nu.univ, iii:m, oiii: wldnkmdav, .itLv hi, mm. I'dRU 0. j u A CHAIN OF FAME. llio Barrier Washington Erootcil Across the Hudson. ARNOLD REMOVED ONE LINK. IMIII th. Mnnalar Cable, n Oplto of the Trnltpr'a Act, Oerved Mi Purpoee unci Dlockod (he Proareai of the Drltlih ( flhlju Up the Mlver. HoiiiuwIihiii In I lio IhiI of Hut 1 1 iiilrtoti i-lvur JilHt off of Wt'Ht I'ullit lli'M liillli'il ' thu turuur pint of n Brunt linn ilniln, oim uf Muvufii) urilHifil by (Imicntl , WiinIiIiiuUui iltirlntf tin Ituvnlutlim to tw t'onxti'iH'ttHl to iiu.ulit tin ciiitiny from HiKmiiilliiK vorhiln rlvi-ix to ii- IIHllkll HtralOKlt' H)lllM Of VlllltHKIt. Thu llrllUli wuro iiuittlni; NirmnmiiM wtfttrtu In k'Ht liulil of tin IIihIhoii In ' urtlir in kiHip frwt vuiiiitiiiiilcntliiii with CnmhIh lijr lliv qilillltuiwl clmuiii'U of , ilwt. IihimIhh Mini l.ln C'lminpliilii. k nt It whn ilttliriiilMwl to olKitriu't tl t IIiiiImiii Itjr n Ktiml rhutn croMtliiK fnnii Tort Mimtitomury to Anthony' isiwn. Hut -thU wtoi ii fnlluiv. Tho clinlu IMrtrtt within ii wwli urutr It Itrnl Ihii 4fe Minttrlii!, mill. nltlititiKli Niilikiiiuiitl' '71 rwlMt hihI "Willi iiImcoiI. It wwt ik ntrwywl by tin llrllUh. 1'lnnlly U'HeliliiBliin ilwlileil to furHo MiMithur unit ittHlriit't tin river Im'Imimiii Vi I'nIiit mill Ciniotltiitliin ImIhiiiI, for litrw tliuro wn mi iilirnpt cIuiiiko of ' 411110. nuil ii Inxivy title rnlunil thu mhI of liny hIiIi itiicoiiiilerliiif U Ui- t tfiltta. tlit cliiiiinel sun IM) fiot narrow er at thin vrimxliiu. 'I'Ik diruliiK of a Winlit miioIi nil wn 1 eouluuiiilatiMl whm then no hiiimII umlir Inking. Itoqinwta ' won Mtirotly aimt i vrlii Iron foinMinlM, nml iiiiioiir tin hliU tin titotit fuvornlilu t'limu from tin Hlvrlliit: Iron work, altuiitiil In ' wit of Iliu iiiiMt honullful rocloiw of I lot twin I. now within llio fiiNiilonnblc , ilntimliKi of TiiximIo I'nrk. It win iirlelitAlly orttmiUiil liy lril aimrllnii In ITS), h wull known ottleor In llio lU'VolntlmiNry iiriuy, uihI hjii iIhhhiI In oittiratlon for moro tlntti n liMiMlrthl ymm. nimtiiwlillu mwIhi.' Into ' tt4t NHMHWtl0ll of Alwl .Noffli, who HMrrlwl n nltf of IVlr TowimmohI , mwI who now In MwHH'lHtloit with tlm tattur Iihthmm! tlw Miwalty of thu wortni wiilrh ovDiittMlly fume Into thu ttllv wwiiwwltm itf I'ntitr 'IHiwikkiihI. M tMtlitlt NH4l flllwl with tint Nplrlt of tko ttmo. ' lit (t unity oliUltMtl it fttw WttUlt ihIii w fttiw PHiMylvaHht for tht linftvy , 4Miiilllm( In tlw fortiliHC hihI it ihiiiiImt f H4i fntoi CoHmtrttrat with tliHlr 4i imhu to ito ttw Imullioc. nml when tur vImIu wim rwnly It wuh ilrawn - riir tlu rtiin imniHlnltmiw nonU hikI '-' lUranvli fttrMla tltMt liml to Iki inir- " " Vcly cut In nittiiy putt-ox nml i on to Now Wlin Wtr. tho iniipt rlvor (tolnt. nml IiiwimI to Vtt I'ullit. It wan n NtrutiiioUN utulurtnkliiK from tin very otnrL Itnoli link wduhctl 300 hmiiiiN, wn two fit't In li'imtli nml two nml n