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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1913)
fc. HUM) BUMiBTIN, IlKNI), OllH., WKHNKKHAY, AVOVHT 37, JOjS, MO &. FAILURES UNDER GUREY ACT Clinngo MiinI Ho Mnl In Irrigation " Methods HtiyN f Jovrmir. K- HAIilOM, Auk, 25. -Pronouncing ,,C,H fill Onrny Act Irrigation lirojttcin In 'l"' tlm Htnto failures, (lovnriior Wosl, on returning (n tlio city from it tour of iin Kuaturn Oregon with Hoorotiiiy of Uuritlxi Interior Limo, ouiphiitluftlly !o- elnrtMl Unit If Hut ntnto's nrlil Inmln iiih aro to Imi reclaimed, work must liu or- li) iy tlio stntu or federal govern- mmit Independently or tliroiiKli co . ' operation or tlio two, I,." i"Vo had n Hying trip," until tlio Governor In apeaklng of his tour, ("but wo Imil tluio to Mhow Hoorntnry I.ailll till) pOftHlllllltlflM III till Rtlltlt. Wo visited tlio Central Oregon Irri gation project, and then the Mndrn , country a vast stretch of territory vi wjilch It In contemplated to reclaim afSKXlho government nnil tho stnlo In F , Wf futuro, nml for which surveys nro n Ow IiuIiik innilo. "I reached ono conclusion during tlm tour, nuit I mndo It known to tlm fVerotnry. nml tlint Is tllnl If tlio Mtntu'M nrlil lands nro to bu reclaim ml, It mum ho by tlio government ntfd tlio Htnte through co-operative llliillutilM mm tit tnti liiliitimiilnMlll ii ij i ii in i ni i trj hhi;h mm; jfuiiii vm t i i I'ltmi ri mi ft nil iiikiiwi tiuv " for tlio Irrlftntloti uniJceln tin dor tlio Iluth Htcom find cow tiftvci movoii H' (Mnw nrt In thin ntnli. hn unll nil 1n!nt un tulVHticii f nluitit lfin. tfhnlcai ---- ..... ..... ,. .-, ............. ..-. .-.. -.-- --- .--- HlnucoH linvo fulled to uvnll thorn solvim of comlltloiiH to safeguard tlio nlitto nml settlors. "Tiiko tho Co ntrn I OroKon Irrlgn tlon project, for limtiincu, It lint al ready coHt tlio prnmntorn 11,200,000 nml to complete It mi outlay of 1175, 000 tnoro will ho necessary. Now, tit t mini emiuot ho easily mined, mid if ltn promote full, thou tlio Htnto in merely obliged to compluto tlio project, for ltd niimo In Involvuil In tho concern." (JltA'INd hhductio.v AHKIIO. WAHIIINOTON, 1). C Hunutor I.nnif, nt tho remiest of tho National Wool Growers Association, hnu naked tho forest sorvlao to tiinka a general reduction of niton for gro hit; slump In tho national forests. Forestiir Graves says ho will tnko up tho question with Hoorntnry Houston of tlio Department of Agriculture no soon ns tho latter returns to tho notional capital, WHKKLY MAHKKT IIKI'CIUT. NOUTI1 POHTLANl), Aug. 22. HecelptH for tho week wuro 863 cot llo, 344 calvon, 040 Iiokm, HHiO nhnop nml t horro. ('nttlo rrcoipla linvo hotin IlKhtor than uminl for wook, with hulk of orforliiRii Koliii: rincllly it KllKhtly hlKhor prlcon otlmr utiitcH, linvo proved falluren i"i They linvo provoil fnllurot, In tho lK tlr'ot plnco, liocaUHo tho ntnto nutli iUrltlon linvo failed to ouiict lelnla VHi'n to HiifoRtinnl tlio nottlorn And it t lfo Htnto, mid for tlio further ronnon rn 'hat tho ntnlo authorltleii, whon they were uiKiertaKen, linn u lacK or irrl Kutlon knowloilKo nnd In tunny In ni Mluori. mild iin liluli nn,c. Hem row? and holfern hroiiKht 7o nml irlmo vunl ci.Ivih up to tic. Hok ar rlvnlw linvo I cut very IlKht. I'rlcfn ndvnriril !f,c lor tlio midweek of ,'i.rlin: ii fid i no load olil I'rldnv an hluh an y.lfic, Hlieep