5." ' , ' a w iij3.ni iwhUiTiti, mUaVI), oih:., wudNkhdav, noi;mm:h n, iui. iai: n. BEND SCHOOL NOTES l jfif a m. J 11 'I"" F i n i I " 'I J ;! ra a ,. if ie Drue: Co. YV jratterson urair f - will reopen for business with a complete new stock soon. ' We hope to merit a continuance of your patronage. "Whack" Say? Mannlicimer'i haven't got it? Try us and see. HAVING YOUR WANTS MWMMMMMWMHMMMM4 IS WHERE WE SHINE. . iiy wwwmi iiihi ammmmmmtmmmmmmm LOCAL NEWS ITEM5 If ;J? I Itilwarri I'. (Ircono rcturnixl laal wcok from n brief vlult to l'ortliuit). U. W. (lortRon lini roluniuil from liiiloiK'iulutieo wliurn liu baa bcun (or lini auinmor- Mm. Hull, mother of Mrs. C. B. IliiiUun, wunt to Portland Monday on it siliort visit. Mr. nml Mm. J, II. Ilcyburn re turned Huudny mornliiK from a Ulji of u wook to rortlnnd. Dr. J. 01, Connarn lias bought tlio J. -II. Minor n-sMunco In Kenwood nnd In iuovIiik In today. Hcltnnr laron and AlMh Potor un wnru In from their Hear Creek llutto liomontondB Imtt wuuk. It. II. Ilnylvy won un from Laldlaw Mondny with n lond or wheat (or thu lloiid MIIIIiik & Wurehouio Co. K. It. Post loft thin week for Cat- low vnlluy, Harney county, with nix liooplo'to take up hoMcstcad. J. N. Hunter linn rturntd from v Hood iilvor where ho wan for a week or so lookliiK nftur hla aid cron, .. - .It .M,l.nra. V. A. Forbes nnd I'm nk May wore guests for dinner ai -rno unueoiato uron" Friuay , niKiu. A sign Indicating tlio location of tliQ Methodist ohurcli linn been put up nt tlio corner of Wall and Ohio ; atreel. i, J. 11. Illttmfr haa returned to Ilcnd aftur an ahaence of n year or moro 1 and will take a 'poiltlon In Hhuey'a 4) grocery. Over the week-end C. H. Hudion, It. M. Hmlth, A. M. I'rjnglo and (H P. Tutnaiu woro on n duck hunting Hip to Hllvor l.aKe Ml i:va Uravcfl will in tot for tlio first time for tho winter her claaa In muitc Thursday aflornoou at Bather's hall, at 4 o'clock. Will Bjlroat and J. A. llrlnkloy ro- turned yesterday afternoon rrom n ten days' trip to the Crauo Pralrta atd Ia 1'Ido country. Father Hlnea of Itermlston u hero over Hunday and conducted tho sorvlcea at the Catholic church lu tho absence of Father llullor. The Itoyal Nelghbora of America announce a nodal danco for next Tuesday 'evening. I'rltca will bo Riven for tho bent waltxlng. Work haa been atarted on Hie It. II. Qquld residuum In I'luqltti 1'ark. vMliTo1?cWdo Mnrkelcamo In from her homestead last wt-ek. Tho kuii club haa taken over tho prlzo ahootliiK iimtolioii udvurtlRed by posttiis to be held aorowi tho rlvor nml will hold thuiii oil thu cIiiIj'n SimindM, The llnptiat Womnn'a Union will hold a work meotliiK at Mm. Mil i.uu a, K IK li Hi unu iiiuuuwoou, trl (lay, and hiiu reuueata mu Iuuin to urniK uiuir iiiiuiuiea wuu inuiu. November la atartliiK out bn a rainy mouth, 1.10 inclicn of rain liav UiU fallen already. Tnere weru U.37 Inohea between & a. m. and 1 p, in. today. M. 0. O'Malloy of Portland, Btrlo manager tor Oregon of tho Kraltjuul llrotherhood, cuuie lu yeiteidny to vlmt tho local lodge meuibeia for u few dayi. The inniKjucrado hall tnat Thura day night waa u big aucceta. 