BK1TP BULLETIN, BKND, ORB., WKfiNKADAV, OCTOnKIt 549, itjn. 7 FAGKCI. 1. A' '.: The Patterson Drug: Co. will reopen for business with a complete new ' stock soon. We hope to merit a continuance of your patronage. I! T LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mri, Krtwlii lilnnoy left for Nmv York Krlilny. Mr. It. J), (Jouli) J confined lo Mr homo by llltics. J I. W. llndMott cot out of tlio lioi- jiltol In Portland Huttirday, J. H. Carbatt took In tbu Potato yiiow nt Iti'ilniotiil Rntunlny. P. W. llrown hiiN Vcon In ton from l.n 1'Jno (or novttml dny. Horn, to Mr. nntt Mm. liluxir V. Wnru, TuMy morning, ". Dr. U. 0. Coo wont (a PortlBiiJ on litisliii'M liut Wwlnciday I'VCOluv. On Huturilny occurred .tho first Vubsorljilloii Chili druca of tho .. Oil, Mr. tint) Mm. Ifonrr MeColl or PrlUVTlllv woro Hand visitor Moii. iiy. Victor gchrcditr nnd son nr In to. liny from Itolyai for lumber and sup plies. Mr. nnd Mm. II. C. Hmltli of lliirim wura registered nt thv llotol Wrltclit 8undy. imrlnl to npnliU tlio' winter. Mm, IIuieIi O'Kltnu, who lion boon In poor hi'iilth for Komu tlino, nun tono to Portlund to try a utiatigu of ClliwtU. Totilclit Wednesday) tho ladle of Him l. H. churcli nro lioldlnir n crtfwtorlii uiipr In fhrt old IhisIoIIIcu building on iVull treult . H. W, Merrill, who lm a claim In tho Harney Holes district, wn In iuwii inu n rai or UIO WCt'K. Howard Onrrlah of Tacoimt rt'ennt ly nrrlvvd In I lend and Iiiih taken n position In Hliuuy'a grucury.. Thorn will bo a mooting of tho LI brary Club noxt Tueduy afternoon jit ,n o'nlockj nt tlio library. Tl. 12. K'o'jii loft Saturday night for Portland whoro ho la lo bu murrlud today to Mm. Adolu ID. 8cliiirr. Mm. Mnry )'. Mulkoy loft Saturday for Kunnewlok, Wuli mid after n vlult tboru will ko to Ulyniplu to live. 0, C. Ilunklo loft thin morning with n party of ImiUxuekvr from Tu coma, taking tiivlii tu l.oil Creak val-Joy. "J The "COO" club will bo entertained tomorrow nfturnoun by Mm. Krutik Hennelt. aL T." , ' narMVy O'Oonnirtiitumed Run day inornlnit fHilft hi ttli tu Wells MIIC, Mot h i Davlcf. who baa been away Iron liund onio time, returned Mon May tolislit. Mm. Forbci, who haa been nway recclvlnic medical treatment, haa re turned home. Mm. Colo K. Hmlth returned VtU dnynlKtit "from fllianlko whero ho , liiul boon visiting. The KnlnlllB of Pythlaa cove n very Mticreimnil ilnnco nt gather' hall lust Wvdntkdny nlKht. v A. H. Cousins, district fiscal aKenf from Portland, la hero today on for-, out Horvleo business, , Work haa commenced upon the ktrvot Improvement Uhder thu Urven I wood avnuMaduiu ' C Wr-nfco' and H. Anderson of UiV 'pcrlnl wnrt In town Monday, guest , m the ltotol Wright. Mm. C. It. Xloliol and dauishtur, MUa llvatrlcu Wlncate, have mturnud tv I'end after nu abuvnco of Hvvorul Month v Phil Mahiuam of Portland, who halt been hero for auvorul months for hit health, went tu Portland Tuoi day morning, Mlia Amelia II. Hohle arrived last' Thuraday from Portland to take u po altlon av ateaoKrapbur for tho KlMt National Hank. 