The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 03, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAOR 4.
(I'utillslittl Kvcrjf Wednesday)
Editor nnd Publisher.
Managing Editor.
Associate Editor.
An Independent nowspapor stand
tag for tho square doal, clean busi
ness, clean politics nnd tho best In
terests of Uond and Central Oregon.
aged to tho oxtunt of 1150,000. but
no Uvea wcro lost.
uno year $1.50
tilx months. SO
Thrco months .GO
All subscriptions nro duo and
expiration nro mailed subscribers nnd
if renewal Is not lnado within reason
able tlmo tho paper will bo discon
tinued. Pleaso notify us promptly of any
chango of address, or of failure to ro
celvo tho paper regularly. Otherwise
we will not bo responsible for copies
Make all checks nnd orders pay
able to Rend Uulletln.
The Uulletln has been designated
by tho County Court of Grqok County
to publish oltlclally all tho proceed
ings of tho court.
Tho promptness with which some,
country (tapers aro Issued Is remark
nblo. For Instance, for the past two
weeks one of tho county papers dated
Thursday hna been recolvod on tho
following Thursday.
Painfully Mixtcl.
A very fashionable young man stop
ped in n llorNt's one hot summer day
to unlor n Iwc of flowers sent to hi
lady love. At the name time hu alio
purchased n design for tho funeral of
u friend. On tho card for tho box ho
"Hoping this may help you to bear
the heat."
The other card boro the one word,
Very soon the girl telephoned:
"Tliniik you so much for tho dowers.
But why did you write 'Sympathy' on
tho cnnir'-N'ntlonnl Monthly.
Somo weeks ago we commented on
tho "canned news" being aont out by
various press bureaus of vrhlch wo
had Just received a largo amount.
Part of It was from an organltatlon
which Is doing what It can to dis
credit municipal ownership by dis
tributing news articled describing its
failures hero and thorc. and accom
panying these, editorial comment on
tho lesson of tho failure. Wo have
noticed with regret that many of our
editorial friends haro swallowed this
bait of free copy and used the editor,
ial matter as their own. Possibly their
ideas wero expressed but we doubt IL
Wo novo no argument to make an
either sldo of this question believing
that each case rests on Its own merits
and that in any particular Instance
it Is largely a question of tho rates
and service of the private company
which the municipality supplants.
The Orogon Journal puts the esse in
a nut-shall as fallows:
"Municipal ownership can he
headed off by square nnd fair dealing
with tho people and that means
adequato serviea and reasonable
Writing Popular Song.
Only those who have tried It and
failed know the disappointments of tho
song writer striving to Induce a pub
lisher to look at his work. For those
who would try here Is a tip from one
who has made good: "If your song is
to make a hit the nlr must be lwrtl to
rraiember, though catchy nnd pleasing.
If It can be whistled by nny one who
hears It once or twice It will not sell,
ami the publisher will reject It," New
York Sun.
Critic Tho heroine of your story, old
mnn. Is simply wonderful. Author (de-
llghtedly-You think soT Critic-Yea.
You say on page ten tbnt Bhc hissed
"You aro a liar!" and any woman who
can hiss such n sentence as that cau't
help being wonderful. Boston Tran
script. Cold Comfort.
"Oh. papa. Mr. Spoouer proposed last
"Are you snre- ho loves you?"
"He said he'd die for me. papa."
"Well, you'll both dlo if you try to
live on the salary he's getting." Dos-
ton Transcript.
Postmaster General Burleson Is
certainly gaining a reputation for do
ing things. Uy bis order, 20-pound
parcel post packages became mail
able August 15, and there was a re
duction In the rates. His latest order
is that by which on September 1C
pre-cancelcd stamps will come Into
use. These have printed on them
the name of tho postofllce before the
are sold, and will lie valid on all but
first class matter. They will bo
recognized only at tho office named
on them. He estimates that the gov
ernment will be saved S260.000 a
year In labor, besides expediting the
transportation and delivery of mail,
If this experiment proves as bene
ficial as others, the public will have
cause to be thankful for the change
Rathtr Otherwttt.
