The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 10, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO, 27
Arrest .Mnilc 'In MIhmiiiIhi Mont., by
Keeping Trriek r III Wire llltf
f riw t it! Tniln When Woiiiiiuly
Arihoil With lllm HiiimIm)'.
I'HINHVII.I.M, Hopl. 10,-8
p. m.v, v.vumy l IoSkoiI
lit tho ontuily Jail linrn awnlting
preliminary hearing. No ilatu
has boon not for thin, uceordliig
to v. P. Myers, one of his law-
yera. Mi linn nUo retained II.
II. Da Arnionil of llend.
Membership lit thu "Ciintoy Chili"
mema (o Incliiih) a big I'ortlon of
the people of llnnd, If one wnro lo
Judge by lint crowd Mint wns nt thu
train Hunday evening when Doputv
JlliorlfT J. II. Wotiniidy nrrlvcil with
W. I). Curacy, tho defaulting hotol
keeper who took Crunch leave of
llond In July. Tho arreM of Curacy
waa iiinilu III Mlssniiln, Montniiii, last
Wedmuidity afternoon. It wnii of-
fwitiHt liy keeping trnrt) of Mm.
Ciirnny. who Joined lit tit In Hint city.
When Deputy Weunijily wont to
Portland several weeks hko on a
vlnlt with IiIh wire, hu mot Mm.
Curaey on tho street. With tho nln
of Portland doteaihe. he kept on
her trull and tliuilly found out that
hM wan going Piiilcr the nmnu of
"MIm Huillli." Hho whn ahndowed
for Uy. nml whan she lft tho rlty
It wan known that she hud boiiKht
h ticket to .Mliuuuln. Tho otrtoera
there woro ntitlllnd by wire when alio
would arrlwi mid Instructed to arrest
Cursey. Thin thoy ill) last Wednes
riny afternoon, nml notified Wonnuily
In Portland. Cursoy waived extra-
altllnii ntiil U'litinnilv Infl nl oiirn for
1' Hie .Montana town, lie not In llnnd
with IiIn prisoner Sunday evening.
A tohmrnm from Tho Dalles told
when they would reach' licro and tho
crowd of S00 or more waa at the
train to seo the man who aneakud
out and camu hack aa a prisoner.
Curaey waa kept under guard at
tho Pilot llutto Hotel Hunday night
and Monday, and upon Instructions
of tliq district attorney waa taken lo
Prlnevlllu Monday nlKlit.
Working For Employment Agency.
At the lintel Monday he waa Inter
viewed by Tho Hulletln and atated
that he had been In Missoula alnce
tho latter part of Auxuat working
In an employment aKoncy'a olTlco
ponding men out to work on tho Mil
waukee and Northern Pacific Hall
way. Ho aald that hn waa In Port
land, Rpoknno, Hand Point, Idaho,
mid other places before going to
Missoula mid had "hoofed It" part
of the time. "Wenundy ceralnlv
did treat mo all right coming here."
Curaey mild. "Wo left Missoula
Friday night and eot to Tho Dalle
Saturday too lata to catch tho Ilond
train, and spent Hnturday night
The llend people fool that Deputy
Wenandy deaorvea much credit for
the untiring offorla he put forth to
run down the fiiRltlvo and return
lilm to Crook county to bo dealt with
na the oourta aoo lit.
Offer Made lo Pay Off Mortgage.
In Missoula Curaey went under tho
tinme of "W. K. Smith." Last Fri
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!IbbbbW - 3Wtik 'tttunrficA. Ih. II
' jfiMi iTmm .mi' 1H1 f" i II
V f ' .saalaaWWrTJF,FJlaaBIPHMMWJBl
A.B.A." Cheques, used by tourists In all foretgn countries',
also are the safest, most convenient funds for travel in the
United States and Canada. Not good till you sign them
safe as your own blank check. More handy than your
personal checkbook, for your signature Identifies you.
iiiuid av .
7ft Deschutes Banking (fe Trust Co.
B, FKURK&Ly President P.O. MINOR, Secretary
n. M. LA'RA, Cashier
day r- tr.Iujsrani ciiinu from Missoula
friiin Mia. Curaey to (inorgo W. Ar
mild or thu llnnd Milling & Wore-'
Iidiihii Co. offering to pny off the
worthiest mortgage Klvt'ii liliti on thu,
Installment plan, lt down mid Hj
a motitli, If ho would withdraw the ,
warrant mid lot curaey go. The
offer waa entirely Ignored.
