11KNI1 IU'M.KTIN, RKN0, Ottll, WKDNKflDAY, JULY Stt, MM. , rage 8. c w IS READY TO USE FIRST SERVICES NEXT SUNDAY PHKSItYTKlttAN 1'lll'UCH W IINNU NOW PltACTICAMiY KINIHIIKI). Central Oregon's First Stone nnd )' I n c s t ltuific f Worship N Completed, Cot Doing About $TUOU Ur. Corby to I.eac. The opening services In the new First Prcabytorlan church of Rend will be held next Suuday, the build ing bolng'prnctlcallr completed. This Is believed to bo the flnest church in Central Oregon, and it is also the first to be constructed of stone. The material was quarried here and con sists of pink, black and brown Dee chutes soft rock. The cost of the church was about $7000. ?3500 of which Is provided by the General Assembly of tho church. The services will le Joined in on Sunday morning by tho other Pro testant denominations. Rev. K. C. Kcwham, the .Methodist pastor, and Iter. E. G. Judd, the Raptlst minis ter, will speak on "The Purpose of a Church, and "Christian Fraterni ty." The public Is Invited. Announcement -was made by Dr. I. I. Gorby, the pastor, to his con gregation last Sunday that he had decided to leave Dend, now that, after two years labor, the building Is com pleted. He has received Invitations from churches In Chicago, TAcoma, Sacramento and Portland and may accept one of these. He will announce next Sunday morning at what date his resignation will tnko effect. The Presbyterian Sunday school will be held nt 10 a. m. In the new church, In charge of the superinten dent, Ross Farnham. &JHK3LA XTJWsKt SLI till anWswBsW; kn bsWslsasK x "t! lHBslri iwBSKm HI BHBBsisstei TsT BmllHSBiiMsTlsB TTsffsfWHsTI Opening Itilon Services Will llo rtctil Next Sttiulay Morning. REAL ESTATEJflANSFERS Deeds That Have Rcen Filed For Record nt Prltiellle. (Special to The Bulletin) PRINEVILLB, July 22. Among the deeds filed for record from July 14 to July 19 are the following: Roman Catholic Bishop of Baker City to Franciscan Order of the Dio cese of Baker City, beginning at a point marked by a tack on a stake and located from the cast corner of block 17, Bend, south C7 degrees 11 minutes east CO Hi feet, south C7 de grees 11 minutes east 180 feet to a point marked In place by tack on a stake, south 22 degrees 49 minutes west 195 feet to a point marked In place by a tack on a stake, north C7 degrees 11 minutes west 243.73 feet to a point in southeast boundary line of Lava Road and marked In place by a stake and located from point of be ginning south 40 degrees 55 minutes, west 205.14 feet, thence by curre (radius 292 feet) on southeast boundary of Lava Road 206.14 feet to point of beginning, sa'd tract being part of the nwte4, section 32-17- 12. Bend Park Co. to Carl O. Larson. It 9, m J 00, Plntf Add.. Bend Park. ?10. . Uc.a Park Co. to fcwan Olaf Ort qulst. It 3, blk 111, First add., Hf Mil Park. $10. Frank Blklns. sheriff, to Chas. H. DoiJ, v'rszy' J4f nl ene'i, nee. 26-11-9. r St L. Staa'S to C. V. SllvU. Its 11 and 12, block 7, oesolmtea Add., Bend. $400. Oscar A. Fields to Alice G. Fields, nwU sec 31-11-17. $8000, Northern Pacific Railway Co. to Lawrence Connell, swUneUi tee. 23-14-21. 1490. D, C. Peterson to M. A. Clark, Its 35 and 3C, blk 27, La Pine. Albert Taylor to M. A. Carter, west 5-16 of nWttnwK, tec. 4-15-10, be ing west 12 acres of said 40; also 1-12 Interest in irrigation ditch and water rights for watering lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 of sec. 4-15-10. $1500. T. H. Beverly to, Trumann Meredith Its 3 and 4, anwU, sec. 5-18-14. Bend Park Company to Minnie W. Stephens, It 25, blk 109, FIrct add., Bond Par. $150. Arnold Irrigation Company to J. A. Deemcr, wseU, sec, 21-18-12, with water right for C5 acres. $2500. Charles E. Roberts to William M. Roberts, sMi or It 11, blk 17, Park Add., Bend.. J. A. Kardos to United States, right of way ovor nwnwU. 