4 Pago 2. 11KNI) HULIiKTIV, IIRNI), OIIK., WKDNUHOAY, At'dl'HT lit), 11)111. CENTRAL i -- J ON THE METOL1US (Special to Tho Huflotln) ALLEN'S RANCH. Aug. 16. Tho attractions of this section liavo drawn to the Motollua this summer tho biggest crowd that has over been tfhown. Already thero have been mor than 176 hero atono, with ecorea ot tourists also nt other points uj tho river. Tho Dolly Varden trout are be ginning to run and some good caiehes have been mado recently. This Is tho off season for redsldes, although ovory day a number of big ones nro taken. Juno and Soptom box nro considered tho best months for fishing In tho Motollus. N Tho county has recently been working tho road on tho west sldo ns far down as llclslng's and it Is now In good shape for autos. Tho entire road from Sisters Is, In fact. In flno condition with tho exception of tho first few miles out from tpwn. This has been cut up by wagons hauling lumber and Is very dusty. County Judge Springer and wife, who havo boon camping on the Mo tollun, recently went to Sutttea lake. The government crew that Is cruis ing tlmbor and making a land classi fication are now. camped about two miles from here, on the wcs( sldo of tho river. Lookout William Usher has been busy recently packing to tho top of Black IlUtto material , for a cabin. The lumber was hauled to the foot of the butto and ho packed It up Mth horses over the trail. Korcst Hanger Perry South ot tho Alllngham station reports five fires in his' district within the past woek. Three wero caused by lightning, ono by the carelessness of a camper and the other by an Indian. Ono burned over about 10 acres before being ex tinguished. It was in a remote and ' rough country and was hard to get to aftor being discovered by tho look out. Hanger South nnd family wero In Slaters today trading. Mr. Chcnoweth has some of tho finest olovor hay to be found any where. Deputy Game Warden Shrlner was here last week. but found that tho reports that deer Aad been killed before tho season opened wero false. " C. "W. Allen Is building a bridge across the river at his ranch and In n short time autos will be able to cross It. Huckleberries are now ripe and It Is reported that thero are many of them. Tho Indians will soon bo around peddling them all over Cen tral Oregon. CRESCENT (Special to Tho Bulletin) CRESCH.NT. Aug. 15. S. S. Stearns and family went thrJutgh Crescent Monday on their way to Ciater Lake, where '.hr.jr sppri a Ja;. returning Wednesday. L. II. Pagter, forest assistant, oanie In from PrlnevlIIo Tuesday to work on this forest for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Caples and Mr. and Mrs. Krolton of Tho Dalles, camo In Tuesday, golug on Wednesday to Lake Odell where they will spend a number of days. J. If. Wonandy made a trip to Dond Wednesday, returning Thura. day, Charles Graves camo up In his oar Iroir. Klamath Falls Wednesday. F. .M. Cleaves went to Don! Thursday. J. L. Howard brought In a load of freight for E. G. RourkFrlday. The Ladle' Olub was entertained by Mrs, D. A. Jones Friday. ALFALFA - -- V (Special to Tho Bulletin) ' ALFALFA, Aug. 1L Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs. Lea Da.nport, who are living at Camas, Svash.. had the misfortune to have 'their house and all It contained de stroyed by fire. Joe Townsend Is down from his homestead to help in harvest. George Tetlow will teach school this winter In the Hpech district. - Mr. Chambers Is hauling lumber to build a house on his place. Miss Lola lienn Is visiting 'her people In Aberdeen, wash. Miss ilerlha Goodaell of New York arrived hist Monday to look up a location for a home near here. Mr. and Mrs. Jean Halloro came Mown rom their homestead on Pow 'ull llutto Thursday and returned Frl day. They visited at tho Molony home. