M rK & IlKSD RULLKTIN, I1KNI), Olltt., WKDNKSBAV, JULY 10, MM. I i t BEND THEATRE SPECIAL Two-Reel FEATURES WEDNESDAY, JULY 1(5 Never Too Late to Mend SATURDAY, JULY 19 The Lost Son WEDNESDAY, JULY 2!l Drama in the Air SPECIAL VIOLIN SELECTIONS. SHE MET THE SULTAN. Out thi LOCAL NEWS 1TEA1S J. Snow Parmlntor Is back In town. Q. I). YounK I assisting at the Pat terson Drug Compnny. There are six candidates for the postmastcrshlp at Prlnevllle. There will bo services at the Cath olic church next Sunday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Forrest Assistant William Crosby camo In from the lllg River ranger station Tuesday. 'There are messages at tho Western Union Telegraph oBlce for "V. E. Moore anil Frank Thornbruc. Mr. and .Mrs. Edward Ford of Port land arrived this mornlnc to visit their daughtor, Mrs. M. D. Knutson. Dr. W. W. Faulkner and family havo returned from Rosoburg whoro they spent several Weeks on a vaca tion trip. , George Prince and a party of tlm bermen came In from the East Sun day night and went up to the John E. Ryan ranch. A. C. Brook of Seattle, who has extensive property Interests In Bend, arrived Monday for a stay of three or four months. A party consisting of R. E. Koon, Clarence Mannhelmer, J. A. Walkup and Ray Morehouse spent Sunday on the Mctollus fishing. The State Bank of Redmond has made application to the comptroller of currency to become the First Nat ional Bank of Redmond. The wool sale which was to havo been held yesterday was again post poned, this time to an Indefinite date. All the wool Is not yet In. Episcopal church services will be held in the Masonic hall this even ing at 8 o'clock. Rev. Bertram War ren of The Dalles will officiate. Mrs. O. A. Thorson and children will leave this evening for Minneap olis where they are called by the illness of Mrs. Thorson's father. The monthly Fraternal Brother hood dance, open to the public, will be given tomorrow evening, Hanna'a orchestra furnishing the music. Mrs. Philip Hampton, sister of Mrs. C. R. Cook, who has been visiting here for several weeks, leaves to night for her home In Sedro-Woolley, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sharp of Prlne vllle, with Henry Corbett's family of Portland, were here Sunday on an auto trip, having come from the Me tollus. The United Presbyterian colonists who were taken out to look over the homestead lands returned Saturday and filed on claims east of Mllllcan's ranch. D. M. Davis, formerly a member of the Overturf-Davis-Mlller Co.. is In town again, on' a visit of indefinite length. Mr. aad Mrs. O. 0. Ttokner of Portland, who cane up for a rtelt at the A. M Prlngl heme, have gone to Helslng's on the Metollus for-an outing. Capt. John Young and son Howai-1 arrived last Thursday morning from Seattle, the trip being made by auto. They are visiting at tho home of George Young. AN ANECDOTE OF M'KINLEY. His GtntU Rebuke to Department Chiefs Subordinate. President McKluley'a scrupulous loy alty to his cabinet officers Is spoken of as une of his characteristics. It is said that he uever went over the head of his secretaries to consult an assistant, but held cacti to rvpousIllllty for his depart meiit. Of nil the events of his administra tion probably none was n source of more anxiety to him than the decision of the supreme court on the status of the colonies. It was n mutter of great moment whether the highest Judicial body should uphold the view of the administration that the constitution sanctioned the poseilou of colonies which were not granted full reproscii tatlon. There were conflicting rumors and forecasts of the color of the deri sion, and thee added to the tension felt nt Washington. Shortly before the nuiiouiicemeiit of the finding of the court it subordinate otllcer of one of the departments appeared nt the White House at an unusual hour and insisted upon seeing the president ou the plea of Important business. Having been admitted, he came at once to his er rand. "Mr. President, I