The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, October 08, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin
NO. !U
u )
If Him or In tit I to Completed TliU
I 'ill, Wi l Hequlieil 1'orbe
Ctinlltloill Tltnl Injunction Will
' llu DIkiiiUmmI Ii' the Court.
i f At u mooting of tho City Council
lut nlKht tliO Jty attorney Wna In
hirurttul to prooumi to the sain of
'' i irL upon whlali aowar or street
MtotMHicniii had not beuii mid by
Monday, October 1. Olllolul notice
to thla effect tipinnru vlsuwliuru In
, thin paper
Approximately iUOOO lias boon
idlwted on tlio sower nmsmiiiit.
find tu order to complete tlio work,
which In now In ItH linn! stage, mid
, tu pa for Hit ntttNMury plpu nml
i Dmr material, mi Immttdlnto
' min" Ih r"iilnul. Hlionld tlio mat-
i ter we allowed to drag along further.
foiuplctlon of tin r)lom would hnvo
tu Do pOBtponoil until HprliiK. th tax
i pater In tlio meantime baring thulr
internment tltnl up without buneltclnl
rtiiiiiiH of nny kind,
i Of tliA Mroet inwoMtnoHtR. which
totaled nbout f&fiOO. approximately
.nuu mn been paid. In nililltlon to
i Hip work contemplated In thn orlgl-
iihI AiIhiiih contract, u conaldernblo
i.nHMint o." street IHiprovHUiout linn
I een completed with thn general
(unit minify, placing nearly nil tlio
(I'litrnl street In first claw condl-
I inii. (expenditures In oxeMi of tlio
tiiiiitint of Hid nMOMinouU pnlil In
lii neon ndvnncod from tlio general
' fund, mid It In to clean up thin mat
ter nml repay thn general fund
thHt stop nrit holng now Marled to
1 Ket nil MMiiuiunu In promptly.
City Attornoy Forbes reported that
(xhatiRtlVff Htmly of tlio Injunotlon
against tlio collection of certain iuw.
nr nMcssmniila In l.ytln had thorough
l couvlncod hint that thn Injunction
would la dissolved after tlui hearing
noxt wvk at Tlio Dalle. J
llfda on the tlrccnwood nvciiun via
duct work and'on tlio proposed mu-
nioipai iiuiiiiinic were not considered,
It being developed that tlio plana for
tlio two John had not been notion up
In tlino for all enntractora to have a
fair chanco to hid on thorn. Illda on
lioth Job, will bo opened next Tucs
day night.
The council granted a billiard hall
llconto to Innrs, Davidson ft Hartlott,
who applied for aaino. Tlio ground
waa taken that na thn council bo-
llovod tlio population wna In excel
if 3000 u lloitnao could Im grunted i
under tho provltloua of tlio oxUtliiKi
ordinance. I
An IncandeMonl lamp waa ordered
Installed on Ohio atrcot near Hih
Methodist church. Legal aldewalka
wxro ordered built on tho aouth alilo;
of lot 0 or block 23 of (lend, and It
waa ordered that owners of lota 7,
J. nnd 9 of block S raise their utile-1
vitlka to grade.
Tho city nltornoy wna Imitructodi
to druw up an ordlnnnro. nfler con-)
imitation with thn street cnmmlttno.
which would nrranso n uniform kind
of dilator Unlit on tho atreeta The
city haa net thn precedent of paying
for tho upkeep of theme llglita and It
uppoar(d iidvltmlilo to In nil re their
We are now occupying
temporary quarters on
Wall Street, south of the Bean Suit
ing. Wo expect to move into our new
building at the old location, corner of
Wall and Oregon .Streets, about the
first of the year. We ore working
under disadvantages and we will ask
our friends to bear with us during this
time. We shall continue to servo"'
them to the best of our abUity.
