1A0K 8. "JlKNUni'lJiKTINvnUNl), Oni:., WIJDNKHUAY, OCTOIlKIt IB, NW. JUST WHAT IS A VESTED RIGHT? TUMALO SETTLERS INQUISITIVE formation, when Dottspil Jonnn mot nnil conquered a wild roooo BliiRiO' handed. Not only tlmt, but ho nub dued tho roobo with no other went' on tlinn n broken rnko handle, Imv- lnR ivo Rim tu hand. The rooro wan cnpturod In n corral not ftxr from tOW.ll. "00 TO," BAYLEY SAYS (Continued from imgo one.) I Forbes Hctnhietl t Present Wntcr IVcrs' Side of Question to Dccrt Ijinil Hoard Till" the Only Mitt tor vj .llnuto ltemnlnlng. (SpeolaJ to Tho llulletln) liAIDhAW. Oct. H. Uat nlsht tlioro wna held hero 'a meeting of Bottlers undor the Tumalo project nt tho Odd Follows hull to dlsciiM voat od righto. In relation to wont rul ing of the Desert laml Hoard. Vernon A. Korbw of lleml wrb present nt the roqiiuel of tho settlors; nnd was retained to go to bniotti next week to liresent tneir sine or. me mat-, tor to the lioard. The contention la that while tho recant ruling Is to the offect that on this project a vested i water right shall apply ouly to lauds i actually Irrigated prior to June 4, tho date when the Appropriation act took ; offeot, lands actually prepared to uoj Irrigated before that tltuo should ho Included as merittnc vested rights, , Tho argument of Mr. Forbes nnd the settlers Is on tho ground that In asmuch as acreage was In condition to bo Irrigated, It matters not wheth or water actually was placed upon It. The 1910 adjudication of the lioard of Control would Beem to sustain such a contention: it was to the effect that settlers had until October 1. 1913, to complete their rested water rights. In some instances It Is con tended that water was not available, even where land had been prepared In good faith for Irrigation, while It Is further maintained that the ex tremo wetness .of the early spring really made irrigation not a necessi ty In many Instances. Tho request for a now ruling on this point is made. It Is stated em phatically, with no deslro to arouse conflict or hamper further action, but rather onco and for all to settle a mooted Question and so straighten out affairs so that tho settlers and I tho state may bo able o get together and the former sign Up the contracts under the new project which already nre awaiting their signatures. According to prominent water us ers, this Is the ono remaining point whereon settlers have any objection. Asldo from this, the satisfaction with the new regime Is very general. 1XAKK IIANDIii: OKTS OOOSK. An amusing Instance of hunting iiossibllltlos In this section occurred last week, according to reliable In- II, who submitted tho following effort In wrso for publication: if you'd Binned, we'll say, In Madras And boon shunted o'er tho Styx, And thuro found Satan sweating With nil tho Imps n-fretllng Found Hades, gentlo render, With a Democratic lender Who'd sproad his jurisdiction Through his Tzar-llko predilection I'rum Prlnevlllo to Inferno Would you stay tlioro for to burnT Oh Would you? Or solio nn opportun ity If it offered with impunity To dosert tho Stygian roatm With Ills Honor at the helm. Content to rest on Barth again Until Satan gets his berth again 7. Qeod Plan. It Is n good plitn while waiting for your ship to come In to kill time by go Ins to work to earn something. Now Orleans lMenyunq. 