I1KIW UUIjLKTW, BBND, OKK., WKNKAV BKITJUMKR 10, JOJIt. Pag 8, 1 i 4". m Moving to i i This Week to our temporary location next to Mannholmcr's storo. Wo will bo Open Every Day although the building is being rolled down tho street. Patterson Drug Co. The QXolg, Store LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Hurry Hllcy wa In town Monday from m Pino. ' !(. M. Thompson returned from Portland Frlilny. Hhorirr QhIhh uf It tumour was In Ilond lnl Thura4ajr. C. 1.. WInwt of Turoalo wm Ih IBWH 1I(H(1)' ItkiIIhk. , IMIlor Ilrown of ike Tfjmalo T1hm wm III -tawH jNaHenlay. ilm. A. M. Itm left oh atHrday 'MlMtit'M imlii for Seattle. W. II. Gay uf Port Keek Ja been iIm town the hi1 few tiny. Noil Sly of I Pine wm rogtaterod ,at the intot llulie Hotel Friday. Fred WImm of Slat urn whn regis tered at the Hotel WrlKUt HHnilnf. Mr. a ml Mm. J. If. Stanley ware In from llio much Monday uliopplng, MIwkhi Uvn Graven mhiI l.4s Porno went lo Portland Thursday night, F. A. Hlionflimxt was In town Frl day from hi lllg Monilown ranuli. A. I). Lewis and W. II. II. William en in i) down from I ho ranch .Monday. M. I). Kniitseu returned tho flrt of dm week from u trip In I.ako oounty. J. Ilotinlck of Fort Hock wan In i town luil week, a guest tit the Ilutul Wright. Tim Pralornnl llrotliorhood un iioiiiiciin it dntico fur 'Jliumcluy, Bop tonilior 18. ,1, I". Pope, innnnKor of tho Pioneer Telephone Company, In ovor from Prliievlllo. Cliarlon Iloyd ninilo proof thin week before ('onuiilHKloiMir Mills on liln desert eliilni. ( i I). T. llodKim anil Mr. Ktttllng went I Io I'ortlnlid Hiindny night on u uliort i Iiiihiiihmh trip. Mr. mnl Mm. Junri Hulloro en run In Monday m-nnlug from tliolr homo Hlmul nmir Alfnlfii, ll III UIIIK 111 IHU IHJIT Hllllll IJI1UU, j .1. ...- .. .. .1 ... mm ' mo uui'K niuiHiin opium nHpiomuur i.i mnl uloHim Poliruury If. Tlio Indies of tlio Methodist HplHflo pal cliincli held n stiouoasful food mm In ut O'DoiiiiiiU'h Hnttinliiy. MInh Norn Hoblm of I'rlnovlllc linn siiiieeodiid MInh Mury H. Coleman In llm local telephone olllce. J. C. llliodi'H, Wnrd CMIiIn nnd Ohm Perot warn In Prliievllln Monday, go Iiik ovr In Mr, Rhodes' cnr. Afliir n "vnnnllon" of several weeks, Joo Tnggart In tiaek nt tliu desk at tint Pilot Ilutlo Hotel. W, (J. Gillette ii nd Ktnrlla Fryrear wuro up from Itndmond Katurday, rcKUtcrod at tint llolul WrlKlit. Mm. Clara I). Wllllnnm and rod, J. U. N'IcIioIh, woru In town Monday from tliolr ranch near l.nldlnw. . I,, n. Maltitynoldii and Harry Wyno left Hiindny iiIkIiI for tin Itoiindiip nt rmidloton. koIiik by way of I'ort land, Jimtlco of Iho Pooco V. V. Orcult of tlm Di'Hcliiili'H dlritrlct Iinh nmlKii i'd. HI micuumior linn not boon np IKilnlod. It, A. I'nott lant wik look ovnr tlio confi)()tloiiry l)iiliii'nn of C. I). ItiirKln. addliiK tlm Mock to liln luk ery utoro. MUh U)tln l)n Armond, uftor n two moiitlu' vlnlt In llmid, Inft lat Wid nimday nvimliiK for hnr Iioiiiii In Mc MIiiiivHIk. BEND THEATRE I Mm. IIiikIi O'Koiip. who linn bnon at tlm Mtmliorii and vlnltlnx In Port land for Kovornl wikn, rotnrnml Hhii day nioriiliiK. Oindiictor CharlM Fotr of Ilin Ortmon Trunk, who Iim tfii Itait oh h moath'M vaenilon. U tmek on th run to llmid. lUlph and T.