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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1913)
RKND HUIXKTIN, RKND, OKK., WKDNKHDAY, HKPTKMtlKlt 10, 10111. . I . GOVERNOR IS PLEASED; NEWS FROM LAIDLAW (Continued from Pago Ono) fraction above tho nvcrago cost. The following table prepared by Chief Clerk 0. Ed Hobs shown tho results in Augustt .Mess MenN Total , Cost No. Served Cost Per Mow! 1 314 $103.31 .32'.) 2 2.4B9 678.32 .235 3 1,931 50S.19 .262 4 3,131 0.87.52 .22 Total. 7.S35 1.874.37 Ave .239 After dinner tho party proceeded on toward camp 2. Tho Uovernor and others left tho nutos between the two camps and proceeded over tho canal by root, tramping along through tho dirt and dust for a mile or so. wherever tho Governor wont he shook hands with the men on tho works and talked with tnem. At camp 2 tho party boarded tho nutos again and drovo to camp 1. Knch camp Is located In n lovely spot, but camp 1 Is tho most Ideal as It Is down by the Tuninlo. Diversion llnm or Concrete. At camp 1 tho trench Is nearly excavated for tho concrete connec tion which win be made with tho flume that will start a few hundred feet from the intake. The canal hero Is to bo concrete lined. The diversion dam across tho creek will be of concsete, with an earth wing to keep any high water from over flowing into the concrete-lined canal. Furst Ilros. of Bend were nt camp 1 when tho party arrived. They had a load of cement on their auto truck but could not get It across the creek on account of the bridge being too weak. Mr. Laurgnard at onco got In touch .with County Commissioner Hayley on the phono and he agreed that tho county would pay for lum ber to rcplank tho bridge. A team place tho ono that now crosses tho resorvnlr site has boon taken up by tho Desert Land Hoard. Convicts from tho state penitentiary will bo sent over to build three and u half miles on the cast sldo of tho reser voir, and tho roadway will cross on tho dam. Tho convicts will do tho work nt some tlmo when they can bo spared from other construction oper ations. Plenty of Work to He Had. There' can be no just complaint from laboring men Hint they cannot got work on the project. There are 150 men employed now, nearly every one of whom is a Central Oregon laborer. It has not bcon possible to get as many mon cb were wanted, nnd so this week Knglnecr Laur gaard sent to Portland to get 20. Men to lie Paid Off Quicker. Governor West, in his talk to tho men nt camp 3, told them that here after they would get tholr money expecting to go on to Astoria to spend Sunday, BIG REGEPTllTlVEN IN HONOR OF MISS FERN HOBBS LAIDLAW, Sept. G.-Ono of tho biggest receptions over given In l.nld law was that last evening In honor of Miss Kern llobbs, private soorotnry to Uovernor West. Miss llobbs ar rived hero last Monday on n visit with friends, and tho affair for her was arranged by tho project otllclals It wus held In tho hull ncrona, tho street rroin the project omco, nun tno room proved far too small to nccom modato tho crowd present. There wore 17 nuto loads of poopla from Ilond, Hcdmoml, Deschutes and other points, and tho crowd was estimated nt 176. Excellent muslo was fur nished by Prof. JSInko'M orchestra from lledmond, and Bovcrnl solos were sung by Mrs. Wolton. Tho mnln feature of tho entertainment was dancing, which lasted until after midnight. At 11 o'clock n lap sup por was served, consisting of coffee, sandwiches, pickles and cake, and during the evening there was lemon ade for all. A. J. Welton was tho floor mnn agor, and welcoming talks wore mado,..- i i.n. i,nn .., htiuy r, i.nurgnuru aim .mt. Meriting. ih iinvmii i, nt . Sittnm nn.i en ! Tho committee on arrangements con- thrnieh thn rncnlnr ehnnneta lioforft ?"0 P' '" Schuller. P. W. tho vouchers are Issued, but the Gov ernor Bald that n new way had been found to comply with tho law In every respect nnd yet get tho money duo tho men to them In n shorter tlmo than has heretofore been pos sible i Makes Tnlk In Town. The Governor nnd party did not hnvo tlmo to make n trip to the reservoir site, returning from camp 1 to Lnldlaw whero tho Governor wus booked for nn address. At 4:30 n crowd of more than 100 gathered and heard n short address from the Governor and others. "About n year ago." he said. "I discussed the situation with you here. and wo did not then dream that lleasley, G. Kd Itoss and 1 N. Wat- lace. The biggest delegation enmo from lloud, In flvo nutos, those attending being: Mr. mid Mrs. It. M. Smith. