The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 22, 1913, Page PAGE 12, Image 12

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    l'AGH 12.
iwno nui.t.KTiN', nuro, oiu:., wkijnusday, otrronKit sa, mm.
timnll Jail Willi Two Htecl Colls to
llo llullt nt Onco by City.
At n City Council mooting Inst
week bids for tho street Improve
ment work on Greenwood nvenuo be
neath tho railroad viaduct wore opon
od and tho work was uwnnlod o Tom
'Murphy, whoso bid totnlca ?10S6.
Tho elty has received trom tho rall-
,rond $1270 to. caver the ostlnmted
cost of the work, and also an amount
of cement, pi no and Iron manholes.
The wgrk will bo started at onco and
the nvonuo nt that point placed In
first elans shape.
Kids for tho" proposed municipal
building wero opened. It was found
that tho cost of tho structure as
plsnned would bo ovor $3ft00 and it
was decided for tho presont to drop
tho plan entirely and to eroct a
small brick Jail building. In which
nro to be two steel cells.
At a Mibsuqueut council meeting
tho Log Cabin saloon was ordered to
kcop closed ponding an Investigation
of alleged selling of liquor alien
hours last Friday night.
chased tho Handles ranch of SO
acres, together with nil stock nnd
other property on tho place, pnylng n
prico reported to bo ?7800. Twenty
Ave acres of thhr Is s coiled to clover
nnd alfalfa nnd tho ylold of clover
was nt loadt 4 tons to tho ncro tho
boat so far roportcd nnywhoro.
11. llolgcson hns 70 acres of Irrl
gnltlo land, nnd in of this Is now In
otovor- crop. From this ho securud n
2-ton yield. From 3 acres of alfalfa
G tons waro cut. Ills' potatoes, of
which ho hns 3 acres, nnd cnrrotB nro
not as good this year as last. Mr.
tlclgcson has 7 hogs nnd 4 cows.
Oeorgb M. Krlckson rnlsos wheat,
oats and clover hay on his 10 acres,
all of which is cleared but o ncres.
Four cows nro milked, tho butter wo-
Ing sold In Hend. Ho hns a Hook of
SO Ilnrrvil Uock chickens. Wlr. Hrlok
son took up residence on this farm
three years ago, this being his first
experience In farming.
C. I. Smith Is doing Intensive
farming on his 40 acres. It Is sown
to cloxer nnd alfalfa, mostb, nnd 75
torts wore cut from 30 acres. A fine
dairy herd Is kept, consisting of 15
cows. Eight are bow being milked.
About Sfi pounds of butter Is sold n
week. Mr. .Smith has SU hogs and
SO Plymouth Hock hens.
Hog With it 1'oillgice.
O. C. Cnrdwell Is speclnllilng In
hogs nnd dairying, nnd Is meeting
with much succoss. Kvory week ho
soils his cronm at tho lluud Oronin
cry, while tho skimmed product goes
lo make his hogs grow like wlldllro.
For Instance, ho hns a boar that has
gained 1 Mi pounds n day since June,
and also a pig that, by actual weigh-
lug, gained ft pounds In 10 days, Mr.
Cardwoll has SI Duroc Jersey pigs 4
wcok old worth now JJt.RO ouoh. llo
will sell the Durocs nil off nuxt year
as ho Is going to raise registered O. I.
O. stock. This sjirlng ho bought two
sows and n toar with a pedigree from
an Albany farm. Tho sows wilt bo
bred to farrow In the early spring.
Takes Oibbiigo (ii-ovtlng Honors.
Mr. Cardwoll Isn's ory "Dutoh"
but ho rnlsos "some" enblmge. Con
sider this- He had In lose than a
nunrtor of an acre and got more
than 3 tons. He has mndo lfiO gal
lons of kraut nnd hns put tho rest
For the innoqiternde you vlll linvc,
to unto n mask, nnii you win una mo
kind you want at the Owl Phar
macy. Adv.
