The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, November 05, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 35
County Attorney Hill llouip In n
Winner. All Hefcrcmlrtl MoiiNiiii-M
tinny In CiiMik County HHurii
J'roiu JO ImpMrliuit PmtIiu t.
A. Willi VMlllHIld In ... 1 111 i, ,.... I,
pa nun ,U,HII ,11 lll'lll 111 Wl WIIIWIV
Fmounty's 34 products, li ii curtain
that tint innd lioiul Umio wiu defeat
ed in yeaterday' ulcctlon by about
it 0 to S vol it, mid porhap by ovon
it I'lHCor innrKln. Tho total for tho
li B product Include all tho. town,
nun practically nil tiiu territory ad
Joining tho route or, tho propound
road, ntnl It can .bo aafoly estimated
that tho other precinct, which mo
niontly remote mid In tho eastern
portion of tho county, will ho practl-
ally unanimous against tho Isauo.
' On tho roforemiod measure tho
voto In tho county fairly inlrrorod
that of tlm atato. All of tho bill re
ceived a big endorsement o.ept tho
sterilization measure, which won In
I he county by a small majority but
w defeated In tho atato.
Tho county attorney bill proved
Tory popular, Tho voto In tun in
im'clnola otood 702 for It and 111
agalnat It. It la evident that tho
people of Crook county oro contont,
to n tuno of at least 7 to 1, to havo
Wlllard II. Wlrti pu "County At
torney" on hi Ulionory.
Tho roault of tho lond Isauo elec
tion waa exported over alncn tho Good
Jtoada Aaaoclatlon and thoao ohlefly
working for tho project reruaod to
,xoit further effort In Itn behalf after
alleged "doublo crossing' of tho aa
Mortntlnn and tho project by County
.Judge flprlnKer.
tiprlngor's crlllta naaort Ihnt on
tho tomldlnne of tho Rood roada mea-
Jyi ro ahould bo placed an epitaph to
. (ho effect that "horo Ilea a progro-
4.1k.. llPlll.fll .I. II lt, .., l.u H ......B
p wt9v ii'4v. f,fMji til, ill, VJ IIU.Ff."
nacK omeiai wno wouiun i piny roir.
Iteml Pm-lurt.
In Mend precinct tho returna worn
ju fullowa. I'nlvorslty building, yea
141, no io; now nuiiding. )e 11 J,
liu 32; aliirlllxatlun, yea 91. no hi;
county attorney, ye lit, no 13;
compeuaallon act, yiyt 131, no 13;
rail Ijond, o 103, no 41. Of the
1 I5o voto onst, 31 wore women'.
The indgc wore 8. C Caldwell. O.
, M McKay mid M. J. Kolljr. F. O.
' Minor, Mom FarnhHin uud II. II. Da
Mm acted n olerk. Caldwell ioik
Ue return to Prliievllle. At tho
taut general olortloH 381 vote- ro
st lu tho product.
l)rrliuton Prrrlucl.
Fifty vote wero eaat In DotelmtOM
preelnrt, whoso voting place I' In
lot!", and whleh Inoludea ivtueh of
tho rural district onat and noilh of
4 Uund, together with tho town or Do-
4'hutea or Controlo. Of thuae, 13
were women a votoa. In tho lust
general election 180 vol en wiro enat.
Tho result nro n followa: Unlvoral.
ty building, yea S8. no 14; now build'
, Ing, yr 20, no 31; aterllliatlon, yus
26. bo 10: county attorney, yea 35,
no 11; compoiiaatlon. yea 4 4, no 4;
t bond, ye 37, no 13. Tho Judge
wero J. K. Hood. Thomas Tweot and
We are now occupying
temporary quarters on.
Wall Street, south of the Been Build-
, inlg. Wo expect to move Into our new
building at tbo old location, corner of
Wall and Oregon Streets, . about the
JBrsL of tbo year. Wo aro working
under disadvantages and wo will ask
oar friends to bear with us during this
time. Wo shall continue to servo
them to the best of our ability.
