The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 17, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    TAGR 4.
Circuit Court Completed .Us Work
Int Wednesday KvciiIiir.
(Speclnl to Tho nullctlnl
PK1NBVI1.I.K, Sept. 16. Circuit
Court adjourned. Inst Wednesday eve
lng, tho Inat net of tho court being:
tho sentencing ot prisoners convicted
during tho term. Five men were
sentenced, two holm? paroled by tlie
court. Three Lorrii and John Mc
hcron nnd William Cnrey were
conveyed to tho penitentiary by
8horirr Blklna Tlitiradny.
Hert llrown and Charley Thomp
son wore given sentences of from
ono to ten years In tho state's prison
and wore paroled to the sheriff or
Crook county. These men pleaded
Rullty to larceny of a team of lioratw
from J. K, Morson nt Im Tine. Mr.
Morson naked tho court for leniency
In behalf of tho prisoners.
Logan Mcl'horson was given from
one to ten yearn for an assault com
mitted ncnlnst Louise Tobln. a wit
ness against his brother In his trlnl
for tho larceny of George Mllllcan's
mare. Tn wnccis of justice raovcu
swiftly In tho Logan McPhorson case.
Tho crime was committed Thursday
afternoon, September 4. Ho was In
dicted by tho grand Jury tho follow
ing day and arraigned. He pleaded
not guilty on Saturday and on Tues
day was put on trial before a jury.
That evening after about 15 minutes
deliberation the Jury found -him
guilty as charged. Tho following
day. Wednesday, September 10. a
motion for a new trial was nrgued
nd overruled by tho court. Thurs
day morning ho was conveyed to tho
j.cnltentlsry and found himself In n
felon's cell just a few hours more
than a week after tho crime was
committed. - -
John McPhcrson received from one
to ten years for the larceny of a
marc, lloth tho case of John Mc
Pherson and the caso of Lognn Mc
Pherson will lie appealed to the Su
preme Court on alleged errors com
mitted during the course of the trlnl.
The chances of finding reversalile
error are not considered likely In
either case.
William Carey was sentenced to
from six months to three years In
the penitentiary and was conveyed to
the prlBon Thursday with John and
Logan McPhcrson by Sheriff Elklns.
Cascades by way of tho Mlnto pass,
connecting with a lino from Detroit.
Tho Deschutes forest built 104
Whllo on this work Knngcr Perry
South killed a big black bear that
was helping himself to huckloborrlcs
and did not notice the presence of
anyone until shot. Hear appear to
bo plentiful In tho Canyon Creek
district near Wasco lake, whoro
bruin was killed.
To lie Operated Next Year Ilountle
Arc Incrcnt-ed.
(Portland Journal)
At Its session which ended this
morning the State Fish and Game
commission Increased tho bounty on
timber wolves and cougar, and estab
lished two new hatcheries. The com
mission expects that their action will
result In Increased activity of farmers
and' hunters In ridding the country
of the "varmints ' which have been
causing mucn destruction to domestic
animals and wild deer.
Tho new hatchery which Is pro
posed for Odell lake will prove valu
able, because of Its geographical po
sition. Hitherto It has been neces
sary to transport young trout many
miles over a rough expanse of coun
try to reach the headwaters of rivers
and lakes In tho Coast nnd Cascade
Trips on horseback of a week's du
ration havo been' necessary In the
past. From Odell lake tho time re
quired to reach the headwaters of the
Itoguc, Umpqua, Deschutes and Wil
lamette rivers will not exceed two
State Fish Warden Flnley expects
that the new hatchery will turn out
two to three million trout next sea
son. A new hatchery will be es
tablished at Klamath lake from which
the supply of young trout will be sent
out to the nearby strouiiiB and lakes.
The war against the cougar and
wolf will be relentless. It is expected,
cs the result of the Increase In boun
ties. The cougar bounty has been
Increased from $10 to $26. The
bounty on the tlmbor wolf !s now $25
Instead of $20. One dollar has been
added to the bobcat bounty, making
The commission has raissd 2500
China pheasants on the state game
farm at Corvallls this season. Ono
half of this number has been released
In Southern and Bastern Oregon.