6-22-11. Alfred C. Mueller to United States, right of way overn ',4 n '.4 , sec. 33; n'fcn'i, sec. 34; nl4nVi. boc 35; nnw, seV4nw'4, boc. 3C-21-11. Christina M. Bather' to United States, right of way over noUnw'4, ceo. 7, and b,4sw4, etc. 6-18-11. Emit Erlckson to United States, right of way over snH, sec. 10-18-10. Bend Timber Co. to United States, right of,wny over seU, eo'4sw, seo. 36-17-11; n'inw'yi, cec, 1; n4 eec, 2; sne, sec. 4; nwUee'i, sec. -1; .nwBeJ4, nnw4, sec. 2-18-10. Bend Timber Co. to United States, right of way over o4w, e'4, sec. 32-211,1. v ",. Deschutes Lumber Co. to United States, rlebt of -way over n, cec. 3; nHseU. sw, sec. 4-18-11. Fremont Land Co. to United States right of way over sHnoU. sec. 36-21-11; oHnwU. sec. 31-21-12. Oregon & Western Colonlxatlon Co. to United States, right of way over sees. 1 asd 3, township 15, range 10, and sees. 9 and 5, township 15, range 10. Aloxander Stewart to D. H. Moss, all of eVjneU, sec. 29; wVinw, sec. 28-11-13, less right of way of the Deschutes Railroad. Alexander Stewart to C. A. Phil brick, nil of It 7, blk 26; It !). e4 It 10, blk 22, Bend; Its 9, 10, 11, blk 22, Jledmond. Bend Park Cb. to B.' Strubblo ct al Its 7 and 8, blk 26, Rlvcrsldu Add.. Bend. Fred Estos to Phcbe E. Currle, it lornH blk 29, Wlestorla. L. D. Wlest to Phobo Currle. It 1 or n4 blk 29. Wlestorla. Gideon Weaver to Bottle Brlckson, Its 3 and 4, sV&nwU. sue. 3-1S-1C. Elmer Nlswonger to W. G. Waugh, nwUseUseVi, sec. 4-1S-12. HIS QUEER SENSE OF HUMOR. Frank Oswald to Carollno Oswald. seMsett, wifcseU, seUseU, sec. 9-20-13. First Natlannl Bank of Bond to George Hobbs, nfeswU, Its 3 and 4, sec. 2-16-14. IT. C. Coe to George Hobbs, nVs swVi. Its 3 and 4, see. 2-16-10. W. H. Stoats to Domlnlkas Paw rasas, It 1. blk IS, Deschutes Add., Bend. $400. State to J. D. Carter, swHswVl, see. 26-17-12. Patent to Jas. Ryan, seVinwVi, efcswVi, sec. 2C-17-12. PARCEL POST CHEAPER UNO PWES BIGGER Cut in Hate Fiini One Crnt For liich Aildltional 1'iiunil to One Cent For Two 1'oundt 20 Pound Limit. Reduction In parcel post rates within the first and second zonea. and increases In the maximum wekh of parcels and substitution of a now tate chart for the complicated pres ent map has been ordered by Post master General Burleson to take ef fect August 25. The rate of pottage in the first zone 1e reduced from 5 cents for the first pound and 1 cent for each addltlon.il pound to f cents for the first pound and 1 cent for each additional two pounds. The maximum weight in Increased from 11 to 20 pounds, bin only In the first and second zones for the present. If this works out all right, the maximum will lj mide J.V pouiti weywhere. Jb addition, the Insurance rate, originally 10 cents, will be redueod to S cents on parcels up to tho vsl-ici of 125. The ohangs: 'Ul.be.JPt Intuit benefit here inasmuch at Portland, tho city with whlth the greatest amount of bustness la carried on, is within the second zone. It Found Rtlttt In Practical Jokts Uoen ths C'srgy. Some thirty odd wir ago a young mini in me tu New York from England (I hnvp forgotten his namei. und for a year r o be ikikw! ms a very ardent vbunhmuu. tic hud n mania which Nfvtmtl to be ttif umktng of trouble for other people, with no particular object ec'it that and certainly wltb no adTiintngc to hltuvelf, as be very uuturally rvmnlncd "Ihcor." Am Illustrative, he would send out a humlrtil or more poitnl cards address h1 to as tunny different plumbers In New York, asking them to call on a certnln tiny, at a given hour, at the residence of the Rev, Dr. Morgan Dlx. rector of Trinity church. Another time It would be an army of baker, nml ho on. On one ocaslon be rent In vitations to a doxen of the clergy to dine with Dr. Dlx on a given date. imagine the good doctor's condemn Hon when his unexpected guests ar rived! One of his