rvcolptn linvo hocn liberal, with prlcon lioldltiK n little hotter on kooiI muff. tn ' OWN YOUR HOME. IB IT'S EASY. 1 will build to your order any kind of it building you nuiy want. You can pay part now and the balance in monthly payments to suit. SAVE THE RENT. K. P. MADSEN, Contractor and Builder. Deschutes, Oregon rfffi DB. NICHOL ENTERS MINISTRY Keiil KMito .Mom, I'oi niorly nt lleml, (jnllN NiH'iiliir Vocation. Old-tlmorM hero will ho Intorunto'l In tho .followliiK dlHiintcli to tho I'ottlmid Journal from Mood Itlvor: "Dr. W. H. Nlcliol, who linn boon ii pruutlcliiK phynlt'lmi for nhout II yourn, and who linn lieen In tho real eHtato hiiHluoin In Hood ltlver val loy for novornl yearn, nmiouiicod from tlio (Intro Uultod ltrotliron eliurcli- pulpit Hundny ovonlnx l)itt liu would quit tho xcculnr vocation In llfo nml outer tho inlnUtry. Dr. Nlcliol preached IiIn firm normon in Hood Itlvor Hundny ovonlnK to a crowded hoimo. Ho In n inomhor of tho Mothoillnt Ktilncopnl church nnd plrtm to enter tlio ovmiKollmlc flolit of that douomlnntlon. Ho ntntcd ho had felt th i) call to tho rnlnlntry for n nuinhor of yonrn hut had resisted It In hU secular purnultn," Dr. Nlcliol wn formerly n resident horo, ownltiK tho drug nloro that In now I'ntturnon'N. Ho In also reinom liorcd for hln connection with a deal for tho John OUomoro plnco. Ho hoiiKht thin properly for J0000, pny liifC $1000 down nnd kIvIiik n mort Kiiko for tlio balance. Aftor hnvliiK sold off n lot of timber ami othor wlno protltliiK from tho plnco. Dr. Nlcliol deemed to think tho property wun not worth tho $5000 yot to ho paid and tho morticaKo wan fore clotted. At tho nolo tho plnco was hoiiKht hy tho llond Townilto Com. puny for $18,009. CHURCHJOTiCES MelliodUt. Service Hundny nt 11 n. m 8 p. in. Hundny nchool nt 10 tipworth Lookuo at 7 p. rn. Prayer meetlni; Thiirndny nt 8 p, in. Choir practicu Wednesday nt 8 p. tn. and in. oit thoroln and for tho costs and dls. burnomoutn of thin action. Thin nummonn In puhllnhod In Tlio llond llullotlu for nix nucccnnlvo week In seven conKCCUtlvo Innticn of nald pnpor, commencing with tlio Is nuo or July Z), 1U13, iy order or too Honorable W. !. Ilradnlinw, Judgo of tho above entitled court, which order wnn mado nnd entered on tho 30th day of July, 101.1. VKIINON A. FOflllKB, 21-27 Attorney for Plaintiff. :r-'a" -rTl'TTTr- -,, HUM.MONH. In tho Justice's Court for Denchutcs Dlstrlot, Crook County, Htnto of Oregon. II. i, Hnhln, Trustee, plaintiff, vs. J. 13. fidwhlll and Kllzabcth Mooro Hawhlll, dofonilnntn. To J. K. Hawhlll, Defendant: In tho namo of tho Otnto of Oro xon, Vou nro hereby refjulred to np poar and answer the complaint filed against you In tho nbovo entitled Ac tion on or boforo Beptember 4, 1013, nnd If you fall so to answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will take Judg ment against you for tho sum of $250.00, togothor with the costs and disbursements of this action. This summons Is published pur suant to an order of tho Hon. W. W. Oroutt, Justice of tho above entitled court, made and entered on July 22, 1013, directing that namo bo pub lished for six consecutive weeks prior to September 4, 1013, In Tho Dend lliilletln, first publication to bo July 23, 1013. UOBU KAHNHAM, 20-26 Attorney for Plaintiff, WHILE OTHERS AKE NAPPING you hnve a chance to Kct tlio very best of floura finely milled product