-ll. Hardy of Yaeoll, Wanli.. lirothwm or Mm. Dlnttck, Mini U1 llrunkti of Portland art vlaltiNK J. V. IXmlck. Mm. Paul vIMlliii hr ItflHll. who Mr. has lmn and Mm. tt'lillSKHhAV Tlio (Jprit Kttltcli. Klxi'N mill Mni'M. Jjiim' Waterloo, Tlio Di'ii'hi'iH. TIIUIth'UY Motliriv-Ttto lli'i'l I'i'iitiirr. Ilnuirlio Illlly nnd llic Hlcp KlnttT. KltlltAV rJnuntli'tn of WiiHhliiKtoii. Hi--!! mnl lloiiry. It Wnmi't lnlii Aflr All. IIIn Honor Tlio Mnyor NATL'IIIIAV Ovrr TUt Plionr. T.utrnliurtc JnriIi'ni Woe of lint tie. iy- out. Ht'.mtv (Jtrnt Wnll of (liliin. I'uullhc. Indlnn .MiiIiI'm Wiinilii. 4otnV Joiinli liny. t'liMidfomr (Iint. MONDAV Itril nnil Wliltn Ibrnt-M. To lice! I'Vntiirc. A MimIitii llorxi. Aunt KMiVm Visit. Your Fall Walk Overs Are Here! ci miDfun, ni. tvfiH irg S. C. Caldwull. Uft ihh hmhiIhx for hnr homo In ItuHcnn. T II. 1'olnr rMturitad from Port land WiHlHHMJay. brlHRlog with him hla family, who hare pHt part of tll HHWIMwr Ht KlIMHIIfl. (!npt. Hint Mm. John P. Yimiiik loft Monday momliiK In tliolr uhIo for tliolr Iioiiim In Kan PrauelH-o, koIiik ly way of Klamntli Pall. A. V. Orion and wlfo worn at tho Pilot lluttu llotol Monday from Port laHd. Mr. Ortan wan formorly roRliv tor at tho l.ukevlow laud olllco. W. Ilyrd Puko or tho N'orthwMi Towpalto Cotiipauy of Phllndolphln wan In town Haturday lookliiK ovor tho iroirtlun .of III eomiiaiiy. MfM Kdnn II. CoruollMin of Port laud. Mho haw Ix-mi vUlllriK at Kort HiKk nnd nt Tliu Tu)'. up rlvor. ro turnod luat work to hor homo. jOcaA Qmft- lt ,f af've leen reading in the Sunday fiaficr Aovt you can "make oveA" old cAa'xAi and ihinp and have them look aaod a new,, J Louahl Jkome fuAniixiAc fiojtiih and iaficiry and irled io make neu, an old oiuxa. a spoilt a clAcM vsoAth moAc than a new chair and JinaAhtd my thumt uith the hammcA, and the oid chaiA looked woAJc than lefoAe, 7lo moAe fixlna oveA old vVoAn-oui fuAniture foA me.afUl Luynexw, ' ' . Q evcA, t. ou, (P,S.-3ecaxAe he hai a Lia conA ianmeu.t of. rxas and neur style in dAeiseri, chiffon" ieAA and otheA fuAniture jxiit oAdcAcd in (PoAtland, of 'II lxy fAom kb. TL uiompson Where Your Dollar Doea Ita Duty. Tlm Udl'-ft Aid Soclnty of tho MothodlKt Chitrrh will melt noxt Wi'dni'Mlny nt 2 30 o'clock with Mm. Kfnnk Bchoolor In l)oMhuto addi tion. ltalftlK tho Krado on Ilond atn-ot linn made It nMomary for Aune llro. to ro-loeato thidr waKon m1o. Tho work ha hoon done In tho )wt few day. Tho atrMt Kmdlnic Hiidr th dl roctlon of Tom Mnmlir pruKrM Ihk rapidly. At irMiit th erotv la huay on Mtauwota itraot south uf IHiiid. John T. Whlatler chw Ih oh j- lorday montliiK'n train ami wont out at-oaM to liwpoct t work Ml the UIPrrnt oampa of the' t)Mliitim Nrvcy. Mr. and Mm. 0. P. Putnam, wttk tliolr mih David and Mr. PutnAHt'a fathar. J. H. Putnam of Xw York. limit tho wofjk wd at MoI.Ihk'm on till) 'sMotollUN. Thnro will to n iiiootlnR of the V. C. T. U. ThumJuy oftornoon,' Koi tomlior 11. nt tho llnptlut church nt 2:10. All munition and frlond aro urKd to eon io. Word haa hcon rocolvod lioro that John O'Donnull. who formerly lived horo. died ail week In llolllnithani. WukIi.. na n result of an operation for appendicitis. Tho nxpresH rates between Port land and Ilond were reduced tho first of tho month (0 cents on tho hun dred, nnd It Ih understood that there will bo further reduction In October. The Fraternal Ilrotherhood last Thursday ovonliiK took In a elasa of 10 