The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 22, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    FAOK ft.
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LA I'INB. Oct. 31, Mr. and Mrs.
It, Corliln returned rrom Honil Wed
nesday. Mr. Corliln mtulo n busl
no8 trip to The Ualloa with hlo sis
ter nnd brother-ln-lnw, Mr. and Mrs.
V. A. Damnrcst, Inst Sunilny, return
ing to Bend Monday evening. Mrs.
Corliln remained In Bend nnd visit
ed with friends.
Jolt Howard spent Monday around
Tho Prlnglo Kails crow has liecn
laid oft for tho fall and winter. Jack
Colo will hnve charge this winter.
Mr. Cornett, who has been work
ing at tho Prlnglo Kails power con
struction, started for homo yester
day. Ho has been over at tho falls
slnco It was possible for him to set
In last spring.
Herman Ulrdscll, who has been
running a donkey cnglns on the
coast, tor tho past year and a half,
is back In the country again. Ho
started driving stago from the sta
tion to Silver Lake and return to
night! F1vq hundred and fifty head of
Jamison's cattle passed through here
last Saturday. Mr. Jamison is tak
ing 1600 head over to lluck creek
for tho winter.
W. O. Kordham went to Bend laBt
Saturday. Mrs. Fordham had been
visiting with her sister, Miss Elno
Shults, and returned with him on
Ilalph Caldwell went down to
Bend Saturday.
Harry Hlloy wont to llcnd Monday
and returned tho same evening.
Mrs. Nettle Shultz visited with
her daughter. Miss Bins, last Saur-
uay and Sunday at uena.
HAMPTON BUTTE. Oct. 21. Earl
Rogers returned from Bend Sunday
with a load of supplies.
Ed Sshreder and John Carry re
turned from Maury mountain saw
mill with a load of lumber.
Ed Schreder and John Carry ro-
to his house. G. A. Johnson is chief
of construction.
C. t. Hlnman has finished his
houso and returned to Forest Grovo
for his family. They expect to bo
back In a few weeks.
Horace Brookings is remodeling
bis house. V. D. Harris Is doing tho
carpenter work.
James Brickey Sr., who has been
working on the Tunialo project, has
returned home.
Bert Meeks and T. C. Ewlng left
Sunday for Bend. Mr. Meeks has a
load of freight to haul out and Mr.
B - I II 111 P ( I sfcVkt WS-' M vJ II
ii I II I .t s v y ji( " I )I t -n - 1 1 1
' ' -
I. ' ' ' nM -ll
mOW IS THE TIME to Purchase Your Entire
't: Outfit of Winter Clothing
BARGAINS in Shoes, Hats and Clothing that are absolutely undamaged but are yours at FIRE SALE PRICES.
Rememler also that we have just received a big consignment of NEW GOODS--CLOTH1NG, UNDERWEAR,
SHOESi HATS, SHIRTS, TIES, MACKINAWS, OVERSHOES, Etc. No better goods can be had, at our vprices.
V. S
it )
t ",.14
- 4
Kwlng expected to remain lu Rend
mid nwift.
C. J. Stauffcr nnd Mr. McCJInlty tiro
in Uond for supplies and lumber
A. T. Shnver, tho well driller, wiia
In this locality Inst week and says ho
litis work enough ahead to keep him
busy for tho winter. Ills drilling rig
is now at Imperial.
0. A. Johnson was granted tho
contract for furnishing wood and
building two outhouses for district
77 nt a meeting of tho school board
on the ISth.
John and Oscar lllack, tho as
ststnnco of II. Brookings' teams and
machines, wcro clearing off brush
last week,
4 ----- -4b
HAMPTON, Oct. 16. Burr Black
and V. T. Harrison are working on
Dick Phillips place this week,
A. T. Framo came li6mo from
Bend early In tho week.
Leo Rlggs has bceu quite sick with
an attack of rheumatUm for tho past
two weeks.
V. Vissor Is selling potatoes and
other vegetables from his homestead
on Hampton Butte to the settlers of
this vicinity. He has n fine crop for
now land.
Mr. Ashley Is on his homestead on
Hampton Butte. Ho had been work
Ing for Bill Brown at the Gap Kanch
whila his family lived on the claim.
A. S. Fogg has Just finished clear
ing the remainder of ICO acres on
his place.
L. C. Peck Is clearing on Burr
Black's placo this week.
Mr. Bates from Barnes filed on an
additional plcco of land near his
homestead last week. Mi1. Whit
taker from Dry Lako acted as a wit
ness for him and also filed a contest.
Samlo Sampson from Dry Lake
mado final proof on his homestead
beforo A. S. Fogg Monday. N. Kins
of Dry Lake and Mr. Van I-nke of
Imperial wero also tn Hampton and
acted as Mr. Sampson's witnesses.
C. B. Harmon, ono of tho now set
tlors In here, is making many im
provements around his place.
Hurley Hogue returned from a trip
to Bend Monday.
C. Burrls mado a trip to Maury
Mountain sawmill after lumber tho
first of this week.
E. M. Peck Is riding for a horso
this week. Ho lost his horso early In
tho spring.
