The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 06, 1913, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PaKO 6.
Laidlaw News
(Special to Tlio Uullotln) (won, (!-4 nnd 6-2. After tho mntch
LAIDLAW. Auk G.-Thnt tho same tho locnl Rlrls wero presented with n
nig Dmch or sweet pons by u. s. uuu-
of Lnldlnw may ho chnnRcd, nnd
"Tunmlo" ho substituted, seems tho
concensus of opinion here, nlthough
lis yet nothing ofllclnl lins lieen dono.
It Is pointed out that tho nnmo lall-
law hns hoon connected with nil tho
unfortunate history of tho Columbln
Southern Irrigation project, nnd In
thin connection has received rather
unsavory publicity-
Now that tho project Is officially
known ns tho Tunmlo Project, and
inasmuch as the old pogtofflco of
Tumalo has been abandoned, thero
appears no reason why tho namo of
the town should not become Tumalo,
and ninny reasons why It should. It
Is understood that tho matter of ef
fecting tho change Is comparatively
simple, and rests chiefly In shifting
tho title to the local postofflco, after
which consent of the County Court
will be necessary In re-namlng the
filed plat.
Scml4 $.13,205 for Lnnri. ..
Practically all purchases of land
for tho project reservoir have been
completed, ltelow Is a list of the
property Involved, with names of.
owners, acreage asd amounts paid:
a. W. and Carrie A. Horner, 200
acres at $63.75, total $12,760: Chns.
L. Winter, 1S9.2G acres at $70. to
tal $13,247.50; Krank V. nnd Olga
Swisher, 19. S acres, for $770; Perry
A. and Ida II. Woolley, 320 acres at
$42.50. total $13, COO: Millard T. and
Cora H. Trlplctt, 110.75 acres at $04,
total $70SS; John and Sarah J.
Dyers, 110 acres at $C0, total $0000;
William Roach. 160 acres at $10.94,
total $1750. This makes a grand to
tal of $55,205.
Project Itcuw.
In connection with the 6G00 feet
of steel flume which will be construc
ted on the project tho largest steel
flunio work In Oregon tho lowest
bidder was tho Coast Culvert &
Flumo Co. of Portland. Its price
was $4.08 per lineal foot for a flume
10 feet across the top and 5 feet
Tho results of tho other matches
May nndNludson vs. Henderson
nnd Gllkey, 6-0, 6-1,
Hoffman and Lara vs. Henderson
nnd Oross, 6-1, 6-4. .
Mr. nnd Mrs. Putnam vs. Mlsa
Newman nnd Henderson, 6-0, 6-1,
May nnd Hudson vs. Clerking and
Gross, 6-4, 61.
Hoffman vs. Gllkoy, 6-2, C-3.
Hoffman and Gould vs. Wclton and
Mars, 6-2, C-2.
May and Lara vs. Gross and Hen
derson, 6-2. 9-7.
A return engagement will bo hold
here In a few weeks.
Dcxclopmcnt I.enguo Matter.
At a Development I.enguo meeting
Inst week It was decided to hold A
Laidlaw fair this season, and a loard
of soven directors was elected to or-
ganlio an association, those chosen
being W. D. Dames, V. D. Wilson, J.
J. Cocn, J. W. Drown, George Fisher,
J. D. Wlmer nnd J. N. D. Gorklng.
Tho dato for tho fair will be Octobor
Delegates woro named to attend
tho Central Oregon Development
League convention nt Klamath Kails.
Thoy oro: II. II. Dayley, K. N. Wal
lace, W. D. Dames and J. N. It. Gork
ing. Those chosen to go to tho La Pino
Good Koads meet this Saturday are
V. N. Wallace, J. N. D. Gerklng. M. S.
Dullard, W. D. Dames, J. D. Wlmer.
O. Laurgnard, It. H. Dayley, S. It,
A. V. lliuniny Dentl.
A. F. Ramsay died at The Daltes
Hospital Sunday, August 3, death be
ing tho result of a complication of
diseases which have developed very
rapidly since last March. He had boon
fn poor health for tho past two years
but did not rcallzo tho seriousness of
his condition until he consulted Dr.
D. Ferrell of Dend last spring, who
deep. The next lowest bidder was F. Udvlsod him to give up, work and seek
T. Crowe & Co., whose bid was $5.02.
Neither bid will bo accepted until
after Engineer Laurgaard makes a
test of the Coast company's flume, as
it has not beon tried on a flume of
this size. Tho test will be made this
week, Mr. Laurgaard leaving for
Portland Sunday evening.
A Ford automobile has beon pur
chased by Project Engineer Laur
gaard to facilitate his movements It
getting over tho work.
