The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 23, 1913, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Editor and Publisher.
Managing Editor.
ABSOclato Editor.
An Independent newspaper stand
ing for tho squaro deal, clean- busi
ness, clean politics and tho best In
terests of Heud and Central Oregon.
Ono year....... U.BO
Sir mouths v SJ
Thrco months... B"
ah KiihAcrlntlons aro duo and
nf expiration will bo mailed subscri
bers and If renewal Is not made with
in reasonable time the paper wilt bo
Please notify us promptly of any
change of address, or of failure to re
colvo tho paper regularly.
Mako alt checks, nnd orders pay
able to Uond Bulletin.
Tlio HuIIctln lins lccn designated
1y tlio County Court of Crook County
to publish officially all tho proceed
ings of the court.
In a world where everyone Is pretty
much after tho dollar It Is refreshing
to consider tho press agent and tho
press bureau. Every editor knows
them but they seem to avoid the ad
vertising manager. Doing' a wholly
altruistic work In helping the strug
gling newspaper fill its columns, tho
press agent never sees what a greater
altruism It would bo to help fill Its
coffers as well.
How Innocent they are! How
trustful! How cor tain that either
lack of copy or our lack of brains
will mako us seize tlte Innocent con
tribution and rush It to a place on
pago one. Innocent Indeed. Better
tho adjectives used by President Wil
son In 'describing the lobby, "power
ful and insidious." The articles thoy
send us aro always free. There Is no
expense. Wo have only to set them
up and ask for more.
But what are these articles, these
news "stories" that are furnished
us so freely. Here Is an article tell
ing what a loss a Western city Is en
during under municipal ownership of
Its street lights, and with It a beau
tiful editorial all headed and ready to
run pointing out how bad municipal
ownership Is. Who ,1s behind It?
Someone Interested In hurting munic
ipal ownership. We wonder how
many editors will fall for this and
make tho prejudiced views of an un
known tbos of their free editorial
Here hi another from a political
jtarty headquarters. The Progres
sives of Portland, It says, have Just
won a "smashing victory" In the oloe-
tlon of Albeo. That truly Is news,
but it is not meant to be. . It Is the
Idea someone In Washington has of
what will make people think the Pro
gressive party Is becoming a power In
political affairs. Does any reader of
the Portland papers supposo that the
Oregonlan Is supporting the Progres
sive party. It supported Albee.
And the soniethlng-for-nothlng
activity of the press agency Is not
confined to politics. For instance,
the other day there came an Innocent
advertisement from an Oregon state
Institution of learning. We wero to
be paid fdr the ad, on the stipulated
condition that if paid for It we would
run a series of brief ortfolos kindly
supplied by the Institution, and, of
course, run them gratis. There was
a clear-cut effort to graft a lot of free
advertising on tho tall of a very lit
tle legitimate nald-for 'copy In a
"minor way it was an effort to steal
news columns by advertising patron
Tho fact of the matter is that nono
of this stuff Is news. If it Is news, It
Is the tainted kind. It Is the product
of something in the nature of a lobby
a lobby In the public forum. It Is
Intended to make the public think Its
way. Some day after the lobbyists
aro all registered we jihall begin to
have bells put on the press bureaus,
During tho last year wo have scon
too much of tilts' sort ot thing. In
deed, It nlmost seems as If Betid was
coming to be a marked town ti town
of "eaSy marks" whore anyone with
n little gall, bluff nnd buuconibo could
null the wool over tho eyes of his vic
tims. .
A first class way toward romedylng
tills Is to make special effort to pun
ish the most recent offender, W. D.
Curscy, whoso scalawag operations
last week rlohly merit every ounce of
punishment which the law can secure
for him. It Is, ot course, llko closing
tho door after tho horse is gone, but
even at that It Is entirely worth while
to catch this particular rascal and
make an example of him. It might
dampen the ardorot others.
And In tho meantime, why not shut
down hard on the next ono who comes
along. It may not always bo popular
ising, but It certainly Is good business
to mako newcomers show who and
what they are boforo extending credit
to them. Too much croduttty Is ex
pensive. It encourages crookedness,
and It hurts your bank account.
A Jvl With Tmpii
Experts In such matters assure us
that among Jewels the opal alone tie
ties the Ingenuity of the Imitator. This
stone owes Its charm not so much to
Its own Intrinsic merits as to tlio
splendor of the mys of light It reflects
It Ims been called "the chameleon of
stoiietO and It has always been n great
favorite with lovers of gems. Nearly
-.tXX) years ugn Pliny remarked that It
"displays at once the piercing fire of
carbuncles, tho purplo brilliancy of
amethysts nnd the sea green of emer
alds, tho wtioto blended together nnd
refulgent with a brightness that Is
quite Incredible."
The opal U n stone "with a temper."
