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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1913)
iikni) nuLurrtN, nKNDonK., tfittwiwiuv, jvly i, Join, PflRO 8. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CROOK COUNTY COURT In the commissioners' court of tlio etato of Oregon for tho county of Crook, July term, 1913. July 2. County roads Petition or 0. D. Preston ot nl for bridge on Preston road over Dry Canyon granted. Or dered that tho county surveyor ox amino the location and cstlmato the coat of construction; that tho pet I Honors obtain bids for lumber to be used and that tho ocunty Judge let the contract for tho lumber. Petition of Ora Van Tassel ct al for county road First reading. R. A. Merchant road No claim for damages having been Hied, the road la hereby ordered opened. Ovid B. Riley, SUcmore and Paul ina Creek and Powell llutto roads Ordered continued. Ora Van Tassel petition for li cense for warehouse at Vanora on right of way ot the Oregon Trunk Railway Ordered that when tho pe titioners fllo n proper bond In the sum of $1000 approved by tho coun ty Judgo the petition shall bo granted. CJalm of Supt. J. E. Myers for stamps Ordered that 40 be placed at the disposal of Supt. J. E. Myora for stamps. Plat of Plnclyn Park approved. Clerk Instructed to mako order in regular form. Plat of Cascade Park approved. Clerk instructed to make order In regular form. G. W. Raper, petition tor liquor license in town of Ja Pine, unincor porated, Ireland precinct Whereas petition appeared regular In every respect, ordered petition granted Resignation of Ward Coble, Ju- tice of the peace of Dend Resigna tion accepted. Semi-annual report of county treasurer, R. L. Jordan, read and ap proved. Oregon Trunk Railway petition to be released from bond In the matter of It. M. Elder road Granted. In the matter of Graco M. Rassett, widow, ordered, when petitioner has perfected her petition by affixing her signature and the same has been ap proved by tho county Judge, the .pray er ot said petition shall 00 Granted and the county clerk ordered to draw a warrant in favor of said petitioner In the sum of $10 dated July 1, 1913, and it is further ordered that the said county clerk draw a warrant in favor of the said Grace M. Rassett, widow, in the sum of $10 on the first day of every calender month there after. Claim of Wenanay Livery Com pany for $36.25. Ordered disallow ed for the reason that the county has paid the sum of $100 for the recov ery of bodies from the Deschutes river which sum is all it pledged It- celi to pay for such recovery. Claim of Frank Elklns, county sheriff, for $28.18 for gasoline for county automobile disallowed. In the matter of the application of the city of Prlnevllle for refund of taxes, continued pending action of the district attorney. Application of W. H. Melrose for rebate of taxes on wrongful assess ment, allowed I3G.S2. Application of George A. Stephens for rebate of the unearned portion of his liquor license, allowed $31.10. M. A. Gullck road First reading of viewers' report on resurvey of road. July 3. Indian Ford road Report of view ers read and approved, ordered re corded. C. J. Mock road Final report made, road orderod opened, clerk instructed to make proper order opening road as a public highway. M. A. Gullck road 'Viewers' re port read the second time, road or dered opened as a public highway, clerk instructed to draw proner or der opening road and to order the proper supervisor to proceed at once C. M. Elklns Petition presented for private change in Lower Rrldge road Ordered that the viewers be instructed to view and survey tho same and report on the first day of the regular September term of this court. Ora Van Tassel road Petition read the second time, ordered refer