have some good news for you. I have Just teamed au thoritatively that the decision of the supreme court Is to be in your favor." He fairly glowed with the Importance of his wolcome message. "Thank you." said Mr. McKlnley quietly. "That Is good news. But have you Informed your chief J" "No. Mr. President. I thought you ought to bo the first to know It.? "Well. Mr. , I'm sorry for that. Now, will you pleae do me the favor to go at once to your chief and give him the information so that be may communicate It to me" Silas Uarrl sou lu Century. SPINNING ASBESTOS. nd A Thread a Hundred Yards Long Only an Ounce In Weight. When it leaves the cobbing sheds as bestos Is sent to the spluuiug mills In bags containing about 100 pouuds. It is then first carded by a machluo somewhat resembling the saw tooth gin seen In cotton mills. This machine separates the tangled fibers, upon tho completion of which operation there oc curs a final carding on n regular card ing machine. Leaving tills carding ma chine the asbestos Is combed smoothly and the fibers are laid parallel in a uni form mass. Thi. niiit mtm I in front this mourn i . ..... .. . . .. ... .. i -' in a rotary spinning macnine. t-irsi the mass Is spun Into a coarse yarn. Then It Is drawn and spun until It be comes fine and quite strong. In ease a hard, strong thread Is required for cer tain fabrics the nsbestos yarn Is placed In a doubling and twisting machine, where two or more of the yarn threads are combined. If the asbestos is to bo Impregnated with rubber a smooth, hard finished thread Is not rioslrnbte. For n long time the problem of spin ning asbestos presented many illlll cultlos by reason of the manner In whleh tho threads persisted In slipping past one another. Kvontunlly It was found that, under the microscope, a thread of asbestos displayed n notched surface awl that by means of apeclnl twtetiug the spinning could bo success. fully accomplished. The result Is that, after many year of exer1inont. manu facturers nowadays are able to turn out a single asbetos turuad 100 yards In length ami ;iot exceeding an ounce In weight. ISxchauge. Wily Reeehld Paths Fooled Lady and the Monarch, A certain Countess of Londonderry wanted to meet the Sultan MulunudJ 11., to wlmm no KuroVcnii lady hud been presented, but Lord Poiisonby, the British ambassador, refused to trltle with precedent. Ijuly London derry then had a talk with Keselild Prtslm. tho Tuiklsti minister for for eign affairs. The wily (cctitd, desir ing to do his best for her ladyship, innde known to the sulliitt that a per son had arrived nt Constant luople with a wonderful collection of most valu able Jewelry for sale and ventured humbly to suggest that his lmcrliil umjeaty might like to seo tho gems. The sultan was Interested, and tin In terview was nrruuged, but Reschld merely told I.ndy Londonderry that she would be presented and that the sul tan, having hoard of the fatuo of her Jewelry, had particularly requested that she would put It all ou wheu she c.iiue. Tho gratified Indy did so. On her arrival at tho palace Reschld Pnslm conducted 1-ndy Londonderry Into the presence of the sultan. Her dress glittered with diamonds, pearls. turquoise and other precious stones. "Pckkel!" ("flood !") Mid tho aitltati as I.ady Londonderry eourtesled. "She has iiingulflcent Jewels." Reschld (to the ladyl Ills majesty graciously bids oii welcome. Ijidy l.ondonderry liowed and ox proncd her thanks In French, the lan guage used by Rechld. Re-u-hld (Interpreting) She says she has other Jewelry, but could not put on nit. Sultan A!1 her what Is tho price of that diamond necklace. Reschld His majesty Inquire wheth er this Is your first visit to.Coustnutl nople? Ijtdy Londonderry This Is my first visit, niid I rim delighted. Reschld tto suttnu) Shu asks a mil lion of plasters. Sultan That Is too much. Reschld Ho l.ndy Londonderry) Ills majesty asks whether you have seen the mosque. If not, ho offers you a firman. I.ady Londonderry expressed her