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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1913)
Togo 4, I1KXI) nt'Ll.KTIN, 11KNI), 0M3., WhDNKMDAV, NOVKMIIKU H, 1IMII, twpSWJtJW,WliHWH i''-iwJ.MsWjlL Penlarged store- THE BEND BULLETIN i m,lc,nry ,nt0 '"8ro;n,l fnr tno, (PublMicxl Kvcry Wednesday) GKOKGH PAUM12K PUTNAM Editor nud Publisher. U. N. HOFFMAN Managing Rdlto,r. ItOUKRT W. SAWYER ' Assoclnto Kdttor. WEDNKSDAY. NOV. S, 1913. TUB 131.KGTI6N. Tho results of yostordny's elec tions hold a daublo lesson. .Tho first is In tho shnpo of n rebuff to those who hnvo ventured to misuse the rf oronduni. The second Is thnt the vtters nro qunllflod tu ballot rorts- onnlily upon rofuruitdod msNsuro. considering them solely upon tliulr merits and In no wlso bolng carried nwny Into an ndvorse voto simply" be cause thoso who engineered tho rof ercmlums seemingly had started n negative sentiment. Tho sano verdict dellvorod nt tho polls Is further Indication that th,p referendum, llko the Initiative will work out satisfactorily In tho oud, for the voters themselves 1-avo de cisively rebuked misuse of (ho now lK)wer given them, while nt the same time evidencing a healthy Interest In tho cntlro matter. In the futuio It will bo more difficult to And support for a referendum against n good bill, It will bo next to Impossible to have such a referendum sustained nt tho polls, and, because tho working) of tho referendum (even If wrongly di rected) huro proved so simple, It will bo extremely difficult for bills hostile to tho public good over to be come laws -without at least running tho gauntlet of public opinion at a referendum election. than Is Justified by tho cause." Assessor Foster seems to hnvo tho courage of his convictions. At all ovontH, preliminary figures Indi cate that tho 1913 assessment linn comn nearer to giving nil suctions ut tho county a .siiunro deal than nny that hns preceded It. Dopuly District Prosecuting Attor ney Wlllard II. Wlrts of Prlnovlllo has had now honors showered upon tilm ho has bcon elected president of trie county sent burnt. BONDS BADLY BEATEN (Continued from Pago One) 1,1, I. - Tg lJ ' ma resenting one-third of tho total veto for fivo femlutno imllota wore oast. Tho light voto was due to the fact that tho ballots did not nrrlvo until 4:30 p. m. Tho roturns stand: Uni versity, yos 13, no 2: new building, yes Vi, no 3; sterilization, yen C, no 7: county attorney, yog 13, no 2: compensation, yes IS, no !; bonds, yes 12, no 2. , , C The Best V There is ktSIGEI IBS FERTILIZING POTATOES. . The good results which fertilisa tion will produce la well Indicated by what Frank May accomplished with potatoes In the Powell Uutto country this summer. For thoso un familiar with what(may bo dono in this direction tho Instance is worth recounting. .Last fall whon Mr. May hauled a load of hay to Bend he took back a load of manure. Ho did it as an ex periment mostly, really thinking tho work wasted. Tho manure covered about two acres. Ho says that the land manured produced just twico as many potatoes as tho unfertilized soil and that he besreves tho manuro was worth 50 an aero to him. Hereafter he will manuro all the land he can, with reasonable expense. If lr Is profitable TCrhsTul manuro nearly 20 mllcs, aa did" Mr. May, would It not bo extremely worth whjle to take moro care in saving and using all that is produced en every ranch? M'ICAY "AGIN" KVKKYTHINO. PRINEVILLE. Nov. 5. Tho ro turns from McKay precinct Indlcato It Is a freak district. Tho voters there turned down everything but the county attorney bill, with tho fol lowing voto: University building, yes G, no 32; now building, yes 7, no 29; sterilisation, yes 11. no 25; county attorney, yes 29, no 7; com pensation, yes 11, no 25; bonds, yes 3, no 33. TAllOOS STERILIZATION. PRINEVILLE, Nor. G. Prlno vlllo voters endorse all tho roferend ed measures except tho sterilization act. Tho road bond Issue was turned down hard 154 to 69. Of tho 233 votes cast, 75 woro women. Tho re returns follow: Untvorslty blutdlug, yes 141, no 73; now building, jes 152, no 73; sterilization, yes -9S, no 126; county attorney, yos 184; no 40; compensation, yos 170, no 51; bonds, yos 69, no 154. That is the kind of Men's Furnishings you find at ' this store. For the winter we offer these attractions: SWEATERS Oregon Mndc Sweaters, in ;;?"" $3.50, $5.00, $6.00 FLANNEL SHIRTS the wear well grade. MACKINAWS nothing better than our Chippcwn.s. OVERSHOES-- choice of n big variety. R. M. Smith Clothing Co. Everything