The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 27, 1913, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
, VOL. XI.
NO. 25
llunley N llr-ltlrrlnl Pililent
llrrwcr Cliorn Herretary IjiIJU
Iiiw Folk Thank Orgmiliitloii
' For Alliuito Oltcii Tliem,
t Kdltnrlnl Correspoiideiteo)
KUUIATH VM.IA, Aug. 22.--Tho
uiiuuiil convention of tlm Cun.
I ml Oregon Development League
iiiit io mi itiwl Iioro Inst night. Ilend
In tu lio tlm limit for the next conven
I "n. Prlnevllle. Ilurns, l.akovjow
And Klnmnlli I'iiIIm havo hud tholr
turns, nml iiiiw tlm mooting pluco
linn rluriioi tu Crook county where
the lenguo was formed, nml Ilend
Iiai won tlnr honor of entertaining
tint 1014 gathering.
In ninny wnyn the convention Just
flou'd hmm below llio murk sot liy
IU th run proilccnni; nt nil events,
It started with n ilrnK. although end
ing with a I'lirnt of Interest nml en
thuslnsm. Tho local support was bo
low nnr. fur uppnrciitly tho bulk of
the people of Kinmnth illiln't even
know thnl there was such n (hlng
um the league. Ilul In confront to
ihw, tho Individual efforts and on
tiiusfiutlo work of such men an Will
K Wurden nnd n limiilful of others
bir ,thnii Hindu ti for other short,
(mlifoii, while tho generous enter
tAlnment offered nt tho banquet ljr
hie Kinmnth Development Company
iiud the White IVIIwn Hotel left
iieamnt memories In tho iitliuU of
I lie visitors.
KronfVPortland C. C. Chapman and
I'hll llntfn wore on dock, mid did
tnoro than any other two to keep
nut torn going nnd to ByatpmntUo
wh.1t threatened to become n nither
Vhtolle gathering. "Hill" llnuoly
i't noma, tho leaguo'a president, wna
n cry where, with hla universal smile.
villi delegates from every Control
Oregon community nddod tholr re-
r iierllve aharra to tho work and play
oi in convention.
OMrem for Hie Coming Year.
Tho officer elected arn na followa:
President William H. Ilmiloy of
Secretary J. W. Urower'or Hod
inond. i Treasurer -C. H, lludaon of Ilend.
Vice presidents W. H. Worden,
Klamath Falls; W. F. Klnit. Prlno
.vlltn; Fred Croqemlller, hakevlow.
Honorary vice presidents J. H.
Young, priildent"of North Hank liy.:
iJ I. Campbell, prcaldont University
of Oregou; C. C. Chapman. Port
land Commercial Club: W. J. Kerr,
president O. A. C; J. I). Fnrrcll.
prealdent O.-W. It. & N. Co.
Indorsement of bond issues for
, minting for pennnnoul rond eon-
ntrtirtloii wna an Important keynota
nnd thorn wna much enthusiasm for
Mgrlciiltural education through doiu-
uimtrnllnn fnrma here nnd thorn,
Immm publicity nnd more aid for tho
.settlers after they Ret to tho land
' wero urged nnd oltlclnlly tnkon up na
loi;an of the yoar'a work tltrouRh
, tlio modliim of a roaoliitlou.
Moat linportuiit of the speakers
wan A. C. Miller, naalataut Hec rotary
of tho Interior, who dollrorud two
tronK nddroRvea, In one of which
William llunlny rami) in for nome
thliiR of a fcrllllnK in regard to hla
untl-roiiHorvutlonUin I,. It Web
iter, ox-ruunty JiiiIko of Mnltnomnli,
' .A.B.A." Cheques, uaed by tourists in nil foreign countries;
alad'are the oafeat, moat convenient funda or travel in the
United States nnd Canada. Not good till you sign them
oofc as your own blank check. More handy than your
personal checkbook, for your signature identifies you,
HtY Deschutes Banking (Br Trust Co.
