THE BEND BULLETIN 12 Pages i Section 4 VOL. XI. BEND, OKEGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1913. NO. 21 DESCH UTES YrRIG ATjON PROJECT IS DESCRIBED IN DETAIL 'Carey-Act Segregation, Embracing 227,383 Acres, Offers Varied and Profitable Opportunities for Settlers -1 wF The U JmiliiK nrllcltt It Mipplli'il by ' Hit' tviilml Oiwm litigation Com pany, ttho iipointt' Hid largo! Of ! mt pioji'i'l l tho Nnrtlment. 'I ho ilcKcrlplliui or i 1iic(pi iiimI , poodhllltlc la itppllrithlo to iihihI "" nf llm lirlgnteil IhikIh of Central , fnuii J if liuiul, wntor ml labor oro tlin ore .,''. ... .... .... .......... i .i morn ill mi wunim. uoiiinii tjriiKon IuNtMifM mi nlitiniliincu ot lino In ml mill water, litit litnkH In tint people .liH-wHMiry In (uriiliiti Inlior; ami he IniltM I limn to nh nro liar ninny boun- tlw. In tlin very center of Oregon r mime ton IrrjRAtlon project ly- Inn hIohk (Iio Uosohulo mid Crooked 'tit era Hiiil Tiiinnlii mill Bqunw crook ImIiik dtmilopod oltliur by private cap. ilUI or ntato or government fund. Tttr nro approximately SOO.000 4 mm of land In the jrtiuii, nnd n .. sy. em. ,m, mnko hi cliolen of Htllr bro onu low prlwil Irrigated land nt prlc ' romting from 1 10 to f 200 nn at-rw In Mcoord, with th. .t.;, and t.,o 'Mt ot CHltlvnthin. lla omil llvo In! nn IImI elliMRlt. nnjoy Rood Mieldty, t Rooa rnllriHid trniMitHirtatloH, kmk! ttttrkaU. MhodlM ami all On oonytn- ! wklh mak llf dtwIrnbU. With vwt (Wall en pi In I a wan can t Uk 0 Mrmi of land and with ltulu- try In tkrwi wra n)iy a return ofjand ollmr Rrnlim. ChuImk. panlnlM, IIIIOi ywr Wold makliiR a IIvIiik ' for MwiMtlf and family. Thl doe Hot dofWHd on any hIiirIo crop, hut " miwh n illtomlty of crop iiecenry to lift, u will he mora fully shown ' later. Tho larRcct ot tho projeat I that ot tho Central OroRon IrrlRntlon Com. jmm, a ileicrlptlon of which follow: Tlin IjmiiIh. Tho Carey act land of the I)e- ohute valley which are hetiiR IrrlRat d hy thu Central OroRon IrrlRntlon Coinimny under n contract with tho atale of OreRon Ilo nt nn altitude of from 27(0 to 3000 feet (on tho ont utile of the wonderful l)eohute river from which water I taken), nnd - '"UB " i U,l e-t about 30 mile, tho tract 'un ,nnd Havor, a. I fchown ly the heltiK upproxluiatelySO mllo iquaro hniI eiintnlnlnK 227,983. ncro. Hy rtHwm of tho IIrIiI rnlnfnll tho InHda of thl pnrt nf the country, like th Kroater portion of the land l of the Itoeky mountain, are i lawn! m "arid" and for many year H wo Raerlly titKW that they wrti alnxmt worthlee. but It I found that when imppll! with wdill Moual noWure by Irrigation thy nr mhkmik the mot fertile of "' on earth, nad they prodiiM oroiw of Mitch Hhoadaneo hh'Io bo nlniot tin liotlerabU Th land ultipe Rently from tho l)tcUitH river nml oonalet of plain and Hllgbtly rollltiR country. It fftlla tuwnrd the north nt tho rate of about SO feet or mllo. It will be readily neon that I hone fenturea prevent Ideal ctindltlfltiH for an IrrlRntlon ytom. The land In covered with RnRobruih mid u Rrntturlng Rrowth of Jimlir tree. Tho vnRebruih I onully ruked up nml Inirued; tho juniper, which ha no tap root, I oaally pullod and In worth far moro than the coat ot ro niotlnK n It mnko flno fuel and prac ttoally Indoitructlblo fence poita, butt for telephone, teloRraph and flectrlc light pole, under pinning etc., for any purpoio whoro wood inuit touch tho ground, aa It I ex tromely alow to rot. Tho Boll. Tho