TiT. Deschutes Banking dfe Trust
Company -
, l'URRRU,, President P. O. MINOR, Secretary
K. M. IAA, Cashier
uniformity, thereby adding Krontly
Ut thn nttrnotlvit niipimrnnco of the
.1. .1. Itynn, upon lllliiff bond nnil
piiymont of license foe. was Krnntml'
ii plumber's IIcoiim). Tim regular
11 1 Ih woro jmliK
KiiiII Ainlciftiut Hun Xiirini) HNcnpe
from Priith.
Ai'clileiitnlly fnlllnn on thn imw nt
the Aniteraon llnm. aitwmlll aouth
woat of l.nldlnw, Kmll Anderaon hud
n narrow oacnpo from death Krldny.
I Ih lout IiIh rlRht linud. which hud to
hi- nmputated nhovu the wrlat.
Dr. Coo, who waa called from llond
to attain! tho Injurpd limn, aaya lilit
IihiiiI waa ulao Imdly cut by tho anw.
It aoMina Hint Atuleraoit'a foot allppud
while ho wna nt work nonr tlio saw
nnd ho foil upon It. and wba lucky to
Mcnpn with III life.
Andoraon la one of tho ownnra or
the mill nnd hna n linn rnnoh n few
iHllim from ltldtnw. lie la well
known In Dond.
.New I'rovlilri. Tlint (Vmnty ON
lli'luN 1'ublMi JMIiimtf.
OwIiik to n chatiKo In tho Inw mado
by tlio laat LoKlalnture, tho tnx levy
for next year inuat ho mado nt tho
Duremlier lonn of the County Court
luatead Qf In Jnnimry na heretofore.
Tho court imiHt nUo make up In nd
vnuci) n complete oatlmnla of tho
nmounta nvjulred for nil purpoaea
within tho county nnd puhllali It
twlco In tho county oillclnl pa pern,
tho Drat publication to ho not Imk
than ZO dn)a before tho date ant for
n public luwiMnK- At thla hoarliiK nil
tnximyera uy appear nnd illnoima
the Itoma of tho oatlmnto. Thoro
ahall alao lie publlalrml with tho Item
lunl atntHiuttiil, n atatoinent ahow
f lift thn total or nil tnxtw for tho on
aiilnx year levied by any road dla
trlrt or achmil dlatrlct, or munici
pality. It will therefore bo nocnakary
for tlio L'ltv Counall In ileolile bnforn
tho Ural or December what thn 1UHJ
in nit; mr ihiiiii hiihii lie nun inn
voter or achool dlatrlct 12, and nil
other achool dlitrlota, to decide on
the amount or noxt yoar'a apcclal
achool levy.
fitr ii iiix'u ivu niivt
i,i,im, M4iinfi.ii, itiii.ii, - ,
I'rldiiy nlRht waa thn coldoat In
October, or for that matter, Novem
ber In threo year, tho mercury drop
plnjr to 10 Vi. In November, 1011,
It rcRlitored 11 on tha 28th, tho
ncareal point to Friday nUht'a rec
ord. There waa a tracn of anow In
the oarly mornlns Baturday. Blnco
then, however, It, whoever It may bo,
haa aremod mora llko rain and on
Monday tho rain began. . Thoro woro
two-tentha of an Inch on that day
and on Tuesday n trace roll. I-aat
ulxht there wna a heavy frit, with
thn. temperature 2S doKrrea.
Tho duok huntor nro nut now, but
no extra lnrso kllllnK havo been
reiarted. Ijmt Thumday V. C. Mo
Culaton nnd It. V. I'olndexter. with
two trnyollm? men, went to Rllvor
I.nko. Re'ttliiK back Hunday. Tho ar
ty Kot 34 blrda. J. C. Hliodea nnd
Ward Coblo went to tho Sllvor Iiko
country Friday and returned Hunday
with four ducka whloh Ithodea ahot.
J. V. Dlmlok nnd party atarted to
Crnne Prnlrln by nuto Hnturiiny hut
did not Rot thoro, roturnlnR to town
with only two duck.
