The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 27, 1913, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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(Special to Tho Dona Bulletin.)
.LAIDLAW, Aur. 26. A beautiful
nnd impressive ccramony took plnco
!n tho church Sunday ovonlng after
Bervlces whon Hov. A. O. NVnlkor pre
sented J. W. U. Gorklng with a benu
tlful gold medal, In hohalf ot tho
peoplo as an expression of npprcct
ntlon of hla excellent work durliiR
the last session of tho Legislature In
Balcm. It was a complete surprise
nnd he was deoply moved, lie spoko
4i few words of gratitude, depreciat
ing hla own work nnd Inudlng tho
nsslstanco given him by otnors in
terested In tho movoment. Tho
medal Is beautifully engraved, bear
ing Mr. Oorklng's namo and tho In
scription. "Father Tutnalo Irrigation
lllds have been asked for freight
ing of 300 barrels of cement from
Ucnd to camp 1 and 100 barrels to
camp 3, and of 7600 pounds ot re
inforcing steel from Deschutes to
camps 1 and 3.
Secretary of Stato Olcott and Stato
Treasurer Kay, both members of tho
Desert Land Hoard, visited tho Turn
nlo project Tuesday morning, the
19th. Both expressed their surprise
at tho showing that had been mado
In so short a time. Project Engineer
Lnurgaard took them as far as Pais
ley on an inspection trip or other
projects, leaving Laldlaw on tho
afternoon of tho 19th. Ho returned
on the 22nd.
Eight heavy horses from Tho Bend
Company have been put on the work
as plow teams.
During tho week work on tho di
version dam at camp 1 was started
nnd good progress Is being made.
Contractors Dcncer and Joo Hock
nt camp 2 are pushing tholr work
hard and making a good showing.
Mr. Ilutchlns has nearly finished his
Contractor J. J. Adams has moved
his outfit on the work awarded to
him and his wen aro staying at camp
Each camp claims to have tho beat
cook on tho work and to tako tho
judgment of those who visit all the
camps frequently, tho last meal Is
always tho best regardless of tho
camp at which it may have been
taken. The camps are very fortu-
nato in securing four cooks of this
Tho Q. A. F. Club will meet with
Mrs. Schaller Wednesday, September
3. Meetings are to bo new only
every other week hereafter. Instead
of weekly aB has been the habit. The
club gave a ball at Laldlaw Friday
evening, tho 22nd, which was a very
successful affair, and a most pleasant
evening was spent. A number of
, Redmond and Bend young people
were present.
At the morning service of tho
church Sunday, a Sunday school was
organized. Mrs. Ross waa made
superintendent; Mrs. Wallace, assist
ant superintendent; Mrs. Flecklnger,
secretary, and Miss Beatrice Dullard,
treasurer.. The classes will be organ
fr'ed next Sunday and It is hoped to
build up a good active school.
(Special to The Bulletin)
POWBI.L IIUTTE, Aug. 25. The
Ktatoes raited here are ovldently
making friends with people on the
"outside." it being estimated that
(0,000 sacks have been contracted
for here, at $1 per sack, and private
families who hne moved from horo
to Portland wish to ship potateon
from here for their own use this fall.
F, W. Hanna of Fort Rock was
looking ovor this country last week
for tho first time in several years
and remarked on the changes Uiat
have taken (dace. He bought a load
of potatoes of A. D. Morrill.
C. J. Cummlngs of Portland Is vis
iting friends here.
J. P. Bowman sold a Jersey cow
and two heifers to Mr. Waugh of
Bend, and a sow and five pigs to
Mrs. Mary Elliott.
A. D. Morrill, who has suffered
with sciatic rheumatism for the past
two months, left last Thursday for
the Portland sanitarium whore he
will receive treatment.
Melvln and Ora Foster expect to
start threshing this week.
E, iL. Johnson, local storekeeper
and postmaster, is in Portland on a
business trip.
The second crop of alfalfa is rapid.
I)' kSIiik into the stack, and the grain
harvest Is on full blast.
A most refreshing shower fell this
ter Bros, began the season's run
with their thresher this morning on
the James Green place.
John Tengman has been in this
Motghborho'od with his header for
several days. He expects to have at
least lCrdays more work here.
Doc Morgan is helping Muuz nnd
Reeves Wllcoxon with their barvebt
nnd haying.
E. L. Johnson has returned from
a visit to Portland and points in
Washington. He says Powell Butio
looks butter than ever to him now.
Irrigation season is over and the
company has taken oft all tho extra
dlfch rldors.