It will be remembered Hint Mr.
Ciuaey, whim tried heie, pretended
to be entirely Innocent of any con
nection with (Mrany'N defalcation
and aald alio would have nothing
mure to do with him. However, It
mia through her that Curaey 'a nppre
lienslon wua made.
Sheiltr Airctx Wllllnm t'nrrx, 'ln
Milken Coiifiolon o'f lliiniltiK To
HiiirkM HvIoiikIhk to Nclubbor,
(MlKiclnl lo The Mtilletlu)
I'lllNieVUXK, Hold. 0. -William
Carey, 7 unra old, In the employ of
Charlea Colby on Crooked IHver
a bon t Sin mllca aouthenot or Prlne
vlllo rnirly Friday inornliiK "' a
umiqli to two atneka or lui) IiuIoiikIuk
to Jmiiea C'riiin. n uelKhlHir. oouaUt
ItiK of nboiit 70 tona worth 1700 mid
which waa a total loaa. Kxcollmil
work on the part or KliurlfT Hlklua
reaulled In mi ludletment mid n plea
of Kiillty In open court from thu
defendant within 30 hotira of tho
crime. ,
Word of the burning, which could
lime been out) of Incendiary orlKln.
reached the ahorirf'a olllce early Fri
day. Klklna atnrted nt once with the
win u ty mitu for the acune of the fire
mid arrived while the ataeka were
attll biirnltiR. The only clow con-
alated In the Docullar utmhuil Irackai
of a plKeontoed horau which werei
, followed from tho Cram atackyard
In a roundaitoiit way to tlie noiny
place. There tho only peraon round
waa Carey. The hone, yet aaddled,
alnod In the burn and Ita feet and
iracka were examined and round to I
tally with the tracka -nt the tire. I
Carey waa brounht to toun by tin
ahurirf. and the next murnliifr he
made a complete coufoMlon tti the
all or Iff nnd deputy dlatrlct attorney, I
nrterwnnU pleadlnR KUllty to the In
dictment already lodged ncahiBt him
Ilia employer, Charlea Colby, and
wife were abauiit, having loft for the
huckleberry patehea In tho Cavcado
inouutalna bint Tuoaday. When
aaked what hla motive wua Carey
aald ho Kticaaed It waa "only a eraxy
Idea." He will be aenteured to n
term or yeara In the penitentiary.
Varlotia motive aro naalcned for
the crime. It la aald that Colby nnd
Carey have lota of hay left from lait
yeur'a cutting nnd not much atock
I to teed It to, while Cram baa lota of
. atock and only little leaa than auf!l
, dent hay for hla own Uae.
September IH-21 Date for Central
Orrgon Mrt On Ioral Cuurta.
A Ronoml tonnla tournaUtent for
Central Oregon will bo heldMiero on
j Friday, Saturday and 8unday, Sep
tember 19. 20 and 21. under tho
'nuaplcca of the llend Teun'tH Club.
The chili will meet tomorrow night
nt The Hulletln ottlce M' final ur
rmigemeuta wilt bo mtQt, Kvery
member la urged to be tirttnt nt 8
o'clock. ""
InvHatlona will be aent to nil Cen
tral Oregon towua. logethur with
entry blnnkn. An entranco leu of SI
will bo charged, na la ctiatomary In
auch eventa. Hecrnl cupa will bo
offered. Kvory effort will bo made
to have this flint tournament n auc
dixit In nil wnya. The two court
will bo placed In first ola ahapo.
new halln will bo used exoluBtvely
aud, nt least on tho last day, when
the final will be played, refresh
ments will bo served.
(Staff correspondence.!
IAirIAW. Sept. C CoiiiIhb In
on (ho night train on n apodal trip
to Inspect the work being done on
the TiiiiibIo Irrigation project, (lov
ernor West arrived hero thla morn
lug and spent the greater part of tho
day vlaltltiK the onmpa mid seeing
construction work In juogroas. Dur
ing the Inspection trip and iikhIu thla
nrteriioou when he addressed u
gathering hero, he oxprenaed groat
satisfaction nt finding auch splendid
progress being made.