bits of "funny" work. In which he until the name of the Into nMiop Jstrgnr. was as follows: Dr. Cornelius It Hwope was tho vicar of Trinity chapel. In Twenty-fifth street, at the time, and Dr Horatio Potter tho bishop of New York Dr. Dlx had he roine so exaxperntetl as hardly to know what to do. sntl one day he wont to consult Dr. Swope ami to ask his advice as to what nuilil be done, tnk Ing wltb htm one of the cards that he bad received. On looking at It Dr. SWope wtlil: "I recognize that handwriting be cause I received n card somo time ago in the same band, which I have kept as a curiosity." Tills was the card: Cincinnati. Ohio. Dr Cornel It Is rumored out her tht rou would Ilka (o Un b!hop If this Is true pltai In me know at once. 1 hv treat Influence with More Dlx and will t oli Potter about It. co if you nould Ilk to t a blihop And wltb the blihop stand. A miter oil your forehead And a crotler In your hand, plea writ me Immediately. Faithfully yours. THOMAS JAOOAIt DUhop of Southern Ohio. New York became rnthcr too "hot" for our friend shortly after that, as the police got on hlsr track, and he disap peared. He turned up Inter at bis old tricks In Pittsburgh. I think", where he was extsed. ODd I don'f emcmlier what became of blra. Rev. Dr.W, W. Jlolley In IJylng Church. " PERFORATED COINS. Unci 8am Tried Them Several Time, but Without Suecen. Perforated wlim were never In fn vor In the United Sink's, though vnrl ous vfforta were ttuiile tu popularise them. The llrst I'ultt'tl Hlutes eoltt with it perforutetl center Mils u gold ilollnr Nsuttl tu I Hilt, which liiul n Hiiuiire httte In tho middle of tho plum-hot- it wns the forerunner of tho gold dollar Issued by tho United Htutes mint In IS41. The colli wits eiigntvetl, not struck from dies. The noxt United .States coin with a perforated center wim Isstunl from the riillmlolphln mint In ISAO am) wiih of the deuomlttiitltiu of I cent. It wns nlsiut tho size of the bronze cent now In iikiv At that time thv large, old fushloutsl copper cent wns In general circulation, untl the perforated coin re celvetl the name of "ring cent." Tho designer reasoned that by Menus of the pt-rf unit Inn the cent could ! dls tlugulshed by touch from the dime. Another perforated cent lssuetl tho same year showed two rings In the field with the words, "Cent. One-tenth Silver" Uhe reverse showed an olive wrvntu nround the perforation and the words. "United States of America.- The mint authorities undertook tu design n coin that would answer nil requirements, and the pieces were struck with both plrrcetl and ttcrfect centers In silver, copper, nickel mid comisisltlon metal, six varieties In nil. without counting the various metals, but none of the designs was favored by the government authorities, and consequently they were never put In general circulation. The only gold half dollar ever pro duced at the United States mint was struck In 18." 2. It hud n crforailon In the center, iiud the obverse showed a wavy circle n round the iierforntlon. with the Inscription. "Unltetl States of America." nround the Isirder. The n verse was blank. The coin was ex actly half the weight of the dollar. Regardless of the generally accepteti Idea the gold fifty cent pieces with which the public Is familiar werr not an Issue of the Unltetl States, but were manufactured by California Jewelers. There has not been any attempt to In troduce the perforated coin In the Unltetl States since 18SI. In that year two piece of the denomination of 1 and ft cents were ltittl at the Phila delphia mint. Harper's Weekly. BODY IH IIIHINTi:itlli:i). Identity of the iniiii who liungud hlniHolf tliti llrst of limt week In one of the camps of the Ttiiunln Irrigation project nuiir l.nldluw wns entnbllHlieil after the remains hud boon burled by tho county authorities. Tho man was Jou