R. I'HRRHLL, Present F. O. MINiR', Swetsry f
R. M. IyARA, Cnibier
l "' Diructors;
' M.'1'BRRULL.-- F, O'. MINOR, K. Ml IARA, '
who, It la uutjerotood. la n cnndlilnto
for tho Htnte tluproiiie Court; do
IIrIiUhI tltt I ii r km nudlniicii of tlm
luit evening with u nptxicli wherein
humor mid fonoful iidvlcn won n
Rront dttiil of IniiRhtor and niiplniine.
Jimejili II. Voiiiik, preMtdent of the
8. l'. & H. Hy; Dr. .Imiien Withy
I'omhn, I'rof. II. I), ticudder. I'real
dunt P. I,. Cumpboll of the Stale
I'ulvorolty. Preldint W. J. Korr of
the 0. A. C, C, H. Iluilion and Ver.
lion A. Korbua or Demi were niiioiik
the other apunkurH at the urloua
Heiiroiontatlvea Korbea nnd Wea
ley 0. Hinlth were npplnuded nt one
11 imi nml another for what they won
for their territory at the lout luKli
Ititlvo neaalou.
One of tho ploflHant foaturwi of
the convention wun the prenatlUitlou
of n nieMiiRu of thank from tho
I.fM!uw Developmuiit Umuiie, In
which the nppreclntlon of the Tutii.
nlo project aettlern for the work no
iHiuipllahcd by the lonKtiu In tholr
bolinlf waa oxpreiiaud.
The Ilend delenatlon couaUted of
C. R. HiiiInoii. It. M. Hinlth, V. A.
rorbOR. J. P. Keyee and U. P. Putnam.
.Northern Piuitlc Otllvliil I'rom l!nt
Nhoiin Out (Vnlrill ()icnu
lly ('omiiiettiiil (lull Meuibcrn
On u "lnrn tho Country" trip, a
party of Northern Pacific luiinlRrn
IIimi nKeiitM vlNlted Centrnl Oruson
luat Friday. They arrived nt noun
in nu ton rroin Ilediiiond, nnd nftnr
lunch ut the Pilot llutto Inn weie
loaded Into earn fiirulnhod by local
men nnd alfown throtiRh tho terri
tory atirrouudliiR lieiut. Tln- left
on tho night train ror Portend.
The vmltora were nmiliki'it to
ham Inland and thou were driven
throiiRli the fitrmliiK dlntrlct oat of
town, aeoliiK for themaelvca the crom
that are Iihiiir roled on thee landa
adjacent to Ilend.
Cnra were furiilihed by J. N.
Hunter, I). K. HiiHter. John Steldl.
U. ('. Ilenkle. K. It. Pont. Jchm
Hurler mid Ueorge Voiiiik. The
vlaltltiR party Included I,, it. Ilrloker,
chief ImmUrntlon nueut of tho N.
P. at Ht. Puul; ('. K. Amey or Hpo
kune; J. L. Moore of IIIIIIiir, Mont.;
J. I,. DauRherty of ChlcaRo; O. I,.
HUrk or Kanaaa City; John K. Fox
or ChlcaRo: UeorRfl A. Jotiea of Cin
cinnati; 8. M. MoKwen of Kllxabcth
tun, Tonu., and I 8. Wood of Ht.
Accompanying the part)' to (lend
were A. t). Crldgo. apodal represen
tative or the Portland Jottrnnl; W.
H. Hodman nnd H. H. Palmer of
Ik-hI Plant Making Addition That
Tripled It Caiuirlly.
Aa riorled laat week, tho Ilend
Milling & Wnrehouio Co. haa recent
ly hrokeji ground for an addition to
Ha plant .In tho ahapo uf a four-atory
elovntor. Thla addition will ndjoln
the Hour mill of tho company ou tho
anith. having trackage ou the aamo
aptir with It.
The now elevator will have n ca
pacity or OOno tiiuheU or grain ua
rout tared with the mills prevent ca
pacity of n Lout 2000 bualiels. -All
RraliF will lie received here nnd
cleaned na It leaves the car. thereby
removing from the Hour mill all pos
sibility of dirt from Incoming stock.
In the basement will be Installed
tho mnchlucry of vthe elevator. In
cluding line slinftlng, conveyors,
wheat sinks mid elevator hoots. On
the first floor will be u barley roll
with a dally capacity of 30 tons, nnd
tho remaining two floors will bo
Riven up to six grain bins.