to Wear for Men Who Care, No booklet moro pleasing In ap pearance, or businesslike in contents baa been seen in Oregon for many a moon then the brochure Just Is sued by State Gamo Warden Wil liam S. Flnley, whose contest were described recently In The Bulletin. Mr.t flinley's administration of his office should be a matter of congratu lation to the sportsmen of the state and a relief to all who weary of the inefficiency and lack of Interest too often coupled with stato affairs. This summer Mr. Finley's department for the first time turned serious atten tion to Central Oregon. Let us hope that this will be continued, and, for ono thing, that thoso promised but much-delayed trout fry for the Des chutes finally materialize for Crook county, ranking fifth as a pro ducer of angling license revenue, merits a vast deal of consideration on this head as well as on others. MKTOIATS "Wirr" AGAIN. METOLIUS. Nov. 6. Tho over- long dry farmer of tho dry fnrmlngj neius oi Agency nains ngnin vromn a smile, not to mention the local ta pers. For Metollus Is to bo "wet" again. Tho voto on the option ques tion was us follows: IS for drinks. 12 for prohibition. The other voto was: University building, yes 22. no 3- new building, yes 19, no 5; steril ization, yes 13, no 14; county attor ney, yes 27. no 2; compensation, yes 26, no 1; bonds, yes 18; no 9. THREE KAST SIDE PRECINCTS. PRINEVILLE. Nov. C. Returns from two east side precincts, Hat Rock and Lyle Gap, arc ns follows: Hat Rock University building, yes 12, no 15; now building, yes 13, no 14; sterilization, yes 14, no 13; county attorney act, yes 21, no 4; compensation, yes 12, no 8; bonds, yes 4, no 23. Lylo Gap University building, yes 33, no 8; new building, yes 29, no 10; sterilization, yes 20, no 21; attorney, yes 30. no 11; com pensation, yes 33, no 7; bonds, yes 14, no 29. An incomplete report from Lamon ta shows 29 votes against the bond Issue and none for It. This goose egg for tho highway occurs In tho heart of the Springer ballwlck. k It is amusing to note the glco with which newspapors in other towns "play up" rumors concerning exten sion of the railroads from Uend southward,. Isn't It evident oven tu thoso who are, nt best, Jealous friends, that Rejid will be benefitted by a railroad outlet to California? Bond will bo glad to see such a line. Tho pessimistic forecasters at homo anil abroad who figure out a docroase in our oxaluslVQ "territory" becauso of such a road should remember that no town wu ever Injured by having, too many railroads. The moro roads j that come to It, and the moro that) lead from It, the more is It benefit-i ted. Hy nil moans let us desire rail roads south, east or wost and lot us bo charltablo to those who have nono and pretend to be sorry for us at the prospect of mo're. XMAS PHOTOS Come in and see our new line of XMAS Folders They nre nifty and up-to-date. Get tho prices and ar range a sitting. We are sure we can please you. Be sure to be in time for Xmas. THE ELITE STUDIO INSIST -UPON Clean Plastering: Sand When tho small particles of sand aro coated with dirt or other foreign matter, the lime cannot come into intimato contact with the sand par ticles, thus reducing the cohesive strength and making a weak plaster IJolton, Ruetenik & May Washed Sand and Screened Gravel. FRANK MAY, Mgr. Bend, Ore. GROCERIES MEN'S FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS HARDWARE I have doubled my floor space to caro for my growing business and am putting in new stock and adding a Men's Furn ishing Department,1 For fresh groceries, up-to-date dry goods, latest styles in men's furnish ings, and durable hard ware, call on . h . A. Sather Auto Delivery Wall Street INCIIKA8K8 FLOOIt BI'ACK. To mako room for Increasing busi ness, B, A. Bather is moving his dry goods department from his present storo room into tho ono adjoining which was formerly occupied by A. L, Kronen. A portion of tho parti tion has been removed both In tho front and In tho rear, with tho result of doubling the floor spare. Mr. Sather will Increaso his stock In the lines ho has carried and in addition put In a line of men's furnshlugs. It. n. Webb, formerly with tho It. M. Smith Clothing Co., will bo In charge of tho now dupartmont. KHOOTINO MATCHKH. Initoad of the shooting matches advertised to bo hold across the river tho local gun club has taken tho shoots over and will hold thorn on their grounds on tho dates advertised by handbills. The Laldlaw Gun Club is invited to participate. Churlea Curroll -Adv. 36p If Christmas Money is Scarce s Sec the Art Shop's NcV Line of Christmas Cards and Hand Painted China. Careful -at-J . tention given to mail orde'rs. ' u i' . t it J i.. 4.J "ill ilj t ' ' IIIH Howard Spinlns, an old C.