In attendance at the meeting of
the state commission were: J. F.
riugbes, Salem; D. K. Duncan. Hood
River; C. . Stone, Klamath Falls:
M. J. KInnoy .and George Kelly of
(overament Chemist Snyi Pacific
(mt Should lluxe u Factory.
That the plain common potato can
be lurnud Into a money paying In
dustry by manufacturing tho surplus
crop In ulcohol. starch, glucose nnd
desiccated potato, la tho announce
ment made by C. C. Mooro. assistant
chemist in the United Stntos Hurcnu
ot Chemistry, who was a visitor at
Portland last week.
Mr. Mooro is on a tour Investigat
ing the potato production of Oregon
with n view of securing Information
at to what la being duno with tho
surplus tuber. Approximately G00,
000 tons of glucose Is consumed In
the 1'nlted States n year nnd 10.000
tons or moro Is tho demand of the
Pacific Coast States. T h e r o
is no starch or glucqso factory on
the Coast, Mr. Mooro explained, and
the department Is desirous of en
couraging the Industry. That this
Is a manufacturing enterprise of con
siderable dividend paying Is plainly
shown by Mr. Moore's figures, that
between 1500.000 to $750,000 Is sent
annually Into the corn bolt for this
Services Sunday 11 n. m and 7:30
p. m. Sunday school 10 u. in. Hi-
worth I.eaguo G:30 p. m. Teachers
training class Wednesday 7:30 p. in.
Sunday school at i:-tB. preaching
at 11 a. in. and S p. m. Urothorhood
nt 3 p, in. Young people's meeting nt
7 p. m. Prayer mooting nt 8 p. in. on
Wednesday. Choir practice Tnursday
evening nt 7:30. v
Church of the Hietliren.
Services next Sunday at 3 p. in.
in Methodist church. Strangers wol
Catholic. ,
Services Sunday at 10:30 a.
hao sumo by proving property mid
paying Tor this ndvvrtlsomotit. Mrs,
Clyde McKay. 38,
LOST Iron gray homo with ninno
ronched, wt about l00; was with
brown ninro near Crescent when hut
seen. Ho was branded with olrolti
on loft lilml lug. Anno Mnrltol. 27tf
For Kent.
Wawcom'ors should get tho habit
ot going to Innes & Davidson's bar
ber shop. Adv.
Hecelpt8 for tho week havo been.
Cattle 1823. calves 192, hogs 2471.
sheep 5030. A large Increase in
both cattle and swine receipts has
been noticeable the last few days,
but sheep liquidation was much
lighter. With tho advent of slxable
quantities of live stock tho market
became active and Interesting. Mon
day's cattlo receipts was ono of the
largest of the year and contained a
lot of good beef. Tho $8 steer top
was not disturbed and a few choice
lots brought $8.10, $8.15 and $8.25.
Hulk of steer sales $7.30 at $7.70.
Cow stuff never attained the 7 cent
mark but a lot of good ones sold at
$G.75 and $0.85. Calves steady at
$8.50 to $9 and bulls $G to $6.50.
Heof outlook Is better and absorb
ed over 1S00 hsad this week.
Tho swine trade suffered a sudden
sot back and Is In process of adjust
ing Itsolf fur the annual fall liqui
dation. Prices broke a quarter and
best light hogs sold la bulk $8.75
to $9. Receipts were Ilboral, de
mand fair.
Advertisements Inserted under this
hciullnir nf thp ma of on m-iii n
woitl for each Insertion. Discount on
extended Insertion. Charge ro
IMVilhlc In ndvillice rxrmt fur mlvrr.
User luixlnir n i-euulur account tllli
The ltutletln. All paid .advertise
ment will be posted In The Ilulletln
oftko nt the time of receipt.
FOR ItKNT Clover nnd nUnlfii
pnxturo for cows. M. O. Coo.
FOR llKNTKiirnlahell cabin $5
a month. W. 11. Lesh, lot 11, blk 16,
Center Addition. lUtf
FOR IIMNT Largo store, modern
front, (lood locution. Apply to F.
