II13NI 1WMMTIN, IBM, OIIK., WHII.NKHDAVt Al'M'HT SO, lftl. I'ngo 7. X CHANGE IN HIGH SCHOOL COURSE MORE LIBERALITY ALLOWED HIimIciKh Win Aro AIlo t'nii on itito Work In Tliico Vmwi Ci-nllt for Miiwltt Hltldy AUo Wilt Im (!ltt. (HK!ol(vl to The Hullutlli) 8AIMMi.Auk. 18. It will lo -nllila for liluli waliool HtuduiitH who uru disutility nnil iihyNlanlly Hlrrintt' IIMiliKH ill curry live Minium ii jeur limtuiul (if four to ooiuploto 11 IiIkIi naliool ooiirna In tlirou yonr, iffconU Iiik to tliu now ruKulntluiiH jimt pro norlliod liy Htitto Hchool Htiiorltittmil. out J. A. Clmrclilll nml Imlug mmt to Uit),irlnclinlH of the IiIkIi bcIiooIh of tint Httito. with tlio now courses of utiiilr. Anothiir liiniivntloii niloptoil by Huiartiit()iuluiit Clmrclilll U to iillow IiIkIi duIiooI ittuiltnit to Mtmly inimle, ollhor vooul or limtriiiiiuntat, oiiUlile of utihool mill Im kIvuii full o rod It for It In hoIiooI. I'lftwui ertullU nrn ru'iulrod for Krmluutlou from n IiIku nohool. A Miidi'iit tuny iurn from one no thrrp orcdltH for inuilo. Wlilln MtuilyliiK uitmlc n pupil will ho por inlltud to tnku ono Iwu Mtmly In HOllOdl. ".My oxparlonao In IiIkIi noliool work year neo led me to liellvo nn liijtmtlcu wan living dona puplli who linil n tntunt fur luitriiuiiintnl or vmaI iinmlc, nml wnru not pormlttod to dovtilop It Wonticn of llin rlitld IiIkIi wdiool eon mo Which rreoKnlixd iih vuIiki In uny mibjccl tuiiKht out- Hide tli (i proKcrlliud atudloii of tint wHm. unlit nupniintenilont Cliurrli 111. "Many n tulee that might Imvw licflii n joy to tli u mntvir nml lihi frleNU by uuliirlulnlnx. or ly nlnthiK. In wornlilp. him boon hindiml by tliti Innlilllly of the pupil to find tlwin to prnctlcti." Undnr tho now IiIkIi ftchnnl courses n pupil In rIwmi grantor freedom of Koloctlou than tivor nllowi-d Imforo In thU ntnto. Tho old hlon Hint tho IiIkIi nchool coumo muni Im mniln to fit tti cntrnnco roi)ulroiiimtii of tho coIIoroi hnn hon roli'jtalcd to tliu nernp limp, nml Mr, Churchill nny Hint tint dlntii hiti been oiiinnclpMcd from coIIkku ilomlnnnco. Initnnd of trylnit to nt nil ptiplU to out) coumo, tho courra nrc nowt being nttnd to tho pupil nml nro belnn muilo practical. .'tr I'nlr Untitling. , . Throo now hulldlnxtf nro ho Inn orcctctl at tho ntata fair ground and will ho ready for tho fair thla year. Thny nro a machinery lull, a ougen ' pa hall, and a building for tho children' Induatrlnl dopartment. ticorctnry Frank Meredith atntca thnt . praotlontly all tho npneo In tho ttx lilblt pavilion and tho maohlnory hnll linn henn naked for And tho over flow will have to lx tit k on care nt lH teiitM. Indication nro tho oxtilli- Ita will lie larger mid gnmtcr In nitm TELL US OVER THE PHONE Thn trill nut whK'i wmh. Compr ur bilf.wlth tb other fllow'a. Thai' all. 1 LOW PRICES, BETTER SERVICE Bend Steam Laundry. "I'ut Your Duda In Our Suds" OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE BEGINS It forty .fifth chool year ttcrifMBCR la iftta. OEGREE COURSES n manrptiaieaof aaaicuiruat, tNoiNicniNO. Homi CcoNOMica Minino, foaiaiav, Com- MCaCK. PHARMACY. TWO-YEAR COURSES In aoaicuu TUNC, H0MC fCONOMICB. MCCHANIC ahtb. roniarnv coMMtace pnabmacy TEACHER'S COURSES In manual traiuliiK, ajjrtculturo, douiettlc cienc and art. MUSIC, Including piano. lrlng, band liufmment? and voice culture. A BEAUTIFUL BOOKLET