1IKNI) IWITLKTIN, IJRNI), 0!lK WKDN'ftftUAY, OCTOpKK )Jf, lOlrt. TAOr. 8. t f COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS An luljcnmiud torm of Comity Court conviMoit itt !l o'utopk p. in. on Huturiliiy, Ootolmr 4tli, 10ia, Pros nut: (I. fliiHiiKor, JuiIko, iinmlilliiKI It, II, llnylny) mimiiilHHlnuor; I'rnnk KIMna, Hlioilnf; Wiirrun llrown, cioim ty olnrK. .. , Wliuroniiou tlin followliiK jirocoail Inttii worn hint, to-wlt: 1'iitltlon for lliiuor olnotlon In Mo. tollilH. itritntuil, Urilurml Hint W. J. Hmltli, C. (I. Kitulnr mill A. .1. Mo Kouxlo lio iipiiollitDil iii)mom; U. 10, HI. .IoIiii, John Wnnl mill V. U Komyth ulurkn of olmitloii, A. .1. MoKuiulo IihIiik nlinlriiiiiii. In tlio innttitr of tlin riMiuoflt for nittlitlotinl nsHlatnnav for Union llur 'ifst, tlio Hititio wiir Krnntiiil. In tlio nmttor of tlio imlntliiK of tlin romt linuso, im mo wim refurrml to tlin county JihIkii. In tliu nmttor of tlin imtltlon or V. 0. GniiKlntoti lit ill In Hid uiiittur of ro-ntnlillnhmont of mi old roml, muiiv n rnfnrrml to tlio county nurvoyor. In tlio uinttnr of tlio lllllitiitu road dlHtrlct, No. !H, tlio rculKiintlon or John llitlfrlch iim roml siiporvlior ro uoIvkiI mill iiccopti'il nnd horno Hum llton npiiolutiiil to NiicciiKit unlit llol' frloli. Clork rciiucitml to forward Hid iieroiwnry hlnnka for mportH, liotidt ntc. In tlin nmttor of pml)" for wld own: Hnrnli K. Hulvoalvr allowml $10 per month: Mnry (lllmon nllowoil $10 pur month: Ahblo Widln nllowml $32,110 por month. Putltlou of J' lo Joiiim iliuiliid for rvasiin Hint alio In n non-roiddiHil. In tlio ninttor of tlio roml Imiut Hliintliion. tlio dlHtrlct attorney re- titifatstl lit' itruw tlio iiDcimtnry or Mrs. In Hit uinttnr of IiIIIm for hrlilns nnd oulvortM ovnr prlvnti riltrhoa, tlio rlork In Inntriirtud to linnd rnplwi of thu im mn to tlio illHlrld uttoriioy for OOllfCtlOII. BEND SCHOOL NOTES A short proKrnm wnn rIvoii Fri day aflornooji fur tlio buniifll of tlin IiIkIi aohool Htudniiti. Tlio following took port: Mm. .Moninuo run. wuik: Mnmnny Hi-lirmlur, riicltutlou; Claud KaHty, 'oration. Currant ovenls worn dlscussm! on TniMHlny inornlnR. The boys' IwnkHt hull ttam and (lit KlrU' twin played TnwHlny afternoon oh tho nronndn donatod by Mlko Me tlrlh. Tlio wire was 6 to In fn vor of tho wty. Allen Howard linn ewiarad Mlaa TraMtimr room. SIib Im from Bunt tin. CLOVERDALE fContlnuod fraw Paso Tv) Cyrus urn nko rapertw) to Im aii lhn alck IIM. I'loyd Omtm atari! to school last Monday. Mr. nnd Mm. ICHnt have returned, from thalr trip In Idntio. Mm. Htarlla Pryrear In vlaltliiK har woihw nt HihIiihjiiiI. I BENDR..F.D. (HpcKjInl to Tlio Ilutletln) llltNl) It. P. I).. Oct. 1 1. V sur pHao parly wnn given ly Mr. Owirn KrlukMii In honor of her hunnand, at the OrniiKo Imll Mnturdny nlKht. A lltrnry piOKruiti won given and ilnuo Ina wait InditlRod In until Mult late. A Tnme rnwd wan prtmt anil a vwry MMjoyakla tlma waa had. WIIHattM ItandltM haa wld hi 0 aero, toielbw with nil alack and maehlnery. to IS. I). llnviMHHn, who Hvmi Haul of HhhiI. II. It. Mtewart baa pHrehMwl the Jit lloiiKhton plara. Mitt Anna llt aMiit undy with Mr. and Mm. C. M. Ilrana. Mr. and Mm. 8. A. Outt cilled on Mr. Hud Mrn. C V llarto and other nalKlihorn Sunday - ..... . . A ... ? W1LLICAN : (Hpvalnl to Tho llullottu) Ml 1.1 JOAN, Oct. H.