ipiiirtiT Inolicn nipinrf, nml 'vflt'h 100 fwt won mfiirtil liy u iiwltri'l. n twUtlin; link, nml nt uvcry tliointnnil , fet't t Intro wiitt il clqvU. Tho wholi of thin MolKhitl 1M toiiit. When It Whh Mrulfliiil ituntiw from Wwt I'olnt 'to CoHMtltutMin Ubtml It wnn liuuyotl Up hy Urjf flxtHHi fHit I(h. nml iIhmiv wtiro In turn held In plueu liy tW Hiwhttm. , TtH llrttlfih mrnlo tin hk-IHc MltNck tut thin tloMi HitliH-ltil iitHttMclo. for It HiHMt lHt roiuHtt4rvil turn In IIhmhi 'titty tlHro whu mi ilynmnlto nor tor ItotHMW. hihI imiiii' of tht Hiimiiy'H pniwit wtwkl Imvo pnlipl thwlr wny through hiii'Ii it IwrrliT. AlthoiiKh tint llrltlili Olil not nuccooil 'in pniMlin; tho Mk IIihIhoii river chain, tho Aiiicrliiin trnltor Arnold gnvo It (' IiIm pnrtlonliir ntti'iitlon nml romoviil it link of It under thu pntunnu of hnv Illicit rupnlri-d for wimkintin nt n mmr- i liy Minlthy. Ilo wrotu tu. Mnjor Amlru Unit It would not bo ruphiml until thu furtu wore urroiidrrol to tho llrltUh. ' lint Noini'how thu ehulii utixxl for ltn inirMH, nml Kir Henry Clinton did , not ntti'inpt to rullovo IliirKoynu. I'nrtM of thin fMioiiriiliii ciniir. am to rlto noon mnoiitf vnrlmm hlittorlcnl eti rlox of proiuliiPiit mH'IctluH. A nuuibur fof jiiirn iiko Mnyor llnwltt of Now York, tluiti tho ownitr of n iiiIiio nenr I .!.. U...JIll..a ...... I.... lit...... 11117 mm HUH MUruiniTn. iwiiiiiu aiikwi' tNttitl In llmllm; out tin wlioriHiltoutu of , ilie ruimilulint portloim of tho chnln. A Iaiko port of It IUm nt thu bottom of the rlvnr. nlmut thirty toim wuro In vnrloiiH poxnonnIoiix. mid tit Wont Point there nro thlrteuu llnkM. nnd n Htnple pliU'i'd nenr tin tjpot whoru thu cliulu, ' wnu iinclmred nml n plate tolltj of tho iliite mid plnvo of rorulnif.-Ituntoii luirnld. No Prlmnrlee For Her. ' "Aro .von kuIiik to tho prlmnrlon to nluht, Hthnlliidiir iiMked tho liuslmnd 4f Id uulTniKt'ttt wife. "Indeiil I nm not!" replleil tho Indy. "Do yon HiippoHi Hint nfler I hnvu nt- imided tin poKturndiinte roiirni In po llllcnl Huleiico for two yunrn I'm koIiik to wiinte my lime on lliom primary 'elnHHCH? I KiiiiHM not! They're kood oiioukIi for yoli men. but we women Jliivo proKreHHeil boyond thntl" Hnr 0ur'n Wooltly. Two palturee. 4,l mnrrlod for benuty nlono," Bnld , n preHiiinnbly hnppy benedict to nil old t'hiim, "And yet you romlml mo of a frleni of mine who mnrrhid for mon tiy," vnn tho rejolndur. "IIow'h thnt?" "Ho didn't nut It," mild tho uhum aitr- eoHtlenlly. 'I " -The profprviitlon of henlth Jn n duly. Pow deem ciinxeluiiH thnt there l vticli 4i unlit' mi pnyuiciii uiurnllty.