entltl'd "TH JiNRtl-'HUKNT OK RUXAI, I.tWR" and a Cataloouu will b mailed free on application, " Aijiircti H M Trmnaht, Rej;ltrar, ilwM) ly i V) CuxyaUia. Oxairaa bur thin your than ovor buforo, Jntiinn I. UiivIh, n boo oxport, Iiiih boon dm KiiKtid to ulvo ii boo duuioiiHtnitloit one 1 1 dny of tho fair. Dr. HiiiIIIi IIckImhh, I)r, I'miik 10. Hiiiltlt linx rcnlKiiod from tho pohIHoii of DUporliitondout of tho Htuto liiHtltiltlou for tho foolilo- tuluilml, tho ronlKnntloii to tnko ef fect October 1. Ho Iiiih Iiooii Hiipur liituudont of tho Institution for two youra, nml ntiiti'H ho Im roilKnliiK to outor prlvnto pructlco of mndlclno iiKaln. No iimuoa hnvn boon hur- KQHtVll JIM JIOHIlllllo HtlCCCMHOrM, TIlO poHltlon pityn 121100 u your, I'AIU PIIOOItAM IK OIT. Tho prl'.o HhI nml rued proKrhtu of tho county fnlr Iiiih boon ImhiioiI nml coplca of tho pnmphlflt nro bollix dlHtrlbtitod. Tho ilntitri of tho fair nro Bnptombtir 83-87. Wodiiumlny, (ho 2tth, will bo Hchool l)uy, whou nil hcIiouI chllitrun will bo ndmlttcd frro. Hot roIlM nml btrnd nt tlio Amcrl rim 'lliiki'iy cucry afternoon nt li o'clock, Now nloro on Will I ht'et.Kti A (U)Olt IIAIHtKIt KHOP. If you npproaluto ttood bnrhor or vlro, wo Invito you to pntronlxo thla nhop. Our work until nrn aklllud, courteoiiH nml obllKlnif. Othorn hnvo romo nnd riono but wo reumlii bo imiiao wo kIvo Mntlufnotlon. Inticit & Diivldnon, Oroi;oii Htreot.- Adv. 2Ilf NOTICH I'OU I'L'IH.ICATIO.V. nminrtluoiit or tho Interior, V, H. l.niul onico nt Tho Dnllon, OroKon, July 2Cth, 1013. Notlco Im horoby kIvoii thnt Chnrlna lloyd of llcnil, Orison, who on Bi txmber 2fitlii 1008, mndo di'iiort land entry. No. 01102, for BttNKK. oc tlon 31, townnhlp 17 nouth, rmiKo 12 irnnt. Willnmutto Morldlnn, hnn filed notlco of Intention to mnko flnnl proof, to oRtnbllhh claim to tho Inml abovo doKorlbnd, boforo II. C. Kill, V. B, CommUaloner, nt Hcnd, Oro kou, on tho 3rd dny of Beplombor, 1013. Clnlmunt nnmea na wltneaaoa: Arehlo I'nltlo. Admii Kotzmnn, Jon oph MeCounoll, Nllea Andoraon, Wnl tor I.. Danlola, nil of llond, OroKon. II. I'HANIC WOODCOCK. 21-16 KoxUtor. KUMMONH. Ill tho Circuit Court of tho Btnto of OroKon for tho County or Crook. Clyde MrKny, plaintiff, vn. J.K. 8nw hill, defendant. To J. 15. Hnwhill, nbovo named dofen ilnnt: In tho namo of tho ntnto of Oro Kon, you nro hereby riojulred to ap pear and nnawer tho complaint filed nKnlnat you In tho nbovo entitled no tion on or boforo Thuradny. the 11th dny of Boptember, 1013. nnd you nro hereby nuuiifd that if you mil no to appear or nuawer for want thereof tho plulntlrf will tako JmlRinont nsalnat )ou for tho aum of 1202.20, together with Intercat thereon at-tho rnto of 10 ter cent por annum from the 20th day of June, 1913, until paid, and for tho further aum of f 30 attorney fee nnd for tho coata nnd d abtiraemonta of thla action. Thla aummona la publUuud In Tbo Horn! Uulletln for alx auccesalvo weeka In aevmi conaccutlvo Itauca of aald patter rommenclnR with tho laaue of July 30th. 1013, nnd ending with tho laauo of Sept. 10th, 1913, by or der of tho Hon. W. U. Hrndahaw, Judge of tho nbovo entitled cour.t, wiitcli order waa mndo nnn cntorpa on the 30th day of July, JUM3, VKHNON A. FOItllKB. 