IMilhlla Khimii In New Hull Wcliool
t'lillilirn I'm into lliinre In Hvcn
Inn "(Jix)il Honda Hoiib"
.Mnk on n It i u Hit.
(Hdltorlnl Uorrospondotioo.)
LAII)IV, Oct. 2. The third an
nual wont aide fair given here today
n KM ii ilamonatrnted Hint whon tho
lieople or I.iildluw put their PhoJsh
Into u Job they nlwnya mako good.
The exhibit were nlindld. tho nt
toudauro antlafactory, tho "onta" nil
that could bo naked, tho danco a auo
reaa and tho Hon of tho oaoaalon,
Col. Charlea V, Thntchnr, roared ox
celleutly well. .IikIko V. S, Wordou
of Klanmth, wna not ublo to bo
Tho now hull tjiat la being built
by community aulwcrlptlou waa not
completed, but tho floor waa down
nnd the walls worn up, and with
tarpnullna temporarily roofing Uieiu
tho (ixhlhlta woro ahown there. Tho
fruit display wna tho Onoat yet aeen
In Crook count). Including ponchwi,
pliima, ponra, ilpplea and crab upplea.
In qunnilty the other exhibit woro
allghtl) below laat joar'a rreord, bo
caiiHu many oxhlbltora did not under
ataud that tho bulldliiR would be
ready to receive their product, but
In quality thoy woro splendid.
At noon tho Indies nerved n oafo
terln dinner In tlitf Odd Fellow ball,
tho bill of fare allowing audi looal
dollcaclea na "aottlora' chicken,"
"reed canal bean," "good road plo"
and "Col. Thatcher cako." It wna
nlo announced that thoro waa no
maintenance charge for the water
Aftor lunch Col. Thatcher nddreas
cd tho children at tho achool, nfler
which thoro waa a parade from tho
achool house to tho church, local
young jxHiple leading on horaoback
anil followiMl by tho achool pupils
bearing- n "Wo Want Good Itoada"
algu and with Col. Thatcher bringing
Up tho roar.
At tho church, with W. D. llarnc
prrsldlng, Col. Thatcher made an ad
dress which wna enthusiastically re
ceived by the big audlenco which
crowded tho building to capacity. Ilia
aubject, aa always, waa good roads,
and ho made an eloquent plea for hi
cause, giving facta and flgurco Illus
trating tho commercial and other ad
vantages of Itetter roads, a woll aa
humoroua anecdotca and experiences.
He wound up by urging the passage
or tho forthcoming bond laauu In
Crook county.
An tho meeting waa adjourned
County Judge Hprlngor. who for tho
second time at l-nldlaw hod nut
through a meeting without nn oppor
tunity to nddreaa It, forced hla way
to tho platform and launched Into a
political harunguo In which he at
tempted to Impress hla listener with
tho fact that ho waa a tremendous
good ronds enthusiast. In paaalng.
ho round opportunity to atato that
ho had been grossly mlroproaonted
by tho pre or tho county, a atato
tuent which Kdltor Putnam or Tho
Hullotln flatly denied nt tho evening
meeting whon ho said that tho chief
difficulty In doing Springer Jtiatlco In
(Contln .cd on I'aso Klght)
. This Wonderful Heater will
..I.,.. .11 Ill .USUI
save 1 -3 of your fuel bill. .
Bend Hardware "Co
City Itrcotilrr Sow linn Ifcmk Open.
HiwiirliiK In nt Poll .Vot I'ermiltril
Any linger Hpeclul Htnto
Klei Hon on Notember J.
There will be Ho more voting In
tho ltend city oleoitou wlthotit regis
tration, aa hna been immlblo hereto
fore. Neither will the practice or
"awoaiing In" a volor nt tho mlla bo
nllowod hereartor, nt any election.
Tho Inst Nigbilnturo patsml a now
registration law. It provldas that
tho registration book for oneh pre
cinct be keut mien until within K,
dnya or a special enaction or 30 day
or a general flection, liy a roglatrnr
nppolnted by tho county clerk.