The diamond rlsed superior to climate,
as does the ruby, the emerald and tlio
sapphire, but the opul U of such deli
cate organization that when exported
to severe cold It Imc color, and un
der the Influence of excessive moisture
becomes dull. It Is n curious fact
however, that the tcmerature of ono'a
hand will en use It to resume Its wont
ed firo and brilliancy, n.i will nUo bo
the case whe'i It l exposed to tho di
rect ruys of tho sun. Harper's.
An Extraordinary OombardmenL
Ono of .the moat extraordinary hoaxes
on record Is said to hare boon played
upon the Dcwnn Ijilla MoolrnJ. n na
tive potentate of the Punjab, durinz
... ...... ..... !
wr second ikb war, in mu winter ot
1813-40. The British army, command
ed by Sir Hugh Cough, had shut up
the dewan und hU forces In the forti
fied city of Mooltnu. One day tho be
siegers were amazed by the thunder
ous sound of a tnoit extraordinary
cannonade, followed not by shot or
shell, but by au assortment of miscel
laneous provisions in u very frogmen,
tary condition mining Into the British
line. Tho Sikh chieftain. It wan after
ward discovered, bad found In tho city
a largo store of ennned meats of the
nature of which he was completely
Ignorant. A native spy In British pay
gravely Informed hltn that they were
powerful explosive, nnd hence for
some days the British camp was greet
eu with showers of StrsHgburg pates
and other more or law mangled but
perfectly eatable tinned food.
''Isn't it about time to tjlve se
vere punishment to the men who
pass worthless checks? Half .a
year on tho rockplle will take the
finesse out of their fingers."
, That paragraph appeared In the
1'ortland Oregonlan .the other day, 00
apparently Bend Is not the only town
whore grafters and petty crookB
Th Art of Economy.
All economy, whether of state,
households or Individual, mny bo de
fined to be tho art of managing labor.
Now, wo linvo witrjied tho
word "economy" In our English lan
guage Into a meanlug which It has no
business whatever to boar. In our
use of It It constantly signifies merely
sparing or saving economy of money
means saving money; economy of
time, sparing time, and so on. But
that Is a wholly barburous use of tho
word barbarous In a doublo sense, for
It U not EnglUb. and It U bad urcek:
barbarous in a treble sense, for. It is I
not English, It Is bad lirook, nml it
Is worse souse. Economy no more
menus saving money than It menus
spending money. It means the nd
ministration of a houso, Its steward
ship, spemtlug or snvlng-that Is,
whether money or tlmo or anything
else to tha hwt possible ndvnutago
Borrow Twle as Muoh as You Nstd.
A local tlnnucler Is responsible for
this story, which may at the samo
time servo oa a hint. Ho tells us that
a friend of hU ciimu to him n few
days ago nnd told him about an ac
quaintance who wanted to borrow
"Why doesn't he borrow JIMO, ttionV
asked the flnnneler.
"Because ho doesn't need flWO."
"I know. But listens Ut hltn bor
row $'.'00 and pay a hundred of It back
on time or a little before time. Then
his creditor will think he's going to get
the rest of It That's n lino llttlo ays
tern, aud your friend ought to know ltN
This Is n grand scheme. Borrow
twice as much as you need In order to
establish your credit-Cleveland Plain
Wher Floldlng It Ourlsd.
The "father of tho English novel."
Henry Fielding. Ilea burled amid the
cypress trees of the English cemetery
of Lisbon. Not long after bis death
a tomb was erected to mark tho spot
a memorial which an English visitor
In 1772 found "nearly concealed by
weeds nnd nettles." In 18.10. through
tho exertions of tho then British chap
lain, a largo sarcophagus was substi
tuted, which about thirty years ago
was repaired, and the Inscription, a
long ono In Lntln on tho front, and tho
words on the back, "I.ugot Britannia
gremlo non dart fovere natum." care
fully restored. tonilon Chronicle.
Ths Doctor's Aim.
Some frivolous person has remarked
that Illness was llko a struggle be
tween two peoplo and that tho doctor
resembled the thlnl mnn, who Inter
vened to sopnrnto them with a club.
Sometimes ho hit the dUeuso on tho
head and sometimes tho patient Hos
pital Suspicious,
Tho General Manager Aro you
awaro tho cnshlor has taken a half In
terest In a yacht? Tho Confidential
Adviser No. Perhaps wo bad better
Investigate and see he does not become
a full fledged skipper. London Tele
graph. Tlmst Have Changtd.
"Do you remember when tho people
demanded specie payment?"
"Yes. In those days pooplo said they
wanted hard money. Now o very body
wants ensyjnonoy." Washington Star.
oalcs nt 7.7R and 8,10. Htitorn Ore
gon (doors nt 8.60 and cows nt 7,7(1
featured. Them haw linim n keen do
nintid for choice butcher cattle, un
the supply was comparnt'voly short.