aoll la a dlitntegrated lavn and volcanic ash, ground by glacial action nud other force Into very fine parll ulcn, o rich In nil euentlal chemlcul Ingredient Hint It Is practically Inox Imimtiblo. Tho annio kind of noil in ther pnrtn ot tho ntnto hu boon pro tluolng crop for mnny yuara nod Is tilll poii ring forth wondorful yields It lljtlit In color until w.itoiau, vhun It livcomos a rich dnrk nr nvu U llRhtnoHH nnd wiirinth mnko It im pr dally onny ot nnd respopstvo to cul tlvutlcn. Nowhoro Is thoro n noil moro oiiBlly workod nnd fnrmo.l. Mrny thoiiHnnd of ncre nro now 1 1 1 rocoxH or cultlvatlnn nml ouch (lav is bi 0 1 n k Huttlorti who .rs lirenklnj; n ni innil. Alfnlfa. Ofo of tho most Inirortnn nnd prolltnlilo crop of thl miction of tho country In nlfulfn, It fortllUoa tho noil nnd keeps It froo from woods, -uhlto tho yield tor n long tlmo In oreimos with onch cutting. "With propor ciltlvntlon tho yield should ho from throe to flvp tons por noro. Al falfa Is the boat basis ot cnttlo, shoeo mid hog raising. No othor hay crop poHsoBHOH oqunl vnluo, Hogs pastur ed on ulfnlfn noed no grain until Just n few weeks hoforo placing thorn on tho mnrkot. Bow a ood Hold of nl fnlfn, buy ft fow cqws, got'stimo hogs to drink tho skimmed milk and bug cobv la asHurod. Alfalfa Is also nn Ideal food for chlnkon nml In no othor neetlnu ot tlio United fllnbS will poultry ruining yield larger "ri ttiriiH, ('Inter, Itod olovor oomo next to 1ntn ami It I enough to my -that erfym Imra hnte yielded from three to four tons nt a sluglu outtlHg. , Other Crop. Out hnvo. yielded from id to M huhol ior ncro on now land. Pota toes hnvo yielded 200 miotm por'afro, with other corpH In pioportlnn. dart don voRotitblo ilo wull hnro. j, i Potntoo, rutabaga, turnlpn, ami pninlp also yloltl InrKo oropn Iiitfoj, anil tlin MiiKr beet can bo grown al most nnywhoro. . Tho hoot linn Its' highest commercial value only whom mimililmi rule. Tim largo Ipityoa, out miliar tlio ronatant uuihliia of our growing season, quickly storndhd Iwinnv cuIIh with tlio' rich micnr-nru tluelng nweot. HtiRnr hoot rnloi( - thZm) rrU-(M, ,BncH B1W (( . ,,Huny ,,., uvorago ImiIIi In purity, HUKnr percentage nml yield per uere. Whlltt all root rroim do excwftllJjRly IJ. "r. ! Irl- - . .... . ... ... '!... purloined K row em or oninnH yiaim thai from arr ean 700 to 1000 li pnnliicwl liimlmU pur from in iitnuH. , TIih rlrh anil, favorahln ol)(iAte and Hbiinilant wnlnr nupply fnnMh IiIkkI roiulltlfMNt for n tllveriUy of crotw: nlfalfn, rd rlovtir, t, kyMy enrnns. CBiHrr, immiij rntii hhwhuhi art uiiMcollml. With Imluilrqtia and IntelllRiitit oultlvatlnn ia'crw will mipport a famlly In comfort nn4 mnko n iiurplui. lVult. Noarly all mnll frulU do well. Oooiolmrrli'ii, raiphcrrlci, hlacklor rim and atrawltorrlca hoar unmually well. Tlio foil, water, altitude, cllmnto and other natural condition! nro iuch that tlio fruit produced horn nro of the flncKt quality nnd rlchrat flnvnr and coloring of any In thl market, nnd while ninny variolic of trull nro dolnic well here, the applo I mnklnR an especially Rood nhowltiR. Tho applo I a fruit that require a fact that It I mint uccifully grown In the higher altitude and northern climate. With our nunshlny da np pie and other fruit I att n fine col oring, w'lilch greatl) ntt In theh sole. Oregon apple command tho highest prlee of nny In tho Haitern nd Ixuidon mnrket. 