HKNJJ HULLKTM, IJR.VD, 0nE WKDNKBDAY, OCTOnKH 0, J01.1. I'AOK 3, r SCHOOL US ': ARE ACCEPTED OARD SUQOESTS FEW CIIANQES ir llnlhlliiK Will llmo HlRlit Clrwli Itootim mill I.hiki' AhmmiiIiI)' Itoniu -' Hultnhlo I'nr Public (IhIIhtIiikn. 1 HI111I of .MnU'Hiil UihIihiIiIimI. At n Himclnl JiKJUtliiK of thu aohool oWil huld Huturtlay inornliiK. (illitu lor thu now moIioo! hiillillni; wurtf S"iiu over with thn uruhltuot, It. I'. WDitlt or Hiiokniiu, nml ncoftntuil nh Jpi'l to 11 fuW Hllitllt OllUIIKV SUKKWlt- kyt by munition) of thu hoard In or- Mr to provhlo moru room nun in irimso tlio UBufulnuiH of lh' build fiiK. Mr Hwontt'H ordinal iilnnn pro !dm with n two-lloor hiillriliiK wllhi asniiiiiiit Ktich of thu two doom cmilnlnmt four hcIiooI room 2.1 x jni ftvt, with lint mid clonk room ml-1 InliiH On thu Una floor wn thol I'Mik'HhiI'd oltlco nnd nliovo It on thu mxt Hour Hpiictt wun provided for u IHhool library. In I tut huiiiimit wro two playroom-0110 for thui 'xiyii mid 0110 ror uiu wrm wmi ioi- tot rooniH adjoining. Iluro also wm Hie bailor room iilunnod to ho com- liUti'ly oiirloivd with brick ttll, n uteol cullliiK und iiutoiuutlo flruproof duor. 1 Tnklnir thesa nlnna aa n bnl, tho lunrd dUcnwiod with Mr, Hwtmtl thu loullilllty of making the two lm tnciit playroom Into clnm room mid 011 thu Hucond floor throwliiK twuj ilnmt room Into 0110 with a 12-foot flnnv nt oiui und In iirdiir to provldo. .11 nomtily room mltalilo for pub ur ineotliiK- In tin connection It , propound to un tho hIhku for a' ivcltnlloii room nnd hIimi thu pro-1 1 ond lllirnry room adjoining. All , lu'n rhmiKM, Mr. Hwwut Hld. wnro loimll.lH to intiko nnd mill build thui hool well within tho appropriation,! olid he Him riiotod to furnish thu, loiirii with now plan omlMidyliiK thu . hcratioiij. Tlmt hu nxruod to do 1 fori' the (Into of hi nuxt vlnli, wliirn Mill l on tho 14th. At tlmt' li.,.i itiM ii will hrliiK thu romplHt Hii(llli-iitloii. I lHii.HlfH in IIih rout of construe ln In itiirf nnd mono were prtnt', t'd to thu Ininrd hut no nctlon ukn J tlit-rcon. Thu roniilt of thu hoard h action in nrrnnKl'iK far lh chann th' i.rrlilli-ct In to work out will ho to trovldu n ehool Iioiinu with itluht Hopnrntu oln room mid 0110 UrKi 'iiwivinlily room In which two KradiMJ din tudy, koInk to ritclio to tho two mnnller room on the MtaRu und room adjoining. Tho iKiard plan In hurry tho ron- , (triirtton u much a powtlhlo whon thu II mi I iiIuiim mid Hput'illcHlloini art' linro In onlnr thnl tho coiiKuotlon in tho proMout (tiurtura may lo rullcvcd 1 I'oIIowIiik n rt'iHiiiinu'iiiluiloii nmilu! hy Mr. Hwontton tho hoard ha had thu flro iNicaim utalrwuy oxtundud to thn attlo lloor of thu prenont UiilldliiK und In comildurlHK tho iUHitloii r putting In olH-trle lights nnd m fur tiacA to hMt thu liulldliiK t-nd rdur the II ro rllt. nwltch over to miiko tho drmiKht Knmtor, nnd nil thu piimpliiK I donu uwny with, IHI LOHERY FOR GR00K7 Jiirkpliio Tcrillory Hoou to Ho Open I'or Ncttli'iiM'tit. A dliipntch from WnhliliiKlnn, I), f!,, (Intuil OctolKir I, to tho I'ortlnud OruKonlnn, miyii: "Moru tlimi .100,000 ncrim of liiud In Uiook ooiinty, nmir L11 I'liiu, do clnred more vnltinhlo for nKrloultiirnl thun foruHtry ptirpomtK, xoon will ho oprnicd for nottloiuont on tho lottery pimi. "HH.i'il(iry Hoimtoii ha ndvlnod ltupri)utntlvo Hlnnolt tlmt hu ro couiiuuiidiid thu ullmlnnlion of 24, 000 itureH from tho Doweliutoo nnt lonul foront. Approval hy tho Hocrv tnrv of thu Inlorlor In nuodud to com plcio tho itllinlmitlon, mid lliln In ux pvotod within thu uuxt 10 tiny from rmnnrkn Mr, lloiuton miido to Mr. Hlnnolt, )m lion houn workliiK to xcoiirv thu tllmlniitlon for nlmont n