Votera who nro now registered and
who do not rail to vote nt nny gen
eral election will not have to n
rcglstor na long oa they remain In
tho aaino precinct In which thoy are,
now registered. In registering two I
witnesses are required. No fee laj
charged, tho registrar being pnld by
tho county n aum not to exceed 10
centa for oach voter registered. Tho4
law provide ror tho voter to be,
aworn In at tho nolla onlr In case the!
Supreme Court holds that tho pro
visions or the now law, which denies
thla. nro unconstitutional. In that
ovnt a votor can be aworn in by sir
freeholder, but tho court haa not
yet been called on to give its decis
ion on tho constitutionality or tho
For tho city election hero It will
bo necessary to keep a soaratn set
or registration booka Inasmuch aa
tho eorporato limit or tho town are
not co-termlnus with tho boundarlea
or an election precinct. Tho city r
cordor la registrar and ho now has
booka ready ror registration at hla
office In tho First National Bank
building. Tho booka will closo 30
days lieforo tho city election, or on
November 2, unless otherwise pro
vided by an ordinance. It la prob
ablo that nt tho T)ccombcr term of
County Court nend will bo divided
Into two preclncta so as to facilitate
tho counting of votes.
Early registration la urged, espec
ially by the women. How many
women will register? Is a question or
considerable Importance In view or
tho fact that they will have to atate
their age correctly and have two
wltnessc swear that they believe tho
statement true. Naturalized jcrons
or those who havo mado a naturalis
ation declaration will hr.vo to state
the pIsco .whnro nnd tho court In
which thoy were naturalized. Also, must atato party affiliation,
height, weight, color of hair and
color of cyoa.
MrnmiiTN to be Votbd on.
At the special referendum state
election which will bo held on No
vember 4 there will bo submitted to
the voters live propositions, as fol
lows: "Shall an appropriation or $100.
000. mado by tho 1913 legislature to
construct and equip an administra
tion and classroom building ror the
University or Oregon and to oxtond
the limiting plant through it, bo por
mlttod to dtand?
"Shall an appropriation or J7S.-J
.' &
- " . 3
8- 3
ta6 i. r
4 "
jSiSfiri "Av-
000, mndo by tho 1913 legislature for
addition and repair to three I'nl
voralty or Oregon buildings nnd to
tho university' contra! heating
plant, bo permitted to ataud?
"Hhnll tho atorlllratlon ace, passed
by tho 1913 legislator, to protect
tho ptibllu from habitual criminals
nnd moral degenerate, bo pormlttod
to aland?
"Hhnll the net of tho 1913 legis
lature providing a county attornoy ror
oach county and fixing salaries,
"Shall tho workmen's compensa
tion not stand?"
"I.IOMIO Itiiu" linker linj nn Impor
tant I'urt.
The first game In tho world's serloa
ror the basoball chpmplnshlp was
played at Now York yesterday, tho
Philadelphia Athletics defeating the
Now York Giants by a score of C to
4. .1. Franklin linker had nn Impor
tant part In tho contest, his homo
run In the fifth Inning scoring Col
lins before him. Mnrquard atarted
to pitch for Now York but was re
placed In tho firth Inning by Crnndalt,
who waa later taken out and Tesreau
Mint n. "Chief" (lender waa on tbo
mound for the Athletic nnd went
through the entlro game. A crowd of
40,000 people aaw tho game.
I'lillitny OMefnl Making Insjicctlon
or Oregon 1-tattcrn Mnc.
According to reports from Port
land. President J. D. Farroll ot the
O.-W. It. & N. and Vlco President J.
I O'llrlen or tho Southern Pacific
are taking a Jaunt Into Central Ore
gon thla week. Their routo Is by
rail to Condon and from thoro by
auto Into tho Interior. Thoy are ex
pected to go over part of the routo
or tho Oregon Kastern Hallway,
which Is now completed westward as
far as Juntura.
Chief Bnglncor Hoschke or the O.