'Mr. and Mm; J. I). Heyburn wont to Portland Friday to have Mr. Hoy burn'a eyea attended tu aud to pro cure now glasavi. Dr. Ida nehrendt of linker City, an optician who haa vlilted Hand before, announce that ahe will be at Uio llend Hot 1 from November 3 to 8. Mm. J. 12. Knscbrctaon went up to thu homvatuad uonr l.u Pine yetter day where tho and a party of ladlos will apend n wgek or mom cnmpliiB. J, N, Hunlur ll at Kooil Itiver look Iiik after tha iimrkt!iiK or hla nppln erupt A InrKO number of boxei have befit purchaaod or him by local man. Martin K. Korcm made proof bo frfre Cammliialonor Hllla Saturday on bla deaurl claim flvo in I lea north of town. Hla wltneMe were W. X, . Dlahman ahlntiCil alx car ofllunnell and Albert Hnrryman. Portland atock yatfl. unt j ,, toBri of xe q. i. 8. After I4r Iftat Thuraday evening and W. C. Wltkea. naalatnnt nonoral tho Fraternat llrotherhood had a ( fruluht and pumouKor nKunt, woro banquet at tho Vlennn. Mr, ant Mm. II. H. Harmon havo hero. Plnvil IHiinenL K. M. Thomnaon. eomo lu trom their homeiitaud ut Im-'Clarence Mannhelmer nnd U M. Fos Do you realize Thatl havo a very fina lino of DRESSERS right hero at homo to choose from? Newest styles, latest finishes, extra quality material and first class workmanship. YOtT'CAN BUY good Dressers'nt home just ns reason able us in Portland. Come in and let me figure with you. SPECIAL for Friday and Satur day this week' only Dresser suit able for hotel or rfN J rooming house-- Jl W J if v Reg. $8, speeml T 9" " rt ' L M. THOMPSON Where Your Dollar Dooa Ita Duty. attended tho Potato Hhow In Hud inoud Friday, koIiir down In Walter Coomb' auto, A. I, Hunter expeel to niovn to hi now quarter In the MtitzlK build lug next Week, Mm. K, I). Molntoah entortalnud tho Itoynl NalKhbora Inat ovehlUK. MuhIo wan enjoyed and rofrcahment worn eorved. Tlio PrlRclllna proiiontod tho "Old Mulda Convention to mi overflow. Iiik Iiouno nt tho IJrcam Friday oven Iiik, nnd nltlioiiicli wliort thu iierform unco wua very entertalnliiK. F. K. Dick ha moved hi tailor nliop from hi fornior location on Mlnneotu atreot to tho quarter on Wall atieet formerly ocuupled by thu OrcKon Jiiveatmont Company. Tha weddlnif of MInh Kdlth KuhIoh nnd Oeorxu Htapluton will occur next Wudneaday evenliiK. Tho ceremony will be n quiet one. Tho reception, from B to 7:30, will bo at tho AlU- mom. Forreat W. Neeld. who boa bnen vlaltliiK at hi old homo In Oawvon, Neb., for auvernl month, returned hut week to Uend, going out Satur day on hi hosueatcad In Hampton valley. Ur. A. I.. William, a puyalalan and iiirceon or Portland, will be In Jlend toilKht to locato permanently. For the present ho will bo found nt Dr. J, H. Connarn' olllco lu tho Huther bulldluK- Bull haa been filed by John N. Lln- tor ngalint J. J. Adama and the city of Uend for the ioen of his right nrm becauea of alleged dvfccUvo niachln ery. OamnRca to tho amount of JfiO,000 are claimed. In n suit brouKht lu Juntlco Fan- tea court oKaliiit draco I, Guy and II. Htrublo for tho return of certuln piiraonal property, which wna heard TliiiMdny, JudKtncnt was found for the plaintiff, w. R. Oay. Tom Sharp or Crooked river wo knocked down nnd conaldernbly hurt by u runaway team on thu Henry Mo Call ranch Inat week. When the team bolted Mr. Sharp tried tu atop Jt, but roll In front ot tho horc. Tiie HrlilKo Club will moot tomor row afternoon with Mr. F. R. Mar tin, one of thu now memlioM. Tho other addition lo the club uro Mr. McKay and Modnm Allen. The tlub met lul week with Mr. Allen 8r. I.. M. Foi of tho O.