The Deschutes Banking Trust
D. I'URRRLL, President V. O. .MINOR, Secretary
K. M. LA'RA, Caihler " '
DirkctoujI v
B. FKRRHLIy, i. O. MINOR, R. M. I.ARA, x
- - .... 4
Four v, m. A mcnaao Junt
received Rlvoa returnM from -
Kiilclier precinct, near Miidrm,
Tho nt'ornito voto on tho inona-
urea la almllar to other pro
rlnela, The voto on tho road
tiomla la 4 In favor of tliem and
117 aRiiluat them. I'ronortlon-
utely to the total vote, till a pre
edict polled more than any other
In tho county.
O. K, llnnellnQ. The clorlta wero W.
W, Orciltt and Htave Htoldl.
Hiaterw ARMliiMt.HondM, '
Tho, only ruturim recelvod from
Hlalera concern the road bond Imuo,
which wua awomped. Thoao favorliiK
It numhered 4 nhlla 88 balloted
ngalnnl It.
HliOMONI). Nov. C.A majority
of llodmond votea went "yea ' on nil
tho miKiaurea, In all, (II votea wero
enat, n low or which wero by women.
Tho returna at mid: tinlveralty build
lug, yea ftk, no 31; new blllldlliK, yea
eu, no .to: riterilliaiinn, )ea KG, no
32, oounty nttnruey, yea HO. no 14;
compeiiaatlon, yea 70, no 10; houtla.
yea 70; no 18.
I.AIDI.AW, Nov. C. Twonty wom
en voted horn ycaterdny. Laldlaw
ahowod Haoir In favor of all tho mcaa.
uroH, ovon tho bonding carrying by
a amal! margin, 47 to 3f. Tho JudKea
wore C. P. Ilccker, Fred Wllaon and
W. II. May. Floyd Hcott, W. I).
Ilarnea and Fred Wallaco aervod aa
clorka, Tho voto followa: unlvoral
i building. yc :.'.. no U; now build
ing, yea 47, no 20; aterllliatlon, yea
42, no 30; county attorney, yea 02,
no 10; conltienaatlon, yea 73, no 11;
botida, ye 47, no 30.
At.t.KN'd nANflll Mn. r. v
womon voiod at tho election In Iva
precinct hero ycaterdny. Tho voto
atanda: university building, yea CMno
ii new iiuuuinK, yea o, no s; aiorii-
imiiiin. yea v; no iu; niiorney, ye
0, no 1; romponaatlon, yea 6, no 4;
iiuiiu, yea o, no .
MADHA8, Nov. C.Kvdntly tho
fnrniera In thla aectlon, which cornea
nearer to being Hprlngar torjltory
thnn any other, wero nrottv woll
allrrod up agalnat tho bond Imuo. aa
they turned It down In Madraa pro
olnct OK to 10. Madraa waa on tho
propoami road, too. Tho other ro-
turna are: tinlveralty building, yea
on. jiu iu: new iiutiding, jea 37. no
10; atorllUatlon. yea 31. no 41: at
torney, yua C3, no II: compoiiaatlon,
yeu'&O.Tld' IS bonda, ye lo, no CS.
rowiai, nrrTH akainkt iioxds.
I'OWHI.I. IIUTTK. Nov. 6. With
20 voting, at tho Hhenhord aohool
liotiho.. nil tho rofurondod meaaurea
wxeept tho university building appro
priation wore endorsed, while the
road tmnda were turned down. A
few women voted. Mra C. M Charl
ton uaa a clork. being tho first wom
an to nOtciato on an ob'othni iMiard aa
wan aa tun nrai lo east n Wallet In
thla district. Tho Judge were itarl
Haunuvr. Joe Hlllott and Ora Foa
tor, Tho olerks wero Mr. and Mra,
C. M. Oharltou hnd Allen Wlllcoxon,
The veto was aa followa: I'nlvenib
ty building, ye 11, no 7; tinlveralty
now building, yea 3, no 0; steriliza
tion, yea 10; no 0; oounty attoruoy,
yea 10. no j; oomponaatlnn, yea 13,
no 0; rood bonds, yea 0, no II.