red to the district attorney. E. M. Eby road Whereas all pro ceedings appear to be regular and proper form as required, by law, or dered that the viewers proceed to view, survey and locate said road aa described In tho petition filed in this court. In the matter of the vacation of the plat of Mayneld addition to Mad ras Petition of Central Oregon In vestment Company, continued. Claim of Jacob N. Qulborg disa! lowed. Claim for damaces by Chas. H. Spaugh and I. E. Wlmer because of the location of the C. Peterson road Whereas it appearod to the com miBsloners' court that the land claim ed to be damaged was more valuable with the road as located than Jt was without, ordered that the claim for damades be disallowed. July 5. Applications for widow's pension's Tho county clerk Is hereby In structed to issue the proper warrants on all allowances made on applica tions approved by tho county Judge, tho same to bo rtvlowed by tho com mlssloncrs at the next regular ses sion of tho commissioners' court. Lord's Oregon Laws Whereas tho Circuit Court of this district has been hampered lu Ita proceedings In this county by reason of tho ahortago of codes, it Is hereby ordered that tho clerk be Instructed to draw a war rant In favor of tho secretary of stato of tho state of Oregon In tho sum of I $27. CO in payment of two seta of Lord's Oregon Laws for uso during the sessions ot tho circuit court. F. G. Atkinson-Affidavit of wrong ful assessment, continued. Experiment garden demonstration J. W. Smith, services In garden, $15, plans for building, $, total $21, allowed; R, W. Ramsey, two days with wagon and team, $10, allowed; A. P. Jones, services 1 days, $L40, allowed; W. J. Wright, services with team 4 Mi days, $22.50, allowed. Claim of Rend Hullctln for print Ing notices for county school super intendent, $6.25, allowed. Water in county roads Road su pervisors aro instructed to enforco the law In regard to allowing water to stand or run In tho county roads Warrant to Orln Miller Tho war rant, No. , drawn In favor of Orln Miller In the sum of $9.30 Is horcby ordered cancelled and n now war rant Issued In the like sum of $9.30 drnwn in favor of G. Springer, coun ty Judge. Ilcxirt of County Road Supervisor. No. 1 Ireland, John Peters, su pervisor. Claim of Rend Hardwnrc Co. for goods furnished John Peters, supervisor, allowed. $C!.90. Expend ed May and April, $257.50; June, $128.90; approved, $380.10. No. -1 Montgomery, J. M. Mont gomery, supervisor. No. 5 Sisters, J. Wilt, super visor. Expended May and June, $87, approved. No. 6 llaystack, R. V. Jenkins, supervisor. Expended May $185, ap proved. Clerk ordered to Issue super visor warrant for balance due dis trict. No. 7 McKay, David Grimes, sup ervisor. Expended April and Ma $141.75, approved. No. 8 Hay Crec.t, Roy Newell, supervisor. Expended $70.50, ap proved. No. 9 Willow Crook, Henry Mont gomery, supervisor. Report continu ed for explanation. No. 10 CroBB Koyo, Porry Mon roe, supervisor. Expended $299, up proved. Clerk ordered to draw war rant In favor of 1'. T. Monroe for $00 to finish Coleman roiut. No. 11 Aslnvood, S. E. Soara. sup ervisor, Kxponded In May $109.50, In Juno $125, approved $234.60. No. 12 Deschutes, R. M. Hldor, supervisor. No report. No. 13 Johmtou Creek. No. 14 Mill Creek, T, F. lluchan nu supervisor. No report. It ap pearing that T. F. Huchauan believed that ho was appointed supervisor of district 13 aa well na of district 14 and has acted accordingly, hu Is here by appointed road supervisor for dis trict 13. No. 15-Iloward, Henry Koch, sup ervisor. Expended May and Juno: La bor $287.50, material, $31.55, ap proved $319.05. No. 16 Summit, W. J. Sihinldt. supervisor. No report. No. 17 Hear Creek, Marlon May Held, supervisor. Expended Mny $4S,75, approved. No. 