-W. It. & N'. Co, ha received word thut a oul-off roewiitly nut In operation on tho com pany' Hue In Kama ahorton the dlatanco to Knnsa City by 110 mile. PackaKu frelr.ht now goo through In II uuyn, Tho Portland Orcsoulan or lat Wedueiday contained tho following Item of local Interest: "Chicago, Oct. SI. ( Special 1 Tho following from Oregon are rcKlatered at Chicago ho- tela: From Hend At, the I Salle, J. B. Sawhlll." Mr. and Mm. F. T. Parker nrrlvod Monday from Aitorla and havo rent ed tho Markel bungalow. Mr. Par ker will tako a poltlon In tho olllce of tho Hend Water, Light & Power Co. He wo formerly connected with the General Electric Company. A duck huntlne narty went from horo to Silver I.ako over Sunday, con- alitlng or V. A. Forbe. Charlc M. KMklne. M. a. i-ntun, Jtaipn roin dcxtor, C. H. Shumway and rather, and T. K. J. Duffy, Perry Polndexler and Nuto Polndoxtor ot Prinovlllo. Tho Corn Show of tho O.-W. 11. & N. will bo held at Pendleton on uv cembor 6 and C At thl tlm the result of thw company' Ulstrl butlon will bo aeen. O. A. Jonca wua ouo or thoio In thl neighborhood who tried tul uuu unuor uio uirec Hon of "Farmer" C. L. Smith, lltov. 0. H. Wilk'.na, PrcaOyterf&n nilnutur. arrived Friday nlcht with hla wlfo nnd aou. Sunday he held. orvcea nt tho Proabyterinn, onuron. Ho will bo puator hero until March and iiorhup louger. Ho comes from llerkeloy, Cal., and during last win ter was in V. ,M. C. A. work lu Port land. On complaint of II. B. Wooloy, C. K. MyoM nnd Fred Wllkey were tried beroro Justico Uustea Thursday on a ohnrgo of permitting gambling In tlioir vuloon on Hond strwut. They wore hold In bond or 1100 oach for Oi.l kiniiil lurv. Shorlff Blktna nnd Deputy Dlsirldt Attornuy Wlrtx woro uvr irum I'rinoviuo tor (no iriai. Tho dofenduiits wore not roprtmtnted by counsel. , Tho United Artisans havo leased tho upper floor or tho Lara building and are, going to reconstruct and fur nish it for lodge purpose. Lust oven Inn n meeting or tho mumtfura wna hold In tho hall nnd plan mado for Its permanent uso. Order for suit nblo furniture- will bo placed at once. Tho plan carrlca club room privileges for members only. Applications tor momborahlp were presented nnd a class accepted, nftor which a banquet was served. Hegular mooting aro to bo hold Thuraday evening of each week. .Piano tuning. Leavo orders nt Thompson's furulturo storo. 32tt NOT1C15 OF CONTF.8T. Department of tho Interior, United Suites hand Olllco. Lnkovlew, Oro- mn nnlnlinr 22. 1913 To Harry Wurgaft or present address unKnown, uonivsiuu: V.m ii p.i luiriilvv nntlllml (lint Kmol A. Nelson, who gives c-o Hox 13U, llonu, Oregon, hb. ma posionico iui- ili-nan rllil mi Drldlicr "2. 