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Prlngle. Jamee Ilynn. Misses Anne, Gertrude nnd Nell Mnrkel, Mannhelnier Hros., O. C. Henkle. V. A. l'orbos, J. C. Ithodos, Miss Catherine Trnutner, Miss Unrrlet Dolsen, Ward II. Coble, George S. Young and Mrs. John Young. MRS. BELL IS PHRILYZED LAIDLAW. Sept. C During tho 'recentlon last nlcht Mrs. John Doll. things would bo going on now as well I wife of a locnl rancher, wns stricken was sent to Anderson Uros.' mill for as they are. I am more than pleased i with paralysis. It was thought at tho lumber and a crew of mon from " finding what I do find. Tho work tho time that she had fainted, but an the works to tho bridge to put it in shnpo so that the cement could b gotten across. Work on tho diver sion dnm will start in a short time. Although It had been but llttlo xnoro than an hour since dlnnor was eaten, the part was Invited into the mess hall at camp 1 for a cup of coffee. Tho cook there holds tho honors for making the best coffee on the works, and rightly so, It seems, as what he "toured for the visitors would be hard to excol anywhere. On the trip the feed canal was mentioned frequently, and It seems to have the right name for evorywhoro wo went they wnnted to feed us. and the members of tho party seemed equal to otfery opportunity In this line. Canal Ncnrlnff Completion. The feed canal Is getting well along toward completion. It is seven miles long and nil but abqut a mile has been excavated. Next year water will be turned Into the canal to su ply the settlers who have been served heretofore by the old Columbia Southern ditch. Seven hundred feet of steel flume will bo used in tho canal. None of this has yet been received, but It is probable that It will all be Installed before work Is closed down for the winter. Oood Order Maintained. Although there are ISO men em ployed on the works, only tho host of order prevails at all the camps. That this may continue the Governor has commissioned Alfred Hansen and Axle Dye, superintendents, and Harry Itupple, englneor, as special police officers. At each camp Is posted the following notice: "Anyono commit ting a nuisance within 200 yards of camp will lie discharged." Similar signs are posted regarding intoxi cating liquors. Tho health of the men Is Iookod after by Dr. J. F. Hosch of lledmond. The project has a contract with him for medical attention and each man on the works Is required to pay $1 a month for medical care. In case of sickness he is then treated with out any oxtra charge. All the money derived in this way goes to Dr. Hosch. Convict io ltuild Itoad. Engineer Laurgaard stated that the matter of making a road to ro lling done is of a high class, and examination this morning by Dr. thoro is much moro of it than I ex-Hosch of Itedmond showed that her pected to find. I want to see this i left side is pHrnlyzud nnd the physl work a success because I want to see clan states that her condition Is you prosperous and contented and because the Inauguration of this policy, if successful, will moan that the Legislature will give us help to complote the projects on the east side of the river. I want to show that the work can not only be carried on honestly, but In an expeditions manner. It wns largely through your efforts and tho efforts of the business men and settlers on tho othor sldo of the river that we have serlouB. BEND WINS TENNIS ITCH LAIDLAW, Sopt. 7 The local ten nls players "not defeat again today, the llend playors taking every match played- horo this morning. The Laldlnw enthusiasts have lieon too busy recently to have tlnui for tirae- been able to accomplish what we'tice, and consequently did not mako have. Attitude to Morson Project. Tho Governor touched briefly upon his attltudo to the Morson project at La Pine, saying: "My fight on Mor son Is simply to prevent a repetition Of whnt Is seen on this project." Mr. West stated that Morson's con tract docs not expire till April 1, 1914, and the stato's contract with tho government not till October 31, 191C. His contention with tho land board Is that thero Is no hurry for .isklng an extension of time and that Morson should be called on ror a new contract when his old one expires, with