The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 17, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 28
$35,000 LOSS
N limn nnd ClotliliiK Worn mill Oilier
IllllllllllKM ItCBlltlJCll by I'lro of Un
knot ii Orlulii I'rldny Nlglit
U'tnk of ItrliullilhiK Ihwiu.
Shortly hforn midnight Friday
iiIrIiL llru broke nut n the rr
of th Patterson Ortitf CumpHiiy'a
Htorn mi Wall stroot, and. before llm
flame woro oxtlngtiUhtMl the I'nltor
nor tiullilliiK unit 1 1"' I oeeiiplod lr
tht it. M. Hmltlt Clothing Company
wore cni)l(tUilr destroyed. ICvory
thing In tlio Patterson tttorn was lost.
hut it largo portion of Smith's stock
waa nmliHit out dy voluntoHni. How
tho lire originated In not known.
Tho vuluo nf iroirtr destroyed
It rnughlv tistlmntml at bntwcnn $;,
000 and $16,000. Tho lienvlent
Iimhtii nfo O. M. I'ntlnrsoii nuil It. M.
Kmltli. Mr. Patterson valued his
took nt about SI ft. 000; he carried
bout 7.1 tmr cent lusiirnnro upon II.
ml asllmnlo lil direct los nt about
SIO00 or $1000. Mr Smith reckons
III not Iohh close to fSOOO. Ilo
curried Insurance of Ol.ono. Tim
DtHM"liiitiwi Investment Company,
owner of the Patterson building.
Mate It will got out nearly whole.
Mhuity'a grocery mock, whlph wan
carried out ami wan damaged by
water, sustained Injury lo the ex
tent of porhaps 1 100. tho budding
being somewhat damaged to hoot.
(' I.. Hranrionberg. wlm was handling
th moving of tho Patterson build
Inc. loot about fJtftO worth nf Iih)Ih
hiuI equipment, ns wall n tho small
I-uIIiIIiik formerly attached lo tho
Desehutes Banking Trust Co.
rooms, which ho hml purchased. Tho
fl chemical engine house wah also
Mont effective work was done hr
volunteer flro flRlitnrs. for although
water wan riot on tho hlsio until tho
Vnttorson store wan a furnaco. tho
flames wero checked aftir a hard
nt niggle nt tho south wall of tho It.
M. Smith building, although first
Indication! wore that tho N. I. Hmllh
Mlora na well a that of Shtioy would
also go up In smoke. Flro Chief
Roberts handled tho hlnio wnll.
Owing to tho fact that at one lime
x hoo lines were connected up. an
woll a much garden hoto on neigh
boring tnpa and two two. Inch atnnd
plpf In tho O'Donnoll and tho Mann
helmcr buildings, tho water pressure
was not at alt times at strong at It
inlRht bo.
Tho blnto wna flnit toon In tho
roar of thn Patterson ttore. A hnlf
doion rnon. flrat on thn aeono, at
tempted to do something with tho
chomloa.1 onglnn. which wna honied
next ilmir. hut nliout thn boat they
could ROfolnpllah wna In savo tho
rhomlcal from Miik burnod un with
lit Iioumi.
Much of tho Hmllh alook wna
carried arrota tho alrrot and flnnlly
takon In Wonandy draya. which woro
nulokly on hit ml. to thn Jnhnann
liulldlnK. Mr. Hmllh will open up
tho re tnmpnrorlly na toon na hit In
xurnneo la ndjutlod, Mr. Pattorann
will nncupy tho tlnro with him. opnn
Iur for bualnoMa na anon na hit now
nlock In rocotvod. Rhuoi will occupy
Hie old Chnpmnn hulldlni: ho had
ulroaily arrniiKod lo uta It during tho
jaHBjflaBHajBHajajBjMaaaaaBjBajHaH awta. 5!SS55SS?,fj!, - lb
1 'MmM&BniBi
"A.B.A." Cheques, used by tourists In nil foreign countries',
nlao are the safest, most convenient funds for travel in the
United States and Canada. " Not good till you sign them;
safe os your own blank check. More handy than your
personal checkbook, for your signature identifies you.
Dm Deschutes Banking (A Trust Co.
11, 1'URRHLL, I'retldent V, O, MINOR, Secretary
K. M. LAHA, Cashier
D. PRURBLL, 1. O. tylNOR, B.'M. LARA.
roiiKtriiKtlon of tho hrlok biillilluK
which wna iilnmdy plnunod lo occupy
tho Kiiico from which tho liuruod
HtiucliiKm woro in coiiiho of bnltiR
Tho pnlnt nhon of N. P. Woldor
wah dottroyod. with nil coutonla, tho
total lowt IioIiik ulmul $1100. Mr.