"M your daughter raunlcsl?"
"Well." replied Mr. Cumrox. "she
seems so In conversation, but when
she sings opinions differ." Washing
ton Star.
You iHoy stretch n truth Into a lie.
but ymi can't shrink n He Into truth.
The ladles of Bend and .vicinity
are cordially Invited to attend Mrs.
Mcintosh' fall opening next Turn.
day and Wednesday.
"Thrleo "Welcome, and Then
Some" is the title of the cartoon in
Monday's Portland Oregonian, which
pictures buyers coming to Portland
from "Idaho, Southwestern Washing
ton, Inland Umpire, Western Orogon,
Willamette Valley." Nary a sugges
tion is mndo that thero Is such a
territory as Central Oregon, or even
Eastern Oregon. The omission may
be Just a slip of the cartoonist, but
even at that there are many Central
Oregon merchants who are Inclined
to believe It typical of a peculiar
Portland spirit a sort of unexplain
ed Ignorance of east-of-tho-Cascades
State Game "Warden Finley an
nounces that a fish hatchery will bo
established at Odell Lake to propa
gate fry with which to stock the
lakes and streams of Central Oregon.
Something of this kind has already
been done there this year on a small
scale, but the establishment of a
state hatchery will give a large sup
ply of fish for stocking purposes and
will Increase the angling attractions
of Central Oregon which are already
It will be good news to Central
Oregon that Multnomah county will
resume work on the Columbia rlvor
highway, the completion of which
will give a fine scenic auto road from
tills part of the state to Portland.
Samuel C. Lancaster, who built the
famous good roads at Maryblll,
Wash., for Samuel Hill, will have
charge of the-construction, and It is
hoped to have, tho road ready for
travel by next year.
Ill luck seems to haunt tho mon
ster steamers of the Atlantic. The
Titanic went down, with the loss of
hundreds of lives, and last week the
Imperator, while docked at New
Yorlf, caught Are and was dam-j Nebraska, returned to Bend last
James Ryan canio in this morning
from Seattle.
A slow rain fell horo last night.
tho precipitation being .05 Inches.
A. D. Lewis Is down from tho
ranch today having dental work done.
Mrs. J. M. Goro and son Wllllo
left this morning for their homo in
E. W. Richardson has begun work
on a resldenco for himself in Center
Albin Peterson was In town from
his Bear Creek Iluttes homestead
last week.
Mrs. Luther Motkc. who Is In The
Dalles hospital, Is on the road to
Clark Rhodes Is having a garage
built at the rear of the Klein apart
ment house.
The family of A. Bates Is
quarantined on account of Mrs. Baton
having diphtheria.
Miss Winifred Abbott, who has
been visiting .Mrs. II. E. Allen, loft
Monday for hor homo.
On account of no quorum, tho
monthly mooting of the City Council
could not be held last night.
Miss Bvn Huntington roturned tho
last of the week to be on hand for
the school opening Tuosday.
Bert Miller and (Trover Gerklng of
Laidlaw were In town Monday,
registered at the Hotel Wright.
Furst Bros, wero awarded the con
tract to haul 400 barrels of cement
from Bend to the Tumatqlprojcot.
C. J. Leverett (s In town today
showing a bunch of wheat six feet
tall which was raised near Deschutes.
Leroy Willis, auditor of the Stand
ard Oil Company, spent yesterday
here at the local plant of the com
pany. C M. McKay, Clark Rhodes and
G. P. Putnam returned Monday from
tholr camping trip in the mountains.
They got ono deer.
Conductor F. S. Cass, of tho Oro
gon Trunk, who has been sick for
two weeks, Is back on his run, com
ing In this morning. .