LA FINK, Nov. C With only IS
votea cast, tho I.n IMno ladle ahowod
tltey aro on tho political Job by rop-
(continued on pago four)
HemiK'nila Arp Vlctorlona In Maan
eluiHctta, .Miirylmiil, Sew Jcrtqy
mid VlrRlnlu In Venlrnbiy'a ,
Klrvtloiia In TIiom) Ntntea.
Hpeolol to Tho Hulletln)
KHW VOIIK. Nov. fi, A landaltdo
of fusion ballots truck the Tammany
tlRor yeaterday, mutilating-that pollt
leal beaat ao aoverely that Ha enomlca
claim that It la out or tho running
for many moona to come.
John I'tirroy Mitchell la noxt mayor
or Now York City, and with him hia
entire ticket will go Into ofllco. Alao,
Sillier, tho dopoacd Governor, la
elected to tho aaaomhly by a big ma
jority. "Chlor" Murphy or Tammany
Hall ha been hard hit by tho flulzor
boomerang, for even a groat jtortlon
of tho faithful oaat aide warda deaerU
ed tho Tammany colors after the
fierce attacka delivered agalnat Ha
boaa by Sulxer and hla nontenants.
In Maaaachuaotts, Maryland, Now
Joraey and Virginia tho Democratic
party has como out on top handaomo
ly. In tho Hay Htato David L. Walah,
Democrat, won from tho I'rogrcavj
slvo,tlllrd, for Governor, by a com
fortable margin. In Maryland lllalr
J.eo, Democrat, waa cloctod United
8tatca Senator, defeating a Hopubll
onn and a I'rogrcaalvo. Harry C.
Stuart, nnotltor Democrat, waa cboa
on Governor of Virginia. In Nuw
Joraey tho Domooratlo gubornatorlal
candidate, James T. Fielder, won.
Thla afternoon about 5:30 will oc
cur tho wedding of Miss "Kdlth
Hsites, daughter or Mr. and .Mrs.
J. A. Hastes, to George Stnpleton or
Han Franelsoo. Fnthbr Huller will
perform the ceroinony, which will bo
very qHlel. From 0 to 7:10 there
wilt be a roeeptlon at the Altnmout,
a feattiro or which will bo chorus
singing by the girl friend of the
bride. It Is understood that Mr.
and Mrs. Stapleton will loavo for
Portland on tonight's train.
Mrs, II. W. SkUBo and Mrs. It. 11.
Gould wero hosieries at n ahuwer
given Miss Kdlth Kaatoa Saturday.
Monday the bridal party dined at
tho hoihe or Mr. and Mrs. Prlngle.
Yeaterday Mlsa Unstop and licr fl
anco, Georgo Stapleton, together
with Mlaa Sara Perry and D. M.
Davla. wero guests nt n bridal lunch
eon given by Mrs. G. P. Putnnm.
IThFs Wonderful Heater will
save 1 -3 of your fuel bill. )
c iBESfeBfe. vbbbbPHbbbbs
Bend Hardware Co.
Many Minor Fire Occurred Hut AH
Wero Hlly Checked Ix'wh Hllcbt-
ly 0er 91000 Fciv Ket by
CnmM'ni During llio Hummer.
With the oloso of th'o flro notinon,
tho local forestry omaora and the l)o
ehutus Valley Fire Patrol Assoetatlon
havo taken a reckoning of work dono
nnd reaulta uccotnpllahod during tlo
past Huimuer. AlthouRh tho number
of Area has been sotnowhat larger
than during tho season or 1912, tho
organization ha been such that ull
havo been quickly reached by tho
fighter and easily oxtlngulahed bo
foro doing much damage
Tbo foreat service had tho larg
est territory to cover tbia year and to
a groat extent tho least-accessible as
tho timber land nearer at hand I all
privately owned. In all about one
million acres havo been under the
forest service patrol and 13 men havo
been employed In tho work. Theso
havo also been of asalatapce In the
watching of private lands, or which
tho amount under supervision
was 176,000 acres. Two men have
been regularly employed by tho De
ehute association and others occas
ionally when fires havo occurred.