Hack, and Ih loaves a duitKh- tor and son-ln-luw living In llontl. MV. anil MrH, Anion lllotler. Thoy Imd tho hudy dlHlntorred and ruliurlod on Monday In Pilot Hullo ticiuotory ly rtidorlakor NlHwniigor. Tho doeooHotl was it (lernian. Ills daughter Is uu iilitti tu nttrllnito tiny rciiHuu why ho klllod hliusolf, V ' VS s,N iSi ra ms Be MCZ33: iWZZffl S QUID I'D BY I2XPRUT ADV1GB WMUN PLANNING PLUM1UNG Our kiiwvltdHe uf what it best ntl mint iniiMc for your Iwthrciuiii is naturally gtcatcr ihmt you can 1 expected tu Imvc. This knowledge and cjkpcrlcnco is nt your disposal without extra charge. Tell us how much spscc you have, approximately how much you care to expend and wc will plan for you the mint sutitlactury nrrauuement und most desirable fix tures that can be had for the money. As our estimate will be on f$nmfnrr guaranteed fixiurci and firt clan work, you can rest assured of rcreivine a per manently satisfactory plumbini: cguip-incnt. undtnT "LMa' Uivtj J. J. RYAN Plumbing and Hcnting. Bend, Ore. M VZ3&: IDSZ23 m tmm Turkish Name. On our visiting list are Mrs. Hya cinth. Mrs. Tulip, Mrs. Applet ree nml Mrs. Nightingale. I am ahn happy enough to Ht'M the nrrtualntanee of Mrs. Kweettueat. Mrs. UlNtnund. Mrs. Air though some know her as Mother Kve Miss May-Shc-Laugh and Master Ho-Wnltcd Thh hist nptHtllatlon seemed to me so curious that I Inquir ed Into It nnd leflnittl that my young gentleman waited to Ik born. These ure not surnames, you understand, for no Turk owns such a thing. To tell one Mistress Hyacinth from n not ti er you add the namo of her man. And In his case nil you can do is to tack on his father's you could hardly say CbrWtlan-nauic II G. Dwlgbt In At lantlc. A Cook Book Worth Having! THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. 1i CROOK COM TEACHERS i Twenty certificates Jlelng Uaued by State Superintendent. About 1S00 teachers' certlflcats are being Issued by State School Sup erintendent J. A. Churchill to thoso who passed lbs spring state teacher' examination. Over 1800 persons took the examine'.! s.i, this being 600 nnri than ever bef.-? tcok it. Certificate are being iisued to the following Crook county teachers; One-year certificate Edgar tt. Powell, Darned' Edwin A. Abbott, Post; Theresa L'undy, Prlnevtlie: Hernadlne ne-:ur, Prlnevllle; Ollvo Telfer, Ashwood; Ora V. Walte. Mad ras; Hubert 1 tuly, Alfalfa; Frea II Wilcox, Redmond. Primary certificates Minnie W. Lewark, Metollus; M. E. Forney, Sis ters; Minnie H. Taylor, Hay Creek; Hose Torn, Meadows; Elizabeth E. Forrest, Powell Dutte; Jessie V. Hartley, Paulina; Mabel l. Smith, Lamonta; Floyd C. Kilts, Prlnevllle; Lola S. Card, Madras; Qeorge Irwin, Vanora. Life certificate Henry W. Haydcn, Prlnevllle. WOOL STILL OOMINCJ IN. Herb Cannon of Silver Lake pulled into town yesterday with about 10,000 pounds of wool to be sold here. He was preceded by K. A. Mead who brought In about 6000 pounds. According, to Mr. Mead, there are still about 100,000 pounds In the Silver Lake country which are coming In later. He reported tue roads as Improving. Books Prom Unexpected Places. Not only art, but literature, has been produced In unexpected plnces. There was. for Instance. Robert Itloorofleld. who protjuceil bis "Farmer's Roy" while working o. hard as a shoemaker (In c gryret with Ave or six others) that be fretfuently had to enrryn hun dred lines In his head IbTduginacic of leisure to write them down. James Hogg. too. "tuo Kttrlck Bacpberd," wrote his earliest vcrsej tvblle tending his sheep In the Perthshire highlands. And Taylor, "tho Water Poet." com bined the very different offices of literary man and Thames waterman. London Chronicle. The Third Hand, now often the little things in life make Impressions that linger in our memories long after the larger events are forgottenl Several yeora ago I was