The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 05, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    11KND HULIiKTIN, 11KN1), OltK., WNIhNICHDAY, NOVUMIIUIt ft, 11)111.
A -4- - - - -
J. . -
,,,K!lv"I,IO nm1 Mr8, Kenl fU0 xwo,oa t0
fk If
(Special to Tho llond Uulletln.)
1'OWKt.I. DUTTlfi. Nov. 3. TU
Infant chit
hlld of Mr,
and Mrs. Bfwer,
at tho George ltoUlxj iilnov, was quit
ill Monday night ntul Dr. KomW or
Kodmoml vr cUbI.
Mis 1U CkarUou roturneO to
rrlnrvtlt TaMdtir it visit f
several Urft Villi hOr(flHlier.
John Kmhthmu rttvrtiwl from lb
Tohn Par country MoHdny whrro b
liml irorip for a totnshort load of p
N 1 Allay It adding a, kltchao
to ma resilience.
Mrs. C. C. Montgomery returned
rrtenU from a two weeks' vlatt to
Washington. She was areomnanleu1
homa bj her mother, who will re-
ninln Indefinitely.
lo Helilra. Harl Saumlors. J. L.
Gibson and Goorgo Uraieo aro Tow
oil llutto hog raisers who shlpuod
slock to tho Portland market last
week. Tho shipment was made thro'
tho Farmers' Union warohouso at
Itodmond. In tho shipment mado n
week nrevlous Mr. Gibson sent out
two porkers whoso combined wolKht
wns S19. Some hogs, that
A bunch of flne sheep woro driven
through hero last nook hoadotl for
llonr orcolc wharo tho owners havo
tholr wlntar ran go. Theso voro
thoroughbred animals whloh tho owu
ors had shipped In for breeding pur
Mrs. A. W. Ilayn was a I'rlnovlllo
..visitor Saturday, returning homo on
John Wolxer Mow In' from San
Pranolaco Friday whoro ho has been
for tho past two month. visiting his
mother. John also visited at other
points In California.
J. P. Doherty of. Kmlmond was
n Powell llutto visitor Sunday. IIo
Is having nlinut 30 acres c I oared on
The Farm." a Mr. Jeffries bolng In
charge of tho work.
Iter. D. W. Phillip, a trawling
evangelist. Is qonduotlng a series of
meetings at the Shepord school house
this weak
Mr and Mrs. George llaekninn
went to Prtnerille Sunday for a brief
Islt wlUi their son J ewe.
Mrs. Ida Morse and daughter,
Misses Ada ami lfolnn. were at homa
to their friends Thursday afternoon
at what proved to be a moat ettJoy-
aiie oeeasion. The house was Uar
oned and candlos In yellow holders
fcere used for lighting. The decora
tions ware all carried out la yellow
and black. Witches riding broom
Bllcks. black cats and all the ghostly
Hallowe'en paraphernalia woro In ov
Idonce. Yellow and black colors
wore also managed with pleasing of
fect In tho dainty refreshments that
Were served during the afternoon.
Mrs. Morso and daughters were host
esses at a delightful dinner party for
.the evonlng. Enjoying tho Morse
, hospitality for the latter occasion
were Mr. and "Mrs. V. T. Smith. Mr.
nnd Mrs. U W. Van' Doron, Mr. ami
LMrs. J. J. Chapman, Miss Mabel
.Smith. George Hobbs and Clarke
S. D. and W. G. Mustard and fam
I lies aro enjoying a delightful visit
from tholr paronts. Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Mustard; a brother. Harvoy, and
two small nieces, all of Oakdale,
wash. Tho party arrived on tho Sun
day ovenlng train nnd will probably
le here for somo time.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Young or Hed
hiond ware dinner guests at the Will
ccaon home Sunday last.
G. C. Truesdale took a load of,
Litts to Prinovtlle Monday
W. F Smith was making the
rounds Monday collecting the money
previously subscrllted toward build
ing tho wnon school house. Un
patented laHd la a. serious haodlcap
whon It comes to building school
houses and every person owning land
In this district should give liberally
Va It will bo posslblo to build moro
.than a inero shack. An evening of
enjoyment Is being planned for the
Hoar future, tho proceed to go in
tho building committee. Details will
bo given later In this correspondence.
iLoe Hobbs is a Portland visitor,
having gone down to oversee the sell
ing of his hogs.
This section was visited by a heavy
rain Friday and Saturday which put
n crimp on potato digging for tho
time. Monday brought sunshine,
however, and with fair weather this
week should wind up the potato har
vest for 1913. Mrs. G. C. T.
POWELL I1UTTB. Nov. 3. Itev.
V. Loreo. tho Kedmond Ilaptlst min
ister, will lecture at the Hutte Valley
pehosl house Friday night, the 8th.
