ftA !. HKND RUI.LKTlN, MKNP, Mi., WtfliNKrWAV Jl)I,V iW, irfni 'mmmmuimna0mmamam9mfmmmmimmmmm$mmmmmmwtyim ZC as PERFECT SPHERES w With All His Scientific Skill Man Cannot Produce Them. THE CURVING OF ABASEBALL it It Petilbte Only Because the Dll It n Imperfect Glob and In Compart ft'son With Its Sin Much Rougher Than th Surface of the Earth. Tho nnl reason whjr n baseball enn be tlirowu no Mint It will describe won tlerfui viirvfo during Its progrctw through the air Is Hint every such bull hna u surface made up of mountain. Talley, craters, canyons. BurRcs, plnlna and other Irregularities of the surface that when the difference In also la taken Intd consideration, makes the aurfnee of the earth nwiu like plate Rlass. If It were possible to make a perfect aphcre If It were possible to make a baseball with nn absolutely smooth bun face and un exact sphere no pitcher In the world could make It curre. The very beat pitcher bane ball has ercr known or probably ever will know could not make the ball deviate n hair's breadth In Its tiljiht. And so while It la partly In the art or knack the professional pitcher ha In holding and releasing the baseball na he thrown It. It la also due to the fact that n baseball tins u wonderfally rough aurfnee against which the air catches and torus It that elves It the curve It yon pan yonr hand over a plate Rlass It move smoothly with nothing to retard II If you pass your hand over an uupldtutl board you can feel the rouphneM splinters we rail tbem You cannot move your hand as easily over the board. This la the same prin ciple with the baseball. There la a roughness in ita surface that catches In the air nnd forces one side about or retards that side. This baa but one result to make the baseball leave Ita straight course, and In doing this It de scribes a curve. This does not detract in the least from the cleverness of the pitcher who can so accurately Judge bis muscular control aa to make a baseball curve up or down, right or left Hut the fact remains that It Is the roughness of the baseball that makes nil bis pitching cleverness possible. Take a brand new league ball In your hand. It looks to be a perfect sphere that Is. absolutely even and uniformly round and as "smooth as gluts." And it may be as smooth as gloss, for glass also has a rough sur face. Put a baseball under the most pow erful microscope, enlnrgo It microscopi cally 10.000 diameters, and what do you see? The very thing mentioned in the first paragraph of this article. The surface la rough. It looks like the landscape in the Alps or Yellowstone park or any other rough section of the earth. It has peaks, ranges, ridges, valleys, plains nnd holes, gulches nnd all aorta of uneven places, nud If the earth could be made as small as a baseball It would be practically a per fect sphere and absolutely smooth. This is because the highest mountains of the earth nnd the deepest valleys would be njlfilous" upon mFllons of times smaller In comparison with the rough aneveo taces on a baseball if cither the earth were reduced to the slro of a baseball or a baseball enlarg ed to the size of the earth. Jf this were not true the earth would not revolve so regularly upnti Its axis It would perform jjb -in shoot" or "out shoot" und curve off through snare. Kvti the Millard ball jiaa a surface much rougher ft) eoaifMr&OH to Tu size than the surface of the earth, and we rufur tu a billiard hall as hIkhU the Ktnoothiwt thing known "As smooth as a Millard ball" Is a well known simile I'or the same reasnu that a perfectly smooth baseball could not be curved, a perfectly smooth nud per fectly round billiard liall could not be made to curve on the labia It would not take "English." a billiard players call It when they make a tall go for ward and then roll luickwnrd or in any direction JUNt by the manner In which they strike it with a chalked cue. This fact of roughness canning It to spin becomes all too evident when a player forgets to chalk his cue and plays several shots thereafter, If the leather tip of the rue becomes ablny It will altp on the ball. There la no purchase with which it can take hold. But chalk Is sticky stuff, and the gran ules are large, so that a well chalked cue has a very rough surface, and this rough surface of the tip of the cue flu into the rough projections on the ball, and thereby a ball can be given n lot of twist Id order to accomplish this successfully, moreover, tho billiard