ragu2. BKN1 lIl'IiMTTIN, 1IKNI, OIIK., MKONKHIUY, BtiPTHMItUll 17, in in. --- CENTRAL -- LAIDLAW -- (8ooclal to The Uond Dullctln.) LAIDhAW, Sept. 15.Kaymond!nl n i0tKn of 71 feot. itnnson. mo i-ycnr-uiu sun oi ouii. Alfred Hanson of the project. Is qulto Kick. The condition of Mrs. John Holl. who suffered n .stroke of tiarnlysls, remains unchanged. She. la able to Bpcak n little better, however, al though sho is still unable to move. Engineer John T. Whistler or the Desahutes river survoy was n visitor hero Saturday. Miss Franc Newman entertained Saturday evening with n dancing party In honor of her guests, Miss Mnrguerlto Ostrander of Salem and Miss Adellno Olson of Redmond. Miss llornlce I'mphlotte came In Saturday morning from Portland for it brief visit with relatives. Misses Jobophlne and Lucy Craw ford of the Gist community leavo this 'week for MeMlnnvllle for the winter. Miss Lucy, who graduated from tho O. A. C. this year, will tench do iiieittic science In the high school and Miss Josephine will take music. Tho two Crawford children expect to spend the winter In llend attending school. W. 1). Ihtrnea has the wlro hero for fencing his 20-acre orchard to keep out tho rabbits and other pests. Tho local school began last Mon day and tho enrollment at the end of the week totaled 30. Prof. Thompson, who has taught the past three years at Qulncy. ore., nua .miss Polk of Terrebonne are the teachers. There will be pupils In ten grades. Preparations arc being niado for tho fair to bo held hero October 2, Unless It Is posslblo to rush the work very rapidly, the now building will not be finished in time for this ) oar's exhibits. Mrs. Mary Mulkey is down from Bend visiting relatives and attending to business matters In connection with her segregation land. J. C. Thorp was passing around tho cigars Friday. The occasion was the celebration of his 67th birthday, nnd ho was so glad to be ullve in such a good country as this that ho reversed tho usual order of things nnd treated his friends instead of ex pecting treats from them, ho said. HAMPTON (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON. Sept. 8. A bubble party was given at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Peck Saturday night. A pleasant evening was spent play ing games and blowing soap bubbles. Mr. Lloyd Baker was a buslriess visitor In Hampton Saturday. Hampton school opened on Mon day, of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Held visited frlonds In thlsv!clnlty last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Whltaker returned to their home In Willamette valley recently. While here visiting their "son they made a trip to Burns n their auto. They were accompanied by J. Whltaker and I. Zlerolf. Kev. nurrls and family have gone to Bend for a few weeks. A. Shoultq, from Camp Creek, wan a week-end visitor in Hampton last week. Mrs. C. II. Harmon, and family have settled on their homestead a mile from Hampton store. J .N. Crow returned home from Grass Valley last week. H. C. Miller has gone to Bond for n short vtolt. Elmer Peck is clearing on hie place this week. Elani Faught was a business visi tor here last week. Mrs. Fuller and son from Minne sota were In Hampton Sunday night "waiting for a wagon to take them to their homestead near Barnes. Alvln Huntsman was at Hampton to make second yearly desert proof. Mr. Kins and Mr. Bengtson of Dry Lake were witnesses for him, Mr. KInnoy, Dqnd-Burn freighter, spent Sunday in .Hampton. Miss Kate Brickey has been help ing Mrs. L. C. Peck the last two! weeks, . -----"-- DRY LAKE (Special to Tho Bulletin) DRY LAKE, Sept. 8. Tho cattle round-up Is .now on and reports from the stoakmen are to the effect that the condition of the stock Is good. Many beef cattle are picked out. Several loads of lumber for the Brown and Alexander buildings have beej cut at the Maury Mountain, saw mill the