The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 15, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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(l'ubtltrtted Krery Wednesday)
Editor nnil Publisher.
Mannglng Editor.
Aseoclnto Editor.
An Independent newspaper stand
ing tor tho square denl, clean busi
ness, clean politics and tho best In
terests of Head nnd Central Oregon.
uno year .$1.50
Sir months .80
Thrco months.... .. 60
All subscriptions nro duo nnd
expiration nro moiled subscribers nnd
If renewal Is not made within reason
able time the paper will be discon
tinued. Plfiisn notify us nromptly of any
change ot address, or of lalluro to re
ceive the paper regularly, umerwisc
we will not bo responsible for copies
Make all checks and orders pay
able to Bend Bulletin.
The Bulletin has been designated
by tho County Court of Crook County
to publish officially all the proceed
ings ot the court.
11000 payable in nvo equal annual
Think of tho tightwads of 190S be
ing so blind as to let slip an oppor
tunity of, acquiring for a nominal 11k
uro an everlasting water supply bet
ter far than any possessed by other
Northwestern cities! Not 'that Ueml
does not have hit excellent wntor myn
toin, for that It assuredly lias: It Is
simply that tho time surely In com
ing when such n source of wntor sup-J
ply as Spring river must bo acquired,
either by a wator-sorvlco corporation
or by tho municipality.
Nu doubt when Bond has 100,000
Inhabitants, folks will wonder why
the blind. fools back In 1913 did not
foresee tho necessity of public pnrkBl
Kivo acts of tho Legislature have
been referred to tho people for con
firmation or rejection at the forth
coming election one against the
the state university rep ir fund, one
ngalnst the state university building
appropriation, one against the ster
ilization act, one against tho county
attorney bill and one against the
workmen's compensation aqt.
The two referendums against the
state university are fathered by II.
J. Parklson, formerly a labor agi
tator. They, like the previous refor
endums, which woro composed ot
fraudulent and faked signature?, are
an nbuso of" tho referendum for spite
purposes nu effort to cripple the
state unlve.ralty and hamper Its use
ful work in order to "get Ten" with
the city of Eugene.
The pretense Is put forth by Park
lson that bo Is acting In behalf of the
future consolidation of the Oregon
Agricultural College and the State
University. Consolidation would
mean a single Institution located at
Portland and create a fortune for the
land speculators alleged to be Uack
lng the scheme, and a grdat loss to
the state in the abandoned Institu
tions. '
It is time the people robuked the
persistent effort of unscrupulous agi
tators to cripple higher education.
Every good citizen should go to the
polls anS voU yes on these two meas
ures, i
The county attorney act gives each
county Its own prosecuting attorney.
This is a step toward homo .rule and
will stop the Insistent complaints of
counties now dependent upon poorly
paid deputies or occasional visits of
the prosecutor from his homo county.
By keeping the law enforcers In clos
er touch with .their communities It
should mean the better enforcement
of law and order.
Vote yes on tho county attorney
Tho workmen's compensation net
provides a voluntary form of mutual
Insurance by employers, employes
and the stato for reimbursement for
damages for Injurios received by em
ployes, on a fixed scale. Its aim is
to end the exploitation of workmen
and employers by unscrupulous law
yers who sometimes succeed In mulct
ing the employer, but always succeed
In mulcting the injured employe. The
bill was drafted by a special com
mission appointed for the purpose by
the Governor, and baa the approval
of both employers and labor organi
sations. The referendum was In
Yoked by lawyers who make a spec
ialty of damage suits, commonly
termed ambulance, chasers, and the
casualty insuranco .companies whose
business of insuring the employer
and then fighting the claims of the
Injured employe, Is crippled by the
Every one who bgllevs in the
square deal will vote yes on this
The sterilization bill is one that
should be examined on its own mer
its by voters. To favor or oppose It
is largely a matter of personal opin
ion and prejudice.
"If tho young man who tipped his
hat to young lady an the corner of
Sixth and 12 streets Sunday, ovenlng
at 7:30 will rIvo name, an acquaint
ance can be formed. Address "C,"
general delivery, Redmond postofflce.
