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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1913)
"SI KNI nULl.lCTIN, 11KNI), OTOR., WKDNKHUAV, .IDLY ,!, 1010. U rge . Last Week Trustee's Sale m m mst ww iKssiMtMMsmsWMrtawsMrTrTimft""" S 1XE DESIRE to thank the people of Bend for their most liberal patronage and assure you that at all times in this store I vou will find only the best of merchandise at the lowest prices. Wait for announcement of another big purchase we have made which will afford even greater bargains than those offered during the past few weeks. This will be soon wait for it. Further if there are any who are not perfectly satisfied with purchases made here, their money awaits their return, for satisfaction is guaranteed you at this store. T. H. Daniels Succeeding Lara's jfF. H. Daniels Jr. ra ll IkEjgaeiSEHEEEJSESaSEEEESSEES JEEEEEyEJSHiSHSJB&Et2J2 BEND THEATRE Special TWO-REEL FEATURES WEDNESDAY DRAMA IN THE AIR THURSDAY THE ROAD OF TRANSGRESSION FRIDAY AMBASSADORS DAUGHTER SATURDAY , LAND OF McGILLICUDY SUNDAY WHOSE WIFE IS THIS? The Cowboy Editor Starts Something. Miller lived In Crook county about 25 years ago. The forest service has the matorlnl ready for constructing three cabins for the use of rangers. One will ho at Hast lake, ono tit tho top of Illack Hutto and one on the Tipnalo. A bnrn Is also to be built at the old McPher son place near Pine mountain. A pasture will also be made, wire for which has already been sent out. Don't forget the Itoyal Neighbors dance August 1. Adv 20 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Ewlng Martin will enter a lawn social tomorrow E. O. Bourk of Crescent spent Sun day In Bend. T. E. J. Duffy was over Sunday from Frlnvlllc L. 0. Mclteynolde has been on the Blck list this week. Raymond Thorson is -driving Mo Colston's delivery wagon now. R. E. Koon went to Portland on business Friday, returning this morn ing. C. I. Dozell returned Saturday from a short business trip jto Portland. Mrs. F. tain with evening. 3. H. Wenandy has returned from a two weeks' business trip to Butte, Montana. Rev. 1. 1. Gorby returned last week from Portland where ne apent sever al weeks. Thomas Hawthorne came up from the Deschutes survey camp at Opal City Saturday. Mm. W. D. Cursey left town Mon day nlgbt. It Is understood that she wont to Portland. L. Ik Fox and family left Satur day for Seaside wnero they will spend several weeks. Mrs. C. F. Hartwlg and daughter, Mrs. Narclssa Dayton, left Monday for Seattle to visit relatives. J. A. Brlnkley of the forest service came In from Pine Mountain Satur day, where he has been working. Senator Ragsdale, a member of the last Legislature, was a visitor here Monday from his home In Sherman county. A party of members of the "See Oregon .First" Club of Salem were in Bend Friday, making an auto tour of Central Oregon. Misses Ruth Caldwell and Marie Fox went to Portland Saturday nlgbt. Mies Caldwell will- return the last of the week with her mother and John, whjlo Miss' Fox will go on to the benph with her parents. Mrs. A. M. Prlngle was at Helsing'a on the Metollus this week with her sister and brother-in-law, Mrs. O. C. TIcknor and husband. W. R. Riley, the hotel man of La Pine, was In town yesterday on busi ness. He reports an excellent trans ient business at his stopping place. Thero will bo Episcopal church ser vices this evening in the J. P. John eon building, at S o'clock, conducted by Rev. Bertram A. Warren of The Dalles. This afternoon the Musical Club meets at the home of Mrs. Ashley Forrest. The program will bo entire ly Grieg. Last week It was devoted to American composers. John T. Whistler, of the Deschutes survey, who has been making his headquarters here while Inspecting the work at the three camps of the survey, left Monday for Portland. Mrs. John Llnster, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Brinson, at Harris station, return ed home Sunday night, accompanied by her sister, Miss Anna Brinson. Mrs. H. E. Allen will give a recep tion Thursday afternoon In honor of her guest, Miss Abbot, and of Mlsa Heyburn, sister of Jack Heyburn. who Is a visitor at the Heyburn home. The committee appointed to se cure an evangelist for revival meet ings in Bend In August Is in commu nication with Rev. E. J. Bulgln of Lawtori, Okla., whom they hope to se cure. Mrs. Floyd DomenU who has been the guest of relatives at Astoria and Seattle for the past three weeks, re turned home Sunday, accompanied by her husband's father, V B. Dement, of Astoria, who will visit In the city for a short time. In Justice Eastes court Saturday was tried the cate