The (lovernor wua met nt Des
chutes by Project lingtneor O. Ijiur
ganrd In the project unto. Tho (lov
ernor took breakfast nt tho homo of
Itoscoe Howard at Deschutea where
hla private aeeretary, Miss Fern
Hobba. lias been vlstllng. Arriving
at l.uldlaw, tho (lovnrnor. Inspected
the t'Hlce ot th project and met tho
olflco rorce nnd engineers. J. N. II.
(lerklng. "fntlier or the Tumnloi
nrolect." na be la known here, waaMivntv nmv ii inn an,i tt,r rt nr
on hand and waa warmly greeted by
West. The Governor mid aearetnry.
mt. uoraing nnu ir. Luiiusunru nun KOod results. Tho Oovernor aaw n
In the nrojoet nuto, nnd I-. N. Wnl-'blg blast set off. nnd .also aaw the
Im.. ' tl MnpiiM liitunium. Ilnvuril I ... I -. ,. ... -
mid the writer In A. J. Hartor'a car.
and Hie start lor tho worka wn be
gun, (JimmI Crop" Are Itiilel.
Tho drive to the flmt camp Is
through a district where tho aettlera
ft I .ft.,.. ... ..... .......... .... M...I.
, . ! . ni pwiV.. llnr
raised. Attracting special nttont on
UhB h.e. i!f .1.HM li ""W avo to wait. When tho
iTr if'StUK'rAS-'o'STh. DSK'""w " S th0. KaVnad,,n.Bbo!
?.' 1 Vll frn J Tim , fJ ?h"Vu men." ho aald to those who
WVJ ance'rmu Tr. Sandel',. ! P-rt'h; l, "Jf" K" Eft
rann u & on new ground ami on " cal our AlnnT '
S,n.'- ih 11,2 i.Ji? of ruii r2 walt" 'N'0 mount of pcrauaslon
snows uiat tito nest 01 resuiia can ,,i,i -I,,-,.- i, i...-.i ..j i,
i.. i.v n.u ... ,.r . mti. could change tho Governor, and tho
I'V umiiiiivu 'f v i"v a m ij
water. Mr. llayley Irrigated this
wheat only once, wo wore told.
Camp n Model of Clrnnllnr.
Camp A waa tho flrat of tho con
struction camp visited. It la lo
cated not far from the Plnohurat
school house. Like all the others. It
It kept scrupulously clean. It waa
not known that the Governor was
coming, so there was no chance to
"brush up tor the occasion. How
over, the kitchen nnd dining room,
tho bunk houses and tho grounds
were as neat as could lie. Every
thing necessary to make living com
fortahlo la provided for the men, nnd
the result la that they aro n con
tented lot and have tholr heart in
the work whloh thoy nrb doing lor
the state. For Instance, at every
camp there Is n little commissary In
charge 'or tho foreman or other em
pi oyo where tobacco and tho like are
sold lor tho convenioiico of the men.
At this camp the Governor aaw
what the finished reed canal looVst
Hko, nnd It la n II no piece of work
that Is hoHVC done. The oanal wid
ens from tho bottom toward tho top,
mid the banks aro ao Arm that breaks
will be ot rare occurrence when the
water Is turned In. Tho banks are,
bi fuel, no solid that In giving them
the final touches It Is necessary to
and loaded their old shells.
But the prodkal hunter
buys our celelrated U. M.
C. or Winchester loads,
because bo knows they
are the best he can use,
and for birds be wants
only the old reliable. New
stock just arrived. Large
stock of guns on hand.
Remember the dateopen
season September 35th.
See our window display.
fMfM m m 0 j m m m mj m
Bend Hardware Co.
use a pick to loocon the dirt that It
la desired to remove.
(Jmeroor Ki-o Hlrt Fling.
From camp I the party drove to
ramp 3. Nenr this cmnp some or
the most dinieult oxcavaHng Is being
dono. In order that tho (lovernor
might avu the dirt flying, the crowa
wore kept nt work n half hour longer
than usual. They go to work nt 7-30
In the morning and atop for noon at
11:30. but today they worked
through till 12 o'clock. I!lght bourn
constitute u day by atato statute, nnd
Iniiorora are paid fz.20 n day nnd
man and tenm t.00 n day.
