ItlJNII IIUMJ-TTINi REND, Olli:., WKDXKHDAV, .WLY , 101.1. Faro fl. t .& STATE "IN HOLE" (1,000,000 SOOK LOW TAX, Bid EXPEN DITURES REASON Total CronU County Tiies ijHIUH,. lIM.ilT liuoino I'miii Autox, Ai pllrulilo for Itoml liiiirownu'iit, v Neglected I'utt-t! if I'orrM. (Hpuolnl to Tlio Bulletin) HAI.K.M .July 81. Tho stuto lreas ury will lliul tlKuir "In tlio liolu" nliout $1,000,000 tieforo nny of noxt year's taxes tiro paid uoxl April, ac cording ( Information given out lout week by Htiitu Treasurer Kny. Tlutro In less tli it n n Imlf inllllon dollars In tlm general fund now, anil Mr. Kny says thlH will ii nil Koiiu by August 10. Thereafter tho atnto will novo to Issue warrants without utiy funds' to pay tliom, such warrants ilrawliiK (1 "nor cent Interest. In October a miiiiiII ninount of tnxt'H will bo reeolv iil from those counties which have not pulil over to tlm sluto nil of thin year's taxes, but this will bo toinpnra llvuly small. TIiIh heavy deficiency, explained Mr. .McKay, In due to llio very low stuto tux luvy miiilt) this ytnr on tliu otio liuml tinil tlm heavy approprla tloim riimlo by tho lant Legislature oh tho othor hnui). Tho stuto tux lvy wan 1.2 mllU, tho lowutt over ihihIo. Tho appropriations wuro over $6,000,000. Itciiirily I'littlilnl, Under u Inw passed by tho last Loglslsturo, these hoavy donoloneli mh bu avoided heroaftor, as tho statn ImmmI U given nuthurlty to untlel rwto what the appropriations will b ilurliiK leglslatlvo years anil iiiuko a luvy Inruo enough to MiMtt tint to tjulromeiitN. I'mlar tn old law tho statu board could aHtleljmtH oitlr to the amount of $106,000. TIih stale tax comHtliwIfln has Just onmHIwl tan Hnt ntatHwt.ii shotting th total amount of tax raised In tho statu this ysstr. Tmxmi far nil pur poses amounted to f ls.Ufi.m.JN Tho total amwunt of state taxos was $l, Of th lii amount Crook county paid tU.b7Q.ZK, Curry paid $4806 anil Malheur paid $12. S91.A0. Tho total value of taxnblo property In tho atnto thbt your wan $H06,011,C7!. Tho totnl ninount of taxiM ralsod thin year In Crook coun ty was f82S.41S.37. Auto lhrr llndgi Urriikco. Thorn li not o county In tho atnto In which nil tho autoinntdlvs regis terod last year have bon re-register-imI thin yoor, acconlliiK to Hooretary of Ktntu Oloott. Sheriff Will C. Htnlth of Josephine county la tho only akorllf In tho itutu who linn wrltton to tho secretary of state asking for n lint of tb (i owners nf these unregis tered machines. Hu anya ho ti going to seo that they buy thla yoar's li censes. Heerotnry Olcolt poluta out last Nhorlff Huillh'a county will bo th gainer by tho sheriff's activity, aa n now Inw irovld(a that vnch ooun ty'a proKirtlon of nutomobllo llconao moHiy ahnll bo rotumoil to tho coun ty for ii In koopInK up tho nmda. To I'utn.l HorrolN. Mnro thnn 600 mon will pntrol tho Oroon foroata ilurlHK tho dry mi thla )onr. nceordlntt to Hiflto l'or ontor ICIIIott, who la now HppolutliiK tho 00 iwtrolinoii wIuhhi iHtUrl uro let iH mU by tho fmlerul t;ovorn ihcwL Tho ntuto him 27 wurduna nnd IMtrolmcn, nnd tho romiilndor of tho furtmt Kunrdfl will bo omploycd by foroat II ro noclHtlonB u'nd Individ ual timber ownora. Bo fnr thU noa noa not n lorlous fortmt flro'liua oo ourri'd, nnd tho atnto forcatcr anya tho tluibur ownora uro butter organ ized to Kuan! UKnluat flrta nnd to tlulit them If nny ahould atnrt, ttmu ovur before, Tho Into rulnn liayo been very fnvornblo for tho protec tion of tho timber, but tho preacnt Ury ipU la rapidly cbttimliiB thla con dition. - DINING ON SHIPBOARD. Olffsrsnt Now From What It Wi Whsn Dloksns Vlsltsd Us. When Dickens came over to Atnerlco some seventy odd yvars ago there wni ono largo table In tho dining room fot tho passengers. The first ottlcer sat nt tho bend, curving tho turkey with all tho grnco he could command betwecu lurches of tho good ship, trusting to Provldenco that the gravy would not slop over. The passengers sent theli