));NI) IIUI,l,KTlNr JIUNH, OKB., WKDNKHDAY, AL'UUHT 27, 101.1. Vfiti 8. w A&y V Jlluminated Lsrest iJutL St zritf jf auoneru lias mi artistic finish and high quality tjiat makes it distinctive and different i'roni others. Each sheet is die stamped with u graceful initial i n gold and sepia. Any initial, with envelopes 60cts per Sox Now on display and sold exclusively in 'Uend at Patterson Drug Co. The JJ2aC Store LOCAL NEWS ITEMS II. A. Cant wan up from Deschutes Hnlunlnjr, being registered Hi tliu Hotel llend. C II. Dusenherry returned yester day from Portland whore ho Iib been fur nix weeks. II. II, DnArmond inmlo threo trip U Prlnovlllo liiMt wook on profess ional luislNess, Mm. I. W. tlllvnrlCKith of Hllver Lkowa In llend Hatiinlay on her way to Antolopo. J. II. Huner wm uver ywitorday from Prlnovlllo In hi unto, brlnxtnK with til hi Km lUntt. Mr. and Mm. A. I.. Hunter Hint Mr. 9ml Mm. J. N. Hunter am nt OiMI B.nke dti nit outing trip. Mm. John llwrtx of Tenlno, Wash . arrived Monduy oh tliu mux Id liar humoMte;td l aim n oaf Hold. Ttlluinn Router, (ho well known (lrook eounty dry farmer, returned Monday from Klamath Kail. Tim Presbyterian Indict' Oultil will nit Wednesday. Heptumhcr 3, nt tliu liuimi of Mm. O. U. Ilunklo. 8(iwir ussessmonta for tlm uptown dlitrlot uro duu today nnd those In the uulKiMown district on Septem ber 1. IS. It. Toil left yesterday with nn niito load of lamUeekrrs, taking them trniMo look over tlm IjiKo county . l!lm,er Merrill and family, formerly of, llund, came In Friday for n visit ot. u week or longer. Mr. Merrill U now locniod nt Willow Hunch, C'ul., hdiiK miiiloyi!il ii h bookkeeper In tlm oIIIcm of it lumber eompntiy, Mm, J. .1. AdiiniH nnd children ro timiud hint wimk to I'orlliuid uftin n vlulL hiiio with Mr. AdiuiiH for hoiuo tluin, Mr. nnd Mm. Minor of Portland, thn iikimI imruntR of F. O. Minor, i exported hi tonight visit thulr son and iliniulitor-ln-liiw. 14. I), Payuo, roprwiotitliiK n I'orU Innd nnfn ilrni. Iiiih hoeii In (own ro- eoiitiy in commotion with (ho pro- poseit city imiiiiiiiK and Juli. Oooiki' X. Wendllng, Hu (Inn I'riin chtro uiipltallNt, wiih In llund Monday and wiih doing shown the (Inihur In Oil section hy John K. Itynn. K. Cyrus, W. II. Cyrus, Miss Cyrus and Mm. Smith of Hlstors und Miss llnyley of l.nldluw composed n party that took dinner ut tho Hotel 1 1 end Htindiiy. J. K. Hlawnrt, who has been dolus geological work for tho United States In KlMinnlh county. In hero on hlic way to Portland nnd will tomorrow sell at Aiiiiu'h barn IiIn team. h. F. Wakefield of Crescent and I)r. ft. It. Hamilton. Mm, Hamilton nnd MIm Helen llumlltou wore hern Friday, koIiik over thn mountains, to Portland by tho McKenxlo route. Rtntn damn Warden William l Flnloy and Mr. and Mm. William P. Richardson of Portland comported an automobile parly that stopped ut tho Pilot mute nn Sunday. Tlioy wero rvturniitK from Klaniudi rail. Drover Clerking of Lnldlnw wn In town yesterday lookliiK for men to help In tlm hay Melds, lull did not nnd It an euiy tank to hooiipj them Ho Hin tlm Heeond ciittliiK of hay la hotter than tliu first, which wan It self Rood. MIsr Ooldln lloko left Inst week for a visit with relative and friends In Kansas City. Him l muklnit tho trln hy war of Portland. Hen tile and Hpokune where she will timku short stops. Hhu will ho away from llend ror an linluiwilto time. Ituv. V. I Van Nuya of Pnrkdale, Ore., will preach In the