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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1913)
mrwww VAQK . BKND HUM.KTIN, RKND, OHK., WKDNK8DAY, OCTOIlKIl A, 10ia. SCHOOL FUND APPORTIONED BEND DISTRICT QETS $976 Hooncy Saturday. Tlio Sku-Ke-Lock Club will meet with Mrs. Chnrlotto lleatson October 9. POWELL BUTTE County Superintendent Myers An nounces Amount Tlmt (ioc to Kncli of the 01 ScliooN of the County nt Thin Time. (Spcclnl to Tho llulletln) JU9.S0; $179.20; $123.40; $123.40; l. 19. 21. 3. PUIN'EVILLE. Oct. 0. County Superintendent Myora announces that the state, and county school fund was apportioned today among tno vari ous districts as follows: Dist. 1. $613; dist. 2, JHC.SO; dlst. 3, $150.40; diet 4, $130.60; dist. 5. $141.40; dlst. 6, $145; dlst. 7. $148.60; dlst. S, $152.20; dlst 9. $200.80; dlst 10. $159.40: dlst 11, $190: dlst 12 (Uend). $976.60; dlst. 13. $145; dlst. 14. $229.60; dlst. 15, $69.80; dlst 16, $199; dlst. dlst. IS. $137. SO; dlst dlst. 20. JUS; dlst. dlst. 22. $330.40; dist, dlst. 24. $130.60; dlst. 25, $118; dlst. 26. $132.40; dlst ST. $141.40; dlst. 28. $143.20; dlst. 29, $121.60; dlst. 30. $136; dist. 31, $139.60: dlst. 32, $166.60; dlst. 33, $127: dist. 34.. $119.0; dlst. 35. iij on. ,ii.i ?.: iit ? iu ft? I $159.40; dist. 3S, $121.60; dlst. 39. -$161.20; dlst 40, $134.40; dlst. 41, $145; dlst. 42. $161.20; dlst. 43, $208: dlst. 44. $130; dlst. 45, $161.20; dlst. 46, $118; dlst. 47, J150.40; dlst. 48, $128.50; dlst. 49, $173.80; dlst. 50, $166.60; dlst. 51. dlst. 52. $146.S0: dlst. 54, $175.60; dlst 56. $132.40; dist 58, $112.60; 60, $139.60; (Special to Tho llullotln) POWKLL nUTTB, Oct. 6. Sev eral freight outfits hauling oro from the Maytlowcr mlnoa passed through hero Sunday ror tno railroad. George Hobbs spent a couple of days in Hemuonu ami uemi lasi week. ' Mickey Conlon of Hodmomt spent several das at ruwoll mute inst week. He was trying to place a S til re stallion with tho tanners. A horse of this class Is badly needed here. Mrs. Umlqulst and daughter hnve arrived from Tacomu to be with Mr. Mndqulst and tho two boys who havo a ranch here. Alvln itlggs brought a bunch of about 50 steers from Hedmond Sun day to feed this winter. This Is tho only logical way of disposing of al falfa In quantities and It Is certain that a number of Powell llutte firm era will start feeding. A number of Prlnovillo boys vis ited the lake tmr tho Huston l.uo Sunday with .ippotl'ea all llxol Mi duck. They found shooting mud hens very poor sport. Tho Sorosla Bpent n vory pleasant afternoon with Mrs. Allen Wlllc txeti last Wednesday. The time wna spent with sowing and muslo. There were tlyo new momuura who joined the club, John Miotic has sold tho remain ing SO acres of his placo to It. 1 Moore of Columbia, S. C. hast Sunday while coming out from Prlnevllle with a four-homo load of supplies, and people for the rabbit drive, tlvorge Morgan had a runaway. Although no serious dam age was done, there was much ox cltement. Ono wheel horse foil and was stripped of harness and left In tho road. Munx WllUmcn inado n tttp to Uend wltha load of dressed pork, last week, llmlotnh Johnson won tho two lambs given nt the Prluolllo fair ror tho best shear of wheat exhibited by n school child. Mr, (loldun lm Just ilnlshod dig ging a uunrter acre of potatoes he had planted for houso uso, Thoy mnde M sucks ot saleable potnioos. This shown what Hpu-lB will do hero If, propoi iy cared for. John Wolfer has gone to San Krau elsco for a visit with h's mot tier, lllliS WANTKO. dist. dlst dlst. dlst dlst. $119.80: $148.60; $130.60; $168.40; $532; dlst $145; dlst 62. $166.60; dlst $132.40: dlst 64. $166.60; dlst. $154; dlst. 66, $132.40; dlst. $191.80; dlst. 68, $146.80; dlst dlst. 70. $184.60; dlst. dlst. 72. $143.20; dlst dlst 74. $127: dlst dlst. 76, $123.40; dist dlst 78. $134.20; dlst dlst 80. $184.60; dlst dlst 82, $172; dlst. dlst 84. $12S.80; dlst. S&. dlst 86. $132.40; dlst S7, dist 88, $109;dlst 89, 91, 63, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 66, 67. 