The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 03, 1913, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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I'ARO 8.
Reman Houtet Were Tall and Fllmsy(
the 8treeta Narrow Lanes.
The tenement house Is no now thing.
So grout was tlio number of such
houses nml ho badly were they put up
In ancient Home Hint In 00 A. I), tho
Rmperor Olho, who was then marching
oitnliint Vltolllus, round hi, way barred
for twenty nill-a by tho ruins of build,
lags thnt luid boon undermined by nu
Inundation. Tho siNintiiiieous collapse
of toncpiont bonne was so common nn
occurrence that little utluntlon wus
pnld to It.
Tho tenants of these homos Imvo
boon described by n w'rlter of the time
is fearing to bo burled or burnod
alive. Companies existed for tho pur
pose of propping mul sustaining
In comparison with the tenement of
most modern cities those of Homo
were excessively high. Martini nlludes
to n K)or mnn. n nelghlwr, who bad to
mount !!00 Btopa to roach his garret.
Thnt garret must have been perched
nearly too feet above the level of the
It Is possible thnt Mnrtlnl eurocrat
ed, but It H certain thnt Augustus, to
make lew frequent the occurrence of
disasters, limited the height of new
bouses thnt oiiened upon the streets to
about sixty-eight feet. As this was n
remedial regulation and referred ouly
to new houses fronting on the street.
It follows thnt some houses must have
execcded that height.
This, moreover, was Irrespective of
the breadth of the street In Berlin tho
medium whit of tho streets Is twenty
two meters, and In Paris tho narrow
est streets are nearly eight meters
wide, while the streets of Homo ex
tended only the or six meters, and on
tb9e narrow streets the tall bouses
were built. Light and air must havo
had some difficulty In penetrating those
narrow, walled In passages.
He Worried the Actors to Scowls and
the Actrettea to Tears.
Sardou, the great Fretieli playwright,
knew bow to proflt by the views of oth
er people. Jerome A. Hart writes In
his book. "Sardoit and the Sartlou
"Like Alexandre Dumas pcrc. 8ardou
was extremely sensitive to the opinions
of tbo less subtle spectators of his re
hearsals. He closely watched and
heeded the Impressions and comments
of the stage carpenters, scene painters,
firemen, supers and other bumble peo
ple behind tho scenes. They represent
ed to him the average mind of the av
erage audience. To tbo opinions of ac
tors of his unproduced pieces ho paid
llttlo heed; to the opinions of critics,
none at all. At rehearsals no details
escaped Mm. 'lie would sent himself
on the stage chairs nnd sofas, open nnd
diut tho jiractlcable doorsgoto jbo
Real Estate
' '. 4A A
a i-i. ,ix . A M
' .-vr" . Ms.
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Office corner VaII
back of the parterre to study the per
spective of tho scene, climb to the high
est gallery to neo if the nudlonco there
could hear, mul then hasten luck to
the stage.
"There he would seat himself. Jump
ing up during the rehearsal thirty or
forty times to show tho actors his Idea
of tho action. In doing this ho would
laugh, would cry, would shriek mid
would even die n mimic denth. Com
ing to UfeVpiln. he would call for bis
overcoat nnd hasten to mulllo himself
up as before, tlo was very sensitive to
cold and always came on the stage
with n heavy coat, n muffler mid cap
to protect him from drafts.
"He would rehearse from 10 In the
morning until ft. when be would take n
sandwich and a glass of wine. After
this be would resume bjs work until ft.
at which hour he would go blithely
forth Into the street, smiling and hum
ming, followed, as one resentful play
er put It. 'by scowling actors and weep
ing nctrcsses. "
The Idler Works Hard.
Work. Ideally, should be congenial,
fruitful, and the worker aware of hi
worth to the world. Nobody works
bonier than the Idler. He has on tils
hands the dire task of killing time.
Knowing tho nwfjnlness of vacuity, he
fills the day with a semblance of activ
ity nnd while gnawing at bis pence Is
conscious of the barren folly of It nil
The llnest argument for real work Is
the spectacle of Its counterfeit present
ment. Hlcliard ltiirton In tho tlellman
Long Felt Want
Yeast I see a man bns patented n
head rest to lie fastened to the arm
of a car seat to aid the comfort of
passengers obliged to sleep In day
coaches. Crlnisonbenk What Is most
needed in day conches Is u chin rest
for the mnn who happens to sit next
to you. Yonkers Statesman.
Hla Excuse.
"Why la It that you wish to lie ex
cused" asked tho Judgo of the unwill
ing Juror.
"I'm deaf, your honor-so deaf that
I really don't believe 1 could hear
more than one side of the case."
Cleveland Lender.
The Surprise.