MVPrvono la cordially Invited.
Mr. Loreo will start for tho Hums
country Friday, stopping hero on his
wav iiirougii.
Mrs. Jacobson, sister of Mra. A.
Miller and Jaeob Hrlx. is somewhat
Improved In health since coming ho re
r-nrn their homestead at Hear creek.
uti.ih II e only a few hundred
feet lower here. Mrs. Jaeobeon feels
in u n stronger In this altitude.
A I) Morrill Is hauling potut.iea
t th" Itr nil market this week
Kd Perason Is hauling lumber
f'niii I'nnd to iiuMd a iisra to replace
the i re imrned dowu a week ago.
L P lfsblen has made hla -home
"-ji more homelike hv the addition
( f Urge Hock or chicken, bought
tf Mrs J P. Howjuan and N. II.
It Is time now ta select tbm turkey,
goose or chicken ror the Thanksglv.
ine dinner.
T i Jonott U at Jioma now dlKiuffil
his iotaU)o. Mrs. A. T). M. f
i W ia i i sji i - asm
FRKMONT, Nov. 2. V. M. Peaifl
find c II. Kent of San Fnmslfteo ar
rhed here laat week, with Mr. ICWl's
t iwys andg brother at Mra. Kent,
t.i rttt Guild Tbey hava jiQiagtegd
r o'niii south of Fremont bitt have
t ntul it bert Mor4n's 'bouse until
they tot thtlr own houues built. Mrs.
- -t ----
- . - - - .
' 11 t nQouuui
Most of tho band boys huvo receiv
ed tholr homa and all Kinds of inuato
la Hunting In tho nlr. Mr. ISvurutt.
the Fremont school teacher, Is the
Instructor of the imml.
Mr. Stlngloy hna unite n had hum).
He ran n very large splinter through
the end of hla thumb
nail and as yet has not been able to
get all the splinter out,
Grovar Hall brought In n toad of
freight for J. 11. Fox hut weak. Mr.
fox took Uac the Fremont stork
which he wild rewmly.
I. re Pearce waa nut of school all
last weak ou account or a vary bad
Mrs. Jahn Cook la vlalttn uer
parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter MeCal
lum. --
(Spcolal to Tho Uulletln)
LAIDLAW. Nov. 8.
Mrs. J. W. SaRronlo Hrown
Gave n dinner of grent renown
At her homo northeast of town.
Sho had chicken baked and fried.
Somo fruit was fresh and somu was
Hut which was best no couldn't de
Tho Jolly was rod of a beautiful hue.
Tho puddln had Jolly stuck on It too,
Aim apple dumplln's? Wo nto till
wo'oa blue.
Sho hrtd somo tators, smashed up
And grnVy It was Just subllmo.
And, oh! tho way thoy did oomblno.
Thon alio had cabbage mndo Into
It had hard boiled ogg out In It Oh
And onrrot pickles and soup, Oh
What's tho itso of ono tryln to tell it.
None .of you needn't ovou try to
spoil It. . .
Hut, oh dear mo! you'd all oughtar a
smelt It.
The oyster stuffln' went round anil
No better stuflln' we've ever found.
And Vernle Flala eat nigh to a
pound. ,
Lacy Harking jttet eat and eat.
Till she couldn't no way leave her
'And we all had to help her oh her
The coffee was so good and strong
That Mary Moek burst Into song ,
And got ovary blessed bit of It wrong.
Jeaslo Pishor sold no tongue could
How very far sho was from well.
She was afraid she'd havo somo sort
of n spoil:
fmt Mabel Jackson wo all admired.
To eat tho most was all sho desired.
I can't understand why she nln't expired.
--- -
- - --
At a funny tale sho told, ott tho aide,
Uiulate Cliulttn lauahed till ahu cried
And she Just kept on till whs mighty
high died.
Thon Fay (lurking drove out about
She had Manilla Fltaklltger with liar
They had Iota of run nnd sanioUitng
to chew.
Tho drawing contest waB n great mr-
prlae: 4.
Mary Mock draw n rnaetor umt'took
the mlae:
I.uey tlarklng'a rat all leorifrtm tl
I mustn't forget to say 1 wna there
llul 1 didn't do tiothtn' but draw a
I Just ant around quiet ou h uluUr.
SMeh a lovely time a we all Imtl,
Wa were alt so hapuy and Jlly and
And ,wa did hate to leave moat aw
ful bad.
So here's long llfo to Snffrotile
And her ainuerfl of groat ranuwn
Given a( her home uurthonst of town.
1), Y. Couch slapped on a tan penny
nail last week ami It passed almost
throuch the foro part of his foot. Ho
nut his foot to thq floor for n white
Sunday and It Is muuh Vorae today,
Tho WIRy II. Allen. Go. 6 f Portland
placed n piano In tho oliuroh last
week for n ttlnl of three or four
A. O. Walker of Alfalfa will be
gin n series of lectures huro next
preaching Sunday, November 1G.