of the choicest hard winter wheat. Wc arc selling this brand at a very small ndvnnco over tho ordinary flours al though we know it will Klvo twice the satisfaction in rcsultfl. Try it onca and you will And you can produce the best of bread, rolls and biscuit with tho least effort. JK CHfllfCR yo CSBT CrOOP FliOVp His'nsisssBiBBi nsVfsVinm aMH'MNnfc ' Tl"'!! TT Tmi ill mm wr PENDLETON. OREGON SEPTEMBER 11-12-13, J9I3 Excursion Fares Tlcktti on Sal Sept. lO, 11, 13, 13 -Final Krtutn Limit Stpt. 1C. 1013 Furious and Exciting N 0i,uM C7 Old Ck!M, KM 4 WUV HUVMt,-ktM4iiill TM Ntrt 4 Otrlf From any Agent 0W.R.CN. llnplUt. Hundny school at 0:4C, preaohlng at 11 n. in. and 8 p: in. Ilrothcrhood nt 3 p. m. Young people's meeting at 7 p. in. Prayer meeting at 8 p. m. on Wednesday. Choir practice Tnursday ovcnlng at 7:30. I'rrtlijrlrrlnn, Prenchlng at 11 n. ni. and 8 p. rn, hy Hv. W. I,. Van Vuyn of Park dale. Oro. Hunday school nt 10 a. m. A tlasn for udults has bean organized. Catholic. Hcrvlcen Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. (Iiurrli of tlm Itretlirrn. No services noxt Hundny. Se'rvlcen Hundny, Beptuinbor 7, at 3 p. rn. In tho Methodist church. A flOOD ItAHIlim KHOP. If you appreciate good barber ser vice, wo Invito you to patronUo thin shop. Our workmen nro skilled, courteous nod obliging. Others linvo co in o and gone but wo remain bet can so wo glvo satisfaction. Innea & Davidson, Oregon Htrcot. Adv. 21tf Wild and Wondoi-ful onv rxrnitt sacci BSONOO BUITINQ IHOUNI,COWeOVt OUTUWHORKS Qst Fartii and Particular BsMaMsVHsSjHsinnaanMHii manuuiiisi . HUM.MONH. In tho Circuit Court of tho Htnto of Oregon for tho County of Crook. O. P. Putnnm, plaintiff, vs. Matt Hut ton, defendant. To Matt llutton, nbovo named de fendant. In the nemo of tho Htatn of Ore gon, you nro hereby required to ap pear und nnnwer tho complaint filed ngalnat you In tho abovo entitled no tion on or boforo Thursday tho 11th day of September, 1013. nnd you nro hereby not mod that If you fall so to appear or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tho court for a decree to the effect Uiat tho north half of lot 10 of block 9 of Hend, Crook county, Oregon. Is and shall bo and remain tho 'absolute property of said plaintiff, free from nil right. Interest or equity therein or thereto on your part, or your holm or assigns for Judgment against you to the effect that tho said O. P. Put nam In the ownor In fee simple of snld property above dcncrlbcd. and that you liavo no right, title or Inter- KUMMONK. In tho Justice's Court for Deschutes District, Crook County, Stato of Oregon. J. Ktteluon, plaintiff, vs. J. E. Haw hlll, defendant. To J. IS. Hawhlll, Defendant: In the Namo of the Htnto of Oregon: You nro hereby r-qulred to appear and answer tho complaint filed ngnlnst you In the nbovo entitled ac tion on or before September 4, 1013, and If you fall so to answer, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will taxo Judg ment against you for the sum of $66.00 together with Interest thereon nt tho rate of C per cont per nnnum from July 1, 1912, nnd the costs and disbursements of this action. This summons Is published pursu ant to nn ordor of tlio Hon. W, W. Orcult, Justice of tho nbovo entitled court mado and entered on July 22, 1013, directing that namo bo publish ed for alx consecutive weeks In The llond Ilutletln, prior to September 4, 1013, first publication to bo July 23, 1013. K08B t'AHNHAM. 