Mmn ii(jj,lbtin, iiknd, oiib., wkoneway, jvLy an, iotn. ruge n. AN ESKIMO DINNER It Wns Not Very Dainty, but It Was a Satisfying Feast. SEAL MEAT AND BLOOD SOUP. Tht First Court Wii Oirvtcl Out of Hand, ami tha Oeoond In Mutk Ok Horn DrlnUIno Cupa Yha Hor1l Ity Eattpdad to Cajilorar OUfamton. An lntirtatltiR ilfuvrlptloii of ttiv lion illnllty i.f Kaklmoa la kIvuii by Vllhjnl nmr Btifiiiiatui In IiIn ihht. "My Uui'Ht In tho Arctic." In llnn'cr'a Mn nxlnn, At one alinio (if hla nt)viiliin-a tliu writer foil ml hltnai'lf umoim IJakl inoa who tind iipvit Iwforc at-tiii white KH)ilfl. Ho anya! "Uko our tllatnnt nncttitora, no ilmilit, tbciHi pi'iiplt frnr inont of nil thing the vll nilrl(a tlint nrc llki'ly to nH-nr to thfiu at nuy time In nnjr Kiildf. nnd next to tlint thty fenr atrnu Kora. Our Drat trrittltin hntl Ihtii till iluulitfiil nnd tlrniiiittli' tliroiiKti our U'Iiik mUtuki'ii for aplrlla, but now tUvy htiU frit of ua nuil tnlartl with ua and kntw wn wire tint common turn. Htrnnci'm we werr. It la true, hut we wero only in rip niiionir forty of thvin nnd wurv IhiTi'fora not lo lie frnrril. tltmltlfa, tliey told ua llny know we timid hnrhor no iriillu from the free tluin nnd frniikntTa with which we mine unions; thriii; for, tlit-jr anltt. n mini who plota trtnclirry now turtii Ida Imik to llioe whom he luttnda to Miili from behind. "tfuro the hoime which thry I mine tlhitfly Inillt for in wna tiiltn nndy for our ocviipnnpy children ninio run nliiK fmm the vlllnire to iiunotiiK-o tlint Ihttlr inotlicra tind dinner n-ndy. The hotiM-a wvre o amull Hint It wni not itniU'iili'iit to Invite nil three of ua Into the name one to rat; bealriea. It . wna not rthiuftte to do , na we now know. Ittrh of ua w'lta therefore Ink rn to n tlirferfiil plnce My lnwt wna the H'lil hunter whom we hnd flrat n liriHtt'hed n the lee. Ilia tmimi would, he awlil. bt n (IttliiK one In whkh to offer .me my flrat menl mnoiii; them, for Ida wife Imd iMfti burn farther weat itn the mainland cwtat Ihan any one elac In their rltlajte, and It wna even aald ttmt her MH-wtHra had not belonged orlirtiially to their hmiiIo. but were liiiHilKntuta from the wwtwnnl Hhe would therefore like to uk me illlentloiia. "It turniM out. however, that M wife wna mit n talkative ron. Imt motherly, kindly nnd lio4tHtde, like nil her fotiiitrywnmni. Her flit tjuea. ' tloua were not of the Innd from whlrh I came. Imt of my footueor Weren't my feet Junt n little damp, nnd might alie not pull my' IxmiU off for me nnd dry them over the ImnpT Hhe hnd tKilltil wimp Mill inent for me. but nho hnd not boHt-tl nuy fnt. for "lie did net know whether I preferred the blubber tmlleil or raw They nlwnya cut It In Niiinll pterea nnd nte It rnw tlieniM-lrra. but the pot till huiiu over the Iniup, nnd nnythlng alio put Into It woiuM be rook til In n moment "When I told tier Hint my ttea qutta eolnrlded with thHra, na In fart they did. alio waa iMIehttil 1'eople were uioeh alike then, after all tlwunh tlugr eaiHe froui n grwil tlWaoee. Hhe would H(rdln:ly trwtt me exactly If I were one of their own eoile eomn to vt Hhmh frow afar "When we Imd entefiil the lMrte (We txilliil iitoei of neat nnt had already hettu taken out f the put antt lay iteMinlHK on it MldfWmrd On hetnit a KHrnl that iii.v tauten In fwxl wvre not llkoiy to differ from tUelr. ill)' ht;t plrked (Hit fur me the lower loliu'of h inr fureloK. Mind! ti (Irmly be-twt-en her hatida lo imike aure noth Iiik hIiomM later drtp from It. nnd Immliil It to me. nhinic with her own i-tipper Mnded knife The next lnnt dt-HlrHtik' pbt' whn almlhirly ciiihiimI nnd hiiudi'd to her IihcIwihI. mid other" In turn to the real qt the fnmlly. "A we nte we ant on the front edce of the lied plntform. IioIiIIiik rncb Ida piece of ment In the left bund mid the knife In the rittht Thla wna my flrat exH-rleiiee with a knife of imtlve co per I found it more thuu abnrp eumiKh and very aervlrenbla. "Our meal wni of two tour the flrat. meat; the aecond. aonp The aoup la mude by nourtni; cold aenl blood Into (be boiling broth Immediately after the , rooked meat una been taken out of the hi tnnd ntlrriUK brlakly uutll the whole route nearly but