yimr." A fiOOl) IIAIIIIMK HHOV. If you nppM'duto Kood harhur nor vlcu, wu Invito you to piitronlzo thla aliop. Our workmen nr nklllud, ooiirtcoiiM nnd oUIIkIiik. Othum hnvo caiiBo wu kIv HnllHfaotlon. Innoa & Davldion, Ori-Kun fltrcet. Adv. 21lf Uui Ftr Quartx, In tho immtifiu'liirt' of nonpx nnd pol lnhlnu pntviliTH (pmrtt In iircfnrrcd to rIIIch xninl on nccotmt of Hit wliltunpun nnd iiiiKUliirlly. QmirU cruNhixl mid ftrndi-d to vnrlotm kUch I lined In thu uiiiniifnctiu-u of unndpnpcr mid ennd ht'ltM nn n iwoiiHiik nKont, for "front ln" ulnnn with mind bhint nppnrntuii, etc. Illockn of mnimlvo qunrtr. nnd niiitrtxllo nru iihcm! In tho clionilcnl In dtiHlry iin n filler for ncld towern nnd n 11 flux In copper mnelllnir (J round ipilirlr. In aIko lined In filler nnd In tooth powder mid f dcntlstn n a duleryont. A fttady Rttort. A filnRow profcHHor nlwny hnd tho hnek heiiehe In hi rlnHroom nrmiiK id on n hluticr level thmi tho lower. On 0110 ot'cnxlon n ntudent entered when 11 leeturu wn In proKre nnd mnreliHt nololly to 11 Kent on the top 111 ox t tier. "(Jentlernen." remurked the lecturer, n lie filed tils eye on the of fender, "the ruiu nhrny rlc to the top!" "Vex. nnd the dreg nlwny lnk to the IkpHomi!" win tho retort of tho n-ndy atudent, Qolna Too Far. "Mn. tun." nohlMil Willie, "do raj enr Pelonir to 111 neck or my fnco7" "Why. wlml thu inntUTr wn tho temporlidiiK n-tily. "Well, 011 told Mnry to wnh rny STOP! LOOK! You can get Bluestcm Blend and Flaky Loal T-ancy Patent FLOUR of your grocer for '. $1.25 Per Sack' Stronger and whiter than any flour now on the market. Every sack guaranteed, If your grocer does not have It, phone us. Take no other. r g Bend Milling & Warehouse Co. & Bend, Oregon niv Ki.KcntKUi. ii:vici:. Who linn not vtoppod nt n hlnrk nmlth Hhop to witcli thu Niulth hum HiurliiK tho mil hot Iron and then thruntliiK U Into tho fire whllo he hlowly piimiuHl Iho iMtllou mid the Miwrk ronoT Thu IipIIowh purt of i I now lifting cIiuuh(I. A hiuhII fun driven hy 0 motor which I ct trollud hy it nwltch, ha oeun put 'it mid tho hollown l to i ni i.mru M. J, M11I11 Iimh rucuutly ihxtHi.ed 0110 of thuie nt til ahop on Mlnnimuta Mtreot. Ah tho workman itaud lit thu forRu ho linn only to lldo thu Christmas will be here soon .fc( 4BM NOWKthetimeto plan those photogrnplis -the most acceptable gift you could give a friend. This year we ure prepared- to give you .specially attractive ,ser v i c e at Christmas prices. The elite STUDIO It, J. TODD, Proprietor :IVE solid reasons why each farm needs a manure spreader are these, in the words of. a farmer who has devoted much timo to correct fioil fecdimr. 1. It saves disagreeable and hard work. 2. It pulverizes and mixes the manure mass. 3. It distributes manure evenly over the field, insuring a good, even etand of crain. 4. It prevents loss of nitrogen through fermentation or leaching in the pile when manure is hauled directly from the stable. 5. Indirectly, the ease with which it can be handled encourages the owner to care for the manure and distribute it on the fields care fully instead of wasting it. I H C Manure Spreaders will work uncomplainingly for years making ' profits for the owners. You will find them all styles and sizes, high and low, endless apron or reverse. I II C manuro sproadors aro exceedingly durable, strong, correctly built to stand all con ditions and all strains they may meet. Each feature ha3 its purpose. Up hill or down or cutting corners, they spread all kinds of manuro evenly, in n light or heavy coat at tho will of the driver. Tho beater drive, is strong and simple, beater teeth aro square and chisel pointed to pulverize the manure, and the large