X;i,R M
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- -- - - -
..,., .--.
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PLAINVIKW, Oct. 80. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Baylor and Mr. nnd Mrs. Coin
stock spent tho day with Mrs. Bay
lor's mint, Mrs. Rogers, Sunday.
Tho Snow Creek ditch uompnny
hold a mooting at the Plaluvlow
sahool houso Monday atturuoon.
J. Strnhm and Bun-ln-lnw, K. J.
Young, wero busthusti callers In Red
mond Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Baylor and Mr. mid
Mrs, Comslock spent several days
last week on tliu Metollus.
Mrs. Adams spent Monday nt tho
Strnhm home.
.Mrs. Crawford and Miss Ellen wcro
trading In Bend Wednesday.
Mrs, J'iilnm and son James wero
In Slaters Wednesday.
A very delightful evening was
spent Thursday when about 48 of
tho friends or Ed Strahm gnvo htm
a surprise Thu ovontng was spent
in playing games, after which a light
luncheon was served.
Oeorga McAllister was transacting
business at his mines this week.
(Special to Tho Bond Bulletin.)
POWELL UUTTB. Oct. 20. Mr.
and Mrs. E. McCnbo and family of
Cllne Falls wero visitors at tho E.
iL. Johnson homo Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Orewllor nnd mother,
Mrs. Mary Orewllor. terminated a
ploasant visit with tho farmer's
daughter, Mrs. Shearer, leaving for
their homo In Bend Monday.
Mr. mid Mrs. William Jones and
family left Tuesdey for their old
homo In Kansas whero they will ro
malu Indefinitely.
Henry Edwards wont up to Bend
Wednesday with a load of grain.
Henry Tweet and Reeves Wlltcox
on vouch for tho story of having seen
a largo wild cat at tho old river bed
crossing on thn Redmond road Tues
day. They tied their toam nnd gavo
chaso but tho cat soon made his get
away among Ilia rooks. This Is tho
first wild cat hoard of near hero.
A largo load of Ice being hauled
from Bend to Prlnevlllo passed thro'
this section Thursday.
Mrs. W. G. Mustard was hostess to
tho Powell llutto Sorosls Wednesday.
Tho meeting was given over to oleo
tlon of officers after which tho host
ess served refreshments. She was
Smith Clothing Company
Everything to Wear
- - - - --
assisted In serving by Mrs. Ed Mus
tard. Olllcors elected arc: Mrs. Ida
Morso, president; Mri. V. T. Smith,
vice president, and Miss Ada Morse,
secretary mid treasurer. Tho nuxt
meeting will ho with Mrs. 1), A,
Yntes. Tho ladles passed tho follow
ing resolutions, u copy of which was
mailed HoriI Supervisor Wlltcoxuu:
"To tliu honorable road supervisor
for tho Powell llutto ronils: Where
as, thu road known as thu Wilson
road running north nnd south and
connecting tho upper and lower
Prlnevlllo roads Is In n deplorable
condition, being almost Impassablo
at n certain ditch crossing, and,
whereas, on tho night of November
SO tho members of this society will
servo n bnnquot to their husbands
nnd sweethearts, and, whereas, In or
der to resch our place of meeting It
will bccQinp necessary to travel said
road, wa as members of the Powell
Butto Hiirpsls rpiprolfully ask that
said road and ditch crossing bo pu
In riMifilr linmrn milil iltiln '
Henry Hanson liad A unaway on
Tuesday evening which might jinvo
resulted most seriously for htm. As
Is was his wagon Is a little the
worse for rough usage mid Henry Is
wearing a black eye.
Mr. Ltndqulst Is building a house
on his place and W. T Smith Is put
ting on an addition to his now house.
J. A, Rlggs was n Prlnevlllo visitor
Krldny. Ho was accompanied homo
by Hnxel Bnyn and Paulino Trues
dale, who visited homo folks, return
ing to Prlnovlllo Sunday.
E. N. Hall marketed a load of bar
ley at Prlnevlllo Saturday.
Mrs. I. W. Van Doron wns a home
coming passenger on tho Saturday
ovontng train from North Ynklmn,
Wash., whoro she had been visiting
relatives for the pant month.
County Schoop Superintendent J
E. Myers was a Powell Butte visitor
J. A. Rlggs Is having an Immenso
clsturn dug In his burn yard which
ho Intends to una as an Insurancn
against-shartngo of water for stock
In future. This makes threo cisterns
on the Rlggs fnnn ono for domes
tic purposes uud two for stock.
N. P. Alley Is doing the brick work
on K. I,, ivorsons now cistern.
Miss A I inn Johnsun visited In Red
mond Saturday and Sunday.
Tho rabbit drive Sunday fsllml to
draw the large number, of hunters
that were present two weeks ago. Tho
day was an Ideal Control Oregon day,
however, and all enjoyed themsolvo
Immensely. Mrs. Casey served thu
lunoli nt hor houso.
Merton Donlavy and J. L. Foster
for Men Who Care,
of Cllno Falls woro Powell llutto vis
itors Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wlltcoxon wero
Prlnovlllo visitors Tuesday.