20-25 Attorney for Plaintiff. KUMMONK. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for the County of Crook. J. A. KllloU. plaintiff, vs. O. W. Hur- roughs and Utbcl D. Durroughs, defendants: To U. W. Durroughs and Ethel D. Jlurroughs, above-named defen dants: In tho name of tho Stato of Ore gon, you and each of you aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the abovo entitled action on or before Thursday, tho 11th day of September, 1013, and If you fail so to answer, for want thereof tho plaintiff will ap ply to tho court for tho relief de manded therein, viz., for Judgment ngnlnst you and each of you for tho sum of I174.CS, together with Inter est thereon at the rato of 10 per cent per nnnum from the Int day of May, 1012, until paid, together with 30 attorney fees and for tho costa and disbursements of this action. This nummonn l served upon yon by publication thereof one n week for nix successive, weeks. In Tho Uend lliilletln, by order of tho Honornblo W. L. Ilradshaw, Judgo of tho above entitled court, which order is dated July 30th. 1013. Date or first publication Inly 30, 1913. Date of last publication Sep tember 10. 1913. VEKNON A. KOItnEB. CHAS. W. EnSKINE, 21-27 Attorneys for Plaintiff. INKTItUCTIONK UHOAHDINOTIIi: KACHANdK OK HOOKS. Second hand hooks tnkon In oxchango must he complete so they could bo used by nnotuor pupil, In anothor state,-pursuing the oarao study. In complete books will not bo accepted. IImnIs of Exchange for Orninmnr School Hooka Displaced Hook, nnd Cash Exchanged for X A roofing guarantee is worth no more than the quality of the roofnyj. If the roofing is not made to make good, the muker never will. Buy Majthoid Roofinglay it carefully you'll never have occasion to request us to protect our guarantee. Malthoid will render you a roof service so good ' . so long so satisfactory you'll forget the guarantee. Twenty-six years of practical experience in making the original roofing which always makes good Malthoid. j MidbyTheParafnnPalntCo. SKUSE "ARDWARE y Sao FfjDdsa tad htiywfctfe Bend, Oregon It's free lot It. A Bw i4 ttlutUt twvk M "Cheerful Homes." Tllilookltt IMuitreiri tout el Ut nul txlollf.l ttOBf,tewl hMiiecia , CilHon.!. A took ,lf kOM PUlU, IU prll. Cyr Fourth Header Cyr Fourth Header Cyr Firm lioncior Cyr Fifth Header Heed Word Lessons Huchlor Mod. English Lessons Huohler Mod. English Gra miliar Smith Primary Arithmetic Smith Practical Arithmotlo Natural Introd. Geography Natural School Oeography Krohn First Hook Hyglone Thomas Elotn. History of U. S. Doub U. S. History Now 'Outlook Writing, 1. 2, 3 Now Outlook Writing 4 to 7 Powers & I,. Hookkpg, Part I Prangen Drnwlng Hooka Grade 4 th &th, Cth 7th 8th 3rd. 8th 4th-Gth ,20 Whcolor Fourth Header .26 Wheeler Fifth Header .30 Elson Third Reader .30 Elson Fourth Header .12 Hick's Champion Speller .18 Kimball El. English Ilk I .23 Kimball El. English Dk II 7th, 8th .21 Hlglor Arlth. Stop by Step 3rd. 4th .30 Watson & Whlto Com. Ar. &th-8th .CO Tarr & M'Murray W'ld Geo 6th-7th .00 Tnrr & M'Murray W'ld Geo 6th-7th ,23 Hltchlo Primer of Sanitation Sth .30 H. & II. Intro. Amor. Hist. Dth, Cth .GO Mace School History U. S. 7th, 8th .15 Palmer Writing Prl. Grades 1st, 2d Tho.Purcst and Best Always at I Bend Milling & Warehouse Co. 6 BETWEEN HORSES and their owners