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Walker and family spent Sunday In Prlnevllle, " Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wlllard ere now located at Tanjput, Ore. Mr. Kr'lckson recently bought ICO acres that Joipa his homestead near ., lleai" Creole Uuttes. "' Fred Sohmldt mado a business trip Qejid frjday. ' Mr. Studlvaul and family moved Into their now house this week. They - OREGON NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. -..- havo a homestead north ot Alfalfa. Mr. Klekort bought n Jersey dairy cow from M. S. Pyatt'last wcok. Mrs. iU A. V. Nixon spent this week and last with Mr. Mxon in llond . Tim Mnlnnev bovs hnvo flntshed clearing their ranch and oxpect to farm tho entlro place mm yonr. Miss Nannlo Staffer has taken un a homestond three mlloa north ot Alfalfa. ' -- HAMPTON v ----- (Special to Tho Uullotln) HAMPTON. Aug. 11. H. C. Miller returned this wcok from nond whoro ho has been for somo time. Hampton Valley Sunday School will hold Its third anniversary ser vices tho 24th of August at Desert Creek. Sunday School will start nt the usual time. 10:30. nnd Immedl ntcly after Sunday School ltov. C. A. Hurrls will tnko chargo ot tho preaching service. After dlnnor there will bo a short program by tho Sunday School. Itov. lturrla will preach a sermon for tho children. Kveryono Is Invited. Mr. and Mrs. I C. Peck nro tho proud parents ot a baby girl tho llrst r.trl In tho Peek family for three generations. A. T. Frame Is harvesting this week and his hay stacks look flno. Mr. and Mrs. Whltnker from tho salley camo In by auto this week to visit their son, J. Whltnker. L, C. and E. M. Peck have beon helping A. S. Fogg harvest this week. Warren Llbhy, "Win. H. Ilurchtorf and Loyd O. linker wero business visitors In Hampton Monday. J HIGHLAND $ (Special to Tho Rend- Bulletin.) HIGHLAND. Aug. 11. C. II. Ge- nung. who had tho well drill at his borne, was very successful In finding water at n depth of 50 feet. Mrs. Ernest Nelson was called to tho deathbed of her mother. Sho left here Wednesday. J. H. Rivers left on a business trip to llcnd. Miss Ida and Elmer Huston visit ed Miss Anna Hallmcyer Sunday. A dance was given at C. A. Stev enson's pavilion Saturday evening. A Sa5fi3gB3BBcMa!:Mdcdadg Lamp j, - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - largo crowd attended. Walter Taylor mado n business trip to llcnd lnat week. Miss Anna Hnllmoyor Is upending a few weeks' vacation with nor parents, John Schmecr started cutting his hny Tuesday. Ho has iv good crop, Tho Ladles' Country Club mot nt tho homo of Mrs. Clyde Unluloy Wed nesday. Mrs. Hanlnu nnd family loft Tues day morning for llond. A bnskot social was given Satur day evening nt the school houso for tho purposo of getting now hunuhct, Mrs. Harry Kvnua And Mra. Martin Haltmcyor spout Thursday nt Klutchman creek gathering currants. Tho Ladlos" Country Club met nt tho homo of Mrs. llnlsloy nnd decided to give n plcnlo, Inviting everybody to co mo. on Mr. K. Dnnlolsou'a much August 31. Mr. and Mrs. A. Palmer havo re turned , from a visit In Hand with relatives. Tuesday while cutting hny Mr. John Schmeor cut ono of the hind legs off his inost valuable dog. --"-- t MILLICAN I --- (Special to Tho Uullotln) M 111,1 CAN. Aug. 18. Mr. Tan schor and wlto vlsltdd nt tho Johsson homo