The bend Bulletin. VOL, XI. BKND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1913. NO 24 BIG BANQUET BENEATH TENT XHIENEY HOST TO BEND . PEOPLE More TImhi '-(Ml PcrMtns Attend, nml long List itf Hpriiker l lleunl. Two Members of Hr'ert I.miiiI JIoiiiiI Were PreMMit. Under it long tent pitched on the lawn nunr tlie rlviir wits hold Monday night tlio bliwest banquet In Unutrnl Oregon ntitinln. Thorn wore mure Hum 200 peoplu iiniMunt, tin tl ther una room for 75 or 100 inoriw From 7 n clock until noarly 11:30 tlicf tlln ner lasted, thorn being much inuhlo mill iiiiiny speeches. Tint guesta worn nonlcil at flvo tmilon, three of which extended tht) cntlru length of tho tent. Tlio host of tl evening, W. I). Chonoy, toKitth or with thn ICmblein Club members, linil scats nt n table which ox tended across tho lent nt the end noxt to tho river. These led tho souks, thn inllro aMomhliiKo Joining In nt limes. ,t oo eh plate was it mum book, on tho eover of which was printed tho llt of spoakors. Many of thn ioiirii worn hoard nt tho Sh uttle excursion IwikiiihJ n year ago, iiit to thiKin who had never llteud t them tlu.y proved ilotlKlitfully entertaining. Tho famous "llmoo Hand" rendition made a big hit HKnln. Adding mttah enjoyment to thla mrt of tho evening's entertainment worn ttui songs by thn Utile of tho Musical Cluli'. There worn two (liinrtct numbers given by Mr. Pow elson, Mm. l'ot, Mm. Porrest and Mm. I'utnnin, tho singers being on. cored vnry enthusiastically. Thnro worn nlio two chorun numbers In which appeared 13 members of tho cl.ih. Tho hour for tho banquet w 7 o clock nod shortly thereafter tho guests wore seated. After Divine blessing, asked by liev. K. O. Judd, tho dinner started, J ho viands being on thn tabic and ready for the guests when thny nrrlvod. During tho course of tho dinner tho local orchestra playod at Intnrvnla and two flashllftht photograph! wero taken by photographer Todd. Tho largo gathering wna taken enro of with ex cellent service. After tho in ml had boon flnlihnd nnd tho aong program had ndvanood through morn thnn n dozen "offorta" on thn pflrt of tho songsters, the speaking began. 0. I1. Putnam, pre willing na tonatmaator, Introduced earli speaker with aomo ntory or re mark thnt added to thn round of mirth thnt provnjlod undornonth tho IR top during tho evening. Tho flmt speaker wnn I. II. Poor of fteattlo. iiianngor of tlio llend I'urk Company, who spoke on "llond'a Ambassadors." Ho roforrod to thn publicity work which la lining dnno for llend by Mr. Chenoy, giving fig urea of tho auiounl being npont tluit (Continued on Inat pace) A.B. A." Chequco, used by tourists in all foreign countries! also are the safest, most convenient funds for travel In the United States and Canada. Not sood till you sign them; safe as your own blank check. More handy than your personal checkbook, for your signature Identifies you, IIIUID BV' TE Deschutes Banking Kb Trust Co. . Vu vrs ucnu, D. I'URRULL, President . M. IAitA, SECRETARY LANE VISITS DESCHUTES VALLEY COUNTRY Litiul Mot Km Itoclniiiiitliiii, lie Hiiy-, mill Ho Hri'M (Irnit I'tiluic Morr Only Problem In Helling Wnte. For tlui first tlmo In history, tho Deschutes volley wua visited, Mon itny, by a rnhlfiot oltlnlal, when Kocro. Inry of tho fntoi'lor Frmikln K. I.uik rumo up In Hvdinoiiil nnd tho I'ownll llutto ooiintry. Tho nourntnry nnd puny, Which lucludod (lovornor Wuhi, wnro tnkon to tho I'owoll llutto ill' i.rlot In union whuro wna polulod out to thorn tho roaula olitiiluvd by tho imo of WHlor on tho Intnl. At Iteil mond thn anarotnry mndo it abort nd drM, In willed ho oxpromied onthti nluntle tirnlan for tho Dcaahiitoa vnl loy, (leolnrlng thnt thn horo nro for tho (liivolopmuiit of n dlatrlot an rlnh na thn Ynklmn Tullny In Wnnhlngtoii. Tho only iirotilom to bo aolvod for tho ncconiillahmiit of th Ik, ho aald, la getting untor on tho luuda. . From Itodmond thn pnrty wnut to Agoupy I'lalui, whero iininy fnniinrii nro mot. Tho party thnn returned to Portland, mid nt n dinner thnro tho Decretory la quoti'd tin naylng: "If thnro la nuy pnrt of thn coun try Hint doaorvw wnll or tho gornriu merit, It In Cnlitrul Oregon : and I mil going to try to nee thnt It reci'lvna It a Juat recognition." Heorotnry Latin Irnvoled over Orn gon In thn prlvntn enr "Wlllamotte" plneed ut bin dlapoaol