'TIs n wine saylin;, Drive on your own track. Plutarch. , Eugtnto Love Lyrics, I. KuRtnfVltva, Rtigenovleve, The days nny come, tlia days may ro, Rut cacIi to other wa aim II clav As Ions si aclcnca ttlli us so. " IliXlt-R.by. baby, thy crib's lynlonlo. Papa's a debtor and ma's a vunvnlc, And don't tk a hunli.wiJ uttleai ha'a a ent " x Whoa mark tn tho Health leRU'a on liundreJ par cent. -lleaton TravaUr. Aniwartd, "Now. children." mild the Sunday scliool tivu'her to the Jiircullo clan. "enn any of you tell me what an epis tle ir """I win." ninworvtl a little fellow nt the fixit of the dust. "An epistle Is the wife of uu npmtliO'-OtidjM. The Daylight Route BETWEEN CENTRAL OREGON AND PORTLAND ((Sw) You secure the advantage of THROUGH SERVICE and warm comfortable STEEL COACHES Insist that your ticket read via the O-W. R. & N. and meet nnd travel with your neighbors from adjoining towns. J. H. CORBETT, Agent, Bend, Oregon 01 NSX ??r -Jfe Arjy 0'rtESOUnCBSOF y, , .r.tv r LwMlf O 08WO HnoyNMiMUtKa 1 mi . ta'i j fa t Hi . g BOYjfrv rji iw.Va'. Lk MBrKrAINII vrr Z2QJ vj-w SX.A-- ' a tmBoao ?Sf jrCWAPJ&o Eta " -w . i t .k. m " IwOir8 ...Al Vfco.V WHICH nm tvmir4 A - ' t-.f k ' ti"I- & 1 If I ( I MtaroA3 V i v WiManuLiiMiiK I m I w .i1 1 ? ....tt VUHMIU9 I MM jflVg-THIS M7p, u. r ' i I wwr-irf fans SffUOy 1T INVESTIGATE. lOtutNVtslltl MAVltlt DfTICMU nUTOflOUTC; r-lt&rs flllMlOUTINO CtNTSft kvnnrn Milk rxmna miui ... OUM(0nrncrenitr ras3f&K..wiw 64tNSttiei Wo0 PUUP riOJ You Should See La Pine M.t tU MltuuiKtiita vwittlry. Tilt Unit H llch. ill oUhh1c ath fotiH tUin. nu lock, It Urcl. ha gi ilrln. ami rallHt IiIiVim walr HtTcrilflxrlluiii Mfrfl. Thrlnltalnl tainl wllh a lfplal wlf tigni wn t pufchatol at w)rctT on y umi. Tli unmimUui pine iitil itiwunlalnaar full nt iiolunl wwnt hU ! Ihf UN for a rcliun l.a Inne It only atom Iwotnn uM, Iwl i:foiii miiilly. Il h a UUlihont ayittui. Iit twl lialrli. Inw M (fiirftl mttchanilltc alurr. a 6rt dtiiy ami lt Malilf an tirdltut ntwtiMtivr llh l.a rine tiilrt-Mumilaln) ( Ihc mxt tirviirMiv nr aii.i wilt nun ny inc way. nat iituani liioiKiiiy ami mr ltl yrar iim iiihwii ait aiimmt nun nm HillU In the lfliilly u( M l'iu, will, h It JhiI Ih Inrsllitilns otlhelilg lumlitrliis ami hiIIHiik lHi,iit that will n ctuntuMCtalclutit tivthtttalr au.t tliltclub hy ihc way, haa llautiu luoWtly ami llir l yrar HMlrl IIimmii an ltiul Tht a itOtt aiuall mw unlit In the Vlclllllvul Ijt I'me. whl. Il It lutt the Inreliitilna tilllieliltf luinlietliie ami tnllHna lHl,lllt rfene here. There arc luat uiienuu in niamiriHtuiIng auil iMlir IntunrM llnta hete In nliirnilmul matlera line It piWMite a ttn-actc kIhw! puik. in the luail of ttie irnlMit wt.llutl, ami iiuw troche Ui to (he Iwetil inv Iwelllh aiaile. A Callwllc chuith bat Iwilfl kerc. ami other churlet are tilanuine tu r,lakll,h lheiulvt. I.B IMne hat nier HiLm, aiallaMe letrte hdfte IHIwer Which Ilia nwnett ttareenmmtiinot totlenkili. ami whK-halone wtwkl Iwlhta ilti,rleity Th l( afraaf Uim laihl (nlMilafy t l.a liHe wuuM a on-twihl ami maintain a rood tlrrilitiy