Tjie estimated cost of Uio addi
tion s $3000.
aJVwOl,. -J& ttnttr j H.
--i--.IT Kf
I lTiiNMj)Cw..wl.l.mL aM.
fst8SJir-ir Mm-mw,.
wiw. 'u- a4.
I'oiwl 8erlie Will llullil Over tho
.Mliitu Troll nml McKntufe llond.
Offer ti (-t)pernte Willi Coun
ty In Howl Work AIm Made.
Following the conference- of forest
HUpervlMors of the Desahutos, Oas
euile, Baiillaui mid t?inpiiia forests
mid the assistant district forenter nl
llluo lllvur, as reported In The llul
letlu of August 13, work has been
started ou n telephone line to con
nect the Deschutes forest with tho
Hiiiitluni. The Hue will run from
the Alllnghnm ranger station ou tho
Metollus river, which Is now connect
ed with Ilend by phone. To Detroit,
over the Mltito trail. Wire has nlsp
been distributed along the McKonxIo
roml on the east side for n Hue that
will connect tho Deschutes mid Cas
cado forests, this lino to extend to
Delknup flprlngs, on the west side.
The line is already constructed to
the summit from tho west, mid con
struction Is to start from tho east
atope, ut Sinters ranger station, In
HupervUor Morrltt got bnck Fri
day evening from bis ten-day trip,
whloh took him ncroM the moun
tains nnd also down Into the Metol
lus river country, whore he vlalted
the crew that Is doing laud classifi
cation work nnd timber cruising.
Offer to Help linpnuo Honil.
In addition to discussing tele
phone lines, the supervisors talked
aver Hie MrKenzle road situation.
The forest service tentatively agreed
to appropriate ;,oo to be spent on
tho east side or the mountain Im
proving tho road, provided Crook
ro.mty would spend nn equal amount
on the road. The forest service and
the Mine county authorities nro now
c npernHng In Improving the high
way in the west side. The inntter
liss been submitted to tho County
Court for nctlon.
The travel across tho mountains
liy the McKcnxle route Is Increasing
every yar. nnd those who have
made the trip aay there would bo
many more tourists to visit Central
Oregon by this pass-If the mad were
In better condition. On tho west
side many camping parties confo to a
halt because they do not care to un
dertake the passago of the moun
tains with the road In Its present
shape. The Improvement being un,
dertaken on the l-ano county aldo
will he of great advantage to this
eastern country, but It Is pointed out
that tho effect will bo greatly less
ened If tho road' on the east hldo Is
not put In passably good condition.
Tourists who have made tho trip
rroin the Willamette valley tp Cen
tral Oregon this summer, for tho
first time, have stated tbit tholr
eyes have been opened to the advan
tages offered here In various ways,
nnd It Is believed thnt great benefit
would result to have more of them
oomo across.
Can Talk from the Summit.
At the summit, on the MoKcniTo
road, there will bo a telophone In
strument when the lino Is construct
ed which will bo nvnllablo for public
use. This will llkoly prove a grent
convenience to persons fieconilng
stranded In the mountains far from
sources of help.
Bend Hardware Co.
New line of
just in. -.. .
v ..
r f-
Bend Hardware Co.
.linige Will H. Wordeii of Kliimntli
I'lill liulhliliially t'rgcil to I 're
pine for (lotcmorslilp Hate
JteMilutlon nt Convention.
- Whereas, tho Contral Oregon
- Development lngHe, through
Its organization nnd activity -
made possible) the establish- -
iiient of demonstration and ex- -
- tinrliiuinfnl fnrmlnir slutlnns
through co-oporutlon among -!
