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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1913)
X HIJ.NI HUM.KTIN, IH3NI), OltK., WKDNIMDAY, .JULY 10, IfJjn, I'oe 7. f Take a KODAK- with you WE A HE HEADQUARTERS FOR KODAKS AND SUPPLIES Patterson Drug Co. The R&XaZ& Store LOCAL NEWS 1TEA1S i MIm Dorothy Bchoolcraft left lam nlKhl for Jipokimo, II. V. I'olndftxtor wont down to 1'ortlnnd last wouk. Mra. W. It. Haylor of Tuinnlo waii n llund visitor yualnrday, John Mourn took a IUIiIiir party to Crano I'ralrlu Hnnday. Mr. nnil Mr. Dan It. Hinlth of I.aldluw worn In town Tuesday, MIm Zotta Dickey of Pendleton U vUltliiK tills week ut tin Htoldl homo. J, I), DiivIiIhoii Ih hnvliwt n Htono foundation lint under hln nwldanco. Vlolu Jlrown Ih vIhIUiik KriincoH mid IIohhIo (II tutor In Mlllleiui vitlloy, M. I. Morrill wont nvor on tint Me tolhiH liint wouk, loltirnliiK ywilnnhiy. T. II. DmiiIoIm Kr. loft Kiitiirtliiy nlKlit for HiMilllo, on it IhihIiiuwi trip. Robert Iiiikih, Itoy Kox mm Norvul HprliiKor liuvo huoii iHiinpliiK ut (Jrniio PrulrlH. Donald Mhv nnil Donald llliiudlug Inru on 11 walkliiK trip tho Oiinuudo nionntnliiH, 'Mrn. lllrniii Allnn Ih visiting her dmiKlitar, MrH. J. II. Hoy burn, and nun, II, K, Alton, 0. W. Hhrlner loft tli In tnprnliiK n nn oxtomloil trip to tlio lukcn to llto lotith anil wont. Mm, IC, I), Molntonli linn boon III ttlncii Friday, aufforliiK from nn uti mcchm of tlio onr. Mr. and Mm, J. A. Knuton and Mr. unit Mrn. (J, II. Kumt spent Hundiiy plonlokltiK up rlvor. V. A. KorlioH. Clydn McKny, (1. I'. I'littintn n nit Knrl II. lloiiNton upon I Hundiiy at Craim I'rulrlo. It. II, Mutr.lK linn lot (ho contract for tlio foiindntlon work on IiIh now InilldliiK to Junk TntiHoy, John MniilHr linn IioiikIu Jh It. (I. llliiekwtdl pool hull oipilpniont mid Iiiim uponoil thn plnco iikiiIii. Tlio IlrldRo Club met lmit wook with Mm. (ItMirKo Jonrni. Mm. Anna Wilson will tin hoatofta thlH Friday. l'rml Iluoy In now nt 0mI City with tlio UiwohtitiHt survey crnw, and will l,t uwny fruni lloml all nuniuior. Mm. C. C. Kvorott oiitcrlalnod n fuw frliimlH at lior honiii hiHt Wdnos duy afternoon, I bono prevent being Mm. Nlcliol. Mm. Huousn, Mm. ICurrlo mid Minn lloatrico WlnKoto. A lot lor from J. C. Rhode, now In Heat lie, rupJrlu a Most successful trip from lioro In hla Kurd auto, llu reached Tlio Dallim tlio tint iiIkIU, Vancouver the second and TaeoHta the third. Tom Murphy returned Friday from r- Sprague Flour IS IN TOWN AGAIN. ALSO SNOW WHITE AND BEND BLUE STEM. 1 it nix woolen' vacation trip lo Ht. l'niil, vlnltlitK frloudn mid rolntlvoH, Ho HiiyH It wan too hot for comfort mid thiil ho Ih Kind to ho hiiok In the liind of comfortably cool nlnlitii, I'riink i, Holton nnil II. I. Runto lilk loft Hundiiy iili;lil, Jioliig to H nttlo mid thonco Kirnl. Until tlioro Ih (troiilor nativity lioro In tliolr lino of work thoy will remain uwny, mid I'm nk May will conduct tlio llolton, Ittiotonlk ti, Mny gravid ntid nnnd plant. f t'ort Alton la down from hln much (uilny. A. Monlior oxpooU' to loavo thin ovoiiIiik for a nhort business trip to I'ortlutnl, Mm. Dobson, who linn boon visit ing IIih rlvor Httrvoy on nip nt Heiihuin Falls, whero lior husband In In charge of tlio dlnmond drilling, hnn return vd to lloml. A party or yoittiK folks loft Mondny for n camping trip up rlvor. Thono taking thu outing aru Misses Kath orlno Tntutnor, Harriot