-Mr. nuir Mm W. II. MeAdnw drove In to llund on Krlduy, ruturuliiK Monday. Mr. mid Mm. Hintth hnvu tnken up rualiliuice on their claim horo. Mm. Adit II. Mllllcnn hn nrrlvod homo from Hood Itlvor where alio Rt- tiMidnd the convention of atulo worn- () ClllllH. Tlio 8ku.ko.leok KluU mot with Mm. Charlotte llcataon Thiimday, a very pleaannt nfturnoon beliiK apottU lonohoa, cream nnd oako wore aurved. Tho lioxt mectlBK of the club will bo nt tho homo of Mm. Mary K. Davln on October 23. II. IC. Dnvla nnd oon John hnve taken tho contract to dig n well for A, A. (lllmoro. UiiiIh Hull Iiiib filed on n homo Htond lioru nnd IntendH to otitiihllHh rttMldonee In the or Mturo. Mr. IleaiifB U hulldliiK n llirw "d dltlnn to hU homo mid will hnvfe u Kood nlnod tnvorn when coiniilatwl. V. It. Johuvon en mo homo flunduy from Hand with n Inrxu Hiipply of Krooyrlirt for ha n(oro. A. 0. Norton hnw broiiBlit out n lpnd of lumber for tho now hcIiojiI house. - -- -- LA PINE v - -- -- - (Special to Tho Iiullot'iii) i.a iMNH. Oct. O.Tho Commer cial Club gnvo n dunCo, limt Snturduy nlKht in honor or tno nowiywoos. n aa won iinvniiuu. Mrs Duko 1 rnnldly rocovorlm; iim tim injuries aha BUHtatuud from no full sho had a short time no. Mm, Tom Pnrkor nnu son nro vis- lug with Mr. und Mra. Jako Howard. J, 8, Doguo had another bicic upon tlin latter part of Innt week but In around iikiiIii. Mm. ititchlu la a ny Iiik with MIhh Mary IIokiio ilurliiK tho niiMunco or uur motiior. Air. i:roii una movou into mo I' rank llomio plncu in lloHinnii. Molvln Itiinnr linn hml nnothor no rloiiH Niitlmuk but In doliiK bettor tit liiNt report. Mhm Kiiimullno Mend vlnltod nt I'ort Hook tho liiat or tho week, The boya workliiK on the I'rlnulo l'alln project iittondod tho ilnimu Hut uriliiy IllKht. Chimin Clow In IiiiiiIIiik lumher from tint Mornou mill with which to build n Iioiino on tho old Hokuu homo Htllllll. Mm. J. J. HluvatiHon In down nick with tho Krlp. Mr. mid Mm, ChrU Amlomon hnvo moved buck on tho homoatoiul nftor IiiivIiik boon tip on Mr. (IrnKler'a plnuo for 'a couple of iiuuithH, where Mr. AudiirHOti linn been clearliiK luud with (lleiin Howard, William KvurliiKham nald nlKht rioWM to Clow & fllndek hmt week. Thuy have JtiHt rnanlvoil- n niKlntered Ihiroo Jortey now nnd Intend !') K'o Into the Iiok bliRluoaa hIoiik with the iliilryltiK. I.A PINK, Oct. H.OeorKO and Mlko .Mnyflnld nhlppnd u hunch of cat tle to I'ortliiud liiat week. (loorKo re turned J'rltln). Mr. nnd Mm. Tom I'nrknr nro mnk InK iirniHKemijntK to ' move on tho I'rntt plant). Tom will huve chnrKO of It. It. 13. Out on, who linn ben working In I. a I'lue for tho pant couple or month, lina koiih to Cnmiibnll, Cut., tienr Knu Jihid. wliuro ho will apnnd tlin winter, rvturuliiK to I .a IMno In the jiprliiK. O. W. Hhrlimr and John Itlln. tho ilnputy Kituin wnrdimn who anriiinrk Iiik the Knmo renorvH, nro IiiivIiik a llttln nnow nnoh nlKht. They nro tryliiK to ifiit tho want nnd nouth llma pouted hoMrn the nnow Kctn too bad no that thoy will bn able to com pleto tho boundary thin fall. The nH nnd north linen can bo worked out durliiK tho Into rail an the auow la not likely to bother In thoao re kIoiih. Mrn. Itnpnr In vlaltlne with Mr. J. Prank HoKiie on the llogue liouio atend. A allKht annw haa fallen for the pl three lilKhta but linn nil dlnap IHmrml tmch tnornluK by 1.30. ! POWELL BUTTE t (Special to The Hullotln) ! I'owrcu, iitrri:, Oct i.t c-ar- pHHter work waa romploted on the Ony Kaara rmldenm Wdiifiidn Mr trnr now ban n rununodlouK fnriu hoiiM nond to none In Hi In wtlm Tho work waa diin by eontrart iiy X. I'. Alley, which la a Ruaranttio "f drat claw work. Mm. Joe HliMirer In entertaining her mother and urandinotlier. Mm. Churlen Orewller of Hood nnd Mm. Mnry Oruwjlur of I'orilnniJ. The threo Indlea nnd little ftnth nlienrer wtiat to MMonta Thumdny where thoy vliil