O. Minor. Deschutes Hank. 27tf
FOR RBNT- Two nicely furnished
rooms cheap If taken by Saturday'
night. Inquire behind Shannon.
Hotel. 28p
FOR ItKNT Throo comfortable.
rooms ccntrnlly located. Suitable for) die horko clump.
family. Running water nnd electric
lights. Very moderate. Inquire nt
Ilulletln oiuco. Stf
FOR HALK 3:10 ncroa In tho Fort
Rock country, $500 Improvements on
place. Address W. R. tiny, llond ilKp
FOR BALK Two room IioiIho lit
block D, lot IK, Park Addition. Also
fence, chicken house, o(e. Knslly re
moved. Inquire nt house. 27-38p
FOR BALK All kinds or rough
nnd dressed luinlwr, nt Antiunion
HroH. snwmlll hulf wny between llond
and Lnldlnw, on old Tuinalo road.
Reasonable prices, rough lumber $10
por M. Delivering to llond or Laid
law $2 per M. Tolephouo. 10tf
FOR HAI.K Threo-rooiu Iiiiiism.
cow ami chickens. Martin Ksfrnnoo,
near American llekery. 20-28p
WANTKD Cook. Apply nt Jones
Dairy. 27tf
WANTKD Position as cook or
general Iiouro work. K. Murakami,
enro Ilulletln. ' 28p
WANTKD Kxpcrlenccd girl for
general housework, two In family.
Phone or write Mrs. J. II. Wlmor,
Laldtaw, 28tf
Por Sal'e,
Lost nnd Found.
FOUND lady's gray cont.
I ii-
j. .'.Lr i.uuj n kthj mm. in
quire at Sanitary Harbor Shop. 27tf
run.u omaii purse, uwner may)
FOR SALK Green tomatoes, five
cents n pound, M. U. Cue.
FOR SALK Any kind of tools.
Anton 1 1 led r. Park Addition. 28p
FOR 8ALK Throo horses, heavy
and light. Inquire nt Art Shop. 26tf
FOUR FOOT Juniper wood and
Juniper fence posts for sale. Inquire
Anton Hledr. Park Addition. 28p
LOST Small draft payable to
Hudson I .a ml Company. Finder
kindly return to Ilulletln office. 2Sp
I'Olt BALK -50 head of high grade
Juisoy heifers from 8 mo. old to 3
yr, old. About 15 head to bo fresh
this rail. Write for particulars. F.
II. Pfelffer, Albany. Ore. 20-2Dp
FOH SALK Good Driving or sad-
Inimlro ut llond
Grocery. 2Ctf
FOR SALK Cabin near llond Co.
mill. Inquire at Ilulletln ofllce. lOtf
FOR SALK Tho Altmnout Hotel
buUdlng and furniture, nil new uml
first class. J. A. Knstos. 4tf
FOR BALK Good property on
Wall nnd llond streeta, also in Ken
ood. Fur particulars apply to II,
C. Kills. ntf
FOR SALK All kinds of conmon
lumber at McNnught ft (lerlson's
mill, on Ilond-llurns road, Also, wo
cut any kind of orders on short
Yellow Pine
Timber Land
estimated ut six
million feet
12 miles from
lluntl. Clicupfor
quick sale.
Write Samuel
Smyth, 400 Lo
gan . Ave., Win
nipeg, Manitoba
- t- T&tz-;wir ia.a
Writs or call on
ui for
FOR HALK Why pay ront when
you can buy a good four roomed mi
lane nil furnished for housekoepltii;
and a lot 00x100 about five nlockM
north of depot for $20 down and $20.
n mouth until $f,00 has been paid,
which Is less t tut rt cost of house fur
niture and fixtures.
28-2fip II. D. JIHOW.V. V. K.
rMetoIlus Central Oregonlau.)
That Seattle reporter who accom
panied the Hend Special and mado
the statement, in extolling tho be
atific qualities of the Hend country,
that "three thousand feet In the air
on the upland plateau there Is suftl
clent chill In the nlr to Impart to the
fruit there grown that delightful
flavor which can hardly be attained
In tho subacid Hpecles. such as apples
In softer clJmes, yet the warmth Is
ample to ripen tomatoes nt this early
date, was certainly soaring some.
