t IIH.VJ) IJULLKTI.V, HI5NP, OltK., WKIINKHOAY, AV(WHT 0, 1PM. I'AOR a. i Seffersoh climbers find v record ofascent in 1854 Mit)- mitl IIImikIIiik ItHiini Kioiii I.oiik 'TriuiililiiK Trip lit ('iiMiitlw-Tiout Cuiilit In .Mountain t'H'i'U. Ilimiilil Xlnf mill Dmiillil llllklllllllir rottirtiuil July aft fn i tun iluyH' MilkliiK trip In, urn Mt. .in no ruin ..iinlru wlilnli HlllV 1 1 1'flll 11 tl It Cl tllll liKIMt HttrilfllVO (llHtrlDt llllllKllllllllll or an oiilliiK uticu its tnoirs. HlnrtliiK out rrtnii llolHinn on inn li.lnlliiu rlvnr. Ilinv lalillilml tliroliull tlio country iiioimil Jorrirsoii ttnil niiulo tlio uscmit of tint lunik. Al li.nul Ifiillur llll fl-illll Hut UlllllllltllHt kiau.fllivy Kot to within liunilruil rvt 01 tnu miiiiiiiiii, iiirumr proKruim Im'Iii'k uitrrotl liy nn nlinoHt ioriuiiitlo tilur iilnnuolo. At tlilM point tliuy hiiinil u Imttlu nil olii-fiishloiiml wlilnko)' liolllo -which coiitnliiod it n-conl of real historic lutttrcHt, of Vliloli tliu followliiK U verlmtliu copy: "Wltiun less tiuin iuu riMit or , tint summit of Ml. Jurtiirson, Ore- Kim, Wmlnvminy, August J 3, 187U. On this ilntn, uliutit noon, wo, J, II, .Waldo mid It. W. Illiiislutiii of l'orl- Innil, orison, clliiiuoii to turn spot nnil ilcnoslturi thin rocorri. Wo I cniivo founil tliu record of I'rentou I lilniiiiiy, July 11, 18IH. on tliu aU -plintui'lo linnivillittuly south of.thls, !mf ami of otlaim Inter. A wu conslil- r Hits Hpot llm grimiest otnvntloii wo hnvu uror nttnliteil wo iirufur to ili'poult ours tiuru. AukumI 13, '170. (HlKiM'd) J. H. Wnldo nnil IC. W. IIIiikIihiii." An IntunmtliiK Itum of tho trip 5 us Hint tlii llwinl lilkurH found o- ict'lliMit Hiii'ckliul lirook trout iiniiiiik in it small sironm rtiuiiiiiK irom joi fiTinn Into tint Mutollus, which tliuy lt..ll.tv.i 1m ..nllml J.iffi.mnti nriiitk. TI111V fluid licitn told Hint tlirro wiih nbso- kitnly no lUliliiK Mi miy ut UK'iiii nt r t'ii inn, GREAT SCENIC ROUTE AiItniitflKCtf of LVntrnl Orison Illjtli wny Itrcounlml. I'ortlnnd'B ntlltuilo to tlio atnlum of Ciiii trill OrcKon for tlio 1'aolflo llKhwny routti. In pmfurmien to oiih throtiKU the Wlllmiutlto vnlloy, nra .still Indlented In tlio followliiK vdl torlul from ih Imuo of tlio OruKon Jotirnnl recent lr. "Work Ik itbout to lic-itm on thn I'ortlsnil-lloml Hlvor stretch of tliu 1'ouiiilila lilKhwny. It Ik nxpoetttd thut tlm proKntni will bo ilnlihHt ly 11915. Tlio ilHtormlnMlon to build thn iifw highway op mm up lrH mhI- )llltl(M for tourist trnvol through J.'tmtttrn Orwioa. "No Kcwtila routa In the world, f.ynulil prHioiit nltrnetion morn miimi JU than r boulovnrd nloiiK the Col- iiiuliln. If onru tun Ktroteu to Hood Itlvcr wore completed mid tlio Iuk from Hood Itlvxr to Tliu I)nllK inailo; inoiliTii, nn normoui tourUt liimlnihoii would liu nttrncttMl. No rond of nlml-1 Mr IuiikiIi In tlio world would vl' with It In licnuty of ncmo nnil VBrlctv j of woudom, "Coiiipliitlon of both ntrdtolioH would (inlckly rnliiu tlio Imkuo If KiihI turn rnthiir tliuii WoMturn UrcKon would liol liu (liu totilo for tlio I'liulflu HlKliwiiy, iio'UIiIIdiI. Tliu dirt rondo of iiiohI of the KiiHluru Oidkoii coim II oh urn nlrunily houkIiI hy iiiaiiy truv iilum In profnruiico lo WuHttirn Ore koii routvH. .Mirny tourlHtH cvon from Wllliiiuiittn viilluy nro hIiIppIiik thnlr irucliliiiiH lo Tliu Dullim, mid prornnd Iiik thouci) Mouthwiird to llund, KIiiiii nth mid ('inter l.uko." Th ut thn C'oiilrul OniKon roiito Im hoth tliu iiioNt fLUNlhlu mid tliu iiiont uttrnctlvo Ik uuiiiIiik to ho Kuuurnlly coilcudud hy thou who huvo niitoml In hoth dlNtrlulri. With Inu oiiuiiIiik of tliu Columbia rlvnr hlKhroad an other arKuiuiitit will ho uilduil to tlio many already provided hy tinturu for tliu imtahllHlimuiil or tliu HiroUKh Callfornlii-WiiKhliiKtoii mid In Cen tral UruKon. , Tli Ik