21-27 . Attorney for I'lnlutlff. f Hl'MMONH. In tlio Circuit Court of tho Btnto of OreKon for the County or Crook. l C. Coo, plain 1 1 rr. va. C. T. I'lnkhnm and K. K. I'lnkhnm, dofcindanU. To C. T. rinkham nnd K. K. I'lnk hnm. nbovo iinmod derendanta. In tho nitino or the Btnto or OreKon you pro hereby rciiulrod to npponr nnd imager tha complaint filed nxnliiKt you In tho nbovo entitled no tion within tun day a from tho date or tho aervlco or thla aummona upon you, If nerved within Crook county, Oregon, or It nerved within any other county In thla ttUtto, then within twenty daya from tho dnto or tho aer- r.Mi AT THi: American Bakery on Willi Klreet opposite the I'oat orilet mill aeo full lino of bakery--KOOiU. HIv Ioiivch for 11.1 centn i or HU Ilrrml tlckcta for IM Cnta Threo atnlo Iimvvh for 10 centa Hnck of chicken brcntl no contn Hooflnj; of all kinds, Itopatrinff promptly dona. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. . Renewing: Your Spies IS MY BUSINESS. When your SHOES need' REPAIRING tnko them to R.H.LOVEN Wall street, Bend, Oro vlco of thin fliimnioHii upon you, or If imrvoil by publication thoroof, n pro vldoil by Inw, than on or boforo ThurHility, tho 11th dny of Hoptoin lior, l!)i:ii nnd you lira horoby noti fied that if you fall to ho npponr or miHwor, for" want thoroof tho plain tiff will tako JudKtnotit ngnlUHt you ror tho fin in or f 1(0.00, toitothor with Inlnrcut thoroon at tho rato of 10 por rout por milium from tho lt dny of Ktjlirtiary, V13, until paid, to- N. P. WEIDER ' PAINTER AND PAPER-HANGER. EHtlrnntcii on Wall Paper nt application Portland Prices Cheapest and Best Wall Pnper Sample In tho county. Get My Prices. Hlinjt oil OtrgoiiKlrrtt, HOX , -A,- it I J. A. Eastes 1 Real lisfalc Invcsdnciils Farm and CHy Properly J OroklA Everybody cun buy Iota In 'thla beautiful addi tion fucing tho big concrete dnm nnd river. Prices $150 to $351 Terms: ?G.OO cash nnd $3.00 monthly. This gives you n chance to socculato o n Bend's te future on a little money Ita aro all CO feet wido and every lot a good lot. WIESTORIA I hnvo 170 lots in Wlestorlft for sale. $200 for inside and $250 for comer lota. All 50x140 feut. Terms: Smnll cosh payment and ?5.00 lcr month. All choice residence property end near tho depot. $ INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE fr AfJD ACCIDENT SURETY BONDS My compnnlea aro the very beat OfTlce on Oregon Street BEND, OREGON - There is no use to l J a.: i.i t clUVCIUbC L11C X II orticultural I 1 ! :; as to its reliability, :: promptness and ;: accuracy m pay- t :: ing losses, but it is necessary for you to know that J. B. Miner : i is the official agent : of this territory. Bend, Oregon. -- -- Hire Pelief Kotlior with 125 nttornoy font nnd tlio coHtH mid dlflbiirHonienta of thla ac tion. TIiIh Hiirnmona Im pultllMliod In TIiq llend Uulletln for nix nuccennfvo weeka In rovoii connocutlvo Ibhiioh of nnli pnper commencing with tho Ikhiio of July 30th. 101.1, hy order of tho llonornltlo W U. Hrndalinw, Jtidgo of tho nhovo entitled court, which ordor wnn mndo nnd entered on tlio 30th dny of July, 101!!. Dntod ,nnil pulillhliod flrat time July .10, 101.1. VKFINON A. FOIIUE8. 21-27 Attorney for I'lalntlff Vienna Cafe Wall Street Oood Alnnln, I'rortared th C'lottnllnosN, nt Mtxlorutc Union. Largo TOuvonofWholoHorno Bread 5 c Each A Trlu! Will Convince --4 -. - -- ----- 1 w- E. PARKER & CO. 1 SANITARY PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Healing J We carry the largest stock of goods In Cen tral Oregon. Jobbing promptly attended to - -4-- 4 BEND VIEW Commnnds n chtirming view of the city of Bend and the surrounding country. 