1!)1S. till) In this olllco hla duly corroborated ap plication to contoat and securo tho cancellation or your homeatead entry tin anrlnl 'n. nR02fi. IllDlln Soptombor 23, 1913, for WW sec. 27, lownsnip au ., rungo as r.usi, vu lnmotte Morldlun, and as grounds for i.iu .nninut Im nllnfiH Hint nslil HnrrV Wurgaft haa rnllod to ostnbllsh or mnlntnln ina rosiuonco upou sum .. Mint Im linn fnllnil In nuHlviltu sntd tract; thnt anld qntrymait has ubandouod aatd ontry ror upwards of Six montllH mm Pai uuu mui. nuvn failures and abandonment woro nQt duo to his employment In tho army, navy or marine corpa of tho United ptntes In tlmo of war or othorwlso, you are, inereiore, turmur u" fled that tho said allegation will bo taken by thl offlco a having been confcMsed by you, and your said entry will bo canceled thnrnundor without your further right to bo hoard thoro In, olthor More this office or on ap peal, If you fall to fllo In this offlco within twenty 'day after tha FOUllTH publication or this notice. as shown helowe your answer, under ontn, specifically meeting and re- spending to theio allegations of con tet, or If you fall within that tlmo to fllo lu thl office duo proof that you havo nerved a copy of your answer on tho Raid contestant In person or by rcKlslorcd mall. If thl acrvlco I made by tho delivery of a copy of your answer on tho ald contestant in person, proor or such acr vlco must bo either tho said contest ant written acknowledgment of hi receipt of tho copy, showing tho dato of Ita receipt, or the affidavit or the person by whom tho delivery was mado stating when and where tho copy wn delivered; If mado by regis tered mall, proor of such tervlco must consist or the affidavit of tho person by whom tho copy wn mailed stating vhen and tho postofflco to which It was mailed, and this affidavit must bo accompanied by tho postmaster' receipt for tho letter. You should atato In your answer tho namo of tho postofflco to which you deslro further notice to be sent to you. JA8. r. HUKOE8S. ' Itcgiitor. Date of first publication Oct. 20, 1913. Data ot second publication Xov. S, 1913. Dato or third mibHoatlon Nov. 12. 1913. ?)ato of fourth publication Nov. 19, 1913. KUPOKT 01' Till'. CONDITION OK The First National Bask OF BEND Ho, JJ hi Iknd. In Ih SUle of (Irtkon, t the dote of buot., Oct. Jl'i l'l KIlfiOUHCItrt. I,oMntdlcounU ........ fli,)4et rtilifH. TimluJunciftd . j.mj 8( U H Honda UiMvuicctrcuUtUu. ....... KJoiro liomli. tM-curUtt. Ittc .. iMi lUnklnr bw. furniture ml (Iilurn, mil 07 Hat from illonl naukt (not rrcrrc (rata) ...- l.fl J? Du'Irotn male and ITIratc nanka and Dinkrri. Trait Campanlra and lujia lunki . "Si V Dutfiem Approttd cr Afrnt . ( y CfetCk and olhrr Caah Itctni ... 476 Tj NoUa cf6thcf Mattonal lunka .,.... 1 41 00 Fractional Iiptr Currency, NtcktU and Ctnla . .... tfl It Lanful Money Kctmrr In nank.vlt. Specie ..... 4.VIJ mi Igal-lrndcr notra ...... '..... IJJoJ 9 It.ilS Hrderapliou fund with U. 8-T'taiuttr () per cent of circulation)... ...... (i T4al . . 4M1.09) i tlADIUTUiS. Capital atock paid In ... ...f tyao o Hurplua fund.. . -... .... ). to Undivided ITi'fcU, 1cm lUptnaca nnd Taarapald IJI 4 KaUoaal Hank Notcaoutatandlnr ll.tuaco Ihje o other .National lunka. .. (J4 It Ihie to Plate and rrleate nanut ua .Itankera ... ... ...... .- Iu to apurored Keaertt Atcnta Individual depoaua au - s.';i u noatla aurrfrct 10 Check... Demand cettlhcnlea ofdcrxwlt Time Certificate oflMooatt ...