now Columbia ro.id will oplm u woiiilurfiil iuenlc way directly from llund to Portland. It will offur ovci) kind of nceiiory, mid pnen throiiKli nil klndi of country, An n ntliniiluK to Interior Oreon tourlKt trnvol It f fuoU will iiu fur leacbliiK. FREIGHT GQESF0ILD0 LAKE (Vmeiil mid I.iiinber Token In I'roni lleie 11.1 Mlh'M, That much freight will bo tuknn In from llund lo tliu Wnldo l.nko re orvolr work wan Mtwted hero hint week by Hlmou Kluvdahl, In chant" of con Kit 'lotion oiirn(loUK there. The lako U nbout 05 iiiIIum KouthweRt of llund, ilear tliu miniinlt of thu CiiHcadeH, and a rent renervolr for Irrlnatlon mid power purpoKOH In beliiK built, I.uhI HUiumur () toiiR of frulKbt were taken In from here, chiefly on lueiit mid luiubur. All food MiipplliM nro packed In from the went from UukrldKu, tliu ncnrcKt railroad point. cHulcyicEs .MelliodUt. Borvlcei Bundny nl 11 n. in. nnd 8 p, in. Holiday nchool at 10 n, in, Kpworth LoflKUo at 7 p. in. I'rnyur mcotltiK ThtirHilny nt 8 p. ru. Choir irnotleo Wcdnemlay nt 8 p. in. IbiptUt. Kundny nchool at 0:U, proaahtiiR ut 11 n. m. and 8 p. in. Ilrothurhuod at 3 p. im. Vohiik puoplu'R ineutltiK nt 7 p. in. I'rayer iumHiik at 8 p. in. on WudutHKlay. Choir pruetlco Tuurday ovenlhK ut 7:10. Catbollc. There will bo mirvlcim nt tho Cath olio church next SuiidRy nt 10:10. Chun li of tliu llrrtliren. On ncflouui of the nbKuueo of tho milliliter, there will bo no urvloen next Huniluy. Tbrno Rklllud barbcrR nro nt In nca & I)avld-on'K barber ahop to Korvo you. Adv. iMalniAilrl Hot rollH nml bread nt tlio Ameri can I la kery ovcry uftuniooii nt fl o'clock, Now Rtoro on Wnll utruct.lOtf HU.M.MO.NH. Ill tllf9.1UHtlCl'M Court for DCRClllltCR DlHlrlct, Cronk County, Btuto of Oregon. It, !., Kiibln, TriiKk-o, plnlnlirr, vr. J. K, Hnwhlll mid Kllznbuth Moorn Hiiwhlll, (lefonilutitR, To J. K. Hnwhlll, Hufundaiit: In tho niiiiiu or tho Stnto of Ore koii, You nro huruby rjntrfl to nji pimr nml mmwur tho complaint Hied iiKiiliist you In the nhovo entitled no Hon on or before September 4, 1113, nnd If you fnll no to mmwor, for wnnt thuruor, thu plaintiff will tuko Judg ment iiKiiltiRt you for tho ruiii of I2C0.00, toKuthur with tho conta nnd illHhurHumeiitR of HiIh notion, TIiIr HUiuinona Ih piibllMbed plir nunnt to nn order of tho Hon. W. W. Orcutt, JukHco of tlio above entitled court, made and entered on July 22, 10111, dlrcctliiK that riiiiio bo pub llnhed for rIx cormecutlvo week prior to Heptember 4, 1913, In Tho Henjl llullelln, lmt publication to bo July 23, 1113. KOHB KAUNHAM. 20-2C Attorney for I'lnlntlff. Sf.M.MONH, In tho JiirIIcu'r Court for DcnoliutPR Dlitrlct. Crook County, State of Oregon, J. Kttel-on, plnlntlrr, vr. J. 1. Haw. hill, ilufendaut. To J. K. Hnwhlll, IVftindBnt: In the Nnine of thu Btat- of Oreon: You Hre hereby r-tilred to nppear mid nuHuur the complaint filed nKulimt you In the ubovo entitled ac tion on or before Heptember 4, 1013, and If you fall vo to nnawer, for wnnt thereof, the plnlntlrr will tnko JudK inent aKant you for the Rum of fCS.OO tOKolher with Interent thereon nt the rata of C per cent per annum from July 1. 1912, nd Uie cokIr and dlKhurRcmnntR of thU action. TIiIr RiiinmotiR Ih publUbed piiriu ant to an order of the Hon. W. W. Orcutt. JiiRtlco of tho alniva entitled court tnndu nnd entered on July 22, 1913, directing Hint aauio bo publl-li-ed for kIx coimeoutlvo weekR In The Horn! Iliilletln, prior to Keptoinbor 4, 1913, first publication to bo July 28, 1911, HOHM KAUNHAM. 20-25 Attorney for Plaintiff. notick oi' i'inaii kicttmuiknt. In the County Court of the State of Oroaon, for the County of Crook. In the matter of the vatHte of Mabel HoblM, Docuaiwl. Notice U hereby given by the un dorKlKiied, the duly piolnted, quail lied nnd acting adintiiutratoj of the imtate of Uliel II ebb, deceased, that lie Iirh made and (lied with the coun ty, clerk of Crook county, Oregon, hl dual account mr ndmlulRtrntor of the iiKtate of Mabel llobbn, dccoaned, ask ing that wild final nccounl bo Hettled mid allowed and the administrator nnd IiIr iMindsmen reloaed and said County Court haa set Monday, tho 11th day of August. 