The Spauldlng buggy people oro
working In Central Oregon agaiu.
Bears and Brown, two of their repre
sentatives, have been having very
good success in tho Powell Bulto
Mm. McCaskey and Mrs. Lawton,
who have boon visiting at the home
of B. L. Johnson, left for their homo
in Detroit, Sunday morning.
Leland Casey's header team bo
came frightened one day last week
and stampedod. Ho got. them under
- --
1 control, however, boforo much sor-
lous unmngo was nono.
Miss N'olllo Oakln. who has boon
working for Mrs. Leo Ilohbs, ro-
turned to her Homo in nana t'riuny.
Tho Sorosls Club mot with Mrs.
Morso and daughters last Wednesday
afternoon. Tho subject of n big teed
for tho mon folks was brought up
and tho mon aro very much In hopo
Hint It will materialise.
A number of Powell llutto gardens
wore nipped by Jack Frost Inst week.
This Is his first npponrnuce for tho
soason nnd ho only mndo Blight calls
hero and there.
Mrs. Wallaco Smith and Mrs. .1.
J. Chnpmnn gavo n dinner In honor
of Mrs. Van Dom Sunday at tho homo
or Mrs. Smtth.
During the dry season wagon tiros
aro very apt to loosen and several ot
tho farmora on Irrigated lands hnvo
been running water down tho roaJi
so as to soak tho wheels as they go
back and forth. Hond Supervisor
Munz Wtlcoxson, la becoming qui to
Indignant and says it must atop at
Q- -
(Special to Tho Bulletin)
HAMPTON, Aug. 17. Sovoral
heavy showers tho foro part of tho
week delayed haying but wore very
boneflclal to late crops.
C. N. Vermillion and I. K. Kllgoro
pulled A. T. Shavers well drilling
outnt to tliolr residence near walk
cr's Cabin, south of Frederic Butte,
and a well wilt bo drilled for Mr,
Wilson near there. After Its com
plotlon Mr. Shaver expects to tako
his mnchlno to Klamath Falls. Mr.
Shaver has drilled n dozen or moro
wells In this part of tho country and
has been very successful.
Q. H. Furst ot Furst Bros, of Bend
wns In this locality inspecting tho
rough places in tho Uond-uurns high
way, recently.
Lewis McPhcrson of Butte. Ore.,
waa in this community several days
last week en route to his homo. Mr.
McPhcrson had been visiting rela
tives In Washington.
Miss Lilly Hagman, who has boon
visiting at Bort Mocks', has returned
to her homo nt Wllllmlna, Oro.
Miss Eva B. Mlchaol, who spent
several days with Miss Sheppard and
friends, returned to her homo last.
Tho now storo opened up with a
flourishing trade. It Is called tho
Hustlomore store and Is located
midway between this placo and
T. C. Ewlng made a trip to Camp
Creek on horseback and says he pre
fers a buggy or auto to a saddle.
Horace Brookings received a gas
oline englno Saturday and will soon
be pumping water from his drilled
f r
- - - - - - - - - -
Bert Mceks has put down casing
In his well and will now bo rondy to
pump water.
Earl Rogers Is In Bend for rv load
ot supplies.
(Special to Tho Bulletin)
DRY iliAKR, Aug. 18. F. L.
Brown and A. Alexander aro busy
building residences on tholr claims.
C. A. BenKlsou assisted Dr. Hoss
dig n woll tho past wook.
Rood Bros, aro building on tholr
father's homestead ono ot tho larg
est rcsldonces In this neighborhood.
C. A. Bougtsou has some setdlng
done, this bolng tho first Of tho sea
son In this district.
John Wilson started for Bond 'on
Friday for n load of freight for W.
W. Brown.
Swan Samson nnd Ooorgo (lelgor
hauled lumber for Fuller nnd son to
build on their homestends cast ot
Camp Creek, last week.
Postofflro Inspector Whitney mado
a call at Dry 1-nko and appointed C.
A. Bougtson as ostmaster of tho
now ofllce. Tho olllco will bo opened
as soon us thu required supplies tiro
Dr. Hoss was called tp Maury
mountain sawmill last Tuesday, nnd
roporta tho arrival ot a boy at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Amonds.
Thomns Itngford arrived from
Bond Friday, bringing his wlfo and
daughter. Miss Frances, nnd a home
steader who Is located In 20-21.
C. A. Bongtsou mado a trip to
Hampton Monday on business wlta
Commissioner Fogg.