plates along tho Hue mid waited foi their helpings. Today thu dining mom of a large nhlp looks like the (lining room of a lino hotel. It is just iih oxqulsltuly up pointed and has every good thing to eat thnt ran bo found on land. In fact, ono of tho new ships tins a res taurant nnmed nftor u famous ono In New York, nnd tho two keep In touch by wlntluss so thnt tho menus, day by dny, are the nnmo. Think of having your dinner urrauged by wlrelcss your macaroni by Marconi! Tho dining room Is divided up Into n number of small tables, so tlmt you run Imvn vnur own nartv. with only half a doteu of you. with your own waiter, lustcad of sitting at a long ta ble and passing your plate, as Dickons did.,.- The development of the wonders of cgjd storage Jiai done yore. Juan but oilier oiurthluff to mnkn life on Nip ociiiii wnvc ono Ioiik round of Joy Cold torniK kIvcn you tho beat In (ho world to ent nnd cvry dny of tint your A wot Id trivcliT wnn ti'lllnit mo tho other day Mint ho liml eiilcn Krnpo frult orcry mornltiu nil nroiind tint world. Tho atrip on which ho en I led put In n InrKo ninount of Ico cronm miiilc In Now York, nnd 110 dnya Inter, when ho arrived In Hnn KmnrlHco. he wim atlll ofltlnu Now York Ico ornitii. Ilnrold ChrUllo In UmIIo'h. ROBING THE BRIDE. Early Baxon Cuitomt and tha Advant of tht Plowlno Vail. In tho old dnya, na now, tho bride Koiiernlly dreed In white. Kroin enrly Hiixon tlmett down to the elclitii'iitli century n brldo of the poorer cIunmch mi nut to tho weddlUK nrrnyiil In u pliilu wlrito robo n n public wamliiK tlmt aluce alio broiicbt notliliiK Ui tho innr rhiKe her himlmiid won not reppoimtlile for her debt. Ilrlrie noon began to ndd nouio little touch of color. Mine wm for coimUin. cy nnd rwn for youth, but In come plncen tlieo inlKlit not be lined Itv ctiiiae of feiida between fnmlllea ImvlHK these tlnta In their llverte. Yellow uilxht not bo worn, na It atood for Jetiloiiay: k'oldcu mlulit tioL na It mount nvnrlco. The AiiKloHnxon brldo went to the wedding with her hnlr hnnKlntC Iooho na n alien of freedom, but upon reach Iiik her new houae Immedlntely iMitind It up na n alKii of aubinlxhlon. In the dnya of HlinVenpenre the veil IteKiin to tuko tho plnco of the flowltiK treKea, but thla, however, wna not orli'lnnl with the for ceuturliii oarller the lloiunn nnd Hebrew bride hnd worn yellow veil, while the early ChrNtfniia of aouthern Hurope hnd en vclopvd txitli mini nnd wife In one Inrce cloth. Whntever wna lacking, however. In K(irjeoUHiii--n of droa wna couiHnMit ed nmonit nil tho nntlotia by tho pro filHlon of flowera cImiucii for their l niriennco. Undo Itemua' Majcntlno. Slitpltiintd. When people of nervous trmpcrnmrnt retire for tho nlcht and cntinot aleep It Is usually heonuxo thtdr bruins nro still actho and refuse to pnrt with the blood which ahould projtorly trnvel else where. What tho aleepleM really need Is n slop'iiK bed. so that the conceited head will relievo ItsHf easily of tho superfluous blood. For the upper part of tho body. belriK heavier than tho tower. Inevitably idnk more deeply Into the beddlmr. nnd even If one props the bend on two pillows the. neck Is curved and strained nnd obstructs Uie backwnrd flow of blood. Threo skilled barbers nro at la nes & Davidson's barber shop to oro you Adv. ',' f, t 's. -s. ... i' v, - KVYKKSUAUM AUTO IIHItK. CouiIiik by nuto omo 320 iiiIIom from their homo In I'omoroy, Wuali., It. V. Kiiykoudiill nnd fnmlly urrlvod Hundny. Thoy nro upciipyitiR tliolr IrrlKnted land onat of town, nnd will bo horo ubout n mouth. Aflor apond Iiik mimo of Inal Hiimmnr horo, nyn Mr. Kuykondall, hln fnmlly found tho olluuito no diillKlitful that thoy in HlHtod on ropfuitliiK tho oxporlonc. Kit loiuea of freah breiul for '2Tc, It loin en of Miilo bieuil for 10c, chick en In end HOc n anck. .Atiierlciiu link ery, Wall Street. New a tori. Ail Htf CHUlfJliES MetliodUt. Borvlctia Bundny nt 11 n. m. nnd 8 p. in. Hundny vchool nt 10 it. in. Hpworth Lonitue nt 7 p. m. l'rnyor ineetlnK Thuradny nt 8 p. in. Choir pructlco Wcdtieadny nt 8 p. in. llnpllNt. Hundny ichool nt 0H6, prcnohlnt: nt 11 n. m. nnd 8 p, in, Hrotherhood nt 3 p. in. Young peoplo'a meetlnB nt 7 p. in. Prayer mvetliiK nt 8 p, rn. on Wednesday. Choir prnctlco Tnuradny ovenlni; nt 7:30. Cnlliollc. Horvlcea noxt Bundny at 10:30 n. in. Chun li of tlm llrelhren. On account of tho nbsenco of the minister, there will bo no services noxt Sunday. 