15 minutes v(ak from business center. - ' Price $50.00 to $200. Some a little higher. Liberal terms $5.00 down $1.00 a week. Oflice opposite First National Bank Bldg. Bend, Oregon The United Warehouse Company Bend, Oregon 9 STORAGE AND FORWARDING General Commission Merchants e handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Hides, MEATS -Salt and Fresh. Hams, Bacon and Lard. IS United Warehouse Company A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Uend, Oregon O'DONNELL UNION Smjmmb Thrco aklllcd harhora nro nt In ncs & Davidson's harbor ahop to aorvo you Adv. THE WHITE IS KING The BEST all-round Family Sewing Machine that can he produced. Mndo in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minuto steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send namo nnd address for our beautiful H. T. cata- logue free. White Sewing Machiae Co. 14C0 Market Street San Francisco, California i r BROTHERS MARKET EByPfcPrW? j!PVa?i&n JmRf4H at IIUNINICHM A.VI) 1'ItOI'EHSIONAIi. sa it on cut ii. aotxiit) civil n Bend Oregon Engineer S C. I. N1SWONOER, Uend, Oro. UNDKUTAHEIl.. Licensed L'mfonlriRT, I'uncrul Director. Phono. Lady Assistant T It O H H F A It S 11 A M Attorney nt Law Offlco In old First National Bank Iiulldlng. Dietetic, Hygienic. Natural Thera peutics. Chronic Disorders a Specialty Ml. It. 1). KKTOIIUM Irut(Ie I'iiynlcian Hours 9 to 6 Sather Olds TIIK J. II. IIA.NKU AIMTItAOX CO Incorporated. Complete tract indexes and photo graphic copies of all Crook County records. Prinorlllo, Oregon. W. W. FAULKNBH, D. M. D. 1 K N T I S CT Offlco Over Postofflco Bond, Oregon WILIiiItD If. WIItTZ IiAWYEIt . PrlnerlUe, Oregon U. C. OOK, M. D. P fi y 1 c I a n and H u r fj o o a Offlco orer First National Bank Offlco Hours: 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. in. BEND, :-: OREGON C. 8. UESSOS Attorney At Law Offlco In old First National Bank Building Bend, Oregon VKItXOX A. FOItMES -rr LAWYER A First National Bank Building; Bend, ...... Qregoii OEOItGE S. YOUNG Civil, Mining nnd Irrigation Knsinccr. Offlco at Room S, First National Bank' Building. II. II. I)K AIIMOXD I,AVYKrt Sather Building Bend, Oregon U. N. HOFFMAN KOTAItV PUlILin Bulletin Office, Bend, Oregon. II. O. KLLI8 Attoraey-at-Lair. United, fitMm. Comsabwlesier' First NaUonal Bank Building BEND, OREGON DR. J. H. CONNARN DENTIST Orer Deschutes Banking & Trust Co. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays and eve nings by appointment. Clover Leaf Dairy PURE MILK AND CREAM 11 ' ii M . i TELEPHONE nd we will deliver P. W. STAATS, Prop. R. H. DEYARMOND I Machine Shop, and t Garage We know hovr to do al! kinds of Mnchlne Work. TRY US AND SEE. DEPOT HOTEL RIGHT AT THE PAS SENGER station: HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMESEEKERS. Ratea Reasonable. I r ci RMiun n L.. V, I L.L.illlt1J, IIUU. - POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON f Business Directory A Direotory of ech Cltr. Towa nnd Vlllnjo, glvtnc dtsorlplltre ikttoh ot sch plc. locution, population. tl- staph, ihlpplne and banklnc polnlj I alio Clauinotl Directory, complied by m cuin arm jro(on.