- the countlM, tho railroads and
the state, and -
Whereas, tho County Court
of Crook counly lias allowed
this work to terminate because -
of luck of financial support, and
Whereas, such a step Is u -
distinct retrogression, and
Whereas, It Is tho opinion of
- this league that, no expenditure
of county funds could be of --
inoro far reaching benefit to
every taxpayer,
Now, therefore, be It resolv-
cd. that tho Central Oregon De-
velopment Jxingue hereby ex-
presses Its deep regret at tho
action of tho County Court of
Crook county In not npproprlat- --
Ing the funds for the contln-
uanco of the work and earnestly
- reuests that It make such ap-
proprlatlon lintuodln,tely.
tKdltorlal Correspondence)
KI.AMATJI FAI.I-8. Aug. 22.
Ily adopting the above resolution,
tho Central Oregon development
le-ague administered a long-expected
and, what should prove, an effi
cacious Jolt tut Crook county's
court, which, under Its new chief
executive, turned down the good
work of last year when the demon
stration farms were started.
A resolution was Introduced urg
ing County Judp.0 Will 8. Wordcn to
enter tho race for Governor and
pledging the league's support. Tho
resolution was presented to tho bus
iness meeting held at the close of
the convention along with the otherJ
resolutions drawn up by tho reso
lutions committee. It was met with
great applause, but Immediately
Judge Wordcn was on his feet and In
a gracloua speech begged tho with
drawal of the resolution. Ho took
tho ground thnt, while he greatly
appreciated tho prqposed action, he
abovo all desired to do nothing that
might Impair the usefulness or tho
league or causa distention, which he
reared might be the ease should any
thing apiroarhlng political actio"
Do taken. Others present, whllo ex
pressing the hope that affairs might
so shace themselves that Mr. Wor
deii should become a candidate, and
pledging enthusiastic Individual sup
port, agreed that It would be Ill-ad-vised
to pass such a resolution, and
It was withdrawn.
Itixtlutlons Siimiiutrlrcri.
llolow Is u summary of nil the
resolutions passed by tho conven
tion: (lood Hoads Creation ot a per
manent committee on highways to
advise counties lit louguo with Win.
8. Worden chairman to select ono
(Continued ou last pago)
f -
SLj 7
Ilend Kchool Will Open Toi-iday
Morning Voiiiik' Will He Delay
ed I'or About Week or Ten Hoys.
School will (open next Tuesday
morning at U o'clock, and the rest
of the present week Is being devoted
by Prln el pa I Bliouso to"" mooting the
grade pupils and giving out books.
His appointments are as fbllows: 8th
grade. Thursday forenoon; 7th, tho
afternoon; Cth. Friday forenoon;
tth, the aftenioon; 4th, Saturday
forenoon ; 3rd, the afternoon. The
morning hour Is 10 and the after
noon 2 o'clock.
In the Young community the open
ing will be delayed a week or ten
days to await completion of the new
school building. Tho contract has
been let to Drosterhous llros. to erect
a houso 22 by 28 feet similar to the
overflow buildings now In use In
town. The location Is about a quar
ter of n mile oast of tho P. J. Young
homo on an acre of land given by
William Ardory of Seattle. Con
struction of tho building Is expected
to begin tomorrow.
The board has given the contract
for painting tho Arnold school to the
liend Sign Co. and for the town
buildings to S. P. Woldcr.
The first consignment of tho now
books which nro to be furnished free
to he pupils of the grades has ar
rived and will be rocdy to be given
out before the opening. Old books
In good condition will bo reeved in
exchange for tho new books from
those who wish to own their own
books. County Superintendent Myers
has n notice elsewhere In this Issue
stating tho tonus of tho exchange
which will prevail.
Principal Shouse has received word
that Mrs. J. If. Illttner will be un
able to lie here at tho opening of
school Tuesday.
Drocliufc District Spending $2,00
for Frame Kdillrc.
When school opens 'at Deschutes
on Septomlier IS it will be In a new
building, the structure now being
under construction. K. P. Madsen.
the contractor, was In town on busi
ness yesterday morning and stated
that tho building will have two class
rooms, library, two cloak rooms and
full basement. Its dimensions are
32 by SC feet and tho cost will be
12500. The district has engaged
Mlsa Leslie as teacher.
Mr.. Madsen has Just completed a
houso on a 40-acre Irrigated tract
efght miles oast of Deschutes, for
Capt. Evan Griffiths of Seattle.
Forc of Men Flghlag Klamen In For
est I.ast Week.