At thla point the canal location la
through aouio rock. Most or this Is
tho characteristic Deschutes Valley
turn or sort nick which Is said to
have been formed by tho packing of
volcanic ushea. Moving thla rock Is
not ury dlltlcult us nemo of It will
plow without being blasted. Drilling
i,i,.. f- i, ii,i,,.iVn i. ,, ,,,
i thla work n hand auger Invented by.
Engineer Axle Hye Is telng used with I
teams and men at work on the Jno
Hock contract. The feed en rial work
la being done mostly by contracts ,t
to a number or men.
Cot ernor KhIn nt Hrconil Table.
At camp S the party took dinner.
Knglneer Iiurgaard'a orders were
thtl th0 vornor and party "lliould
. ... -..,.!. m , ,,, ,
men went In nnd ate
Whon they had finished, they
passed tho word around that they
would like to have a talk from tho
Governor, lie waa called on and re
sponded. Ho congratulated the men
on the work they are doing, compli
menting them highly.
Men Are Well Fed.
Itlght here It may not be out of
place to say something about tho
i feeding or the men on tho worka.
A typical meal, tho aamo aa served
to tho talKircra. waa that to which
tho Governor and ttarty sat down.
There waa to It everything necessary
to satisfy the appetites of the men.
with plenty of "trimmings" to lioot.
These meals are served at 2& cents
each to the men. and they are as
good. If not letter, than any served
In llend tor ro cents. The cnmits
have been fortunato In securing good
cooks, and the tour vie with each
other In seeing which can furnish
tho best moala at tho lowest price.
For August the average cost per
meal was 23.9 cents. Aa tho tnble be
low shows, the greater tho number
ted the lower the cost. The men,
however, aro all paying tho same
price and thla la but a cent and a
(Continued on Page Six)
Couiily Court Won't Pny for f Jaaollnc
When HprbiRer Wasn't Hiding.
(Special to Tho Hulletln)
IMMNimiXK, 8"pt. 10. The
County Court, nt thla soaalon con
alstlng only of Commlaalonor W. W.
Hrown nnd Judge G. Springer (It. II.
Hayley remaining at home, atatlng
that It la Impossible to transact bust.
nos reasonably with Springer),
again turned down tho gasoline and
offier bills Incurred when officers of
the Crook County Good Honda Asso
ciation made a preliminary trip of
road Inspection several niontha ago.
Among those who suffer Is John
Stoldl of llend, who furnished a car
nt the time and submitted a bill tor
a nominal mileage.
Howftver, bills practically Identi
cally Incurred were allowed. They
aro for gasoline when County Judge
Springer himself was n paseefnger In
tho comity car on n trip or the road
association offtcors with State Hlgh
woy Knglneer llowlby more recently.
Thu two trljw wore Identical In pur
Kso. Apparently the only difference
Is that Springer war. on the Second
and not on tho llrat one.
t'p to the time or adjournment on
Saturday, the petition fo n bond
election for building1 the roada de
termined on, on thla last trip, had
not been presented. Tho court will
meet again next Monday and It la ex
pected Hint tho potltlon will bo pre
sented nt that time. Thla will be
nccosaary If tho bonds are to be voted
on at tho time of tho regular elec
tion In Novernlter.
The County Hoard of Kquallzatlon
convened Monday, consisting ot
Judge Springer, County Clork War
ren Hrown and County Assessor II.
A. Foster.
Hiirolluicnt of llend
School la Now
201 PuplN. !
With 60 children In the primary
grade. It has beon round necessary
to employ an additional teacner.
Mra. J. D. Davidson was secured by
tho school board and la teaching a;
clasa or beginners In the old Hulletln ;
building whore J. M. Lawrence for -
merly had hla office.
The enrollment to noon today
totaled 204, divided aa follows:
High aahool, 32; Mlsa Huntington.
21; Miss Trautner. 23: Miss Dolsen,
3G; Miss Sldner. 30; Mrss. Hlttner,
29; Mra. Davidson. 20; Miss Holmes,
26; Mlsa Hyron, 21; Miss Young, 2C.
Tho Arnold school started with an
enrollment of 16, tho largest ever nt
that school. The Young school be
gan Monday, but Supt, Shouse had
received no report from there up to
this morning. The teacher la Miss
Hesse Marie King ot New berg.