diameter of tho beater prevents wind ing. Tho rear axle, carrying a large percent age of the load, insures ample tractive power. But seo all these things yourself at your locul dealer's. Find your choice in the I H C line. The dealer has catalogues for you, or, write the International Harvester Company of America tlncorportud) Portland Or. fflri', nnd h'' wnlifiiK my fan (oo," Mnnchi'Mcr (luiirdlrtii. Tantallilngly Aeourat. HIip Tlii-ruV wurli 11 lliliiK n loo much iiirimit'j'. ! No, not It rnnnot lie! Hlic-Vif. I lold ,lnck lie could hnvo Jut oiiu Id xx. und hu only took ouii.-l'rili('utoii 'I'Ibit. Llbtral. "I nlmolutcly don't know trlmt to gin- my rook for 11 wcdilltifc prwiint" "Tlii-ii iduiply Kin Iht uiofii'y" "Oh. not It 111 nut n't i t n muuli a thnt"-Ulk. IIISND'H HKAI'OltT. PKOKKNCH I llond' noaront oa port. In couno of n short time it will ho corinocted with llcnd directly hy mil. It you wlih to know rnoro nhout thin eenport, wrlto OKO. JIBLViN MILLER, 1-23-Hp-Adv Florence, Ore, Nent ilnnco prt)rniii nnd fancy proKram prncil nt The Ilullctln, In nny ijumitlty dculred. t TELL U5 OVER THE PHONE WHO D0E3 11 " i''iim Tiin apllt nut wrck'a wmh. Compar ur blf with tho otbfr (tiloWa. Tbat'a all. LOW PRICES, BETTER SFRVICO Bend Steam Laundry. "Put Your Duels In Our Suds" U S B' Q Five Solid Reasons 1 NOTK'K FOR I'UIILICATIOX. Dopartuivnt of tho Interior, V. S. IjiihI OIJlMt at Tho, Dalit, Ore Kon. Kept. 25. 1913. Notice I herohy Riven that Tliomaa Gray, of Hand, Oregon, who on April 28. 1110. mado hoinan'efl. application No. 0G6I0, forswawV. nee. 1. and taU. BoUawVi. boc. 2, and ne Vina'.., nfineU, uc. 11, nnd nwVtiiwU, ec 12, towndilp 20 Houth. raiiKO 1C east. Wlllametto, Meridian, ha filed notice of inten tion to mako flnul threo year proof, to vAtahllah claim to tho land nuow doMcrlhed, lioforo II. C. Kills. United Htntoa comnilialonor. nt llend, Oro Kon. on the 2 2nd day of November, 1913. Claimant names as wltnc-Mos: Joeph W. McConnell. Otis C. Ilon kle, Fulton F. Ilafnor. Frank J. Elk atoad, all of llond, Orepoii. II. FRAN1C WOODCOCK. 31-35 Roglater. XOTU'K FOR l'l'llLICATIOX. Dtparttnnt of the Interior. U. S. Iud Oltlce at The Dalles, Oregon, September 30, 1913. Notice In hereby given that Fulton II. llafner, of llond. Oregon, who. on March 31, 1910. made homeateud entry No. 0C36&, additional. March 17. 1913. No. 011426. for Lota 3. 4, 8c. IS. T. 19. S.. It. 1-1. K.. SUH. KMi NKV4, Section 13. Townahlp 19. B., Raiifio -13. K.. Willamette Meri dian, has Hied notice of Intention to make flnul three year proof, to eetaln llh claim to the land uliove deaerlh ed, hoforu II. C. Kilt, a U. B. Com. niliwtoiior. nt hi otltco In llond, Oro Kon, ou the 17th day of November, 1913. Claimant name as witnesses: Frank J. Hlkatead, John A. Hurnkn, Tliomaa Orny and Adolph Gehhart all of llend, OreKon. 29-33p II. FRANK WOODQOCK, Reglater. NOTK'K OF COXTKST. Department of the Interior, United State Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, September 22. 1913. To Clarence C. Presby of Held, Oro- Kon, Contettee: You aro hereby notified that Charles A. Uengtson, who elves oof II. O. Kills, llcnd, Oregon, us his post-office addreBB, did on August 23, 1913, tile in this omce his duly cor , roborated uppllcntlon to contest and , Rccuro tho cancellation of your homo I aloud, Entry No, , Sorlal No, i 010G01, mado August 10. 