it rm. 1H5NI HUIXKTIN, HKND, OttK., WKINKS1AY, HKPTRMUKK i lOllt. BEND'S INFANT INDUSTRY SHOWS STEADY PROGRESS During Pnst Six Month 17 (JlrH ntul 11 11jn llnvo llecn Added to tlio Imputation. Announcement wns modo tho flrat ot March by Tho Deschutes UnnklnK & Trust Co. that It would Klvo'n bank book with a dollar donoslt credited therein to cver,y llond-born Infant botweon March 1 and Rontoro. bcr 1 whoso nanio was presented to CHURCH NOTICES Methodist. Services 'Sunday at 11 n. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday school nt 10 n. in, Kpworth Lcnguo at 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday at S p. in. Choir practice Wednesday at S p. in. Hunt 1st. Sunday school nt 0:45, preaching nt 11 a. in. and S p. m. Brotherhood at 3 p, m. Young peonlo's, mooting nt 7 p. in. Prayer meeting nt 8 p. in. on Orthotic. Thoro will bo services Sunday at 10:30 n. m. tho bnnk. It was ntatod that thla Wednesday. Choir practice Tnursuny oiler was mndo to "encourago tho In-. evening nt 7:30. fnnt Industry. The prediction was mndo nt that time by The Uulletln that, with this encouragement, the Industry would no doubt thrive mid such seems to have been tho case. From tho tiles of the paper It la found that 28 births have been re corded ot children in or near Ilend. Seventeen of those aro girls and 11 Ikjj's, tho record being as follows: Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Havemann, boy. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Endrlcs, boy. Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Thompson, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Frank llearn, girl. Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Mouret, boy. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Putnam, boy. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Overturf, girl, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. StaaU. girl. Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Grlmos, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hatdn, girl. Mr, and Mrs. A. It. Cooper, girl. Mr. and Mrs. William Comstock, girl, Mr, and Mrs. Ira II. Fox, boy. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Slavens, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Catlow, hoy. Mr. mid Mrs. Fred Uunnell, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Flsk, girl. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Patterson, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Kartmnn, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mctke, boy. Mr. and Mrs. George Young, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Moore, girl. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Stone, glrl. Mr. and Mrs. Georco Spelndler, girl. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Crawford, boy. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Nelson.. boy. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Jones, boy. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wood, girl Twenty of these youngsters have missed tho bank's golden (sliver or piper. It may bo ) opportunity as only eight have. presented themselves for bank books. It Is now too late, says Acting Cashier Minor, August 31 being the last day the offer held good. HA1S1CS llKJ 1.KTTUCK 1IKAO. Tho largest head of lottuco scon In town this year was brought to Tho Bulletin olllco last Thursday by Mrs. Willis Dnnbcrry of Alfalfa. It completely tilled a fruit box, meas uring M inches In circumference U was just a sample, .Mrs. unnocrry said, of what can bo raised on their ranch. IlKN'D'S fiKAPOUT. FLORENCE Is Head's nenrcst son port. In course ot a short tlma It will bo connected with llend directly by rail. It you wish to know nioro about thla seaport, write GEO. MELV1N MILLER, 1-23-Hp-Adv Florence, Ore. FRATERNAL BO0IKTIK8. I. O. O. V. ltcnd lioilga No. Ultt Regular Meetings every Monday night Visitors welcome. J, K. Kngobrotsoii, N, G. U. N. Hoffman, Secy. M. W. OF A. Pilot Ilutto Camp No. 0704 Moots every Tuesday in Sathor Hnll. Visiting Neighbors always welcome. W. W. Orcutt, Consul. Martin R. Knutson, Clork, DESCHUTES Slv loaves of fresh brcnil for 2.V, 3 loaves of stale broad for 10c, chick en bread flOc n sack. .American link cry, Wall Street. New store. Ad 8tf ROCK TEST IS GODD Non. porous Lava Splendid for Road Making, Says O. A. C Man. Upon instructions of tho council, City Engineer Young recently sent samples of lava rock from Lava and Pilot buttes to the Oregon Agricul tural College to have tests made to And out tholr valuo for road-making purposes. A report has been receiv ed showing that tho non-porous lava is "suitable If properly crushed and gradodl for any class of construction mentioned In your letter. Its resis tance to wear is only medium, but for medium or light traffic would be sufficient. Many water-bound ma cadam roads an well as city pave ments have been