Woldor onrrlod $000 lUHiiraiicu. Tho
Karnuii utod by lrn. Coo n ml Korroll
hiuI r. H. HildDou wna nlto bui'imd.
Tho Uotchuloa HunkltiK A TriiHt
Co. niiurtniH onenpod iloHtrucllou by
tho forluualo rhnnco that It whm
iiioviiiI Inut wook. Jnoka woro uiulor
tho Pnllortou IiuHiIIiik whou It
pitiiRlit Urn, nml In two ilayit It would
Iirvo Iihoii iiioviiiI, na would tho Hmllh
bulldliiK In It fw day. ' Tho hrlok
hulldliiK. alrondy nlaunod for Joint
conttriii'tlon by llio H. M. Hmlth
ClotliliiK Company nml tho DokoIiuIob
InvoitiiiHiit Coiiipauy, will bo ruahod
In onmplolloii at apoodlly at potalblo.
It will liuvo a 100-foot rrotitUK on
Wall t trout.
Am an Inttanco of tho loiwoo which
OMimot bo moaturod In inoiioy. ,und
'f coiiro aro not Inturod. la that of
Hut Paltortou DniK Uompauy, Mr.
I'uttemon ttatliu? that 12,000 firt
anrlptlnmt uoro dnalri'ypd. Ilia wife
ouiHrKOd from tho II ro In fair note
Uoturdny inoriilnu I ho work of
cloarliiK uii.lho land whoro tho Put
loiwin biilidltiK aloud wna Ik;uu and
on Momlit) aorapora boKan hkcbvbIIiik
for tho foundnllona of tho now build
Iiik. Hrlok nro bolHK dollvorod mid
thti ImlliMitloim nro that ororylhlnx
will procood rapidly from thla tlula
Horn, (toltrr mid Tansci' Will llulhl
' ll,..I.AI..,. II.. In HIlAilli. I,.l
On llankn of l)cf'liiite Ithcr.
With tho MulxlK bulldlnR rapidly
iioarlmc complotloii, nml inimd-mndn
brick boliiK mod In It. ami with tho
dallvury of uioro brick holme uiodo
to tho DtMchuloa lutottiiiont Co. and
It. M. Hmlth hulldliiKX. It la ovldout
onotiKh Ihut In thla lino lloud (a woll
pruvldpd with hulldliiK tnulorlala. an
It la In othcra. Alto, a car load of
brlek waa ahlppod to Motiillua Mon
day. And now Moaira. Colvor nml Horn
unnounco a departuro In the local
ue of brick at loatt a larxor utlll
xntlon of their product In thla di
rection than hlthorto hat boon at
tumptod. Kach of thorn plana tho
orectlou of a brick rotldonco. nt doot
alto Jack Tan toy. Thoy'lmvo pur
chatod tlx watnr front Iota In Plme
lyn Park, Jutt ncroaa tho river wott
of town, their proporty lying directly
oppoillo the Coo realdonco and cm
braclns much of the nolut that ex-
tondt out toward tho uarrowa below
the Hoy Bcoulo lodice.
I Tho contracta entered Into with the
jl'lnelyn nwncra call for the erection
of tho three roaldoncca by aprlnit.
I Koch houto will cott not Iota than
$.1000, and wilt bo contlructod on
(inoMt nttractlvo plaat. Mr. Colver
Ititnndt tu utilise cllnkor brick ox
rluilvoly In Ida homo. All threo
men will occupy their hotitOK na
hoim for their famlllo. It la prole
able that n fourth houto will be e roo
ted by thoiii. and uoiiotlatlona are In
ITORroM wlmroby O. P Putnam ox
poctt to erect atlll another brlek
realdonco, of bungalow typo, on the
Plnolyn properly.
Tho It. W. Bawyor bungalow, tho
jtlrit to bo built In Plnolyn Park, la
now about oomplotod, and tho Haw-
yera will movo In ahortly.
Tho rompany la Installing 4-Inch
watnr mnlna and hat contractnd with
llmiry l.lnttor for water aervlce. The
contract for digging tho trunch and
laying tho water mnlna lint been let
to Tom Murphy.