Mr. and Mrs. Jusso Hnrtor enter
tained Mr ntul Mrs. J. J. Coon at
dinner Sunday.
W. P. Myers and family are visit
ing J. N. II. Corking this wotk.
Tho llnllnwo'on soolal given at It.
U. Flloklnger's was n success both
socially and financially. The re
colpts wero $19.
Miss Margaret Mock gnvo n tttr
koy dinner for a few friends Inst
Wednesday evening at her boautltul
home. H IHcrest. woat of town. Those
present were Mr. and Mra. A. J. Wal
ton. ICttnor Groat. Mlae Franc New
man and Graver Gorklng.
Neal.Kay sold eight Ana llnlsteln
Iwlfera to Mr. Kllera of Itadmond
laat week.
Mra. J. W. Snyder left for Kalr
Qeld. Mo., last- week to spaad the win
ter with her parents. Mr. and Mra.
Milton Hoard. A wreck a head In
which the ilreman and a brakeman
were killed caused a long delay for
her at Hillings. Mont.
There will be nn entertainment In
the Alfalfa school house on Saturday
evening. November IS. for the bene
fit of tho orgAn fund. The mana
gers of this entertainment will do
their utmost to make this entertain
ment ono of the most pleasing of
the season. Ono play especially
will bo alone well worth the prlco
You nre n stranger in a city.
Ybu want a cigar, or a hat, or a pair of
shoes, a magazine or eats.
You look for a sign on a store that
carries the thing you want.
The sign that catches your eye is an
electric sign.
Strangers come to Bend every day.
They want to buy things.
They will buy in your store if you can
attract them to it.
Once uttrueted you have the opportun
ity to make a permanent customer.
Our Electric Signs Attract.
We have a new proposition in eleqtric
signs to put before you.
See us about it.
Bend Water Light 5 Power Co.
- - '
of ndmlsflloit , Tho title of It
Is "Pride of the Pntltlo." 'hls Is
Western driuna nnd tliu vetting of
the piny la Central Oregon, unit It is
IntotoHtltiK Iiom start to finish us It
dwells ou llfo on the mugo - It wns
In tbu early days.
ftvoryunu cordlnlti (iivllod to
lMio and aoo IJils 0111011(11111110111.
Don't torapt tliotlnta. Bttturdny. No
vontbttr 18. Artit- - " oanta for
adults aud chllilreu freot
aH )f f (44H-H
o ..
(Special to Tho Uulletln 1
CI.OVJSUDAI.1C. Not. H.slnhii
Getter bad the misfortune to huvo;
a nue narae severely cut on tue wire
Sniiilsy morning.
A. L.'tjIdB and fumllr or Gross Val
ley visited the past week at the A. F.
Lowe home.
Mrs. It. J. Skelton. who haa been
sick, Is up nnd around again.
Tho miction sale at Will lluokley's
was well attended.
Messrs Carson, Grube and Tomplo
ton wont to liny Stack last week for
Ifarlo Grubo of Idaho la at homo
now with his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
L. G. Grubo.
" George Cyrus linn sold Ms auto
mobile. Mrs. Will liiirkloy Is quite sick.
Mrs. 1. lluckloy of itodmqnd Is with
John Gotter has been hauling his
grain to Horn! tho past week.
Misses Flora Cyrus ntul.Oiml Kelly
spent Sunday with Mlsn .Mabel Pray.
Tho ladles of this neighborhood
havo announced n social for Friday
11UNI) 11. F. I).. Nov. . One of
tho drawbacks of n pew country le
usually the laek of rellgloua advau
tagea. However, settlers east and
northeast or Hand are singularly for
tunate In having In the parann of
Mrs. C. II. Wlawore a at fled preacher
rwho can take a text aud never lose
sight of It. She haa three Well or
ganised congregations ono In the
Arnold school district, one In the
Illchardfron sehnol district and one at
the Grange Hall. It takes rare cour
age to work six days In the week on
the farm and J lie ou the seventh to
go forth over the long and dusty
roada aa Mra. Wlgmore does. The
work la beginning to show results,
It la said.
(Special to The Itullrtln) I
WllITAKHIt, Nov. 1 - On October
30 n wedding took place hero which!
had connected with It n touch of ro-!
fft I
r J
iimivro, nlviiiK tho oveiit it lltrW In -
TIIO brilllV MA lt'IMI
... ....1 .......... Hi. ...1,11
llOMM' JoUrilWIMl lUlllxs III'' tullll
iieiit uinkliiK the trip fiom tteadlng.