-lipnccr, A . HAD A TART TONGUE. Nortlioole, the Painter, We Not Over, powered hy libAlly. Ii;iiiim Noitliroii. llio KiikIIiI) portrnll pnluler. Niihl line IIiIiik" nml iimllclftiiM thliiK iiHihwi in tin Miiim In cnl Ii 'fa U ii IhiIIIo of input InillH," (ili-iTVuil mniit' nm io "lliuilil. Hut llivl iriili- of UN iln., "iluit I'liiroiliM overytlilnu H Iblli'lliM" "Itxiept Mold." wild llnxlllt. "lie never iIioh uhiii Hlr .IihiIiiiii or the KIWI I lllll Kiel-." "Well, but U lie not overlliiwIiiK," pcmlrtied Hie other, "wlih uuvy. Iiiiinil nml nil iiurhirlinbliiiie7 He Ih hi Ntllcful int ii wommi-iiiiil then IiIn iiIk KiiidllnettM Did lie over nlvo uwny nnytlilimv" "un. IiIn itilvlci." wild llnr.lllU "mid very utipleiiAiiit II In" TIiIh In mil the pli'ttiro of n rluirui lux limn, nml et Nortlirole wim mn without UN iPileituiliiu Vlrliiittt. 'r one tliluu. he tviin refrenhTiiKly rree from the worwhlp of uiero icimIj0 In mi mm' u'hen men weie cnreful to up porthiu iiMi'i neeonllnu tu mk nml nlHllltll. The Prime of Wnleit. when he witu t yniiiiK limn, met the iwluter nml win iiimh plenwil tvlih hU iinivertoitloii. "Wlint do you know of IiIm iottl hlRtiiietir limulred Hit .irtxlimi I ley uoliN inter "NotlilliK." iiiwwenil Nnrllicole. "NothliiK. Hlr: Why. hit eiiye lit known yon wry well." "Pwlir iMtlil Northeoto. "ThntV only lil lime" The priwhh'iit of the Hoynl nrndeiny (lulled "llmvely mild." liu miittertHl. -Iiniwly wild:" i FACED SEVEN LIONS. And Three ol Them Qot a Dote ol Lead In Short Order. Cnptnlu II A. Wllxon linn written n record of "iorrlre,ntid Hport In IIim torln" In "A llrltlnh llo;derlnnd." lie ruliilftt n ttitllllin; eiiiouiiler ho hnd with auveu lloua on thu Mum river when In (iiinnilt of nm n mid nrroiiipniilod only by Ida Run lienrer. I'h of them were tliinerMea. They were nil full Krown nml oeeupled with their kill n cow irlrnlTu. Thej were feedln alowly, their tlrxt llllllHlT lippttrtaeil. pilttlllllff nml JiMtllmt- one nmtiher iMnyfully. their tow crowla illwtlnvlly nmllble: "Por n iimiiIo of lulllille I wnlted. wHU'lilim llieln; llu-li. n the IriKMixt Ihtn. h Hnu. Wai'U nixiiwl fellow, turned xldewayx to me, I ntUetl my rtlte nnd let drlvo at lil tieek. I liennl tbtt thotl of the tmllet on Ui-di. Mini, ho druutNHl In lil tratka like n alono. Willi n aliniiltnneoua Krowl every bend went MP. nml the llniiH awiimc hoiimI. faHna; tho mdao of the nlwt. I let Hy n aHoml bullet nt tho chwit of tho ecoml male, nml with n denfeiiltiK roar be ttoumleil IiIkIi In the nlr, clithlitsl n doieu ynnla forwjird nml fell dnd to onrth iut ItUMUlW'WI ll-H B-JOTOM M ' I J Seals W? jwt ! Abso- T$Mmsi ' lulely JH i Air ' lH Tight Ej pHM4tlX (Pure Kifintd raraffinti For Sealing Jellies and Preserves Just melt and pour over the cooled, preserves. Easy to use. Absolutely pure. . Guaranteed under tho Pure Food and DrugeAct. Dealers Everywhere Standard Oil Company (CALIFORNIA) PORTLAND SAN FRANCISCO I wna driiwItiK n Herotid bend on blm nfrcMi. "Tho reiiinlnder, nil lloiieaxen, turned nt my aecnml almt mid wnlkit! nlowly nwny with miieh tnll Inaliltm nml n dinnm of wrowla I wna Jimt In lltno to Met ii aniipalint tint hliidtmtat mm alio iIlHiippeiired Into, tint aenib. Tim 'tell' of the bullet nnd her mmwerlint