1R0 it itr.M) iii'm.ktiv, wv.su, mi: vi:inksiav, ji'dv no, win. r Y. - 0 Do You Know that Bend Has an Electrical Equipment Capable of Caring for the Needs of a Town of 25000 People? c fc 'jy N OTHER WORDS, this company has an investment far in excess of the actual needs of TODAY. But the Bend Water Light & Power Company is planning for TOAIOR ROW. It believes in Bend. It has banked a good many thousand dollars on Bend, and it means to do everything in its power to aid the substantial development of Bend. This company has extended its water, light and power service just as rapidly as there was demand created for it -indeed, considerably more rapidly than the actual business of today has warranted, from the standpoint of immediate income. And this policy will be pursued, just as this organiza tion will try, to the very best of its ability, to cooperate with the people of Bend in building up a community that will be surpassed by none in the Pacific Northwest. -----Complete satisfaction for its customers is the first consideration of the B. W. L. & P. Co. And together with this its greatest aim is to add to the prosperity of these customers by adding to the prosperity of Bend. MANUFACTURERS ARE INVITED TO QUESTION US REGARDING WHAT WE HAVE TO OFFER IN CHEAP POWER AND ADVANTAGEOUS LOCATION. WE WILL DO EVERYTHING WE CAN TO ENCOURAGE the ESTABLISHMENT OF LEGITIA1ATE MANU FACTURING ENTERPRISES IN BEND, AND WE CAN PROMISE ANYONE SEEKING A COMBINATION OF PLENTIFUL, CHEAP POWER, EXCELLENT WATER, SATISFAC TORY TRANSPORTATION, ADVANTAGEOUS LOCATION AND DELIGHTFUL SURROUND INGS THAT AT BEND THEY WILL FIND AN OPPORTUNITY THAT IS WORTH INVESTIGATING The BendJVater Light & Power Go. Bend, Oregon u br i