past two weeks. The - local public hall will bo started this week. Lumber for it Is being hauled dnlly; thU morning fjve teams started for Maury Mountain mill. As soon as the building is completed the Dry Lake school will be opened and held for the term in it. Mrs. Henry McVRtle left for Elmn, Wash., to Join her husband who Is engaged In JumbO-rlns. They will bo Bona all winter. Mrs. J. Green, who has been with her 'daughter, Mrs. MeVlttle. pn Sun day moved to the home of her daugh ter, Mrs, Sqyder. Sam Bara'son la plowing for Sirs. Bophlu I'll leu some 10 acres ready for this year's seeding. Ohnrloo Tull appeared before Com mmsIonBr "'egg at Hampton Saturday and made untry for 40 acres under the desert land act. TAU Huntaman has made annual .proof on his' 160 acre desert claim located on Dry Lake Flats. The proof was made Saturday before com- OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. - - - - - - - - - - - mlsstonor Fogg at Hampton, N. N. Kins nuil C. A. l)oni;tBon wcro In llnniiiton mid Imperial Sat urday on bUBlnosa. C. A. Hongtson linn been agisting Al. ttuntsmnn drill his woll for the past two weeks. Water wub fmuul Tiio drilling has been continued to 74 feet noil there Is nearlv four foot of water In the well. Mr. Huntsman will go to n greater depth. An thief Is the II ret well In Dry hako Mats much Intermit Is felt In the community iitul other wells will be drilled. HAMPTON BUTTE t - ---- (Spcclnl to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON nrTTK. Sopt. 13. Quite u number of .residents of this locality were In Prinotlllo ns wit nesses boforo tho grand jury. Mr. Monroe, who purchased the relinquishment of Mrs. J. W. Mc Clure, has moved out from Bond nnd Is busy getting his claim in shave. Mr. Monroe has four children and his wife with him. Bert Mcoks nnd Thomas. Kwlng nro In Bend for supplies. The homes of Karl Itogers nnd Theo Cook were broken open last week and tools, clothing nnd bedding taken. This Is nn occurrence that happonB too often and tho thief or thieves may have n chance to digest n bullet or load of shot If they are over caught In tho net. This Is tho third tlmo within a ear that tho houses have been robbed. John Perry' Is drilling a well for Mr. Brown on his homestead In Pleasant Vn.lleyv Jack Whlttnkor nnd Horace Brook ings are still making hay, nnd when they finish that will complete tho harvest in this locality. Spring crops woro bettor than fall sowing generally. A large number from Hampton Butte attended a dance nt Murray Smith's residence In Glass Butto Valley last Saturday night. A lino tlmo was reported by those present. Miss Elvn McFadden. Miss Mary Mc- Mullln. Miss Kva Michael. Mr. audi Mrs. Bert Meeks nnd children, Mr.' nnd Mrs. Charles W. Ashbaugh nnd I son. Paul Brookings. Mr. Kldd. V. P. Wray and Thoa. Kwlng nttended from here, going .down with Mr. Wray on tho "Fast Freight Truck." DESCHUTES (Special to The Bulletin) DESCHUTES. Sept. 1C Alfred Moore and party are back from their hunting and huckleberry picking trip to the mountains. They got no game and but few berries, and had the misfortune to lose a horse which got af3rsr32r3a33Eaar3333asLB3a32rsrasa - i ggffgjr?irai?ji?fai Reading - - ' - - - - hurl In n wlro fence. The public school started Monday In the new building with 15 pupils enrolled. Miss Leslie Is the tenchur. Sunday school was held Sunday In tho now school house for tho first time. Andrew Bohrena Is harvesting his wheat this week and has u lino crop, Carl Leslie Is helping him. 4 I BEND R. F. D. p - - - (Special to The Bulletin) HIiN'l) 11. l .. Sept. lfi.