IMftO 12. msn uvhuvris, iikni, oiuj., vmin'khiay, .u'l.v u;i, tout. SCHOOL PLAN S WAS HAMLET FAT? Pro- ARCHITECT LOOKS OVER GROUND l'ronmctl Howl Hsue Ample Tor Flrt Class Structure, Nay Architect of Spoknno ami Chairman Meluty of tho Iiocul School Hoard, Provlilcd tho Ilend tuxvnyer so fit to ondorso tho SS3.000 bond Issue next Wednesday for tho orcc tton of a grado school biilldin?, Ilend will havo a modern strue'.ure woll le foro tho first of next year, and one. according to tho architect new here, and Mr. MoKay of tho school board, that will bo both tmilrtdy adequate for tho needs of tin district In this direction and a credit to lite town nb well. It. C. Sweatt, of tin firm ol Sweatt. Lovesquo & Co., of Spokrno, ia tho architect who has Bpent the morning with Mr. McKay In coin nvor tlm Diana he haa drawn, and In getting nil necessary data. AtUr establish- ing coots of building materials here, and going Into olhnr mittcra In volved, Mr. Sweatt atatod that tho building can bo cared for bv the tond Issue. Tho plans call tor a Mruc turo of olght rooms, built so thnt nn additional olght may bo addoj. Mr. Sweatt is tho architect of tho school board of Spokane, and as nurh plans all school building, in that city. Ho has also built school In Umatilla, Marcus, Mica, Freeman and Harrington, Wash.. Uurke. Jda ho, and Wallace, Idaho, as well as In tho Mlddlo West. At Wnllaco tho building housed a swimming pool, lKiwllng allejs, etc., silt was a com munity centor. Ho Is aisj tho author of a rook entitled "Hc'iool Design ing," a technical statement of plan ning -school buildings. "It looks good to mo," said Mr. MoKay. "At first I had doubts as to whether wo could get a sufficient ly good building for the money, but row I am convinced. I luertlly hope tho elcotlon will carry. Mr. Sweat t says tho building will bo completed four months after construction l commenced. Mr. Sweatt Is bulldln; a school for Metollus, tho contracts oelng let last night. You will have no Irritated face If you have your shaving, done at to nes & Davidson's barber shop. Adr. With His Own Words Ms Doth claim th pact Quit Pat, Tho traditional Hamlet of our stage Is a lean, ascetic young person, nn Idealised, cthercntlscd. heroic creature evolved for tho doleclatluh of tho mail iin girl. He t.i n horrid sham. la It credible that such n matt would have larked tho determination, the purpose futile, to put Ills revengo Into opera tion pat upon the discovery! It Is nil very well to nrguo about tils mental balance. It was his. sluggish liver that stayed hint ami hampered him. Hamlet's rather was a fat and lethar gic mnn by ItN own account. Bleeping within my orchard. My cuitom always of the. afternoon, ho says In Ills ghostly Interview. Wo may then look for sotuo clew to Hamlet's, character its soon as ho Is alone ou the stage. What aro hi words? Oh. that this too, too solid Ceah would malt! It Is a keynote that may not bo glossed over as a beautiful thought, for tho same Idea bursts out some lines farther on. where ho says of tho world: Ttitna rank and aroea In natura Pouch It merely Is It credible that such thoughts are there for any punwse save to guide us us to tho nnturo of this prlncol They serve a double purpose. Not merely do we leant that Hamlet was a fat man, hut also that lie was nn un happy fat matt. Hamlet was a man to whom his bulk was an ndllctton. He was handleapped by It nnd knew that ho was. Some such Idea Is discernible In every one of the great soliloquies Do scorns himself for a sluggard: What U a man If his chief kooJ nnd market of.hla time II but to alaep and feed! Ills mind, unhinged or not. is ob sessed by fatness, and In tin mad tur moil of emotions after ho has slain Polonlus his thoughts run: Wt fat all creature cla to fat ua. and W fat ourselves for maggots. It burst out again In the "Oh. what a rogue nnd peasant slaver narangue Ere thU I should have fatted all tha region's kltea With this slave' olTaL