-.. Catnicr a enrcka ouutanainr .... Tola! -. ....-MJ.09J U BTATK OP OKHO.ON, counivaitrooK, 1 . c h. lludMn. Ciahlrt of the above named bank, do aolemnly awear that the abot arate nient la true to Inc beat of mv knowledge and belief. C B. HUDSON. C.hier. ConarCT AtTBatl K. A. BJkTIIKB. It C. KLLta. O. M rATTMaOM, Ulrectort. Subacribed and iwont to befuIJ Qlt tbla Kth day of Oct . tytA. l.J'.WJlVli. M(KtttnUI.UB, fioiarr l-uwit. SWORTOHTIIKCONDtriONOH . The Deschutes Banking & Trust Co. No, ji. at nend.ln the Walt of Oregon, at tbe cloae ol Inttiocoa Oct. Jin. IIJ. KIKklUKCliS ..JjSjAHtf Loanaand dtcounta.. ..... ........... , t)trUraU. wcurWand unicoirtd .. 1st notidaaud U'airnuta ...,...... . jr eo l(.ir. tllur ami Vtaturea. ......-. I.fai 18 Due from approved reaervc banka . 4,4)6 y Chrcka atn atner caan lieran......-. Jfl 71 Caah oil hand -.. . 4-OJJ S Kitwlixt.. . . .....-.-- ...... jjjj 7 Other torct. tutertU atct,.... j6i tt TUl .... - - IM.UI 7i 1.IAI11UTI1W Capital alock hatd In .... tl&OM eo UiHllvhltd nrouu, iea expemea it taa paid . J IM Ji Ouc to banka ami panne. a.... ... j.7uoa Individual denoaltaaubject to eilealu. a.6 Iwmarhi.criiaciaaoi ucpuan liu .. 1,93a 00 lil.i JJ . Time Ccitificate of Dcpouu... Total STATU Ol' CikKOON, Ciuintv of Croak. I I, It. M. Lara, Caihler of the above-named bank, doaoleiunlr awear that the above atatc mrnt la lm lo the beat or my knowledee and Ullef. K M. UARA.Caahler. ButMcrlbed indawoni.to before methla lytb day of Oct., lyii. U. N. Hot-WAN, Notary fublic Correct rAtteats U. VKHanLL. V. O. Minus. tMrectora. "Wbachu" Say? MiDnhttacr's haten't got it? Try cs and see. HAVING YOUR WANTS IS WHERE WE SHINE. We want you to know there is a Silk Strike and that, we Ve just received some striking values in Silk Petticoats priced at $3.50 $3.75, $4.00 and $4.50. These chilly nights there is . nothing warmer than a Mackinaw. We have them for Men, Ladies and Boys. Mens Mackinaws, $4.50, $6.00, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50. . Ladies Mackinaws, $6.00 to $10.50. Boys Macki naws, $3.50 to $5.00. 'Shop tit the Store where you get Greater Values nnd Better Merchandise. Mannheimer's The Store for All the People. IrSxJaBF II ll BaS5 Tlaw M I Do Not Parboil "Swift's Pre: 9 Or :mium Ham Before broiling or frying This brand because of its perfect preparation docs not need to be parboiled. It has a tenderness and fine flavor that cpjinot be improved Order from BERT SHUEY, the Cash Grocer Sugar, per hundred, $5.60 TEOLaVEO YOU iWONT HAVE A 'KICK Comm at AKftuiHGYoxr BUY FROM UVE 5ELL 3ood STUFF- we CANT AFfOUP To T-WXaSBJA. " jMSSSUp. wHaaDaK!!l am I mScaaW HBBBsXBBBBBBSrlfVljRi'' .S" i MVm m V ' . .'H,-fitt' I DO YvQU THINK FOR A MINUTE WE COULD AF FORD TO LET ANYBODY qo AWAY FROM OUR HARDWARE STORE DISSATISFIED, OR WIT! ANYTHING TO KICK ABOUT? WE WANT PEOPLE TO COME BACK AGAIN. WE WANT CUSTOMERS FOR LIFE. AND WE CAN'T AFFORD tO MISREPRESENT THINGS OR DISAPPOINT OUR PATRONS. IF YOU HAVE A KICK AT ANYTHIHG YOU BOUGHT FROM US LET US KNOW IT, WE ARE HERE TO STAY AND WANT TO MAKE GOOD. Skuse Hardware Company Wc will give a $3 casting rod for tbe largest trout caught this season,