Wednesday. A. A. Gllmore, who has beon ab sent from tho valley for tho pakt thrco months, Is expected homo tlila everting. Mrs. Cinder called at tho Dyor and McNeill homes Wednesday, II. K. Davis and son John will loae for Prlnevllte Tuesday, expecting to be gone about n month. ' P. 11. Johnson Is going after his weekly load of groceries tomorrow to W m Get The Habit of buying your groceries at home, jjresh poods, Htand nrd quaar, at lovVest prices Let us all help build up our own community. P. B. JQHNSON Alllllcan - - - Oregon Bt Prices Reduced vu E HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED BY the manufacturers of MAZDA LAMPS that" the prices .have been re duced from 10 to 20. Following the broad policy of the company we pass this on to our customers. The New Prices Are '40-Watt Lamps 40c each, formerly 50c 00-Watt Lamps. 50c each, formerly 00c 100-Watt Lamps 80c each,' formerly 00c Bend Water, Xight & Power Company j'. - i (J appplPPpwpwfppfBffipiciJciJiiijiafpjfiigffifiaj - - - - ' -- Lund. ' A. 1). Norton went to Horn! Mon day, returning Thursday, F, O. Klgor has bought n buggy from W. 1). MoAdow, Mrs. A. A. (lllmoro Is busy cunning pons rained In her garden hmu. W. II. McAdow has llnlsluMl cutting hny on tho Krtc llnstnlnnd ptneo. Mrs. I. L. Owotm visited tho John sou homo ono day last week. J PINEHURST $ - (Bpeelal to Tho Uullotln) I'IN'KHURST, Aug. 17. Another rnln foil Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jaaltson left Monday for u weok'u vacation to bo spent In Mend. Wuvcrly llayley and brotlinr Hnsll uto spending tho weult with Mr. nnd Mrs. llrovvn. 0, W. Snydor -wont to Lnldlaw Tucmtny. k Ivy Hnydor spent Tuesday nt tho llnylcy much. Uuth liny ley Is upending (ho week with Mlxs Grnco Cyrus at rllstor. A numlier of I'lnohurst pcoplu at tended the good roads meeting nt Laldlnw Tuesday. Miss Trnutner of llond spent Sat urday and Sunday with Miss Mar garet Mock, G. M. Couch went to town Friday, C. II. Hpnugh recently purchased a now riding pony , Mrs. J. L. Wlmer visited with her daughter, Mrs. Spaugh, Sunday. Mr. Clark ot Camp called at G. W. Snyder's on business Frldny ovo. ring. J, E. Wlmer now has tho contrnot to supply butter to camps , 4 and C Mrs. A. MoAllatnr called on Mr. and Mrs. Hoago Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Chas. Johnson nnd family, spent Sunday nt tho homo of hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Root. Mlsa Ksthor Dletrloh spout Sunday at tho Snyder homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Nonley called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Johnson Sunday ;if tor noon . ----- t CLOVERDALE ; ttt (Special to Tho Uullotln) CLOVERDALE, Aug. 18. R. O. Andrus killed n beef the laut of tho &$&. M A-JV..4 WW i week and sold It to tho community. W urn In tho inldnt of hnrvt'st. llnrloy and rio nro being out nnd thn on(H will bo rlpo tho last ot Urn wook. lloyer (Initio Is In Itndmoiul thlx week. 10 M !rnv run n 111 t nil fork almost ihrnuub his hand. Tho wound In very painful but It Is hoped not serious. Mr. nnd Mis. It. J. Sknlton Called nt tho Orubo home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. I'rny anil daughters npont tho wook end at Mo tollus. Mm. Will liiiJlttov unit children spent Thursday anil Friday nt Hud nnmd. 11. II. Honor hits mado a buNlness trip to Kitgeuu. Tom MoAmlrowa Is working on thu Tiiinnlo enmp. Iliiver (irubu Is In thli uolKhlMir- hood today selling up n now bliulHr for llurnnldo llnm. Mr. oniwo is ropreseiitntUo for A. Mitux of Hwl moiid. MiM. IClltio rbtitteriinod