Wonder what brand of tho "subacid
species" Ilro, Putnam introduced him
Mr. JcsKle Houghton of Hend Victim
of Heart failure.
Mrs1; Jessie Houghton of Hend died
suddenly .lost Friday night at the
Pendleton Roundup, which she was
attending with ber son. Willis No
land. Death was due to heart failure.
Mrs. Houghton bad been in poor
health for several months, following
ptomaine poisoning. She felt able
to Wake the trip f.r.d wa getting on
all right until Friday evening when
nn attack of heart trouble came on
and death followed In a short time.
Mrs. C. V. Harto, her daughter,
did not receive word of the death
until Saturday night and left Monday
morning for Pendleton. The funeral
was Tuesday and Interment made at
Pendleton, according to reports re
ceived hero. Mrs. Houghton uas at
the homo of a brother when the end
came. She was 48 years of age nnd
had resided near Hend the past two
years. She was a member of Hend
Hebekah Lodge No. 208, I. O. O. F.,
and her death is the first In the lodge
DeKcliutes and Hantiani Forests Now
Connected Rig Hear Killed.
J. A. Jlrlnkley, who has been as
sisting with the construction of the
telephone line Joining tho Deschutes
nrid Santlam forests returned to
Hend last wtek. The line Is com
pleted from Alllngham ranger station
on the Mctollus to tho summit of the
Step & coach before It
drrtlop sometblnx moro
Xa The Itemed? That
Do the Work.
It relieve coughing Ismr.edU I
atelr, cases soreness In tho
lung, looiens phlegm and
clear tho bronchial tubes. It
is flno family rcmedi. pleas
ant to lake and good tor cbll I
drcn and adults.
rrlce 23. ?Oo and ttJOO.
Buy the 1100 alze. It eontalna
Ave times as much as tho 250
size, and you act with each bot
tle a Dr. Herrlck'a Red Tepper
Porous Plaater for the cheat.
JameF.Bllard,Prop. Ot.Louli.MO. I
Stephens Eye Salve Cures Sere
Patterson Drug Co.
Bakery Goods Home Baked
Refreshing Sodas and Sundaes
Retail and Wholesale
& v ' -) s
jjj WM Mlffi
S V99
A New and Complete Stock oi
Suits and Overcoats
$ 1 0.00 to
Curlee Pants
The Very Same Price
$2.50, $3.50,
All Over the World.
R. M. Smith Clothing Co.
VE WISH TO THANK our many '
friends who assisted in removing
the stock from our burning store on Fri
day night. As soon as the insurance ad
justers have finished their work we shall be
open for business in the Johnson building
on Wall street. We shall start with a
mark down sale. Look for the tlate of
R. M. Smith Clothing Company.
Thanks to All
We take this rpeans of
thanking all those who
assisted Friday night in.
saving our stock of gro
ceries from the fire.
Temporarily, we are lo
cated in the building on
the comer opposite Mann
heimers, and are still sell
ing groceries at ROCK
Bend, Oregon
of Dry Goods now in, with many attractive of
ferings both in quality and price. Ladies'
Underwear anil Sweaters also.
are ircsh, and we sell them at rock bottom
prices. Quick delivery made by
our auto.
E. A. Sather
A. L. Hunter's
Best to be had in the factories.
Large Pacific oak. 4-drawer Dresser d 1 9 C
10x24, French plate mirror H 1 D
Largejiatural fir U-drawer Dresser tf l" Kf
10x20 French plate mirror V JJSJ
Large 0-drawer Pac. oak Chiffonier I 1 C lA
Ux24 French plate mirror V J9JJ
Large 0-drawer Pac. oak Chiffonier tf f(
without mirror tp JJJ
Fine large Arm Rocking Chair $3.50
Nice Sewing Rocking Chair i... $2.00
0 good strong Kitchen Chairs $5,50
Special good line of Mattresses.. $3.50 to $16.00
All other goods priced accordingly. 10c COUNTER
of all the useful articles found in any city. Quick
sales and small profits. A square deal for every
A. L. HUNTER Bend, Ore.