of the State vs. Camllo del Mastro, brought up on a statutory charge preferred by Prlsco Prlsco, another Italian. The defend ant was bound over to the grand jury on ) 140 cash bond. George M. Miller of Eugene Is In town today, with George Mllllcan, the stockman. Mr. Miller la a brother of the late Joaquin Miller, the poet He and Mr. Mllllcan used to be neighbors in the Willamette valley and Mr. RECORD RUN FROM PELICAN 8. O. Johnson Say Itond to South Are in Excellent Shape. S. O. Johnson, heavy limber owner In the Deschutes valley was here on Saturday. He came In his car from Klamath Falls and ntopped with his agent here, John E. Ryan, at The Tulles. "We'mudc tho run from Pelican Lodge In record time," said Mr. John son, after commenting upon the ex cellent condition of tho roads to the 'south. "Leaving there at 2:16 we reached Ryan's at 7:4 5, an average of about 25 miles an hour. For the convenience of southbound autolsts. The Bulletin might state that the best way Is to turn to the right at Sand .creek and go thence via Fort Klamath now." The first auto party to got to tho rlra of Crater Lake this year innclo the trip last week, said Mr. Johnson. alleged that tho property listed an security actually was not on the premises, his complaint charging ob taining money under false pretences. After hearing evldonco and argu ments of counsel. Justice Eastes dis missed Mrs. Cursey. District Prose cuting Attorney WlrU was aralatcd by V. A. Forbes. II. H. DeArmond represented the defendant. IIKND'S KIIAPOHT. FLTMtENCE Is Uend's nearest sea port. In course of u short time It will be connected v. 1th Bend directly by rail. It you wish to know more about this seaport, write GEO. MELV1N MJLLEK, 1-23-1 p-Adv Florence, Ore. Anderson Bros, ranch. Phone. IDtfl FOIl SALE Cabin near Bend Co. mll. Inquire at Bullutln offlce. ICtf FOR BALE Team of horses, wag on and harness nt Fred Auderson's. sawmill, 10-2Sp llltf 1 Classified I Advertising AittertUernentM Inpcrtcd under till heuillni; nt the rnc of one cent m word for each Insertion. Discount on extended Insertion, tliurgen are luiynblt In nihniice except for ndter That route Is In fine shape ; liken linWin: n regular account ulili Tim Bulletin. All paid adtertle mentN will le posted In The Bulletin ofllce nt the time of receipt. The Dairy Commissioner rules that Butter Wrappers MUST BE MARKED Dairy Butter -full weight given in ounces and the name and address of 1 ' the maker. Do yours comply with the law! If not, have some printed that do. ' liU- ,TJHK BEND BULLETIN ' . . i .( y WEST TO CR0SS MOUNTAINS Governor Will Make Serleu of Good Hoods Ailclrt-sri. EUGENE, July po. Governor West and State Highway Engines H. W. Bowlby will leave Eugene by auto on Tuesday, July 22, to cross tho Cascades by the McKenzle pass to Prlneville, where talks on good roads are to be made. Governor West comet nt the per sonal Invitation of County Judge II. W. Thompson, who, In conjunction with the national forest service, Is repairing the McKenzle road at some of the steep places, and making It passable for automobiles Into Eastern Oregon throughout tho season of no snows. Engineer Bowlby will co-oporal with the Crook County Court and Central Oregon good road enthusi ast In planning better highways. For Itrnt. STATE BUYS LANDS. It Is understood that practically all the land required for tho reser xolr site of the Tumalo Irrigation project, being built by the state ad jacent to Laldtaw, has been purchas ed. Close to 160,000 Is being paid out for the tracts Involved. Those whose property Is being taken over by the state include the following: P. A. Woolley, Millard Trlplett, Chas. Wlmer, John Byem, It. H. 8wlsher, G. W. Horner and W. D. Clark. MnS. CUIWEV ACQUITTED. In Justice Eastes' court Friday was tried the case of O. W. Arnold vs. Mrs. W. D. Cursey. Arnold, who loaned the Curseys 260, protected by a mortgage covering household ef- cU in the Mountain View Hotel, I OREGON TIIUNK. - Arrives 8 a. m. - Leaves 8:30 p. m. CW. It. & N. CO. Arrives 8:16 p. in. Leaves , , . , 6 : 4 6 a, m, STAGE LINK SOUTH. Arrives 7:30 p. m. Leaves 10 r., m. AUTO LINES. Cars dally to Burns and points south and southeast. l'OSTOFFICE HOUIW. General delivery open dally 10 a. ra. to 6:30 p. m, General delivery open Sunday 10:30 a. m, to 11 a. m. - Hallway mall closes 7 p. m. Stage mall closes 6 p. in. - TELEGRAPH HOURS. Western Union daily 0-12; 1-6; 7-10, Western Union Sunday 8-10 and 4-6. TELEPHONE HOURS. - Ploneer.,Co. daily 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. - Pioneer Co, Sunday 8-12; G-8 . FOB HENT-Four-room bungalow. Inquire or address E. P. Brosterhous, Bend. 20tf FOB BENTFurnlshed cabin G n month. W. B. Lesb, lot 11, blk 16, Center Addition. 