ted neveral daya, tho Kiieata of relative. John Itohde haa been auffertiiK with nil ntlnek of rbeumntlim for the tKiKt :wo week, lie In ntayliiK with hi brothur, A. II. Itnhdo. ' M. K. Uhlan of Mlnniwota, who own NO aeroa or laud In thene part. han wrIUen frlondn that he la willing, to Klve one hair aero In the northwiat j rorimr or lit tract r land to be uned for a aohool houne alte. Thin la an ' admirable location for a acbool and ; hi onr will no doubt Ih noeeptwl with Kratltnue by the patroH ot dla trkt 90. Mra. Mrl'baraoH and mother. Mm. Junaa. ware vial lorn at Clln lHlla laat wttek. Mrn. C. II. Charlton and aona of I'rlaovHIu eaniH out the latter part of lha week to analHt Mr. Charlton In tho potato liarveaL Thoy returned to I'rliinvllle 8atutdny mornlM. Mra. A. W. Hen vlaltad In Priua vtllu u couiile of daya the iwat wuek, tho Kiiimt of of her daughter, Mlw (lludya and Haxel llayn. Clnrk Momo wn n hunlne vUltor to HlMtem hut week. J. I.. Pouter and daughter, Minn jrTmnni Ja M Mam I J.S''' "M?a. MK bi ah b. st at I asBi aiBt aiaiaf Lslai af ! ,KfoVf'V17Sk I Ball 11 I 111 lasllaT I T ia2PBJwwyPi s I lauPar liall lafl laHSFllaBaV arm W ' 1 1 si rl fljililil 1 1 Ilirilllli Ililllili 1 I ' !&$S&WftyK. 3 3m ILUUIl II lafl iim I mla The Owl For Busy People Dally train each way between Central Oregon points and Portland. Tourist sleeping car (Berths $1.00.) First class coaches. Save a Day Each Way FROM CENTRAL OREGON Lonvo Hond 8:30 p. in. " DoschutcH..!. 8:48 p. in. " Redmond l):10 p. in, " Terrul)onno...9:2l p. in. Culvqr 10:02 p. m. MotoHus 10:20 p. m. . " Mtulrns 10:30 p.m. Arrive Portland 8:10 n. in. Prompt despatch of freight between Central Oregon and Portland and Portland and Eastern Cities I MM 'SI IMIIWI !! IM IIIM I I. .. - .M Connections mado In Portland to nnd from Willnmotto Vajloy, Astoria and Cltvtaop Boach points, Pugot Sound, Spokane, Montana, Colorado, St. Paul, Omahar Kansas City and Chicago, Faros, time schedules, und other Information by lottor, or upon application to It. II. OROZIBH, A. Q. P. A. J. H. CORDET, Agent. Portland, Oro, Uond, Oregon. V. C. WILKES, A. Q. P. & P. A., Portlnud, Oregon I'hOoho, or Cllno Foil worn vMltorn nt tho MoiitKoiuery homo Hnturdny. Ji'hhu lluckmon nnd Hnlph Joriot, two Crook County HIkIi Hchoo) boya, vlilted homo rolkn the Inttor part or tho week, returning to I'rinevlllo Hiinilay, U, N. Hoffman, mnnnnliiK ndltor or Tho DoikI llullelln, wua u I'owoll llutto vlnltor Hiivoral duyn the pant week. Mr. Hoffman wnn on n got tliiK-nmiiinliitud tour and wnn nlno nollontlnK matorlal for a npi'clal edition of The llullotlu which will nontiilu a I'owoll llutto Hiipplemont with no end of ndvortlliiK for our liindH nnd poople. While hero Mr. Ilorrman wn a kuonI of Allen Will ooxon, Itov. ItiiKnn o'r Itedtnond hold ro HkIouh nervloon nt Khopnril noliool Iioiino Hominy. A InrKO orowd waa In attendance, Tho threnhliiK ncanon for IV 13 In thin locality in nt nn end. Konter llru who own and operate the Christmas will be here soon NOW is the time to plun tliose photographs -tlie most ucccptublc gift you could give ti friend. This yenr we tire prepared to give you spccially.'attractivc ser vice u t Christmas prices. THE ELITE STUDIO R. .!. TODD, l'roprfotor TELL US OVER THE PHONE Thtn split nl rck wnih CompAn our bait with tht oth.r filmf. TUt' sIL LOW PRICES, UGTTHRSFRVICE Bend Steam Laundry, Put Your Duds In Uur Suds" I WHO CENTRAL OREGON LINE TO CENTRAL OREGON Leave Portland 7:00 p. m. Arrivo Madras 0:00 a. m. " MotoHus 0:15 a. in. " Culver 0:28 a.m. " Terrobonno...7:08 a, in, " Redmond 7:23 