Pa, to Hi'iid, whoro tho groom, Kd
ward II Tlmehei. met lui, They
rump to WhltitUnr nnd WHrn qultitly
married at tho homo of ltev. ntul
Mrs. J. , Kdiuuiids. Follnwlug tho
rnronuiny, 11 wedding dinner was
BHived, ufter which tliny rnda to ttinlr
lioiuuatend riutoli. Mis, Timelier
will bo a welcoiun nililllluit to the
pommuiilty, and Mr. Thnolitr'a inal
ilmniilnl hiiccxss Is axpeelotl to gle
uiiaouriigameut to other barhelnr sat
tlora In tho honisattmd ootiutiy.
(Special to The Uulletln.)
WIIITAKtOK. Nov. 1. -John Han
en haa built a eomioriaMe cnblti on
his new claim whluh ho now ntniiilae,
Claude lrkln has returned after
a leave of absence and will spend the
winter on ids ranch.
Mam Isruol want In Kenttle where
ho will work during hla vacation
from his claim.
Tho water problem Is engaging the
people of this vicinity. The shallow
dry rlvnr bod wells aro showing th
effects of the dry bihisoii.
(Special to Tho Uulletln)
CltltSCKNT. Nov 1 -County
Superintendent Peterson came In on
- A -
Building' Material
i 'i-gsaaai i , i . i u.asaBsxsaeamsansaasmaaesaseaaamBS
The Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
4)M)M44444M444444MM44444444 4444
Our nursery is located on Powell Hutte, fourteen miles
east of Bend. Our trees are the kind we recommend'
alter over thirty years experience in the fruit business
in this neighborhood. Our
please you. Catalog free on
ourorclmrdsaud nursery, Olliec address, rrineville. Ore.
We Deliver the Goods
liny, Barley, Oats, Wheat nnd Mrnn nt lowost prices.
Tho Lnruost Karri in Control Oregon.
fiend, Oregon,
ejZni. ojig
The Owl For Busy People
Daily train each way between, Central Oregon,
points and Portland. Tourist sleeping car
(Berths $1.00.) First class coaches. '
Save a Day Each Way
Loavo Bund 8:U0 p. m.
" Doschutr 8:48 p. in.
" Redmond 9:J0 p, m.
" Terrebonne.. .0:24 p. m.
M Culvor 10:02 p.m.
" MotolluH.. ..10:20 p. m.
" MudrnH .. v 10:110 p, m.
Arrive Portland 8:10 u. m,
Prompt despatch of freight between Central Oregon
and Portland land Portland and EasteVnCihlns '
Connections mndo In Portland to and from Wlllumotto Vnlloy Astoria
and Clntuop Beach points, Puwt Sound, Spokane, Montana, Colorado,
St. Paul, Omnhu, Kansas City nnd Chicago. i
Faros, tlnio schedules, and other Information by loltar. or mion
It. II. OIIOZIHR, A. 0. P. A. "
W. C. WILKKS. A. a. P. &
; Tmnilni kvoiiIiik mid am'iil ea'lt!J A
on mm Miwi-uiii h.u.ii, iinMimM
ir tint illslilit retill liliut In Ki"
of the dlsMlil rolillliluii to Kljuu
lull I mis ' "inj t-
'riminim Mi Cord mttii ni'.l fr.iinl
tiiiwu iskp iriunr' iintiuK uuiAis
his win H iur tue saaaoii.
Mia. .1. L. IUiiko unit list Ilia Wh
puine In from Lomotil Frlilnv.
J. L. ltlng", Willi his aurvny pnnr
rututnad froui Ofloll luku Tliuu,,.
having unwind tn w-ork at tilM.
plane. Tom llyakall will return t
Poitlund. Turn Hitinnti win sto
ll...tei.ll. Ilttlli. lUkfAl!. t ittlllll..k .
ixiniiioin I'vim "'"'" umn ig
his noma in uragoii uny.
Mat BHal ll'l Itlllll HIIII Mllll 11..-. I
ard reUirned from llsml Wodnesdn ol
Pearl Lynes and A, Olil-niMira
wart in ureareui nummr.
Mrs. Austen hsa lxeii rontlh.,f ,
(Continued on Page 81$ (
Is Hie plico to buy '
the HKIIir KIM) of
OUOCIimiLS at the '
UIOIirKIM) of prices
Near 28 Mile Post
1 ' -;tr
fKi ,pl
. !
prices and treatment willM).
request. Come ami see ?
I-onvo Portland 7:00 p. m,
Arrive Maijrna 0:00 a, m.
MotolluH Grlfin, in.
)' Culvor 0:28 n. in.
" Torrehonno. 7:08 n, in.
' Redmond 7:2B n, m.
Do8chutt'8....7:'i;in, in.
nl 8:00 n, in,
ti0n.i nnnn
V. A.,, OrogSl!' ' '