18 Camp Creek, Paul Hold, supervisor. Expended $85, approved. No. 19 Hardin, Paul Werner, sup ervisor. Expended May $144,25, ap proved. No. 20 Heaver Crook, C. R. lion ry, supervisor. Report returned for correction. Ordered that when re port Is satisfactorily explained to tho county Judge, a warrant lu thu sum of $ bo Issued to said C. R, Henry. No. 21 Maury, W. A. Caroon, sup ervisor. Expondod Nov. and Dec., 1912, $15; May and June, $102; March and April, $21.25. Warrant ordered for $138.25. Approved. No. 22 Newsom Creek, O. C. Gray, supervisor. No report. No. 23 Kutcher, Hugh Gardner, supervisor. Report hpproved. Or dered that thu clork draw a warrant In favor of Hugh Gardner, -supervisor, for amount duo district o. 23. No. 24 llrecso, Hugh Gee, super visor. Expended Juno $13.96. Ap proved. No. 25 Powell Uutte, Allen Wlll- coxen. :o report. No. 27 Tcthorow, W. E. Claypool, supervisor. Expended May and Juno $158.92. Roport nproved as to ex penditures. No. 28 Laldlaw, L, I. Root, sup ervisor. Expended May and June $93.50. approved. No. 29 Lnmontn, Roy Joslln, sup- ervlsor. Expended May and Juno $183, material $3.95, approved $186.95. No. 30 Lylo Gap, William Far- roll, supervisor. Expended April, May and June $267.87, approved. War rant ordered In favor of William Far- rell, sup., for $68.21. No. 34 Hillman, Ray Archer, sup ervisor. "So roport. No. 35 Cllno Falls, W. H, Clay- pool, 8UMirvlRor. No roport. No, 36 Hat Hook, tllunn Hon drtckson, supervisor. Expended Muy $26.45, Juno $23, approved $48.45. No. 38 Muck Uutte, Osborne, no report No. 39 Cenlrnlo, llohrens, no re port. No. 40 Alfalfa, A. O. Walker, no roport. July 7, Hond district No. 4 Whorena J. M. Montgomery wan appointed rend supervisor of road district No. 4 at the rugular May term of thlH court and whereas the said Montgomery luiH not filed hls'bond for said olllco, and whereas a county wnrrant In tho sum of $100 has been wrongfully Is sued to one David Grimes for thn Jroad fund owing and duo snld dis trict No. 23, It Is ordered and decreud that when anld J. M. Montgomery shall file his proper bond lu tho sum of $200 and the name shall be ap proved by the county Judge, tho coun ty clork shall Issuu a warrant In fa vor of thu said J. M. Montgomery In tho sum of $100; and It la further ordered that tho county clerk maku-n proper order cancelling tho warrant, No, , In favor of one David Grimes, drnwn In tho sum of $100. Claim of Chas. Heutol far witness fees lu the sum of $13.40, claim al lowed and clerk Instructed to forward warrant to said Chas. Iloutol. Claim of People's Irrigation Com pany for opening a ditch, $117. Claim allowed with the uuderstadlng that tho ditch company will stnnd ouo half tho additional cost of building an archway of concrete over thu snld ditch whenever tho county Is ready to completo the same. Stato Highway Commission The communication from the Stato High way CommlHHlou la referred to the county Htirvoyor, with tho request Jhnt he furnish tho commission thu Information asked for as tar as it Is practical for him to do so. C. A. Cllno Affidavit of wrong ful assessment, continued. Application of Willow Crock Tele phone line for franchise over county roads Franchise granted clerk Instructed to mako order granting franchise In regular form. In the matter of the claim of Odin Falls Company, continued. Application of Emma J. Marlon, widow, residing at Ialdlaw, Oregon Ordered that tho said Mrs. Emma J. Marlon, widow, bo and she Is hereby allowed tho sum of $32.50 per month until further ordor of this court; tho first wnrrant to bo dated July, 1913. Application of Johanna M. Sandon, widow, residing at Hend, Oregon Ordorcd that the said Mrs. Johanna M. Sandon, widow, be and she Is here by allowed tho sum of $32.50 per month, until