there should be a bond of gratitude nnj thers will be if the animals are nour ished on our high ffrade of feed. We handle only tho purest, cleanest and best, the kind that is really nu tritious and keeps the animal in the best of working condition. Our prices are really moderate as all our patronB willingly admit. I . avPtii pip mmmmmmmmmmmmimmmftmftmmmMMi We Deliver the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE . LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Ilay, Barley, Oata, Wheat and Bran at lowest prices. The Largest Barn in Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOXJ Altamont Hotel THE MOST MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE ROOMS IN THE CITY. STEAM HEAT, HOT AND COLD WATER WITH BATH PRIVILEGE. J. A. CASTES, Mgr. Mrs. E. J. HGRRINO, Assbtaat Mgr. BEND, OREGON II 50 0 Palmer Husiness WrltlnR .trd-Sth 30 Ilexoll-Nlchols Ukkgttoxt only) 9th Applied Arts Drawing Introductory Hetult Prlcen Where No Old Hooka Aro Offered lit Eicliango, Grnminur School Hooka Prlco (Introductory) Grade Whcolor Fourth Hoador ,46 Wheolor Fifth Itoador .CO KIfou Grammar School Header, Hk 3 .00 ICIbou (Jrnmmar School Header, Hk 4 .00 lllcka Champion Spoiler .23 Kimball Kngllsh Hook I .36 Kimball Kngllsh Hook II , .45 Hlglor Arithmetic Stop by Stop .35 Watson ft Whlto Comploto Arlth 58 Tnrr ft McMurruy World Geography 1,00 Hltchlo Primer of Sanitation .45 llouruo ft Houton Intro, Amor. Hist. .00 Maco School History U. S. .90 Palmor Writing Lessons In Prl Grda .20 Palmer Method Husiness Writing ,25 Iloxoll-NlcliolH Hookkeoplng, Text only (1 Year High Schools ( Anpllod Arta Drawing Noa 41-44 Appllod Arts Drawing Noa. 45-48 tth 5th, Cth 7 th 8 th 3d-8th 4th-Gth 7th, Sth 3d, 4th 5th-8th 6tu-7th Sth 5th, Cth 7th, 8th Int. 2d 3d-8th .59 .15 .20 9th lst-4th Bth-Sth Tho following plncoa have been named as depositaries for nubile school hooka tor Crook county: La Pino, Uend, Hddmoiul, Madras, Warm Springs, Vnnora, Laldlaw, Prlnovllle, Ashwood. The now Course of Study and tho now School Laws will be mailed to tho propor officers as soon as they nro rocolved from tho stato office, about So'ptombor 5, , ,. ,J. B. MYBRS, 36 ... Supt. of Sohools Crook County. f. Ml 3UniiT "Sittatn" Unton I "There Is a House With a Bathroom" ws an cxprtutHHi at one time cak-ubicJ to aroute tourrtt, but iwir, ceoditloM arc entirely dWeHt. To bulM a hmHC tritium a batk room merely rakes a ques tion at to the good Judg ment of the builder. People know Out he hat cither not coniidcrtd or elie miijudgcd the importance that an up-to-date bathroom hat in increasing the value of the house, both as to renting and selling value. For the finest plumbing equipment at reasonable cost we recommend UttdsnT plumbing fixtures and will be pleased to show you the many artistic designs in which they are nude., Ask for illustrated booklet'. J. J. RYAN Plumbing and Heating. Bend, Ore. ',!!!? mmm Rjrlland'f Fchmhk Hokl Nofod for the Excelfcncc; oTiiyCui5ine.Eun?pcanpl(B) TtmmH.tHUAXXMMOiwra Situated in the hub of the principal theater and shopping district. Recently redecorated and refurnished throughout, and better equipped today than ever before. , EUROPEAN PLAN. Rooms without bath, $1.00 per day and up. Rooms with bath, $2.00 per day and up. N. K, CLARKE, Asst. Mgr. O. J. KAUFMANN, Manager ONE CENT A WORD is .all a little want ad will j:ost youi Wi