Niinrl told me Hint I hnd lilt her. which blood apolH on tho lunvuri cujillruied." He Couldn't Plow. A corlnln liieldent foiinoctnl with tho KHHit NHfioleim while ho wnn In ox lie In UHki la comiiieiiiornted In tho la In ml to thla hour by mi liiaerlptlou nf fixed to Iliu wnll of ii iHMiwiit'n boiiao. A mini mimed (llneohl wnn plowlnu when the fmnmm exno eiimii nlmii: one dny nml expremoil nu Inturcit In hi work. "JCiipnleoii even took tho plow ahnro out of the iiiiin'm hmid mid nt tenifited to KUldi It lilniMclf. Hut tho oxen rnfiiH.'d to obey him. overt urnitl tho plow nml npollrtl tho ' rnrrow. The liia'riptlon ruiia lliuai "Nnpolwn the (Intrtt. piihmIiik by thla plneo In MDCCVXIV. look In 'the iioh.'bborliK Held ii plowhtiro fnou I Ik hniida of n !ttfuiut mid lifmflf trliil to plow, but the i'xhii. reMlliiiH to tlio-o knnda wlileli .vet hud Kiildod Ituropo. head lontt lltil (rpiu tho furrow." .' , Kvwoonlehi nhould ftet tho habit or wiliiK to Iniiua U Davldwm'B bnr bor aliop. Adv. XOTICK DP CO.VTM8T. Dapnrtiiient or tlto Interior. United Htntiw Lund Offloe. , The Dallon, OroKim. July 7, 1013. To Kd Hmlth of Powolt Dutto, Oro- Kon, Coiitoatuo: You nro huroby notlflod thnt Pnul II. (Inrekon, who nlve'Hond, OreRon. o-o llox 317 na IiIh postoltleu nddriMm. did on July 7, JJ13, llio In thin olllco lila duly corroborated npplltntlon to oontoit mid Kucuro tho cancellation of your homtMtd ontry, No. , Korlal No. 010S6! made July SOth, 1H1!. for HUSIitt, koc. 7; NKVi. MKVtNWVi nnd lot 2, nvctlou IK, tnwnahlp 18 H., rnnKu 1C Hoat, W. .Meridian, nnd h Kroiuiila for his oon toat ho nlloKoa thnt tho nald Kd Knillli baa failed to rld uHin or enltlVHto aabl tract for imiro than wlx montha laat tH unit that auek failure waa not dut to IiIm oinploy iiihiiI lu the army, navy or inarlnw eoriwof tho UntttNl Statu In tlina of wnr or othcrwla. You nr. tnaroforo, furthw notl Mwl thai tbti aaltl ullHKftlbma will tto taken by thla oMc an harlitg been coufiMHMHi by yriM, and your Mid on try will be canctrbrd Ihorounilar wllhotit your further rlnht to be haanl there In, olthur bofore thla oUke or on n poiil,, If )(iu fall to llio In thla otlleo within twenty dnya after the I'OfltTIl publication or this notloe. na ahowii blow. your nnawer. under outli, upeclllcnlly mcutlni; and ro ItoudliiK to thuae ulloKUtlotm of con teat, or ir you fnll within thnt tlmu to Mo in thla ol!co duo proof that you hnvo aurved n copy of your nn awer nu tho anld contestant cither In ponton or by .roRlntorcd mnll. If thla acrvlcu la tundo by tho delivery or n copy or your nnwer to tho con toatnnt In person, proof or auch ser vice inuat be oltber tho anld'contcat ant'a written iteklowludKumont of lila receipt of tho coiy. allowing the date or Ita recttlpt. or tho nffldnvlt or the tnx)H by whom the delivery waa made ntatlna; whn nnd where the copy wn delivered; If mad by re laiered tiiall. prinif or mirli Norvlce m ii at