cloth nap must be new and therefore rough. During recent experimentation with regard to the kinetic theory of gases a llelgian scientist desired to find out bow perfect a sphere could be made in order that by the clashing of these to gether an Idea might be seen red of the effect of the collisions of the spherical atoms that make up a gas. The proj ect hud to be abandoned at last be cause no machinery could be construct ed that would turn out a perfect sphere artificially, and nature has do perfect sphere of large size In all ber many forms of matter. Perfect dlsts could be made, but a round ball was beyond the limits of human accom plishmentNew York American. " THE GAME 0P..WAIU "" Soma ef the Things Tbst Art Forbid den by Civilised Nations. It la not generally realized that tho game of wnr Is hedged round by ns many restriction as n boxing content under Quceiixtivrry rules. Thcsu regu lations, which are under the sanction of nil the civilized countries of the world, are designed to Immro fair piny for tho combatants. When It Is Intended to bombard a place due notice should be given, so (lint nil women nnd children mny bo removed to n place of safety, nnd ev ery cure must lx tnken to spare churches and hospital, a well aa nil chiiiitnhle or educational buildings. All ehnplnlns, doctors and nurses are protected In every possible way nnd n re not to be taken prisoners or In nuy way Injured. Any soldier robbing or mutilating nn enemy Is liable to be shot without trial, and death Is the penalty for wounding or killing a disabled man. Tbe bodies of the enemy arc- to be carefully searched before burial, and any articles fpnnd on . them which might lend to their Identification are to be sent to the proper quarters explosive bullets must not be used, snd qunrter must be given to the en emy whether he asks for It or not In an attack on the enemy there must be no concealment of the distinctive lgn of the regiments, nnd the ue of poi sons for polluting drinking wnter is strictly forbidden. London Answers. is'tiarstut Wh'ert You Laugh. Fexv people know what dangers lurk In excessive laughter. When we laugh our regular urctithluw Is changed, com ing In quick, short respirations because tho throat muscle are contracted. It Is fur this reason (tint, when laughing very heurllly ut some good Joke, wo hne often to gasp for breath. At time- we are- obliged to hold our sides on account of the pulu n hearty Inugh causes us, owing tu the partial suffoca tion' of the lungs through tho cutting off of their proper air supply. Kvcry muscle In the tntdy becomea contracted during a continued lit of laughter Often the blood vessels in the faee be come congested, causing It to turn red and even purple. Should this conges tion continue for any length of time apoplexy resulting In death might well occur. It Is better lu these clrcmn stutter to laugh until wc cry, for the shedding of tears relieves the conges tion of the brnln. Tears caused by grief do good In the same way, and that is bow, after a great sorrow, many lcople have been saved from brain congestion ami madness by the timely shedding of a few tears. Loudon Tit lilts. ?? speiit nuu'b money oh cau do colbgilo with which to bathe my exposed knees lu un attempt to keop off mosquitoes." Explaining the Needle, A typesetter In n printing turn so be came very udrolt In explaining ihc large number of misprints for which ho wns responsible. Nvpii when he changed his work nnd becnine n wnller in a restaurant, says the llerlln Kcho, his skill did not forsake htm. One day he hud served a glient Willi n pinto of soup and was turning away when he was called back sharply. "This I an outnigel" cried tho In dignant diner. "1 find a ueedlo In my, soup! What does this menu?" I'jusi a misprint, sir,' explained the? former typesetter. "It should have beeu a uooille." Ouh "Wlor-whyV wnat'a all'tTrnt WrT Assartlve Wife-Tuesday next I lec ture oil "Tho Blmpllclty or Drow." Fun. P.el Thoughtful. "Does your tniHbnml glvn you all tho money you want to spend?" ."My goodness! No. Why, oven I would not think of being that vxtrnvn-gant"-l)etrolt r'reo Press, till Could Hit the Mark. "I never saw a girl that could anything she threw ut." "Well, you never saw my girl throw a lilnf-liidlaiiiipnlls Hlnr THE "CITY OF HOMER." Reminders of the Ancient Architectural Glory of Smyrna. Architecturally Smyrna mint have degenerated since tbe ancient days, for we are told that then