though you have
plenty of time, you will rush out nnd leave behind, to be
burned up, YOUR WILL, other valuable papers and jewelry.
The best way is to put them into one of our SAFETY DE
POSIT BOXES in our fire and burglar-prool vaults. A
private box will cost you only 8 per year.
We also solicit your BANK ACCOUNT.
The First National Bank of J&eii
Km Came Thunday livening, Duo to
AM)plcy, Shortly Itcforo Hu.
band Arrival Hart llecn 111
Vcar hut Watt Thought Hotter.
AHor remaining away frdin Hon!
ror nearly a yefer rd tho benefit of
her health, Mrs. J. II. Wennndy re
turned to town last Thursday morn
l.g and that evening died very sud
denly of npoiilexy. For aonio tlmo
Mrs. Wennndy had been suffering
from a weak "heart, necessitat
ing her living fn a lower altltudo
Iho troublo developed a year ago.
Jlccently her condition had been so
much Improved that It was consider
ed possible for her to return to Hend
to Hvo permanently, and her husband
wont to Portland early In tho wee
to bring her back. The; came to
gether as far aa The Dalles whero
Mr. Wennndy left her, to come the
rest of the way in an automobile he
i.nd Just bought.
Mrs. Wenandr had come down
town Thursday evening to make some
urcnases and on ner way home,
when In front of Pete Lehrman's
blacksmith shop, was seized br an
apoplectic attack. She was hurriedly
taken to the home of her brother,
Fiank Kulp. where ahe died a
row hours later and only a short time
before her husband arrived In town
by auto. Saturday morning Mr. Wo
namly left with tbo body for his
wife's former home at Le Sueur,
Minn., her brother. Frank Kuln. ac-
fnmnnvlns fair
Mrs. Wenaudy, whose maiden
name was Sadie E. Kulp, was born In
Im Sueur In 1873. Sho was married
to J. if. Wennndy In Phllllpsburg,
Mont., about 12 years ago, this be
ing her second marriage, and from
thero they came to Bend teven yean
ago. ltoth her parents aroyatlll liv
ing and two sisters In I-ejSueur, as
well as a sister In Dutte. Mont, and
a brother, Frank Kulp. of'Hcud. sur
More Luke County Land Can lie tin
tcrcd. After Deccmlcr IS.
IAKEVIEW, Nov. 10. The local
land office announces "that tho plata
of tho following townships will ho
omclally tiled In this o&lco at 9 a. ra.
DocoRiler IS, 1913. On and after
the said day this office will bo pre
pared to receive applications for tho
entry of lands in township 26 S.,
range IS K.; township 2G, range 10.
and sections 1, 2. 11. 12, 13. H, 23,
24. 25. 2G. 35. 36. township 27 range
1C. Willamette Merldlun.
"The attention of settlers on uu
surveyed lands Is called to tho rule
that their applications for entry must
be filed in tho local land oRIco within
thrco months after tho date that the
plats of survoy nro officially tiled lu
the said office, otherwise their pref
erence right to file may be lost. No
applications will, however, bo enter
tained where filed prior to the date
of the official filing of tho township
plats. '
3 o
'W W
It cant BURtydliKltj