-r-Mrs. Wm. HeyuoIdH hna returned from La Ornudo where she had been visiting her daughter who Uvea there. Mrs. F. P. Itevuolds has rorelvod word of the serious Illness or iier mother at I .a Grande. O. C. Cardwell recently lost a valu able horstt. The Young school oponml Tues day, Soptomlier 9, with Miss Besse M. King of Xcwhurg ns teacher. A good attendance Is reported. Miss King Is boarding nt W. G. Wnugh's. --- t MILLICAN - (Special to The Bulletin) MILLICAN'. Sopt. K.. William Todd came out from Bend Sunday and did some fencing on his claim here nnd nlsn' llnlshed putting wire around the Moffott orchard. He re-1 turned to Bond Tuesday. P. It. Johnson and I. L. Owens brought out two loads of building material for the new school house. Miss Brown, after spending several dnya on her claim bore, loft for Bend Inst Thursday. W. B. McAdow has plowed up con siderable sagebrush the past month on his claim. A. A. Gllmqro Is quite seriously 111 at his home hore and lion been confined to his bed for n week. Dr. w P. B. JOHNSON'S MILLICAN, 0REQ0N Is the place to buy the RIGHT KIND of fJROCgRieS nt the RiailT KIND of prices Near 28 Mile Post St iffij we have a f amps left. They are attractive lamps and the prices are attractive, too. With the new low priced Mazda globes they will give you the best reading light you can get. New Mazda Prices: , 40-Watt Lnnips 40c each, 00-Watt Lamps 50c each, 100-Watt Lamps 80c each, Bend Water Light (Bb Power Co. 'TaT. 1 ft' ' - ' - - f - - Save Your Slips 11V lU'YING A MONTH'S SUPPLY of (mon:uii:s at oni: timi: you CAN' MAKI1 A COXNIIUUl.YBLi: NAVlNd. NT. WILL AKSO (1IVK A I'ltllMUM OF JSn (10LD COIN TO TIIK PUIU'HAHKIl OF Tllli LAIUJ KST KIXGI.K OHIlHIt KACII WHIIU. 1'IIIST PUKMIUM, SATUHDAY NOOX, .HHPTKMHKH Utl. Bend Grocery ONK BLOCK HAST OF DNPOT. Watch The Bulletin niitl mt who Mini Coo came out from Bend Thursday to attend him. Mr. Ihiikor, who left for his vaca tion a few mouths ago, tins again re turned to his claim. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ileum rode through to the east end of tho valley Tues dn. returning home In the evening. A. D. Norton Is busy putting up u barn on his claim. Mrs. A. A. Gllimirn linn rnlnml soiuo very beautiful flowers, the first grown In this valley. She had great quantities of sweet pens, popples, nasturtiums, mignonette and n num ber of other varltles. Mrs. II. C. Davis raised some splendid cabbage In her garden here, the heads nro of good she nnil very solid, one of tho plants being re markable In that It bears X bond. Altogether she has nbout 50 heads of cabbage. P. B. Johnson nnd James Bentson went to town Thursday, returning Friday. Thore Is somo talk of Barrett coming in with his largo drill, a few of the settlors considering having him drill for them. Mrs. P. B. Johnson vlsltml with .Mrs. II. IS. Davis Sundaj. George Mlllloau, who has been nt Prlnevllle. returned home Friday. Mrs. B. K. Davis and little daugh ter visited with Mrs. W. B. McAdow Thursday evening. PLAINVIEW u. (Special to Tho Bulletin) PLAINVIKW, Sopt. 15. Mr. Say Icr nnd wife spoilt the afternoon at Mr. Strahm'a Sunday. Mrs. Crawford and daughters were In Ijildlaw Sunday. Kd St,rahm, Charles Powclson and Fred Rublo loft Tuesday on a hunt- few - '?' formerly 50c formerly 00c formerly 00c lug trip. (llanvc Htrnhm tipent Tucsdny and Wednesday of Inst week at the Baylor home. P. J. Young of Bond was over Inst week looking nNor IiIh son's placo, Rachel and Coiislnnco Knlolter hncker and Boh Haymaker wore In Hlstors Tluirsdnyv Ray Hammer and wife of Culver are visiting lior parents, Mr, and Mrs. Adams. Mr. nnd Mrs. Baylor nnd (Heaves Htrnhm wore trading In Sisters Thurs day afternoon. MIhm Lulu Montgomery of Pilne vllle arrived hero Friday. Mra. Knickerbocker, nnd sister, Mrs. Canada, and Mrs. Hnylor spent the afternoon at the Slrahm home Friday. Constance nnd Rachel Knlnker booker Gloaves Strahni and Hob Hay maker spent tho afternoon nt Mis. Crawford's Friday. Mr. Knickerbocker and two daugh ters, CoiiHtnuce and Rauhel, (1 leave Strahni mid Boh Haymaker were In Bond Saturday. ltd Strahm nnd Mr. Powolsnn re turned home from their hunting dip Holiday with n mutton. ..t ; POWELL BUTTE .tw. .. 