12tf FOB BENT Three furnished rooms close in, very reasonable. In quire nt O'Donnell market. 20tf FOR RENT Two room cabin, well furnished, free water, $7.60 a month. W. B. Lesb. Bend Grocery. 18tf FOR RENT -Three comfortable rooms centrally located. Sultablo for family. Running wator and electric lights. Very moderate. Inquire at Bulletin otrice. Stf Wanted. WANTED Cook for family. Ros coe Howard, Deschutes, Ore, 20tf WANTED Good bed spring, mat tretts and chiffonier. Apply X, Ilulle tin. 20:. WANTED Girl for general house work. Address Mrs. O. Laurgaard, I.alnIaY. Ore. SOU WANTED Position as hotel cook by experienced Japanese chef, In quire at Grand restaurant. 20p WANTED to sell or trade for gontle delivery horse, good driving horse but not safe for boy to drive. Value $76. Bend Grocery. 20 WANTED 1 Inch and 1 Inch California Pine and Butcar,. Pine, common and upper grades.. Ferma- nent supply desired. Charles W. Trumbull, 1812-72 West Adams St.. Chicago. .16-Szp Lot and Found. STRAYED or stolen from range near Sisters, a light sorrel mare colt 2 years 'Old last March, white face, whit mnn inl tall, branded 60 on the right shoulder. Last seen cross- lug the river at Laldlaw. will give 120 to anv Demon send'ne me word so I can get her and $60 for evidence that will lead to arrest and convic tion of thief If stolen. S. T. Andrus, Madras, Ore. 19-20p LOST Between my farm and BIs tArn. 600 head of awes and Iambs branded with a cross, rouchlne shear ed. Phone or address Rector Arn wine, Sisters, Oregon, lfltf LOST Sorrell mare, no brand, a whltA nolnted lees, right hind log spavined. Finder please notify the Bulletin. 18-zop "MJftcellaneou. Ginseng raising sure way to make money. Sells at $6 a pound, Write today for free booklet.- Lee men tor, Uburn, Wash. 20p For Sale. FOR SALE Tho Altamont Hotel building and furniture, all new uud first elm. J. A. Eastes, 4tf FOR SALE Good Ford auto, to passenger; a bargain If taken within 30 days, $176. A. II. Uove. SOtf FOR SALE Four registered Jer sey cows and calves at Sherwood Bros, ranch 7 miles S. W, of Red mond. 19 FOR SALE Good property on Wall and Ilond streets, alio In Ken wood. For particulars apply to II. C. Bills. 17tf FOIt SALE One ncre, 2 two-room houses. Itarn, woodshed, water. Close In on 7th street. $1000. $200 down, bal, monthly. Jones & Rcnsliaw. 7tf FOR BALE 540 rods of woven wire farm fencing 3! In. high, 8 line wire, at 30c per rod at the Bend wniuiwMPe. .uri. juim u ill in tin, i.n i Pine. 19-22p' FOR BALK Choice residence lots In Orokla Addition. This Is on tho river. Prices are reasonable and on terms of $ oash, $3 monthly, J A. Eastes. agent. llftf FOR 8ALI8 All kinds of common lumber at McNaught & demon's mill, on Bend-Burns road. Also. w cut any kind of orders on short notice. Write or call on us for prices. lMf FOR SALE Four fine lots In Park Addition In block 13. Water, light and sidewalks; attractive houses occupy adjoining property. Same prices you pay for unimproved lots far out. "Inquire "Bargain", nt Bulletin ofllce. 2tf FOR SALE All kinds of rough and drtssed lumltr, at Anderson Bros, sawmill half way between Bend and Laldlaw, on old Tumalo road. Reasonnblo prices, rough lumber $10 per M. Delivering to Bend or Lald law $2 per M. Telephone. FOR HALE Ranch of 180 ncrea situated &H miles southeast of Bend on llcnd-liurus rond. I'lnco la well Improved with buildings and grain, clover, alfalfa nnd rout crops. Is In good shape to carry rows mid hogs, Has 110 acres of water under Arnold ditch. Slock and tools complete to ruu the place, KverythliK goes at reasonable figure. This will npeal to you. See It before buying else where, Selling on account of sick ness. See owner on ranch. A, C. Armstrong. lfl-1 ! Fishermen We are going to give a fine leather bound $8 basket to the person presenting the hirgest redside caught between June 1 ami Sep tember 1, w i t h tackle bought at our store. Cull and inspect it. I OWL PHARMACY (INCOUIIUTJll)) RALPH POINDUXTQK, Prop. 4- P North Beach Now in Full Blast Why1 not plan your Summer Vacation at this wonderful resort, reached by rail to Portland via A TRIP DOWN THE COLUMBIA AHEST V THE OCEAN AND STEAMER TRIP down the, Columbia via. O-W. It. & N. Steamers "T. J,. Potter" or y "Hnssalo," daily except , Sunday-Surf Bathing, Fishing Tents and 'cottages, for rent Good hotel accommodations, Excellent Restaurant Service on Boats. Information cheerfully given by Agent O-W. It. & N. purniture at A. L. Hunter's 9 1s 1 fc M FOR SALE Baled clover hay at