Tlietatt tracta ulnmtr liltwuty la U I'm wonM alone IhiIM a ! alinl rlly Willi IMt rolai of the twuhie raifrsa.l ayttcuit lo Iji IMne. whKh will Ik mhiii, levl.wiit In amlarHirxl l.a line wMI bv Iaiw4 l.a fine nli. reached rw tlr Nar , N. ! : o. W- K .N ami f I' Kia Von ran male money liy Imvln Hfity al M I'lne In aileane of III rantouut Dthettarrtlelns II, why hm Yut" WaKK t'l' luthe fact thnta Mltd. mII twain! town Ih out at the H exeat ami Uit aectrnnt H ine onnweti it mumi in iituw ranv. ami mat lirmieity eaiuea tit iiimti aevuiitiiieiy riicet now iiom 1J w Hit i ne irrmt ait ratr oir a lew ooiwit ir hihm in earn iui vou aaa i tnin in muney. nut yMi uuh amuiic raiium lnvt-eiiy i and lei uit lo till May Kk pll Hrt4 LA PINE TOWNSITE COMPANY, La Pino, Oregon., hlubleaentt. with l awnW redfteneoa, waiilnl In all artterilie Vnlldt Malea. POWELL BUTTE (Special to The Ilullctlit) POWULIa HtTTK, Oct. 13 A touoh of all ntHtHonc of tha tmr mi far an woathar Ih concern ml haa lifton hail liore th wst wcott. llalu. aliMt, anow, wind and a few day of roaj Central Oregon fall weather, with a lot of aunnhlne. were eJiporloiteml. Crls Slot took a load of ofttii to Ilond Haturday. Ho report a ready market nnd Rood nrlcoa for all kluda of produce. (icons" Hoblts and Clark Morao took In tho danco at Kedmond Frl day night. Mlckoy Conlon had hla IjIk phlro atalllon out tho tint of the week ahowhiK him to the loenl farmern, wah h vlnw tn tirKnnlalHR a home rompany and placlnj; the animal wlth , thorn. I Cnn 8lHt has atarted tllgntitx Ilia pfltatoen and Mitya they art not m i Kood ua In miiiiw forinnr yearn, hut ' aro far ItoUer than he oxi'Wtud after hearliiK others tell how tho crop wan, tliM year. I Kurt Rutindors dux aliout a iiar tcr aero of IiIm aputU nnd cot otor 40 aiieka of Rood iotatotm. Tho mothrr and Kraiidmothor of .Mra. Hhtjar loft on Moudny'a atugu. The water tniritlon hna licoti a ao rlotia ono hort thli fall. Tho ditch wn turned off earlier than usual and Juit few wcro rnody. A uiimitnr f nnw clatnrna and ihiiuU uru iwii liullt and preparation made tn fill them tthen ln water U turned c WiMn. AIvIh UIkiw ha liesuu ham ihk from (lolden pond for hU ntrrri and IIoIiIm iiml Morwe have ln hdui-. InK from the Mtme iilar for tliw' Iiok. Mr. Iindfarc U lirulIiiR fr"M the Ithotlo pond for nil hla atork. , Clark Monte wiit ernl da)a u the Hiiinw Creok rountry when he la talking of hoiiiMtnadliiK lie llki Dint country very much b"t do( t think It comiHtrea with I'owell lmu Ted Carlton of Htt-wnrt k CurtaQtu mlllora, waa out from I'rlimlllo jloiw day. (Innpen ItnliliM nMit llanrv U.iait went to tho noutli aldo of tho Utittesi Htiuday to look for ixitnto plckorn --- -- a--- ----,,. e, , - - - it. Real Estate .-; i Real Estate 7s .. MrtM .. fa rs FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR FARM LANDS Let us show you the property Ji conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment 75Z r( CWM J The Bend Company Office cdmerAWan and Ohio Sts. a.1'' , ------- --f-4 D. E. HUNTER, Real EstatMjm.ger - a a a ---- - a , a M m R it :: a Hi Itr m in ! It It il n i hi i J V . t ) i i MMfMMMMMfMMHMflMM a- MMMMMMMtMtt " " " af ,. "rl ate. 4'j fc a-) PV. , I ' I ft