further order of this court, tho first warrant to bo dated July, 1913. Application of Mary C. Ilonnoy, Stop Paying Rent OWN YOUR OWN HOME IN KENWOOD JUST ACROSS THE RIVER wirfyxAOkiTii 's niy io m'n wak frm the business center of Bend KlTftIVIYCri s tne est v'ew property' I1M1 V JJU on tJie mnrket an(i is i0UI,a to be the most valuable residence property in 13end KENWOOD "tori"' w"'er nd KtTWlAtfto Prices and terms nre tlie Q.1MTI TV JJU? best ofrered in Bend Buy a lot in Kenwood; we will make the terms to 'suit you. The money you are paying for rent now will in a very short time make you the owner of a HOME OF YOUR OWN. Oregon Land & Immigration Co. J. Ryan, Agent widow, residing .at - , Oregon, wherena tho proper application for u widow's pension hun been niada to thu county judgo, by thu snld Mnry 0. Ilonnoy, widow nnd mother of throo children, uml wliorwin thu said county judgo' Is satlatled that thu said Mary ( Ilonnoy In entitled to u pun Mini under tho act of tho lust Legisla ture, and whoreaH the county Judgo liriH fixed tho sum of $35 im it propor num for the snld Mary C. llouuuy to receive each month under tlio pro visions of this act. Ordered anil ad judged that tho said Mrs. Mnry 0. Ilonnoy bo and she Is hereby allowed the mini of $25 pur month until fur-, tlior order of this court, the llrst war rant to be dated July, 1913, School department of county fair On the petition of J. E. Myora, county superintendent of schools, it la hereby ordered that tho sum of $200 bo set aside aa prltn money for tho school department of thu Crook County Fair, tho said mini to be usun to pay premiums on school exhibits, said sum of $200 to no taken from tho county's fair appropriation, Affidavits of wrongful assessment Guy Sears, disallowed. Leo II. Hughes, dlsallowod. C. P. Decker, affidavit approved, $1.30. M. E. Tucker, ntlldavll approved, $15.39. Mary E. llenson, rebate allowed by county sheriff unproved. W, II. Hobbs, affidavit approved $1.78.0. A. Campbell, Andrew Noble, II. Kostor, A..!), l-owla, E. W. tllllam, Z. T.,Mc Clay, John O. Donald, affidavits ap proved. Win. J. Phoenix, denied. W. II. Harney, affidavit approved, rebate ordorcd, $8.60. Mat Kuluch, affida vit approved, relmt ordered, $61.20 Welch and Olson, affidavit approved, rebate ordered, $x331.10, D. M. Davis, affidavit approved, rebate or dered, $66.15. Henry C. White, con tinued. Chas. A, Douglas, affidavit approved, Jiistlcu of puncu for lleud precinct, -.lames A. Hasina Is hereby appoint ed Justice of thu pence for llond, Ore gon. Voting product at Hampton, Oro- t'oiitlniHjd on l'ngo Tun). Tho Bathroom That Pleases; it one which completely inlitfic. the demand for Military security, durability and beauty of deticn. A tamfaiHT Modern IUth rootn initialled by us with a careful regard for military efficiency nnd the following out of your instruc tions will plcana you. Aik for booklet!. J. J. RYAN Plumbing nnd Heating Bend, Oregon A Cook Book Worth Having! THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN. "Good Living" Is a splendidly printed, strongly bound, and well written up-to-date Cook Book by Sarah Van Burcn. It contains 605 PACES and a complete index. It i.s bound with an OIL CLOTH COVER. that can be washed when soiled in the kitchen. The Regular Price is $2.50 Our Price is $LOO WHILE THEY LAST. We have only a small number. Housekeepers should hurry. fi The Owl Pharmacy Ralph I'olndcxtcr. First National Uonk Uulldlng. The Best Buy in Crook County 80 ACRES, ALL FENCED Good House, Barn, Tank; about 15 acres ready for crop. Seven, and one-half miles east of Bend on Bear Creek road, and one-fourth mile from school. Improve ments easily worth $1200. C. O. I. Co. got $2457 for this land. All for $2200 Address Owner, care oflGe Bend Bulletin. X