"Tho young man who spoke to tho
two young ladles in front ot tho post
offlce Sunday night without receiv
ing a reply is requested to give his
name through the mall. Address
"M," general delivery."
Tho above clippings nro not garner
ed from the New York Journal,
gentle reader. Nay. they como from
close at hand, for It is in Redmond
that these .metropolitan "personals"
appeared. We are reminded of tho
comic opera lyric:
"Isn't It delightful to discover an
'TIs In this way that kindred souls
are brought luto jiroxlmlty.
Not a word ot sordid things, of rank,
or patrimony,
They've just one object In this
That object's mntrlmony."
It Is Important not to confound
stability with force or the great
licwH of a thing with Us duration.
In democratic republics Hie xv.
er which directs noddy Is not
stable, for It often change bund
mid assume n new direction,
but whichever way It turns IIh
force Is almost Iriclstlblc. The
governments of the American
lcpuhllcs appear to me tu be lis
much centra I Ircd us tlinie of tint
absolute monarchies of Europe,
nnd more euergi-Mc than they
are. I do not therefore luingtno
thnt they will perish from weak
ness. If ever the free Instltu.
tlons of America nro dcntroycd
tlmtivcitf may be attributed lit
the omnipotence of the majority,
whhh tuny tit some future time
urge the minorities to desiH'ra
tlou niul oblige them to have re
course to physical forte. An.
nrchy will then be the result,
but It will have been brought
ntxiut by depotIui.-AluxU do
A changing tight behind it halt
druwn curtain.
Through the blurred patie a
wonmnV unxluus face
That pee r iind livers, while fin
gers grope uiiiertnln
Alutig the sill nd up the tllmy
Now live, now Unties;, as each
footstep piloses
What untold stralnsjhnt nerv
ous bund relate!
So, In n whirl of hopes and fears
Mill glleSSe.
The woman waits.
Atlnutu Constitution.
Bids for the Greenwood vladuot
street Improvement and for the pro
posed municipal building were qpen
cd nnd read. Consideration of them
was postponed until Thursday after
noon at & o'clock.
Just received, at Madam Gouch-
er's Millinery Departninot, In J. W.
Uoucher's Jewelry Store, all kinds
of fancy neckwear, ladles' collars and
neck rucblngs. direct front tho manu
facturers. Call and see thcun. 31-32
When President Wilson signed the
Federal ganio laws It became unlaw
ful to hunt ducks before sunrise or
after sunset. The huntors have bcon
making It a plea that they did 'not
know when the sun roso or set. To
avoid dispute. State Game Warden
Finley has issued the following table
which will be recognized by wardens
as the official tlmo, the schedule be
Itif, made out for weeks. It follows:
Sunrlso Sunset
October 12 C:2-l
October 26 GH3
October 19 6:33
November 2 0:53
November 9 . ..7:03
November 1G 7:13
November 23 7:28
November 30 .......7:32
December 7 7:40
December 14 7:40
December 21 7:80
December 2S 7:83
January 4 7:13
January 11 7:11
January 18 7:47
Th Monty Tennyson Mad.
Lord Tennyson made a great Income
from his poems When Strnhan fc Co
look nrer the publication of the kjcui
In the sixties they ngrced to pay Tenny
son J2Ti.Of)0 a year in respect to the
book already Issued and pay the poet
all profits on new work, less n modest
10 per cent commission This second
Item generally meant 50.000 for each
new volume, for mnny years before
his ditti Tennyson drew n sternly $50,
000 per annual from his publisher.
The tlrste lertuc. soue. If thou
wilt lere.
Is to restrelnc and Lcpen wel
thy teuge.
All I not goldo tlmt outward
shewltb bright. t.dgte.
Of two evils the less Is always
lo be ctHweu. TbemsH u Kern
pis. MoHio crye awl no wnIL John
Fwrteituue. '
There Is nnthynjro t!wt more
dysntcaticth (led -Tlwu
rroui theyr children to
spare the rod.
John Skcltou.
A hard beginning ranked! a
good' endlng.-Johij Hcywuod.