(Special to Tho Bulletin)
CRESCENT. Aug. 23. Sheriff
Low and family of Klamath Falls
spent Sunday In Crescent.
M. S. Lattln of Bond camo In Mon
day, going on to tho lako whore ho
spent several days. Ho returned to
La Pino In tho Rlloy car.
Fred Lafollotto and E. R. Hill ot
La Pino went through hero Monday
en routo to Klamath Falls to thu De
velopment Leaguo mooting.
Reno West killed a largo black
bear and cub at Odoll Lako Monday.
O. W. Shrlncr and Prince Staati
ot Bend went through Tuesday on
tholr way to tho mountains.
Chas. Stlnchrteld nnd C. H. Has
kell went to Lonroth Tuesday to
look after tho crop near their town-
Lloyd Elliott. Mr. Elliott Sr., Mr.
Prices Reduced
y the manufacturers of MAZDA
LAMPS that the prices have been re
duced from 10 to 2Qo. Following
the broad policy of the company we
pass this on to our customers. .
The New Prices Are
40-Watt Lamps 40c each, formerly 50c
(JO-Watt Lamps -50c each, formerly 00c
100-Watt Lamps- 80c each, formerly 00c
Bend Water, Light
& Power Company
p ?
WHDNKSDAY, AltflURT 07, 1011).
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - ---------
Brown nnd Harry Rlloy, nil ot Lit
Pino, woro In Crescent Friday on n
short business trip.
Tho LndloH Club ontortntnod In
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Loiik Friday.
Thoy loavo Sunday for Washington
whoro thoy will visit nt different
L, F, Wnkcllold, townslto ownor,
was In town n short ttmu Friday.
(Special to Tho Bond Bulletin.)
1IK1HLANI). Aug. 21. Mm. A.
CotlliiKhnm ontortaluod n number of
young folks nt hor homo Tuesday
evening. Tho evening was Hputit In
games, a ontuly pull nnd dancing.
John Itlvora roturnud Thursday
ovonlng from Bond.
Mr. Bnrrott will begin drilling-n
woll for Mr. Bingham Friday, and hn
will go from thuro to Mr. Davis' to
drill. '
A. Cunningham loft Monday for n
trip to Bond. Ho expects to bo hack
Mrs. W. Wlggam ontortntnod the
ladles' Embroidery Club Thursday
at her homo.
Tho Ladles of tho S. B. 8. Club
will glvo n dnnco at C. A. Stevenson's
homo on Friday, September 12, thn
proceeds to go for school seats, Thu
public is invited.
(Special to Thu Bullotln)
PLA1NVIEW, Aug. 2G. .Mr.
Adams' daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Hammor of Culver,
worn up visiting tho first of last
Mrs. Ed Olllott's sister, Mrs. W.
W. Zollars, of Portland, Is hero visit
ing. Mr. Powelson Is horo with his son
Charles. Powolson.
Mr. Knickerbocker loft for Pott
Innd Wednesday on a business trip.
Chas. Barr and son woro callers In
this neighborhood Wednesday.
A crowd of young peoplo want
down on tho Motollus Friday foi an
outing. Those In tho parly woro
Mr. and Mrs. George Couch, Mrs.
Howard, Misses Hllen, , Joslo and
Lucy Crawford, Ooorgo Crawford.
Ellis Edglngton, Floyd Hcolt nnd
Phil Smith.
Mr. ChaRan and Mr. Strahm lull
Sunday for tho Motollus whoro they
will spend several days fishing.
Will have Newfoundland herring
nnd salted sllversldo salmon In stock
noxt woek. Cot some.
P. B. JOHNSON. Mllllcnn, Ore.
2.1 p. (Advertisement.)
. Ji?-
- -
(Special to Tho Bullotln)
PINEIIUUHT, Aug. 815. Tho two
Infant daughters or Mr. and Mnt,
Charles Johnson woro seriously III
tho llrst ot thu wook hut nro now
F. V. Swisher had tho misfortune
to lose a cow oiiu day last week.
John Myers of Tumnlo called nt
Snydor's Tuesday.
C. W. Buy dor and L. II. Root mndo
n trip to Bund Saturday.
Miss Edna Knot called on hor
sister, Mrs. Uhnrlns Johnson, Thus
lay. A party of men from oamp .1 woro
nt Work clearing tho road through
tho Snyder place Sunday, that bolng
tho non rest way to the camp from
Joslo Johnson called on Mrs. A.
McAllister Wednesday morning,
Charles Johnson was trading In
town tho first of tho week.