In all, tho forest service accord
ing to Supervisor Merritt, has had
108 fires, of which 93 wero under a
fourth of an aero. Only 11 burned
over moro than 10 acres, while tho
total acreage burned amounted to
1001 at a total loss or $1210. On
private lands there wero only rour
fire and CO acro.wore tin mod over.
Tho cost of extinguishing tho fires
In tho national forests was about $10
each, while tho total Coat or main
tenance or tho fire patrol system la
estimated nt about $1500. Thla does
not Include tho expenno of building
now tolcphone lines which havo been
of tho greatest valuo In flro fighting
by providing a means of quickly re
porting blazes and -summoning as
sistance. So in o 04 mile of lino nnd
trail havo been built this year and 32
nro planned for next year, which
will funilsh oomploto Intor-communl-catlon
between headquarters nnd tho
different stations In tho forest.
Most of tho Are for which a cause
could lie ascertained started either
from lightning or campers' chrntos-1
Rom. Sneak In or the latter. Mr. Mer
ritt said that he regarded It as n very i
uonuraglng sign that only 17 flro!
wore startod ly campers when proli-,
ably aw many as sooo were in too
wood during the sHtnmor at differ
ent tlmos Tho record was ovon moro
remarkable when It Is considered that
of these 17 a large proportion was
not started by siwrtsmen but by trav
eler who built flro by tho roadside.
Tho total cost per aore or Mie flro
patj-ol was about one-tourth or a com
In tho cafo of tho national forests
and slightly moro for tho private
aoreage, tho differencn In the two
amounts arising from tho fact that
In tho latter case tho costs aro spread
over a much larger acreage. With
tho trail nnd telonhone lines that
havo boon put In this year and are
planned for noxt year, and with tho
organization that lino been built up,
tho, local forciiLs will hnvo n protec
tion In tho coming years that will go
far toward minimizing Iosmm.
Mnitonfc Hnll and Four Office Arc
Planned For Mccond Floor of New
Htriicturo That 1 Detng Hullt.
Tho brick building being erected
at tho corner of Wall and Orceon
streets y tho Deschutes Investment
Co. will bo or two stories Instead or
one, as originally planned, thus add
ing another substantial modern build
lag to too list or local structures.
Tho upper floor of tho bulling will
havo a &0 foot frontage on Wall
ntreet and & depth or 90 foot for
hair or tho width, the southerly 2S
rest being only 30 feet deep. The
room In tho -rear, 2G by CO foot, haa
been leased by tho Hond Lodge of
Mason, who will tnovo in as soon a
the building I completed. In addi
tion to tho Masons' hall there will
bo four offices.
Kntranco to tho upper floor will
bo from tho rear or tho structure,
tho stairs coming out on Oregon
Crescent Meeting Kndorncs Itond
Ilulldlng .Scheme.
t8peclal to The Hulletln)
CRESCENT, Nov. 4. An enthu
siastic good roads meeting waa held
liero Saturday night at which Judge
... , UUiUCU uiiu tsuuiiuissiuiiur
Johnllaglcsteln were the chief speak
ers, Ucal Supervisor John Knott
and II. P. Hoy were also in evidence
Tho move to bond Klamath coun
ty for $320,000 tor road construe-,
tion was unanimously endorsed.
Judgo Worden explained that tbo
route would lncludo ft through road
from the Crook county line near La
Pine to California, and a aide road
from Crescent to Odell lake. The
road will be 30 feet wldo, with an
additional 15-foot clearing on each
side. Tho petitions will bo circulated
commencing November IS; the Coun
ty Court will act December 1, and tho
election will bo called for December
20. Judgo Worden stated that the
county assessment will total close to
$17,000,000 thla year. Reports from
all parts of tho county indicate a
II;; majority for tho bond Issue.