thank. Sultan Whnt price does she put on that set of turquoWcs? Reschld I to Lady Londonderry) Ills majesty says that perham you would like to take a walk In the garden. Lady Londonderry expressed her tlmiiUs and said she would llku to see the lniHrlal garden. ' Reschld (to sultau)-Sh says -100.000 plasters. Sultan Take her away. I shall not give such prices. Reschld ito Lady Londonderry) His majesty graciously exproses satisfac tion at having made your acquaint ance. Lady Londonderry eourtesled low and withdrew from his majesty's prosewo to visit the garden with Hie amiable and courteous Kcschld. and afterward she had n delightful story to tell to her friends of the kindness with which the sultan had received her. A Voice Without a Soul, Tibet's dahil Iniun was greatly dis turbed by the first phonograph hu saw. Rdtutind Candler, when lu Lnssn with tho Youiighusbaiid expedition, heard from the Nepleso resident how hu hud recently brought tho uncanny toy ns u present from the nmhimijiih of XcMl to the pi lest king. The dalnl lama walked around It uneasily ah It blared forth tut KuglNlt band piece and an In delicate Rliutiiiicso song. Then he thought for a long' while, and tluiilly said he could not live with this voice without u soul. So It was passed on to somebody else. Aril-Hitf ed. I'luinu ur address Rector wine, SlHtors, Oregon, LOST burroll innre, no brand, .1 while pointed legs, right hind log Hpitvliied. Kinder ploasu notify (ho Bulletin, iN-20p To Hcliuugo. A Paternal Proposition. "The government throws all tho ob solete army wen pons In the junk pile. They are unsalable." "Seem to me the government gives very little thought to pleasing Its cltl sens." "How nowr "Think of tho Innocent Joy that would result If they Hurled those weapons on the various battlefields for tourists to dig up." Kansas City Jour nal. Ovid and Aviation. If the aviators of today wish for a clusslenl motto, what better can they take than this passage from Ovid's "Ars Amatorln." a, 43- qtiU crrttfrrl umqnam Atria Uomlmm oarpw in vUsT which means, "Who would believe that man will ever be able to take aerial paths!" Youth's Comiwulou. (Iioccilcs of nil hinds, axes, ne handles, etc., nt .IiiIiiihiii'n CiisIi Store, Mllllcnii, (lie, flood goods at low prices. Dp For Sale. Reel Obliging. Creditor-1 should like to know when you ore going to (my this bill, I en n't come here every day lu the Week. Debtor-What day would suit you bcl7 Creditor Saturday. Debtor Very well; then you en ii call hero every Saturday. Loudon Opinion. Never Loneeome. "You really like country life, do you, Dobbvr asked I'etlow. "You liet I do." said Dobson. "What do you do with yourself nights?" asked I'etlow. "Oh. I come to town," said Dobscu. Harper's Weekly. Long Drawn Out Elections. No 'complaint with regard to undue limitation of (tolling time was jKemlblc In the old parliamentary days. The danger was that (Milling might be pro longed for a fortnight or a mouth. Drastic action lo bring the poll to a close once provoked a riot In the West minster division of Loudon. At the Trsvellng Send Hills. On the cuust of IVuiernnla there are large tracts of sand heilpetl up by the wind, hundreds of yard In breadth mid from tM to I'JO feet high, niid thesu hills, propelled by the wind, mure steadily In an eustcrly direction The speed at whleh these great hills travel Is from thlrty-nlnu to fifty-six feet ii year. Pine winmIs. whleh some times coiue lu their line of march, run out stop them and are completely de stroyed. The branches are rotted off by tho sand, and nothing Is left of the tree but the tinru stems, which after a few years wither and die. Classified Advertising i TOR SALIC Baled clover hay at Anderson Bros, much. Phono, ldtfl FOR HA I.K Cabin near lloutl Co, mill, luqulro nt Bulletin olllco. Hltf l-'OR HALU (loud Ford auto, two passetiKor, $JJ5, Alfred flovu, Box 300, ICtf fc'OU BALK Tiiiiiii of horses, wag on and harness nt Fred Anderson's sawmill. 