. It. & N. went over the lino rrom
Valo to Juntura last week and stated
that all records had been broken In
the way of building bridges and driv
ing tunnels. Many cattle are being
shipped rrom Juntura, including sev
eral thousand rrom tho llanley
Mary Ellen, the 9-months-oId
Infant or Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ryan,
died rery suddenly of enteritis on
Thursday morning. Although the
baby had never been very strong, It
bad seemed to be gaining; until with
in a abort time of it death. The
funeral waa held Friday afternoon
rrom Nlawonger'a undertaking par
lors, tho services being conducted by
Uev. E. C. Judd. Iiurinl was In Pi
lot Butte cemetery.
At a meeting of the directors of
tho Arnold Irrigation Company Sat-.
uiuu;. nu iiiiraiunibtts hub uuuscis .
as foreman of construction or tbo
flume work, which will be started on
tho IS th. The oontraot ror hauling
the. lumber rrom the Reed mill to
the flumo site was let to Anton Aune. j
Tho water will not bo turned out of
the canal until nbout tho' 20th, or'
lator. Tho company will notify tho!
water users of the exact date. I
. nn.rt-A-
Our BANia
JSr. -- ft WM'AVMIF"
Your money will be'safe in our National Bank,
which lias u charter from the U. S. Government to do
a Banking business. Under our charter we must con
duct our business under the National Banking Act.
This law places our bank under the supervision of the
Treasury Department at Washington. A RIGID
EXAMINATION of the bank's affairs is made several
times every year in the interest of its depositors.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
Thc;First National Bank of Bend.
Col. Tlintclicr Will 8ienk nml Prob
nbly So m Hill nml Judge Wordeti.
(,'ninge Hall Meeting Wednes
day Mvenlng Scheduled AUo.
CoL Charles W. Thatohor will bo In
Lend on Thursday, October 1(J, and
on that rtfiht will deliver an nddrTHi
hero utder tho auspices of the Crook
County Ccod Itoada Association, of
which Clydo McKay Is local rice
president. Sam Hill of Maryhlll,
Wash., the noted good roads worker
and a national figure In tho move
ment, has been asked to partlclpata
and It la expected that he will bo hero
and. In addition to speaking, wilt
show lantern slides of famous good
roads throughout the world. Judgo
Will S. Worsen ot Klamath is also
hxtected to attend.
Thursday afternoon Col. Thatcher
will address tho school children at
the school house. Wednesday even
ing he will speak nt a meeting; at
the Grango Hall east of ltend, and It
Is oxpected that In addition to a
large attendance from tho people of
that district a considerable number
of ItMiu people will go out to tho
Col. Thatcher Is now working
through Crook county lecturing on
tho advantages of good roads and
urging tbo passage of the $200,000
road construction bond Issue. Aftor
the Bend meeting he will go east
through the homestead country,
where. It Is understood, several meet
ings will be arranged. -
LAIDuAW, Oct. 8. The dance for
the opening or the new ball iere haa
I cen postponed. The date will b
innouncad later.
tiuu:k (i'ami: waudkns iikkk.
Bend now haa three game war
dens. These are District Warden
McKay, Deputy Warden Shrlner and
Deputy Warden John Kits, the latter
having Just been appointed and en
tered upon his duties. Messrs Rlla
and Shrlner expect to leave tomor
row ror tho Paulina mountain coun
try to post the 144 miles of boun
dary of the Deschutes game reserve,
created by the last legislature.
Recelpta at the local postofllco
continue to show a gratifying In
crease, nnd If the growth keeps up,
nend will be placed among tho sec
ond class offices. The xtfflce Is now
In one of the higher grades of the
third class, while to go Into the next
higher class It must show receipts ot
at least $3000 for one-f year. The
figures ror tho last two months In
dicate that this amount is likely to
be attained In the coming 12 months.
From August 5 to September 30 the
recelpta were IH06.29, while from
July 1 to August S they were only
?..' I jMra
?, . . J&A '-:.. - s.v m
41 ' $
vii inur- s'iM v. i
"V 8,. JhFx