Hcliool Children Tliroiiliont Oregon
Will llnvo ,tmv to il(,HI S'ru-
Volume- Hcon of Touiii to
Vote on the Hiiloou Qiiwlloii.
(Hpoolal to Tke Hullotln)
HA I. KM, Bopt. 1&. Hohool lllirnr
loa In nvory county In tho atito nro
moIiik to bo Klvommiitorlal aMtlntonco
by tho Dtate llbrnry. MIbh Coruolln
Marvin, atnto llhrnrlnn. nya that alio
Iiiih ordered SO. t N 1 now bookt ox
proiwly for uto In achool llbrorloa.
Thnto hooka w 111 bo tout Into ovory
aohmil dlttrict In tho atnto. A largo
number tcloctoil with particular rof
orouco to rural dlttrlcla haa been
ordered, and In tho lott two wook a
over 3000 volumoa have been re
ceived. Th one are available for any
community In tho ttaio. Over 1000
voIiiiiicm of hooka have already been
aoiil thla fall to vnrloua oluba for tho
aoanon'a club work. A numbor of
group aoloctlona have nlto been tout
to tho HbrnrloN of the amnllor town.
A "group" Include all tho worka
nvolunio on any one general auoject
lly drawing upon tho ttnto library
In thla manner tho mnnll town librar
ian nro able to give their patrona n
murk wider Hold of selection tlian
thoy could afford to havo If tho
amaller llbrarlot worn compelled to
buy tho hooka for themtelvea.
IbMik Price Mut Ho Itlgbt.
Willi tho adoption of tunny new
toxl hooka for tho public tchoola,
Huporlntendcnt of Public luatritctlon
J. A. Churchill la taking atepa to
force tho companlea having contracta
to furnlah tho lxoka, to toll them
to tho achool children of Oregon na
cheaply na thoy arc told In any
oilier place In tho I'nltad Htatea. All
tho contracta provido that the hooka
mutt bo aold here on Hint bnala.
Coniwny HecUrril l-'rauiluleiil.
That the American Mfe Accident
Inttiranco company of Portland waa
permeated with fraud and deception,
It the gltt of an opinion handed down
latt week by tho ttnto tuprema court
in thn Injunction tulta brought by
tho company .agaluat Inturanco Com
mltaloner J. W. Forguton. The
court dlttolVed tho Injunctlona and
held that Contmltaloner Forguton
waa right In hit refuaal to give tho
tompany a llceme.
Itonil Tax Mutter Muddled.
In a cate apponlod from Cooa
county, tho Supreme Court held that
a bungle wna made by the latt Legla
lature In lit attempt to pat a cura
tive law making all road taxca lovlod
under tho law of 1909 lognl, with
tho rotult that tho curative clauto
of tho now law dooa not even npply
to road tax matter; It nppllea to
ehaptor 301. laws of 1009, which la
an act providing for a atnto aanltor
liim for tho treatment of tuberculoma.
Thla putt road tax mnttera all up In
tho nlr again, and aoveral aulta havo
boon alartod In vnrlotit coiintle ro
alalliiK the payment of tho tax.
Supreme Coiirt'tt Work.
Hlnro tho tlrat of the year 2G3
catea havo been fllod In tho Supromo
Court nt Haloni, and 3C3 oplnlona
havo been written and handed down,
of which 211 dltpoted of cnara nnd
H woro oplnlona on iiiotlona, poll-
(Contlnuod on latt page.)
Several Peopli
Got Shot
and Ioa4ei their old shells.
But the practical hunter
buys our celebrated U. M.
C. or Winchester loads,
because ho knows thoy
are the best he can use,
and for birds bo wants
only the old reliable. Now
stock just arrived. Largo
.stock of guns on hand.
Remember the dateopen
season September 15th.
See our window display.
Bend Hardware Co.
Hleol Will Ho I'liilMiril After lk-ln
Khlppod I'rom HuM DiIIIIiik For
llornolr Kiini I'oiioiIiiIIoiih U
Htarteil - P vm J o c t llemx.
There la work for JO or 10
- laboiera on tho Tumnlo project.
.The pay la from $.30 to $S.(J0
n day of fight lioura. I'orwjna
wlahliig to work may apply at
tho ollleo In Uildlaw or at any
one of the enmi.
(Htair oorroapondonco.)
KAIIJI.AW, Kept. 1. Hnglneor
Lnurgnard of tho Tumnlo projeet ro
turnod latt Thuraday from Haloni
where ho nttended a meeting of tho
Dotort Laud Hoard and from 'Port
land where ho lot tho contract for
tho 0500 foot of otool flumo for tho
feed cannl.