built In the stato with similar rock and aro proving satisfactory. Tho report states that the cinders are too soft for any permanent Im provement. Gravel from a pit three-fourths of a mile from Rend was also sent to be tested and the report says regard ing it: "This gravel Is extremely hard and would make a pavement suitablo for the heaviest traffic Also, In addi tion to the. abovo tests I examined tho gravel as to Its suitability for concrete. Tho sample tested showed very little silt or other undesirable mattor and I believe the material will make very good concrete." Tho city engineer also took up the matter of paying and road making with State Highway Engineer llouiby, and In a letter Mr. Bowlby states that ho will bo here In three or four weeks and go into this In detail. . POWELL BUTTE (Continued from Pago Two) cry Co. called on Powell Rutto peoplo last week and received n number of orders for orchard goads. - Chris Site Is helping Doc llnyn with his harvest. Tho ranchers who havo threshed are very well satisfied with crops. Nearly everything so far has been barloy, which has gone from 26 to 30 bushols. Carl Charlton Is training his run ning horse for tho Prlnavillo fair. Mr. Sheavor has returned from his visit to Rend. E. A. Russott, who sold his ranch to Allan Iandraro lost year. Is back on a short visit. He expected to re turn to tils ranch at Hood River this week but was held up by court- LODGE NO. 10 U K. of 1. Meets every Wodnos day evening at 8 p. in. In Castlo Hall, E. A. Bather Rldg. Visiting Knights welcome. Joe limes, C. C, L. M. Mciteynolds,, K. of R. ft 8. REND LODGE NO. lilt) A. P. A. M. Meets on second mid fourth Thursday evening of each month. Visiting brothers always welcome. Davidson, A. M. Lara, W. M. Becrotary 8? J. D. Hl'.MMONH. In tho Circuit Court ot tho Blnto ot Orogon for tho County of Crook. 0. P. Putiiam, ptnlulllf, vs. Matt Mut ton, defendant. To Mntt Mutton, nbovo tiniuod do fuiidnut. In tho pnmo of tho Stnto of Ore gon, you are hereby reunited to ap pear mid nnswor tho complaint llled against you In tho nbovo entitled no. tlott on or before Thursday tho 11th day of September, 1013, mid you uro hereby nottlled that If you fail so to appear or answer, for want thereof tnu piatutirf win apply to tho court for n decreo to tho effect Mint tho north halt ot lot 10 ot block 0 of Rend, Crook county, Oregon, Is and shall bo and remain tho absoluto property of said plaintiff, free from nil right, Interest or equity thoroln or thereto on your part, or your holm or assigns for judgment ngalnst you to the effect that tho said (1. P. Put nnm Is tho owner In tea simple of said property nbovo described, and that you havu no right, tltla or Inter est therein and for tho costa and dis bursements of this action. This summons Is published In Tho llond Rulletln for six successive weeks In seven consecutive Issues of said paper, commencing with tho Is sue ot July 30, 1013, by order of tho Honorable W, L. Urndslmw, J ml go of the nbovo ontltlod court, which order was mndo and entered on tho 30th day ot July, lOl.'l, VERNON A. FORRES, 21-37 Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE, In tho District Court ot tho Untied HtutcH for tho District of Oregon, In tho matter of L. II, Mlsouor, bankrupt Request for bids, I will rucelvo sonlod bids for n tdock ot inorGhnn&ie consisting of grocerles.etc, situated nt lluml, Oro gon, ot the Inventoried value of Jl, f0t).(17, mid II tines pertaining to saiuo of tho Inventoried value of $.117, Up to and until 13 o'clock noon on Tuesday, September 0, 1013, said property being formerly thu property of L. R. Mlsouor. Certified check for 10 per cunt ot tho amount offered must accompany each bid. Halo subject to tlio approval ot tho court. Inventory of tho property may bo rtion nt my office and also at Rend, Oregon, whoro tho property may bo inspected. R. L. HA1II.N, 7 First st., room 8, Portland, Oregon. Dated nt Portland, Oregon this 28th day of August. 1013. 2)1 CsH HOME MADE CANDIES DAINTY LUNCHEONS Bakery Goods Home linked Refreshing Sodas and Sundaes ICE CREAM Retail and Wholesale sfc yVAPtt FRATERNAL DROTIIEIHIOOD. Regular meetings hold by Rotid Lodge No. 897 In Sathor's Hall on tho first nnd third Thursday evening each mouth. Visiting member of order always welcome. Mrs. G. W. 8hrlnor, Pros. Margaret Schrcder, Secy. REREKAHS. Dond Lodgo No. 20S meets every second and fourth Friday evening, nthcr'a Hall. Visiting brothers and sisters welcomed. Mrs. Arlol UitUn, N. G. Miss Lois Forco, Secy. ' ROYAL NK1GHRORH Regular meeting on ilrst and third Friday evenings at Sathor's Hall. Mrs. Margaret Rates, Oracle Mrs. Alfarctta Orcutt, Recorder. ORDER ()V EASTERN STAR. llond lodge meets In regular ses slon on the Second and Fourth Mon day Evening each month, In Masonic Hall. Fannlo Farrls, W. M., Arrlo lllaok, Secy. CAUSES BREf IN CANAL