by tile Oregon Trunk Hnllway. OFF FOHLAp FALLS llnil'iiti Tiiko Ciirlonil to .llrtrloju merit lngni (.'oiitrotlon. Yeaterday morning tho Ibind con tlngont Inft for tho Central Ornfcou Devnlopmont Leagiin Convontlon at Klamath i'ntla. Not na mnny na wore expected to go mnnngml to make tho trip, tho Honttlo excuralon and tho coming vUlt of Northern I'ncltlc oltl clnla keotiliiK aomo here. Thoao who wont nre C. H, lludaon, V. A. Forbea, J. I'. Koyea, It. M Hinlth nod O. V. I'utunm, traveling In Mr. HuiUon'a car. Next week Tho Ilulletln will contain n full no oount of nil convention dolnga of special Intorrit to thla auction. IMMIGHIITIONJFFIGIALS GOME Northern I'nrlllr Men Will lie Itrj-o All Vr 1 HiUy. A party of Northern Pacific Immi gration offlclnls will bo hero Friday, arriving at It In tho morning and go ing out on tho night train. Tho pur pose of their visit la to fatnlllarUo themselves with lleod and aurround Ing country, so 'far aa possible, ao that In their work In the Kat they may be able to picture thla imrtlon of Central Orogon accurately to In nulrurs. General Immigration Agent L. J. Hrlckor la nt thn head of the pnrty. and with htm are eight traveling ngnnta who work throughout tho United fitalea advertising tho possi bilities of tho wtwtoru Northern Pacific territory. These eight are J. I.. Moore. C. N. Arnoy, J. L. Daugh orli', J. J. Fox, O. I.. Htnrk. 8. M. MeKwnn. O. A. Jobes nnd L. H. Wood. It l undentood thnt nn effort will bo inntlo to show thu visitors about In automobiles, although many can will bo absent nt tho Klnmath con vention, tlcnd Is thn only Central Oregon point Included In the Itiner ary of tho nKoiits, aW " wgs&m II ""r"T"iiam-.T-L -"-mn II 7 UHCUUn i . I P. O. MINOR, StcroUry Cashier SEATTLE EXCURSION HELD UP WHEN TBI IS NEARI1 BEND AFFAIR ONLY A FAKE, HOWEVER, TO ADD TO FUN OF PASSENGERS MOVING PICTURES ARE TAKEN ABOUT 60 IN THE PARTY. Tho biggest long distance excur sion over conducted to liny town of loss thnn 000 pnoplu In (ho West, nnd whnt rallrond men Mty was by nil odds tho Ituest nuulppod oxcur slon trnln ever opera tod In the North west, arrived hero Hunduy evening wllfi HlKiut no lleud nuthuslastn from Heatlle. Tho oxcuriloii Is tho second ntiuuul event of the kind made under tho Htiporvlslon of tho llend Park Compnii) of Keattlo. This year It came In over the Oregon Trunk Hnll way. In addition to Itn elaborateness, thnro wero special features to claim attention. One wns n "hold-up," Mtngml a con pin of miles north of Pond, when thu train wna stopped by n band of ncar-robbors, and tho pas sengers forced to look Into tho busi ness ends of an arsenal of six-shooters, not to mention moving picture machines. Tho second particularly unlquo feature wns the bntiquet held Mon day ovniilng before thn midnight de parture of the visitors. It was given In u circus tent Imported for tho oc casion and pitched on thn lawit close to the I). K. Hunter log housn. Tho tHtlre conduct of tho dinner there served was In the hands of the Oreat Northern Hallway's commissary de. partment. under tho personal stipe.-, vision of Its chief, J. A. Illalr. Tho practiced dining car waiters preald- td, aided by a corps of Pullman tor tors. This, says Mr. Illalr, Is tho first tlmo his road, or any Western railroad, has over handled anything of the kind, nnother Instance of tho Interest the railroads are taking In lleud and In making llend "stunti" as successful as itoulble. The train wua co iposcd of thret Mrat class Pullman sleepers, a mat nlflcent ( Northern observation car. a dining cur and a baggasje car. It .arrived hero about S p. m. Sunday, a rouplo of bourn over duo. .Moving rictiire Taken. ,,;H Bomn of the ilclaya wore caused by the taking of many moving pictures CURSEY ISJPPHEHEKOED? Man Held nt Itrer lkr,, Ite lleviil to It Kenil Alwconiler. At Urer Iake. In Kastern Washing ton, la being held a man who anawors the description of W. D. Curacy, tho llotid absconder, according to reports received by Deputy Sheriff Wcnan dy. .Mr. Wenandy will go after him as soon na thorn Is enough 'money In the "treasury" of tho "Curacy Club" to pay his expenses. t MKTOI.U'S PAPKH CONTIM-'HS. Tho Motollus Central Oregonlan linn been sold by Kd T. Plorson, who hnn left for Montana, to W. K. John non, who Is continuing tho paper. Mr. Johnson Is owner also of