conalat or the affidavit or the Iterant! by whom the copy waa mailed atntliiK when nnd the poatolllce to which It vsaa mullet), nnd thla nnidar It imiHt bo accompanied by tho poat mnator's recelit for tne letter. You should Btato in your nnswer tho nntno of tho pogtollloo to which you dealro fttturo notices to bo aont to you. II. FIlANIv WOODCOCK, HoRlator. Dato ol drat imbllootlon July 10, 1913. Dato of second publication July S3, 1913. Date of third publication July 30, 1913. Date or fourth pubtleatlon Aiir. C, 1913. fEjfc. Fisherman's Lunch Put up neatly in boxes thnt are light nnd easily carried. ' INDIVIDUAL . LUNCHES 25o or 5.Qc:. dfc- K Via.- ---i wn m. w n & - ane Mine xhlncd nt Uvorw'H bnrber alioji, Drown alreet. Wit Hot i'iIIm nml breml nl llio Anicrl (mi llnktTj' Vsvery nflornooii nt 5 o'cloek, iy'otv aloro on Well Miccl.lOtf PltATKII.VAD HOCHfrilW. I. O. (). 1'. Ileiiil loduo No. UIN Iloi;iilar MeolliiKM ovory Monday nlRht Vlidtorn wdlcoine. J. IC. Iflfifrabrntmm, X. (1. D. N. tloffiunn, flooy. M. XV. OP A. Pilot JlHlte Camp Mo, 9794 MooU ovory Tueadny In Kflther Hall. VUltlnK NolRhhorn nlwnyn welcome, W. W. Orcutt, CoimuI. Martin It. Knuttwn, Clork. , DIWCHDTKH liUDfllt N O, J 0 .'! K. of P. Meets evtiry Wetlnoa day evening nt 8 p. in. In Castln Hall, K. A. Hitther Hid;. Vlaltlng KnlRhts welcomf. Joe I tinea, C. C. I.. M. McTtoynolda., K. or It. & 8. IIKND IX)DDK NO. io A. I it A. M. Meets on Thursday on or bo fora tho full moon of each month. Visiting brothers nlwnyn welcome. J. D. Davidson, A. M. Lara, W. M. Secretary I'HATKK.NAIi IMtOTIIimilOOD. HoRjInr nicotine hold by tlond LodRo No. 897 In Bather's Hall on tho first and third Thursday cvonltiR each month. Visiting mombors of order alwaya woleouie. Mrs. a. W. flhrlnor, Pree. Marxarot Schroder. 8eey. ItlHIIIKAHS. Ilond IidRe No. 263 meets every sooond and fourth I'rlday evening, nther'H Hall. VtoltlHg brothora and slaters weloomwl. Mrs. I.uey rrWnch, N. G. Mum Lola V. l'oree, I tec. 8oey. HOYAIi MtlCllllODS IteKular moetlnic oh ftmt and third Prlday oveoInK at Sather'g Hall. Mrs. MarRaret Hates, Oracle Mm. AlfartKta Orcutt. Iteeoruer. OltDKIt OP IUSTKUN STAlt. Itend lodge meets In regular ses sion on the Sooond nnd Fourth Mon day KvanliiR each month. In Masonic Hall. Panule Karris, W. M., Arrle Illack, Secy. DIUKCTOKY OP OI-I'ICIAUS. United Ktntex. President Wood row Wilson Vlco President. .Thomas It. Marshall Socretnry or Statu XV. J. Ilryan Soorotary of Navy . . Josophus Daniels Secretary of War . . . .L. M. Garrison Secretary of Iuttu-lor ... .P. K. Lane Secretary Agriculture I). P. Houston Secretary or Treasury . W. P. McAdoo Secretary Commerce . . W. C. Hedneld Secretary ol I-eUor . . . . W. It. Wilson Attorney General ..Jaa. Melteynolds Postmaster Ueneral .Albert llurleson .State. Governor Oswald West Secretary of State .... II. W. Oleott Treasurer ....: ....Thoe. II. Ka Atty General ......A. M. Crawford Superintendent Public Instruction . . J. A. Ohurohlll Stato Printer ...... 