IIKNI IllMiKTlN, IJRNI), OHK., WIM,i:M)AY, OfTOIIKIt U2, 101.1. VAQti If. HOGS ARE MONEY MAKERS POWELL BUTTE RANCHERS OIVE ATTENTION ;, TO PORKERS WITH PROFIT SOME RECORDS OF5 RANCHERS QIVEN (Htiift CorrMpuiidonoo) 1'OWMMi IH'TTK, Out. SO.r- Oli, Iiok. It Ik l thuo Vy ooint) on hendod hue, . i Anil of (lion hIiik. Wo lovn lo lumr your (jnnit IIwjuiiho you nro no runt; .iiil ilnllHra wo don't limit, It to thi'O we olltiK. Till Ih tlio huiik of tlm Powell IJullu fnrmor nowitilayH. With tlio ory of tlm ninny mouth that iniiMt m rht, "ml thtmo nioutlia iluiiuuiilliiK pork for tlialr feeding, do linn ooiiid to rmllxB llitit ther Ih no hetter wn; to Rut tiiouoy Into hln own pocket Minn to hum tint Iiok root It out or tlit) pookntM or tint thoiuniiilH, for him to plak up itH oftHlly tiM ho would h lump of dirt oh hln fiirni, i It wont. In my mnlilliiKH uroiind thin ptirt of tlio country 1 found lint there nr nioru limn Iiokh IioI'ik rohtwl lioronlHiutJi. A fw yount kho, I whk told not uioro thnu two, liOMltily it Iiok wh Hourly iik nonrun here n h n Jiiokrnhlilt Ih In Now York City. With a keen mind to nee Into (ho future, tho I'owoll Nutte Nottlum rmillied t hut unit of tho hunt wnyii tpr them In pttvo a roml to proitporlty wiu by ruUliiK Iiokn. Homo ventured more feflrlomly thnn othora. nnd n fow iiiiulo u ntnrt without ktiowlns It thity lunula tt eouplo of Iiokh to wit limiinrkeluhle produce, quickly liwtril tho rliiK of tho gold under I heir lioofH nnd hnvo koiid Into tho nwlne ImliiMtry with nil iwlln not. Tho llulletln him recounted uvernl UiHttH tho niiccom willed tlm llolilm brother hnvo hud with their Iiok. ICvury oim In thin territory known About tliniii. uud down In Portland people nrtt koInk to loern, too. Iloro In hrlof ronuuio of I'owoll ItHlta IiokiIoih: Oenrne lloWbn 28S l.o I lakh 210 (ImirKo llruxro 1 OK Allan Wllteoxnn J., lift Hnrl Humidor 100 Alvln KlBR DO Iteovon Wlllonxon 70 Allen I.nndfnro CO IS. I'. Alloy CO No douht there nro n ntiinhnr of other farmer who hnvo entered tho Iior luminous with (itnnll nutnhor nnd vlioo places tho writer mUiod on hli trlti. Almut n yer hro (JcorRO Holitm tttnrled In Ihln Industry. Ha linn 23 now, Ki2 full plR and 110 irlnjc pin. Mo dooii not hnvo nny ready lo mnrkot now, hut In Jniiunry will hnvo n tmrloud tho uvonmo en r loud In 80 nnd nnother In A)rll. Ho imnturoH thoiu on nlfnlfn nod nlno feed thoui ii I fulfil liny, ilo In now foodliiK tho third outtlng of thin liny, nnd tho Iiok", IjIk nnd llttlo, ont It with Jtmt iih iiiiioIi nvldlly hh If It woro conn AKrloiilturnl coIIoko ox port hnvo mild that thin third eut IIiik of nlfnlfn In worth 20 n ton whou liritn In worth $22. Tho Iiohn nro fattened on Krnln, moNtly chop pod Imrloy. Mr. llolilm linn u winder for piillliiK hln Krnln Into tho hoot fooilliiK condition. . A ftmturo of hln iiiiulpinont In n Iiok Iioiwu 72 foot Ioiik uud 18 feet wldi). It linn 21 oouipnrtmoutH, och ot which will euro for n how nnd liar hrood. Mr. Hotili Inid Hid inlHforluiio (o lone 26 plKH (IiIh iiiuiiuitr hy drown I UK. A hnrd rAIn, roHomhlliiK n aloudliurt, aamo up nnd tho wnlor nmo In tho pen whore thivy wore, klllliiK thoiu In n fow inlnuton. At tho loo llolilm pinna I hiiw CO IiiiiiiI In prluio condition for IioIiik marketed, theno ho I iik tnkun lo Port Inud thin wcok to tlio stook yard. Tlieee were nil Jnnunry nnd Mnrch PIrh nnd woro fattened on Muck nnd whlto Imrloy. Thirty of them woro "topH," tho otlmrn IioIiik Riunllor nnd IlKhtor In woliiht. Nunrly nil of tlm Holihn hrothorn' Iiokh nro th) Duroc Joriuy Itcdn. Hovornl weekn hko Alton Wlllcoxon took Hi Iiokm to llio I'ortlnnd innrkut. I'nr thoiu ho oliUlnod nn nvoraKo of 7.80 contn n pound not. At Hint lliuo tho Innrkut whh wttnk, hut ovon nt Hint IlKuro ho noltod n good profit. Mr. Wlllcoxon purchnHod n fow hofu Inn I yir to ont potntoon for which ho found no mnrkot, nnd ho now him 125. He will hnvo another hunch ready to uinrkc'l hnroro ChrlHtnia. Mot of hln nro the Duroc Jorney. Mr. Wllleoxou'B oxporlence