'lliure weru many excellent coatuiuea worn and thu attendance waa large, Dane lug coutlnuud until J. o'clock. John Htcldl and hla aona, John Jr. and Htevo, and Clyde McKay leuim ed Hunday from u miie-day auto.tnp tu wiu auuiu uuck uuuiiug. Jit un tney cotered ulout uuu in Ho. Jouia Itudicth liaa had hU tent hoiiku on lloud atreol Imarded over hiiu win uiiorti) motu back to it (rum tho Central building on Ohio atreol where liu la now living wltu hla lam- uy. J. II. Wonaudy and I.. I). Pox wont to Portland Hunday to bring Hi a now auto, tho Wcimudy l.lvury Co. re cently aold Ita Chaliuera car at Pant. ley, 1.. U Fox delUerlng It there lual ween. . A. A. Oldcnlurgh, who haa com pleted the (lah hnlciiery at Odell lake, cam down with Pearl .Lynca from Cruacent Monday. Mr. Lytic, tak. Ing hla winter auppllea, atarted back, yesterday. k ) Itecordor Kllli had before him on Monday 10 amall boa who huluicmi In Hallowe'en pranka Friday uTfehl. Ho gave thetn a aevero reprimand and required thorn to algn au agrte ment to "be good." The Ilcnd Ilrlck & Lumber Co. ahlpped two cara of brick laal week, one going to Hunta Ferry and otioU Hedrnond. Tho company haa atao cold brick to It. M. Smith for a bun Btilow which he will build In Park Addition. In Justice Orcutt'a court last Frl day waa heard the ca of T. W. Irlplett agiilmt W. F. tilavons for rent. The Jury round for the defen dant. The plaintiff wua represented by C. 8. Heimou and tho defendant by II. II. Oo Armond. Six cara of ahcep, 1300 In number, A Hallowe'en party wna given by Hoburt innoa at hla lionic In Kenwood Friday night. Tliono nttoiidlng woro Mr. mid Alra, SShouao, Dorothy nnd Aiarjoriu nmitir, nnimn uoiiarla, Ar vlltn Murphy, Margnrot Thompson, Until Caldwell, Hnrel Thoritoti and ray uoynrmoiidr tho ioya ware John .lolinnoii, CnrI Anderaon. Ar thur Vnndevort, Hugh Thompson, Loltoy Fox, Lloyd ami Olrfwilu Kellor. A plaARant evenlu waa Hpent. A lit tle prauk wua played on the imrtr uy ho in it or tho other aclieol noya, bnt tho jokera cama out only eond iHMt. Mra. L. n. Young, living nortl'iMMt of town, bna luanml to the taachora lfi portfolloa of art atudy pictures In eoiiiioctlon with langitagw morel sua. IChcIi portfolio contains 10 ple tuntg mid sitefi artiste as Lamlaer, itapnaei, riooxuarst. niire, i.rolle. Millet. Mttrlllo. Kembraadt, Mnuvo, Hargent, Wlilstlor and Van Dyok nro reitresanted. Mra. Young also haa n fine set of lilalologleal alldea which she haa of fered to plaeo at the aervlce of Uie high aehoul when It la equipped with audi mlrroacopoa aa make the use of worn shinned from Bend to The! u,w, """ "" auvnniage. Dalles over thn-O.-W. It. A N. Mon- '""lead or tho ustinl Friday nrtor- dity, to bf fed tlimo lioforo bolitit "mm . program n soliool paper waa taken to Portland for slaughter. The shipper waa Hilly Kutahum, who brought them rrom Ilnrncy county. Hev. K, C. Newhn mwent to Prlne vlllo Tuesday to attend tho district conference of the Methodist church for Tho Diillos district, llcv. H. O. Perry, tho district superintendent, will come to (lend rrom Prlnevlllc nnd hold (junrlerly conforonco Sat ttrday nlghL Ho will preach Sun day, tho ancrament of the Lord's Sup per belnr; observed nt tho morning service. WAI.TZIttrJ PltlCH. Tho Itoyal Neighbors of America will give n socle! danco on Tuesday, November 12. A special fenturo will Im waltzing In competition for prizes to bo given the best couple. -Ad. 8Sp OOTOI1KK TliMFWtATl'Iti:. October gnvo rnany oxtromoa of temperature, oarly In tho month the thermometer going na low ns 10 Vi. tho loweat mark reached In tho months of October or November lu three years. Thu highest point reach ed by the mercury waa 78 on tho 23d. The moan temperature for the month waa C2 maximum ami 28 minimum. Tuoro were 21 clear daya and S part ly cloudy, and 0.24 Inches of rain The dally tumperaturoa wcro m ful Iowa: Kitchen Cabinet; Date ( Ma;c '- Mln 1 , If ; 20 2 . 