u lutrtv of young people that spent the week at tliii liikiw. TIioho or tho pnrty vnrn, Sam Kline nnd Floyd Orubo and Mtosofl Ada Itluit. Kluauor and Maude Orubo. ---- DRY LAKE j (Special to Thn Ilullellli) DRV LAKE. Aug. 1L I'olalocs In this district are looking good and will lie matured In about 30 days. N. N. Kins U harvesting barley Hint mleht well bu conslderfd an o- cellent crop In tiny community. I'Uher Imuran Is riittlnc bis isrntn. nnd will hate oho of thn best )leld In this part uf tho county. Al Fri'smtt and Mr. and Mrs. It. Whltnker havo returned from lleiid, brlnglifg In a big load of telephone wire, etc F. Langford wont to llond Satur day to bring In Mrs. Iiugfnrd and Miss Franoes langford of I'ortlnnd. llnrt Loutuns has been RSNlxtliiK tho lagans with haying on their Hniiiptnn ranch. II. Chandler has bought a team, wason. harness. Plows and drill seeder of N. N. Kins mid now has one of Hit most modern farming outllU In tho Dry Lake dlntrlot. C. A. llcngtion was over on I'rlnglo Flats Friday surveying the Hess claims. O. Rood li erecting ono of tho Shingles LUMBER CEMENT Building Material The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. -- ---- Headquarters for CommercUl Mtn lllectrlc Lighted Throughout THE BEND HOTEL !i HUQHO'KANC.MANAOBB Qood Rooms BEND, Free bus to and from trains - - - " FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen miles , east of Bend. Our trees are the kind we recommend after over thirty years experience in the fruit business i in this neighborhood, Our prices and treatment will please you. Catalog free on request. Come and see our orchards nnd nursery, Office address, Prineville. Ore. , LAFOLLETTE NURSER.Y CO. largest dwelling nt Dry lnko. A nnrlv nt lllinllKMirH WUH tlirOlllill horu Inst week Inking iilovnlliniH, Tlmy onmo hi from Ihu ont over tho Cnmp Crook nmti. PLAINViEW (HpoHnl to THO Hiiliouil) in AiMvimv. Aim. 1(1. H il Htrnhin was up Buiidiy after bin sin tor Olonvos, who una neon visum wild imr slNler. Mrs. Ruble, for the past live weeks at Hlnlera. Mrs, rovolnon spent Hiinduy iiIkIh with her mother, Mrs. Hmlth, Mrs. I'uwoIhoii mid mother unlleil, nt llm homo of Mr. Ktilokorliocker MoihIh)'. Mrs. Van TiimhI ami children, ght fltrahm nnd ilaughlor (llmiwa spftt the day at Mrs. Dnu Winkles Tmm. day. ' 4lrs. I'ulllam was In Hlslors Mon day. lliuirun MuCiiltlntiir. wlfu ami diiiightiir lleittrleo woro In Redmond Wwlimmlny. II. iv. Tiiwiih siiHiit sOVdrat dnvs In this iinlKhborliood this week. Mrs. Print Van Tuwmll, Mrs. J. Hinilini and Mrs. Adams mid tuoji sous were up nt Hum Wlol'n plnnf Thursday picking harrlM. M. U'lnklo and two ohlldren spent the day nt Mrs. Oeo, MoCnl- ItHtor'M Friday, Mm. U'lllnir Havler and (llnaii Ktrnhiii were trading In HUtots Hat- urday nflurnoon. Mr. Knickerbocker, wlfo nnd daughter Constance- wero In Red mond Saturday. , nmiiitcrio.v from I'kMXViisw. The fullowlug paragrnph nppearmt In Tho llullelln's I'lnluvlow oornt pondoHoe lnvt Meek; , "Mr. KnlokerlHickor, Mr. (Illicit, Onto ItlKH". Mr. Htrnhin nnd Mr. Adam went to the hd of HusA creek Huiylay for a pltnlo." Through an error It was Milt nnUi that (lis Ntrnhni family. Including Mr. Ntrnbm ns chnperirtie, whs prw- OHt. ' POWELL BUTTE (Hpeolat to The Uullotln) I'OWKLI. lllfTTK. Aug. 18 Jnkji TliiKiuan Is headhiK for (1. M. Cor. nott. Ho expects to pull to this U (Continued on l'ngo Klx) 5r , Mouldings 4--- t Special Attention to ' Transient Travel J OREGON flood Meals ' All arrangements mado for persons J deilrlng to go south and eastof here i - - - - - - il