1'rult raising poMlbllltle n do crlboil olewhere In thl papr. Klock ItuUliiK. Centraf Oregon hits long been fa nioiiH na n Mtook oouutry, nml with Its groat nrlety of product Qrook coun ty claim tho Rreatott per capita wtMlth of any county lu OroKoil. In thl county I tho most valuable hand of ahoop In tho Unltod States; frou thl baud shlpmont ot beutrbloodod atook nro made to all part of the world. 1'uro blood and hlgl) grade cnttlo urn nlo found hero lu alum dnnce. Winter fed beet for the Port land and coast markcta haa become a. vory important and profitable Indus try tor the cattle men nnd alfalfa ranchers of Costral Oregon. Dairying, Dairying I destined to bo one Of the most important occupation on these Irrigated lands. Tho pure soft water, thu excollent climate, Absence of aevero storm or wind or continu ed cold or heat, and the great varloty of easily grown grassea and greSm, settlo thin question. Tho yield ot buttorfat from Piltk. produced from tho grauoi o( thoo Irnd la much higher than tho avor hro, nnd wo earnestly advle th set, tlor to go into thl business,, a tho manufacturo ot butter nnd choose will bo Immonaely profttnble. Dally express now carrlea quanti ties of cronm from those lunda to tho cronmorlcN nt I'rlnevlllo, Terrebonne, Itodinoml, llond nud tho cheese fac tory at Lnldlnw. Othor cronuiorlos nnd cheoao factories will bo1 estab lished On tho land, Water Hiiunlv. Tho Dcachutos rlvor Is clitst)d W tno unltod mates Irrigation' Commis sion as tho ".Jloat rlvor for IvrfKntlon In tho world." Tho question of greatest'. lqpor tnnco for tho IntondltiK bottler to con sider Is tho quantity und pqruinnoiico of his wntor supply. No stramu in tho world usod for Irrlgatlot) bn such remarkablu toaturos as the Deschutes. It is tho uocond largest rlvorJn Oro gon lu volumo of water carried dur ing tho dry sonson. v Tho Btato Canaarvntlon Coiuinla bIou Bnya: "Tho Uosohuton rlyor of Oregon Is n marvol, a scientific, won dor. A favornblo topography. Abun dant precipitation and n pocqilur po rosity or soil and nub-strata all com bine to maintain a uniformity of flow that is most remarkable, With n drninago area ot 9000 aquaro nitlea und the Hourrs of tho rlvor nnd It tributaries In the high mountain and among the glaoler nnd xiiowcnppod lienkn lying within tho hrmvlly tlin lierod government lurost nmorvo, the ouoriiiouH volumo of water I ho well mnlntnluod and uniformly dlsH trlbuted through tho nwihou tho I)e ohute I called 'The rlvor that never change,' Water Htipply Carefully Apportloniif. . from careful moasuroiuouU made by both state and government, the Rtnlo hu apportioned tho water, mnk ing liberal altownnco for wasto and oviiporiitlon o that each ncro of Irrl gdlilo land under the irrigation com pany' Mogrogatlaun will porpotually rufjelvo tho water apportioned to It, which during the Irrigation soason from May 23 to August 20 I 21.8 Inchon nnd during thu balance of tho year aumclont water for ordinary ng- r cultural crop. The coutrnct with tho itnto of Ore gon protect tho Hottlor In hi water right more fully than lu any othor state In which water rights aro sold under tho Cnroy act. Tho state or Oregon Is vory strict In It requirement for tho protec tion of the ettler water supply; all canal, rnolrs, etc., tiro construct ed on a largo ncalo to absolutely guar- nn I on It. and aro 30 por cent Inrgor thnn necewmry to carry the water re quired. Kaclt pervoti who npplle for land and arrange to purchase water right from the Central Oregon Irrl KHtlon