candidates, lirliiKlnK Ita member ship to about 60. After the lodge closed tho members enjoyed ii'danc aml rofroiihmenta. utir llnnlay. Mlwi Mary A. Camp bell of the Double. O ranoh, Judpe I.. WelHitor nnd U. Ktubblelleld of Portland were hero Saturday nftor noun on thalr way to Portland, Bolng out on the night train. Dr. A. A. Uurris, who Is now living nt I.ebnnou. Ore., enmo in Monday! mornluK. Hi h, C. a. llurrls. In In from his HnmptoH homoatead and they will fence 100 acroa which Dr.. Ilurrle haa north of town. The Deschutea bank building has been moved to Ita new locution south of Thompson's storo nnd Patterson's will tin moved tins wook to tno lot next to llenson's. building. 1.. A. HrnndouburK has tliu contract. Ono of Purst tiros.' trucks, with n load of cement fur tho Tumnlo pro ject, broke through tho bridge of tho llend Wntor l.lKht & Power Company while itomIiik Friday nnd had n hard time getting on tho roud again. A Qreat Northern box cnr loaded with lumber got away from the train crow Friday night nnd wus derailed on tho mill spur. It wna pulled back on (he track by a big engine Sunday night and dispatched to Minneapolis. Owing to the bridges between hero nnd camp 1 on tho Tumnlo project being too weak to hold up loaded nuto trucks, tho contract for hauling cement from llend nwnrded to Purst For Men m lit Eft fk:?S!?mMl, mm Ms JrSim I mmiW-j r3M I VMJMF M. ) T&WZ&M-r NEW LASTS-NEW LEATHERS Ladies' $3.50 to $5.00 Mens $4.00 to $5.00 We invite your inspection, of the new creations nnd wide range of styles. Not only Central Oregon but the whole orld is wearing Walk Overs. I I H pllltMllftl Don't wear that wear- ied look wear WALK OVERS. wtMrAwvwyH'W For Ladies NEW AUTUMN WAISTS in Flannels and Ginghams JUST ARRIVED. We are showing a splendid variety of the verv latest models d"! Of- d"! A A $L.Ld IU )0.UU priced from Mannheimer's The Store for All the People. llrou, llros. linn been turned ovor to Auue , tho next lowest bidder. Warner's Rust Proof CORSETS BUY YOUR CORSET at Mannheimer's A WARNER Corset means more than correct fashion. It means Fashion, plus' Comfort plusQuality Tho Sunday school of the Metho dist church will hold n picnic on the I. D. Wleat lawn next Saturday, first meeting nt the church at 1 o'clock. All members of the church and Sun. day school are invited, nnd nlso all children In town not attending any other church. Tho first shoot this fnll of tho Ilond Hod and Gun Club was held Sunday afternoon at the traps on tbe Slsomore place. Ous Poret of the Peters ammunition company was hen and did some fancy shooting. There will be another shoot noxt Sunday at 2 o'clock. Now poatoltlcen have been estab lished In Crook county at. Dry Lake, with C. A. Hengteon as postmaster; at Harney, with William II. Barney aa poatinasier: at Highland. With J. It. Itlvera aa postmaster. Dry I.ak Md Highland are near Hold and Harney near I'rlncvllla. It seonw unfortunate that Uarney was chosen aa a name aa there hi already a IlariiM iKMtofHco In this county. II. K. Koon returned this morning from Portland where he had been an buslnese. Mr. and Mm. P. Kwlng Martin and Mm. Martin's mother have gone to Portland on a visit. C. S. Hudson took Mm. Hell and Mm. Prlnglo to the Metollus yester day, returning last night. J. W. nnd Isaac Now of Ornndvlew wore Ilond visitor