Presbyterian church next Hunday moriilnn and ovenliiK Instead of Itev. II, I", llnriier. un .orlKlnully aiinuunced Itev. Van Nuya It reputwl In Im a foraeful and plenslni; speaker. K. A. Kathvr returned yitsterdny from Purlland with an uuto dellvory WKon, tlm second for llend. It Is u twin to H. C. Caldwell's, and Clint Whllted has eliNlIeiiKwl Hather to a rare. The cur was shipped by boat to The Dulles and drlvwn In from there. Tliere IwIhk n ttenrnty of younu ladles at I.nldlaw, the youK ion of tnai town eamo to iimm wmniay nnu with n Levy of local Klrla wuut iilo HlrklHK !ve the Hlseliiora tiUre Sunday nftornoon. ' HiirliiK the iiiurHliiK several of the visiting men played tennis with tho locals. Tho Jieiid Odd Follows worn hosts Monday eVenliiK to tliu Itebekahs and n number of Invited frleudN, there belli k about CO nt tho social t;athor Inir In Mather's hall. The eveiilnic'i. liroKram Included several short tulks, proRresslvu whist and danoliiK. He- frrshmcntK of leu cream and cake woro aenred. K. F. McKeo nud family, who havo been IIvIiik tumporarlly In a tent, havu rented and moved Into tho Mut ton house. Mm. McKeo will leavo for Chlcnico within tho next mouth to dispose of thulr Interests there, us they hnvo decided to make Mend their irmnnrnt home. Mr. McKee Is cashier at the depot. BEND THEATRE Wi:iMHAV Ciipinlltiible Hoarder UnUi Hhe lfl ();ien Ibiuiei Hcdriiiplloii Tlli;ilh')AV in Old Jiiebeo-I0e I.uiik'is at lirksuiltliN The Hhcmpo 1 1 roii ro llllly's Oi'ittefuluess IHIDAV The I'rnra 'IViuiicll I'lfjuy'" Mistake A Cliuiiio Deception HATUDAY The Fie OiHnrri The CtdleKO flittjwsrono The Children of Japiui llulldlnc PoutHiii IJHdtxi .Nwlhe Industrie In Houdnn it Hl'NDAV Husplrloui Henry-Four Ha) a Itmuli Om ner's lnvMnkliiK Tho 3lrMKe of the 1'mIhiw .in i i MONDAV I'lrktWck Pflprrs, To ItwN Dr. .Mium ell's Kxprrlment && CO 7tiUS,Jtecl S&crpTW )W0OJh JCLQs UrUAUiS si&wra &Fssm mBL Wr ,v v jCa-uAa and heA hxLand jiayed tih uJ iaii nijA. Tioow itve fi raised the fuiniiurc '' in our iftaAe Aoom 2ou feci jtikc having your fAiend cotnt to Vlsif: you if youA home A4 LcaxtiifuJtiy fuAniihcd ifirouyioui, clon'i ,you? 11h.en you jo to Zruy fuAniiuAc, you Should not onty know thai ihe ilylc i& ripht, H Iixtt iUai ii i jiAonoiy made and you should ' aa'io an honeit iioAe uheAe yay.viAjt bow t Uaiihc firice i Ai9hi. 1 " ' fliwuyj youA fAiend; jCou. , ' ' ,, ' J, S&A Mfitt, quality anUprlet wilt alt 6e right, and'' you'll hay a big atoek to shoast from, If you buy your furniture from , dl M. Jll nompson Where Your Dollar Does Its Duty.. down from his Cort Allen was runch yesterday. A. M. PrliiKle returned Sunday from Crane Prairie. Mr. und Mrs. John K. Kynn wero In from Tho Tule Monday, A now sidewalk has been laid In front of tho Pilot lluttu'lnu. M. 8. Iattln returned Friday from an outliiK trip at Odoll Lake. J. II. Wennndy went to Portland Hunday to visit Airs. Wuuundy. Frod I.ueas was up from Itodmond last week, spendlnn several days. Itnjjih II. HrowHlu- was eonllned to tlm house by lllntata on .Monday. I,. I). Hoy of Summer Lako wad a KUtMt at tho Hotel WrlKht last week. Tho IIHiIko CIhI) will bo enter tnlned FHday by Mm. W. W. Faulk nor. J. W. Hlnilak and A. M. Moore spent Sunday on a fishing trip up tho river. AiiKtist A. Anderson of Redmond was realstercd nt tho Hotel WrlKht Saturday. Fred N. Wallace waa In town Fri day. KettlniTJihlnKles to cover n hous ho la bulldlne. J. W. Tyler, railroad