never quite to boll. Thla uinkea n aonp of a thlckneaa. romparuhle to our ICiiRllab pea eoun, but If the Hit be nllowed to roine to a boll the blood will eoatruhite nnd nettle lo the bottom. Whtn the eoup la a few decreen from bollhiR the lamp tibove which the jiot In nwuiir la ex tlnKiilahed nnd n few hnndfuln of Know ore atlrred Into the aoup to briiiR It to n teinperntiire nt which It enn be freely drunk Hy menna of n aionll dip per the houaewlfe then 1111m the Inrne intiak ox horn drlnkliiK eupi nnd na mIkiim one to ench peraon. If the num ber of ciipa la abort two or mora per hoii mny aliuro the contents of one cup or u cup limy be reQIIed when ouc Is through with It and puaaed to unothcr. "After I hud entcu my till or fresh ncnl ment mid dniuk two pint cnpfuli of blond eoup my boat mid I moved further buck 0n the bed plntform, whero we could alt comfortably, prop ped up ngnlunt bundlea of soft caribou KkliiH, whlla wo talked of varloua tbtutfit.'.' Adversity bna the effect of ellclUnf talents which la prosperous clrcutn atnncos would hove lain dormant lloruce. Oiean Ship's 8ow Aat'da., DnrliiK (ho Inat few yours botnnlata linvo nollcod thnt thero hns been n irent leveling up of plnnta on the In numerable lalnnda si-uttered over tho I'iicIIIc. Tito veKel'itlou of two lalnnda 1,000 miles npnrt Is ua likely us not lo bo exnctly the niiiuu, while formerly Iheru lined to bo marked dlrfereiico I'ho reiiaou Is snld to be the steiiuiahlp I'liii I'nclllv In how covered with u lift ivork of sleiiiner routes At ench port llui wind pours ii flue powder of nlimml Itivlalble aei'ds over ench ship mid blows iiahore imiuio of those she receiv ed at previous ports of cull. Thus ihlps tire, without knowliiK It, nltcrlng the vcKftiitloti of tliu I'mlflc Isluiids 1'rnlna aow seetls too, At any rule, Hint Is the exphiuntloii offered by bota nists for the way In which tho middle west li Krowluji plants thnt once tie loured to the Atlnutlc const liven the barren ensleru sIon-n of the Itoekles sro now growing trees Hint were never planted by the hnnd of man. The trains have done (he nowluif. Hlruy Hturles. A Tss Oehams That Pallid. Hwltxerlniid hua ulwnys prided Itself on Its Independence, nnd In fiscal mat ters this proud spirit, which will brook no Interference with the rlKhts of the Individual, even by the state in quest of revenue, hns sometimes Ix-on ex hlbltcd In curious wnys, snys the I'hII Mali Oaxettn. As the Imiulsllorliit inetliods of Income tax collectors are nbhorreut to the freedom IovIiik Kwlss, Imixi-s weie once set up In several enn tons to receive the voluptnry contribu tions of loynl citizens. It wns hoil (hut thin tiiethotl of rellnK on the pub He spirit of the people would prove succeaafiil lii mlsluc money for public ends; but. nlns for hiimnn nnture. In the course of time the collectors on oiK-nlnu the iMixea found iiothlnn but tnniM'is buttons. Ko the voluntary ays tern, nfter fnlr trial, hnd to be reluc tantly nltmidoiied In favor of n dec laration of capital and Incoino which Is liable to odlrlnl lnvcatli:ntlou. Napotton'a Wtapon flinty. In recallliiK the sword which Nno leou pnaentel to the lluaalsn Ornud Imke Constantino at TlUltt on tho oc cnslon of the treaty between Nnole)ii nnd ICusaln In 1MI7, n I'nrls newapnper naserta thnt. although Nnioleon nl ways cnrrletl two pistols In his saddle, ho very rarely used tliciii. Ills service sword, ns he cnllt-d It, wns so rusted In Its sheath thnt at the battle of Arcla-eiirAubc In 1HH he had to call nn iiMtli-enmp to help him draw It 11 la also said that the ctiivcror. whose (Ik ii re lu n loin; k'rny cloak mid "Mcorne" 1 everywhere familiar, had made for himself n helmet nnd breast plute set with emeralds and diamonds, Hut on first trylni; them on he found that ho looked test much like n Itomnn warrior, nnd he discarded them. Thla armor Hint Nnlcon hnd on but once Is toduy to lie neuti uuder clnas In Uie army inuteuiu. English Official Rad Tap. In "Memories of the Ken" Admiral l'enroe Kltxperntd anya thnt one day. nfter Ird Ollford hnd Iivvii reltri-d from the quarterdeck for n spell to a (hmIiIuii In the ndmlrutty o til re. mi old friend nijd shipmate visited