1913, at 10 o'clock a. in, nt tho court room In 1'rlnevllle, Oregon, as the time nnd place at which any person Interested In said eitato tuny appear nnd object to tho altowanco of said flnnl ac count. GHOIlOli HOUUS, Administrator of the listato of Mabol Hobbs, Deceased. Vernon A. Korbee, Attorney for Ad ministrator. 1S-23 The dependability of Mnirhoid Roofino; bus been proven by special tests covering n period of many years. Made in the largest factory in the world it is absolutely right in every detail. It resists fire is acid proof water and weather proof Keeps heat in the building in winter. Keeps it out in summer. Malthoid will last as long as the building it covers. It is inexpensive easy to lay and your roof troubles arc over when Malthoid' is laid. Hade byThcParaffinePaintCo. SKUSE hardware co- Sm fnetisu) and tmywhtff Ucnd, OreKon It's free IfbJ Mil. A rr 4tliuU 'Cheerful Homes." TtlitUUl lllaMiiKi mm I lt Ml Wtllll tlllfktttlt UmI.ii CtlilymU. a u .tr tMkiur lll iiiir. Iimliw. .IMMm, SlllMMB rf-'i r-ul i M A5t: ZL.A1 I PorllandV Fhmou? Hotel no tod for the Excellence' of itfGuisinc.Europeanpfarj Situated in the hub of the principal theater and shopping "district. Recently redecorated and refurnished throughout, and better equipped today than ever before EUROPEAN PLAN. Rooms without bath, $1.00 per day and up, 4 Rooms with bath, $2.00 per day and up. N, K. CLARKE, Asat. Mgr. Q. J. KAUFfllANN, Manager Kl'.MMONK. In thn Circuit Court of the State of Ore roii for the County of Crook. J. A. Klllott. plnlntlrr, vr. C. W. llur toukIir and ICthel U. nurroughs, dwfondRtitM: To O. W. IturroiiKliB nnd lit hoi D. HurroiiKha, n!too-nnmud deren dnnU: In the iiriiio of the State at Ore- can, van and uach of von nro iinrnliv reutred to appear and answer the complaint Med uRnlnst you In tho ntnivo entitled action on or before Thurday. thu 11th day of September, lt)13, and If you fall ro to answer, for want tnereor tlio pinlnurt will tip lily to tho court for tho relict de ninnded therein, viz., .for judgment nKnlnst you and each of you for tho sum of 1174.65. together with Inter est thereon at the rato of 10 per cent per annum from tho 1st day of May, 1V12, until paid, together with 30 attorney fees nnd for tho costs nud Disbursements of this action. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof onco a week for six successive weeks. In Tho Hend llullotln, by order of tho Honorable W. I.. Uradshaw, Judge of the above entitled court, which ordor Is dated July 30th, 1913. Date of first publication July 30, 1913, Date of last publication Sep tombor 10, 1913. VBKNON A, FOR11K8. CHAS. W. ER8KINK. 21-27 Attorneys for l'lalntlff. Hl'MMONH. In tho Circuit Court of tlio Stnto of urogou tor tno uouniy ot crooK. (1. 1. Putnam, plnlntlrr, vs. Matt Mut ton, defendant. To Mntt Uutton, ubovo named de fendant. In the nnmo of tho Stnto of Ore gon, you nro horeby roijulred to np pear and niiswur tho complaint film) iiKutust you In tho nbovu entitled no tion on or before Thurudny tho 11th day ot September. 