A carload of groceries arrived last
week for the Tumalo project, pur
chased from Allen & Lewia of Port
land on competitive bid.
There are now employed on the
project about 25 teams and 127 mgn.
During the week nbout 35 additional
men will be put on. Three camps aro
now being operated and it is prob
able one more, cam,i 1, will bo start
ed the latter part of tho week. .
Proposals for smoked meats and
lard will be considered at the project
office here August 9 for tho furnish
lng of such supplies for the month of
An order for 30,000 pounds of
rolled barley and 50 sacks of patent
flour was given the Dend Milling &
Warehouse Co. on July 2S.
The hoaduarters corral, located in
town, for the use of teams carrying
engineers and superintendents over
tho work, was opened this week.
The wives of men employed on the
project have formed an afternoon
club, which they call the ,,Q. A. F.
Club." The meaning of the letters
is kept a secret, but they are gener
ally understood to stand for "Quarrel
and Fight Club." Meetings will be
hold each Wednesday at the homes of
its members. Officers were elected
as follows: President, Mrs. O. Ed
Ross; vice president, Mrs. A. J. Wei
ton; secretary, Mrs. William Schal
ler; treasurer, Mrs. A. b. Nicol.
Mr. Hartor and Mesdamoa Hanson,
Schnller, Wallace, Nicol and Ross vis
ited Dend Saturday In Mr. Hartcr's
car to patronize Dend merchants.
Organize Athletic Club.
The Tumalo Tennis Terrors, at a
recent meeting, adopted n constitu
tion and by-laws, and changed their
name to the Tumalo Athletic Club, it
being tho opinion of those present
that this club should take hold of all
amusements here, organize a base
ball team and football team, and that
some attention should be given to lit
erary talent at the club meetings.
The officers of the, club are: J. D.
Wlmer, presldont: Hugo Dlbbersteln,
vlco president; G. Ed Ross, secretary-treasurer;
William Schalbe and
Don Mars, trusees; H. J. Gllkey, ath
letic director. At the outsot there
were 23 members, with others being
AH the tennis players who could
get away went to Dend Sunday and
report splendid entertainment there,
and an onjoyablo time despite the
fact that Dend won all of the eight
matches played excep: one. Those
making tho trip were E. T. Gross, G.
C. Henderson, J. H. Mohonoy, R. W.
Ferris, Don Morgan, Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Welton, Miss Franc Newman,
Miss Dernlce Umphlette, H. J. Gll
key, Grover Gerking, Miss Margaret
Mock, Axel Dye, L. D. Mars and Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Wlmer.
The boys lost every match they
played, it remaining for the girls to
achieve a victory for Laidlaw. Miss
Newman and Miss Umphlette played
Mies Dolsen 'and Miss Graves and
a Ion or altitude. This ho did, enter
lng The Dalles Hospital for treatment
In the latter part of June and for a
tluio seemed to Improve Hut for tho
past two weeks ho fulled rapidly.
Mr. Ramsay was wull known In nnd
about Laidlaw as ho was cashier ot
tho iLnldlaw Dunking & Trust Co.
for tho past rtvu years until tho bank
Bold out last December. Ho wan nlso
Boorolnry of thu West Hldo Water
Users' Association and of Luldlaw
1h1ko No. 166, 1. O. O. K nnd had
always been prominently Idoutlllud
with any movement which tended to
Improve tho business or soolivl condi
tions of Laidlaw or vicinity.
Aside from n host of friends, 'Mr,
Ramsay loaves n wife and six chil
dren. Mrs. Ramsny In nt present vis
iting bur mother In California. A sis
ter In Nebraska also survives.
Owing to conditions being unfav
orable for moving tho body nt this
time, arrangomenta woro made by thu
Odd Fellows lodge hero for Interment
In tho I, O. O. F. cemetery at Tho
Lnldlnw nnd Vicinity,
James Tethcrow of ToUierow
Drtdgo and sister, Mrs. Mack John
son of Portland, visited "Undo"
Frank Nichols on Sunday last. Mr.
Tetherow camo to Crooked river 40
years ago last Juno, settling at that
time near tho Frank Forcnt place. Ho
has lived In tho county continuously
since that time and Bays tho tho Im
provement m tula by tho west sldo
during tho past eight yoars Is far
more than In tho proviotm 32 oars.
Grover Gerklng hns boon cutting
his second crop of alfalfa attd intends
to gst another crop If tho fuvorablo
growing conditions contluuo during
tho next 30 days. Decker nnd Payne
will also cut thrco crops this season,
ns woll aB others probably.