agent at Pickens, Miss., la vlslUng W. C. Mc Culston, his cousin. II. T. Dealy of Hear Creek Ilutto was In town last Thursday, a Kuest at tho Hotel Wright. Tho Fraternal lirotherhood will itlvo their monthly dance lit Bather's hall tomorrow evening. M. A. Kowalski of Kenotton, Sas katahawan, was In town recently, a Ktiest at tho Hotel WrlKht. Mr. and Mrs. Ueorgo Ihuter of Moscow, Idaho, spent last weok visit ing Mr. and Mm. O. M. Patterson. Silvia Parrea of llend. who I camping at Odoll Lake, killed a bear und two cubs last week. Itouv West, who Is apendlng the summer nt tho lake, la also reported to h'ave shot a boar und u oub. Winsome J(atv Jah Jlr rrwe 9t will pay you to visit our utore, fou will find Acre the latest styles in Uailoreo and Oemi Dress iuts CHILDREN'S WEEK CNiCACO WE HAVE ASSEMBLED COMPLETE STOCKS FOR SCHOOL WEAR. , Children's Black Cat Stockings, heavy O -$fr H tZn weight, double knee 1U1 Heavy weight, triple knee, linen toe and heel 2C Children's Dresses, in new de- (r "fn 41 O Z signs and materials, price from. V tU pi.7ft Children's Shoes, the best and the cheapest. WE STAND MACK OF EVERY PAIR. Boys' New School Suits, double breasted t "2 4-r t A and Norfolk styles ... V LWPU Boys' Waists and Shirts, priced tZy 1 Cat Zfin for Children's Week at ADK,, OOS, 0J A Complete line of Underwear for Children. This is the store that saves you money on Dry Goods Shoes and Furnishings. MANNHEIMER'S Yetvet 7iJM of Satin, SPtusA. and Velaur. 7h t chic an it da ring m al els of the Autumn sea son are the close fitting brim, the tarn crown, the mushroom effect ami the new "(SocAney ' ulat, 7lv have all the la 'est trimmings in Wings, Cfaney leathers and blowers, , Our Salt Opening occurs on the 9th and 70th of September, siirs. S. s4tcJ7ntosi the 3Benci Utilil neir Mm. C. It. Cook, of The llend Company's office force, Is on n two weeks' vacation vlslUng friends in Prlncvllle. 0. P. Putnam left Saturday even ing to Join Clyde McKay and Clark Ithodca on their bunting trip In the mountains. W. It. Skey, representative of tho traffic department of the O-W. R. & N. Co.. six-lit Friday here, looking over tho country. Mm. J. P. Koyes and children, who havo been spending the Unimex on Puget Sound, are expected home tho ln.t of the weok. C. V. Silvia and C. B. Shnppsrd got bnok tho Inst of tho weok front their trip Houth, uot being away as long as Mr. Silvia stated they would. Tho Afternoon 600 Club of ladle spent last Thursday up river on a picnic. Tho weather was line and the women, had a pleasant time. Mm. II. K. Allen, MIm Winifred Abbott. Dwlght M. Davla nnd H. A. Milter comprised n party that climb ed Pilot Ilutto Sunday afternoon. W. J. McOlllvray, formerly of llend, arrived Saturday from Pasa dena, Cat., where ho Is now living He will be here a week or more. Mm. 1 learn, Mr. McCulston's sis ter, and Mm. Yonchum, mother of Mm. McCulston, arrived last Thurs. day from .Memphis, Tenn., on a visit J. II. Eaton, state tax commiss ioner, who has been visiting nt La Pine, left Friday morning for Salom It. K. Eaton accompanied him as far us llend. Tho Wlcst family moved lost week from the house which they have occu pied alnco first coming to llend, into Uio .residence formerly rented by Corkotts. A. II. Cousins, fiscal agent of tho sixth district of the forest service, und Forester Clerk Douglas of Prlno vllle, visited tho local forestry ofjlco lust week. Jnok Tansy and