1913, nud you nro hereby notified Hint If you fnll bo to appear or nnswor, for wnnt thoroof tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for ii decree to tho effect, thut tho north half ot lot 10 or block 9 or lleud, Crook county, Oregon, Is and shnll bo nnd remain tho nbsoluto proporty of snld plaintiff, freo from nil right, Interest or equity therein or thereto on your part, or your heirs or assigns for Judgmont against you to tho effect thut tlio Bald G. P. Put nam Is tho owner In fee slmplo of said property ubovp described, and that you have no right, tltlo or Inter est therein and for tho costs aud dis bursements ot this action. This Butntnons Is publlshod In Tho Ilond UulloUu for six successive weekR In seven consecutive Issiich of said paper, commencing with tho In ane of July 30, 1913, hy order of tho Honorable W. I.. Ilrndsliaw, Judge of tlio nbovo entitled court, which order wan made nnd entered on the 30th day of July, 1913. V1SKNON A. I'OIHIKH, 21-27 Attorney for I'lnlntlff. .NOTICK OF CONTKHT. Department of tho Interior, United Mates Land Office, The DhIIor, Oregon, July 1, 1913. To Kd Smith of Powell Hut to, Ore gon, Contested You nro hereby notified that Paul II, Onrcken, who gives Ilond, Oregon, c-o Ilox 347 ns his pofttolflco address, did on July 7, 1913, file in this office bis duly corroborated application to contest and secure tho cancellation of your homestead entry, .No. , Serial No, 010559 made July 20th, 1912, for BBBVi, roc. 7; NK, HK'iKWH and lot 2, section 18, township 18 H., range 10 East, W. Meridian, and atf grounds for hli con test he nllogcs that tho said Kd Smith haa failed to resldo upon or cultivate said tract for inoro Uian six months lust past and that such falluro was not duo to his employ ment In tho army, navy or marine eorpR of the United States Imtlmo of war or otherwise. You ore, therefore, further noti fied that tho said allegations will bo taken by this oftlco as having been confessed by you, nnd your said entry will he canceled thereunder without your further right to ho hoard there in, either before this office or on ap peal,, If you fall to file In this office within twenty days after tho KOUKTH publication of this notlco, as shown below, your answer, under oaUi, specifically meeting and re sponding to these allegations of con test, or If you fall within that time to fllo In this office duo proof that you have served n copy of your an swer on tho said contestant cither In person or by registered mall. If this service Is tnndo by tho delivery of a copy of your answer to tho con testant In person, proof of such ser vice must be either tho snld contest ant's written acknowledgement of his receipt of tho copy, showing tho dato of its receipt, or tho affidavit of tho porson by whom the dollvery was tnndo stating when nnd where the copy was delivered; If made by rgo (stored mall, proof of such service must consist of tho affidavit or the person by whom tho copy was mailed stating when and tho postoRlce to which It was mailed, and this affidav it must bo accompanied by tho post master's receipt for tno lotter. You should state in your nnswor tho nnmo of tho postofflce to which you deslro futuro notices to be Rent to you. H. KltANIv WOODCOCK. Register. Date of first publication July IC, 1913. Dato of second publication July 23, 1913. Dato of third publication July 30, 1913. Date of fourth publication Aug. C, 1913. s 5 S Si XOTICK OF COXTKST. Department of tho Interior, United States Land 0111m, The Dalles, Oregon, July 7, 1913. To Drayton P. llrlggs of Portland, Oregon. Costestee: You are hereby notified that Pan! II. Oarcken, who gives Ilond, Orogon. e-o llox 347 as his poetoftlee address, did on July 7, 1913, fllo In this oUleo his duly corroborated application to contest and secure the cancellation of your bomoetond entry. No. , Serial No. 0SBC2, mndo Nov. 15th. 1909, for SV4 section 18, township 18 S., range 1G Kast, W. Meridian, and us grounds for his contest ho alleges that tho said Drayton P. llrlggs has failed to reside upon or cultlvato said tract for more than six months last past aud thnt such falluro was not due to his employment In the army, nnvy or marlno corps of tho United Stales in time ot war or otherwise You are. thoroforo. furthor noti fied that the snld allegations