Dolsun, Cor nolln Wllnou, AiikIo Young, Corn Hnthor, Anno, Nolle and (Jorlrude Mnrkol mid two of tliolr frlondn front tlio Knnt; Htovo Htoldl, Itruco Deyur niond, mm this four Vnndovort boyn, Clint. Clnitdn, OoorKO mid Will. logomotIve killFhorses Tciiiii l)rloii by Mm. Alt Ktrtick on (Jnido "io-isIiik ly O. T. Triiln. Wlion lior tcnitn wnn iinnldo to inovo n iionvy iori! npooillly onoiiKlt wiiilo rronnlm; tlio rnllrond trnckH about four iiiIIoh noutli of town. Mm. WIN limn AH hnd u unrrow oitcnpo l-'rldny nlKht mid tlio two tinmen woro klllvd by thu vnisluu of tlio northbound Oro Hon Trunk train. Mm. AIL wiim rnturultiR to lior homo, nftor nhopplnR In llond. Tlio Krado cronalttK whoro tlio nccldnnt oecurrod In n honvy one, and whuit tlio homvH woro directly on tlio track, It In midomtood, tlio wagon ntuok. Mm. Alt hoard tlio appronohlnR train and inado an offort lo unlmr uttari tlio liomoa, hut thn onulno ntruek tliiun boforo thoy could ho roloaneil. Itolh woro killed, n rnro tnnto for fol lot tine Hut nU Ixiokn, hln ntntum, hln inwlnln, woro not to nmtinu only hln own lolnttro. Tho bninblo ntiidnnt. tlm tiiirocoiu momkil forclKiior, Ibo poor Inquirer, dorlvoil nn much onjoymmit from thono troonitron iih tholr owner. At hln tnblo tnlitht b neon tho ttiont eminent men of (ho a c. I'opo wan n reody kuohL. mid tlio dollcnlo poet wnn aure to U renled with hln fnvorllo dlnh of nwuothrefidn. (? Matthtw Arnold and the Girls. Of Mittlhew Arnold nn n hcIiooI ex itmliier ii tnlo In told by a fellow In npector of ii clnnn of Rlrl iupll lonelier Hint ho linked Arnold to examine for him. ArnotI kvo them nil thu excel lent murk. "Hut." iwld ho othrr hmiH-ctor, "nurely they nro not nil nn Rood nn tlny ciin bo. Homo mut bo better (ban oth urn." "I'erlinp Hint In no." repllwl Arnold. "Hut then, you ik-o. they aro nil audi very nlco Blrln." Profaidonilly Comldtrad. "Tho Declaration of Independence In n wonderful document." anld tho patri otic clllxen. "Vi-n," replied the lepnl expert "It'a ononf thonblentdocumenla I evernaw. And the moMt remarkable thlnir In thnt with nil lb.' nblllty It retirenetita. no- UMly iiiMMini to hnro received n cent for drnwIiiK It up."-VnNjij;tnn Htnr. RED TAPE AND A" TUK' A NEW DEPARTMENT: Crockery, Tin Ware, Eimincl Ware, GIilss. Shrutu and Golden State Mason FRUIT JARS--Pints, Quarts and Half Gallons. E. A. Sather A Dath In 0nol Wan Somtthtng Llka a Surgical Oparation. Borne yetim nito, when tho cnltnl of Hit' rronrii roionjr or Henecnl wan a dull. uiiprocrcxKlvr town whero oltlclal I in mid nil tapo tirevnllet. n Krciich tni voter, with n friend, hnd n mont nintiNlui; expiTleucu wtxhiil to obtiilu a Imth. There wan no Imtb Inc entHhlUhmeiit In Iho capital of HciioxmI nt the time, but rumor hnd It Hint It wmh poblu to purclinno batlix at the hoopltul. AwiinlliiKly the trnvelom repaired to the hoMpltnl. when' they ntnted the purpoDo of their vlnlt. CertHlnly." nnld tho otllclnl, "tnlti nofltn. Your namen. nurtinine and blrthiilaeer "Hut wo merely want n bath." "Kxnetly. Wlmt ! your name, and where nnd when were you txirii, and nro you novenimetit nervnntn, noldlerx or otIlcnT NoT Well, tho rulen do not provide for thin. Just a moment I will read them nenln. Yi-i. here In your cano You tntiHt Hmt make out on ntnmtxM wiper an application lo the povertmr of the colony After favor able notice from the governor Vou netid another nptlcntlnn to