tho Terrebonne Oregonlan, which la In chnrgo of N. Nlelson. Bend Hardware Co. a dollar saved a dollarIarned Buy your Hardware Material from us, take the money thus saved and start your bank account. Weare headquarters for anything and everything in the Hardware Line. Bend Hardware Co. on the way up the oanyon nil the Incidents of tho trip will apaoftr l. "movie" hoiison throughout thn country. Onn picture will depict tho train crowiliiB Crooked river bridge. Hut tho big .delay wua cuiisod by tho nmnteur trnln robbers. About n doxen mombors of the Kmblom Club pulled off tho hold-up. Of course, tho train crow wns warned, so that the deapnradoes had no dlllleulty In petting tho locomotive stopped where they had placed a red Hag. Also, thanks to prc-arrangement, nothing worse than blank cartridges wor0 fired. Tho moving picture inn chines hnd beon hustled to tho scene by auto from n place, further down tho line, nnd whon the robbers, attired In "chnis," masks nnd all other appur tenauens of wlldwcsUiess, and brand. Ishlng many ruiis, swarmed aboard tho cars, every Incident worth atten tion was recorded on the films'. Thes Included several hund-to-hnnd en counters. In which Innocent passen ger wero clubbed to death by the highwaymen, and onn speotaculr chase of an escaping victim who lod Ills pursuers along the roof of the eonciies, only to le shot by a lurking robber, and then "rolled" In: the nwt .ipproved manner. At the llend depot other moving pictures were taken, nnd all day Mon day pictures were taken about Ken 1 and ndjacont country. Sunday evening members of the Kinblem Club dined a Board the train, While Mr. and Mrs. A. M. l-ara enter tnlned many of tho Visitors at their homo. 5 Tmin nml CiiuViiry Vlewcil. Monday morning was devoted chiefly to wandering about the town, many of tho oxcursonlsts climbing Pilot Ilutte and enjoying the magni ficent view, doubly beautiful because of tho perfect, cloudless day. Many partook, ot tho Picnic .lunch aorvod near the Uoy Scouts lodgo on the (Continued on last page.) TWKNTV POUNDS IIV MAIL. Tho new parcel post regulations went Into effect tho ICth and It Is now possible to send packages weigh. Ing as much as 20 pounds through tho malls, to places within the local, first and second zones. Tho rate In the second zone tlGO miles) Is & eents for the first pound and 1 cent for each additional pound. Portland Is In tho second llend zone. CIIAXCK TO OKT PHIIKHAL JOIU The government Is rcadvertlslng an examination at Hond for tho po sition of fourth class postmaster at La. Pine. It will bo held September 13. Wo inn n over IS and mon over SI are ollglblo for tho position. In formation regarding tho examination may be obtained at the local post ofllco or nt I-u Pine. sssa. W WOOL SULEJELD SATURDAY About 1.10,00(1 Pound lliNcl of, .Mucli Having Keen Previously Hold After having been postponed twice owing to delay In tho arrival of cljn, tho locnl wool snle was held Satur day, nearly i:,0,000 pounds being disposed of. Previous to tho sale approximately 80.000 pounds had been sold, and there nre three olio which will total something like 70, 000 pounds remaining unsold. Tho highest price paid was 13 Vi eonts nnd the lowest 0U eents. The average was 11 couts. Tho lownosa of tho price wan due. In a larg measure, to tho Utcnoss of the sal. Tho following nro tho sales made. W. V. ilrnwn to Mr. Green. 8J.98C pounds. Doaly llros, to Portland Woolen Mills, 10, UB pounds. Chan. Huston to Mr. Oreen, 9,391 pounds. K. I. Laughlln to Portland Woolen Mills, 13.2SI pounds. Soth Hodman to Portland Woolen Mills, 4.1AS pounds. H. J. Williams to Portland Woolon Mills, 348 pounds. J. H. Ilogue to Portland Woolen Mills, 1,071 pounds. Tom Hutton to Mr. Crcen, 1,1S3 pounds. In connection with the sale W. C. Wilkes of the Oregon Trunk and party of traffic men were hero Saturday, CUT MOIBERSJULL PUPS Itobboil of Hrr Otili Offi.prlng, She ("art's for Young: Canine. Nino cats, 3 kittens, 2 pups and 10-11 rnts, more or less, form a me nagorlo which does not compare with Knrniim & Holler's but which tho employes at tho I'nltod Warehouse aro as fond of (except tho rats) as a country nigger is of red lemonade at a circus. The cats aro Prlnglo's accumulation of rat-extermlnatonj: tho kittens are ordinary sore-eyed little tabbies; tho pups, slx-weeks-old bull