Company, wul recelvo trom the Mtat one bnre In tho Irrigation tm Mr each irrlgablu acre of lund taken. Water I'mth .Worlntloii. x III 1917 tho water system will be turned over to n water users' associa tion and onch person will hnvo as many votes In that Association ns ha has irrlgnblo noro. A ensh dopotlt Is required by tho stato from tho construction company for each ncro sold, to guarantee tho irrigation sys tem to be In good condition hun It Is turn od ovor to tho sottlors. Canal Now llullt. Tho company now has water flow ing In more than 300 mile of main canal and lateral, whlCu coat moro than a million dollar. Tho Pilot Hutto main canal I 31 miles long anil 30 feet wldo on tho bottom nt point or diversion. Tho Control Oregon main canal n U feet wide on tbo bot tom nt tho headgata and la 38 miles long. Tho North canal dam and first sec tion of tho cnnnl, ploturea of which nro shown herewith, which wero con Htructed In 1912 nt a cost of $200, 000, will divert nml carry 1000 cubic feet or water per second or tlmo and will roclalm 70,000 acres of now laud lying to the east of the towns of Des chute nnd Itedmond nnd adjoining the Hill nnd llarrlmnn railroad. Wntor Power. ir necessity demanded, It would bo posHlblo to develop ovor n million horeKwer from tlio Deschutes rlor over four time that at preont de veloped nt Niagara, Fall. This, whon developed, will furnlah power for n network of electric road crossing tho Irrigated land, und supply tho settler with electric currcni for power and light. Climate nml Scenery. Too much cannot ho said in pratao of tho cllmnto of Central Oregon. Tho western wind prevailing In this part of tho country nro robbed of thulr molaturo by tho lofty Cascade nn 1 come to u gontlo, cool, rottohlug nnd Invigorating with a dellclou tang In them that makoa tho blood go fast er and urges us on to groater achieve ment. Our yearly rainfall la trom 10 to 20 Inches, Tho air Is dry, tho wind ore light, the aatntu days aro warm but not oppressive, and tho nights aro uniformly cool and retreabln?. Se vere storms, heavy annwA and daik nnd dismal dn are uiiMmwu. I bo occasional light snovs In tho winter raroly remain on tho (round moro than throo or four days, Tho following comparatlvo tabo tnkon from tho Woathcr Uuroau ro ports shows tho roason for tho won derful vniut'i of all forms or vege tation on irrigated landn in the Dec chutes valley; DA-Y8 OP SUN8IHNB Chicago 351 days In tho year Washington .... 200 days In tho year Bt. Paul 200 days lu tho year lloston 200, days In tho year Now York .... 203 dua In the year Dojivor 304 days In tho year DoB.chutOB Irrigated lands .' 310 days In the yoar Tlio bonuty and grandeur ot tho Cascado mountains which form a part or tho glorious scouto display or this country surpasses tho adoquncy or language. From tho Irrigated land may bo soon tho snowcapped MJ. Bt. IIolonB, Mt. Adams, Mt. Hood, Mt. Jofforson, Squaw mountain, Throo Fingered Jack, Mt. Washington, tho Throo Bisters, Drokon Top and the Old Dacholor. A tltnnla processional boajitltul, Imposing and awful; a ecenlo panornma nowhoro also equaled, on earth, Tho excellence or honlth conditions are described l"where In this paper. Koclal Advantage. Thoro nro good school nnd churche In Iloml, Hodmond, Torrn- boiino, Deschutes nnd I'rlnevlllo, and lu fact very few settler need drive far to enjoy these advantages in these towns whleh nro olther within ttieso land or adjacent and largoly depen