J. J. Itynn rodo out to the tatter's rnuoh on Sunday, They report gardens as looking well with oucumbors and roasting ears in profusion. Mm. J. C. Nelson, who has boen visiting hor dnughtor, Mm. W. 1C. Parker, und huubaud for tho pant two weeks, left Monday for her homo In Portland. Cnpt. John and George Voting and families woro in Prlnevllle Saturday. Oeorgo was appointed deputy county surveyor for this territory by County Surveyor Itlco. Miss Edith Putnam, aunt or 0. P. Putnam, arrived Monduy night for u short visit. She Is returnlug to her homo In Washington. D. C, from u trip to Japan. Mrs. B. D. Wilson was overcome by tho heat whllo nttendlug church Sunday and fainted. Sho was taken to ,her homo and will be confined to tho house, for a, few days.- , . Mrs. Florence Lunbeck-Powelson. who went to Seattle on the excursion train last week, Monday, returned on Frlduy. J. It. Lunbeck, the grand father of her deceased son Ralph, is now visiting her. Mm. A. M. Lara has rented her house to William H. Walsh, who baa been living In Kenwood. Mr. Walah wllj take possession about September 9, after which Mm. Lara will Join Mr. Lara In Seattle. I. W. Farrls, who has been with the engineering force on thn Tumalo project, apent Sunday and Monday here, leavinc Monday evening for Salem whore he will re-enter Will amette University thla fall. The band gave a concert on tho old Drake lawn Sunday afternoon, thla being the first entertainment of this kind In several weeks due to tho fact that somo of the leading idayora had oven out of town,. A-largo crowd enjoyed the music. A. R. Wright, an agricultural ex pert, who has been with the land classification crew on the Metollus. enmo In with Supervisor Merritt Fri day, nnd went from here Saturday night to do work with n crew in the Ulue Mountains near La Grande O. C Henklo and tho party of homesteaders whom he showed over Catlow valley returned tco llend last Wednesday evening. Four of the men located, filing at Hums. Theso are Frank Curran, Thomaa Peterson, Frank Hartford and Dr. Mowery, all of Uurke. Idaho, and their claims are In Cat low valley . Charles Long, who ban been clerk In the Paulina forest office at Cres cent, spent Sunday here, be and fam ily being on their way to their homo at Ferndale. Wash. It is understood that the Paulina reserve will be made a part of tho Deschutes and Fremont forests, the office at Cres cent being discontinued. The baby of Mrs. Creed Triplett of Eugene, here on a visit, was taken very 111 last Saturday at noon as a result of having eaten peanuts. It was taken to Dr. Ferrell's offlco and there was considerable excite ment before the physician arrived as the child was said to be dying, but It was soon brought out of dangor by Dr. Ferrell. W v I bbbsV ?. TPraMl a sal lMiais&M II aT-VvUT UtsaaaBBaBHaiaflBaaBaflBfll F WAVF' ONEri L T $rOjz RESOLVED -tj YOU ARK GOING To 4 SEEWHATISINTHIS 5 PACE FOR TWO REASONS is You U Look For rr 2 You'll see it whether. you look. . FOR IT OR. NOT DUSTER DROWN IS CONING TO TOWN. TO WORK FOR OUR STORE. EVERY WEEK FOR A WHOLE YEAR HE WILL COME INTO YOUR HOME AND TELL YOU ADOUT OUR HARDWARE AND OUR METHODS. WE HAVE ALWAYS COT A DIG. CLEAN STOCK OF HIGH CLASS HARDWARE AND OUR PRICES WILL ALWAYS SAVE YOU MONEY. WE HAVE BUT ONE METHOD TO GIVE YOU A SQUARE DEAL. Skuse Hardware Company, .We will give) a $5 castlo rod for, the largest trout caught ,iktt staaoa. v ;-;"&; -aBwaSKSt X&ts. ""frssar". - -