canines, nnd the rata well, tho fewer of them tho better. Word Coblo claims ownership ot ono of the pups, while the other Is dostlned to bo tho pet of one of the fairest damsels at Laldlaw. Hoth of tho Infantile terrors-to-be nre being mothorod by one of Prlnglo's mo us ers. Madam Cat wna the proud possessor of some several of her own offspring, but Pringle decided to mske them the foster kittens of an other tabby, and so Mother Cat turned her attentions to tho doglcta and they don't seem to resent her mothering cares for them. The pups and tho kittens frolic together aHd have scraps aud fight and make dp and then scrap again. And when you go to the warehouse office, be careful (bat you do not step on this cat-kltten-pup brigade. NEW SIDEWALKS BUILT In tho last 15 days more than 1000 feet of new sidewalk, to bo exact 1020 feet, have been built In differ ent parts of town. Of this The Hond Company laid &94 feet running fro.n Hond street out toward Deaohutea addition and A. L. French had 210 feet built connecting this with his new housn. The baiance has been built by O. P. Putnam and' H. J. Ovorturf, who laid 90 feet each neart their residences. ' In addition to this work, the city has put in 371 feet of crosswalks and built two bridgoa over the town lat erals on Ninth and Stark streets. All tho work has been done under the supervision of Tom Murphy. I The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Or. U. O. OOe. PrtiltUnt E. A. 8ATHIR. Vic Prldnt O. S. HUDSON. CathUr Capital full paid ... 29.000 8tockhold.rt" liability . . 25.000 Ourplui SI2.BOO c jSijI I tl&J pHIS BANK w the busj. - ness barometer of the , Bend country. The- fact that our deposits nre $100,. 000 more today than m date last year, shows pros-perity. 7 kj&ls life FIKST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND DIRECTORS! D. C. COB It. A. SATIIPB f. S. Rimtnu S 15 EXCELLENT MANY VARIETIES ARE EXHIBITED .More Person Have Untried Than Hvcr KcroroUit of Irio Win ners nml Tliono Who .Made Do nation to (lie Library Club, An abundance of beautiful flowero was exhibited at tno third annual show Monday, the varieties exceeding those of last year by a big margl.i. Likewise the vegetables were greater In number and quality, bearing ovi denco that Improvement comes with experience. Owing to tho fact tint individual entries were limited to six sterna for each specimen, there was not as voluminous a display this year, but all that was lacking In this respect was made up by the quality of tho flowers. The show was held In the store room In the Johnson building and during the afternoon was visited by a large crowd, Including the Seattle excursionists. The evening attend ance was reduced because of the ban quet. Exhibits came from tho town and nearby communities, tho number of persons exhibiting being much larger than at any previous show. Hach year it Is found that the show giro a marked Impetus for growing flow ers. There was one exhibit from the Motollus river. This was a bunch of sweet peis from the garden of Mrs. C. W. Allen, which were transported GB miles by horseback, stage and train to the show. They were not en tered for a prize, hut the Judges were about to award them a ribbon before noticing that they were not entered. Each exhibit listed for a prize was tagged, there being nothing on the' tag but a number, this obviating any possibility ot favoritism In .tho award of prizes. The Juages were W. n. Cheney, JMIsa CarrleScott and Mr. Ray .Morehouse', who'seT "d'eJliloos were very satisfactory. The Prize Wlnaers. Herewith la the list of winners, aa given for publication: 19 WT r Double 1st, Mrs. Putnam; 2nd. Mrs. Edwards. Single. 1st. Mrs. Wllkey; 2nd, Mrs. Wllkey. Califor nia 1st. Mra. Wllkey: 2nd. Mrs. VInyard. Pink. , Double laL Edith Vlnyards 2nd. Mra. Henkle. Single No entries. Asters. Pink 1st, Alleys Caldwell: 2nd, Mrs. Hudson. Lavender 1st, Mra. Wllkey; 2nd. Mra. Hudson. .White No entries. Purple 1st. Mra. Hud. son; 2nd, Mra. Hudson. Sweet Peus. Red lat, Mrs. Montelle Coe; 2nd. II. C. Hilton. White 1st. Mra. Oar rison; 2nd. Margaret Wicst. Laven der 1st, Mrs. Hudson; 2nd, Mm. Furst. Purple 1st, Mra. Garrison; ,2nd, Margaret WlesL Pink 1st. (Continued on pagexfour.) MIDI W m D R K C T O R 3; r-F. 0. MINOR,- D. PBRRRMv rB. M. LAUA, O. M. FATTKRSON II, C. BU.IS ftsy (jjgyM