76 .- 34 3 'G4K 18 T.0H lOli C - 'X8 28 G ' 48 28 8. . , .C2 25 n - -C4 - 27 10 72 30 U 7,4, ., 33 12 , 73! ,'. i36 '. 14 t tflJ! 23 . 15 :' 47 ajfc , ll , C24 V 30' 17 , 65'-; 28" 18 70 ' T29 IP 75 31 I? ' IVA 22 75 H 32 23 78 35 24 89 $5 2 04 18 2t? 00 20 27 04 32 28 CO 21 29 fi4U 19 30 . 47 22 31 S9 iZ read by Hazel Thorson. It was full of Interesting things. , Tho attendance report for tlio rour wceka ending Friday Indicates an average dally enrollment of 298 pu- jiiih in mis utsirici, wuu an average dully attendance of 289, or 90.7 per cent. Tho corresponding figures for mo preceding month wero 288, 278 and 90.0, For tho corresponding month of last year tho figures' were 238, 227 and 95.5 for tho three Items respectively. A ftailwsy Across ths Optn &. The Florida Keys railway runs rrom the mainland for n dlstam-e of 124 mllea over what U practically open wa. Imuglne n string of tiny Inlets stretch ing like the broken off piers of some Titanic bridge right out Into the great salt ocean and you have the Florida keys, Most of thrm are only a few rod In extent. Here nnd there Is one that reckon Its area In acres, while1 four or live among them are Ixlands rather than Isleta. covering several rqunro miles Hlg or little, however, they nerve merely as stations ror the railway, which runs over nnd upon them with the open sen on cither aide of It. Moreover, tho vlnducts and em bankments that carry the trains, nl though lininoiiKoly strong, nrc so nar row and steep that the passeugcra look out upon ocean only. There la no land whatever In sight during the greater part of the trip Lxcbitnge. A , ii J I 1 'I Efficiency in the kitch en comes from having proper things to work with. Labor is lighten ed and steps saved if you plan for efficiency. The modern kitchen cabinet aids efficiency. m Just received a new shipmeht. Call in' and s je them. - ' BEFjORE YOU BUY THAT PAIR OF f iers LOOK AT THESE PRICES. First Quality Rubbers Ladles' High and Low Heel ....$ .75 Iridic' Too ItnlilierH (15 Men's HKirni or Too ........ l.Otl ChlldreirH, B to 10 IS .no .MIsm'k', II t 12 '. . .tin IIo)h' Itmvy Solo, Itoll Kdgu, II to U 7n Itoja lliy Nolo, Itidl lldge, !! lo Sli f. H. Mou'm DueU PocKh Jt.tW For Wet Weather Footwear 0 to MANNHEIMER'S rK3CKV What Happsnsd. "Are you the man who write all tbla Joyous advice about scattering sun ablne and giving everybody that seem worried a glad hand and a word of en courngcmentT" "Yen." slid the man with scarce hair and Inky Dncem. I am one of the profnodonal uptlmlsta who du that sort or thing." "Well. I'm not going to sue yon for damacca or false pn-tene or anything of that kind. I just want to let you know that 1 tried to heed your lesson t went to one of our great el ties and tried to speak words of cheer and com rort to the overburdened souls that I saw nmhlng punt me." "What ItapiHMiedT" "Ueforo I had cheered op rour peo ple I gut arrested ror being u confi dence nmn." Washington Star. : . , Ths Flying Frcj of Java. The Juvnuex froc la n creature nicaiurliiK between