the streets were broad and handsome, well paved and running nt right angles with each other There were n number of squares and portico and public libraries, a museum, a stadium In which Olympic games were celebrated with grent en thusiasm, a grand music ball or Odeon, n Uomerlon nnd many temples, of which tbe most famous was that of the Olympian Jupiter, In which the reigning emperor was practically tbe god worshiped. The ancient Smyrnlotes were inordi nately proud of their city. They called It the "First of Asia." though the Kphe slans violently disputed this claim. Tbe Inhabitant also called their city tho "City of Homer." who they claimed bad been bora and brought up beside their sacrrd river Mcles. They put his Image upon a cola which they called a uomerlon. a name given to one of their temples. Enor mous fragments yet remain showing what tremendous buildings once occu pied tbe broad plateau on tbe summit of .the acropolis, and as one rebuilds In Imagination tbesc wonderful "piles he can easily forgive tbe Smyrnlotes of old for their grandiloquent praise of their city and Ita beautiful crown. Christian Herald. t J thole j J The Only Safe Course. There is a supreme court Justice In New York city wbo Is locally noted for bis severity. If be can prevent It no guilty man shall escape, and In bis court very few of tbem do. Last fall a man was on trial before blrn for forgery. Tbe prosecution, so It seemed to most of tbe spectators, failed lo inake out a very good case Nevertheless tbe Jury came in with a verdict of guilty. Later the foreman of the Jury was talking about tbe case with a friend wbo had heard some of the testimony "We weren't certain that we ought to convict either." said the foreman. In ex pfrt nation, "but lifter listening to his iMDer's t-barge. all of us realized that If we acquitted that fellow we'd be guilty of contempt of court" Sot urday livening Post. A Conservative Scotoh Deadl. Ileforo he went to tllasgow Dr. Story was for many years minister of Hose neatli, and his old teadle was often sorely perplexed by his "Innovation" standing to slug, kneeling at prayer und various other "seemly alterations." Ills method of objecting to the changes "was to enter the vestry at the close of the service. (Irmly clasping the big pulpit ltlble dm then to lay it henv II? uon the tnble. saying, 'I'm dune wP ye iioo, I'm fair dunb wl' ye: I cnuun thole It ouy lunger. I line car rlet the Hlble for thrctty years, but I ennnn calrry it ony lauger: I'm fair dnne wl ye.'" Dr. Story would reply, "Hoot. toot. John; you'll think better of that. "Na. nn, sir, I en nun you. I'll calrry the bulks nau langer; I'm dun wl' ye." Hut tbe beadle thought better of It, nnd remained with Dr. Story "ns his sure nndtruty huucliuinn" 111) the end of his life. Westminster Gazette. Death, Expert Mechanic "it is." writes Wllhelm Lnmsxus in "The Human Slaughter House,", "as though Death had scrapped his scythe for old Iron, as If nowudays be had graduated as expert mechanic. They have ceased to mow corn by hand nowadays. Hy this time of day even the sheaves are gathered up by mo-' chlucry. And so they will have to shovel our millions of bodies under ground with burying machines." As to falling In battle: "Once it was a knightly death, an bonorablo sol dier's death; now It is death by ma chinery. That is what is sticking In my gullet We are being hustled from life to death by experts, by mechani cians. And. Just ns they turn out but tous and pins by wholesale methods of production, so they arc now turning out tho crippled nnd the dead by machinery-" Partly Correct, "What'a the matter with your hus band, auntie?" Mild tho sympathetic mistress. "Did you sny he was a vic tim of senile debility?" "I diiuno 'tiout tbe other part" an swered Aunt Dinah sharply, "but he's got do debll In him ull rlght"-lluffa- lo Kx press. Simplicity of Dree. Assertive Wife Johu Henry, 1 need a new gown, hat shoes, gloves, lace QilUrund feather boa. Husband.- Tlir-rv Is no grace tu a benoOt thnt sticks to the linger. Seneca. No Difference, "I'apa, what does being dlsnppolntcd In love mean?" "Why, either marrying or being Jilted by the girl you are In love with." Houston Cost N. P. WEIDER PAINTER AND PAPE&HANGER. KatlinntcB on Wall I'npor nt application l'ortlnml Tricon ChunpcBt nntl Hcrtt Wall Pniur SnmitlcM In tho county. fiot My 1'rleoB. Simp on Ditkoii Htttrl. HmefPtiKliMtt lHiiik llltMl.UHIIOON Fact "The one thing that wc had twttar put off until tomorrow we seldom do," "What Is thnt?" "Worry."