Rather to buwe tbnu brcke Is
lluinyllte is a thing commenda
ble. Crystyne.
Every individual, every corpora
tion and every community has occa
sions to regret wasted opportuni
ties. The city of Bend has had, and
will have, cause for these vain re
For Instance. In delving through
old city records it le brought to light
that on December 8, 1908, by a vote
of 37 to 21, the following proposi
tion was turned down;
"Shall the city of Bend purchase
the source of Spring river 160
acre for a future water supply, for
Ju.t Lik His Tooth.
Small Freddie hud the foothtnrhe one
day. nnd tils mother told him the tooth
was hollow and needed to be pulled
A few duya later the mother complain
ed of a severe heiidiiche: "Miimmn."
wild Freddie wisely. "I'll bet your head
Is hollow You ought to go und get it
dulled." Chicago News.
A B Joke.
A famous college president declares J
iniit tlierr are no new jokes."
"Ah. be does, does he?" grimly re
turned the old c-ralgrr "Well, be ought
to see the husband my niece has just
married und brought borne to live on
me." Judex.
A Dampir.
Marlon I showed papa those verses
you wrote me. nnd he seemed pleased
Harry-He did? Mnrluiv-Ye. Hesald
he whs so glud to see you were not a
. All benenU In surgery are
Iwsed on animal experimenta
tion. Human I Ires depend ab
solutely upon what has !cen
learned through research work
on animals. Take the pituitary
gkiud. for Instance, it was long
contended by leudlng surgeons
that the removal of this gland
would cause InstRiit death. By
the tvny. this gland controls tho
growth of the human Iwsly.
If It l-ceomcs diseased early In
the life of any human that per
son Is likely to grow to the size
of ii irlHtir. Again, disease In
this (.'land limy produrt. the most
horrible forms of deformity In
wrvoiiH who tin re attained their
full growth before being strick
en. Welt, we hare reunited the
Pituitary gland from a dog. He
still liven. We luirv learned
something that Is of tremendous
value o medical science und the
hunmu race.-Dr. J. E. Sweet.
AsmImhui Professor of Medical
Hestwrch nt the University of
at T.le Bulletin of
fice". Regular ftp
proved government
torm. Whether you
want one or 100 we
can supply you at
Per 100. $1.50, less
quantities 2c each.
Lore scorns degrees. The low
be llfteth high:
The high hedrnweth down to
that fair plulu
Whereon, In his divine equality,
Two loving beans muy meet,
-nor meet lu vain
. -Paul II. Hayne. ,
The might of one fair face sub
limes my love,
"For it butli weuved my heart
from low desires. .
Nor death I heed, nor purgato
riurores. ,
Love Is torment of tho mind,
A tempest everhlstlng.
Ami Jove luith inndelt ofn kind,
Not well uor full nor fasting.
-Samuel Uuiilel.
There is no worldly pleasure
here Mow
Which by experience doth not
fully prove.
But among nil tho follies that I
know ,
The sweetest folly In the world
Is love.
Sir Robert Aylon.
suRif oWi sasofi
Benliaiit Fulls t'oinp lias Been Brok
en up, CiiKlueers Lent lug; Fur Oil.
Ifut ula lledi tick Nut Found,
The Held work of the Ik'schutca
survey, so far iib tho study of wutor
resources Is concerned, Ir over for
tho year, and tho enmpa hnvu been
shut down for tho winter. Last week
tho equipment from tho lleiilinut
Falls camp was brought Into town!