him there abtl found hltu slttliiK at his desk, up lo his eyes In mers, nurslnc his wiHindetl wrist, silent and morose iMiiidertai; n iintloii he did not seem stao to Moive. "That pile of imper yoti see there.' wit) he. "ts the nnlt of three wottllu' bsMted vonlrmerHy as to whether the iMiya In the tr.i.ulHK sMe are to le supfiltMl wllh (H-wler afsMiet or Hlieth er they are to dip m tbe new ritlou of triselo with tlualr bretid and without the use of spoon, his we nave uot set tled It yet" The Optlt Fsrthlno Club. A club limited In tHcmhrtili to men who iiKreetl to stint themsoUos to tho Hlwt lu unler to litensee Jjjolr p- ----- 3 1 .1.' '1 READ v V's Wdilsloiiii wns (he Hjillt Fnrinhg Hub at Umdon. One member In rcporu-d to have hnd his fcnrmcnfM so darned Umt (here wns not enough of tho orlKliifll left to show tho texture. Tho mem Imts presented so starved nn appear mice Hint it wns said thero' was not an ounce of fat among tho lot No Um In Objecting. The cynlciil iktsoii whs standing In front of n purt of nn exhibition or local art talent labeled "Art Ob jects." "Well, I suppose Art does object mid I can't blame her, but there dhesu't seem to be any help for It." he filially said, Chicago Inter Ocean, Looks Thst Way, "Many criminals are more desperate nfter they have served n number of terms In prison." rtmurked tho new member of the club. ' "Vcsj they must be possessed of a courage burn or convictions," ngrecd the inuii who knows. Ituffulo Kx press. Prstty Lssy. "Nodles Is iMislHvety the Inxlest mnn I know. He bus an Invention fixed so that hy merely pulling a wire lu bed he can llfht the lire, but that doesn't act-in to Improve matters." "Why notr "He's Um, lnr.y to pull the wire." COMPETITION. Instead of looking upon com petition as the baneful and nntl stK'Inl principle which it is held to tie by the generality of Ho cinllsts. I conceive that even In the present state of society mid Industry every restriction of It Is mii evil mid ew-ry extension of It. even If for n time Injuriously affecting some clus of laborers. Is always hii ultimate goisl. To lie protected ngaiust competition Is to ! protetieil In Idleness, in mental dullnt-KS. to be soved the necessity or being ns nttlvo and as lutelllueiit ns other people, and, ir It Is also to be protected nusliwt Ik'Iiii; underbid for em ployment by n less highly paid class of lalsircrs. this Is only where old custom or local and partial monosdy bus placet! some wMk-tilnr else of artisans In n privileged oltl4)ti ns to in tared with the rest, ami the Unto lws come when the Interest of uni versal linprotettteiit Is no longer promoted by pnriontfug the priv ileges of the few. John Htunrt Milt. Kewcomors should got the habit or going to Innes & Davldion'a bar ber shop. Adv. If i NOTICK OK CO.VTKST. Department or the Interior, United States 1-asd Office, Tho Dalles, Oregon, July 7. 1913. To ilrayton 1. Hriggs of Portland, Oregon, Contestee: You are hereby notlflod that Paul II. Onrcken, who glvea llend, Oregon, c-o llox 347 na his postoffleo address, did on 'July 7, 1913, file In thla onioo his duly corroborated application tol ouuteat and secure tho cancellation of your homestead entry. No. , (Serial No. 0562, mude Nov. 15th. I9e, far 8 V6 section 18, township IS 8., range It Kast, W. Moridlan, and m grounds for Hi contest he silent that tbe said Ilrayton I', llrlggs has failed to rtttdde upon or cultivate Mid tract for more than six months last past nuil that such failure was uot due to his employment In the army, navy or marine corps of the United State In time of war or otherwise. You are. Uierefere. furthor notl- Uul that tha said alleufltlutm will tw taken by this office ca hsvlux twArti confessed by you, and your mud entry i will be canceled theremjder without; - - - - - - Thnt CLARSIFIKI) Page C. It will' Also pay you .to VHK IT. Why not? Jf you are A HOUBKKHKl'KIt, A. KAKMKlt or A MtOPKUTV OWNKK you certainly have something that you want to NKLL, 11XCIIANGB or- 1IUY7 Why uot spend a few cents and get your wants before Ilulletln readers? You mnn want to sell, or to buy or to exchange poUtoce hay chickens -p-grnln horses hogs cowa wagons guns land relln (julsbmontB