69, 71. 73, 76. 77, 79, 81. 83, $166.60; $132.40; $139.60; $165.80; $126.20; $130.60; $170.20; $123.40; $136; $100; $170.20; dlst 90, $119.80; dlst $121.60. The county school fund was not sufficient to permit tho apportion ment of $5 to each district having a teacher in attendance at the annual county Institute, as provided by law, The sum due each district under this provision will bo Included In th'o next apportionment BEND SCHOOL NOTES (Rcportcjl for The Dullctln) ' Tom Murphy and his men havo been taking dlrt'from the playground of the Uend school between Fir ave nue and Greenwood, making It ab solutely useless as a play field. The seventh and eighth grades, which havo been coming Into the high school two mornings a week for singing Instruction, will discontinue this practice and are going to organ ize a glee club Instead. Meetings will bo held on Wednesday and Fri day under the direction of Miss Trautoer. This will loavo the stu dents of the high school 15 minutes Jn which to study in the morning be fore class 06 are called. Friday aftprnoon a debate and a short program were given by some of tho students. It wns as follows: Sopg, "Old Black Joe," High School. Quotations from the "Anclont Mar iner," by Margaret Sohredor, Frances Steldl. Susie Kelley, Genevieve Gor rish, Maydeiv Trlplott, Leona Spring er. "Soldier's Farewell," by the Busy Bees .quartet Margaret Thompson, Margaret Schreder. Ruth Caldwell. ranees meiai. The 'debate on the ausstion. "Should the United States Increase ncr navyl" was -won by tbo fresh men side, the leader being Evelyn Bedlent, by a vote of 9 to 2. The sophomores or the negative side had Marie Fox as leader. Walter Taylor has moved his fam ily to town from their Harney Holes homestead to allow the three chit- aren ato go to school J. P. Reynolds and family, former ly of Seattle, have moved to Bend. Mr. Reynolds has two sons In school, Floyd being a sophomore and Paul In the fifth grade. Miss Cowles gpve a short talk on Tuesday morning on "Home Rule in Ireland." The high school will have a spell ing lesson every Thursday morning and the marks therefrom will go In as an English grade. Tho student of the sophomore and freshman class who raises his aver age monthly mark the most will be rewarded with a half holiday. Frances Yodor entored tho first grade Monday. The total registration for !last month was 24 s pupils. Tho totul at present Is 290. This Is an Increase of 30 over the fcurrespondlng time last year, tho .enrollment at that time being 260. MILLICAN (Continued from Page Two) Wainens Clubs. She expects to re turn about October 9. Mr and Mrs. Gllmoro called on Mr. and Mrs. Davis Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Llllle Cinder visited with Mrs. RAILROAD RATES REDUCED FROM Sept. 25 to Oct 10, 1913 to points on the Tho Common Council of tho city of llmtd will receive sealed bids un til ti p. in. Tuesday, Ootohor 14, 1913, for the construction or a mu nicipal building exclusive ' of stout and Iron work, in accordance with pinna and HpeoKleattoiis now In the lunula of J. W. Illmlck. Bids nro de sired basud In a general way unon tho following construction mater ials: Flcst. North and east walls of pink tufa rock laid In broken ashlar design with brick walls on west and south. Second. North and east walls ot pink tufa rock laid In range design with brick waits' on the west and south. Third. North ami east walls ot local prosed brick with west and! Doutn wniis ot uricx, Sealed bids arc alsmdeslrod at tho sumo ttmu In a tump sum and also ItomUod for tho steel and Iron work called for by said plans and spoolll oatlons. All IiMh must lie delivered personalty to tho mnyur or recorder prior to 6 p. in. Tuosdny, October II, 1013. Tho council reserves tho rlglil to reject any and all bids. II. C. NI.MH, October 7, 19 13, Recorder, Geo. Scliroeder ARCHITECT Contractor nnd Builder Material furnished on nny contract If re quired. Careful fig ures itivui) on nil kinds of building. Wooden nnd Steel Drliles of nil kinds. Norval L.