Two forces of men were sent out
from Ilend last week to fight fires
In tho Deschutes forest. One fire
wan at Pine Mountain and tho other
In the vicinity or Spring River.
Iloth have been got under control
and the extra men have returned to
There wero S7 fires set at Pine
Mountain by some mlscreunt. It is
believed by forestry officials. Fire
gunrds succeeded In extinguishing
all but four of them. These got be
yond control and a force of men
was dispatched from here. A crew
also went from Dend to tho other
fire, returning Saturday.
No clue has been found that would
lead to the Identity ot the Incendi
ary. Supervisor Merritt went up to
tho scene of the Spring Itlver fire,
Sunday, returning yesterday. The
fire was In sec. 22-20-9. for the most
part, nud in nil burned over about
400 acres, destroying perhaps 50.
000 feot ot timber.
Our bani
Your money will be safe in pur National Bank,
which has a charter from the U, S. Government to do
a Banking business. Under our charter we must con
duct our business under the National lankiug Act.
This law places our bank under the supervision of the
Treasury Department at Washington, A RIGID
EXAMINATION of the bank's affairs is made several
times every year in the interest of its depositors.
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
The First National Bank of Bend.
Hevcral lforjo Bleating Cav are the
Mwt Imi?rtanrt -.MethodM Minis
ter nt Ileilmonfl filing .Vewn
purr anil .Seventeen Citizen.
(Special to The Bulletin)
PRINKVILLH, Aug. 26-Tho first
September term of the. Circuit Court
for Crook county will be a compara
tively light one from tho standpoint
of criminal work to bo performed,
and the Indications are that tho
court will hove concluded its labor
within 10 daya at tho most. Owing
to the fact that tho first Monday In
September Is tabor Day, court will
convene Tuesday, September 2.
Among the most Interesting crimi
nal cases to be tried will bo the John
McPherson and George Kentncr In
dictments left over from the May
term. McPherson was tried for tho
larceny of a mare and colt from
Oeorge Mltllcan at the last term of
court. The Jury stood all night 11
to 1 for conviction and waa finally
discharged without arriving at a
Kentncr was tried for horse steal
ing and waa acquitted at the last
term. This defendant was Involved
In the wholesale horse rustling
wherein threo car loads of horses
wero shipped a ycarAigo from Bead
to points in "Washington and. which
resulted In the conviction last May
of William and V. It. Robertson,
known as Hill and Punk Robertson.
Kentner will be tried next week on
another IhdlcVncnt pending against
him arising out ot the same trans
action. Uqth Kentncr and McPher
son are at liberty under $2000 Imnds.
f.'ronil 4ury WorW Will He Light.
The work for tho approaching
grand Jury will be much lighter than
that of the last terra. There are
two prisoners, Charley Thompson
and Pert Drown, In Jail, accused of
stealing a team of work horses from
J. E. Morson at La Pine. Doth admit
their guilt and will plead guilty with
the hope of obtaining leniency.
Jack Seeley and Kmmet Holman.
two Prtnevllle defendants, are held
to tho grand Jury for giving liquor
to minors. Seelor waa released on.
his own recognizance and Holnjan U
under $150 boads. Threo witnesses
In theso cases are also under J7C
bonds each.
Wlnfield tirlffln and Camlllo Del
Mastrp. both or Bend, have been held
to the grand Jury on statutory of
fenses. The former Is at liberty
under. a $500 bond, and the latter
H0- cash ball. -
J. X. Qnlberg of Sisters Is under
a $200 bond to answer a charge of
obstructing an adjudicated ditch, and
Thomas Kwlng ot Hampton haa bees,
ordered to 'appear to answer for al
leged malicious Injury to an animal.
Fire Case to Come Up.
A forest fire Investigation is also
to be taken 'up by thorand Jury, as
a result of a conflagration on Willow
creek In the northern part of the
county. This fire occurred during
the middle of July and was the only
fire ot consequence in the state ot
Oregon this season. It waa caused
by negligent sotting of a trash heap
In direct violation of tho state law,
(Continued on last puge.)
KSSSS i '730S
J Pit. L PV- -4AZ.-5J
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