and a part put In ntor,ago lit tho room
adjoining thu office of tho Ueml Wit
ter, Light & Power Co. Tho rest wna
packed for shipment to Red Bluff,
Ciil., whoro nn uudortuklng similar
to thu Deschutes suroy Is tu bu cur
ried through this winter under the di
rection of thu sitmu corps of engi
neers, lor urn uoiiiuruin work n
total of 40,000 has been provided by
thu statu or California nnd tho Fed
eral government. John T. Whistler
will ho In charge. James Dopson,
who has been at the head of the work
nt Ucnham Falls, left for Red llluff
Monday morning;
In many rospects the rosults of the
sonson's work at Benhiim Falls havo
been unsatisfactory. That Is, thu
character of the formation of the
country through which the river
passes ut this point has been ascer
tained,, but It has been found to bo
Impossible to put lu n masonry dam
to ImiKiutid the waters bucuusu It
could not go to bedrock. In seeking
for a proper foundation somo 3f
holes woro drilled vurjlng In depth
from 30 to 13& feet and covering a
range of nenrl three miles, but all
without finding more than nnd and
loose ruck and boulders. Under
theso circumstances nil Idea of a bed
rock dam has beun given up and thu
work to bo done next year will ho
contlned wholly to the iiucitlun of
an earth dam. According to the pres
ent plans of thu engineers, thu situ
for this dam, If found tu bo feasible,
would be uear the looatlon of F. O.
Minor's cabin.
Although tho river wurk Is tiowJ
over for thu tlmo being, n study Is
still being made of tho land which
oan he reclaimed if tho plan goes
through, and thu location of tho
ditches and canals necessary to carry
! tlie water to It. engineers Parkhlll,
llawthortio and McKlttrlck aru stilt
In thu Held. This vlutor they will
collect tho results of thtr su miner's
Investigations and work up the note
taken during the post season, hut un
dollnlte report of the rssults of the
survey can be exiioetod for suverul
New Goods Coming
E now
have on
way a large
VV the
consignment of
Men's Furnishings, Under
wear, Shoes, Sweaters, j"
Mackinaws all new and
high grade stock. This
will be here in a few days
and we invite yo'tcto call "VV
and make your purchases
here. -fci
FOR RENT- - Flvo room furnished
bungalow, Wlfstorln add., lf per
month, (lertrudo Market. 30tf
FOR RENT Largo store, modern
front, flood location. Apply to F.
O. Minor, Deschutes Bank. 37tf
Piano tuning. Leave orders at
ThomiMHin'a fnniiyire store. 33lf
Services Sundny 11 a. m., and 7:30
p. m. Sunday school 10 n. m. Kp
worth League 0:30 p. m. Bible
Study Class Thursday at 7:30 p. in.
Choir practice Frlduy ut 7:30 p. m.
Sunday school at 3:45, preaching
at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Brotherhood
at 3 p. m. Young people's meeting at
7 p. m. Prayer meeting at 8 p. m. on
Wednesday. Choir practice TnursUay
evening at 7:30.
WANTltD-Hehool clrl to do house
work In exchange for board. J. M.
Judd. 33-llrh
WANTHD HxporleHeed girl for
?;eneral housework, twit In family,
hone or write Mrs. J. II. Wlmer,
Lalitlaw. XStf
WANTKD Position as housekeep
er or with family, to woman with H
wuiiths old baby. BxperleucHd cook.
Mm ICIIsubeth Freed, Pilot Butte
Inn. S3.-3p
WANTRD A Keiitlemsu who will
do light work morning and ovwilngs
fur his modern room. Owe block
from itostofttce. Intilre at Ilullntlit
office. , lip
A .NTKD Competent woman for
general nutuework, wining to stay
with children In evonlng. Wages S3ft
it irontn. Apply ny tolephon or let
tor lo Mrs. Iloscoo Howard, lie
CHUteS, 3(f
Wall and Bond streets, alto In Ken
wood. Fur particulars apply to 11.
C. Rills. ntr
FOR 8ALU All klods of common
lumber nt .MoNaught ft Ocrtion's
mill, on Bend-Burns road. Also, w
out any kind or orders on short
notice. Write or call on us for
prices. nit
For Hale.
Kewcomers should get tho habit
of going to Innes & Davidson's bar
ber shop. Adv.
FLORKNCK Is Bond's nenrost sea
port. In courso of n short tlmo It
will be connected with Bend directly
by rail. If you wish to know more
about this seaport, write
1-23-Hp-Adv Florence, Ore.
Advertisements Inserted under this
liratllnit at the re of one cent n
word for each litkenion Discount on
citended Insertions. Charges are
payable In advance except for itdver-
tifccni nat ins n regular account with
The Bulletin. All paid advertUc
mrnts will Imi posted In Tlio Bulletin
ofllte ut the time of receipt.