Mrs. Arthur Jackson wont to Des
chutes Monday afternoon.
Mrs. O. J. Mock was calling In
Bond Saturday.
Mrs. C. II. Spaugh visited' hor
mother at Tumnlo Hundny.
Ooorgo Dietrich. Reginald Bayloy.
and William Root woro tho guests of
Raymond wimor Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson
called on Mr. and Mrs. Snyder Sun
day. Mrs. York Is now working for Mrs.
Roscoo Howard at Dcsuhutc.
(Special to Tho Bullotln)
CLOVERDALE, Aug. 25. Mr. add
Mrs. Tompletun nnd dnughtor Hazel
started to cross tho mountains for
Eugouo Friday. Tho trip Is combin
ing pleasure and business,
A turkey lion owned by Errna Pray
laid Ihroo settings of eggs oarl)' In
Get The Habit
of bnyinit your Krocorlea nt
homo. Fresh Roods, stone'
nrd quality, at lowest prices
Lot us all help build up
our own community.
Mllllcsn - Oregon
Shingles Mouldings
Building Material
The Miller Lumber Company
Bend, Oregon.
Headquarters for Commerclsl Men
lilectrlc Lighted Thrbushout
Oood Rooms
Proa bus to
and from trains
Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen milc3 '
east of Bend. Our trees ure the kind we recommend
after over thirty years experience in-the fruit business
in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will
please you. Catalog free on request. Come and see '
ourorcnarasana nursery, uinceaaaress, rrineville. Ore.
tho sprhm nnd mined nonrly 2a rft)
turkeys. Early In August slio h,
ituothur sotting of okrh. c
Alvn Prossor of Wnlln Wnlln wn
I.. liii, initial ltfkllftJlll tllii IIMIlt lUmil,
III U1M IIUIH"""' "WW" MU iitnv MHOtt t
in t .. .a !- !..
AUN. wain run aim ituia I'loreiiuu
woro callers nt thu Umbo, lituo
Minn Frieda lluukloi' In laid tin as
a result of running a uoodlu Into lion th
knee. , ca
Mr. Hanks of Albany, Oro., has nre
boon engaged to tonoli tho Cloiur- lV
ilnlo school this year, mo
l (I, (Iriilio U sumllng crnnm lu "".
tho Redmond creamery. Ho noulMiU, .,'
llrst can Friday. ',",
Calvin lliirnsldo Is building ,nii4 i,,
other "shanty" on his placo. v
Mr. Rlvot Ims needed 10 urres of gat
laud lo elover. .' roi
MImo Frlodn Buckley and Umiuvi Jjfi
Rlvot culled on Opal Kelly HuiUy.hHfl
afternoon, J i Wj
I ,)H
DEND R.. F. D.
: .
(Hpvolul to Tho Bulletin)
lllf.M), II. I'. II., rtllg. J". linril,. f.
to Mr. and Mrs. IC. V. Nelson, Frl v
dny, August 16, a 10-pound boy. o(
Mrs. Henry IVobter, who has been r)i
visiting with bur sister nnd faiirlh, ilr'i
Mr. and Mrs. Fred P. Itnynolds, rforl
turned to hor homo In Lu Orwun"T
tho 2Srd. Ur.
Colo H. Smith nnd It. M. Wider nrn tin
cutting the second crop of alfalfa on wi
John lllelll's place. KU
Andrew Moen hnil u slok horsn "
Willis Nolnud Is working on 'tlm
Daveuport-Stnnlny rnuch,
Mrs. Jessie lioughtoii, who jinn
boon very III for several weeks, Is
able to bo About now. Hho Is nt tho
homo of Mrs. Welder lu Bcud. Jra.
Houghton has boon In town sovoral
weeks taking treatments under Dr,
Mrs. Forgo, who has born staying
with Mrs. K. C. Nnlsoti, loft Monday
preparatory to going to hor huine.
The warm weather the past week
has been excellent for haying. .
(Special lo Tho Bullntlu)
Yesterday waa the hottest day of 4he
car, tho temperature delate OH dc
Kroos. HayliiK la nearly couiploted
Quito a number of peoplo from hi
locality attended a dnnco at Imperial
Friday nlKlit and roKrt a fine tljne
John Perry & Co., who woro drill
Inx for J. M. Wllsbu of Misery Flats,
struck water last cck nt a doptlf of
(Contlntiod on Paso Six)
Special Attention to I
Transient Travel
Oood Alesls
All arrangements made for persons
desiring to go south and esst of hero
4-4--v --
T,' .