J. D. Honoyman will leave tonight
for DeWitt. Iowa, in response to a
message Informing him of tho ser
ious illness of his .sister.
George Gelger Is in town from Dry
Lake today. Ho reports that a re
cent dance netted $140 for building
a school houbo and hall.
Among those going to Prlnevlllo
today were G. W. Shrlner, H. O
Ellis, R. B. Gould, L. M. Foss, Anton
Anne, Ralph Dunn nnd L, L. Fox.
Ewen McLennan, the Shanlko
sheepman, came. In Mondny to look
after the shipment of his sheep East.
He Is registered at the Pilot Butte
P. C. Garrison and daughter Viola
went to Portland Sunday night Mr.
Garrison will ko on to Coos Rnv.
Viola staying in, Portland with her
Miss Martha Sldnor. who snent th
. , . -. -t", V
puiuuier vuvnuun at ner noma in
week nnd will spend tho winter with
Mrs. Lucas ngnln.
Tho condition of Mrs. O, A. Thor
8on, who has been 111 nt hor old homo
In tho Eost, Is Improving nnd alio Is
expected back In llom( about tho
first of next mouth.
Emll Andorsott of Anderson UroK,
wns In town estordny and reports
that their sawmill mmr Lulillnw Is
cutting on u 300.00U-root cuiitrnut
for thu Tumulo project.
Catvln Smith, Wllllo (lore. Rny.
niond Ttiorson. Robert Inuos niul
llnrold Snthor wont ovor on tho
Tutnnln Saturday for a camping trip,
returning Monday evening.
J. K. Morson, W. C. llolllnslicnd,
J. N. Mnsteit. C. K. Street nnd C. F
Errlugton of il.n Pino wcro nt the
Pilot Butto Monday night on thulr
way to Prlnovlllo to attend court.
Tho leather bound basket offered
by tho Ow Pharmacy for tho larnest
llsh brought In by Soptombor 1 wns
won by A. E. Kuwurds with a 19 h
Inch fedsldo caught at Crane Prairie.
Miss Ethel Holmes came In Sat
urday from her homo nt Chippewa
Falls, Wise, whero sho spent tho
summer. Sho will bo nt the homo of
Mrs. W. 1). Sellers again this winter.
Invltntlpus linvo been received
hero to n reception and dancing party
to bo given at Lnldlnw Friday even
ing In honor of Mlsa Fern Hobbs,
private secretary to Governor West.
Mr. and Mrs. E. it. Post. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Dorset. Mrs. Bell ami Miss Dol-
sen composed nu nitto pnrty that
went to Crater Lako and Klnmnth
Falls for tho week-end, returning
The Bond Rod & Gun Club will
hold Its first shoot of tho full this
Sunday nt 1:30. Tho oftlcers of tho
organization Bny a specially Interest
ing series of competitive events will
he arranged.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Elinor Ward will
give a dinner this evening for Mrs.
Lara, .Mrs. Maddock and Ml us Graves
and on Saturday evening Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hudson will entertain Mrs. Ijira
and Mrs, Maddock.
Rev. K. C. Newborn loft this week
for Wnlln Walla, Wash., to attend
tho nnnunl session of tho Columbia
River Conforenco of the Methodist
Episcopal church. Ho will probably
bo away for ten days.
A cement' sidewalk Is bolnc laid
In front of the lot between the
Brown nnd Myers & Wllkoy build
ings un Bond Btroct. This gives n
linn vn,lk from Oregon to Ntivndn
utrcut on Hint sldo except for tho
coruOr lot nt Nevada,
Dr. I, I. (lorby, who Is now In
Portland, spent Thursday mid Friday
hero. Ho hits uu nrrungoiuoiit with
the 1'ienliyteiliui church ut Guidon
ilulo, WiihIi., to sorvo It for thruo
mouths us pnslur, nt tho oiul of wtiluh
time ho will deoldo whoro ho will
locate pormiiuoiitly.