'W. 3. Dunlwu) Commissioner Labor Statistics .... 0. P. Holt Ganio Warden W. L. Klnley Stato Rnslneer. John H. IvnU United States Senators Oconto K. Chamberlain Harry XV. Lnn) Congressmen A. XV. Lafforty . .... . ............. .s S. Slnnott .' W. A. Hawley Sctenth .Judicial District. Judgo XV. L. Ilradshaw Attorney W. II. Hell Crook County. Judgo G. Springer Clerk Warren Drown Sheriff Prank Klklns Tronturor Ralph Jordan Assessor IL A. Foster School Sunt J. li. Myers Coroner P. II. 1'olndexter Surveyor Fred A. nice Commleslonere H. IL Ilayley Willis W, Urown llio O'lutn. Circuit Moots first Monday In Soptcmbor nnd Deconmor nnd second 'Monday In March. Probnto Moots first Monday Id each month. ContiuUslonors' Moots first Wed nesday In Jnnuury, March, May, July, September nnd Novembor. lleud School District No. IS. Directors F. M. nay.'Chmn J. N. Hunter Clydo M. McKnj Clerk H. J. Ovorturf City of Hem). Mayor G. P. Putnniu Ilecoidor H. a Kills Treasurer , II. J. Overturf Chlor ofPolIco ...... S. R. Uobort8 City Bnglnoor ....George 8. Young Councllinou II. E. Allen '............ A. L. French. A. S Collins II. n. Ford ..John Sldl ......,' H. A. Sather Juatlres of tho Pence nond 'Product J. A. Eastes Deschutes Precinct ...W. XV. Orcutt Farm Machinery A CARLOAD IS JUST IN Reapers Mowers 4 Binders Rakes Wagons SEE THEM AT OUR MILL -We Also Carry Tile Purest and Bend Milling & We Deliver, the Goods BUS AND DRAY LINE LIGHT AND HEAVY LIVERY. Hay, Barley, Oats, Wheat and Bran al lowest prices. The Largoat Barn in Central Oregon. WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend, J. H. WENANDY NIGHT TRAIN SERVICE DAILY ONE DAY SAVED EACH WAY BETWEEN CENTRAL OREGON AND PORTLAND TOUR.IST SLEEPING CARS AND FIRST CLASS COACHES This (service Is in lieu of the day trains run heretofore. The train will leave Bend 8:30 P. M., Deschutes 8:48 P. M., Red mond 9:10 P. M Terrebonne 9:24 P. M., Culver 10:02 P. M., Metoliua 10:20 P. M Madras 10:30 V. M., Mecca 11:08 P. M., Maupln 12:40 A. M Sherar 1:08 A. M., arrive Portland 8:10 A. M. Leave Portland 7:00 P. M.. Arrive Sherar 3:03 A. M., Maupin 3:2G A. M.. Mecca 5:18 A. M Madras ti:00 A. M., Metolius 6:13 A. M., Cul ver G:28 A. M., Terrebonne 7:08 A. M Redmond 7:23 A. M., Deschutes 7:43 A. M.. Bend 8:00 A. M. Connections are made in North Bank Station, Portland, to and from Willamette Valley and Puget Sound Points. Fares, schedules aid details will be furnished on application or by letter. W. C. WILKES. Asst. Gen. Frt, & Pass. Agt. R. H. CROZIER. , Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent. r H. G. FARRIS Auto Trucks Operating Regularly Between BEND AND BURNS PROMPT SERVICE lc A WORD Binder Twine- Best Always at Warehouse Co. Oregon. LON L. FOXl OregonTrunkRv. CENTRAL OREGON LINE J. H. CORBBTT, Agent. Bend, Oregon. IS ALU A HTR.B WANT AD WILL COST YOU