And who but a fat. lethargic man would have Bald In the "To bo or not to bo" speech: Who would fardels bear To crunt and sweat under a wearr Ufa Does not the phrase bring to mind at once the picture of a fat matt tolling at some loathed task? London Kxprcss. General Crook had been trying to put these Annette, back on the reserve, hut could not cat i'li them without killing them, nn notion that did not appeal to hint. One day his forces captured a pnHoso and took her to tho fort Bho wan quiet nil day, but her black oyei wntehed. everything. When night canto tho child broke down mill sobbed Just as any whlto youngster might. The fort was In despair until Major Hourke had an Idea Prom tho adju tant's wife ho borrowed a doll that had come to her little girl tho previous Christmas When tho young Apache understood that It was hers to keep her sobs ceased and alio fell asleep. When morning emtio the doll was still clasped tightly In her arms. Stio played with It all day, nnd seemingly all thought of ever getting back to tho tribe had left her. Bevj-rnl days passed with no sign of overture being made by the tribe, and Anally In despair the phhho. with tho doll still In her (Missesslon. was sent back. When the child renehed the tribe with the prtw grasped In her chubby hands It created n sensation among the native Americans, and her mother later went Imek to the post with It. Sho was received In a ho. pltnbte manner nnd kindly treated, and tho effect of her visit was such that through her overture- wero made. with tho result that soon afterward the entire baud moved back on tho re serve, St. Lout Republic. WON BY A DOLL A Gift That Drought tha Rabtlllous Apachta to Term. Major rtotirko. as atd to General Crook, onco showed himself nn cffectlvo peacemaker. He peniuadod a band of Apaches to go back to their reservation by presenting a dolt (o a papoose. Tbo Incident, was as follows: BEND HRIOKJOMMENOED Tctt Made by Knstcrn Concern Shows Them of (.'(mm! Quality. That Itond brick aro of high qual ity and equal to those mndo In tho Kast Is shown by n report received from tho Arnold-Croager Company, to whom samples wero sent. The report says: "Wo havo received tho sample brick sent us and will say thnt it com pares very favorably with the best of our Kastcrn brick, both in quality nnd color. Wo should think that you would cocpcrlenco very llttlo trouble in disposing of your product ns wo know of a great many p. ants In this part of tho country that are making and selling brick that aro very much Inferior to yours." Tho Arnold-Croager Co. Is ono of tho largest brick machinery manufac turers In the country and has its own brick and clay testing plants, and It was mainly through Its tests that llond canto to have tho only up-to-date brick plant In Central Oregon. 4 I'll Y ACQUITS HO.VOHl'i:. Charged with cruelly boating and killing a horse, A. It. Donohuo was tried In Justice Hastes' court yester day afternoon In the Johnson build ing and was acquitted by a Jury. Tho complaining witness was Mrs. Mary i 3m $ jSL $$r 3SSSS , il $&& HO? ?Loll KklX jy P S wtfMMKToPnsa I 'pS? . yl jr mitrowu J 1 KuttMr. iff N?.f" . jV. Or y iMiinriCM f CRl,&jfn$' Jrogtusiliriir ""ffV jpifafirf s which fftM I eoroajjpf i i woaapULPMiOS t ' Sflvrr, 'U i- BBB""' VJ fl V E TH t S M fl a S ffU DV I T t N V E STlGflTE &?&tT0MjrxJ You Should See La Pine niutiotiitrimmtiiiieuanlry The land I a tlch deep vvlesnlc ain ntms tlnn. nutiKk It level. hi oo. ittalnm. and ettflltnt dilnkUif water neier deeper than m fret The Irrigate,! land with a teretual wiltr rlatttt can Ik; iurchaet at per cre on ry ternit The eurroundliic pine corned moiinlalne are Hill ul natural womlere am! Juat the Uee fur a vacation tjt Pine launly alwiit two rear old. but irowlng ialtly It has a telephone aritein, Itvn ko,I lioleU. wu bin teneral mcrchandlae atorea. a Brat claMlirerr and lee! eiirelteut tieapartlhe tj line Inter Maunlaln). one of )he moat ptsreale