19'3'iv FOR BALK Hogerstron piano, al most new, V, J, llrabenhorst, back of creamery. 1 Op FOR BALIS -Tho Altatnont Hotel bulldliiK and furniture, all now and llrat class, J, A. Hastes. 4tf FOR BALK Four registered Jer sey coWs and calves nt Hhorwood Bros, ranch 7 miles S, W. of Red mond. 1!) FOR HALU flood property on Wall nnd Bund sjrects, also In Ken wood. For particulars apply to II. C. Kills. 17tf FOR BAJ.IC OR TltADIS Sleer calf. Impilm of Mrs. M. B. Howe, nt tent near Oreutt woodworking shop on Bond street. 11) FOR MALIC One acre, 2 two-room' houses, Iwm, woodshed, water. Close In ou 7th street. $1000, $200 down. 1ml. monthly. Junes & Konshnw. 7tf FOR HAI.K- K4 0 rods of woven wlro farm fencing J J lu. high, S lino! wire, at aOe per rod at tho Baud' un failiniiHj l rei Itilttt If lil tiii i I ii ' I iu viiuunui i'i m uvmm wiisittisiii ll'lno. l(i-3Sp FOR 8ALK -Choice residence lots In Orokla Addition. This Is on tho river. Prices are rcatonnhln and on terms of $6 cash, $S iiionlhly, J A. Kasfes, agent. IDtf FOR 8ALK Thoroughbred Crys tal White Orpington hens nnd roos ters, recently luiorted from tho fa mous Kcllcitrjis farm at Kunsas; City. See (1. W. Shrluer. Hip FOR SALK All klHds of common, lumber at McXaught ft dortson's mill, ou llend-Burus road. Also, wuj cut any kind of orders on short! notice. Wrltu or call on us fori prices. iStfj FOR SALE Four flno tots In Park Addition In block 13. Water, light and sidewalks; attractive, houses occupy adjoining properly. Snnio prices you pay for unimproved lots far out. "Inquire "Bargain", at Bulletin oillce. Stf FOR HALK All kinds of rough and dressed liimtn-r, at Anderson Bros, savkiulll half nay between Bend and ltldlnw, oh old Tumulu road. Reasonable prices, rough lumber $10 per M, Delivering to Head or Laid- l iuw a our .m. luiepiiune. iuii FOR SALK -Fine kitchen range, as good as new. Htl malleable. Only reason for selling Is Insinuation of an electric rant-'e. Has had Unlit use and Is as good ns now. For snlo at n bargain, May bo seen at Bund Water, Light ft Power Co. olllco, up Inquire at Bulletin oillce. 17lf FOR HALM - Itanoli or 120 nrruit situated ft Hi mlleii soiitheiuit of llmul on lleiid-Biirns road. I'liiru Is well luipiovnd with hiilldlmiH mid grain, clover, niralia mid root crops. Is In good shape (o carry owm and hogs. Has lit) anren of water under Arnold dltuli, Stock nnd tools uompletu to run tho plnoo. Kvorythlsg goon at roasotinblo lluuro. Tills will nponl to yon, Hoo It before buying else whoro, Helling on aoouiinl of sick ness. Hoo owner on ranch, A, ('. Armstrong. 10-1 Dp Olth'flON TRUNK. Arrlvea ,,,,,,,.,,.,, 8 a, in, Leaves 8:80 fj. m. - O..W, It. -S. CO. Arrives K:1R p. u - Leaves ,,,,,...,,. ,(IM6 a. in, HTAfJK LINK HOUTII. Arrives 7:30 p. in, - Leaves 10 r.. in. - AUTO LINKS. Cars dally to Burns and points south nnd southenst. I'flHTOI-l'K-i: HOUIIH. (lenernl delivery open dally 10 a. m, to 11:30 p. in. - (louornl delivery open Sunday -10:30 a. in. (o II a. in. - Railway mall closes 7 p. m. - Stage mall closes 0 p. til. - TKLKflltAI'H HIIURS, - Western Union dally 0-1 J j 1-0; 7-10. Western Union Sunday S-10 and 4-6. TKLKPHONK IIOt'ltH. Pioneer Co. dully 7 a. in. lo 0 p. -m. Pioneer Co. Sunday 8-1 S; $-8 . u; a-i-i . - - - " -. .- - Fishermen We are going to give a fine leather bound $8 basket to the person presenting thejurgest mlside caught between June 1 find Sep tember 1, w I tlitayk!e bought at our store. Cull nmUnspect it. i i OWL PHARMACY Advertisements Inserted under tills! Iicndlnir nt the rne of one relit n general election' that liegau on April i word for each lusenlon. DIscDtint on 17-11. the two Westminster minis- j extended Insertions. tliargeM arei torlal enmlldates were on tho fifth day , Miyable In ndwiucv eveept for uiUer-, of N)lllng well ahi-ail. but an opfiosl Users IihvIiik ii regular account nltli tlon iiarty of electors nptironchlng the 'Tho Bulletin. AH paid advertise-I hustings In great force, the high bnlllff j nients ulll lx iHsrl In Tho Bulletin (who