Guy Lafolletta of tho Lntollotto
Nursory Co. was soliciting orders for
nursery stock for fall delivery, Inst
week, and mot with good success ns
tho fruit crop on tho small orchards
on tho project during tho past two
years hass proved that fruit can bo
grown from a commercial standpoint,
and many farmers aro contemplating
setting orchards ot several acres.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato ot
Orogun for tho County of Crook.
N. P. Woldor, plaintiff, vs. D. K. Hun
ter, W. II. Costner nud Tho Dond
Company, n corporation, defendants.
Whereas, an execution nnd order
of sale was Issued In tho nhovo enti
tled causa on tho 25th day ot July.
1913, upon a Judgment In favor of
tho plaintiff and against tho nbova
named dofendants, D. E. Hunter and
Clean Plastering Sand
When the small particles of sand arc
coated with dirt or other foreign
matter, the lime cannot come into
intimate contact with the sand par
ticles, thus reducing the cohesive .
strength and making a weak plaster
Bolton, Ruetenik and May
Washed Snnd and Screened Gravel
Bend, Oregon
FRANK MAY, Manager.
r '-1
? r
Sold by dealers everywhere and the
Tho Dend Company, fur $DD,33, with
interest on UU-83 nt tho rntu ot 0
nor cunt nor nnnum from thu nth day
ot August. 1013, which Judgment wiih
docketed In tho olllcn ot tho clerk of
thin court on tho 11th day ot July,
lt 1 3, and whuronn It won further or
dered (hat tho dwelling limine located
upon lot (0) of lllock 21) of Center
Audition to thu town or llviid, Crook
County, Oregon, bo sold by thu sher
iff ot mild county us under execution
nttd (ho proceeds of nald sitlo. after
paying tho costs, disbursements, at
torney's fees nttd vxpeiiHes, bo applied
upon said Judgment nnd tho surplus
it any no uppnou uh piovmcn ny ntw.
Now, therefore, notice Im hereby
given that I Have levied upon tho
property above described nud that I
will on Monday,
the First Day of September, tIMil,
nt three o'clock lit tho afternoon of
said dny, at tho north front door ot
tho court house In I'rlnovllle, Ore
gon, sell to tho highest bidder for
cash, all thu right, tltlo nnd Interest
ot tho said I). K. Hunter nnd Thu
Dend Company In nnd (o tho nbovo
described property, from and sluco
August Gth, 11)12, to satisfy snld
Judgment, costs nud accruing cents,
subject to redemption n provided by
Inw. Dated this 30th day of July,
1913. FltANK KLKINS,
24 Sheriff ot Crook County, Oregon,
In tho Justice's Court for Deschutes
District, Crook County. Htntu ot
II. (1. Karris, plaintiff, vn. J, K. Bnw-
hill, defendant.
To J, K, Buwhlll, Defendant:
In tho name ot tho Htato of Oregon,
You nro heioby required to appear
before mo nt my olllce nud answer tho
complaint tiled against you In tho
abovu entitled notion on or befoul
September 4, 10 111; nud It you fall
to iiiiHWer, for want thereof the plain
tin will take Judgment ugntnst you
tor thu sum of 37.1B, together with
Interest thorcan at fi per cent per nn
num from Juno In, 11)12, nnd tho
costs, and disbursements ot this no
tion, This summons In publlshnd pursu
ant to an order of mo Hon, W, W,
Orcutt, Justice ot tho nbovo entitled
court, made nud entered on July 22,
1013, directing that hiiiuo bo pub
lished for six consecutlvo weeks,
prior to September 4, 1013, In Tho
Dend Uullotln, first publication to Co
July 23, 1913. HOBS PAUNIIAM,
20-25 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Unkcry Goods Home Jinked
Refreshing Sodas and Sundaes
Retail and Wholesale
k r ,,
Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary
Brick is absolutely fire proof in any ordinary conflagration.
Brick Buildings never burn, although they arc sometimes
injured by falling timbers or combustible interior woodwork.
A brick building is absolutely fire proof if wire glass is used
in thu windows and if burned clay floors arc used.
An interior fire in such a building is confined to the room in
which it originates; no outside fire can attack it.
The proportion of burned clay in a building construction
measures its fire proof qualities.
Burned clay is tho only building material that has been
through thu fire before you get it, in such a manner that it will
resist fire. All comhustiblcmatcrial is burned out of thu brick
before you get it.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
Original Townsite of Bend
Park Addition
, , Lava R.oad Addition t
North Addition
Riverside Addition -Lytle
Center Addition
Bend Park
First Addition to Bend Pork
Second Addition to Bend Park
Boulevard Addition
. S"
For Descriptive Literature, etc., address
455 Empire Building, Seattle, Wash. . '.'
First National Bank Building, Bend, Oregon f