surety bond instead or tho pres ent bond, and that then the stato would have plenty or time to ask tho government ror an extension or time. He said he believes that the board as good n showing as they hnvo tlotuVJ heretofore. Thft following are tho results of today's matches: Hudson and Keyos vs. Torroy and 0 rots, G-o, 0-1. G-2. Davis and Hoffman vs. Schaller and P. W. Iloasley. C-l, 0-0, 0-4. Hudson and Koycs vs. laurgaard and George lleasley, 0-0, 0.0. Hudson and Keyos vs. Hupplo and welton, C-l. 0-0. Davis and Hotfman vs, Gllkey and Torrey, CO, C-3. The Dend men played an exhibi tion game which resulted: Hudson nnd Keyes vs. Davis and Hoffmnn, C-l. C-l. T, Tho visitors came down In Mr. Hudson's auto, accompanied by A. S. Collins. They went back by way of Deschutes. will yet come to an understanding .Ta,ghntaelneTounrerwn,nna,,)"iPRINT MSPAPFR AT HflMF The people of this community were ( " ' ' '" """ compllmented on the remarkable manner in which they have stood to-1 LAIDLAW. Sept 8. This week's gether. finally winning a victory. Issue of the Tumalo Times will i.e Governor West paid V. A. Forbes, i printed at home, according to Kdltor who was present, the following com-' Drown. He and Kdltor Palmer of pllment: "Ho deserves a great deal ' the Itedmond Spokesman have sever- of crodlt for riio work ho did for this project, and so do Mr. Corking and others." Ollipr Kpeukertt Heanl. Following tho Governor were sev eral other speakers. Including Mr. h or lies. t. H. Hudson or Iiend, A. O. Walker or Alfalfa, and William John son or Deschutes. Mr. Gerking presided. Mr. Wost and Miss Hobos left this evening for Portland, the Governor Through Night Train Daily BETWEEN Central Oregon and Portland arSf'YtTT'VvSfcJ I llllinBJ 1 III IbbIbW I ill V ! A$iJWK 1 WllWIUIilllUlilll CENTRAL OREGON LINE TOURIST SLEEPING CARS AND FIRST CLASS COACHES. led relations, llrnwn having bought mo pmni or tno Terroimnno Oregon inn. He Is now Installing It hero In the Itarnos building. It Is under stood that the Terrebonne pnpor will bo printed at Metollus until land notice now running are published the requlrod number or times, after which the Oregonlan will suspend publication. Mr. llrnwn did not get out a paper last week. Stovo Henderson spent Bundny at Prlnevllle, and his prosenco on the tennis court was missed Miss Franc Newman loft Thursday evening for Rugeno to attend the wedding of a friend, James Henry, who Is with tho United States Koclainatlon Service, arrived last week to work on tho Tumalo project. A horso on the J, W. Drown ranch was so badly cut by barbed wire last week that It had to bo destroyed. Mr. Gllmore, formerly with Mlse ner nt Iiend, Is now clerking In the store of J. II. Wlraer. There is talk among tho local Knights of Pythias of starting a lodgo here, as thoro aro quite a num ber or Knights In this community. An order has been placed with Robert Davis for tho lumber with which to construct the fair building tuat win no erected hero. : Two nuto toads or Hand people came down Saturday afternoon ror wore C. 8. Hudson. J. P. Keyes, V, A. Forbes nnd T. If. Foloy nnd in J'. C. IthodoH', C. M. McKay, II .V. HkUH9 and It. M. Smith. TO CENTltAL OHKGON POINTS LL'AVi: POItTLAND....7:00 P. M. Arrive Macjras 0:00 A. M. " ' Motolius. ...,.,, 6; 1C A. M. " Culver ,,.., 6:28 A.M. " Terrebonnd. .'. . . . 7:08 A. M. " Redmond 7;23 A. M. " Deschutes 7:43 A. M. AltlUVUtUEND 8;00 A.M. FItOM CKNTHAL OIIKGON POINTS LBAVK I1KND 8:30 P. M. Deschutes $:48 P. M, " Redmond 9:10 P. M. Terrebonne. ,... 9:24 P. M. " Culver 10:02 P. M. " Metollus 10:20 P. M. " Madras 10;30 P. M. AltltlVti PORTLAND... 8:10 A. M. Connections for Willamette Valley, Puget Sound, Spokane, Montana and all Eastern Points. Details, and folders at office or by mail. R. H. CROZIER, Asst. Oen'l Pass. Agent ,....,.. Pprlland, Ore, J. H. CORDETT, Ajtent Dend, Ore. W C, WILKES, Asst'. Oen. Frt. & Is. Agent , Portland, Ore. GKRKINfl AND TIIK MKDAL, (Culver Trlbuno.) Everyone in tho county should know J. N. II. Clerking. It will bo an Inspiration to all who are racing problems In this new country, to learn or tho light mado by Mr. Oerk Ing to get the Tumulo Irrigation Pro ject settled. The best part of It is that he will not profit so much di rectly, as water bus been adjudicated to him under tho old system. The effort was made by him to a very large