Tho plant of the Ilend Sash & Door
Co. was destroyed by flro Monday
night. The origin of tho flro la un
known. Tho blaze was discovered by
II. Struble, one of tho proprietors,
who lives In the neighborhood, aliout
11 o'clock. It liad apparently start
ed In a corner of the shop and had
spread so rapidly that thoro was no
ho io of extinguishing It. The plant
Including machinery nnd stock on
hnnd, both rough and finished, was a
total lose. Tho total damage runs
up to about $0060, of which nlKiut
half was covered by Insurance. It Is
expected that the factory will bo re
built as the business was Just devel
oping with 'many order ahead.
- l
W. D. Cheney of Seattle, presi
dent or the Hend Park Company, was
hero Sunday. Dr. U. C Coo. who had
been in Portland lor a week, camo In
with Mr. Chonoy, and with thorn
wero Dr. Edward Allen Pierce, tho
noted physician or Portland, and F.
T. Watson, a publicity man or largo
experience who has sorved as mana
ger or several large commercial or
sanitations throughout tho North
west. Sunday evening Mr Cheney
entertained the Emblom Club at a
dinner at Corkott'a.
Our bai
'Ill 2 S fc T J lr' &$&w!ntf il MftiStii'lt
I' Sw ' TcSBBWlBBBpWNW'f'- .'jUI
Your motiey will be snfe in our National Bunk,
which hits n charter from the U. S. Government to tlo
a Banking business. Under our charter we must con
duct our business under the National Banking Act.
ThisMaw places our bank under the supervision of the
Treasury Department at Washington. A RIGID
EXAMINATION of the bank's affairs is made several
times every year ill the interest of its depositors.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
The First National Bank of Bend.
Multnomah. County Ilririgo Hond Is
sue Carries Halcm, Oregon City
and Other Town Go Dry Clat
sop County Vote For Hond.
(Special to Tho Hulletln) ,
PORTLAND, Nov. G. 2 p, m
With tho excoptlon or tho steriliza
tion act, all tho refcrended measures
put up to the people yesterday wero
sustalnod by overwhelming , majori
ties. Tho sterilization act was de
feated by what promise to bo a ra
ther small margin, when all tbo re
turn are In. A comparatively light
vote was" cost tbrpugbout tho state.
The Multnomah bridge bond Issue
carried comfortably, a did, tho road
bond issue In Clatsop county. In Sa
lem, and many smaller towns where
local option elections wero held pro
hibition won, and next year the capi
tal wilt bo ft dry town. Incompleto
reports from Tho Dalles Indicate that
that town will remain wet. Oregon
City Joins the ranks of tho dry..
Tho most notable voto waa that on
tho university appropriation acts,
which carried by moro than two to
one. Theso seemed to ovoko more
Interest thsn any of the others.
Six Candidates File Nominating Pe
tition With Recorder.
The city registration book closed
Saturday night, und those not regis
tered will be obliged to be sworn, in
by ix freeholders at tho poll Decom-
rber 2. In all 284 registered. , of
wnom lvi aro men ana 87 women.
At last, year's, municipal election 363
voto wore coat. 112 of them being;
women's. In 1911 tho total voto woj
297, at a hot election when a far
larger proportion or voters went to
the polls tlinu exercised tho franchise
last year.
Thus far but six candidates have
filed petitions of nomination with tho
I recorder, a step which Is required in
order to have tholr names placed on
Tho candidates in the field are II.
A. Miller for mayor; J. D. David
son. Ralph Polndexter, II. J. Over
turf and Theodore Aune for council
men, and Miss Mar E. Coleman for
At tho council meoting last night
bills woro.ordered paid and tho street
committee was directed to take up
with tho city attoruoy the matter of
preparing an ordinance to regulate
tho stylo and manner of erection of
lamp posts on tho streets. Here
after no bills will bo paid unlets they
are accompanied by tho order under
which tho work was dono or tho ma
terial furnished.
K Ng&g