dent ' thereon. HCIll the graded soliool and high sohool lu three or tho above-named place, rural schools Views on WliCt-v I leld Boctlou of North Canal Capacity w . "' "r""i """ r minify Ani xBBBaaaBu sbbibhe. JfBaBaBVBBBBal BaBaBaBBBBBBB . iBBBBaaa JsBaBaBPvwBBBBal .SPwBBBBBBBa BBUfcT" 9 BV . -, mi in tin inIAmmfaftyittrPk'r'MK'' IbbbbbW' WHtl'aFfiM HWIIafMiirPTl BaaitSBaMaWaBBaV jTJJiMKnjKKtWiimKKlftMtrlK'-mtlnfmi7 !BBBaMlSflSSa I'sBaVBBaBaBalBaBaBBaBaBV "mSBvBut&tiBnWl. WTtm 1 ranii "MaliM.Ti?1ar;JjjBKaM' atflaTABaBaVSHTf'HBaW'LSBamBaBaBalBa pry -.4'. ' ;'".- '" - ? -&& IJtokM T" A. BbbbbV' ' W. & iBBaBaBBBBBW llaBBBBBTl T PBaBaBaBaV I " ' . J ... JbbbKJ BBnHHHRjHppP ValaBaBarViaBaBaflBaBBBBBal Bat laBBBiBB.llBlBBBBaiBcaMaBaBP jbbVRbibVbhSbt" i bbbbbbbbbbbbI rHjHHPaBBBBBBBBaBVHBBJBBBBBBBPjB BSttBmBGBBBQ BBBBBBBBBBBBBm HBBBBBBBBBHKRffiSlbViSQB JJswlWiBlBl0ilP5r , .BBBBBBBBBBbI BBKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk " , Vk'ifc BBBBBBBBBBtWBBBjLv ?R jW T "; VBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. v9f i m TBI aKBBBBBBT WbJIflMBvi BBBrvE)va rt ftMBT 2- b&SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB T Jl vIbkL.IWbS& ilffiVSl' fuflftfTMi ' - IWygt-iJ t VBBfaBBBBBBBBBl trBBBBBPWBaKalBBBBBBlBBBBBBBBaHBBK WJBk&r ZrMnMtluWt lsBBBBVPH"vw'3cQpnHiKVJPM V-JsU-nTy ai2hiSl4 BBBBBBBr'' 'V "- -3V B . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfBMKBBBBEPBBBlBJBBB fc 'aRcTlft . W?2WPBbRK LLTjlBWBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBfaBBBf MIhMbbE flflHHHHUBHBHNKn MHySawJlK HEfcMff? ZTZE&'CZi? LBRyBBBHaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB WFjZBS&V-.r' 3!M - '1HbHsHbbbbbb1HH x3tm$isS!3 BaAliPBBavSr " , . i .-AdcuM" iwbmbbbbbbmbbbbbbbbbbbbbMbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbw 'v'r JmPbVSTi 9Bbbbbbbbb1bb1bb1Ebbbbbwbbbbbbbbbbbb .,vv"?-M " ' '',i s - J -llmrwi' T 7 aTMaBTMhMBaBi I P"Lf,S4 sKf-A " 4 s ? - jHnaflif 111 JrRbbbbmbbbbbbbb1 'bbbhbbW vii JL '4 BBhMUP(WBBJjmmJW1Bjmw " -' wpiBipPlBBp3PBaBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPWyffejk? bTJ ! drsSBtBlW-7BBBBWB9afaBVBV ' M 'IWfff Tiff "' JfnTflBBWBBBBBBBBJT; 'Stl 13bWbBBBBBBBBBBBBB !w BBBBBBBWslBaBBV Jit MjfrW HsTsBaPti. tKBSsKBmmBSBKBKBtBtBBSHBStM JBBBBBBBLBBBBBbBb1bV -JJV. taBBTBBVsBBBBBBHftl9BBBlWBBBBBBVflB 4Wii- . jifSA ' WBBBnBBBBBBBVHSBBBlBVBflBSBflHBBBBBBBB BHBBM!VBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBr LTjaBBBBBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW are established hy tho county as rap Idly as tho population demand. Irrigated lauds always attract the highest typo or civilization and the etller on those land aro noble ex amples or tho rule. You will find plenty of good company nnd associ ate. In and about the segregated land are many mule deer, bobcats, coyote, rabbits, sagehens and some quail. i take nml Htrcnnn, In tho adjoining mountain are Central Oregon Segregation. Umlcr Central Oregon CannI, PpncM Scone Along Pilot Ilutto Canal. 1000 Cubic Foot of Water per Second largo deop lata .and beautiful stroam, hero and there bprdorod by grassy meadow, the water gay with, nwan, duck, geeso and other wild fowl, and flashing with idnumorablo trout of many vtirHtlt.. 4 Game. . w .- - Dear, boar and othor game abound In the rorcat along the streams aro boavor, otter, mink, coons, fisher and martens. In the great Casoado for- i ' (Continued on Pago Six) Duttc IH(rlct of Tlmo Will Irtrlffnte 70,000 Acres. (