Mrs. Arthur (lorlsoii, who hnd
boon visiting with hor parents, Mr.
nnd Mrs. F. M. McCully, lit Sunuum
Lake, for the past threo wookn, puss,
oil through town Tuesday nu hor way
homo to Bond. Mrs. tlortsou'a him.
baud In In tho sawmill business nt
that place. Silver Lnku Lender.
Chester Callow, of Sumiiior Lnko,
who furnished (ho uiuslu for tho
d tin eo Saturday evening, remained
over taking tho examination fur
teachera' certltlrnto Mondny mid
Tuesday. Ho mndo a satisfactory
showing mid will touch thu school at
Hummer Lnko tho coming year.
Silver uiko Leaner.
Mrs. James lAird, Mlts Jean C.
Law son mid maid, Douglas Law sou
nnd Reginald T. Rnlt, of Boston, reg
istered nt tho Oregon Saturday night,
Mrs. Lord, Miss Lawsou nut! Mr.
Iiwson nro children of Thomas W.
Lnwson, who telephoned from Prlno
vlllo to Malinger Dickinson of (hn
Oregon of tholr coming, Saturday
afternoon. Mr. Dickinson mot thotii
at tho train with his car. They left
Sunday fur Prlnovllle where they
will have an outing on thu lnwsoii
ranch. Mr. Rnlt In a friend of tho
younger l.nwsons. rortiiuul ore
goulnii. J u " ' '" ' - , m. ijjjb!
incut will lie posted in Tho Uulletln
olllto nt tho tlmo of receipt,
Lost nnd Found,
FOUND Cnrlon of tobacco. Own.
or may have sumo by proving proper
ty mid paying advortlsing ohmgoH, 4tf
FOUND Swuntor nnd pair of
glows. Owner may luivo thorn by
proving property nt Tho Bulletin ami
paying for this ndvortlHOinmlt, iHtf
For Rout.
FOR RENT Furnished en bin If.
ii month. W. II. Lesh, lot 11, bile 15,
Coiitor Addition. l.'tf
FOR RENT Four loom limine In
Riverside, with water In house, Good
giirdmi In connection for sale. Mike
Davis, Riverside. '.M-UOp
FOR KENT -Throo comfortnblo
rooms centrally located, Suitable for
family, Running water and olnctrlu
lights, Very moderate Inqulro at
Bulletin ofllco. 8tf
:o. ljjjtr
it wtm
W A N T It D RellnqulsllmentH In
Prluglo Flats nnd llniripton country.
Address Box ."UN, Bond, fir call at
homestead near Harney Holes. Wal
ter Taylor. yflp
WANTED Girl In iln cnnnrnl
housework. Inqulro nt Shuuy gro
cery. ai-SCp
WANTED Girl for Keuornl house.
work. Address Mrs. O. Laurgaard,
Lnldlnw, Ore. 20tf
For Sale.
AdirrtUdticntM Inserted under this
heading nt the rne of "no cent n
uord for cadi In-ertloit, DUrount on
extended Insertions. Charge nro
(taxable In ndvnure except for mlvor
thent liming tt regular nrcouut vtltli
Tho Uulletln. All paid nihertUc-
other things the Boys and
Girls must have are to be
had at THE OWL. from
our large new stock. Par
ents, it will pay you to
tell the children to buy at
cal. Winchester rlllo ropentor for
folding camera. Will pay dlfforoneo.
r. u. mix -'ii a zn27u
FOR HALK Throe-room house,
cow nnd chlckuus. Martin Safranco,
near American Bekery. SO-aSp
FOR S.ALE HO head of high grade
Jersey heifers from s mo. old to 3
yr. old. About K head to bo frc-sh
this fall. Write for partloulars. F.
II. Pfeirfer, Albany, Ore. 2tl-2tp
FOR SALE Good Driving or sad
die horse cheap. Inqulro nt Bend
Grocery. ttilt
FOR SALK-v-New Home sowing
machine. Call at (I. V. JUirlnur's. In
Park Addition.