( Springer ' Cleaning1 and Pressing All Work Promptly Atlended to Curmody Brothers Pool llnll J. J. RYAN s Mlnnevitn Street SANITARY PLUMBING STEAM AND HOT WATER HE ATI NCI joimiNo Promptly Attended to t (S)0REG0NTRUNKKY. tL"r- "I CENTRAL OREGON LINE FROM Atlanta, Ga., ....... .$51.70 Iloston, Mass., 6G.15 Uuffalo, N. Y 47.60 Cairo, 111 39.9S Charleston, S. C 64.75 Chatanooga, Tcnn. . . 48.40 Chicago. Ill 38.00 Cincinnati, 0 42.85 Cleveland, 0 44.75 Columbus, 0 44.60 Detroit Mich 43.S0 DesMoIncs. la 32.84 Duluth, Minn 30.00 Evansvilla. Ind 40.10 Indianapolis, Ind. ... 40.C0 superior, wis. Kansas City, Mo., $30.00 l.oulsvtllo. Ky 42.S5 Memphis, Tenn Mtlwaukeo. Wis, Minneapolis, Minn Nashville Tenn. Now York. N. Y. Omaha, Nebr. . . I'corla. III. Philadelphia. I'a &4.7C Pittsburg. Pa 47.00 M.7& 30.00 37.00 30.00 42.50 3G.7D 30.00 45.00 56. QO 30.00 37.00 t i Richmond, Ya. Sioux City, la. St. Louis, Mo. . . St. Paul, Minn. . 130.00. COItnESPONDING REDUCTIONS KHOM ofllKIt POINTS. If you will ndvlso tho Oregon Trunk Ky. Agent the names and nddrossos or your friends In tho East who aro coming to Oregon ho will havo a repre sentative call and help plan their trip. Deposits in prepayment of tickets will be accopted by agents and tickets delivered at Eastern points by telegraph. For further Information regarding stopovers, etc., apply to R. H. CROZIBR. A, G. P. A. J. II. CORHET, Agent. Oro. Trunk Ry. Portland, Ore. Uend, Orogon. Now is the Time to Buy FURNITURE A7ILL MAKE Special Discounts on all my furniture for the next 20 days to save the expense of moving into my new quarters in the new Mutzig building on Ore gon street,' about October 15th. Remember we have the 1 0-CENT COUNTER of everything useful, including china dishes. A. L HUNTER A SQUARE DEAL -TO EVERY CUSTOMER. Bond Street, Bend, Oregon Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary Brick is absolutely fire proof in nny ordinary conflagration. Brick Buildings never burn, although they are .sometimes injured by falling timbers or combustible interior woodwork. A brick building is absolutely fire proof if wire glass is used in the windows and if burned clay floors are used. An interior fire in such a building is confined to the room in which it originates; no outside fire can attack; it, The proportion of burned clay in a building construction measures its fire proof qualities. Burned clay is the only building material that has been through the fire before you get it, in such a manner that it will resist fire. All combustible matetial is burned out of the brick before you get it. WHEN YOU BUILD USE BRICK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. i NEW STOCK.. of Dry Goods now in, with many attractive of ferings both in quality and price. Ladies' Underwear and Sweaters also, OUR GROCERIES are tresh, and we sell them at rock bottom prices. Quick .delivery made by t, our auto. ' E. A. Sather WALL STREET BEND PARK COMPANY SEATTLE BEND PORTLAND Original Townsite of Bend Park Addition Lava Road Addition North Addition . Riverside Addition , Lytic , :; Center Addition Bend Park First Addition to Bend Park Second Addition to Bend Park Boulevard Addition Bfc-v in f , t t r i' .1 For Descriptive Literature, etc., tuldress BEND PARK COMPANY 455 Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. First National Bank Building, Bend, Oregon. t ,y - V. A v 1 I I. I