extent for tho boneflt of all or his nelghbois. And while he will or course profit by the completion of the project, It was a wholehearted desire to see his neighbors prosper ous which directed him In his work. That type of citizen Is worth ten thousand men who spend a,l of their days trying to ivo how wealthy thoy may become. Another Important fact Is, that tho cttuoun of Lntdinw imvo bestuwud n gold modnl upon Mr. (Jerking, us it token of appreciation of his work. That speaks well for tho people of Laldlnw, Many, many times we sun people drawing up lengthy resolu tions, placing tnblots or erecting monuments after a tlurson Is gone, but In this Instance, thu appreciation Is shown at unco. No hlghsouudlng ceromoutiilH at tended the presentation. About nil of tho people contributed for the medal. At the church In Laldlnw, thu modnl was presented, and It caiiio as n complote surprise to the re cipient. AUSTIt.XCT Ill'HINKKH SOLD. Wo hnvo sold our business to the Crook County Abstract Company, n corporation urgnuUed during tho past week by Messrs. J. II. Hell nnd A. W. 81ms, formerly of Kugono, Ore gon. These gentlemen hnvo had n very extended experience In abstract work, nnd In banking, and will bring Into their lino of business new capi tal, new Ideas and u greater effici ency, responsibility and promptness than we have been nblo to offer our correspondents. We therefore take nlohsure In commending them to tho public and wish them success In tlnlr uuw venture J. II, IIANKll AI1HTRACT nOMPANS 27 Prlnevllle, Oregon, (Advertisement.) I-'AHT ItlN IN .MAIHJi The triilulund of sheep that left horo Inst' VVednomlny over tho Oro gun Trunk mndp u fast run down the canyon. Leaving here at 0:30 a. m., It reached Fnllbrldgo at '4:30 p. in., making better than HO miles an hour. This Is faster tlmo than Is mado by tho regular passenger trains. NTOCKMIJN PAItTK'IPATK. During the past llnenl yenr, accord, lug to a report nf tho V. H, forest servlco, 31 local organisations of stockgrowera using national forest ranges hnvo applied for and secured thn olllctal recognition of their advis ory boards by I lie forest snrvlre. This brings thu number or associations olllclnlly recogulrud by tho rorost ser vlco to n total of 11C, ni:w iio.mi:stiui itKoriaTioNH. WASHINGTON. Bepl. 0. With n view to making It "as easy as poss bla for honest outrymen tu gain homesteads nnd as dllllcult as pbs- slblo for speculators," Acting Recre tnry of thu Interior Jones published n now list of hoineiittad rcgtilittloiin today. Tho principal coiicohhIoii to hoiiitmtundorH Is it reduction hi I lie number of noreii tmch Is ieiiiliud to cultivate under stinh oliciiiiiNtiinceH ;is the hoiueHteitdcr'M Illness ur or exceptional dllllmiltli's III the way or cultivation. No reduction In culti vation urea Is permitted, however, on account of thu removal or sluml tug timber- n blow tit timber specie latoiii. i fa .i Hliors slilued nt (ieoigoV Imrbcr shop, Oregon niiect. lfltf 4rt4t44MH4t JSl J. J. RYAN Mlnnciota Street SANITARY PLUMBING SHAM AND HOT WATER HEATINO JOIJMNU Promptly Attended to tftttfe Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary Brick is absolutely fire proof in any ordinary conflagration. Brick Buildings never burn, although they are .sometimes injured by falling timbers or combustible interior woodwork. A brick building is absolutely lire proof if wire glass is used in the windows and if burned clay floors are used. An interior fire in such a building is confined to the room in which it originates; no outside fire can attack it. The proportion of burned clay in a building construction measures its fire prqof qualities. Burned clay is the only building material that has been through the fire before you get it, in such a manner that it will resist fire. All combustible material is burned out of the brick before you get it. WHEN YOU BUILD USE BRICK. The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. BEND PARK COMPANY SEATTLE BEND PORTLAND Original Townsike of Bend Park Addition Lava Road Addition North Addition Riverside Addition Lytle Center Addition Bend Park First Addition to Bend Park Second (Addition to Bend Park Boulevard Addition For Descriptive Literature, etc., address BEND PARK COMPANY A ' ' ' 4'55 ;Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. First National Bank Building, Bend, Oregon. t TV