(lenrgo Klslnr cmno home from the
ditch camp oust of Uond Riindiiy, ro
turning Monday morning with n loud
of hay and grain. Ho ropoils work
nruKiesnltiK nlcoly
C. W. KIklus. the Prfnovlllo mor
qhmit, wait u busliiiwH visitor In this
suction Friday, Ho wan Hollrllliig
orders for Pago wire.
I BEND R.. F. D.
UHNll H. F. D Oct. 21.-Mrs.
Mary Beohu went up to camp 1 on thn
Tumalo Inst Wednesday whore hot
daughter Eminii Is Very sick, Miss
Ilcelio Is with her sister, Mrs. J. A.
Watson. Mrs, lleebo may stay unite
a while. Miss Anna lleebo and little
Inter Irene went up with thulr moth
er but returned tho sama day,
Mrs. Fred Reynolds arrived homo
Sundny from I.n (Irnndo where she
visited her mother, who Is very sick,
Mrs. Wtlllnni Wnugh has been
away some tlmo on a visit to North
Ynklmn, wash.
II, u. Htowart wan homo Htindny
from tho Tunittlo project looking
after his place.
Mrs. Coin E. Smith Is away on n
visit to Shnnlko and other points.
(Special to Tho Ilullotln)
LAIDLAW. Oct. 20.-O. Laurganrd,
G. Ed Ross, W. I). Barnes mid Wil
liam Schnller went to ('rone prnlrlo
Saturday duck hunting, returning
Sunday night. An nuto load of thu
project engineers also went, and J.
II. Wlmer took a party In his nuto.
Tho lornl gun club Is arranging, to
havo n shoot hern on Thanksgiving
day. Therc'wllt bo a gold medal glv
on to tho best county murksmatt mid
also a medal to tho best shot In tho
Laldlnw club. There will also bo
shooting for turkeys with shotguns
nnd rltles. Invitations will bo sent
to all tho towns mid communities In
the county mid It Is expected that
there will bo n largo ntiiiilmr of per
sons here to toko part. There will
bo a dnnce In the evening In Agri
cultural hall. Tim gun club now hns
n membership of SI ntul has already
spent nearly f 400 far nppnrntus mid
S. Deblng, who owns, a building
bore next to Italian!' hlaaksmlth
shop, has eomo In from Madras nnd
states Hist he will open it short or
der restaurant.
The Tuinnlo project has finally got
a local iKiyroll system iHstalled and
thn October money will bo wld out
under thn now system. The old
plan of sending Individual vouchers
I v v
, ,
to Hnlnut and warrants being sout
rrom thorn direct to tho payee hmt
proved very uiinntlsfiiutury. lloro
nfler payroll shoots In voucher form
will bo mint to Hnleiu nnd when tho
Items uru approved uio total amount
will hi) deposited In tho First Nut
tonal Hank of lleiid and tho project
onnlmmr will Uioit draw filiuuk rnr
tho Individual amounts, dullvui'liiK
tho uhcckti to tho payeeu.
David (Vllnra, who hint boon prop,
urly limpuctoi' mill storekeeper fur
tho project, has gone to Hiilom to.on
tor the law school at Wlllmnuttn Onl
verslty. George lltmnloy left rouenl
ly for thn university to tiiko law nlso.
Miss Franc Newman wns taken to
thu hospital In Redmond Wednesday
by Dr. J. F. IIohcIi, tho project engi
neer, she having an attack of thn
grip. Shu hns recovered sullloloiitly
to bo nhlu to luavu tho hospital.
Thoro are now 125 men working
on tho project. During tho harvest
season It wns dlltlcult to get oiioiikU
men, Tho projegt work will continue
through the winter.
P. W. Ilensloy was In Bond Suit
day having deutnl work done,
O, l.niirgsnrd left tonight for Ba
ton) to attend a mooting of the Des
ert Laud Hoard,
Roy Allgood Is assisting on thu enr
rlngo In placo of Juck Savoy, who got
his arm out.
Owing to a log getting loose ami
moving on thu carriage, Hliier Mels
tad, sawyer, was pltohod from tliu
lover mid had his leg budly bruised.
It. II, Post started work us Might
wntchmnu Friday night.
John TodorofT. T. Hlleff nnd N.
Pauon have quit wprk hero to go out
for n whllu on their homesteads,
E. E. Larson left Saturday to taku
up a claim lu liko county.
A convenor Is being built to oarry
tho sawdust nut used lu tho ftirRasox
to the flro pit.
An addition has been made te thn
oil store for it belt and tool shed.
II. K. Donnelly, representing thn
statu engineer's oltlee, has been i
Crooked river and Hqunw creek for
several weeks cheeking up on water
permits. Ho was lu Uond Thursday
and stated that ho would finish (Mtt
work In about 10 dny.t.
Neat ilniiro programs nnd fiincy
pci'grniu miicII nt Tim Bulletin, In
nny quantity riotlrcd, tf
I'ltll ..V . N.M IT II
aWoiimivh at uw
Oregon Street (lend, Oreen
"p? snws Hjpsusum
Tim'"!! i I'MTl'-' ' ' '"' J-v"- ---"y-
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