making a visit In a family where there were, several daughters. One of the girls brought a bat into the sewing room one morning and prepared to trim It Before doing anything else she took a hatpin and pinned tho hat (Irmly to her skirts at the knees, so that she bod both hands free and held the ribbon and flowers in place with ber left band while she sewed them with her right-Philadelphia North American. Wild Schemes of Olnocrstes. The most remarkaole projMjsal ever made about Mount Atbos was that of the architect Olnocrates. His plan was to cut It Into the shane of a cl- gantlc statue of Alexander tlie'Oreat holding In the right hand a city, In the left a tank that was to receive all the waters of the region. Alexander wos much taken with the scheme Rut It was eventually rejected on the ground that the nelglilHirlng country was not fertile enough to feed the Inhabitants ifHlie projected city. Another of Dlnoc rati' plans was n temple to the wife of Klug Ptolemy or ItgypL with n roof of loadstones that would keep mi Iron statue of he flouting In the air. . " The Earth'shaclow, The earth r shadow, but vcrj few ever see It except In eclipses of tho moon, or else few reeogulxe It when they see it Nevertheless many of us have noticed on fine, cloudless evenings In summer shortly beforo sunset a rosy pink arc on the horizon opposite the sun, with a bluish gray segment under it As the sun slnka the arc rises until It attains the tenltli and even passes It This Is the shadow of tho earth. It's Essy to team. Alexander Graham Hell, the Inventor of the telephone, hit on bis morvelous discovery while studying und white teaching the deaf. Professor Rell once said, apropos of this fact: "Ves, we can learn valuable secrets i from tho most unlikely sources. A Per sian et, fumed for his wisdom, was once asked by his king where he had learned his philosophy. "'Ffrra the blind, sire.' the poet re-plIed-Trom the blind, who never ad vance a step until they hovo tried the ground.' "New York Tribune- Ideas must work through the brains and the arms of good and bravo men or they are do better than dreams. Emerson, Premonition. He was brought to ReUevue hospital wltb some injury to the skull, and n sur geon, having examined the wound, de termined to keep tho man in the ward for ii day or two, "Ob, doctor." cried tho patient "do you think that I'll lose my head?" New York Times. Too Blow. , "Why has your daughter dropped her hospital work so soon?" "She found she'd have to nurse poor patients fur two years before they In trusted her with any millionaires. So she's going on the stage in a musical comedy." Kansas City Journal. Utility. "Of what use Is u fly. anyway?" nsks an exchange. Well. If tuere Is only ono out and It happetiN to la- u long one It will score a man from third. Detroit Free Press. Ususl Result. Sllltcus Do you believe that two can live as cheaply as one? Cynlcus Well, after they get married I suppose thoy generally find they have to, Philadelphia Record. U a thing Is proper and possible to man, deem It nttslnnblo by thee, Mar ras Aurellus. "Good Living Is it splendidly printed, strongly bound, and well written up-to-date Cook Hook by Sarah Van Uuren. It contains 605 PAGES and u complete index. It is bound with an OIL CLOTH COVER. that can be washed when soiled in the kitchen. i The Regular Price is $2.50 Oiir Price is $1,00 WHILE THEY LAST. We have only a small number. Housekeepers should hurry. The Owl Pharmacy m Ralph Polndextcr. First National Rank Uulldlng. The Best Buy in Crook County 130 ACRJDS, ALL FENCED CochI House, tUrn, Tank; about 15 acres ready for crop. Seven and one-half miles east of Bend on Bear Creek road, und one-fourth mile from school. Improve ments easily worth $1200. C. O. I. Co. sot $245? for this land. All for $2200 Address Owner, care of TEe. Bend Bulletin , iy