nhowg what enn bo dono with n nmnll trnct of land. Ho huw only 40 nor on nnd In uHIUIiik It to kooiI advnntnKo. Moit of It Ih Hooded to nlfnlfn nnd thin furnlidieH tho feed for hln Iiorh during tho luiumor niontlii. He In trmlH to cnKHRo In dalryliiK a llttlo Inter when ho rcIh prepared to handle cows properly. In April, 1012, tleorRo llrnr.ee, who linn 80 ncren of IrrlRatod land, niailo lila ntnrt In Iiok raUInK with flvn howh. Ho now linn inn lituul of nwliio, nil of tho Duroc Jornoy breed. Ho imnturoH thoiu on clover nnd ul fulfu mid fnttun thoui on Krnln. ItuovcH Wlllcoxoirn nwliio nro tho (). I. O. or ClicHtor WIiKoh, Ho linn only recently Hturtod, buyliiK moat of tlm 70 which are on hln fnrni. A nhort time iiko he took 11 droned Iiok to I Ion (I for which ho received lOVi coutfl n pound. Thoy nvoniKOd 11 bout ISA poumlH, hrlitKliiK hlui more thnn 1 1:1 n bond. Alton Lnudfaro, who ciimo hero Innt year, buyliiK tho K. A. fltmsott fnriu, linn tlm Polnnd Clilunn. Ha linn CO bund now, IiiivIiik nold off n coiinldor nblo number. It will bo recalled by rendern of The lltilletln tluit ho lent 2R In tho Kiimmer, the oxnat cuuiio of death never IiuvIiik been determin ed. "1'nrmor" Hmlth of tho O-W. It. ft N. Co. thoiiKht It due to unbiil nnced rntlon, but Mr. Lnndfnro thlnkn It wan Homo kind of cholera. The olfeet of tho iIIubhho Ih ntlll to ho neen on koiiio of the Iiokh, hut ho hnn not lout nny recently. N. V. Alley'H CO head connUt ot Duroc JernoyH nnd Poland ChlnnH. Karl tkiuuduni' 100 nro moHtly Duroc JernoyH. The rnlnlUK "f Iiokh In confined nl mom wholly to the IrrlKHted dlntrict. The riWHiiii for thin In two fold: Much witter In required for tho hwIiio, nnd wnter U naoowmry for tho KrowiiiK ot alfalfa, (litornn Hobbn' place In In tho iiun-lrrlRHtod dlntrict but ho kropn IiIh ntock on n 40 of IrrlKnted Inud. Tho prcHont outlook Ih thnt UiIh prontnblo IndiiHtry will be con lined to tho wntered dlntrict, with the Krnln reitilrrd beliiK mined prob ably 011 the dry fnrinliiR area to a Krent extent. JIM HILL mm MENAGE Weed hhoiild lie lirnillrnteil In Coun try mill Toivn, Kiiyn Kelllei. Thnt the Jim Hill inuiturd In bo coinltiK a real menace la tho ntato liionl of Mm. ARnen M. BottoiiR, wIioho homo In noma three inllea cant of llond. Mm. BottoiiK polntn out thnt both In field nnd nlonx the IiIrIi rondn In her dlntrict the weed In get ting n danRoroua ntnrt. It In nold to bo flourlHhlng on tho Innd of one mnn. who, It Ih iindoratood, linn been notified to destroy It, no In required by law. Itond Supervisor It. M. Hldor, it In underatood, linn been directed to "get after" the weed. In audi cnacn nny work done on prlvnto property can bo mweaaed directly agnlnat tho land nhould tho owner object to paying. Mra. Holtong allowed thnt it connldcr nblo uunntlty of tho nnmlnrd In grow Ing on llcnd ntrceta nnd alleyn, and when tho attontlon of II. A. Miller, chalrmnn of the strcetn committee wna called to thin, tho city nrrnnged to employ n man to cut down nnd burn tho weed. W FARMERS fi':- J Our real estate business is one of the largest in Central Ore gon. Our list of prospective buyers is very complete. We can help you dispose of your property to advantage if the PRICE is RIGHT. List what you have with us. It will pay you u 1 HENKLE & RYAN Q. C. Henkle BEND James Ryan 4 Every Bushel of Wheat We Have Ground This Year Has Been Grown in Crook County ?, a i 3 ' '" . IT, t. .' ,'i " ' " ',- ' i" I5 , t ' 1 1; ; n ' m V. If you use BLUE STEM BLEND and FLAKEY LOAF - flour you are using products of home-grown wheat. J vt .11 n 1 f 1 . . 1 l ; we win give you nour in exenange ror wneau, oats or oaney. ' V We guarantee our flour to be whiter and stronger than any . . other flour on the market. i' ','A i 't v ,. : uAi ' 'j 1 a 5.1. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Bend Flour HE HAS IT. IF HE HASN'T, WRITE US . f'We are prepared to buy all the merchantable grain that the farmers of Crook County can The Bed Milling & Warehouse Company v t J &