tlfteen and twenty five Inches. Tho skin of Its buck Is pale blue nnd by tilght looks dark green or olive brown. The frog re mains motlonlexa during the day. with eye HlielteiStl from the light und 'with belly up, eltiiglug to Its support by ad heidvo cuxlilutix ami by Its belly, which la provided with sticky covering, und It Is bMt-dly dlxtfugulshuble from the obje.'ts that surround It. At nlghtrnll It begins Ita hunt ror the mammoth crlcketx on which It feeds, making leapi eoverliiK eveu feet of ground. During the leap the play of lungs tilled with air a wells Its body. To descend rrom a height It apreiula wide Its claws nnd. dropping, rests upon Ita feeL-m shuiige. Osncfits of Ollvs Oil. Not every one rontlxe tUe medicinal properttia of olive oil. It la quite true that the umehluery of the bdy needs oiling oevnoimlly, like any uieMiaulcul uiilehlue whit h s loiihttintly lu use. and olive oil taken Internally U ex-i-eedltiKly lieuellelal A tableepoourul will aid dlgettloti and cne liver trou ble. Olive oil should be served rre iientl,v as 11 dreHxiug. 'Hiken either with miIiiiI ur uluiie It Is beuellelul ror eaturrh either ut tho t-toiimeti or throat. Making It Easy, Man (ton dmfci-Wluit In the nils elder are yot. owhk with that trunk In the bow of in.- boat for. Put? Pat Sim, an' If It was lu the xtern or the bout wouldn't 1 be rowlu uphill nil the time? An' thla way I'm rowlu' down hill ull thu time.--Yale Itevord. n I. M: THOMPSON iwiMNiiWv,v'WheroYour Dollar Docs Its Duty. Fundamental Music Training School Domonstrattt u or olasa work tqlio jtlvou Thursday, November C, at 4 o'clock at Sathei's Hall, A new way of proaentfng music through'clasa work, saying tlmo nnd energy. it No mo;iotony or drudgery but qnthusl n and Interest from the start. Work bo varied, simplified and condensed that It Is not a tnxmpon any child or adult, Mothors, children and frionui cordially jnylted. ' KVA ULUAN QUAYBS, ' ' ' ' t . kt i 'f '' ' . 45 The newest things first We're on the job every minute getting the latest Some splendid values in New One and Two Piece Dresses just re ceived. They're the new combination blouse and skirts priced from $ 1 0.75 to $ 1 2.50 More NEW LASTS in Walk-Over Shoes.--- Tans, 'Blacks, Suedes and Patent Leathers. New low-heel lasts in lace boots. $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 Here you get the best service and the right merchandise. Why go elsewhere. j Mannheimer's The Store for All the People. Do Not Parboil "Swift's Premium" Haxn Before broiling or trying This brand because of its perfect preparation docs not need to be parboiled. It has a tenderness and fine flavor that cannot be improved Order from ' BERT SHUEY, the Cash Grocer Sugar, per hundred, $5.70 ' W3b Ww! . M)vW5-rt apX " til ri &(&& -fifm f2- resolved that you will hunt no -Further for itv if You Come To us . VE HAVE JUST "WHAT YOU "WANT AND IT IS THE RJ4HT PRICE WE HUNTEP IT FOR YOU WHEN BUYiNq OUR, G0DD.S YOU WIL.L, DAG THE GAMS THAT GETS UP IF YOU BUY YOUR GUN AND AMMUNITION FROM US, OUR GUNS ARE TRUE TO IM OUR SHELLS CAREFULLY LOADED. INSURE YOUR SPORT BY USING ONLY RELJA ,LE SHELLS. OUR AIM IS TO KEEP OUR BUSINESS GROWING. AND WE HIT THE MARK. THE WAY TO I0 THIS IS NOT TO ABUSE THE TRUST THC WHO TRUST US. m Skuse Hardware Company Vc will glvo a $5 casting rod for the largest trout caught this season. Z'J f