Best cows 7.75 (0 7.SS, lioUora nt to ".no, chulro hulls ti.r.o to it
nutl choice light calves lit 0, Tlio hug
market was steady to higher. Ono
load ot extra Hue lions sold nt 0.10
Friday morning, hulk df light swliio
sales 9.15 to I). R0. Sound pnekern
hnvo been liberal buyers on the mar
ket nnd th light run wnj. quickly nh
Borhod. Hwlno prlcen are apparently
on u heavy basis nt least for the
present. Sheep house business has
been slow nil week. Demand for
both mutton and lambs has been
light nud tlio trade hna shown no
sign of Improvement whatovor over
previous week's market. A liberal
top Is fie us some very good stock sola
ut Hint price. Prime killing cues at
4c, wethurs at 4.2Kc nud yearlings
nt 1,50c nre extreme quotations In
tlio mutton dlvlslou.
Notice Is hereby given hu tho un
dersigned that ho has mado nud fllod
with tho clerk of tho County Court
nt Crook County, Oregon, his llnnl
account nn administrator of tho on
tato ot Paul O, Volstad, ilooonsml, ami
that mild court has sot Mo inlay, tho
1 tli day nt August, 1013, nt 10
o'clock a. m, nt tho County Court
room In Prlliovlllo, Oregon, ns tho
tlmo nnd pliico for tho hearing nud
suttlomont ot said final account, nt
which tlmo and place any person In
terested tuny nppear nnd object to
sntd settlement.
Dated this '.'d day nf July, 1013,
As tho Administrator ot tho Estnto
of Paul O, Volstad, IKmeased.
C. S. Benson, Attorney for tho Ail in 1 11
Istrntor. 17-20
Department of tho Interior, V. fl.
Land Otllco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon,
Juno 24th, 101.1,
Notion Is hereby given that Pat
rick Mogan, assignee nt Maurtco P.
Cashmnn, nsslgneo of Earl B. Hous
ton, of Bend, Oregon, who on Aug
ust 20th, 1000, made desert land en
try No. OS 108, for 813 U NIC U 1 seo-
tlnti 7, township 17 south, rnngo 12
oast, Wlllntuolto Morldlnn, him lllod
notice nt Intention to umko final
proof, to establish claim to tho land
above dnsorlhml, boforo If. 0. Ellin,
V, H. Commissioner, nt Bond, Oro
gon, on tho Otli day ( August, 1018.
Claimant tinmen ns witness w
Albert Hnrrymnn, August Halthorg,
Hugh II. Harmon nud MnurlCo P.
Cashmnn, nil ot Baud, Oregon.
17-21 Uoglslur.
Hoofing of nil kind. Repairing
promptly done,
Furnace Contractor
Outtorlng, Spouting,
Corn icon and Skyllghta.
Receipts for tho week havo been ns
follows: Cattle 1304, calves 133,1
hogs 23CC, sheep 6372. Tho cattlo
market last week waq stonily to
strong. Improved beet outlet had
bullish effect on prices. Prime steer
top 8 to 8.25, with bulk ot steer
BEGINS its forty -fifth school year
scT(Macn is is
DEGREE COURSES nimirpli.neiof
Economics Mining, fonismr. Com-
Tunc. Hove Economics mccmanic
training. Agriculture, domcitlc science
and art
MUSIC, Including piano, string, bind
Instruments and voice culture.
"Thk Rnriciimknt or Rural Lipk"
and a Catacoquk will b mailed free
on application.
Addrrit H. M. Tkknant, RejUtrAr,
Uw7ll) CorvaiUA. Oxoa
Clean Plastering Sand
When the small particles of sand are
coated with dirt or other foreign
matter, the lime cannot come into
intimate contact with the sand par
ticles, thus reducing the cohesive
strength and making a weak plaster
Jolton, Rueteriik and May
'Washed Sand and Screened Gravel
Bend, Oregon
FRANK MAY, Manager.
4 .SJ
Stop the LossFires are Unnecessary
Urick is absolutely fire proof in any ordinary conflagration.
lkiek Buildings never burn, although they arc sometimes
injured by falling timbers or combustible interior woodwork.
A brick building is absolutely fire proof if wire glass is used
in the windows and if burned clay floors are used.
An interior fire in such a building is confined to the room in
which it originates; no outside fire can attack it.
The proportion of burned clay in a building construction
measures its fire proof qualities.
Burned clay is the only building material that has been
through the fire before you get it, in such a manner that it will
resist fire. All combustible material is burned out of the brick
before you get it.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
Original Townsite of Bend
Park Addition
Lava R.oad Addition.
North Addition
Riverside Addition
Center Addition
Bend Park
First Addition to Bend Pork
Second'Addition to Bend Park
Boulevard Addition
! '
? i
For Descriptive Literature, etc., address
. 455 Empire Building, Seattle, Wash,
First National Bank Building, Bend, Oregon,
' i
A "
' '
' ' 1
1 i