A man told Ids-daughter thnt If she
learned to cook ho would give her a
surprise. She learned the art. and bo
surprised her by discharging tho serv
ant girl.
Load For Load.
"Brown says be drinks because it
drives away bis troubles."
"He exchanges one load for nnothcr,
so to speak." Boston Transcript.
"Is he cIcverT'
"Well, be can hang his own wall
paper and paint his own kitchen door."
Detroit Frco Press.
M&; - w
Ihe Bend
and Ohio Sts.
An Incident of the Old Days Off tlis
Cape of Qood Hope,
American vessels In those dnys (1S3.1i
surpassed the Hailing record of ships
of every uthcr tuition. Oneo when
down ticirly to the latitude of the Cupe
of UixmI Hope we encountered the most
severe gale of our outward bound voy
age. A mountainous sea was heaving
In from the south, nnd the wind, which
had originally come from thnt direc
tion, was now blowing directly from
the west with hurricane force. High us
the Washington stood nlnive the water,
occasional crests would sweep her main
deck and she steered so hard thnt I
bad to keep two men continually at
the wheel nnd hnvu thuiu relieved ev
ery half hour.
The wind, however, was fair, ami
therefore exeiy man on the ship, from
Cnptiiln I,, to the cook's I my, would
have felt disgraced had the order boon
given to heave the ship to. Under dou
ble reefed topsails and fore course she
wns logging upward of sixteen knots,
and all hands were as pleased ns If
thuy bad Just lieen granted u week's
shore loate at New York.
I .n tor In the day, when tho wind had
moderated somewhat, we sighted a
large British bark hove to under short
ennvas. She was tlylug distress sig
nals, so Captain It. ordered tho wheel
put tip and ran down to have a look nt
her. As soon ns our signals could In.
chxirly seen he asked wliai nc want
ed, nnd th' bars, replied with n request
to stand by. Captain It. then ran up
flags demanding If tho bark were In
jured or nny thing wrong on lioard. The
Britisher replied again. "Stand by. Do
not like look of weather."
When the second mate read the
mcnulng of this slcnal out of the code
book n great laugh went up In our
en bin. nnd Captain I, replied with
tings rending, "See nothing wrong' In
this weather." nnd hoisted tho Ameri
can ensign above tho signal In order
to give Hlnt to his remark. No doubt
tho British captain said. Another of
thoso crnxy Yankee!" when ho rend
our tings, but we were rn Batnvla a
week before hn appeared. Prom "The
Journnl of Captain Nathaniel Webber"
In Outing.
Yesterday la a Record and Tomorrow
May Never Come.
Good days and bad days exist only
In your own bead. Tho weather has
nothing to do with It. lUtch day Is
what you make It for yourself. Bad
weather Is only tin unfortunate opin
ion. Suppose It Is raining pitchforks. You
get wont that 'your salary tins been
doubled or thnt n forgotten undo has
left you $1,000,000. What do you care
about tbo weather then) Or supposo
tbo pcniou you love Is dying. Unex
wjctedly a turn for tho better comes.
For Close-in Acreage
ii - - i
Let us show you the property $ $?i
conservative buyer that BEND R.EAL ESTATE is a conservative investment
. T.- 1f f T
VvfcM J! SW 4U P vf STntTieic loTin
Of W?, U vVI M jC 4S T fSU6AS0IJISIftH V
I psMlLf' SHAW" V y toum s
,. I I 1 o JWSBC'Q" Htt) s WOOD PulP l
0 Z?Za rV ? mm &ntMt wwnuu l
iSsd f .CnlJJrwte iioiiwwVMn
KeJtnisitn o0? JmK v' j rJflA n tvri(i.fluTtoiiTC
(1 M Si sw m w- " JL- . . Sk CTS-Tfc- 1
1 hmry'' 2 V
' "O-, .,,3' i
,- Cij!l Caa I a nS lilMiiuumtinSMiiUiy. The Unit Is rich. 1 ltiil li fcni
I OU OlAOlllQ o6 LCL lllC lion, uorock.l Irrcl. tin auwt ililf. ml rtnlltnt .Irlnklnji .!