Tho contract waa awarded to the
Contt Culvert & Flumo Co. for $27.-
000. Tho contract Includes tho fur
nlthlng of all roda, nuta, waahera and
cut section for curved. The ateel
will bo ahlppod from tho Kntt aa
alieot atool and manufactured at
Head by machinery that will bo ahlp
pod In. Thla will aavo (he manu
facturer a big Item In freight aa tho
th cot atcel will get a much lower rate
than tho flume Itself: which would
take the rate of a finished product.
Delivery Is to bo made f. o. b. Ilend
within CO days.
Tho contract for 300.000 foot of
lumber for the aubttructuro has been
lot to Anderson Ilrou., whoso mill la
located noar tho canal. Tho prlco Is
$11 delivered, for all except clear
4x12 stringers, for which $16 la paid.
Practically all of thla lumber la di
mensions a tuff.
Contract haa alto been let for a
concrete cubo mixer with steam
engine and bollor, all to be mounted
on trucka so that they are portable.
The project haa alto bought a port
able gasollno ongluo and centrifugal
pump which will be used In handling
the water when work on tho diver
alon dam la begun. Porous drain
tllo and 0-Inch sower pipe for uto In
draining under tho concreto lined
portion of tho canal between the In
fake and tho first stretch of steel
flumo haa been bought. Nearly all
of thla material will be shipped to
Drilling Operations Started.
The Davis Calyx shot drill for use
In making test for foundation at the
reservoir dam arrived at Dcschjitca
laat week nnd haa been set up on
skids with gasollno engine and pump.
Work was started this week at Camp
C on the reservoir slto, making Avo
camps now in operation.
At tho Desert Land Hoard meeting
last week a payroll system at I.nld
law was authorized. This means
much to (ho men working on the pro.
Joct. for thoy havo been having to
wait a month or even longer to got
tholr pay b tho voucher system from
Salem. Tho payroll will bo made
up hern and forwardod to Salem. Tho
money In payment of It will bo de
posited In thn First National Hank
at llond and will bo checked on for
tho Individual payments. Project
Knglneer L&urgnard being Itonded
suniolently to cover tho nggrcgato
1 3$.. .
amount tttrnod over to him for the
payroll account.
tho groceries for tho project for
tho nnxt six weeks will bo supplied
by Mason, Hhrman & Co. of Portland,
who woro awarded the contract on
competitive bid. Tho ardor la for
a carload of supplies rotting: about
$1060 f. o. b. Deschutes.
I'ltllliiK lo Ulve ftoml of HI 000, Ho
MllMt Iteoiiiln In Prison.
PUINBVILLB. Hept. 15. W. D.
Cursoy was given a preliminary hear
ing bororo Magistrate A. 11. Kennedy
of tho Prlnovlllo Justice Jurisdiction
last Friday. Ho was held over by
Justice Kennedy to tho December
grand Jury under $1000 bonds which
m haa not yet been able to furnish.
At lUe preliminary examination he
waa represented by Attorney W. P.
Myers, tho state being represented In
Doputy District Attorney W. JL
O. W. Arnold and J. A. Bastos of
Ilend were tho only witnesses oall'J
by the state. No witnesses woro
willed by the defense nor was tho
defonilant put on tho stand to dony
any of tho charges proforrcd against
blin. Tho examination was held on
the charge made by Mr. Arnold, that
Is. obtaining money by false pretenso
In giving a chattel mortgago for
property he did not own.
Mr. Cursoy will be detained In the
county Jail hero until the $1000
bond Is forthcoming and will occupy
tho Jail alone, for since Circuit Court
there ore no other prisoners confined
Inspection Trip Made to DUpotal
Plant Prompt Acsmeiit Pay
ments Meuns Quick Completion.
A party of 20 business men went
out to the sewer disposal plant silt
yesterday afternoon and took a look
at what Is being dono. They found
tho pit for tho disposal tank nearly
completed and tho ditch ttoin the
tank practically finished. The tank
will bo In a concrete-lined pit 20 feat
square and 1G feet deep. Compressnj
air drills aro being used now In blast
ing operations. Tho compressor Is
being run With ah autom6blle engine
In charge of itou'ls Doonar. Aa soon
as all the drilling: has been done nt
thla point, the compressor will be
moved to the Sherwobd place where
there remains some rock work on the
sewer ditch.