8UM.MONH. In tlm Justice's Court for Deschutes District, Crook County, State of Oregon. J. Kttolson, plaintiff, vs. J. K. Saw- hill, defendant. To J, K. Sawhlll, Defendants In the Nnmo of tho Stat of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer tho complnlnt filed ngnlnst you In (ho nlxive ontltlod ac tion on or before September -I. 1913, and If you fall so to answer, for wnnt thereof, the plaintiff will take Jiiuk-j mont ngnlnst you for tho sum of $56.00 together with Internet thereon I nt tho mt of 6 per cent per nnnum ! from July I, i?iz, una uie costs nnu dishtirsomentn of this netlon. This summons is published pursu ant to an order of tlio Hon. W. W. Orcutt. Justleo of tho above ontltlod court made nnd entered on July 22, 1913, directing that same bo publish ed for six consecutive weeks In The Ilond llullotln, prior to September 4, 1913, first publication to bo July 23, 1913. UOSB FAIINHAM. 20-2S Attorney for Plaintiff. Hll.MMONK. In tho Justice's Court for Dcsahutes District, Crook- County, State of "A woman's work is never done" unless 'tis done the Bledric way light, cook iron heat Eledrically How? ask Bend Water Light & Power Co. THE GUARANTEE IS ON OUR GOODS Oroicon. II. (1. I'arrln, plnlntlff, vh. J. 15. 8nw- hill, defendant. To J. K. Hnwhlll, Dofondaut: In tho nnmo of tho Htnto of OroKon, You nro horoliy roijulrod to npponr hoforo mo nt my office and annwor tho complnlnt Hied uKnlnat you In tho Nhovo ontltled notion on or hoforo Moptombor , 1013 and If you fall to niiHWor, for wnut thoroof tho plnln tlff will tnko Jurixmont minima' you for th Htitn of $37,115, together with IntoroHt thorcou nt 0 per cent por nil nu in from Juno U, 1912, nnd tho coata and dUburaomonta of thla ac tion. Thin aumrnonH la tiubllHhed purau ant to nn ordor of tne Hon. W. W. Orcutt, Juatlco of tho nbovo entltlod court, inndo and ontorod on July 22, lit in, directing Hint fmm be pub lished for alx comocutlvo weeka, prior to KepUitnbor , 1U13, in Tho Ilond llullotln, first publication to Tto July 2S, 11)13. Om KAItNHAM. 20-26 Attorney for Plaintiff. Ht'.M.MONH. In tho Justice's Court for Deschutes District, Crook County, State of Oregon. It, I Sahln, Trustee, plaintiff, vs. J, K. Huwhlll and Hllzabeth Mooro Knwhlll, defendants. To J. K. Hnwhlll, Defendant: In tho nnmo of tho State of Ore gon, You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the ubove entitled ac tion on or before September 4, 1913, nnd If you fall so to appear, for want thereof, tho plaintiff will toko judg- TELL US OVER THE PHONE i Then split nut wrck'a wih Compare our blf with tb othtr (tllow'a. That' all LOW PRICES, BETTER SFRVICE Bend Steam Laundry. Put Your Dudf In Our Suds" X t n J ? it i & 4'V & MM 4f' i ?' ''-f? OffiV-l 1 1- u r-TVv3 j . .. U mont iiRalnMt you for tho sum of $2G0.00, together with the costs and dlsburaernontH of thla action. Thin suiiinions Ik published pur suant to nn order of tho Hon. W. W. Orcutt, JtiHtleu of the above ontltlod court, inndo and ontorod on July 22, 1913, dlroctltiK thnt sntno bo puh llshod for six consecutlvo weeks prior to Meplemuor T, 1013, In Tho (lend llullotln, first publication to bo July 23, 1913. 1(00 1'AftXHAM. 