the chief eoloulnl doctor, who will send for you ami examine you." "Hut we are not III." "It In the rule. Ilavlnc examined you, the dwlor will Rive you twb Jion commliMlnnod omci-m' tmth tlakcln, to be delivered to the nHdMiint doctor." "Why the noneouitnlMnloued otllceni' bath?" "I'or the re-on Unit In our nccottntn we nx-iHtulae only two ciitoirorlun of peiwiiHi-oltlcerH mid civil sorvnuM. the latter takhiK rank with otlleem or pet ty oltlcem. You nro not otllclnl nt nil If I'ltlcpw wore to flnd you. In tholr bHtlw the would prolmbly make a nw " "What period of time will nil them) fonnalllliw POHunu" "Two or three dH.xii. provldeil your npplleHtlon I approvitl at the mv eriiiiiuut Iiuumsj. Clitciiiso lleconl Her aid. Preunt Troublas. "Ah. pretty lady." tmM the fortune teller, "joii wlnh to be lull aliout your f u lure linxbnndV' "Not much," replied Mrn Onlley. "I've come to learn where my precnt IiunIhiiiiI l when he'n nlwont." Phlln. ddplilu I'riiHi. Turning tha Phraie. They iix to call him a Ixinnhend." "That wiin iM-fore he aUKfediil." "Yi-a. Now they oxpreaa It different. ly. They r him n man of hard, solid senna" WanhliiKton Htar. Distantly Rrlatad. "Pay. Inn't Xwanlte. thu banker, a relative of fimrnf 'Yea! he'n n coiiwIn-iitMiat H.000,000 rt'tnori'd." Cliloaco Tribune. LAST 3 DAYS of OUR 0 July Sale We have reduced many more items which meanYgreat savkfto yon liAIDKAW TO IIAVK I'AI'KH? According to roportn current dur InK tho week, Iildlaw la to havo a nowapapor. Thua far tho project aeoma shrouded In sotno ntyatcry, but tho facta apparently are that a man named Hrown In the edltor-to-bc. It la understood that the taper la to bo printed In Itedmond by tho Spokes man. It will bo remembered Uiat romo yearn ngo Kdltor Palmer of the Siokeaman conduced a pajer jit Iildlnw until relations with the local people became so strained Uuit he deeumpod to his profent location. NOTICK. In vlow of the fact that rumors are boliiK circulated to the effect thnt the Altamont la to be clocod, I wixh to an nounce that all hucIi rumora nro wholly without fouadatlon. Tho Al tamont will be kent open and will be In charge- of Mm. IC J. Hurling. Advertisement. ID J. A. BASTBS. XOTKII l'HOTOClUPHKU I.V.HKN!) Frank II. Woodruff, of tho Chicago Academy of Science, Is In ltond for jDcaA flmyi- af've jusi liouphi me a nevi kitchen caLi nei, and nour il'A Juii un o pel a dinner Acudy. a neveA knew whai a convenience a kitchen caLinet uuJ -until J aot mine, off you haven't Loyiaht one yex;, Ly all mean, da ia at once. Voxt'Xjt Jate enouai from ihinai you uouicl Maiie, injuii a few months, to ay foA Hi unci it wilt iave you AundAecM of siefii eveAy clay, of wouldn't take anyiiino foA mine. 3ali, John 14 aettina JbetteA, flivtayj youA fAiend,' Xoxt, (P, S.-aJhcy have ifijendid kitchen ca line is where of 1ouaht mine, af aot it fAom -Where Your DolInr'Does Its Duty, ORIGIN OF QUARANTINE. Dr. Richard Maad's Action During tha Plaauo of 1721. To Dr. Hlclmrd Mend, who wnn hi coiinultntlnii nt the deathbed of Queeu Anne and hcviimo phyalchtu to George I., wiih duo tho credit of huvliiK II mt entuUllaliiKl iiniriiutliie. In 1721. when tho plnKuo ruvnKiM MnmcllliH and Its contagious origin wnn dlacredlteil. Dr. Mend declnred tho plHRiie to bo "n contiiKloiu dlHtcmper," mid ii quarantine wna ciiJoIikhI. Uo aluo proponed u nyntem of medical pi llco. whlcli tluilH Km counterpart In tlio