-lloston Itecord. Vienna Cafe Wall Street ' Good Meals, Prepared with I'lenullnesN, ut Moderate Kitten, Lnrce Ixiaves ot WholoMiino Bread 5 c Each A Trial Will Convince. ' There is no use to I advertise the Pilot Butte Hotel p II orticultural "" Adventures In a Kilt A Scotch military otllcinl has Just finished an Imperial tour in a kilt He walked through Indln. Ceylon, Ami tralla and New Zealand, coveriug over 50.000 mites, says the tandou Mall. "The hlghlander's garb," he snys. "attracted a surprising amount of at tention. At Taranto. In Italy, I was arrested for doing an Impromptu high land fling In the street in Ceylon 1 came near to being murdored nt a re ligious festival, for pcoplo took me for 5. if.riL IS Xw Zealand a Maori chief offored men naTTvo bride In ex chango for the costume. My kilt was certainly n iwtwitce sometimes. Tho sun In AjtctrsJLn In so powerful thnt I ! as to its reliability, I promptness and : accuracy in pay- t I ing losses, but it is necessary for you to know that I : : Ideal Slopping Place for Summer Vacationists and TRAVELLERS. SI'HCIAL ATTUNTION (1IVI-N COM.MURCIAL MilN. OOOD DIMM1 ROO.M. J. I. TAUOAKTi p. t. MipquslfoffMo" PHDG AUIO UUrWUtiN MOFUL AM) PUI'OT. ! J. B. Miner is the official agent of this territory. Bend, Oregon. 1 J The greatest pleasure la the power to tire It , Dangerous Dint Dart is mure dangerous than draft The dust of the bouse Is more danger ous that tbe dnt of the street It Is in dry. wludy weather that colds, influ enza, bronchitis, tuusllltls and consump tion are cuugbt For every sn-ck of dust Is nn aeroplane with nn army of disease germs as passengers. 8uullgbt destroys tbem; tbPy thrive In dark ness. Tbe broom and duster of tbe housewife stir them np from their breeding places In dark recesses, and tbe open windows of the dusting bour blow tbem all about the house-Nef Vork World. Testing. "Why do yoo put your finger on that paint? Don't you see the sign 'Vnab Paint r " "Yes," replied the man with eccen tric ideas. "Rut I can't keep from testing it and thinking what a con venience It would he if fresh eggs could le tested tbe same way." Washington Star. On the Stags. Flossie Of conn. In tbe theatrical profession it doesn't matter bow often lovers quarrel. Oertle Why so? Flos sie Because tbey make up every night und twice on matinee days. London Tit-Bits. One They Both Love. George Mabel and Jack's marriage seems un ideal one sue b a perfect uni son of hearts! The Girl-Yes; be adores Mabel, and so does sboi Truth. Must Need It. ""ne heeds money badly," "Dp against it, eh?" "Must be. He's thinking of marry ing for It" Detroit Free Pres When all is nplldny there are do boll- dayaChurles Lamb. REPAIRS TP Did you say repairs? We have them for McCormick machines mower parts, binder parts; in fact, we carry a complete line for old McCormick machines as well as new. Drop in. Let us figure with you on the repair question. Make your wants known. We will tell you exactly what it will cost to repair your old machine, and in case the expense would be too great, we will frankly tell you so, thus placing you in a position where you can get your new McCormick machine in time for harvest We handle a complete line of McCormick machines, and will be glad to see you at any time. If you are not ready to buy, call and get our catalogues anyway, They will interest you. They will inform you as to exactly what we have, and then you will know exactly what you want when you get ready to buy, f e , Shingles Mouldings LUMBER BEND HARDWARE COMPANY We ulso furnish repairs for Milwaukee, Buckeye and Champion Mowers. BEND HARDWARE COMPANY CEMENT Building Material The Miller Lumber Company Bend, Oregon. v.va444? -., Headquarters for Commercial Mea Electric Lighted Throughout Special Attention to Transient Travel THE BEND HOTEL Oood Rooms Free bus to and from trains HUQH O'KANK, manacskr BEND, OREGON Oood Meals All arrangements made for persons deslrlnjc lo go south and east of hero --- IHMMX ' FRUIT TREES Our nursery is located on Powell Butte, fourteen miles east of Bend. Our trees nre the kind we recommend ufter over thirty years experience in the fruit business in this neighborhood. Our prices and treatment will please you. Catalog free on request. Come and see our orchards and nursery. Oflice address, Prineville. Ore. LAFOLLRTTE NURSERY CO. "J 4- il rr z i AeVV