a.m. " ,Deschutes....7:43 a. m. " Bend 8:00 a, m. thruNhor for thin nock of tho wood, rornmenccd tholr fall run on Auxunt 'iU nnd nlnco Hint tltno have huen runnltiK contlnuoutly except Hundnyn, thntHhliiK tho Innt r.ottlnK on tholr plnce Monday. At no tlmo worn they nut ofjho i'owoll llutto nertlon, n fact wlilji nliould Klve the render nomo lilun or tho extent or tho valley, 'flie Koktorn report the yiald n con nldorubly hotter than wn Rutlclpnted earlier In tho ncanon. Thero In not the amount or Krnln In the country till year nn Innt, however. V. 0. nnd I'M Miintard ntartcd on n huntliiK trip Humlny. They expect to be Kono n week or more nnd nro headed for the mountain via Hear Creek Mutton. No doubt Knmo will be Ion plentiful when theme hunt era tart home. N'orrln Bunnaer wn n I'rinovllle vlnltor Saturday and Humlny. Mr. nnd Mrn. Krnnk Donlavy or (Nine fall were Sunday vlnltor at the 0. C. Truendnle home. Mrs. N. II. (lolden vlnlted Mr. 8. I). Milliard Monday. There la not an Idle man In thin whole section nowaday, with the putting up or tho third cutting or hay which wo dolnyed by recent rain, liaullnx Krnln to market and ImrventliiK the IiIb potato crop there 1 work for all and then wine, I'OWKM, IJUTTB, Oct. H Died, Sunday, Oct. 12, KlnKdon Ollnon, tho C-monthn-old baby or Mr. and Mm. Walter Kontor. Interment will be made In I'rinovllle. A GOO!) MAItllHIl .SHOP. U you annrcclato cood barber nor vice, we Invite you to patronlzo thin nhop. Our workmen nr nkllled, courtcou and obliging. Other hnvo cauno wo Klvo nntlBfnctlon. Innca & Davldion, OrcRon 8Ucet.-VAdv. 21tf XOTICK J'Olt PUIIMCATIO.V. Uepurtnivnt of tho Interior. U. 8. ljind Office at The Dalle, Ore- Kon, flout. 25. 1013. Notice I hereby Riven that Thomas Cray, or llend, Oregon, who on April 28, i9io, niado Jiomevom. application No. 0CC3O, for swsw't, nee. 1. and asoU. soViswH. nee. 2. nnd no'4nw4, nVinoU, soc. 11, and nw'nwVi, see. 12, township 20 south, ranee IC oast. Willamette, Meridian, haa (Hod notice or Inton Hon to make final three year proof, to establish claim to the land abov? described, before II. C. Kills, United Htatea rouunlsaloner. at iiend, Ore Ron, on the 22nd day of November, 1913. Claimant namea a wltneaa Joiih W. McConnoll. Otht C. Hen- hie. Kiilton K. Hafner. Prank J. Klk- atead, all or Hend. Orfo. II. KKANIC WOODCOCIC, 31-35 Kegistor. xoTiti; I'oit prm.icATio.v. Deiwrtiiifiit or th Interior. U. 8 l.nnd Offlre at The Dalle. Onxon, Septeinlr 20, 181t. Notice Is hereby Riven that Pulton II. Hafner, of llend. Oregon, who, on March 31, IttlO, made homestead miry No. 0C365, additional. Mareh 17, 1913, Nd. 011(26, for Lot 3, 4, Sec 18, T. 10. 8., It. H, K.. SKVi. SV4 NKVi, Section 13, Township 1$, H.. Katico 13. K Wlllametto .Mori dlan. has (lied notice of Intention to make final three yoar proof, to estab lish claim to the land ubovo describ ed, before II. C Kills, n U. S. Com. mlMloner, nt hi office In Hond. Oi Kon, on the 17th day or November. l'Jll. Claimant namos as witnsses: Prank J. ICIkstoad. John A. Hazuka, Thomas a ray and Adolph Qehhart all or llend, Oregon. 20-3Sp II. PRANK WOODCOCK. Keglster. NOTirit OP CONTKST. Department or the Interior, United Htatea I.and OMee, The Dalles, Oreaon. SeptamlHtr 22, 113. To Clarence C. I'rasby of Held, Ore. eon, Cunteatee: You are hereby notlflad that Charles A. Ilengtson. who Hive c-oi II. C. Kills, llend. Orogen. aa his !sl.olee addrinw. did on August 23. ivis, me in hub aiuee his uuij- ear rotMirated application to contest and seeure the cancellation of your home stead, Bit try No. , Serial No. 010601. made August 10. 