Principal Shouse states that he
knows of several places in private
homes where school girls may secure
their board and room.
Orn Pointer. Former Item. Man. f
Diet, at Prlneville.
Ora Polndexter. who lived In Bend I
until about four years ngo. died Mon-
day night t his homo In Prlneville.
Doath came aB the result ot a fall
from a wagon load or hay some days
ago. Ho struck on :iis head and the ,
neck waa dislocated. i
Mr. Polndexter waa a brother of!
Perry H. Polndexter. county coroner. ,
nnd an uncle ot Ralph Polndexter ot
llend. who left Monday ror the bed-1
aide ot hla relative. Ora lived hero)
tor u number or years, marrying Eva.
daughter ot J. I. West and slater ot
Mrs. Elmer Ward. While here he
worked as n tinner and painter.
About four years ago he moved to
Prlnovllio. He was about 40 year
ot ngo.
Our banj
Your money will be safe in our National Bank,
which has n charter from the U. S. Government to do
u Banking business. Under our charter we must con
duct our business under the National Banking Act.
This law places our bank under the supervision of the
Treasury Department at Washington. A RIGID
EXAMINATION of the bank's affairs is made several
times every year in the interest of its depositors.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
The First National Bank of Bend.
Pcmoiifttrntloii Mirni nnd (Jav)llno
IIHN Get Attention McPhcrioni
Convicted mill I'nce Penitentiary
Term Circuit Court Doing.
PKINEVILLK, Jon. 9. Attcr hav
ing lccn in session for fire full days,
tho September grand Jury adjourned
Saturday. Septemfcer 0. Blent truo
bill and four not true bills were re
ported. Two alleged crimen were
committed and disposed of during
the time tho grand Jury was In ses
sion. McPhcraon. brother of John
McPhcraon, convicted earlier In tho
week for the Urceny of a inaro be
longing to George Mllllcan, waa in
dicted for a criminal assault upon
Mrs. Louis Tobln. a material witness
against John McPhcrson in the lar
ceny cose. The assault took place
Thursday evening after tho trial and
during tho time tha grand Jury waa
In session.
I turned Tito Hay Ktacka.
William Carey, 27 years old. waa
Indicted the last day of the session
tor arson in burning two stacks of
hay. about 70 tone, for James Cram
i on Crooked Jllver 18 mllea above
Prlneville early In toe morning of
Friday. September f. Tho defend
ant, who was n laborer In the employ
of Charlea Colby, pleaded guilty to
the indictment a tow rnlnutea atter
,t wa reiM)rt0li and made a complete
statement to tho sheriff and district
attorney but gavo aa tho reason tor
U ..ft rraxjr ,aoa Bnd too notion."
u0 Wni be sentenced to from six:
months to three years la tho peni
tentiary. I H. Hamilton tvoa Indicted for
setting a fire In n forest on Willow
Creek In northern Crook county and
carelessly allowing It to escape on
other lands. He pleaded guilty, was
fined and the fine waa remitted. J.
N. Qulberg and Linda J. Qulberg, his
wife, were Indicted tor Interfering
with an adjudicated ditch near Sla
ters that bad been regulated by tho
atate water master The trial was
continued until the December term.
Bert Drown and Charley Thomson,
were Indicted for the larceny of a
mare and gelding belonging toJ E.
Morson of I Pino and pleaded
Not Trao Bill In Bead Com.
Not true bills were returned
ngalnat Wlnfleld Griffin and Camillo
Del Mastro of Itend, accused of stat-
XTneTS.t mawTg t
CUI(ed of maclous Injury to a heUer.
A true bill was returned against Jack
Seeley of Prlneville ror giving liquor
to a minor and a not true bill against
Emmet Holman for the same offense,
Aok for Demoiutratlon Kami,
The following aro excerpts from,
tho grand Jury report
"We believe that the county should
avail Itself, without further delay, of
the state demonstration farm act of
1913 and make a suitable annronrl-
at Ion out of the fuuds of the county
treasury to equip one good perma
nent demonstration farm in Crook
county for dry farming demonstra
tion work. By the act referred to.
the atate of Oregon has appropriated
(Continued on last page)
xiMu .. Vtir .maway v
T '