-ook County resident and now owusr and editor of tho bur (Wash.) Regis ter, starts his leading editorial last week in this wlso: "Tho eccentricities of such men as Judge John E. Humphries, of Se attle, and Judge Springer of Prlne vllle, Crookcounty;'Oreeon, bring tho PLAYER PIANOS and Straight Pianos Come in and hear the beau tiful toned 8, W. MILLER PLAYER PIANO. Sold at a very moderate price. Also other makes. E. M. Thompson PIANOS TUNED. NOTICK OF CONTEST. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Office, Tho Dalles, Ore , gon, November 3, 1913. To Daisy Moon, of I'ottlnnd .Oregon, corner Cth und Ynmhlll tits., Con toatco: You aro hereby notlflod thnt John II. Williams, who gives caro S. It. 1 login, llend. Oregon, ns his post office nddresa. did on October 9. 1913. fllo In this ulllco his duly ourrohora-4 ted application to contest and scouro tho cancellation of your homestead entry No. , serial No. 072C9, mado August 3, 1910, for soUseli. sec. 20, ono '4, swV4nuU, section 29. township 10 south, rango 11 K., Wlllnmotto Moridlnn, and as grounds for his contest ho alleges that said Daisy Moen has wholly fulled to maintain and establish her residence spondlng to thoso allegations of con upon-said land: has wholly failed to I test, or if you fall within that tlmo pultlvntouud Improve tho samo and to fllo lu this ofllCo duo proof that you hnvo served n copy of ynur an swer on tho said contestant either In person or by registered mall. It this service Is mado by tho delivery of a copy of your answer to tho con testant in person, proof of such ser vice must bo either tho said contest ant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of tho copy, showing tho Florence Lunbeck-Powelsori; You nro, thoretoro, furthor notl fled that tho sold allegations will bo taken by this oltlco as having boon confessed by you, and your said entry win no caucoiou inorouniier witnout your further right to tin hoard there in, cither boforo this office or on ap peal., It you fall to fllo in this olllco within twenty days after the I-'OmtTIt publication of this notlco, ns shown below, your answer, under oath, spcclllcally meeting and ro ll as wholly ubandoncd the snmo for moro than six months last past. Dr. Hohrondt la now In troducing tho Into Kryptok Invlslblo Illfocnls nnd-Torlo Lense, which Is without doubt tho finest lenso put on tho market. I'erfoet- fitting glaneoa ground oopeolally for weak , eyes, asUgpintlHin, near sightedness, far-sightedness, reading or flue work. I especially solicit complicated onsen. My oxporlenco often enables mo to glvo satisfaction whan others have failed. My glasses euro hoaduoho. neuralgia, nervous ness, tired oyes, auhlng eyou, styes, grunulatud lids, blood shot eyes, etc. Kemembor thf my responsibility does not end until you hnvo obtained tho satisfaction you expect. PAHK.NTH HIIOUM) NOT MtfJLKOT TllUIIt CHIL. JHtKN'H KVKH For a pair of glasses worn for a fow months will often enablo a child's oyes to strengthen and fufiy develop, while neglect at this critical tlmo will so injure the oyes as to mako It necessary, soondr 6V later, for them to put on g. sscs and wear them continually. DR. IDA BEHRENDT, OPTICIAN; at Bend Hotel NOVKMIlKIt 8 TO MONDAY, NOVKMIHCIl 10, dato of Its rocclpt, or tho affidavit of tho person by whom tho delivery was madu stating when and whero the copy was dollvcred; If made by rg-, (stored mall, proof of such service must consist of tho nnldavlt oftlm person by whom tho copy was inn)M' stntlng when and tho postoftlco to it nitfat bo accompanied by tho post-, mnstor's reculpt for tno letter. You should stato In your answer tho name of the postofllco to whloh' you deslro future notices to bo sent J to you, f I!. PHANK WOODCOCK. ItoglHtor. Dato of lira publication Nov. 6,' 1013. Dato of sconml I'MHodilon Nov. 1S 1U1 3 Dato of third publication Nov 19, 1013, , I Dato of fourth pulilloatlou Nov. 20. 1"13 Half of the World Does Not Know how the other half lives. Half of the people of Crook County who arc paying twenty to thirty cents for their honey do not know that, the other half are buying theirs at, , the Bend Grocery at from twelve., to fifteen cents per pound. Every pound guaranteed pure honey. You can also make" a saving on other Groceries. ONE BLOCK EAST OF DEPOT WHERE THE SUN RISE m ,