Intoxicated Man Turn Extra Head of Water Into North lateral. A break In the North lateral of the Arnold Irrigation Company's system was caused last Thursday by the turning of about two-thirds of the entire flow of water ot the Arnold canal Into the lateral. The break occurred at the White place east ot town. It Is believed that an Intoxicated man caused the trouble by placing a plank across the Pino Forest lateral, thereby diverting Into tho North lateral nearly all the water tKat was flowing into the former ditch. Aside from the expense of repair ing the break, the misdeed resulted In tho settlers along the North lateral being without water for sev eral days while repairs were being made. WEST AND BOARD SQUABBLE Governor Opposes TJme Extension for Morson Project at La Pine, The Morson-West controversy, of several years' standing, Ib again in tho public eyo. This time the Gov ernor is pitted against the other members of the Desert Land Board, the crux of tho controversy being whether or not there should be an extension of time for completion of the Morson Irrigation project at La Pine. Recently at a meeting of the land board which was not attended by tho Governor, tho board went on record as favoring such an extension and made a recommendation to this effect to tho Secretary of tho Interior. This the Gov.ernor vigorously oppos ed, and statements and counter state, menta are being Issued by cither side to tho squabble. The outcome of tho matter will ho watched with Interest by peoplo of this section. Neat dance programs ,and fancy program pencils b The BuUetln, In nay quantity desired.- tf THE MASTER. Fire Insurance Policy of them all. In the policies we issue you get complete pro tection! No reason for worry! Payment of loss PROMPTLY and without trouble to you! For three years we hove been issuing policies backed by the largest nnd strongest companies in the world policies that gave you better protection than the ordinary agent gives, for the reason that the ordinary agent handles insurance as n side line and therefore uses forms furnished him by the companies. Now there are hardly any two companies that use tho same policy form and you are too apt to have insurance that is not concurrent and in that case you cither don't get what you should or have a lot of trouble in getting paid for an honest loss. When we write all your insuranne each policy roads just liko the other. Our policy forms cover items that you or the ordinary agent don't think of until after the fire. Jf we carry your insurance we dd not allow it to lapse you are covered all the time. We write insurance for practi cally all the larger insurers in Central Oregon, why not let ua write yours. M. S. LATTIN m, CO. Any Kind of Insurance Any Where. Through Night Train Daily gSETWEEN Central Oregon and Portland iiirf 1 1 m yr regonTrunkRy. CENTRAL OREGON LINE TOURIST SLEEPING CARS AND FIRST CLASS COACHES. TO CKNTKAL OltHGOX POINTS LEAVE POItTLAND....7:QQ P. M. Arrive Madras..' 0:00 A. M. " Motollus C:1C A. M. " Culyor 6:28. A. M. " Terrebpnno 7:08 A.M. " Redmond 7:23 A. M. " Deschutes 7:43 A.M. AIUUVE BEND 8:00 A. M. 1'ltOM CKNTItAL OltKGOK POINTH LEAVE BEXD 8:0 I, M. " Deschutes 8:48 P. M. " Itedmond 9:10 P. M. " Terrebonne..,,. 0:24 P. M. " Culver 10:02. P. M. " Motollus 10:20 P. M. ." Madras 10:30 P. M, AIUUVE POIITLAND... 8:10 A. M. Connections for Willamette Valley, Puget Sound, Spokane, Montana and ' all Eastern Points. Details and folders at office or by mall. R. II. CROZIBR, Asst. Oen'l Pass. Agent Portland, Ore. J. 11. CORBBTT, Agent Bend, Ore. W C. WILKHS, Asst, Gen. Prt. & Poss. Agcnt, Portland, Ore. Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary Brick is absolutely lire proof in any ordinary conflagration. Brick Buildings never burn, although tliey a rev sometimes injured by fulling" timbers or combustible interior woodwork, A brick building is absolutely lire proof if wire glass is used in the windows and if burned clay lloors are used. An interior lire in such a building is confined to the room in which it originates; no outside lire can attack it, The proportion of burned clay in a building construction measures its lire proof qualities. Burned clay is the only building material that has been through the (ire before you get it, in such a manner that it will resist lire. All combustible material is burned out of the brick , before you get it. WHEN-Y0U BUILD USE BRICK. f The Bend Brick & Lumber Co. COMPANY ., SEATTLE BEND PORTLAND Original Townsite of Bend Park Addition Lava Road Addition North Addition Riverside Addition Lytle Center Addition Bend Park First Addition to Bend Park Second "Addition to Bend Park Boulevard Addition .. f For Descriptive Literature, etc., address BEND PARK COMPANY 455 Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. First National Bank Building, Bend, Oregon.' . Ji i I :4 ' ) tf &