The chief object of tho trip waa to
show tho business men how far the
work has advanced and (hat only u
very little more needs to be done to
complete the Job and place tho sower
In operation. However, should thero
be further delay In payment of tower
cteasments It la possible that the
completion of the work may bare to
be postponed until sprint;, which, all
at'rce, would bo moat undesirable.
City Attorney Forbes, who return
ed thla morning from Portland, aiys
he consulted with a number of the
leading attorneys there, and that the
opinion of them all are that the In
junction secured by Lytle peoplo re
straining tho city from collecting 'he
sower assessments from them will
not hold.
Common Iluttrry System Will lie In
stalled, Hays King.
PRl.VBVILLB. Sept. 17. W. P.
King of tho Pioneer Telephone Com
pany stated today Uiat the directors
had ordered tho. Installation of a
common battery telephone system In
Ilend. , Thla system does away with
the Individual phono boll for ringing
central, all that Is required being to
lift the receiver.
j. n.rjj.
Our bank
Your money will be safe in our National Bank,
which has a charter from the U. S. Government to do
a Bunking business. Under our charter we must con
duet our business under the National Banking Act.
This law places our bank under the supervision of the
Treasury Department at Washington. A RIGID
EXAMINATION of the bank's 8Ujrs s made several
times every year in the interest of its depositors.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
The First National Btnk of Bend.
Vbdlors Will U on Hand Saturday
and Sunday Dsnro to He Hoclat
1'ontiii-e Large Number nf Hi-
Irjen Already In for- Meet.
With a largo number of ontrla.
the Indications are that the First An
nual Crook County Ton n is Tourna
niont hero the last of the week will
be very sticceitsfiil. Tno soolal fna
turo will be a dance Saturday even
ing In Bather's hall given by tho lo
cal lonnls club for tho visitors, and
to which the public Is Invited.
Thoro will bo entries from Bend,
Redmond. Prlnovlllo, Metollus and
Laidlaw. All must Im In by 8 a. m.
Friday, after which tho drawing will
bo held. All local men who happen
to lie drawn to play each other will
contest Friday. The visitors will bo
on hand Saturday and Sunday. Tho
finals will be Sunday.
Iloth courts have been put In fine
condition and will be used. Tho
public wilt bo welcomed as specta
tors, no admission being charged.
Up to 2 p. nt. today the following
entries had come In:
81NGLEBJ. Harr. V. 8. Rodman.
K. I). Williams. It. C. lmmele, J. W.
Moore. J. F. Ilosch.
DOUBLES Moore and Hoscb.
I Miss Adeline Olson.
I Prlncvlllc.
SINGLES Kay Brewster, Clar-
ence Rice, J. R. Stinson.
DOUBLES Drowster and Rice.
SINGLES J. It. Murphy and N.
A. Durdlck.
DOUBLES Burdlck nnd Murphy.
8INGLES II. W, Skuse. H. A.
Miller. C. S. Hudson, J. P. Keyes. G.
P. Putnam. D. M. Davis, P. C. Gar
rison, U. N- Hoffman.
DOUBLES Putnam and Keyes,
Hudson and Davis, Claude Mann,
helmer and A. M. Prlngle, Clarence
Mannhelmer and W. W. Faulknor.
Ross Farnnam and Hoffman, T. II.
Daniels nnd H, D. Wollman.
Mrs. F. E. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. G.
P. Putnam, Davla and Miss Harriet
Dolaen. 4 t
A number of the local players went
to Redmond Sunday for a tourna
ment with the enthusiasts there, and
eight matches were played. Bend
won seven of these. The Redmond
men gave the visitors a One time,
entertaining them at dinner at tho
Redmond Hotel and showing them
many courtesies. They have two ex
cellent courts made this summer,
and theso woro kept busy all morn
ing and during the afternoon.
Honkol & Ryan, In their two autoo.
took down the following: Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Keyes and children. Mr.
and Mrs. O. P. Putnam and baby, C.
S. Hudson. D. M. Davis. Mannhelmer
Bros, and U. X. Hoffman.
Tho results of tho matches were:
Keyes and Putnam vs. Moore and
Ilosch. 9-7. 2-G, 11-9.
Hudsou and Davis vs. Williams and
t Continued on last page)
x sasTjaj MM&.rs-. .
.- 3fc VVMF'J'ZSSlA 'Ci
sfcS ? Tn JlSfe.