town property furniture dog tents or even a hue band, wife or mother-in-law, -lly advertising you may strlko n bargain. Hundreds of pcoplo bnve used Tho Hullotln's clsoslfled ada and obtained RESULTS. The llullctln now reaches MOKE THAN 1CG0 FAMILIES. Thla la a Guarantee! Circu. IntloB. It mcana thnt the jmper la road by NOT LKSS THAN 000 PKO-l'Ll-J, In tho classified' column it costs only One Cent Word to advertise, nnd thnt word Is seen by evry Tender. PHONE n your ad nt onco, or wrlto us. One trlnl -It will cost but n- dluio or so will con vince you thnt It's a good Investment, The Bend Bulletin your ftirlhcr rlfih( (o bo heard there in, either before thla ofneo or on ap peal, ir you inn to me in wns omco within twenty days After the KOUHTH publication of thla notice, an shown below, your njawer, under oath, specifically meeting and re sponding to these nllcgfttlons of con test or If you fall within thnt time to fllo in this ofllco duo proof that you linvo served n copy of your answer on the said contestant either in person or hy registered tnall. If this service is made by tho delivery of a copy of your answer lo tho contestant in per son, proof of such service must bo either tho said contestant's written acknowledgment of his receipt of tho copy, showing tho date of Its receipt, or tho aflldnvlt of the person by whom delivered; if made by register ed innlli proof of such service must consist or tho affidavit or the person by whom tho copy wns mailed atatlng when and tho postofflce to which It was mulled, nnd thla affidavit must bo accompanied by tho postmaster's receipt for tho letter. You should state In your answer tho nnmo or the postofflce to which you desire future notices to be sent to you. II. 1'ItANK WOODCOCK, Hoglster. Onto of first publloatlon July 1C, 1I13. Date of sooond publltation July 23, 1913, Dato of third publication July 30, 1S13. Date or fourth publication Aug. 0, 1913. 1J. A. Eastes! J Real Estate Investments J Farm and City Property I OroklA ! Everybody can buy lots in this beautiful addi tion facing the bin concrete dam and river. Prices $150 (o $350 Torros: $.00 cash and $3.00 monthly. This Kiroa you n chance to BLCCulate o n Bend's future on a little money Lota fare all 60 feet wide nnd evory lot a good lot. WIESTORIA I have 170 lots in Wiestoria for gale. $200 for inside and $260 for cornor lots. All 60x1-10 feet. Terms: Small cash payment and $5.00 per month. All choice rosidooee property nnd near the depot. INSURANCE FIRE, AUTOMOBILE AND ACCIDENT SURETY IIONDS iljr kUIUHIMVa MIW !! ww .. MMH.RMM. !. ...-. KM., Offic on Oregon Streot BEND, OREGON 4-s-x-k-fkft-ict - - - - ' - - - -- -W.-V - I COLUMN' on pay you. It will '4s j Renewing Your Soles mm IS MY BUSINESS. When your SHOES need REPAIRING take them to R.H.LOVEN Wall street, Bend, Ore --- - --- -i w. c rrtiCKa -v. SANITARY PLUMBING Steam and Hot Water Heating We carry the largest stock of goods in Cen tral Oregon. Jobbing promptly attended to POLK'S' OREGON and WASHINGTON P Business Directory M A Dlrtcterr of ach City, Town and I Vlllsct, clrlnr 3erlptlT klcb or I rich plac. location, population. Ulo- I craph, ahlpplnc and tanklnr point; I alio Clsnlnd Dlrclorr, coroplltd r I builnctt and profcttlon. It. I. roLK a CO- BRATTtC BEND VIEW is nt nn nvernge elevntion 100 ieet nbove the city of Bend. Commands n charming view of the city of Bend nnd the surrounding country. 15 minutes wnlk from business center. Lots 50x110. BEND VIEW CO. Bend, Ore. ir The Unite Warehouse Company Bend, Oregon STORAGE AND FORWARDING General Commission Merchants We handle Oil, Gasoline, Sugar, Flour, Salt, Hides, Land Plaster. MEATS Salt and Fresh. Hams, Bacon and Lard. Ihe United Warehouse Company A. M. Pringle, Mgr. Bend, Oregon O'DONNELL UNION MARKET THE WHITE IS KING The BESTall-round Family Sewing Machine that can be produced. Made in both ROTARY and VIBRATOR styles. The rotary makes both LOCK and CHAIN stitch. The latest up to the minute steel attach ments with each machine. Sold on easy payments. Send name and address for our beautiful II. T. cata logue free. White Sewing Machiie Co. 14C0 Market Street San Francisco, California i i BROTHERS i