yesterday, regis tering ni tno note! llend. W. J Graham, a Portland real es tate man, spent leMerdny n Huud looking over property with a view to investing. Tho Afternoon "500" Club is en tertaining tlila afternoon nt Mm. LM Ilroeterlioiis' In honor of Mesdnmea 1-:. D. und Anna Wilson. Mr. and Mm. V. M. Wilson of Voi der, Alaska, who own considerable property in Central Oregon, are In town, guests nt the Donti Hotel. It. A. Whiteside nnd J. E. Currnn nro in town today from Lost Creok. Thoy report considerable Interest be ing taken there lu tho building of a school house. Tho baud will hereafter give Its concerts on Sunday, ufternoou nt 2:30 Instead of on Friday evening. The concert uoxt Sunday will bo on the old Drako lawn. A largo number of women attend ed Mrs. Mcintosh's full opening yes- torday. Refreshments were served nnd thero was music during tbo af ternoon . .Many mire iiibob of tn? new styles of hoadwoar wero mndo. A birthday surprise party xvob given Q. V. Arnold nt his home In Kenwood last night. Tim dlvorslon of tho evening was "600.", At mid night lunch wus served Those pres ent wore Mm. H. O. Karris. Mm. G. W. Shrlner.-JIr. and M"r. Fred Kstet, Mm. W.y P. Downing, Mr. and Mm. N. W. Caldwell. Mr. and Mm. Fred Ilozell of Itedroond. Mr. and Mm. Julius Kortnian, Dr. Crop of Port land nnd the Arnolds. Frank Hlkstead. who has been In Walla Walla for tho past few weeks, returned to llend last night. XKW POSTMAhTKK GOKS IX. (Prlnevlllo Review) The smiling face of Jake Iloone now greets atrona of the pontotllee at the wicket. Ha took poaeecaloB at midnight oa the 2nd. William Led ford, the retiring poatmaster. haa not yet announced life future avoca tion, but Intimate that he may take n homoatead and go to ranching. Mtaa Stella Hodgoa. who was an applicant for the position, still remains chief deput. Indies, rail at Mm.' .McIntoslt' ilreMHiiiaklng parlor nnd leave your order for Hplrcllu Cort.cts- Mm. A. Orcutt. T AXKOUXCKMKXT. Madam Goucher. the fashlonablo milliner or liend. Oregon, will have her grand millinery opening on Fri day nnd Saturday, September 12th and 13th, 1913. at her millinery par lor. In J. W. Goucher'8 Jewelry store, on Wall Btreet. llend. Oregon. No carried over, out of date goods to show, but every article brand new. bright, attractive, up to date gooda bought of wholesale houses In Su Paul. Minn . and Portland. Oregon, within the last 60 days. Madam Goucher has had 26 yearn as head milliner in the largest millinery houses la Now York City and Boston. All are cordially Invited to call. 27 i Advortlsemont. ) LOOK AT THE MOKEY WE aSAVEP. "RESOLVEO That the: wayi& keep . Your, Pocket Book, FILLED IS NOT To PAY More Than You OUGHT fOR WHAT YOU BUY. WE ?AN SELL YOU THE BEST AND Ave YOU MONEY. FOOT NOTKS, When Walk Overs go ou. Shoe Troubles go off. MANNHEIJIEUS, . WE DON'T nAME VOU - WE DON'T BLAME ANYBODY . FOR WANTING TO GET THEIR MONEY'S WORTIli WE KNOW THAT ALL SMART PEOPLE ARE TRY- TO GET FULL VALUE FOR THEIR ING WE Mnaiinv r --. -. DID WHEN WE BOUGHT OUR HARDWARE AND WE ARE GOING TO GIVE YOU PLUMP VALUE FOR YOURS. WE WON'T LET ANYBODY GO OUT OF OUR STORE DIS SATISFIED. IF YOU WANT TO SAVE MONEY COME TO US. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR MADE. Skuse Hardware Company Wt will give a $5 casting rod for the largest trout caught tfcit ,