(Continued from Pago 7)
on the ranch of II. Hughes was tho
fcaturo of his farming operations
this year. Aside from this, ho got
75 tons of hay, and from 12 acres of
mammoth clover obtained 25 tons of
hay at ono cutting. This field Is now
furnishing pasture for stock on tho
Pilot Hutto ranch. Mr. Hughes had
delicious watermelons nnd canta
loups thai got rlpo, as well as corn
that matured.
W. O. Waugh lias 35 acres of his
80 seeded to clovor and alfalfa and
bis crop was good this summer. Ho
has 6 hogs on tho place.
From 12 acres of alfalfa and 12
of clover Julius Pedcrsen got 60 tons
of splendid clovor hay. A large part
of this will be fed to his cattle, ho
having 7 milk cows and 7 calves and
other young stock. Five young O. I.
C hogs take care of any and all
skimmed milk that comes their way.
Cream Is sold to tho Pioneer Cream
ery In Uoad. Mr. Pedersen's poul
try consists of 75 Rhode Island lied
chickens and 30 turkeys. Mr. Pedcr
sen Is building an addition to his res
idence; Mr. Waugh assisting with tho
- Four Tnof CIotct to.thc Acre.
. D. Havemaun recently pur-
TJSe Daylight Route
You secure the ndvnntage of
nnd warm comfortable
Insist that your ticket read via the 0-V.
R. it N. nnd meet and travel with
your neighbors from adjoining towns.
J. H. CORBETT, Agent, Bend, Oregon
0( Nurt-U' 'Will JJI jV .4? y fstyfiMMI i)5itoiiih V ,
- IxS' v v 7iT y WTWirowl J
1 vico i fc , i VvVlcpwy-- fy mtriwMHb
k fc-S l.l I
cfl...- wr
yf-ivc. THIS Mfl
ouriouTiN cixrtrt
tone i urn i
VrtOltH MIH3 . .
tXtttntc fovw TMnATsnn
V., CTfcIl Cnn I & f) . n1ltuifuiiiiiiin(cviiiilry Tlit Umt ! tMh. ilp knl h fvini
I t OIIOhIQ UCC sWCl Jr 1116 . f rcxW.H Ul. hi sowl iltlat. ami civtlUnl itMnkiHi wt.r
ucTriit(ttrllun Mfrti. The InUlnl Unit MUh ixiiil wrnirr lUlit
cn br purchixilit )il.ooKrctc on ry Utnu. Th iuiiounillng )v)Metuf ml mounlnliit tire full ol Hk(uiI xomlfit mt Jul Iht 4(
forvcllou Ii rine It only hIkiiiI two rfiitl, liut (luwliif iulty It li lilihuiit ytlrm. two gout hotel, two lil( irnfrti
nifKhn(tlr toitt. flm cU rrty unit (rt Ublf n l)lnil nWpwr lh I. lnn Inlrr Maunttlu). or nf the matt pfogrMMlrv
cnnimtrtitt cIuImIii IhoUlr nillhlietuli Ijv Ih wv. ho llauwn iiruiwilviinil llic iw,t vrtr rirfttil Ihrftou mi llic1lr clul. Iiimim
Umw mllmnlhcvlcinitr ufl, 1'inr, whl'h lmt ihr IxtftimliiK ullh NKlumlMrlnf ml inltlmi kutlntM that will I
mil vmrr inuinr m iiiic ni in ruiKnuonai roaiirta 11 innr n proirrMiir u nai
aent tittr Tncrt ate im uncnlntt In niauiiiucluilnB i
In tat achool park in th hratt nf Hit riJtnf Mcilun.aiiil nun UiHlirr iilulha Iwflllh gtadr. A Calhullc chuitli ha ltn luU
licit, aiul other ehurchr art iUntilng to t'tahllth IhttnwUt !. I'lut hai iittr niw ataltatitr tlcttrlc huitt wtr Mhtth Iht
oarntr haTt cnnimtncnt to ittttloti. and which alont would ImtM a oot litilcilr Tht lilc area af (aim Unit tiilmtair la l.a I'lut wuuM
alontbulM ami inamuln a iixh) HfclMiy Th vail liatof tiiiiJr IlllKilaty tu I. rint wiiiiM alanc ImlM a gtaal ImI rtly With Iht