1 (Special to The Bulletin) POWKLL Bl'TTK. Sopt. 16. The few frosts we have had bine about finished the potatoes. The will soon ripen now and then digging will com mence. Nearly utery thing but it few oats SXf((XffKX(SfifXX( S fX w Building LUMBER, w The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. 44444444444444444 4444444444444444 f FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell Ihittc, fourteen miles east of Bend. Our trees are the kind we recommend after over thirty years experience in the fruit business in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will please you. Catalog free on request, Come and sec our orchards and nursery. Oflice address, Prineville. Ore. LAFOLLETTE NURSER.Y CO. We Deliver ' i BUS AND LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Barley, OnU, Wheat nnd Hron at lovvost pricei. Tho Largest, liarn in Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, J.;i. WENANDY RAILROAD RATES REDUCED FROM Sept. 25 to Oct 10, 1913 to points on the ()0RfG0HTRUNaRY. srwm.- h h iari-.r lwijKiji Atlanta, On $01.70 llOHtou, Mubb ,. 50.15 Buffalo, N. Y 47.00 Cairo, HI 119.08 Clinrlouton, 8. 0 01.75 ChatanooKa, Tcnn. .. 48.40 ChlcaRO-, III, 38.00 Cincinnati, 0 4a. 85 Cluviilaud, 0 44.75 Columbus. O, ...,.,, 44.(10 Datrolt, Mich .', 43.50 DeuMolucH, la 32.81 Diiluth, Minn 30.00 Kvaimvlllo, I ml 40.10 InillunupollB, Intl. ... 40.U0 oujiunur, ivm. . ..3U,00, COIUU3HPONDINO IU3DUCTIONH PHOM OTJIKK I'OINTH. If you will lulvlso tho OroBon Trunk Ity, Agent tho nanioH nnd n'ddrotuica of your frlondB In tho lJntit who nro coming to Oregon ho will lmv0 a ronre. Bnntfltlvn null rtn.l l.itlii nln.. HiaIm .mI.. ' W(.V,,,W VH., W., ..U,. fM IIIVII (llf, I DopoBlts In prepayment of tlckoU will bo accopfed by gont and' tlckota ' dollvored at Kastorn polutH by foIoRraph. 7 "' ' , " llCK j Kor furthor Information regarding Btopovors, etc., apply to " R. II. OnoZIBR. A. O. P. A. ' Portland, Oro. have been hnrveslmt ami tlirosiing Is well under way. Although creim nre nothing oxtrtt tills your nnnrlv everyono Is miUIhIIpiI. Hiiiiih, (IH., over, woio disappointed. Among these Miiiik Wlk'iixnii, who i'Mmh'IihI his barley to go better than MO ImMiJ els to the acre, and roll short by over half. Mr. Unit relumed Sunday nUlii from Pendleton whom he utlemtmi the Roundup. Mrs. Hull, who went with htm, iniuntnod for u short vlnli with relatives. School In the Rlmrock district Just holow hero will atnrt Thursdas. with Miss IMna Morse us teacher Mlsa Viola Triiesdnlo returned from Redmond Sunday evening hi,,, ban been taking the I'laro of MUi Austin In the phono oflleo while iU) latter was In Taconia on lutr nin Hon. Riiovos Wlli'oxon iiihiIo n luiHirWiu trip In Redmond Tuesday. Clark Mors made a trip lo lM imiiid Monday for hog feed. Klslor and I1miIh plan lo uiuM n run In the Puwull Butte counir with their ehop mill and wmd saw us soon us threshing Is over. t'AUD OF THANHS, Wo wish to express our slm r thanks to nil the volunteer with aided In saving our store from II n Friday night and whu assisted u ij iiiovliiK our household goods. Wo appreciate very much their bir.i work In our behalf. 'JJft N. P. SMITH AN'D FAMILY Neat dance piigniniH nnil fancy program pencil at The Bulletin, In itny quantity (Icilml. ff Material SHINGLES t the Goods i ' , ' '-,:.: DRAY LINE Oregon. LON L. F0X K. " CENTRAL OREGON LINE I'ltO.M Kaiiflan City, Mo ,.,,,. fno.00 IiHbvIIIo. Ky. 85 MoiniiblH, Tumi 42.00 Mllwaukoo, WIh. .,..,,, iltJ.70 MlnnonnolU, Minn 30.01) Nmilivllln, Tonn ,,. 45.00 Now York. N. Y r.fi.OO unmlm, Nobr. .,,,,,,,, Jlo.00 I'oorlu, III , , , 37.00 Phllndalphla, I'a 54.75 PIttiliur:, I'a, ,.,,,,,,. 47.00 fllclimond, Vn, ..,.,,., 54.7(5 flloux City, la. ,,,.,,,., 30.00 a Ht, LoiiIh, Mo, ,,,,,,,. 37.00 ni, I'nui, .Minn. ',., m nn J. II, COHTr, Agent. Ore. Trunk Ky. - Hond,OM50n.