20-2fi Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICK OK OT.VA!HKTTJ.KMK. I . In tha County Court ot the State of Oregon, for tho County of Crook, In the matter of tho estnto of Mabel Hobhs, Deceased. Notice hi hereby given by (he tin dorslgned, tho duly appointed, quali fied and acting administrator of tho 'state of Mabel Hobbs, deceased, that ho bus made and filed with the coun ty clerk of Crook county, Oregon, his final account as administrator of tho estate of Mabel Hobbs, deceased, ask ing that said final account bo settled and allowed nnd tho administrator and his bondsmen released; and said County Court has set Monday, the 11 th day of August, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m. at tho couit room in Prlnovlllc, Oregon, na the time and place at which any person Interested In said cstato may appear and object to the allowance of said final ac count. OBOKOE HODUS, Administrator of the Estate of Mabel Hobbs, Deceased. Vernon A. Forbes, Attornoy for Ad ministrator. 18-23 Head's Ilest Barber Shop, as well as the oldest, Is Innes & Davidson's, on Oregon street. Adv. NOTICK POIl PUIIIJCATION. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at The Dalles, Oregon, Juno 20th, 1913. Notice is hereby given that Flctoh cr Edwards of Head, Oregon, who, on June ICth, 1910, made homestead entry No. 07030, for SEU8WU and HHBEU. section 25, township 18 south, range 12 oast, and lot 4, boo- See Us for Photo Portraits Copying Enlarging and all-around COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY We are located here and guarantee our work. 1 ; Elite Studio l DEPOT HOTEL RIGHT AT THE PAS SENGER STATION. HEADQUARTERS FOR HOMESEEKERS. Rates Reasonable. L C. FLEMINQ,rProp. R. II. DEYARMOND Machine Shop and Garage We know how to do nil kinds of Machine Work TRY US AND SEE. Ma saiH jarA'a?, , ,,,,,,,, ; - -- i : ' i i Situated in the hub of the principal theater and shopping district. Recently redecorated and refurnished throughout, and better equipped today than ever before. EUROPEAN PLAN. Rooms without bath, $1.00 per day bb up. Rooms with bath, $2,00 per day aad up. N, K. CLARKE, Asat. Men tlon 30, township 18 south, range 13 oast, Wlllamctto Meridian, , has fllod notlco of intention to mnk'o final threo year proof, to establish claim to (ho land above described) beforo II. C. Mills, V. C. Commissioner, at Ilond, Oregon, on tho lBth day of August, 1913, Claimant nninss nn witnesses: John Hgloy, Itnlph A. Dunn, Hay Dunn nnd Mllo Wilson, all of Dend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 16-20 Roglstor. 1IUHINKHH AND PltOPHKMONAft. It Oil HUT II. OOUIil) Civil IN ' Vj Bond Engineer AJ U I y OrcRon C. P. NI8WONOEH. Rend, Ore. UNDERTAKER. Licensed Embalmcr, Funeral Director. Phone. Lady Assistant ItOHH KAItNHAM Attorney ut Law -- Office In old First National Dank Duildlng. Dietetic, Hygienic, Natural Thera peutics. Chronic Disorders a Specialty DR. It. D. KETCH UM. Rruglcss Physician Hours 9 to 6 Satber Qldg THE J. II. HANER AI1STRAOT CO., Incorporated. Complete tract Indexes and photo graphic copies ot all Crook County records. Prlnevlllo, Oregon. W. W. FAULKNER. D. M. D. II B.VII8T Office Ovor Postofflce Bond, Oregon wiMaitii ir. wiitr LAWYKJt Princvillc, Oregon V. C. COB, M. 1). Physician and Surgeon OUlco over First Dank Orace Hours: 10 to IS ai m.; 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. DEND. :-: OREGON C. S. UK X SON Attorney At li n w Office In old First National Bank Duildlng Bend, Oregon VERNON A. FORUES LAWYER ' First National Bank Building. Bend, ------ Oregon GEORGE S. VOUNG CUI1, .Mining; and Irrigation. Engineer. Office at Room 5, First National Bank Building. H. If. DK AR.MONI1 IAWYKR Sather Building Bend, Oregon U. N. HOFFMAN NOTARY PUIIIIO Bulletin Office, Bend, Oregon. II. C. Eli I. IB Attorncy-at-Itvr United States CommisHlotier First' National Bank Uulldlug BEND. OREGON DR. J. H. CONNARN DENTIST Over Deschutes Banking & Trust Co. Hours 9 to 12, 1 to 5. Sundays and eve- v nines by appointment. I Clover Leaf Dairy PURE MILK AND CREAM TeLEPHONB and we will deliver S. L. STAATS, Prop. Portland's' Famous Hotel Horn tor the Lxce ence of its Gujsine.Eun?DonDlaii - 91 Q. J. KAUFMANN, Mans?