FOR HALM Light wagon, 1S.
Sew L. A. W. Nixon. 2Uf
FOR HALE-CnrtnlnjoffmWkUouse-hold
goods. Mrs. 'A. MrUiffiZLitC
FOR BALK Cabin nonr Bond do.
mill, Inqulro nt Bulletin nlllco,
building nnd furnltilfor nil nqw Itifil
ii nu oimiH, j, a. uiiHioH. .fir
,F()R HALE Qlt' TllAI)H fifrffonj
entitle, one two.lilu 'Koljytftfflqtf,
good condition, For further Infor
mation cull ut DoyiD'ninnd'H uur
iiho. . 2 R - a C
FOR BALE Good 'property on
Willi nml Bund MtrouhVnUulii Kuli
wood. For pnrtluiilai'H np)ly to II,
0. Ellis, i 17tf
FOIUSALE Heavy work' nmro,
gooil for logging, freighting or farm
or Kvlll trade for 2 cows or young
slunk. E. A. Knott, 0 miles t u
Burns road. 2V2O11
FOR HALE All kinds of common
lumber at MoNnuitlit ft Gortsou'n
mill, on llond-lliirns road. Also, Wo
out any kind of orders on short
notice. Wrtto or cnll on us for
prices. 161 f
FOR HALE All kinds or rough
niul dressed luinlmr, nt Anderson
Bros, sawmill half way botwnon Bend
mid I,aldlnw, on old Tuninlo road.
Reasonnblo prices, rough lumber $10
per M. Delivering to Bend or Lnld
lnw 3 per M, Telephone. 10(f
TTJ..- 1
1,1 11 1 mmn mm urn i m m iimiimib i.wiumiMMM j miwlumi
. . . - IMS
Owl Pharmacy
First National Bunk Bldg.
Shoes that
Appeal to
V asu "j ,""Ab??
2ST a i'v" e- .
o!kr-: "
New models and exclusive
pattern! arc shown at all times
in our display of women's foot
wear. Kvcry pair of these
shoes also shows elegance of
finish and grace in each particular line.
We can give you fitting qualities in shoes which canno; be ex
celled. And as to serviceit need only be said tfiat our women's
shoes arc made by Utz k Dunn Co., UT Rochester, N. Y.,
whose product has had for thirty years a reputation for splendid
wcar 'M
Buy Utz ft Duws- Co. shoes from us. jfihere H affigOble guar
antee of satisfaction for you when you cSf "
R ML Smith Clothing Co.
" - 11
Until Saturday, Sept. 13th, on all
Also some great bargains in LOW SHOES,
B&ui, - - Oregon
of Dry Goods now in, with ninny nttructive of
ferings both in quality und price. Ladles' ,
Underwear and Sweaters also.
tresh, nnd wc sell them at rock bottom
prices. Quick delivery made by
our auto.
E. A. Sather
Arrives .............. K a. in.
Loavusi. J., ....... .Si 30 p. ni.
.'W. II. .V .V. CO.
Arrives .,. ,,7:sS p, in.
Leaves 7:3& a. in. ,
hT,.(II! MM: HOUTil. .,
- Arrives 7i.1Q p, m,
Loavun .....10 '., in, '
- Cars dally to lliirns nnd points, V
- nuniii nnu soiiiuensi.
- Oeuural delivery oputi daily )0
a. in. to rt:30 p. in. '
(lonornl delivery opon Huiidny ,
- 10:30 n. in. to 11 a. in. -
- Railway mall closes 7 p. in,
Western Union dally 0-1 1;
- 1-0; 7-10.
Western Union Runday 8-10 nnd
IMoneor Co. dally 7 a. m. to 0 t '
in. i
I'loneor Co. Sunday fi-Uj S-S .
A. L. Hunter's
' I