1912. fur NKV4 SWU.SU swit.swy SBU. Section 23, Township 20. S., Itange 20. B., Willamette Meridian, nnd aa j grounds for his content he alleges iiihi uiu L.iuruucu v. rruBur una failed to establish or maintain a resi dence upon said entry; that he has railed to cultivate said tract us re quired by law; that ha haa wholly abandoned said tract for more than ulx mouths last past. You nro, therefore, urthor noti fied that the said allegations will be taken by this otllco ns having been confessed by you, and your said entry will be canceled thereunder without your further rlKht to be heard there in, either beforo thla otllco or on an neal, U you rail to fllu lu this otnee within twenty daya after tho FOURTH publication of this notice as Hhown IkjIow, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re apondlug to theso allegations of con test or if you fall within that tlmo to lllu lu this Dftlco duo proof that ou hnvo served n copy of your answer on tho said contestant olthor in person or by registered mall. It this service Is mado by tho delivery or a copy or your nnswor to the contestant In per son, proof ot such aorvlco must bo olthor tho said contestant's written acknowledgment or hla recolpt of tho copy, showing the date of Its recolpt, or tho nllhlavIC of tho person by wJiom delivered: if mado by register ed mall, proof of such sorvlco must consist of tho nllldavlt ot tho porsou by whom tho copy waa mailed stating when and tho postofllco to which It was mailed, and this uflldavlt must bo accompanied by tho postmaster's recolpt for tho lottor. You should Btnto In your answer tho name ot tho postofllco to which you deslro futuro notices to bo sont to you. L. A. H0OTH. Receiver. Data ot first publication .Octuber 1, 1913. Data of Bccond publication October 8 1913 ' Dnto of third publication October 15. 1913. Date ot fourth publication October 22, 1913, it 5 S 5 S Si -I STOP! LOOK! You can get Bluestem Blend and Flaky Loat Fancy Patent FLOUR of your grocer for $1.25 Per Sack Stronger and whiter than any flour now on the market. Every sack guaranteed. Jfyour grocer does not Iiavelt, phone us. Take no other. Bend Milling & Warehouse Co. Bend, Oregon Hotel Wright GRHENWOOD AVENUE. The Hotel for Winter. Steam Heat and Running Hot and Cold Water. Get our rates for the winter. The only stone hotel in Bend. ; Headquarters for Commercial Men I-.lectrlc Lighted Throughout THE BEND HOTEL HUGH O'KANE. MANAQKR OoodRooms BEND, Free bus to and from trains Altamont Hotel THE .MOST MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE ROOMS IN THE CITY. STEAM HEAT. HOT AND COLD WATER WITH BATH PRIVILEGE. J. A. EASTES, Mgr. Airs. E. J. MERRINO, Assistant MrV. BEND, OREGON Pilot Butte Hotel Ideal Stopping Place for Summer Vacationists and Travellers. SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO COMMERCIAL MEN. OOOD DININO ROPM. J. P. TAU0ART, Proprietor. FREE AUTO BETWEEN MOTEL AND DEPOT. 44444 SBS 251 ?S-M MUvM.t ,Irf"r vC SSl Situated in the hub of the principal theater and shopping district. Recently redecorated and refurnished throughout, and better equipped today than ever before. EUROPEAN PLAN. Rooms without bath. $t.00 per day and up. Rooms with both, $2,00 per day and up. N. K. CLARKB, Asst. Algr. ONE CENT A WORD is all S S 5 S s n n Special Attention to 1 . Transient Travel J X X X X OREGON Qood Meals AH arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and castof here I rorlland'y Famous Hotel Noted lor the Excellence of i(? Guyine. European pfaQ tmwMSMsmmmMm Q. J. KAUFMANN, Manager a little want ad will cost you. i