cemln oftht two hit ratlioa t lytlcm lo La Pint which wIUIm iwoii ill.iimiit In and atoumt l.a I1n will I
Id f.a I'm
tan h reached ria Or S'r . N I . (I K M.N ahd V I', Hj Yoiimn biaVt inuiiy hy liyln rotty al l.a lint In ailranrr of tht
lallroail. Other art ilelnc It, why no! VDf U'AKIt 1'IMnlht frt lhal a Ih!. wmll-lucaleiftnwn In one of Iht ntwtit ami lt MCtloni
of the Northwest I luund lo (raw laphlly, and that (nitiy talar will cllmh acconllnily I'lltt now fiem lwui Tht Itlin art eaay
only a fewdlUrr lannlli un each lot Vomlun t ml the money. Iml you mhik irquire valiialde ntittly. Mutt far 'lt. pi Ice
anJlttiutte (
KHMltte aient. with geoit tnk reference, wanltit In all part af Iht United Staler.
of the crop In the pit. Ho Is getting Voting Living on Kitxy .Mini-1 Nou.
2 osnts a pound for his ealit)t In P. J. Young 4s now comfortably
Hettd and will probably get Jr later settled In n new butigalow nnd his
an. Al 2 rents his gross yield for the farm has been turned oxer to tho
quarter acre runs up to $120. or stcure of Charts l.o. Ninety tons
the rate of $180 an aero willed, to, of clover hsy wore cut and V of al
sy the least, Uu't very close to sthr- falfa. Most of the alfulfa on the
vatlon. J place Is oung. The oats liny v,
A small orchard of npplo. ohorry also good. Mr. Young set out nrnunil
and pear trees has been set out by his homo this sprlnn ISO fruit trees,
Mr. Cardwoll. Ills two acres of car- as well currants, raspberries anil
rots, not yol dug, will run ut least ! strawberries. Ills rosldenre has four
10 tons to the aero.
Mr. Cardwcll's herd of oattle con
sists of 27 cows, yearlings and calves,
llo Is milking 11. Ills hay crop this
year runs 1 Vi tons to tho aero for
grain nnd 2 tons for nlfalfa. Ills
ranch consists of 120 acres.
rooms finished, with two upstairs to
bo completed when they are needed.
It Is a plsstored house. Par tho keep.
Ing of porlshnbln things he has built
a large stono cellar.
Nrff Hum (10 llngn.
A. Neff la taking tho lead In hog
raising In tlm llnnd district. He hit,
no head, -it ut them plx. Ho sold
30 pigs In the spring, llo has .
cured an O. I. C. boar from the ssm
rniion at Albany from wlilrli c .inn
Mr. Cardwttll'N. Thorn art 11 liea'l
of cattle oh Ihn Neff rniirli. .'t rows
being mllkoil and th butler sold Ip
iieiul. Mr. Neff got fig tons of al
fslfu mid clover ha off 2u acres He
put 2 acres In potatoes but his rro
was short owing to lack of water ut
the time when It was most needed
A distinction Is noted on tho Sef'
farm that Is. scan nowhere else ThiiP
Is n row of poplar trees along lit
road that nro running up rapidly and
will soon have grown Into a beaut I
fill hedge.
fcB IMtHHMHt IMHMMHUH HIM KIM MIKUt UMUHtl ) a a a a --.., a H
"ft. l J
Real Estate
T T '
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Real Estate
For Close-in Acreage
Let us show you the property S'iSE
conservative buyer that BEND R.EAL ESTATE is a conservative Invectnwut
TTe Bend Company
T "
., ..
OiTico corner Wall and Ohio Sts.
D. E. HUNTER, Real Estate Ma
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