commercial ciuim in ineaiait aoaiiiiaeinn nyin wa)r,iiaaiia own prmirriy anil int paai tear errcteti inereon an euiatine nuri niwae incrrarcinreaniaii m inula in ine imiill 01 i,a line, wnirn la inai me rxfinilltif ul inc n iumierini anil iniiiina iiuainrH inai win lone here a tco-acre achoul park in the heart of thereaMence aectlon, and now leaehraup to the twellth trade. There are ioxl opening In maiiufuctuilna and iShrr Isialneaa tlnra hrre In eduentlnnal matlere M I'lne la prseteaalte. be II haa lalhollcchutth will ! built here Ihlaaprlns, and other churchea are plannlnc to eatahtlah Iheniaelvea .a fine haa over io arallable electric horae )wer whlth th owner narc cuminenceii to ueveiop an.l wnicn ainne wituM btillit a vk1 alartlettr The tiltf area of farm lainl IrilMilarv tu l.a line wihiUI alone bulM and maintain a awkl aire,! rllv Thetait Iracla tif nnilxr mlHilarv In (jt l-lne wttnld alone build a eoixt IikI etlv Mllh the coming oilhe twublc rallruad ayalrma to l.a I'lne which willhe anon development In and aronnd l.a I'lne will rapid r H von ran mane money ny miring prniKriy ai La nne in an can be reached via Or Nor : N I' l) tv K ItN and tJ l.a Pine Ktue of the IVI railroad Other aredoln It. whv not VOL WAKK ITI to the fact that a xIhI wfll.lnraltif town In one of the neweal aud beat eeatlana of the Norlhwet ta bouud to grow rapidly and that projietly valuea wlllcllmttanotitlngly It lees now from v up The lernia are eaey. only a few tloUari per uiooth on each lot Voudon I iniaathe inouey. but ou aoon aviulie vatuaM prupefly VVrtle lovlay IW plat, prie andtetmato LA PINE TOWNSITE COMPANY, La Pino, Oregon. KeUable ageott. with good bank reference, wanted In all parte of the t'nltedHtetee. Martin. Despite the hot weather, thoro was a largo crowd of interested spectators nt the trial. Tho proseou tlon was conduclod by Vernon A. Forbes nnd Gcorgo W. Krsklne, and the dofendnnt was ropresented by 11. II. DcAnuund. year tho uiaxlmiiiu was only HI). Tho highest temperature so far this sum iner has been Oi degreeti, registered on tho 8th and again on the SOth. wiaTinm has iihi:. hot. Tho period of hot wenthor thnt prevails for about a week every yonr near tho middle of July is now upon Ilend. The tompernturo, however, has been a llttlo lower than it was In both 1011 and 191. Two years ago a maximum of 99 was reached on July 16 and last year a maximum of 100 on July 10. On the ICth this ROAD UPHO HORN Itriliuoiid CiiiiiinriTlul Club mid llir t'nrntrr CHOen,U (Special to Thu llullollii) UKDMON'I), July 32. Tho local commercial club, In conjunction lthl inn rarmcrs soittn or town, havo com menced tho construction of a public nutomnlllo road to tho top of Forked Horn ttutte, and It Is now proposed to hold it plonta at the lop nt tku hullo on I'rtday, Augtut 8. A bas ket dinner will lis sorvtHl by tha la dle nnd tho men will Join In eoy plillng the road. Forked Horn ilulln la tlm alto of the olty reservoir nnd one of tlm hlghiNit (mints In this teU olnlty. The Odd Fellows nnd Ilebekahs ,t Hedmnnd will go to tho Carl WiMit placo uonr Klslnrs for their I Ionic iiml Kunday. These lodges hit a picnic nt tho miiiio place last ymt nnd nearly tho entire inoinbcriu'p was In attendance. ' A Woodmen of tho World eantg was organlted hero last Tuesday ovonlng, with -10 mombors. mm: Km aae - ---- e as -- ---a------ a a a ----. XI 4 V XX XX J::.:: , , , . I : i i , i . r i , , , . . . . . i r . I . , . . . . . . . . . . XX XX Real Estate Real Estate t? r X tC FOR BUSINESS LOTS FOR RESIDENCE LOTS FOR GARDEN LOTS For Close-in Acreage FOR. FARM LANDS Let us show you the property ?Z conservative buyer that BEND REAL ESTATE is a conservative investment SA fc s: k t " 1 1 . . Hi T ' ' ? ' ' I" th V tt bt K j The Bend Company . - JC lVjat- iJT 1 t tfm i"" Office corner Wall and Ohio Sts. D. E. HUNTER, Real EsUtiiMuger pP , mrtrurt e --- --- e Kt a -- ,-- e -- ;---- --- ----'-----a.-t ,: n ,, , - iBilft "- a 4frZ? mn