henlth oillcera of todny. It wna ho who declared. ",,h nuHtlncHs 1 u Brent aoiirco of Infection, no cleanlluoaa la tho creuleHt proviintiitlvo." lie It wnn who anld nearly '."CO yenra up: "If tluro he nny ContnKloua Dis temper In tho Ship tlio Round men should leave their Cloutlm, which should bo burnt, the men wnnhed mid nluivvd und. hnvlm; frenh Clontha, should ntny In I.tixnretto that to, qunmntluo thirty to forty dnya. Tho reiinon for this Ih because Pemona may to recovereil from a DUeaso them selvcH and yet rotuln matter of Infec tion about thorn u considerable tlmo." In proctlce Mend wua without n ri val, bin receipts averaging for aoverol ycara bctweeu (1000 and 7.000. an euonuous sum In relation to the value Qf fflCPM. (It tljllt lutriod.. He ponsesniHl j LADIES' WAISTS, nil sizes, high neck or low neck, trimmed with lace ft 1 1 f4 or embroidery, former prices I I $1.50, 31.25, reduced to t?i.cJ TUB SILKS, 50c and 5c values, 1 Q for this sale I -fv or'sifenTu 20 discount Aeroplane Hair Nets 3 for 25c $1.50 and $1.35 HOUSE DRESSES, now $1.05 H O N E SiT Reductions Wfit and a guarantee of satisfaction. YourJgS money back if you are not fullysatisfied. Mannheimers n " eChe Store for All the People i II several dnya. Mr. Woodruff la a fn tnous photographer, his work In wild animal and bird picture taking be ing specially notable. This after noon ho la with D. E. Hunter, taking In Lava Ilutto and timber scenes. To morrow and 'tho next day other trlpa will lie made, bo that Mr. Woodruff will be aVlo to get his oamera into action upon many characteristic lo cal viowa. Newham, E. O. Judd and I. I. Corby, , L. D. Wlost. Mm. D. P. Wlntcra and i H. II. DeArmond. C. S. Ilenson waa appointed to represent Dr. Gorby during his absence, ho being In Port land now. TO IIOUI HKVIVAL. At a mnsa mooting hold In the Methodist church last evening, It waa voted to secure tho services of an ovangellat and hold revival meotlngs aero 'n Augimt. An executive com mtttee wob appointed to manage and make arrangements for tho meetings, on the committee booing Iteva. E. C. ItHIIKKAIIH INSTALL OFFICHRS. Tho Rebekah lodge of the I. O. O. F. installed offlcora last Friday even ing as follows: Mm. Arlol Lattln, N. a.; Mm. Maude Shuey, V. O.; Mm. Kmma Iludow, trcaauror; Miss Lois Force, secretary; Mlsa Nello Markel, , warden; Miss Cora Sather, conduc tor; Mm. Cleora Smith, chaplain: Mm. Margaret nates, Inside guard Ian: V. X. Hoffman. It. S. N G.; Mrs. L. C. Fleming, U. S. V. G.; Mm. L. M. Mclteynolda. L. S. V. O.. After tho Installation there waa a social setMlon. refreshments being served. Dancing ended tho evening program. g$1W BEST THAT IS OltltttV fAta. Arrow COLLARS Represent in style, material and make the last word in collardom. Every style thnt's worth while, made in n way that leaves nothing to be desired, either in the fashion, finish or service. Quarter sizes nnd notches wherever they're better than buttonholes. 25c each, 8 for S5G R. M. SMITH Clothing Co. "Everything to Wear for Men Who Care." ff w lL gPt V .I A THERE'LL DE NO GUESS WORK WHEN YOU BUY YOUR HARDWARE FROM US. WE KNOW WHICH BRANDS WILL STAND THE HARD WEAR. WHEN YOU NEED ANYTHING IN HARD WARE. FROM A CARPET TACK UP, COME TO US. YOU'LL FIND IT IN OUR STORE. WE DO BUSINESS ON THE SQUARE, We will give a $5 casting rod for the largest trout caught this season. Skuse Hardware Company. We Repair duns of All Kinds. i