JUst And Pound.
FOR SAMI Kngllsh Airedale pit
pies, hunting stock. Fred llucy. In
Park Addition. aitf
FOR 8A LB Right Itolstoln helf
era. coming fresh Ih spring. Also a
34 Inoh wagon. W. N. Ray, Laid
law. Ore. 32-84ch
FOR HALK-Ilalf aero eloso In.
$300: $28 down, $8 pur tno. II. M.
Jones Paint Store. JOlf
FOR SALK-Half c?t, two 3-room
houses, wood jhed, water, cloo la.
IfiOO. 1 1 00 down and $16 per mo.
II. K. Jones Paint Store. otf
FOR KALB Hog and pigs, good
breed, Kd Hnlvorson, Bund. 30tf
FOR 8ALI6 Choap. new Wornor
itdiuoii or Hnctclonuilla lirltannlcs,
31 volumes, with bokstnnd, half lun
thor bound almost now, a good buy.
Inuulic llnllotlli. S2p
FOR 8ALK A good viiiinir. soiuul
twim of horses, five yeurs old, woll
lirukeu. .Prleu $160.00. M. W.
KMcknriHJckor, (list, Oregon, Farm
ers phone. sitf.
FOIf BALK All kinds of rough
and dressed liimhnr, at Anderson
Bros, sawmill half way between Bond
and Lnldlaw, on old Tutnalo road.
Reasonable prices, rough lumber f 10
per M. Delivering to Bend or Lnld
law $2 per M. Telephone, lfitf
FOR SALE Cabin near Bond Co.
mill. Inqulro at Bulletin office IGtf
FOR 8ALB Tho Altaraont Hotel
building and furniture, all new and
first class. J. A. Kastos, 4tf
FOR SALB Oood property on
Arrives a. m.
I.oMvea 8:30 p. in.
t).-W. II. . N. f(.
Arrives 7:18 p. m.
Leaves 7:16 u. m.
- Arrlvott 7:30 p. nt.
IMXM 10 V IM. -
Cars dally to Burns and points
south and southoast. -
(lonural dnllvery open dally 10 -
u. in. to 0:30 p. m.
- (leneral delivery open Sunday
10:30 a. in." to 11 a. m. , -
Railway mall closes 7 p. m. -
Western Union dally 0-1 21
J-0J 7-10.
Western Union Sunday 8-10 and
Pioneer Co. dally 7 n. m. to 0 p.
Pioneer .Co. Sunday 8-12 6-8. .--
IJukery Goods Home linked
HefrashiiiKSodus nnd Sundaes
Retnil and Wliolesitle
(ftTv&ll s-
"LOST Leather suitcase last Wed
nesday between F. O. Minor cabin up
river and Bend. Finder louve ut this
quite. 32p
LOST Iron gray horse with mane
roacneu, wt about BOO: was with
brown more near Crescent when last
seen. Ho was branded with circle
on left hind leg. Anne Market. 27tf
1 -
For Rent.
FOR LI2ASE Large lot with two
room houte. On Fir avenue, ploso to
depot. One your lenso not less than
$6 per month. Oood for shop. In
quire Mr Joe Scherpf, Arctic Hotel,
Seattle, Wash. 32p
FOR RKNT Five room hunculow,
Deschutes addition. Electric lights
and water. Inquire S. K. Roberts. 32tf
FOR RENT Two room houso,
well furnished, $8 per month. Froo
water. Inquire at Bend Grocery, one
block east of depot. 30tf
FOR RENT Three furnished
rooms, close in, for light housekeep
ing. Rent reasonable. Inquire at
O'Donnell market. 31tf
Half of the Work
Does Not Know
how the other half Uves.Hnlf of
the people of Crook County who
are paying twenty to thirty cents
for their honey do not know that
the other half are buying theirs at
the Bend Grocery- at from twelve
to fifteen cents, per pound. Every
pound guaranteed pure honey.-
You can also jriake a saving on
other Groceries.