favored tho ministerialists) de- i otllce at the time of receipt. dared that he feared a riot and closed the sll. The bnlllol voters rioted and tho military were called out. The high bailiff had afterward to npologlzu on his knees to the speaker and pay a heavy flue. For Rent. An Early Poetel Experiment. As long ago as the seventeenth cen tury the attempt was made to prejwy letters by using stamps, lu KBW Paris tried a system that even provided pil lar I mix its for the letters, which were to Mive a billet, prbo 1 Mil. attached to the letter or (street. Tho ex(erlment met tli usual experlame of the (Ho neer ridicule. Mice were dropped Into the letter boxes, mid when the letters came to be collected It was found that the animal had made a hourly meal of them FOR RKNT Furnished cnbln $t n month. W. II. Leah, lot 11, blk IS. Center Addition. 12tf FOR RUNT Throo rooms furn ished for light housekeeping, inquire 'at O'Donnell's market. 19tf 1 FOR RKNT- Two room cabin, well furnished, free water, $7.40 u. month. W. II. Losh. Bond Grocery. IStf t FOR RKNT Threo eowfortaUe rooms centrally located. Suitable for 1 family. Running water and oltwtrle lights. Very moderate. Inquire nt I Bulletin offle. Stf Wanted. WANTJfD Olrl for general house w. As nobody could bo sure of (he I ,ork A , iMterHun Drug Oo. 17lf i of (he parcels, the experiment .,..-.,. ... ,..... t The Dairy Commissioner rules that Butter Wrappers MUST BE MARKED Dairy Butter full weight given in ounces and the narpe and address of the maker. Do yours comply with . the law? If not, have some printed that do. THE BEND BULLETIN ate came (o a sudden end. Maeterlinck on the Future. Mactorlluek In his book called "Le MorP says of tho mystery of the nfter death that outside of the religions there are four Imaginable solutions and no more. These are total annihila tion, survival of our consciousness of today, survival without any sort of consciousness, survival with universal consciousness or with a consciousness different from that which we posnes In this world. nil The Joke on Father. Khe had refused him, and he was ' In," "Reconsider, Annie." ho begged. "If you don't I'll blow my brains nut." "Huh." said Annie, "that would be a good Joke ou father, for ho thinks you haven't any." Ladles Home Journal Patient. Rinks Could you lend me $1 until Saturday? Jluks-I'm busied, Won't have a cent myself until Saturday. Blnks Would you lend it to roe then? -Now Yorlr Globe. Nature when she adds dlfflculUes adds brains. Emerson. WANTKD Ranch or other work by man and wife. Inquire "W," at Bulletin. 19p WANTKD 1 Inch and ltf Inch California Pino and " Sugar Pine, common and upper grades. Perma nent supply desired. Charles W, Trumlmll, 1812-72 West Adams Ht Chicago. ' !C-22p Lost and Found. STRAYKD May 16 two bay marcs, branded on left stifle, ono O (with bur below) nnd other HA (Joined). Their fore tops roached. Weight 10C0 lbs each. $10 reward for Information that will lead to re covery of samo. 8. Orgler, Bundj Oregon, Homstad Valley. 18p BTRAYKD or stolen from rango near Sisters, a light sorrel mare colt 2 years old last .March, whlto face, white mauo nnd tall, branded CO on tho right shoulder. Last seen cross ing the river at Laldlaw. Will give $20 to any person Bend'ng mo word so I can got her and $50 for evidence that will lead to urrest and convic tion of thlof If stolen. H. T. Andrus, Madras, Ore. 19-20p (LOST Between my form and Bis ters, COO head of owes and lambs branded with a cross, machine shear" North Beach Now in Full Blast Why7 not plan your Summer Vacation at this wonderful resort, reached by rail to Portland via ATKIP DOWN THE COLUMBIA A KEST IY THE OCEAN AND STEAMER TRIP down the Columbia via O-W. R. & N. Steamers "T. J. Potter" or "Hussulo," ' daily except Sunday Surf Bathing, Fishing -Tents and cottages "for rent-Good hotel accommodations. Excellent. Restaurant Service on Boats. Information cheerfully given by Agent O-W. R. & N. J! Furniture F-"----'-TaEsfl,t; A. JL Hunter's TT