will he taken by this office ra having been confessed by you, and your said entry will bo canceled thereunder without your furthor right to be heard there in, either before this offlco or on ap peal, ir you ran to rue in tnis ouice within twenty days after the KOl'IlTH publication ot this notlco, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to theso allegations of con test or if you fall within that time to fllo in this oftlco duo proof thnt you have served a copy of your nnswor on the said contestant cither In person or by registered mall. It this sorvlco Is made by the delivery of a copy of your answer to tho contestant In per son, proof ot such sorvlco must be either the snld contestant's written acknowledgment ot his receipt ot the copy, showing tho dato of Its receipt, or the affidavit of the person by whom dollvored; If mndo by register ed mall, proof of such Bcrvlco must consist ot tho affidavit ot tliu person by whom tho copy was mailed stating when nnd tho postofllco to which It was mnllod, nnd this affidavit must bo nccompnnlcd by tho postmaster's receipt for tlio letter. You should stato In your answer tho nnmo of tho postofllco to which you deslro futuro notices to be sent to you, II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. Dato ot first publication July 10, 1913. Dato ot second publication July 23, 1913. Dato ot third publication July 30, 1913. Dato ot fourth publication Aug. C, 1913. r BORiMaMMBasiBRsaBBiBiqmjaaaaass Newcomers should got the habit of going to Innes & Davidson's bar ber shop. Adv. WHILES OTHERS AKE NAIT1NG you Imvo n chnnco to Kot tho very lost of (lour a finely milled product of tho choicest hard, winter whent. Wo nrc Helling this brand nt a very small advance over the ordinary flours al though we know It will kIvc twlco thu satisfaction In results. Try It once nnd you will find you enn produce the best of bread, rolls and biscuit with tho loast effort. A CHfllfCB Q The Purest and Best Always at r M 0 rfd t " m Hend mi .ny to warehouse Lo. BETWEEN HORSES nnd their nwnorii there should lie n bond - -., ...... .-w. .,..-- ..,. - .- sH of gratitude and there will S be if the animals arc nour- S Ishcd on our high grade of Si feed. We handle only the nuroflt. clnnnnst nnil bent. ra the kind that is really nu t tritlouB and keeps the E animal In thd best of working condition. Our nrlcos nrc renllv mndnrntn - " --- -- as nil our patrons willingly admit. m We Deliver the Goods BUS AND 0RAY LINE LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY, Hay, Barley, Onta, Wheat and Bran at lowest prices. The Largest Barn in Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, Oregon. J. H. WENANDY LON L. FOX) ' V - H. G. FARMS Auto Trucks Operating Regularly Between BEND AND BURNS . PROMPT SERVICE mismi.sW Altamont Hotel THE MOST MODERN AND UP-TO-DATE ROOMS IN THE CITY. STEAM HEAT, HOT AND COLD WATER WITH BATH PRIVILEGE. J. A. CASTES, Mir. Airs. E. J. ItERRINQ, Assistant Mjcr. BEND, OREGON gseas JJ: XEZSBi BE GUIDED BY EXPERT ADVICE WHEN PLANNING PLUMBING Our knowledge of what is best and most suitable for your bathroom is naturally creator than you can be expected to have. This knowledge and experience is at your disposal without extra charge. Tell us how much space you have, approximately how much you care to expend and we will plan for you thn moirf snfisfarlnrv k -3 L - nifa. v 'Y tmJ J? J J arrangement and most desirable fix tures that can be had for the money. As our estimate will be on 1$tnwfnld" guaranteed fixtures and fin class work, 1 !3iB hmm o-i,. jgg' 1 1 mHiW V" ''' I pj i. Bpjsm hm aunaanT "Una" L..wtj ryou can resi assurcu of receiving a per manently satislactory plumbing equipment. J. J. RYAN Plumbing and Heating. Bend, Ore. i: :jU ONE CENT A WORD is all a little want ad will cost you. n I 1 1 $1 ii y y