HUM) lll'MJITIN, IIKNI), OHM,, W'KDSKHHAY, JUJY ill), 101 II. I'nRO 0. fclBr IS No r Brick! f A N if ' SATHER.BLDG., Good Brickwork needs no repairs. It never has to be painted. It does not rusk or rot. It does not scale or fall. It does not twist, shrink or crack. It does not disintegrate or crumble away. Brick withstands all climates. It has stood the "test of time." It is good for centuries. LOW INSURANCE ON BRICK! Elsewhere in this paper our plant is described. Our brick is made in Bend, OUR MONEY IS SPENT IN BEND. BEND BUILDINGS SHOULD BE BUILT OF BEND BRICK. man a F ii 9 A T-$l FP.W YRARS AP.O ,.,U , ,.,l- cm. thing special in hats, shoes or suits, you sent to Portland by way of Shaniko for it. Sometimes, if you were lucky, you got what you ordered in ten days, but often you had to wait from two to six weeks. JTODAY, when you want something special in men's furnishings all you have to do is to step out on Wall Street and come to my store a thoroughly modern, well-equipped and completely stocked establish ment, where you can get just what you want when you want it and at the prices you want to pay. SUITS, SHIRTS, SHOES, HATS, SOCKS, COLLARS, NECKTIES, EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING FOR A MAN TO WEAR, We were here when Rend hud no railroad. We will be here when Bend hus 60,000 people still serving our putrons to the best of our ability. Our object is to SATISFY OUR CUSTOMERS. May we satisfy you? A. L. French ugnmnrtummi ww?rmgra,CTm WALL STREET. J