rt iU.(r tlin mttt. The litltnt Unit with a flflul wnltr fltbl
run tx putchaMit l J.lrctr on r.r Urm, Tli nHitouitliii iiiecuvtnt full ut ii.lutnl numld mt Jt.l the 'lc
fur mcetlon I.a line It only ebuul lracloU. bill kiumiiik lnklly II hit llcliune oyiltiil, two I't hold, lo tl( (niit
mthnillclort., ftf.tcU.. Ilttryii.ff .Ut'U, n r.crllfnl iitw.pKr(lli I. lint Inlrf Mountain). in of lh iwi.t nni(uv
rommrttf l cluU In Ih Utr mt Ihl.clnh by Ih my. halltmn rniwrly ml the i vrr rtrtlnl lliitn an lliatilft ctali Ihmi
Thfir arc Ihrre null Mar mltli In the viciully of M line, wfti-li I.Ju.l llie Ulnnhi olllte hlf lumlitiliii anrt mllllnt' liu.lnr.t lhl will b
dune heie There ate muo.1 uinliij. In manufuctuilng ami mher Imi.iik lma hei In etiiratmna! inatleia a I'lnc I. iei((fle 11 hat
a tn acivKhoul (uiik Tn the lieaiiufilirrr.Mence rrilun.anil iiawleatheaiiplalhe Intillh Kiaite A CalholKchunh will l Imllt hei
lliii.pilng. amtuiher tliuntmate lnnine iomuWUIi iheinwlte. Ija I'lnc hai over iiomi atalUhlr electric herae iuwer nhkh the
nwnera hare cumuiencftltodctf lap. anil which alone nroulit Imllil a gwxl lie.cir The lil- area f farm laiwl uitmlary tu l,a line wwiM
alone bulM and mainlaln a gMxl alet city The van iraclt of timber liltniiary to l.a line wonM alone bulM a oul iol dly Willi the
coming ufthe twublit rallruail ay.ieiu. In lj I'lue, which wiIIImi kmu, tleeeloement in anil aruumt l.a I'lnc will be iaiM lA line
can be reached via r Ner N I' O W H. SiN and t' I' Hy Ywi ean make muney ly laiylnc tuierly at l.a I'lne In adrante uf the
ratlroada. Olhera areilolne II. why not YUt' WAKIt UIMulhc f.rlfhat a aulMl. well lotale.fluwn in unr of the newe.l and t.t aeeUoo.
of IheNoilhwe.t It tound to grow ranklly,
' a few iiutura Per nionin uu each let
The doctor si)s yMir dsr one w ill live.
WlMt If It Is hottHr tlMii Toftliet? It
la a kihhI day. n grwit day, it happy day.
It's what you think and furl about It
that milker each day what It I. You,
within yotimelf. enti make, each day,
every day, n good day. I'ut down In
the notelHMik of your soul the poet
Ituneberg's thought:
"Kuril day Is a life."
When on get up In tho morning
throw buck jour shoulders, take it deep
breath. Meet tho new day like n man.
Say to jourself:
"Another day-anolher llfol"
Tor all wo know, It mny Ik tho only
ilty we'll ever have. Ix't's nuiko It the
best day wo iin. 11' strive to see
that It Is n day worth while. I-ct'a
and that pruiKtiy value will etlmli accerdinily
You den t nil. Ihe mouey. but you auun fiiue
You den t hum Ihe mouey. but you uun aoiuuc
KcOabte aeul. with tow! bank reference, wanlnt In all aita
move it step forward In our worV
Let's do all the kmmI we can. Let's got
all the hnppliioiH we can-tiHlny.
llllllit ihiw Is the tiuly time you cat.
control. Yisderday Is a reeord. To
uiorruw Is it secret. Tinlay I yours. Is
mine. American Mngatlue.
Ellia Jane Knew,
Tho Minister's Wife (to Industrial
scholar Kllwi Jane. I'm sorry to bear
from your achoolmlstress you nro not
diligent at your nnsllnwork. You
know who It Is finds work for lII
hand to do? Kllxn Jane (Intensely
anxious to propltlatri YeVm. pleaso'm,
you do. Ixinilon tilobe.
--- ee e - -
Real Estate
Vvl-HlCSHH rvlEM
kktsarri Mill
ruMMiwd milli ...
CMM flMA ffUTtMt
TO&Wlft tWilH
nices imw rrem iwoaup Tneiermeart eaty
valuaMe ruierty
vaiuaMe pruiierty rn
lie today hf liltt, trlce
Pino, Orogon.
nf the Unlletl Mitt.
Iim itrrnnueil with the Union Oil Co.
In hatiillo Its products here I'lUtMAN.
KXTIrV we lire (Vntrnl Orrgon ill.
Irlhulom fur Ihe t nlu Oil Co. and
our riintrnrt l n lntlng tine.
Any rut In price of gnwillne mado
by coiiipctlliirx will ho met hy this
IVrmniicnt, antlafnctory scrvloo
ami full pniteclloit l our giuiiititeo
lo every customer.
tiii:t.siti:i waiikhoi'hk co.,
JUlf .. A. .M. 1111X0 1.K, MgrT
Nhoea slilncil at Oeorge'a brler
shop, Oregon street. IRtf
- -
t 1
Real Estate Manager
. , , ,,,
Lae al
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vrifrerfrrFrTfT'-.-rTriiiiirrr r ne ret ?ei
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