1912. for iNBfc 8WU.8V4 aWU.SWVi 8RU. lEoctlon 23, Township 20. S.. Range 20. K . Willamette Meridian, and an ground for his contest he alleges , that uald Clarence C. I'resby hns 1 fulled to establish or mnlntuln u resi dence upon said entry; that ho has fnllud to cultivate suld tract na re lulrod by law; that ho lias wholly abandoned said tract for nioro thau six montha last past. You ure. therefore urthor uotl- ' fled tlmt tho until allogationa will bo i taken by this olllco cs having been confeuBOii by you, nud your said otitry will bo caucoiod therounuor without your further right to bo hoard thoro in, either before thla olllco or on ap peal, If you full to file lu thla olllco within twenty days nftor the FOURTH publication of this notice, na shown below, your answer, undor onth, spoollknlly mooting nud ro upending to theso allogationa of con test or If you fall within tlint time to lllu In this olllco duo proof that you hnvo aervod u copy of your answer on tho Bnld contestant either In person or by registered mall. It thla service Is made by tho dollvery of n copy of your answer to tho contestant la per son, proof of such service must he either the Bald contestant's written acknowledgment of hi receipt of the copy, showing tho date of Its receipt, or tho nffltlAvIt of tho pomon hy whom delivered j If mado hy register ed mail, proof of such scrvtco mtit conxlst of the affidavit of tho pemon hjr whom tho copy wn mailed atntlng whon and tho poatofneo to which It wiu mmled, nnd this Affidavit mtit ho accompanied hy tho postmaster's receipt for tho letter. You should state In your answer tho name of tho postofflco to which you deslra futuro notice to bo sent to you. L. A. JIOOTIf, Receiver. Onto of firm publication October 1, 1913. Data of second publication October 8, 1913. Dato of third publication Ootoher 16. 191.1. Dato of fourth publication October 22, 1913. NOTICE FOR I'UIIMOATIO.V. Department of tho Interior, U. B. Land Office nt The Dalle, Oregon, Bnptombor 3, 1913. Notice I horchy glvon that Jamca A Htephon, of llend, Oregon, who, on May 27, 1010, mado homestead entry No. 0B880. for V 8WVI Beo. 2, IS 'A 8WA, HEVi, Section 3. Town ship 20. 8., Range 10, K., Willnrnetta Meridian, has tiled notko of Inten tion to mako threo yonr proof, to ftstnhtlMi claim to thn And above do scribed, boforo 11. C. Kill, a U. 8 Commlatloner, at hi ofllco In llond, Oiugon, on tho 20th day of October, lft 13. Claimant name a wltnessc: Frank I'orclval, Josoph W. McCon nell, Jrhn F. Wolff and Clifford M. Itooln, all of Mend Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 27-81 Register. Hotel Wright OKIIENVVOOD AVENUC. The Hotel for Winter. Steam Heat and Running Hot and Cold Water. Get our rates for the winter. The only stone hotel in Bend. - Headquarter for Commercial Men Illectrlc Llhted Throughout t i Qood Rooms Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL HUGH O'KANE. MANAQEH BEND,OREGON OoodMeal t Free bus to and from train All arrangements made for persons desiring to go south and esstof here Altamont Hotel THE MOST MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE ROOMS IN THE CITY. STEAM HEAT. HOT AND COLD WATER WITH BATH PRIVILEGE. J. A. CASTES, Algr. Airs. E. J. HERRING, Assistant Algr. BEND, OREGON i i S i - -A Pilot Butte Hotel Ideal Stopping Place for Summer Vacationists and Travellers. SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEN TO COMMERCIAL MEN. . S OOOD DININd ROOM. J , J. P. TAdOART, Proprietor. FREE AUTO BETWEEN HOTEL AND DEPOT. ... , .' i M. 44tt4MM4 mmmm Portland'? Famous He Noted for the Excellence lis GuisincEuRppeanpIam Situated in the hub of the principal theater and shopping district. Recently redecorated and refurnished throughout, and better equipped today than ever before. EUROPEAN PLAN. Rooms without bath, $1.00 per day apd up. Room with bath, $2.00 per day and up. N. K. CLARKE, Asst. Mgr. O. J. KAUFMANN, Manager ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad will cost you.